Don't Fence Me In - Chapter Two

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Don't Fence Me In

Chapter Two - Jessica Becomes a Doe

© Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain)

May, 2010

All Rights Reserved.

Jessica nuzzled at her human masters length, her long, slippery tongue sliding over and around it, as Caleb moaned and slumped back against Patches, who watched this interplay between the curious young Whitetail Doe, and the human. Caleb gasped as Jessica lipped at his penis, then she shivered and looked up at her master, almost as if asking if he enjoyed what she was doing. Caleb groaned and shivered uncontrollably, feeling a nervous sweat breaking out on his body, before Jessica bleated quietly and returned to her curious nuzzling and licking.

"Oh God - " Caleb moaned, never in his life, imagining the sensations that even now, electrified his senses beyond anything he had experienced.

Oh, he had had his fair share of sexual..dalliances - with numerous animals, calves, his beloved Patches, and other animals on his fathers farm, but nothing had ever prepared him for this. Jessica's tongue was so silky and sensuous, as it twirled around and over Caleb's trembling length - and Jessica seemed to pay particular attention to the flared ridge, just below the head. More than once, she nibbled at it, her teeth barely touching the skin, as she frowned and went back to licking him.

Caleb began to fearfully stroke Jess' ears, his entire attention fixed solely on Jessica, who sneezed from time to time, as a few prickly pubic hairs poked up her slender nostrils - then she grew a little more inquisitive - and as Kaleb grasped the soft, loamy soil beneath him, Jessica lowered her head and took his entire length into her muzzle, her tongue sliding down his well lubricated length, and she began slurping, with strong, muscular squeezes of her lips and throat - just the way she would have suckled from her mothers teats. Caleb gasped and trembled, feeling Jess' sharp teeth, and realising what she could do, if he frightened her - but Jess seemed to instinctively know - not to bite, and her eyes closed, as she knelt and began happily suckling her masters penis.

"Oh...oh God Jess - " Caleb squeaked, his hands shaking as he felt his scrotum tightening with each powerful downward movement of Jess' head. "No...bad...bad girl...stop...oh...oh it!"

Jess' ears pricked forwards, and she gave one last, long slurp, before she lifted her head, then Caleb rolled away and knelt - barely having time to clasp his throbbing penis in one hand, bracing himself against patches with the other - before he bucked against his hand and climaxed with a series of short, barking gasps. His semen spattered over his finger and onto the floor, and Patches snorted and looked over, then nuzzled Caleb, as if to ask why he wasted his seed on the grass - when Patches was quite happy to have him share it with her. After a few moments to catch his breath, Caleb rolled back and Jess cocked her head to the side, before sniffing suspiciously at his sticky fingers - and before Caleb could stop her, Jess lowered her head and sniffed at it, before sneezing delicately and then licking the hot, salty semen.

Her ears flattened and she wrinkled her nostrils, not really liking it, but her long, dexterous tongue licked his palm, then encircled each finger and she kept licking until his fingers were clean, but almost dripped with the silvery spittle of the Doe, who coughed and retched, then gave a few, short hacking coughs and her furred stomach seemed to convulse, before she grunted and shook herself.

"Jess - God, my sweet...gentle Doe - what...what did you think, you were doing!" Caleb admonished her gently, resting his forehead against hers, as she shivered and swallowed again.

Jess merely blinked her dark, soulful eyes, then licked a long swatch up Caleb's face, and nuzzled him. To her thinking, she hadn't been naughty - she was curious, and in a way, was merely trying to please her master. She did not understand why he seemed so distressed by what she had done for him - but he was also pleased, so it sent conflicting images to her mind. Oh, sure, that wasn't a carrot he had hidden between his legs, she had figured that out soon enough - even still, it hadn't been that unpleasant, apart from the horribly sticky and salty stuff, she had licked off his fingers afterwards. She had quite enjoyed the other intriguing tastes, and she stretched out her neck and sniffed at the mare, who blinked and snorted at her, and Jessica trembled, realising the scent was indeed that of the Mare. It had been an almost sweet taste, soft and delicate like a rose, but tainted with Caleb's unmistakable salty fluids as well, which added a new and confusing taste. Taking a quick drink of the water, Jess tilted her head back and let the muzzle full of water run trickling down her throat, before she shook herself off and nuzzled her master affectionately. After all, it was getting late, and almost time for her evening feeding.

Caleb's mind swam from the exquisite lovemaking he had shared with Patches, then the mind-blowing pleasure that Jess had given him, but he wasn't sure if Jess was merely being friendly - or she genuinely knew what she was doing - but he hoped soon, he would find out...


Returning home later than he should have, Caleb dismounted from the saddle, then unbuckled it and slung it over the stable rail, before he slid off the saddle blanket and removed the bridle. Patches snorted and shook herself then nuzzled at Caleb, who chuckled and rubbed her forehead.

"All right - be patient, you big sook," Caleb grinned. "I'll get your dinner and then a good brush down, just like normal."

