The Photographers Apprentice - Chapter twelve: Pine Cones.

Story by Devon Bearcoon on SoFurry

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#12 of Photographers Apprentice.

Chapter twelve: Pine cones.


A bundle of two furs; one white, one grey and black, lay gently snoring, curled up into a ball on the bed. Suddenly a yawn arose as two black fists stretched out of the balled up mass of fur; which consisted of a Raccoon and a White Wolf, cuddled up together.

Letting out a big sigh, Todd scratched his chin as he studied the alarm clock. It read, 9:32 am, but yet - there was no sunlight. Looking up at the ceiling he quickly realized that the sleeping Lupine next to him had shut the sky blind."Arthur! Wake up!" Todd said, nuzzling into the Wolf that lay next to him, completely oblivious to the world. The Raccoon let out a giggle as he gently placed the tip of his finger on Arthur's eyelid and slid it open. "Daaaaaagh!!!!" The Wolf cried out, springing bolt upright in bed and nearly bashing his head on the low ceiling.

"What!?! Where is he?!?" Arthur panicked, looking around the room with wild eyes as he panted heavily. "Relax! It's just me...!" The younger fur said, as he popped his head up in front of the Wolf and placed a warm kiss on his cold, wet nose."Oh gosh... I thought it was... never mind..." Arthur said as he stood up on the bed and flung back the sky blind, letting sunlight bathe the room the two furs sat on the bed as their eyes adjusted to the light. "Why did you close the blind?" Todd asked.

"Ohh, no reason, j-just the Lightening. It was keeping me awake." The Wolf replied, narrowing his eyes at the sky window and scratching his head.

"I'm surprised you had any stamina left to even stay awake, after what we got up to last night! Come on, let's get breakfast!" Todd said, grabbing Arthurs paw and yanking him downstairs. "Don't you want to put any clothes on first?!" Arthur said as he was lead hastily down the flight of stairs. "No." the little 'Coon replied with a grin.

Breakfast consisted of the usual, Todd had his absolute favourite - Coco Pops, which he liked to drink the milk first and then the cereal afterwards, and Arthur pushed around a piece of toast on his plate, looking slightly distressed.

"What's the matter, Arthur?" Todd said, carefully pronouncing his vowels as to not spit out milk at the Wolf sitting opposite him.

"Oh nothing..." Arthur sighed, "It's just - I'm a bit worried about, Peter..." he continued, cautiously. His eyes had lost their usual, shiny lustre and instead were replaced by a dull red glow.

"Have you been losing sleep?" The concerned Raccoon asked timidly, before picking up his cereal bowl in both paws and tilting it to his muzzle. Arthur let out a laugh as he saw a small trickle of milk run down Todd's chin, before replying. "It's ok, nothing to be worried about."

"Well, Ok, I'll take your word for it!" He seemed satisfied enough. Running into the kitchen, Todd slotted his bowl into the dishwasher before making his way back upstairs and into the shower.

Arthur however, was downstairs - pacing to and fro the large glass sliding doors in the dining room, thoughts of the two Emerald eyes he had seen the night before; dancing through his head as he paced.

"Surely, it must have been a trick of the light." He told himself. He wanted to believe it was just a trick of the light, but his senses just wouldn't give up. Something wasn't right.

Arthur's ears pricked up as he heard the thump of pounding feet dashing back down the stairs. "Ok, I've got to return my books to the Library or I'll get charged, again!" Todd said, as he rushed around the room, gathering a few books and placing them into his bag. "See you soon, don't forget to get dressed!" The Raccoon said, pulling Arthur close to him and giving him a warm hug.

"Sure thing, my little bundle of fuzz!" Arthur said as he ruffled the smaller furs hair a little, and watched him walk out of the driveway and down the street.

Todd unbuttoned the top of his white tee-shirt as he felt the warm sun bathing over his fur, "Wow, it sure is hot today!" He said, wiping a little sweat from his matted brow as he walked along.

He decided to take a detour through the park, he liked to walk under the trees and kick the pinecones about - it just made his route to the town Library a little more enjoyable. "Plus some shade from the trees would be nice." He muttered to himself as he turned into the entrance of the park.

