Love of my Second World Life Chapter 2

Story by Malcomh on SoFurry

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#5 of Love of my Second World Life

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent

Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school and do not need criticism on my writing abilities. This is a story of MY mind. There is no reason to tell me that I flunked in the English department.

This book is ongoing and I'm not sure when or how it will end as of yet. I have spells of inspiration and dry spells where I can't think of anything to write about. My real life is so boring that I created this world in my mind to have something to do.

Otherwise enjoy the story and understand that my life was influenced by authors such as Terry Brooks, J.J.R. Tolkien, and Ray Bradbury and several of the artists in SoFurry and the old Yiffstar.

Chapter 2

When I awoke the sun was shining into the living room and the house was still silent. I didn't want to awaken anyone so I got up and went out onto the porch. After a bit I heard the family getting up and a gasp from Alicia when she noticed I was missing from the couch.

"He's gone!" Alicia said loudly to the household.

Herod walked into the living room and saw my shadow in the rocking chair and said, "He's just out on the porch."

With that the children ran out the door and joined me on the porch and after seeing that Herod told them the truth they ran off into the yard to play.

A couple of minutes later Herod walked over and sat in the other rocker. He then asked, "How many gems have turned on the bracelet?"

I looked at them and said, "About half are green again."

He then said, "We'll have some time to look around the neighborhood before time for you to go back to your world."

Doreen then called to Herod, "Call the children in and you two come to breakfast."

While eating breakfast Herod said, "I'm going to take him for a tour of the town until the bracelet was ready and then take him to the portal and make sure everything on this side is ready for when he returns."

Doreen looked at us quizzically and said, "You two have some kind of scheme going don't you."

Herod replied, "It's not a scheme it's just a means of making some money."

She then smiled and said, "I know you won't do anything wrong dear." She then kissed Herod and said, "Off you go and get started."

We then started towards the other side of the woods where I came in and Herod and I exchanged a few questions of what I was going to do in my world. As we neared the town area of the new world I noticed several animals that had been transformed. There were horses, dogs and cats of various breeds, squirrels, and a few I was not sure what was but I didn't bother Herod with questions of them.

At the center of town was a park where a statue stood with a human, the best guess I could make, stood and Herod said, "It is because of this man that we exist. He was the being that created the crossbreeding that made us what we are."

"He looks like a human like me?" I said.

Somehow he found the way to cross over to our world and when he saw there was nothing here but wild animals here he started doing things to them. Some didn't turn out too well and he mercifully killed his mistakes but he also had several achievements and slowly we were created. He is accredited with being a savior and monster for the creations he made."

After a little more I noticed that the bracelet was almost all green again and I said to Herod, "It's almost time for me to return to my world," showing him the bracelet.

He replied, "So it is. Let's get you back to the portal area then."

We walked back to the area through the woods where I came through the portal.

Herod then said, "One last thing, the time on your world has passed last than a minute since you crossed over so it's still whatever day you left over there. The bracelet time trigger is there just twist that gem and you have an hour to get all you want unhindered by others."

I took his hand and said, "I'll be back shortly your time then."

Herod then said, "be safe on your side and I will be here with the wagon for what you pass through. Just remember you must be back in two days."

"I will be back." I said.

With that I stepped through the portal and again the dizzy buzzing and I was back in the basement. I looked around and sure enough it was very close to the same time I left. I went out to where my truck was and climbed into the driver's seat. Looking at the time on the clock I noticed that it was still nearing four in the afternoon.

I looked at the bracelet and saw that the time stopping gem was still green. I started the truck and headed towards town. Since it was Friday I knew there was extra money in the banks for cashing paychecks. I headed to the main branch of the bank and took my extra clothes bag and emptied it and took the pair of racing gloves and put them on and then triggered the time gem.

I entered the bank and walked past the frozen people and went to the counters and took the keys and opened the mini vaults at the teller stations and emptied the money, except ones, into my bag checking for the die packs and locators as I went. I then found the vault keys and emptied the vault of all but one dollar bills. Guessing I had about a half an hour before time reverts back I headed to the company I worked for. I went into the office and picked up a set of keys for the equipment hauler truck which was designed to handle 5 tons. I left a note saying I would leave it at the job site when I was done.

I then took the truck and headed towards the electrical supply warehouse I knew of. When I got there I figured I had about 5 minutes left till time restarted so I just sat and counted the cash I had. When I passed twenty thousand dollars in hundreds and I figured that would be enough.

Time restarted about 2 minutes after I counted the money, and when it did I went into the warehouse.

I was greeted instantly by a salesman.

I said, "I'm looking for a large amount of boxed ten and twelve gauge wires. I want about twenty boxes of five different colors of each size."

The salesman smiled at me and said, "I can gladly have your order brought up as soon as we finish the transaction."

I then said "Very well."

We went to his office and he rang up the bill and asked, "Who do I make the bill to."

I told him, "Make it out to Malcolm's Commercial Electric."

He then asked, "And the address."

I then replied, "Fifty-five, five, thirty-two Grandview St. St. Paul, MN 40859."

He filled in the information and then asked, "And how will you be paying?"

I said, "In cash for this transaction since I don't have an established account yet."

This satisfied the salesman and when he finished he said, "That comes to twelve thousand, five hundred and eighty-six dollars and fifty-four cents."

I reached into my pocket and fished out a large wad of cash and started counting out the money in front of the salesman. I counted out twelve thousand, six hundred dollars.

The sales clerk who was counting as I did took the money and said, "Thank you." He then filled out the receipt and then asked, "How do you want the supplies handled?"

I replied, "I have my flatbed outside if you could just load it on there."

He then made a call to the stockroom and placed my order to be delivered to my truck. In less than ten minutes there were two forklifts carrying my wire order to my truck. They placed the skids on my truck and thanked me as they left.

The salesman then said, "We will be sending you an approval for credit on your next order." He then shook my hand and said, "Please come and do business with us again."

I then took the truck to the fabric store nearby and I bout every yard of Lycra material they had in stock. I then headed to the next fabric store and did the same thing there explaining to the saleslady that my wife just got a contract to make several Lycra outfits for a concert.

After that I headed back to the jobsite and started unloading the truck. It was way after dark when I got it all into the basement. Knowing that there wasn't going to be any work done here till Monday I knew I had enough time. I started wrapping the boxed of four spools each in Lycra and stacked them up next to the mirror/teleporter.

When I finally finished I started passing them through the teleporter one at a time as the bracelet regenerated after each pass. I knew it was getting bright outside indicating that it was about midday before I had all the boxes sent through. It had been over twenty-four hours since I had slept and I was very tired. I watched as the bracelet turned all green again and I stuck my head through.

There was Herod stacking the boxes on a cart.

"Will that work Herod?" I asked.

"When we get this all ready for sale we will be extremely rich." He replied.

"I'm going to write a note and leave it in the truck and when the bracelet regenerates I'll come through." Watching him stack the boxes.

Herod replied, "I'll see you then."

Love of my Second World Life Chapter 3

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school...


Love of my Second World Life

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with...

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Black Panthress, New Life, New Love

Chapter 3 When we awoke the next morning I was still holding onto my beautiful panthress and my manhood still didn't retract fully into my sheath yet. I just lay there thinking to myself that this was real and not a dream, that I finally found the...

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