
Story by Julius Furfoot on SoFurry

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#3 of Of Heaven and Hell

Of Heaven and Hell: Fire

Small changes to the name of the main character use to be a story I had on an old website, and decided to put it here as a sort of background story. Thanks for understanding!

Hey there. I was just talking with the elements about being able to contact Miya in any way. They said that since I was a special case, I could use this, a Silver Diamond. They had made it for certain people that come here but leave their loved ones behind in the process. It is a rare thing for them to give to any soul or person. So, to give to me. I should try it, come with me to my place, we'll use it there.

Well, here we are, go ahead and sit down in a chair, I'm going to get that mirror.

Here we go. First, we find Miya on this, there she is. She's wearing the outfit I gave her. She looks great in it. I see why she's wearing it, it's those markings. I sowed those into her clothes. The same ones I had in mine, I put on hers. She now wears them to remember me by. But I can't let that be the only thing she has, I'll give her me rather than refined clothing.

But that wasn't why we're here was it? So, time for me to talk to Miya.


"Yes. Julius, is that you?"

"Yeah. How are you?"

"I'm... I'm okay."

God, I can't stand to see her cry.

"Please Miya. Please don't cry. Don't cry for me."

"I'm s-sorry. I love you Julius. I miss you so much, and it's only been two days."

"I miss you too Miya. But, if you can try to find a way to bring me back, then I will too. Be strong. Be strong for me."

"I... I'll never stop. I promise. I will try to find you." Miya sobs.

"That's it. That's my strong love. It's not easy for me either. Waking up without you in my arms is hard on me too. I love you."

"Th-Thanks. It's the same here. Will you talk with me a lot? I just want to talk with you all I can. That's the least I ask."

"I promise to talk with you everyday. No matter what."

"Thanks. You have no idea how relieving it is just to speak with you. So what's it like up there?"

"Well, a lot of souls want to hear my story, and even more about you. You're famous up here, along with everyone else. You're the known as Ultima Miya. Funny, huh?"

"Hehe. Yeah. Angel and Zenon have agreed to help me find you. So I hope that we do soon. I've also been telling anyone who asked about what you did, everyone here misses you, including Raydan and Sara. They couldn't help me right now, since they're on their honey moon. They got married a day after the elements took you. We had your picture up at the wedding, but it just isn't the same with out you."

"That's really nice. Maybe they'll get remarried when you bring me back. But, until then, just know that I love you so much, and miss you even more."

"I wish you were here too. I went through my heat the other day, but I'm so use to you taking care of that for me, but I was forced to go to our cave to get any memory to satisfy me, but it still didn't work. It drove me crazy, but then I thought of that day when you gave me that outfit, and held me so close when I cried, and suddenly my heat subsided."

"It's hard for me too. Just last night, I had such a wet dream that it soaked my sheets to a dripping mess. I will do what I can to get the elements to let me come back, then no more unsatisfied heats, I promise."

"I look forward to your return then."

"I look forward to your beautiful face."

"Thanks. You've always been the best sweet talker."

"Only for you Miya, only for you. But I have to go soon because this thing is almost out of power, so I have to charge it."

"I love you and miss you soooo much, see you in time."

"Same here. I promise to do all I can. I love you so, and miss you dearly. I will see you soon then, bye."


Well, time to let this thing charge.

Now where was I? Oh yeah. You're probably wondering who Angel, and Zenon are. Along with Raydan and Sara. Well, they're really good friends of mine, along with a few others. But it will be easier to tell if I tell the story...


"Wow. Last night was awesome." Miya opened her lapine eyes to see Julius watching her sleeping.

"You have no idea how beautiful you truly are." Julius stroked down Miya's exposed side as they lay on his robe on the shore of the falls room. "Waking up to you is like seeing the sunrise and set at the same time. Yet two things as beautiful as those don't even add up to your beauty."

"That's so sweet." Miya blushed crimson red.

"Miya, I have to ask you." Julius gulped down a lump in his throat.

"Ask me what?" Miya look at Julius with her comforting eyes.

"Would you... if you wanted to... to be-" Julius was cut off.

"Yes. Yes I will be your mate." Miya pulled Julius in to her arms and drew his mouth in a long drawn out kiss.

"Well, that was easier than I thought." Julius blinked surprised at the enthusiastic reaction Miya gave him.

"Of course silly. I was going to ask you too."

"Well, as tradition when a male asks a female to be his mate, I have a gift for you. I finished it during our break and after you passed out last night." Julius smiled as he grabbed the bow that Miya's Mage's outfit came in. "Try them on" Julius smiled at Miya's happy expression.

He helped her get into her Ultima Mage's outfit, but he had changed them quite a bit. Every symbol Julius had put on his that would help Miya, he put on her's. He also added Magic enhancing symbols to her wand sleeve, and extra defensive and offensive magic enhancing symbols on the under side of her hat and the scarf around her belt, and defensive symbols on he waist. Every one of the symbols made of the cold thread he used on his. But, of course, the magic would be less effective on her since she wasn't related to an element, but they still would help her a lot more than the normal clothes would.

"It's beautiful." Miya felt the sewn in star at the bottom of her neck, and the two half sized phoenixes on either side of her chest. She looked at the rest of her outfit, noticing the 20 magic enhancing symbols round her right cuff and the 20 magic defense enhancing symbols on her scarf. She looked at her other cuff and saw the elemental shield symbol on it and smiled. "You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you so much." Miya kissed Julius instantly and passionately.

