18- Forbidden Fire

Story by Rifty on SoFurry

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#20 of The Legend of Rift Book II: Resurrection

Rift jumped up and stretched his neck, the skin of the dragonfruit lay on the ground. Although he was still worn out, his energy was at full power. He sat back down and looked at Silver.

"..And then I flew here."

Silvus sat there, pondering all that was told. "So you just left him?"

Rift nodded slowly and sighed. "I was afraid I was gonna hurt him... I still do when I think about it."

Silvus sighed and approached his cousin. "Rift, he made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. Some people hold it against them, wanting to hurt them for a mistake." Silvus put a paw on his shoulder. "By doing so, they hurt themselves on the inside, and sometimes...outside as well." Silver gestured to his hornless head. "But what you need to learn, is how to let go, or else the feeling will eat you up inside. Even if you enact revenge, the feeling will remain, unless YOU let it go."

He walked to the opposite end of the room, the area small enough that Rift could probably still touch him with a claw..

Rift looked away. "I don't want revenge, I just want to be able to look at Sithris without remembering Keltin using the same power. I also want to be able to look at him without seeing that... bitch..."

Silvus raised a paw as a stick appeared as he whacks Rift with it. "I don't tolerate swearing Rift, remember that." The silver dragon sighed and shook his head. "You need to let that go. Sithris is important to you Rift, I can tell by the way you talk about him. From what I remember from Keltin, he was a bully and a murderer, ordering the destruction of Dragon's Claw and having Kara killed. Sithris is your friend, not someone who spends their time trying to beat you in a fight. He is helping you, in more ways than one."

The orange dragon shrugged, pointing at his slightly darkening chest wound. "He seems pretty occupied with that dragoness. He's said barely anything to me since he did this."

Silvus sighed and shook his head while briefly looking at the floor. "He is your friend Rift, I don't know how many times I need to repeat that, he is bound to feel bad for doing that. But you left before you got the chance to let him help you. Do not allow jealousy to cloud your judgement."

Rift raised his brow. "Jealousy? Just what are you implying cousin?"

Silvus gave a laugh. "That's not what I meant. Attention is what you are jealous about."

The orange drake rolled his eyes. "I just have a bad feeling about her is all. You made it sound like I had feelings or something towards him."

Silvus gave another chuckle before his tone turned serious. "If you have a bad feeling about her, then why did you leave your friend with her?"

Rift pawed at the ground. "I-I figured she'd treat him better... "

Silvus walked over and sat directly in front of Rift, something clutched in his paw but not visible. "Then why do you have a bad feeling about her?"

Rift closed his eyes. "I don't know... It's weird that she came out of nowhere and was suddenly obsessed with him. I feel like she's using him. Then again, I didn't trust him for a while either."

"Rift, trust me when I say this, you need to trust your gut."

Rift nodded before freezing. He looked up at SIlvus, a glare in his eyes. "You know..."

Silvus looked back at him, a simple look in his eye told Rift, I do.

Rift's chest darkened slightly more as he slashed at the ground. "HOW COULD I BE SO FUCKING STUPID?"

Silvus hit him again with the stick. "No cussing." He said strictly.

The former Fire Guardian growled. "I'll never make it in time!"

Silvus smiled and walked away. "I may have a solution to that. Follow."

Rift did so and they traveled through the Light Temple until they reached a room with several red books and shelves, the Library of Fire.

The fire dragon stood in awe, certain tiles listing the names of Fire Guardians, the dates of their service inscribed underneath. He stared at his in confusion. "Hey Silver? My tile is still missing the end of my service, and Carmine doesn't seem to have a tile."

Silvus was at the end of the room, searching for something. "Your service isn't complete."

Rift shook his head. "As the Light Guardian's Messenger,I know for a fact that you received word that Carmine is the new Guardian."

"I did." Was all he said.

Rift nodded. "And you know there's a price on my head."

"I do, but that price was made by Carmine. Terrador and the others do not agree with that bounty but it was too late to take it down before it got out. Carmine still considers himself a guardian, though the rest of us do not agree." Silvus stated.

Rift nodded. "So you still consider me guardian, after all I've done?"

"Must I repeat my mistakes speech from all those years ago? I do not consider you a Guardian, you ARE the Guardian of Fire Rift."

The fire dragon laughed to himself. "I'm not the dragon you knew. I used to avoid fights even if I was in danger. Now I kill in the most grotesque ways I can think of."

Silvus pulled out a book and walked towards Rift. "That doesn't change the fact that this place knows you're a Guardian." The silver drake placed the book on the table in the middle of the room. "Now then, do you remember the first time we met? How your father sent my Messenger friends back to Warfang?"

Rift shook his head. "I lost most of the memories when dad died."

"Unfortunate, but that doesn't matter. Your father could make portals out of fire, which is quite is a skill that was only used by the first Fire Guardian himself. Now, that ability can be learned in a short time through this book and my help." Silvus opened the book, turning to a page around the middle of the book.

Rift looked at him in curiosity. "There's something I feel you're not telling me."

"Do you trust me Rift."

The orange dragon nodded.

Silvus sighed and shook his head, almost to himself. "This ability uses... only a bit of dark magic. It's what allows you to travel from one place to another almost instantaneously."

Rift slowly placed his paw on the book, absorbing the information. "Teach me how to use it."

Silver looked at Rift. "Build your power up like a fury and think of where you want to go, then release it into a roar."

The orange dragon closed his eyes and began drawing power, not noticing some beginning to launch around the room, setting things ablaze. With a roar, Rift created a turquoise ring of fire, the middle seeming to be a wooded area. Rift grinned momentarily before noting Silvus desperately trying to extinguish the library.

Silvus did so with ease, having made use of his ice breath. "Maybe we should have done this in the fireproof training room."

Rift chuckled slightly before kneeling over and grabbing his chest, the wound tinted darker. "I apologise, It was like I wasn't in full control of my power."

"Before you go Rift I have something to give you." The item Silvus clutched in his paw revealed. It was a crystal, the same color as his silver scales. "If you are ever in trouble, touch this with your paw, and I will come to your aid." He attached the crystal around the fire dragon's neck.

Rift stood on shaky paws. "Thank you, for everything cousin."

Silvus nodded. "Anything for family."

Rift gave him a hug before walking through the portal.

Silvus returned the hug and watched him go through the portal, and stayed until it dissipated. He turned to walk out of the room, glowing faintly.