Patches snorted and whinnied appreciation, then waited patiently as Caleb put away the tack and saddle, before he busied himself with mixing Patches dinner. Jessica wandered around the stable, poking her nose into various crates and barrels, before she sneezed and lifted her muzzle out of one, fine flakes of bran covering her muzzle almost up to her eyes. Caleb laughed himself silly, then gently pulled Jess' head towards him and brushed away the bran, until he was sure that none was blocking Jess' nostrils.

"Silly - stop being so inquisitive, you know what's in there, and you'll get fed soon, I got to feed Patches first - you know how she gets if she doesn't get fed on time!"

Jessica snorted daintily, then trotted off to the other end of the stables, looking for more things to cause mischief with. Caleb watched her, noticing for the first time, how her tail was raised like a big white flag - and he shivered, his eyes sliding down, looking at that creamy white fur under her tail - the tight, puckered sphincter - and that narrow, pale slit that was her sex - and he imagined, just for a moment, what it'd be like - to lay in some soft grass, and make love with Jessica....

His thoughts got brought back to reality, as patches nipped him gently, then snorted and stamped her foreleg on the ground, impatient for her dinner.

"Alright, alright - " Caleb sighed, then giggled and stroked patches' nose. "I'm working on it!"


That night, during dinner, Caleb sat attentively at the table, telling his father about his day, however, he made no reference to the pleasurable experiences he had shared with Patches and Jessica, in that Willow grove - and how he'd walked the boundary fence, finding a few places he thought might need some attention, and his father had merely grunted non-committally, reading over the paper.

After dinner, Caleb went outside to fetch some timber for the fireplace, and as usual, Jessica followed obediently, four steps behind Caleb. Her loyalty to Caleb was unshakable, and he paused, then looked around, before he stuck a hand into his pocket - then held out a small sugar cube to her. Jessica approached, then with her long tongue, she encircled the cube and drew it into her mouth, before biting down on it and chewing slowly, mostly letting the sweet treat melt on her tongue. Caleb chuckled and stroked her ears playfully, before he turned his attention back to the firewood.


When he woke the next morning, he snorted and blinked, feeling a warm, slippery tongue licking his face, and he moaned, then reached out a hand and gently pushed away Jess' muzzle. She snorted at him and then began licking his fingers - making Caleb groan softly and give up trying to discourage her.

"Alright already - I'm awake - " Caleb muttered and threw back the bed covers, then sat up and rubbed his eyes, before glancing at the clock.

"My God Jess - " Caleb moaned. "Its barely light outside...."

Jess snorted and nipped him gently with her teeth, encouraging him to get up out of bed, as she turned and flicked her tail at him, then disappeared out the bedroom door. Yawning and rubbing his eyes, he stretched languidly, then dressed in warm clothes, as the mornings of late, had been quite chilly. As he padded through the house, he glanced into his fathers room, smelling the unmistakable scent of perspiration, stale farts and judging from the smell, his father had hit the bottle pretty hard last night - and wouldn't wake for hours.

Caleb wasn't worried, his father enjoyed the occasional drink - well, some days, more than occasional, but Caleb knew the reasons why. For the past six seasons, their crops hadn't been doing as well as they'd hoped, and the bills were starting to mount up. If they didn't get a decent harvest soon, things would begin to really get dire - oh, they had money, but it wouldn't last forever - and they desperately needed this years winter crop, to hold them over until spring - when the cereal crops could be laid in, and hopefully - bring a good profit this year...hopefully.

Taking a few carrots from the pantry, Caleb wandered out into the cool morning air, before he stretched and scratched his neck, glancing at the sun which had barely started to crest the distant mountains, far to the east. His boots crunched hollowly on the light frost on the ground, and he looked down, seeing the dainty little hoof-prints of Jessica, which led towards the stable. Caleb rubbed his arms and followed, then when he entered, Patches nickered a greeting at him, and Caleb smiled at her, then placed the carrots in her feed trough and gently stroked her ears. He looked around, then found Jessica standing at the far end of the stable, before she disappeared into an empty stall. Caleb followed, more out of curiosity than anything, and cornered Jessica in the stall. She turned about slowly, favouring him with a look he'd never seen before - before she nuzzled him and bleated softly, her tail upraised and twitching slowly from side to side.

"Good morning to you too - " Caleb smirked, and gently kissed Jessica on the bridge of her muzzle.

Jess nuzzled him some more, before she bleated again, then nudged her head against his groin - her intent all too clear to Caleb, whose eyes widened and he blinked, then shook his head and gently pushed Jess' head away.

" -, stop that - " Caleb told her sternly, keeping his voice low.

Jessica ignored him, then nibbled playfully at his trousers, and lifted her head up, as if almost begging. Caleb swallowed, then looked around the empty stable, before he blushed, giggled nervously and told Jess to stay, before he returned to the stable entrance and closed, then locked it. Returning to where Jess obediently waited, he slipped into her stall, then closed the door behind him. Jess flicked her ears, then nuzzled him again - and Caleb unbuckled his belt - then gasped as Jessica brushed her nose against his groin. He barely had time to drop his underwear, before Jess was sniffing and nuzzling his limp penis - which all too quickly, grew to full erection and Jess slowly began suckling, her tail flagging back and forth enthusiastically.