"It's the least I can give you. The most is me." Julius smiled as he was now dressed in his altered outfit. He had not only added symbols to Miya's outfit, but he also added the rest of his left over thread to his, creating extra speed symbols on his cloth belt, extra power symbols on his empty right cuff, extra defensive symbols on his left empty cuff, and then finally, he used the rest to add a final symbol to both of there robes, a regeneration glyph.

"What does this one do? I've never seen it before." Miya studied the glyph on the inside edge of her robe's hood.

"It's a healing glyph. It will help you recover health at any time. I have tried for a few years to learn how to create it, but now, I've done it, and who better to share it with than you?" Julius smiled as he hooked his rapier's sheath to his belt. Finally, he was finished dressing and threw his robe around himself to fasted it with the sun like brooch. He then helped Miya with her robes, fastening it with a crescent moon brooch that cam with it.

They both turned to leave the cave, Miya with her new altered outfit and her wand held securely at her waist by one of her belt loops and scarf, and Julius in his slightly changed outfit.

The two of them went to the main room to find the 2 stingers that they had been working on for the past few days, mostly due to a few instances that they became side tracked by each other. Miya smiled as she hopped on the painted black stinger, the one that Julius had made for her. Julius jumped on his, which was silver, pressing his hand to the I.D. pad, which identified him with a beep and roared to life. Miya's was quick to follow.

"You ready?" Julius smiled as he looked over at Miya.

"Yeah." Miya took a quick look at the where the storage was, making sure that there were 4 plasma riffles, 8 plasma pistols, 2 swords, and a bow and quiver. "I have all my stuff. You?"

"Yeah." Julius took a quick inventory and nodded. Then, with a pull of the throttle, they were driving over the side of the mountain in a split second. They went hurtling over the side, but they didn't just fall. Instead, the stinger's gliding system kicked in. Four extra wings protruded from its side, catching air in the air light metal and slowing them down enough to land safely over three mile away.

"Well that worked well!" Miya yelled over the strong wind.

"Yeah, I hope everything else works!" Julius screamed over the wind.

"So where are we going?!"

"We need to get some more help to try to do some really dangerous demon hunting! Oh, sorry! Welcome to the exciting world of Demon Hunting!" Julius turned the throttle and sped down the ruined super highways.

"Thanks! I just want to kick the shit out of some demons!" Miya caught up to Julius. "So where are we headed?!"

"I thought we'd go to Washington D.C! I heard that there was some feuding in that demon city! His name is Raydan and he is a demon, but reports say that he's of elemental decent, but unlike me, his mother was so many demons that he was born one, but unlike such, he has some control over his powers!"

"So he's a demon?!" Miya took a turn with Julius.

"Yeah. But, if we play our cards right, we can get him to help us!" Julius tuned onto another road. "And maybe we can take back Washington too!"

"Yeah. We'll get a reward too. Quite a hefty one too if I can remember correctly!"

"Yep. The ADPF is paying 200 mil to anyone who can recover the city! That's quite a bit of money to charge to an I.D. card! 200 mil split amongst 4 people, 4 because we'll put away a quarter of it for safe keeping!"

"Sounds fine to me! It'll be enough to by a different mode of transport, say an airship?!"

"Exactly. It's enough to get an army of airships!" Julius took another turn on the super highway, heading straight south toward Washington. He opened the throttle of his stinger all the way, and speeding down the road exponentially faster. Miya was right on his tail as he slowed down just a little for her to catch up, then speeding up again as she caught up with him.

"So, how long until you think we reach Washington?!" Miya had to scream over the wind.

"About 5 minutes at this speed! Fast huh?! They're perfect for ground transportation!"

"Yeah! Fast, but hard to talk!" Miya laughed out loud.

"Sorry about that?! Didn't really think we'd be using these to converse on!" Julius gave a sort of laugh and used a ramp made from the rubble of the road to catapult him over a bridge followed by Miya.

They landed on the other side, already most of the way there.

"Here we are." Julius broke his stinger hard, making the earth under it blow dry in an instant.

Miya pulled up beside him a little confused at where they were. She could see no sign of any city. All she could see was the stretch of road that ended over the hill, but she had a strange sense that something was on other side.

"Ready to go?" Julius drew his rapier from his sheath and spun it around a few times.

"So what's the plan?" Miya asked as she drew out her wand and the 8 orbs suddenly appeared from no where and began to revolve around her.

"Look." Julius pointed to a man hole in the ground.

"What about it?"

"This man hole goes all the way to the city's cells on the inside of the city." Julius blasted the metal top away and smiled as the CD shaped disk was annialated an instant.

"So, how is that going to help us get to Raydan?"

"Raydan is a prisoner in the demon's eyes, but if we can break him out we could have a chance to take back the city. He's a very kind guy when you get to know him, but like me, many people don't care to know him before judging him, but he's really a cool guy." Julius walked to stand next to the man hole with Miya.

"So, a search, rescue, and conquer mission. Let's do it." Miya hopped into the manhole and landed in the empty channels below. Julius was right after her, landing to her right. "God, what's that smell?" Miya covered her nose with her robe.

"That's rotting carcasses and dried waste." Julius brought out a pair of cloths with the symbol of a flower on it. "Use this." he handed Miya the cloth while tying the bandana sized clothing around his face, covering his nose with the largest piece. Julius gave a sigh when the awful smell left his nostrils. "Let's go."

