Healing Love - Chapter 22

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#22 of Healing Love

Healing Love

Chapter 22: TLC

By: Mirron Tenshi

I smiled as I sat down at my computer desk. I took out a piece of paper and a pencil and started to write.

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are things in Manhattan? Guess what! I've met someone and we're getting married! So mom, I was hoping that maybe you could plan our wedding for us? We don't want any particular theme, we just want the works. Please get back to us as soon as possible, we've set the date on the first of June.

_Also . . . _

I started to giggle. I purred as I felt a wet warmth on my right ear. As Max suckled on my ear, he put his arms lower and rubbed my abs under my shirt "Hehehe . . . Max, I'm in the middle of something-"

"And I'm sure it's very important. However, not as important as my sudden erratic needs." I purred as he fondled my nuts.

"Puuuuurrrr, Don't you mean 'erotic'?"

"I know what I said."

He spun my chair around and sat on my lap. I smiled as he kissed me passionately. I chuckled around the sweet kiss as he rubb my neck, his paws touching into my mane. I rubbed his bare furry back as he lapped wildly at my lips and my neck. I purred as I reached down and cupped his butt through his denim.

We were on the bed. I was laying ontop of him, kissing his muzzle as his paws firmly squeezed my ass under my jeans. Ohh, I love it when he kisses me. Honestly, I keep expecting to wake up and die alittle inside, but then I look at my ring, and it seems real enough. He broke the kiss and looked at me. "I want to see you in one of your pieces." I grinned as I guessed what he meant. I got up and went to the dresser. I decided to go with my rainbow speedo this time. I hid it in my paw as I went to the bathroom to change.


After Allen went to the bathroom, I quickly undid my pants and threw them off. I was wearing a somewhat tight rainbow speedo I had bought a while back. I couldn't help but grin as I pondered what Allen was putting on.

The door opened and I just laughed. He had on a multicolored swimsuit just like mine. "Heey. When'd you buy that thing?" I asked as my lion got into bed with me.

"A long time ago actually" He chuckled as he licked my muzzle. I laughed alittle more as he purred licked my face. Meanwhile, he started to rub his bulge on my crotch.

"Oh, hun, that feels good. Keep going." He nodded as he rubbed a little harder. I purred as my sheath swelled. Allen then started to bathe my vibrating throat. In no time at all, my member was hard and throbbing. When I was fully hard, my lion let out my rod and sat on my dick, the throbbing warm flesh pressed between my furry abs and the smooth fabric on his speedo.

He then lowerd down and kissed me passionately. I breathed heavily as He lapped at my muzzle. I ran my paw through his smooth mane as his rump rubbed my shaft up and down. He then took his thumbs and pressed down on both my nipples. I started to giggle as his fur tickled my meat. His actions were feeling too good. I broke the kiss and breathed out a little. "Ooh . . . Um, A-Allen . . . Heehee, Allen, stop or I'll cum." My dick was getting close.

Allen kissed my nose and continued. "No you won't. Take my speedo off for me, please?" I nodded as I reached lower and pushed the piece off. I then moaned when his bare fuzzy ass rubbed onto my sensitive flesh.

"Oh, Allen . . . . If you don't stop . . . I'm . . . . "

"No you won't. Trust me." I then started to guess that it had something to do with him rubbing and pressing my nipples.

I snarled and moaned as I felt my climax. However, after a couple minutes, I looked down and saw that I haven't even leaked any pre. I dropped my head back and purred. I feel that my pleasure is being built up byond the climax. Allen kissed me and licked my Adam's Apple, causing me to giggle. "Turn over."

I moaned as I turned my body around, his fingers never leaving my nipples. I shivered as I was over came with sheer pleasure as I felt his member tickle my pucker. My chest felt heated and deep as my lion continued his actions. I winced as my ass started hurt. I gripped the sheets as he slowly penetrated me further. I adjusted myself, letting out a sigh once he hit my G-spot. "Ohh, Allen . . . muuuurrrrroooowwwwrrrrr" I purred as he slowly pulled back and pushed back in, laying his warm body ontop of mine. I moaned as he lovingly fucked my ass.