"Oh...." Caleb gurgled, feeling Jess' powerful throat muscles and tongue doing things to him, he'd never imagined.

For several minutes, Jess happily suckled him, before she stopped, then looked down at his very wet and saliva soaked penis. She seemed satisfied, then to Caleb's surprise, she slipped past him and reared up, placing her forelegs over the stall door, then lifted her tail high and gazed back over her shoulder at him - with a look of pure, unmistakable longing. Caleb blinked, not believing what he was seeing, but Jessica's soft bleating and flagging tail made it quite apparent - what she desired from her human - and she was willing to wait as long as it took, for him to realise that.

Caleb shuffled closer, then rested a hand on Jess' back, and she nodded her head and splayed out her hind legs, before lifting her tail as high as she could - and Caleb just froze - starting at the creamy groin of the Doe, who bleated again and twitched in anticipation.

" want me..." Caleb moaned, as he looked at Jess, who gazed back with a look of absolutely love and trust.

Caleb shivered again, then carefully walked up behind Jess,who trembled and watched him, before Caleb took his penis in one hand - then teasingly rubbed it against Jess' warm folds. Jess twitched and trembled, then braced herself well - her forelegs gripping the front of the stall door - and she kept a close eye on Caleb - who closed his eyes, didn't believe for a second, what he was about to do - then holding his thumb just below the flared ridge of his penis - he pressed it against Jess' tight folds - and began to tenderly push against her.

Jess cried out in pain, and she flinched violently, never having been bred before - she wanted her master inside her - she was adamant of that - but she had not realised how much it was going to hurt, the first time. Caleb groaned and shuddered violently, then his eyes snapped open as Jess cried out in pain, but he didn't move, letting the young Doe draw a few short, panting breaths, as she repositioned her weight more evenly - then turned her head back to watch Caleb. Caleb pushed a little further - then suddenly, he felt some strange, wet membrane bulging as he slid a little deeper - and he suddenly realised what he was doing - he was about to make love with Jessica - who was a virgin Doe...

Jess twitched and cried out weakly, her ears slicking backwards, as she felt Caleb preparing to finally claim her as his Doe - but she longed to feel her master inside her, and that was all that mattered - was to finally be mated with him, and she knew, instictively, that their first mating would hurt - but she loved Caleb, and had chosen him to be her Buck, and nothing was going to change that.

"Oh...oh Jess..." Caleb grunted, barely withstanding the incredible warmth and squeezing pressure that Jessica's tight folds was exerting. " love..."

Caleb bit his bottom lip, then placed his hands on Jessica's hips - then he pushed forward in one smooth motion, and as Jessica threw back her head and let forth a piercing squeal - Caleb finally broke her - and made her a Doe.


Their first lovemaking only lasted less than two minutes, so intense was Jessica's muscular contractions and warmth, Caleb had been unable to withstand it, and he'd clasped his hands around her slender furred flanks, and right as he'd surely thought his heart would explode from the unimaginable experience of mating with Jessica - he pushed his groin hard against hers, and she grunted softly, before he trembled and his semen flooded into her young cervix. Jess blinked and twitched as Caleb pulled her tight, then felt her weak struggles as the warm semen flooded into her, and he whispered soothingly to the frightened young Doe, as he maintained his gentle, but firm grasp, until at last his orgasm was over - and he managed to weakly stroke her sweaty flanks.

From down the other end of the stable, Patches had listened to Caleb's grunts and the Doe's cries, then as the unmistakable sound of Caleb reaching orgasm reached her ears, Patches rolled her eyes and snorted, tossed her head and went back to eating her breakfast.

When Caleb's erection subsided slightly, he tried to dismount from Jess, but she tightened her muscles and cried in what sounded like fear and pain, as her body trembled and the stall door rattled with each tremor. Caleb lay gently on her back, then reached as far under her belly as he could and then began stroking and rubbing Jess's small teats with his fingers - knowing how this often calmed and relaxed her. For fifteen minutes, Jess kept an almost painful grasp on Caleb's length inside her, as she panted and shivered - before finally relaxing and Caleb dismounted from her, then immediately wrapped his arms around her sweaty hips and cuddled her tightly, unmindful of the blood and semen that trickled out of Jessica's vulva and spattered onto the straw between her hind legs.

"Oh sweet...gentle Doe...I - how can I..." Caleb wept, cuddling her from behind and stroking her with shaking hands.

Jessica twitched and pushed back against him, then Caleb disengaged his grasp and let Jessica drop back to her four hooves, before he sat down and Jessica followed, laying herself down on the straw, but Caleb noted, she did so very gingerly, the unmistakable look of discomfort and pain quite evident in her posture and slow, short breaths. Jess lay her head on Caleb's lap, then licked his wilting erection with a long, loving slurp, before her eyes narrowed and she tasted not only his salty semen - but her own natural lubrications and blood. Jessica made a weak coughing sound and shook her head, as if trying to get the taste off her tongue, before she settled again and lay with her head in Caleb's lap, gazing up adoringly into his eyes.

To Be Continued...