"Kay." Miya followed Julius as he walked down the tunnel.

Finally, we're here." Julius looked up at the vertical tunnel that lead out into the city streets.

"So, he's right above us?" Miya looked up at the unusually dark tunnel.

"Yeah. They're in a building right now, just under the confiscation room, where the demons keep all the items they take from there prisoners. We'll grab anything that might help us, and nothing that won't." Julius started to climb the ladder up the tunnel. They climbed for a little while until they reached the top. "Ready?"

"Born ready baby." Miya smiled up at Julius as she starred at his firm ass.

"Then let's go, be extremely quiet." Julius pushed up on the metal disk just enough to peak at the room above. Seeing that the whole coast was clear, he slid the manhole aside and pulled himself out of the sewer, turning around to help Miya out too.

"Cool. We're in." Miya whispered to Julius.

"Yeah. Let's look around." Julius began to look at the shelves, smiling as he found a spool of a lot of a golden thread.

"Is that the thread you used to make the symbols on our outfits?"

"Not exactly. This is just a regular spool of golden thread, but when I enchant it, it will gain the abilities of the symbols I create." Julius pocketed several spools of the golden thread. "For now, we need to hurry. Grab that gun and sword hilt, they belong to Raydan. We need to give them back to him to get him to trust us."

"Right" Miya grabbed the .50 mm Desert Eagle and wrapped the gun belt around her waist. Then she slid the sword hilt in the other holster.

"Let's go then." Julius opened the door to the room and stepped out into the hall of the building and took a quick look around to check if it was safe. With a nod to Miya, the two of them proceeded quietly down the hall toward the double door at the end.

"What is this place?" Miya looked at the bland walls and steel doors.

"An old prison that the F.B.I. used to hold certain individuals captive here, but now it isn't the cell that hold them, but the demons that live here." Julius reached the doors and looked through the windows. He saw two demons standing guard over a cell, but he couldn't see the occupant, but knew that it must have been Raydan. "Alright, I will barely open the door, you send in two of your orbs, stay low, and get as close as you can to the demons to kill them. Alright?"

"Yeah." Miya smiled as she picked the first two orbs that passed her eyes, lightning and light. "Alright, open them." Julius nodded and cracked the door to the next room barely enough to allow the orbs to slip through to the other side. The guards didn't even notice as the door creaked a little.

Miya kept concentration over her orbs as they flew out of sight of the demons' eyes. She got only a few feet away from the guards and drew her wand. She gave it a whirl and the orbs began to glow, then in a flash of light and electricity, the 2 guards fell to the ground dead, but another problem occurred. There were still 5 more demon guards in the room, each of them out of sight of the window, but were now visible as they check on there friends.

"Shit." Julius looked through the window at the demon guards. "We've got company." Julius kneeled back down with Miya.

"What should we do?" Miya looked a little desperate. "I'll take care of the guards; just blast the cell door, okay?"

"Right." Miya shook her head yes.

"Now!" Julius drew his rapier and in an instant, it began to glow brightly. He busted though the door, and in an instant, he seemed to disappear, but Miya could tell that he was still in the room as she saw the demons being cut down in a blur.

Miya shot toward the cell door, but a demon stood in her way. She gave scream as he raised his sword to strike her. Her first reaction was to raise her arms in defense. The demon brought the sword down on her, but it didn't hurt her, instead, it was stopped by her light shield, throwing the demon off guard.

"Luminara!" Julius yelled. A bright light filled the room and shot toward the demon guard, sending him across the room in a blast of bright light. Miya took a look at the now dead demon and couldn't help but marvel at the complete slaughter he performed on him.

"It's nice to see you again Julius." Came a voice from the cell. Miya moved in front of the cell door and Julius joined her.

"It's nice to see you too Raydan. Ready to leave?"

"Just one question. What took you so long?" The shadowed figure stood up to show himself in the light, revealing the undisputed fact that he was an avian, a phoenix at that, being that they were the only ones with separate wings and hands. He was dressed in a black robe with red flames sewn into the cloth, having holes in the back for his wings. He wore a black long sleeved T-shirt with flames sewn into the sleeves. His lower body was covered in a pair of loose cargo jeans with flames sewn up the sides. He wore a pair of skater shoes that held loosely to his feet. On his wrists he wore a pair of arm bands with red flames in them as well. On his hands, he wore a pair of fingerless studded gloves that also had flames on them. Then, on his neck, he wore a black choker that Julius recognized as the only thing that helped Raydan keep control over his demonic powers, a demon choker.

"Miya, if you would." Julius nodded to the lock on the door.

"Right." Miya pointed her wand at the lock and it instantly melted the metal away.

"Hmmm. An Ultima Mage. You did good Julius." Raydan smiled as he drew back his hood to greet Miya. He wasn't bad looking, but Miya wasn't into avians. His red feathers accented his clothing well, and his beak was a good shade of orange to match. When he looked up his red eyes became visible as they shined back the light of the room.

"Raydan, I would like to introduce my mate, Miya." Julius properly introduced Raydan and Miya. "Miya, this is my good friend Raydan."

"Hi." Miya smiled as she put her wand away. She undid the gun holster belt and handed it to Raydan who gratefully took it and buckled it around his waist.

"Thanks. It's nice to meet you." Raydan smiled.