As he thrusted into me, my cock as in a world of its own, since Allen keeps rubbing my nipples, I'm guessing my orgasm won't happen, but I still feel the agonizing pleasure. He softly nuzzled and kissed my neck, his dick slowly rubbing the stretched tunnel in my ass. "Ohhh . . . This feels so amazing." I purred out as Allen moaned and growled. I could tell that he wanted to go faster, but he also wanted to go sweet and easy to me.

I closed my eyes as my ass hugged lion cock. I'm actually surprised how slow he's able to make himself go. The way he was mating with me was so soothing. Allen nuzzled me and nommed my left ear. "Oh baby . . ." I soo love this.

Allen pulled up and moaned out loud. I moaned louder as I felt my innards get flooded with hot semen. I could feel my tailhole overflowing with hot lion love. The whole time the Allen fucked me, my meat was rubbing the soft sheets. Ooohhhh, I want to cum so bad. Allen sighed as he rested on me, licking my neck fur while still slowly rubbing my nips. turned me around and let go of my nipples. He grinned at me as he lower to my crotch. I gasped and moaned as he licked under my orbs, softly lapping up my shaft.

I squimed in bed as he licked my throbbing screaming cock only a few times before my eyes rolled back and I moaned extra loud as I finally hit climax. My body twitched and jerked as I shot wave after wave of my thick cream. I swear I saw stars as my climax slowly faded. My body felt so tired.

I grinned and giggled as Allen laid next to me, his face completely soaked with my hot milk. I just licked his cute muzzle until he was somewhat clean. He then got up to get a clip board to get his letter and got back into bed with me. I laid on Allen as he wrote the rest of the letter.

_ . . . in case you haven't known, Jordan's changed. I'm happy to report that his days as a homophope are through. He completely opened up to me on Thanksgiving night. I'll never forget that moment._

"Aw, you guys had a moment? Where was I?" I asked him. He smiled and kissed me.

"You were sleeping. It was in the middle of the night on the roof, and there was a full moon. And you know how much I like those." I purred and nuzzled him

"Yeah, I know. That's what inspired your ring." He murred and rubbed his face around mine, kissing me softly. We then went over the letter, writing down the details we wanted for our wedding.


A week later, in New York City, A masculine and brown-maned 51 year old lion walked into his brownstone with the mail "Hey, Evelen, We got a letter from Allen." He then sat down next to his wife and showed her the letter.

"Really? What did he say?"

"He's met someone." The lion held up a picture of their older son with his arms around a handsome orange and black tiger's chest to the lioness.

"Stan, really? C'mon. Our Allen?" Eve never thought that Allen would ever have gotten over what that dingo did; that thought has always depressed her for a long time, sad that her son had probably given up on finding happiness. Her eyes opened up surprisingly. Not only did she her son with someone, but she recognized tiger. The mother also found it hard to believe that Allen looked so happy like this, being so close to someone else other than his relatives. "What you know, he DID meet someone."

"Yes, and he says they're getting married."

"So soon?"

"Yes, Dear. No theme, just your average, fancy wedding. They want to make it happen on the first of June. They've been going out for almost a year." The lioness looked doubtfully at the picture. "Look, Eve, this is Allen we're talking about. You know, the responsible and somewhat overly caustious one? He wouldn't have agreed if he wasn't ready."

The lioness nodded "Yeah you're right. Y'know, this tiger looks so familiar, I swear I've seen him before." Stan started nuzzle his wife. He was in the mood. "Ohhh! I can't stand it! I'm getting started right now!"

Before the lion could try anything, Eve eagerly sprung up and went to her inhouse office to start planning her son's wedding, the letter in her paw - business has been slow, and her son getting married has set her in the mood for her romantic planning.

Stan's ears drooped, but at the same time, he was getting aroused; seeing his wife like this was a bit of a turn on. "I didn't even tell you what he wrote about Jordan . . . Eh . . . I'll tell her tomorrow." He'd usually tell Eve later in the day, but she won't have much time to notice it with the fun he's having with her tonight.