Healing Love - Chapter 22

Healing Love Chapter 22: TLC By: Mirron Tenshi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I smiled as I sat down at my computer desk. I took out a piece of paper and a...

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Chapter 14: Someone to See You

He remembered fetching water from the spring with theo, and while they were alone together, theo (who was squatting over the pail) had suddenly looked up and smiled at him -- a smile so slow and sweet.

upon a storming night

He wanted nothing more than to, at this moment to take his son, slow and sweet to share in each other's pleasure. and said the only thing that came to him mind. "the angles son.

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Sion's dark pretty eyes gazed at her intently, and he smiled at her, slow and sweet. her flashes fluttered and she smiled back.

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Making A Friend Part Two

He leaned down and kissed luke, slow and sweet. they started to carress eachother, and continuing to kiss. then luke broke the kiss and asked, "before we get swept up in eachother again, do you want to come to my place? i'll drive you there."

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Audience or Oil Painting

No soft, slow and sweet coupling, they were bidden by their lust and the music, roiling in the inky pit to get filthy and slake themselves, over and over.

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My Life as a Living Sex Doll

They started up into the rhythm again, but this time it was slow and sweet as he loved along her body. it was the happiest she could possibly feel. - - - - - "now, you are somewhat famous around some of the more adult internet sites.

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All There is to Say (Chapter 1): The Best in Life Comes Wrapped in One Package

Make it slow, and sweet, if you can. oh, beautiful moon, don't worry 'bout the clouds in the sky. 'cause they'll all wash away with the tide."

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Feline Love - Chapter 16: Mating Heat

I shook my head, this slow and sweet stuff is good. although, i know max won't last much longer, the ero-wear took alot out of him. he began to thrust in harder, aiming his length in order to to find my prostate.

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Healing Love - Chapter 16

I shook my head, this slow and sweet stuff is good. although, i know max won't last much longer, the ero-wear took alot out of max. he began to thrust in harder, aiming his length in order to to find my prostate.

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Wonderful Tonight

Her face flushed a deep shade of crimson as the slow and sweet kissing soon turned to liking and slow sucking upon her chest, making her girls throb with pleasure at the teasing they were being given, and making her coo for more.

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I'll Be Your Everything

It was slow and sweet. will released their shafts, and they slipped and slid messily against each other, smearing seed all across their bellies as they came.

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