"Well, now that we're all acquainted, perhaps we can try to make some money. If you'll help us, we can take Washington back with ease."

"Yeah, and collect the hefty reward." Raydan rubbed his hands together in anticipation. He then drew out a small canteen from a pocket in his robe, undoing the top and drinking down a clear liquid. He brought the bottle back down and shook his head in a shiver like motion. "Mmmm. That tastes good."

"You drunk. Let's go." Julius drew his rapier and began to leave. Miya followed him, then Raydan also went. They walked out the opposite door to the room to find a few demons standing guard over another cell in the next room.

"Bye bye." Raydan drew out his desert eagle and pulled the trigger. A bullet went whizzing at the demons, falling one of them in a blaze of flames.

"I got that one." Miya took her wand and used her ice orb to cast an ice spell, a second later; ice was sticking out of the guard in different places.

"And that one's mine." Julius shot a light beam at the demon and a second later he was dead with a hole thought his chest. Then the three if them ran to see who the guards were holding.

It was a human, a girl to be exact. Her blonde hair was a slight mess, but her face was beautiful for a human. Her body was in decent shape, with an hour glass figure and a small bit of stomach. She was decently tall, just about a foot and a half below Julius, only about an half a foot smaller than Miya, or a foot below Raydan. She was dressed in a black shirt that held to her humanly developed chest, which was just maybe a cup size smaller than a fur's, but still very formed. her lower body was covered in a pair of tight black jeans that held a black studded belt through the loops with a pair of plasma pistols on the sides. her feet were covered in a pair of high rising steel toed boots, and her hands were covered in a pair of black silk gloves that went up to her elbows.

"Hi. My name is... is... Raydan" Raydan said a little stupidly as he looked the human up and down, admiring how her body's hips seemed to sway as she came to the cell door.

"Hi Raydan. I'm Sara." The girl smiled as she knew full well the effect her body had on other guys, even anthros. "Are you going to just stand there, or are you going to get me out of here."

"Huh? Oh, sorry." Raydan stepped back and blasted the Dorr with a fire ball, melting the lock and winging the door outward.

"Well, maybe we can leave before the demons have time to ready any defense." Julius continued down the hall of empty cells.

"Why are they all empty?" Miya looked into each cell.

"Demons don't tend to keep prisoners, but every now and then, there one special person that they won't kill." Julius opened the door to the out side and stepped out into the city streets. They were completely empty of any life. They were almost completely destroyed, but they were still almost drivable.

"Where are all the demons?" Miya looked around at the empty roads as her 8 orbs circled her slowly.

"I don't know." Julius kneeled to study the road. There was a sign of a battle on the steps. He looked around at the buildings, then to the White House in the distance. "There. The White House. They're all in the grounds."

"Why would they be there?" Raydan asked, a little confused.

"Well, not all of them. They know we're here. The roofs." Julius said quietly, not looking up, but the others did to see small glints of what looked lick metal all pointed at them. "On three. We'll cast shields...... Three!" Julius screamed as the shimmers of metal on the roofs shot for them. But, a few feet before they touched them, they were stopped by three differing shields. Julius's stopped the shots in mid air, holding them, while the other two just destroyed them in a blaze and brilliant display of color. Julius swiped his raised arm down, and the bullets he had caught in his shield back fired and caught a few of the demons on the roof.

"Miya. Protect Sara and cover us, Rayden and I will take care of the demons." Julius drew his rapier.

"Won't be long." Raydan winked at Sara as he drew his sword hilt in his right hand and held his desert eagle in his left.

"Right." Miya tapped her light orb. The orbs all stood in front of Miya in an octagonal circle. Sara drew out her plasma pistols and twirled them in her hands.

"Be quick." Sara smiled at Raydan. She then leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He stood there motionless for a second, and then smiled back.

"Please finish them soon. I want to find a place to bathe when we're done, that sewer was awful on me." Miya smiled as she looked at Julius. "I need to get a good cleaning." She winked at him, and he gave a little smirked, knowing full well what she ment.

"Seeya in a flash." Julius disappeared into what looked like thin air. Raydan spread his wings and gave one push off the ground and began to fly into the air, rising to the roof tops in seconds. He gripped his sword hilt tightly and a second later a blaze of a sword burned brightly in his hands. He landed on the roof of the prison and sliced down the first demon that stood on the roof. He looked on the other side of the street to the roofs. He was surprised. He couldn't see Julius, but could tell he was over there as demon after demon fell in seconds. He looked at the few demons on the roof. He still had some work to do, so he ran for the next shooter.

Miya was on the ground blocking every bullet that came toward her and Sara. She let her 8 orbs go on auto pilot, killing demons on the roof to cover Raydan, since she couldn't even see Julius.

"Hey there. Miss me?" Julius whispered from behind Miya as she destroyed another demon on the roof that was taking aim at Raydan.

"Yeah, but are you going to help Raydan?" Miya turned to look at Julius as he slid his rapier back into its sheath.

"Why should he? I don't need help against my own kind." Raydan put his sword hilt in his right hand's holster.

"Who are you people? What are you?" Sara put her plasma pistols away.

"Sorry. I never introduced us." Julius smiled as he knew that the human was probably feeling quite out of place among 3 anthros and no other humans of her own. "I am Julius, this is Miya, my mate, and finally, this is Raydan, a friend. But, we already know that you are Sara."