Todd spotted his first victim; a gigantic pine cone, almost a foot in length. Taking a run up - he sprinted towards it, letting his footpaw impact it with a loud "Crack!" sound as it hurtled through the air. He beamed a broad smile as he saw it land and bounce a few times.

Pumping his fist triumphantly in the air, he spotting another cone on the ground and took another run up - as he withdrew his leg back it was suddenly stopped in mid air, causing the poor Raccoon to plunge to the ground head first.

His head dizzy as he realized that there was something grasping onto his ankle - something that felt like a paw. His blow got the better of him as his eyes rolled back and he fell unconscious, the last thing he could remember seeing was that pinecone, disappearing further and further into the distance as his eyes closed.


"Hello?" Arthur answered his phone, and then quickly pulled it away from his ear when he heard the loud screeching sound coming from it. "Calm down, Sara! Speak clearly, and slowly!" He protested, as the Otter continued to real off words down the phone to him at one hundred miles per hour. Sara was usually one to stress, but this time something big had happened. Arthur had only made out three words from what she was trying to say. "Todd" "Park" "Kidnapped".

The Lupines pupils dilated as a sensation of pure rage swept over him. Dropping the phone on the floor he bounded up the stairs and hastily pulled some shorts on and a jersey, before running out of the door at full speed, and into the direction of the park.

As trees and bushes whizzed past his head, his mind dreaded to think of what could possibly be happening to Todd at this moment. But he knew who the culprit was.

"Peter..." The putrid word escaped his mouth, almost spitting it out in disgust as his head was filled with images of Todd being held down by the Tiger, forced... Arthur tried to shake the thoughts out of his head and concentrate on running, faster and faster, almost on all fours he sprinted.

In the distance he could make out a creamy coloured shape, arms flailing in the air as she shouted "Arthur! Arthur!". Slowing down as he reached the Otter, Sara gazed upon the distressed Wolf, his eyes bloodshot and fur matted with sweat, panting he said through gritted teeth. "Where did they go?"

"A Tiger, the homophobic one - he dragged him - " "Where?!" Arthur interrupted, his eyes dancing like fire as a look of bestial rage filled his White face, now tinged red with anger.

"T-that way!" Sara pointed, as the Wolf took off, on all fours now as his feral senses took over. As Arthur dashed across the grass he let his finely tuned senses pick up Todd's scent as he locked on to a lead. He stopped dead in his tracks, his ears splayed out defensively as he gazed in the direction the scent was coming from.


"Thwack!" The sound echoed through the thicket as the gloved paw rebounded off of the side of Todd's face, his head loosely hung downwards and his eyes closed as he received another slap to the cheek in attempt to wake him from his unconscious state.

"Out cold..." A gruff sounding voice said, as the kidnapper started to unzip his pants, taking out his semi hard cock in the gloved paw and swinging it against the side of Todd's face, letting out a soft smacking sound as it hit his cheek. "Come on, wake up you little Rat!" The Tiger chuckled, slapping the lifeless Raccoon again with his penis.

Todd felt the blood rushing to his head as his eyes flickered open, gradually focussing in on two large words that said "Iron Maiden". He quickly came to his senses and gasped in shock as he tried to pull himself up, but his freedom was forlorn as he realized his arms was bound tightly around the back of the large Oak tree he was positioned up against. Looking down he was startled to see his pants had been removed, and he was wearing nothing more than his skimpy white tee-shirt and a pair of dark purple briefs.

He gulped in fear as he noticed the aroused Tiger looming over him, his huge member poised in his paw as he spoke the words "Wakey-wakey!" An evil grin covering his striped muzzle, his eyes glistened with a hint of madness that matched his tone of voice as he continued - "Rise and Shine!".

"W-what do you want with me!?" Todd squirmed as Peter knelt down over him, running his large fingertip down over the terrified Raccoons furry belly and hooking it into the waistband of his briefs, as he pulled them down slightly a tuft of white fur bushed out.

"Revenge." The Tiger said in a crazed tone. Todd could sense that the Feline was not completely sane; he seemed somewhat wild and had that same look in his eye that he had seen in Arthur's eyes this morning.

