Love of my Second World Life Chapter 3

Story by Malcomh on SoFurry

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#6 of Love of my Second World Life

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent

Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school and do not need criticism on my writing abilities. This is a story of MY mind. There is no reason to tell me that I flunked in the English department.

This book is ongoing and I'm not sure when or how it will end as of yet. I have spells of inspiration and dry spells where I can't think of anything to write about. My real life is so boring that I created this world in my mind to have something to do.

Otherwise enjoy the story and understand that my life was influenced by authors such as Terry Brooks, J.J.R. Tolkien, and Ray Bradbury and several of the artists in SoFurry and the old Yiffstar.

Chapter 3

Pulling my head back through the portal I headed up to the truck and wrote a note saying that I was not going to be returning to work, that I had found a better place to be and was going there to stay. I then told them where to find the keys to the truck. Placing the note in a waterproof bag I hung it through the window closing it and locking the door. I took one last look around thinking how dirty this world is and headed towards the house.

Remembering that it would be easier to cut the insulation of the wire with a razor knife, I wrapped a couple of knives and a few extra blades in some of the last spandex and placed them on my hip band to hold them in place. Looking at the bracelet I saw that it was all green again and I went to the mirror/teleporter and stepped through.

Upon stepping through the porthole I looked at the bracelet and again the gems were all red and I set to work helping Herod with the rest of the wire.

When it was all loaded onto the wagon we headed to his house. I showed him the razor knives and explained that it was to strip the insulation off of the copper.

Herod said, "That will make it a lot easier indeed."

When we got to the house he guided the wagon to the barn out back. We unloaded the cart and let the animals back into the pasture. We then set down to start stripping the wire.

It was a long and tedious time to strip all the wire but after several weeks we had about half of it finished and Herod said, "We should take this first batch and get it appraised."

I said, "If you think its wise then let's do so."

We hitched the mules to the wagon and took the stripped wire to the appraisers.

At the appraisers I was surprised to find that the wire was worth nine hundred thousand credits.

After finishing up with the transfer of funds I had them make a separate account for one hundred eighty thousand credits which was twenty percent of the money and gave it to Herod. This left me with seven hundred and twenty thousand credits.

Herod said, "This is about the easiest money I've ever made."

Smiling at him I said, "And there's still more to go my friend and who knows there may be a surprise left in me."

With that we went to the store and purchased some of the finest food they had for each of our tastes and brought it to Doreen and said, "Tonight we eat like kings and queens."

After the meal Herod and I sat on the porch discussing the future.

"You will be looking for your own place now that you have the money?" He asked.

I replied, "I don't think that it is fair that you have to be put out by my being in your house."

Herod then said, "The land next to this place is available for two hundred thousand credits. It's four times as big as this but I think you might want the space."

I said to Herod, "Why don't we go look it over tomorrow and I'll decide then. I'll still have my first close friends here nearby then."

We went inside after that and called it a day shortly afterwards.

The next morning Herod said to Doreen, "We are going to visit the old farm next to this to see if my guess is right and he likes it. If he does we then will go and buy the place and he will become our neighbor."

Doreen then looked at me and said, "I hope you're not upset with us."

To which I replied, "No Doreen, it's just that I feel that I'm putting you out and I figured that if I get my own place we can be normal friends."

With that Herod and I went to look at the farm.

Herod was right I did like the place. It had all the things I liked, a large barn for untransformed animals and a house just large enough to house a family of ten easily with storage areas for foodstuffs in a cool root cellar.

We went off to the sales office and after haggling with the man agreed to pay one hundred eighty thousand credits for the place. After filling out a great many papers I had the deed to the land in my name. I recounted my money afterwards and saw that I had five hundred and forty thousand credits left.

We went back to his place and Herod said, "I hope this doesn't make you and me enemies but I have a confession to make. Due to me not knowing you very well I decided that I would get my share of the credits so I hid about one third of the wire so that you wouldn't be able to cheat me out of it."

I looked at him. "So you're saying that we have even more copper left then?"

Herod nodded and said, "Almost as much as we took in already." He then showed me the stash of boxes and I smiled at him.

"I don't blame you for this Herod. I think I would have done the same thing." I said.

We then set about stripping more wire. We finished another third and took it in and I was surprised that we had a million credits worth. Again I had twenty percent taken out and gave Herod the two hundred thousand credits.

We then finally finished the last of the wire about three weeks later and took it in and again it was worth a million credits. This time however I shocked Herod when I told the clerk to cut a check for five hundred and twenty thousand credits in his name.

Herod said, "I cannot take that, it's too much."

To which I replied, "You most certainly can and will. It's not quite a third but you helped me get it here so you deserve it."

Herod then almost cried when I said that. He then said, "You are indeed a good friend and I'm sure my family will never forget you."

We headed back to our respective houses after the ride back from town.

I had no sooner got relaxed when I heard voices outside the door and a knock. Not surprising it was Herod and family. Doreen hugged me so tightly I almost lost consciousness and then the children both hugged me.

Herod then said, "They wanted to come and thank you in person for what you have done for us."

I looked at them all and said, "It is you who have done a lot for me. Putting up with me for the start of my stay here and helping me decide to stay here instead of going back."

Herod then said, "Now if we can just find you some companionship you will be complete."

When he said that I kind of drooped a bit and Doreen noticed it. "You still miss your family greatly, don't you?"

"Everyday my mind goes back to the time before the accident." I said.

Doreen then said, "I know no one will ever replace them, but maybe we can find someone that can help you along the way."

I smiled at them and said, "Thank you for being very good friends. I hope I can find someone that will make me happy again, like I used to be."

With that Herod said, "Let's go see what we can find available and see if you find anyone you like." He then took me to some of the local dating places and I found a squirrel morph who seemed to be a very nice person.

Upon talking with her for a bit I saw the classic features of a woman wanting a sugar daddy, not a lover so I moved on and found a self centered mink and passed on her after a few minutes.

It went on like this for most of the night. No one wanted anything to do with a lover. They just wanted someone to pay their way.

I dejectedly went home and went to sleep.

Love of my Second World Life Chapter 4

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school...

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Love of my Second World Life Chapter 2

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school...

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Love of my Second World Life

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with...

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