"No. How did you do that? How did you disappear?" She pointed at Julius, "And how did you make a sword from nothing? You're not like any anthros I've seen. Even you," Sara nodded to Miya "What are you, and what are these things around you?"

"I'll go first." Raydan stepped forward. "You wanted to know how I made that sword. We'll, it's a little complicated, but let me explain it like this. I'm not like most furs; my dad wasn't who you'd think he was. Have you ever heard of Cerebus?"

"The anthro's fire god? What of him?"

"He's, he's my dad." Raydan smiled at the shocking expression Sara gave him.

"That's impossible. The gods are just a myth, they don't exist!"

"They're as real as the air you breath, you may not be able to see them, but that doesn't mean they don't live."

"But, then, why aren't you able to disappear like Julius did?"

"Because he draws his strength from both his demon blood and divine blood. Not to mention the fact he excels in the art of Magic Glyphs."

"Then where do you draw your strength from?"

"From... from my demon heritage. My mother was demon." Raydan looked down as he saw Sara's eyes go wide as she took a step back from him.

"YOU'RE ONE OF THOSE MONSTERS!!!" Sara turned to run.

"Wait!" Raydan ran after Sara, but she was really fast for a human.

"We have to go after her." Miya looked at Julius as his face went solemn. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Julius gave an unconvincing smile that did nothing to satisfy Miya's imploring gaze. She realized she'd get nothing more out of him and left him to peace with his thoughts as the two of them followed Raydan.

Raydan had chased after Sara for some time now, but never did catch her. She was very fast for a girl, never the less a human. All he ever saw of her was the billow of her hair as she turned a corner. Finally he had to stop. He just wasn't made for running, but fighting and gun slinging were his specialty. Raydan watched as Sara disappeared behind another building with deep sorrow for the girl's fright. 'perhaps I shouldn't have told her I was a demon.'

Suddenly, a high pitched scream came from around the building of a frightened girl.

"Sara." Raydan drew his hilt and Desert Eagle, ready to kill whatever had set hands on Sara. Julius and Miya had heard the scream too as the two of them suddenly appeared by his side, Julius holding Miya in his arms as he had used his speed to get them both there. "Lets go." Raydan ran for the corner.

Julius followed with Miya quick in tow. As the three of them came around the corner, they saw Sara being held with a knife at her throat by a Demon Master.

"Sssurrender, and the gggirl goesss free. Fffight, and I ssslit her throat."

"Let her go you bastard!" Raydan yelled, lifting his gun for aim.

"I sssee you decccided to fight." the demon began to try to run the knife, but suddenly stopped a loud bang filled the air. Blood flooded from a wound that had demolished the enemy's head and killed five more demons behind him. The knife dropped from his hand as he fell forward on top of Sara dead.

"Kill themm!" Cried another demon as they looked at there fallen comrade. At that, Julius drew out his rapier, glowing bright and readied himself for a fight. Miya raised her wand and brought forth her 8 orbs, ready as well. Finally, Raydan brought his sword to his front, bracing for the fight.

The ran after the three of them, reaching Raydan first, and screaming as the first one of them went up in flames from a touch of his sword.

Julius parried the first attack and with fast, swift, invisible like movements, demolished the first demon with in milliseconds. As always, his movements were fast enough to be unseen as he moved through the army of enemies, disposing of ten in a second and moving for the rest. He was already slaughtering in hundreds as the force pressed toward him. The only sign of him still there was the rare occasion that he stopped to pull his rapier from a dead body.

Miya was no rookie at close combat either. Her crescent wand was very strong against the attacking horde of swords, but her wand wasn't the only thing she fought with. The light shields Julius had made her were extremely helpful, but she was still not able to move him, though the Magic Glyphs he had gave her did give her gave her a quick elf like speed that caught many of the demons off guard. But, she still would not have been able to protect herself from the constant attacking the demons drove at her with if she didn't have her orbs, neither would she have been able to kill a quarter of what Julius slaying without their help. The orbs seemed to have a mind of their own as they blocked with an elemental shield or sword and killed with that same sword.

Raydan was amazed at Julius's speed, being unable to see the half dragon, but a wake of dead, unreviveable demons. The show of strength seemed to spur on his own ambition to kill Sara's attackers. He parried a demon's sword, melting the blade in two before killing the creature. All he could think about was getting to Sara and keeping her unharmed. His anger had almost blinded him from an attacking demon, but Julius was there to stop the sword in mid air with a light wrapped left hand, breaking the metal in two and slicing the quivering enemy's head clear from it's body.

"Thanks." Raydan nodded at Julius for the save.

"No problem. Just keep up." Julius suddenly dissapeared as the lines of enemies continued to fall in waves.

Their party had reached Sara, Raydan kneeling down to pick the dead demon body off her. He looked down at the still blonde girl, slapping himself for admiring her body. He frowned though as he realized that she still didn't move. He decided that she must have hit her head when she fell, and was still unconscious, so he picked up the limp after putting his sword way and drawing out his gun, laughing as he was about to reach for bullets, but remembered that he had always supplied them with fire rounds. So, with Sara draped over his right shoulder, he shot what demons he could with hi left arm.

"He's got her." Miya called to Julius, whom she could recognize from the ever dieing wall of demons.

"Thanks." Came Julius's voice as he appeared and disappeared in an instant behind Miya. Suddenly, the demons stopped dieing as Julius appeared in the middle of the street with his weapon in hand, still glowing. He raised his left arm and prepared what Miya knew was his light vortex.