"HELP!" He screamed, before the large Cat clamped a paw over his tiny mouth. Panicking, Todd screamed into the paw. "Please! Arthur! Please help me!" he realized his muffled cries were in vain as he felt his briefs being tugged down and the muggy air hit his sheath.

Peter caressed his paw over Todd's butt cheek; letting his thumb wander into the middle as he slid the tip of his thumb over the tight ring of tender pink skin, he felt the Raccoons hot breath on the inside of his palm as he let out a gasp.

"You like that don't you!" He muttered looking up at Todd who had his eyes squeezed shut, trying desperately to clamp his butthole tightly shut from the intrusive thumb that was probing around his entrance.

All of a sudden, there was a stirring in the bushes. Todd's eyes opened and lit up with hope as he saw a flash of White spring into the thicket. "Todd!" he yelped, as Peter withdrew his paw from the Raccoons muzzle.

Arthur's eyes darted from the purple briefs on the floor, to the bound Raccoon against the tree, to the semi naked Tiger kneeling in front of him. "Aaaagh!!" Arthur screamed in rage as he lunged towards Peter, his paws reaching out for his throat as he tackled him to the ground.

Digging his claws into the Tigers' massive neck, a be-crazed look swept over the Wolf, his pupils had dilated as his face was drawn back into a feral-like snarl whilst he hissed the words, "How dare you!" and repeatedly slammed the Tigers head back against the dirt.

"Over there sir!" A voice was heard from the distance as three large black Doberman wearing blue uniforms bustled into the wooded grove. One tossed a blanket over the shaking Raccoon and then proceeded to untie the belt that was securing him to the tree as the other two struggled to pull Arthur from off of the Tiger.

"Easy sir, easy!" The officer with the Silver badge said as he gripped Arthur's shoulders, trying to prise the Wolf away.

Arthurs' eyes were fixated, his grip tight around Peters neck. "Sir, Easy! You're cutting his air supply! Logan, give me a hand will you?!" He barked toward to officer comforting Todd, who quickly dived over and managed to help pull Arthur from the gasping Tiger.

A look of terror swept over Peter as the two officers hoisted him up; loosely wrapping another blanket around him they slid handcuffs over his wrists and dragged him out of the thicket.

"I'll leave you two along for a while." said the officer with the Silver Badge, as he breezed out of the thicket, the sound of walkie-talkies could be heard in the distance, as Arthur crawled over towards Todd, who was slumped against the tree.

Scooping up Todd's briefs he handed them to the Raccoon. "I'm so sorry!" He said, bursting into tears and wrapping his arms around the Raccoon.

"I knew you'd come." Todd said attempting to let out a smile, but wincing as pain shot through his cheek as he did so. "Ouuch! He hit me..." The Raccoon said, rubbing the tender cheek with his paw.

"I'm so sorry, I should have come with you... I t-thought I saw Peters face at our Window last night, but I tried to convince myself it was just my mind playing tricks on me. I should have gone with you; I should have never left you!" Arthur repeated again, sobbing into Todd's shoulder.

"It's ok, it's ok!" Todd comforted him. "I knew you would come, he didn't hurt me too much, I just feel a little... dirty." He said, as he rubbed his butt before slipping his underwear and pants back on.

"I'm so sorry... Please forgive me, I would never have meant for anything like this to happen, I can't bear the thought of it!" Arthur protested, before Todd placed a finger over his lips, "Shhh. It's ok, honestly - I can't forgive you because you've not done anything wrong. I love you, I always will and you know that!" He said with a smile as he stood up.

Arthur gazed at the Raccoon; his mind was agonizing over what had just happened. But Todd was right, he had come not a moment too soon, and shouldn't blame himself.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked Todd, steadying him as he watched the Raccoon sway from side to side.

"Whoahh, I feel dizzy..." He said faintly as his eyes started to roll back once again. Swooping around he gently caught Todd as he flopped into his arms. "Maybe I'll just carry you." He said, lightly kissing the dizzy fur on the forehead as he carried Todd out of the grove.


