The caprine cult

Story by srcoyote on SoFurry

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Hi all!! Wish you a good bark bark. Today I bring you a short story of love and deep affection between males!

Hope you enjoy it and don't doubt tell me what you think!

The young fox was cleaning a table, thinking about the words of a customer: "What a beautiful girl. What is your name?" Gabriel blushed with the thought. He always hid his gender, there was something mysterious about feeling like a woman... well, a girl.

The night was coming and the last customer in the tavern left. Gabriel finished the last table and gave the good night to the owner, a old owl who always stayed up at the night. Gabriel went up the stairs to his room, there was a wooden bathtub with warm water. The boy took his clothes, a deep green dress, and left it over a close chair.

Slowly, Gabriel caressed his body, feeling the water on his soft fur. Pushing one finger inside his anus, he groaned, flesh opening flesh, followed by the warm water as the memories was flooding his mind: "And tell me, young lady ¿Have mate? I'm more than sure that a beautiful flower like you must be surrounded by gentlemen". Another deep push separated the walls of his virgin ass.

The fox sank his head in the water, adding a third finger, remembering the hand of that wolf over his ass this afternoon "Keep that flower untouched for me, I'll back for you". A promise like that, for a boy with no more than eighteen winters... is pure love.

Dressed again, with a soft warm over his body, the fox begun to empty bathtub, throwing water out the window, when a loud knock shook at the door and three characters with black robes entered the room.

"Catch her!" shouted one of the men. Then with quick movements, they took Gabriel and put him inside a bag without much effort.

The sound of the night was clear in the town streets, that soon were suffocated by whispers and after a long trip, that the boy felt like an eternity without even see the light of the torches, the footsteps over the stone told the fox that they are inside some place. The only place in the town with stone floor was... the church.

The bag with Gabriel was dropped over the floor and the boy slowly crawled outside, where many figures with the same black robes were surrounding him. "Great glory to you, young girl!" the fox heard from someone.

The cultist took Gabriel by his arms and escorted him over a long and dark spiral staircase, then a long corridor where at the end a little light was shining and a soft chant reverberate.

When they entered in the new room, Gabriel shiver with the scene: In the circular room were a lot of people praying around a blood circle, with many red candles, and in the middle of the circle was a tall caprine beast of at least ten foots of height, with red fur, thick veins marked around his body and his head was a white skull, with pieces of rotten meat and two little flames glowing in his eyes bowls. The beast was in some kind of trance that don't let him move.

Some steps away from the cultist, were five young girls naked, pregness, with her pubic fur bathed in blood. Her faces were emaciated by the tears and they were holding little babies, deformed creatures with physical features from his father: the caprine beast. The girls looked at the new future mother while her children were feeding of their breast with a supernatural hunger, sometimes tearing the flesh of their moms, letting in their mouths torrents of milk and blood.

In that moment a door, far from the corridor entrance, was opened. A old ram got close to the new virgin. "What a wonderful opportunity you have, my child! Soon you'll carry in your belly the seed of our great lord!" announced the old man, inspecting closely the fox. Then he turned to one of the men there standing and hugged him "We had been blessed with your choice, my brother. This female have an excellent shape! I'm sure she will bear a fourth child before been teared apart by our lord!" The ram said this while was kissing the forehead of the wolf, who was crying by the excitement.

Gabriel began to cry too, his legs were shaking by what was hearing. "Please don't kill me!" he begged.

A old panther hugged him with love and told him sweet words at his ear. "We won't kill you, honey... you had been chosen for bring to this world the children of our god. It's a great honor, I'm so happy for you, my child".

And before Gabriel could say another word, he was gagged with a wet fabric that reached his throat and was pushed to the center of the circle.

The boy crashed against the abdomen of the beast, who was drooling with angry. Over his shoulder he felt a thick and long meat tube, that with each pulse was wetting his dress.

In that moment, the chants were changing and the demon, slowly, began to move his hand. He caressed the face of Gabriel and without a second of doubt, the beast slapped the boy, throwing him to the floor by the force of his hand. The eyes of the boy were filled with tears.

Then, the old panther shouted: "Present him your back, young! Kneel and offer him your back or he'll kill you!".

Gabriel heard the woman and swiftly he dropped over his knees, giving his back to the monster and hiding his head between his hands, he was trembling by the fear. Instantly he felt the beast over him, like a dog mounting his bitch.

The caprine sniffed the neck of the boy and growled on his ears: "Not female...". But the urges of the beast were stronger and with one hand teared the dress, exposing the back side of the fox. Another grunt make the boy whimp and the beast just thrust. The long dick of the animal crashed against the balls of the boy, pressing, trying to find a slit that wasn't there but the pressure was unstoppable and it make the meat tube bend and find his way to the upper hole.

The face of Gabriel turned red by the cry of pain that he couldn't shout by the gag. His not anymore virgin hole was opened with a barbaric strength, making him felt a searing pain like a burning coal touching his bowels while a warm liquid was dripping from his hole, he was bleeding...

With the hole found, the beast growled with fury, letting everybody know his victory, and desperately he thrust and thrust, tearing the inside of the fox with his member, making his balls splash blood and precum all around his pubic fur.

Less than five minutes later, the ritual was almost finished. With one last thrust, the beast stopped and howled, arching his back. With horror the cultists saw the belly of the virgin growing with the seed of the demon, that can't be, unless she was a...

The caprine creature stand up, taking out his dick from the ripped hole, letting out a gush of pink seed from the inside of the boy. Then, beast growled with angry, and putting a hoof over the back of the fox, shout: "NOT FEMALE!".

The creak of the bones turned off the chants, while the gag, inside the lifeless fox mouth, was staining with red.

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