Julius reached deep into his mind as he summoned forth his divine energy's full power, submerging his thoughts in the light energy. In an instant, the orb of yellow light turned bright until it glowed blinding white. A second later, the ball shot for the demons and exploded in a mass white, enough to challenge a solar flare itself. After the burst of light dissipated, the 3 of them looked at what was left of the demon army, nothing. The creatures were completely obliterated from existence.

"I think I over did it?" Julius smiled as he put away his rapier.

"You think." Miya slid her wand in her left belt loop for easier access later.

"Wow Julius. You sure have changed a lot from when I last saw you." Raydan walked up to them with Sara's limp body thrown over his shoulder.

"I've gotten stronger and new clothing. Not to mention the many different glyphs I've learned too." Julius grinned.

"Well, It's for the better I'd say. Was that the best of your new strength?" Raydan asked, curious as to how far his friend had really gotten.

"No, that was about an 20th of it. Wait until we get a massive force to battle, then you'll see what I've really achieved."

"We'll, I haven't been sitting idle either." Raydan smiled as he walked with Julius and Miya toward the capitol of the city. Julius smiled as Miya wrapped an arm around his waist.

"How did I do?" Miya looked up at Julius with her pleading, wanting puppy dog eyes.

"You were really good. Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Mages don't just learn how to use magic you know. I trained for a year in staff fighting. Plus, those glyphs you made for me helped a lot. Thanks."

"No problem. As long as they keep you safe, that's thanks enough." Julius draped an arm around Miya, smiling down to her as she does up to him. The 3 of them walked to the white building in the distance. It's structure was still in tact, but the plants around it threatened to destroy it. Vines had grown up the sides and through the broken windows. The building would have looked frightening if it hadn't been for the bar fence and white rock the building was made of. "We're here. This is what is left of the White House. After the demon's appearance, the officials inside fled for fear of being found. Now, the building is completely deserted, thus, nature was allowed to take her course."

"It's funny, to think that the most powerful human in the world would live here, but now, that person is no more than a mere pawn. A regular, useless being that couldn't even fire a gun, never the less kill a demon." Raydan melted the metal bars of the gate with a fire ball he created from his right arm.

"Well, lets get inside. We should be able to get Sara out of her concussion in there. Then, we can call for our reward." Julius stepped into the garden with Miya now in tow. The 3 of them walked up the garden pathway to the front door of the building. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked. The 3 of them walked right into the building to look into a very destroyed room. The building's insides were one to match its outside. The walls were torn to weakened forms of their previous selves. The rooms' furniture didn't even exist any more except for a few pieces. The once picture filled walls were now empty of any portraits.

"Where do we go?" Miya looked at all the doors they passed.

"Right here." Julius stopped in front of a door that said 'Vice President's Office'. "We'll go in and call, then try to wake up Sara." Julius opened the door to the surprisingly untouched room. They all walked in and looked around for anything to contact people with.

After a few minutes, Miya found what looked like a suit case. She picked it up and set it on the dusty desk, flipping the latches; she revealed what looked like a gun with a bunch of shells with it.

"Hey, I think I found something." Miya called as she picked up the pistol sized device.

"You found a flare gun. I guess we're supposed to use this to call." Raydan took the gun and put a round in the barrel. "I'll go shoot it, you two wait here." Raydan left the two of them with Sara laid out on the a couch. After a while, Raydan came back, with out the flare shell. "Well, I guess we just wait."

"Yeah, but I want to go look around." Julius winked at Miya.

"We both do." Miya smiled as she realized what Julius was planning.

"Well, I'll stay here with Sara. You two can look around." Raydan sat next to Sara's sleeping body as Miya and Julius left the room.

"Where do you want to go?" Miya smiled as she already had a few ideas of where they could go.

"How about here?" Julius backed Miya up to a door that read 'Oval Office'. He pulled her waist into his before picking her off the ground and opening the door.

"Looks fine to me." Miya smiled as she looked around the only other untouched room before looking back down Julius with her legs wrapped around his waist. "Where do you want to take me at?" She kissed Julius before he could answer. He walked over to the desk and laid her out with her legs still stratling his waist. They held their passionate kiss for a while, then Julius reached for Miya's shirt and pulled it over her head. Then he reached down and began to untie her belt, never leaving her lips. he continued to remove her pants, taking off her shoes in the process.

Finally, Miya was only left in her bra and thong, with the exception of her arm and leg cuffs, but Julius purposely left them on just for the extra beauty it gave her. but, he wasn't about to stop there. Slowly, he reached down and slipped his right hand down her front and into the front part of her thong.

Julius slowly tickled just above Miya's slit, teasing her enough to make her moan and whimper at the same time. He slowly slid his hand farther down and over her slit to rub at her hidden nub so sensually; it had her at the edge of a climax in seconds. Then, Julius slid two of his fingers between the exposed flesh and began to find Miya's pleasure points.

In no time Miya was arching and writhing in bliss, panting and moaning like a bitch in heat. Her body began to shiver under every ecstatic pump of Julius's hand. Her hands gripped at Julius's back, making small dimples in his tight shirt.