Once outside, they were greeted by the three officers. "Mighty fine runner that one there..." The smallest of the three said, pointing his baton towards Arthur. "Heck, all three of us couldn't even catch up with him; he was like a bolt of lightning! He must really care for you, sonny, you know that?" he continued - Todd perking up a smile as he looked up at the White Wolf cradling him in his arms.

"W-who called you guys?" Arthur asked, bewildered as to where the three officers had come from.

"I did." A voice called from near the squad car. "Here's your bag back, Todd." Sara said, gently placing the satchel into Todd's' lap. "I found it underneath a conifer tree, I figured it must be yours; it has a bunch of photography books in it."

"Thank you, Sara. I can't express my thanks enough." The Wolf said as he placed his paw onto her shoulder and squeezed gently. Arthur seemed a lot calmer now, and he felt rather heroic. Although he couldn't take all the credit for saving the poor Raccoon, Sara was the one who phoned him after all.

"It's no problem at all. That's what friends are for." The creamy coloured Otter said as she beamed a smile, gently ruffling Todd's head fur. "Owwww!" He moaned playfully, whilst Arthur carried him over to the shade of a large Oak tree, gently sitting him down next to Sara. "Where's my big, brave Raccoon gone?!" He said jokingly, provoking a little roar out of the smaller fur as he went over to thank the three officers one final time.

"Honestly, I can't thank you enough... I really should have called you guys this morning. I'm sure I saw Peter peeping through our window last night." Arthur said, gazing angrily over at the squad car containing Peter in the back seat.

"He came over to my house yesterday and-" "Came out to you?" The officer known as Logan interrupted.

"W-why yes... how did you know that?!" Arthur shook his head in disbelief as he heard Logan continue his story.

"This guy here, he's a notorious pervert. A similar thing happened in a town not more than 10 minutes from here to another fur around your age. He comes across as the 'big bad homophobe', then somehow manages to wriggle his way into some innocent kids' life, gives them a 'touching speech' about how he's 'gay and in denial' - and then usually ends up getting in with them."

Arthur was wide eyed as he let the officer continue.

"Except in your case, there are two of ya'. This Kitty was so jealous; jealous that you two had something special - that he could never have. He was so overcome with envy that it drove him to do this horrible thing. Before now we've not had any real evidence, but now we finally have enough to make an arrest."

Arthur flashed Peter a disgusted look once again before turning his back on the squad car. "Well, I'm glad it's all over... Just never let me see that piece of filth again, or you'll be arresting me, for murder..." His voice trailed off.

"Oh you'll never see this pathetic excuse for a fur ever again, Sir. If you don't mind me saying also - the way you had a hold on him, and the speed in which you went across that field - perfect officer material." Arthur chuckled. "I'm flattered, officer, but I'm a photographer at heart." He said.

"Have a nice day now, put this all in the past." The officer with the Silver Badge said, giving Arthur a gentle shove back in the direction of Todd and Sara. "You too, and thanks once again."

"I'll leave you too alone, just call me if you need me - I'll be just next door." Sara smiled as she waved goodbye and made her way to the exit of the park.

Arthur explained to a surprised Todd, all about what the officer had told him as he listened in Amazement.

"Well, that explains why he was never in class!" Todd mused, before letting out a sigh. "I'm just glad it's all over."

"Me too." Arthur smiled. "Hey, maybe now Mr. McGraw will let me be your mentor for the rest of the year!" he continued, watching Todd's face light up as he realized that now Peter was in jail - Arthurs' new student would be Todd!

The two furs heartbeats entwined together as they were both overcome by happiness. Arthur gripped his lover tightly whilst they snuggled up at the base of the large oak tree, the only sound that could be heard was his soft breathing and a quiet murring sound coming from Todd, who had his eyes shut - thinking about all of the fun times that they would get to spend with each other in the future.

Arthur was equally in thought, pushing out the day's events - all he could now think about was caring for Todd, being there for him, loving him, spending his life with him. He knew now that after everything that they had been through; Todd had stuck with him, through thick and thin. He had poured his heart out to him, and shared his most intimate secrets with him, and through it all they had developed a strong bond with each other - one that they wasn't ashamed to call "Love".

Todd nuzzled softly into Arthurs neck, before gently whispering in his ear "Looks like I'll be your photographers apprentice after all..."