Julius began to undo Miya's bra with his left hand, removing the last piece of langire with ease. He gave a small grin when Miya looked down at him, then began to lower his head to kiss and then bite down lightly on her neck. Julius gave a low growl on her neck, making her wet herself under the vibrations through her body. After Miya settled down a little, Julius released her neck and moved farther down her chest to lick the V of her breast.

"Oh god don't tease!" Miya squeezed around Julius's waist with her legs, pinching his hand in her crotch. Her hands began to pull at the bottom of his shirt, which he gladly let her pull of, replacing his hand in her crotch in an instant up to the third knuckle.

Julius slowly licked around Miya's left nipple, tickling her into a series of moans and giggles. When her nipple hardened, Julius pulled the pebble sized nub into his muzzle and began to suckle and roll it in his mouth, smiling as he heard Miya moan as an electric shiver shivered through her body. Julius's hand became completely covered in Miya's pre nectar.

Miya started to crane and arch as her body rapidly nears a climax. Julius had already found her pleasure point and was now teasing her till she begged her release.

"Oh god fuck! Don't tease me! P-P-PLEASSSEEEOOOHHH!!!" Miya quaked as she spasmed in a climax that made her leave scratches across Julius's back. Her mind swirled as Julius's suckling and licking lengthened her orgasm to a mind blowing length.

Julius smiled as he felt Miya's cream soak his hand in sweet nectar. He slowly pressed his fingers as deep as they'd go, then twirled his fingers around to draw out all the nectar he could. Then, he leaned up and kissed Miya with deliberate slow sensuality, drawing a long moan. After a minute to let Miya's body rest, Julius pulled his fingers out of her crotch, dripping wet of her femme cream. He studied his fingers for a second, looking at the amount of cum that drenched his fingers and ran down to cover the rest his hand.

Miya smiled up at Julius with an innocent, but guilty smile that made her look like she didn't mean to drench his fingers, but was glad she did. She grabbed his wrist and brought his hand down for her to lick up a few drops before licking her own lips clean. He licked up the rest up with a greedy smile while watching Miya's begging expression turn to a plead for more than a hand.

Julius leaned down and planted a long kiss on Miya's lips, slipping his tongue in as her moan parted her mouth. When he broke the passionate kiss, he began to work slowly down her body with his tongue, paying close attention to the way she writhed when he flicked his forks across the V of her chest, then continued down over her stomach and gripping the waist bands of her thong. He began to slide the small piece of clothing down, over her knees and off her legs. Then he stopped to look at the way Miya was already panting in anticipation as he studied her drenched slit that still quivered and leaked small amounts of her nectar. He couldn't help but smile at the way her short crotch fur seemed to glisten from her first climax.

"Please... Take me now..." Miya moaned as Julius began to lick just above her slit, teasing her into a lusting fit. He needed no more encouragement. Julius began to strip his remaining clothing off, then leaned back over Miya again, exchanging kisses every few seconds. Then, he began to align himself with her moistened crotch, smiling at the lust filled expression she gave. He began to press forward, slowly at first until she could adjust to his size, then he gave a final push at half way in, hilting Miya the rest of the way. She gave a loud whimper, craning her neck as her sensitive cervix gave way to the intruding shaft and spreading her most sacred of regions to their limits.

Julius smiled as he felt Miya's cervix spread to accommodate his size and at the way she was already panting and moaning at every little movement or pulse he made. He stroked a stray hair out of her face and looked down at her lovingly as she began to regain composure to look up at him, giving him the same smile back.

"I want you to mate me... like your ancestors... like a dragon." Miya wrapped her legs around Julius to encourage him into the act. He just smiled with a strong hint of caring and gentleness as he leaned forward and took Miya's neck into his muzzle, being careful not to bite down on her delicate fur and making small depressions in the flesh. Then, with deliberate slowness, he began to draw only a few inches from Miya, then with a quick thrust, he re hilted her with a small grunt. Miya shivered in the erotically scary position, strangely, arousing her more than anything the two of them had ever done.

Julius began to feel his control slowly slipping as Miya's scent began to fill the air, bring his primal instincts to dominate his female to the fore front. Finally, his control slipped and he lost himself in the act of mating, forgetting that Miya was a lot smaller than a female dragon and could be taken only so far. His pace began to quicken to a quick hump, then to a doggishly mating speed, drawing his length out half way before driving it with lightning fast speed back in.

Miya was about to scream in a climax after only a few minutes, then realized that Julius's eyes were turning brighter and brighter white. She recognized the loss of control and quaked in the anticipation of the hard rutting that was sure to come.

Miya suddenly felt a mighty wave of pleasure wash over her, draining her of nearly all her energy as it took its drastic toll on her body. Her eyes clenched shut and her mouth let out a pleased scream. Her whole body began to clench and release with each wave that passed over her, each threatening her to pass out.

Julius was now only conscious of the immense pleasure Miya's contractions were giving him, each pulling him farther in and sucking at him as he drew out.

Miya's orgasm never seemed to stop as she shivered in after shocks. Luckily, she and Julius had had quite a few go around, other wise she would have been unconscious right now. Though it seemed to help only a little since she had lost any control over her body's actions as they began to drive Julius into her body faster.

Julius was coming on his climax fast, filling Miya with pre that flowed like a faucet. He could tell that she was enjoying her roughest rutting yet as her eyes began to flutter and her constant screams of ecstasy. Then, his mind went black as his own finale reached him with earth shattering force. His heart began to beat faster as his blood rushed to his loins. his breathing suddenly became ragged as the first wave washed over him with exponential power.

Miya's eyes went wide as she gave her loudest cry yet as her eternal climax rose to a blinding level. She could fell Julius's head become enflamed as the first jet of cum shot into her womb and coated the walls with a thick layer. Then the second filled her whole body to the brim, and the third made the rest flood around her stretched flower.

Shot after shot of Julius's seed filled Miya and flooded out her slit. In less than a minute, the whole side of the desk was covered with white cream that also made a good sized puddle on the floor that surrounded Julius's feet. After a few minutes of heavy breathing Julius let go of Miya's neck, content that his flow had died down to a trickle. He looked down at her and grinned at the dazed expression on her face.

"Enjoy that?" Julius licked the side of her neck lovingly. All she could do was nod in reply.

After a few seconds, Julius slowly drew himself out of Miya's spastic body. She gave a moan at every inch that left her body until he left her, drawing out a glob of their mixed juices with him that fell to the floor and spread the puddle out another inch. now that her crotch wasn't filled anymore, the fluids began to trickle out of her body.

Julius laid next to Miya on the desk as the two of them bathed in their after glows. It was a little while before either of them spoke, so Julius slowly stroked Miya's slightly enlarged stomach, drawing a groan from her every time he applied a little pressure, but after a minute the swell receded back to her tight faint hint of a 6 pack.

"I think we should get back. Raydan id probably wondering where we are." Julius kissed Miya as he left her to get dressed again. Since she was still very tired, he dressed her, licking her crotch clean before putting her thong back in place. Then he lifted her small body into his arms and carried her back to the office Raydan was in.

Julius walked in holding Miya's now asleep body with her wand and hat in one hand. He set her down on one of the other couches to let her rest. Julius was also a little tired too, so he slipped in right behind Miya without a word to Raydan and slipped his left arm under Miya and his other one over the top of her. smiling as he heard her say his name in recognition of who it was that had just joined her in her sleep.

Raydan couldn't believe his eyes. He had just watched the two of them go out of the room over 2 hours ago and come back absolutely exhausted. The thing that surprised him the most was that Miya was asleep with Julius carrying her. Of course he could put two and two together and new they had been up to something rather 'fun', but to see a bunny femme being carried back in such a dead tired state made him nearly ask how Julius did it, but he just decided to let the whole thing wondering his head for a while. What seemed weird though is that Miya seemed so energetic, and when a hyper bunny needs her urges satisfied, it could sometimes kill a person from exhaustion, but here, Miya was sleeping so heavily, it seemed like she had just been fucked like a bitch in heat by every dog in the neighborhood.

After a few minutes or so of contemplating, Raydan let the subject rest, coming to the fact that Julius was also tired, which was actually a feet for any girl to perform. He instead turned his attention to Sara, who still slept soundly at his side. He couldn't help but watch her slow breathing make her chest rise up and then down, to which he mentally slapped himself for being so animalistic. But, Sara's chest wasn't the only thing to catch his attention. Actually, her whole appearance was quite stunning. Her blonde hair seemed to give about a kind of glow to her lightly tanned face. She had a pretty face, especially for a human, not chubby, but not slimmed. Her beauty didn't stop at her face either. Her body was infact quite lovely, but since it wasn't an anthro's, her stomach didn't have a hint of a 6 pack, but it was still flattened. The small amount of fat that was even visible made up her hour glass figure almost perfectly.

Raydan let his vision wander farther down to Sara's legs that were visible through her tight black pants. They weren't overly long, but nowhere near short. They gave her a strong feminine look that accented the rest of her body well. After a few more minutes of watching her, Raydan began to feel tired. He looked over at Julius and Miya sleeping happily with each other and decided that Sara probably wouldn't like that, so he lay down on the floor next to her couch to hear if she woke up. After a few more minutes, Raydan drifted off to sleep, dreaming of how today's events had changed his life now.

Julius and Miya woke up in the middle of the night, only to fall back asleep again after the other coaxed the other to bed with subtle tiny kisses. Then the two of them slept the rest of the night. They both now were able to dream as one, as only mates are allowed to do. It was new to them, but opened up a lot of time for them to plan, and eventually turn it into a very wet dream that lasted for how ever long they slept...


Yeah. I knew Raydan 6 years before I met Miya. We had fought together as children against Demons and grew up together as best friends. Then, one day, Raydan was taken by the D.E.A., Demon Extraction Agency, a demon organization to find stray demons and capture them, and I didn't see him for a month, in which I met Miya at the rave where I was contemplating ways to break him out when I met her. I guess it was just fate that I met Miya, and eventually saved Raydan, and in turn, he met Sara. She mat have not been a demon, but she was captured by them and imprisoned with Raydan, so I guess their meeting was also fate.

As for now, I'm tired from my meeting with the elements, so I need to sleep. Come back tomorrow and I'll tell you more about my life. But, now, I need sleep to tell more. So, bye for now, and see you later.

An Ultima Mage

Of Heaven and Hell: An Ultima Mage Small changes to the name of the main character, use to be a story I had on an old website, and decided to put it here as a sort of background story. Thanks for understanding! Disclaimer: Alright, if...

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Meeting of Strangers

Of Heaven and Hell: Meeting of strangers Small changes to the name of the main character use to be a story I had on an old website, and decided to put it here as a sort of background story. Thanks for understanding! Disclaimer: Okay. Please,...

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