Changed - Chapter 2 (Fixed)

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Changed




Chapter 2


Why did he care? We barely knew each other - only thing being our names. He had nothing to do with me, nor the life I lived. So why did he care?

Two days had passed since we met. I tried avoiding him as much as possible - it was inevitable. We shared only one class, PE/Weightlifting. Every time I looked at Damian, it made my inside turn, not in a bad way. He appeared to be a very decent guy, good looks, fairly popular, nice attitude, but something was off.

Why would a jock like himself be interested in helping a gay kid? Surely he'd be teased, or knocked down a couple notches from the popularity list, so why give something up to help me?

I knew why. Apparently he was just like all the others. Guys were only nice to me because I could do things for them, even the straight guys. My mouth seemed to attract any type of guy. Damian was no different - he's a guy, and everyone knows what guys are after - sex. If they can get a quick 'nut' then they're happy.


Maybe Damian was different.

I looked across the gym to see him working out with his friends, pushing the metal bar containing heavy weights, up and down, repeatedly.

Maybe...he's not like other guys. The day he gave me a ride back to school, I saw something in his eyes, something special. He had green eyes - they felt as if they saw straight into me. When I looked into his eyes, I saw happiness, a hint of warmth, security, a protector from all of my past emotions I kept secret inside.

"Hey," A voice said. I turned my head to face the person speaking. It was my boyfriend, Steve, a mustang. He was my boyfriend of two months and one week now, and from what he says it's love. I couldn't say otherwise, I loved him too - he was everything I ever wanted: tall, strong, dominant, and a little older. He had his downside, but who doesn't?

"Yes, babe?" I said looking up at him.

He turned away once I looked up at him; that has happened a lot lately, it seems like he never wants to look into my eyes. "What's been up with you lately, you seem out of it, just staring off into space and shit."

I smiled. It was a fake grimace, also something I did a lot. It was hard to give him a real smile when he wouldn't look at me. "I'm fine, just still getting use to the new school. It's so much more organized then middle school, and a lot bigger."

"Heh. Is that all?" He never did turn to look at me.

"Yeah..." My ears lay flat against my skull - he wasn't that good of a motivator. We were each others' first relationship, neither of us had any experience. He was still learning, these little things never bothered me. It'll only get better before it gets worse. I wanted to believe that - I tricked myself into believing it.

Since me and Steve started dating, my friends said they have noticed a change in my attitude, like not talking, wasn't as happy as I was, not hanging out with them - Steve and I spent a lot of time together, my personal life came last. I had to make Steve happy, by all means.

None of my friends were able to understand, they just wanted their old friend back, acting selfish. I wrapped my arms around myself. Steve needed me, as a boyfriend, my job was to be here for him no matter what, I didn't need friends if it would mean losing time with Steve, yet....

I looked over at Damian again.

Deep down, I wanted Damian to be my friend. He seemed different. Could it be an act like all the others? I shook my head rapidly, my ears slapping against my cheeks. I'll ask him, that is the best solution. If he wants to be my friend and accept that I'll be spending all of my free time with Steve, then he'll be a worthy friend, but if he wanted all of me to himself like my other friends, then he couldn't have my friendship.

I really wanted him to be different...

Lunchtime came quietly, it snuck up on me as I tried dealing with my million problems. As a result to all my thinking, I did come up with one answer: I wanted to talk with Damian again and try being his friend. Today during lunch, I'll catch him when he comes back from Subway. Every day he drove to subway for lunch. We would talk there.

I waited patiently for the lunch period to pass, I knew he wouldn't arrive back to school until five minutes before the bell - something I noticed on the second day of school.

He drove up in his black Volvo and jumped out, quickly spotting me, his ears dropped against his skull. What was that suppose to mean? Was it the way I reacted last time we met? I should apologize for that when I talk with him. Damian walked up to the school and straight pass me, not even giving me a glance.

"Damian..." He turned around, his ears still laid flat. He looked at me with his green eyes. He didn't speak, just stared at me. I guess he was waiting for me to talk.

I held my arm, it was a habit I had when nervous or if something bothered me. This time it was both, so I squeezed my arm tight up to my body.

"Umm...I'm very sorry for the way I acted toward you the other day, that was very rude." I looked down, never looking him in his eyes after the first time. He still didn't speak - I continued to talk. "You wanted to be friends, I'd like that. I really need a friend right now."

I felt a paw slide along my shoulder. I looked up to see him smiling. He looked silly, his smile was bright and warm, but one of his ears perked up while the other laid flat.

"Dude, I'll be honored to be your friend." The smile seemed contagious, I ended up smiling, and for once it was real. For once I felt...happy.

"Thanks Damian. You're a cool guy."

"I try." He turned away slightly with a hint of red on his cheek.

The bell rang.

"Oh! I need to get to class." Damian's paw retracted as he ran into the building. "I'll catch you later!" He said, vanishing into the crowd of furs as they rushed to their classes.

It didn't take long to find Steve, he was waiting for me at my next class, Biology. Once he caught a glance of me, questions immediately rushed at me.

"Where have you been? I was waiting for you in the cafeteria! You just blew me off, huh?" Steve said - he crossed his arms, looked down at me, beaming a glare. I hated looking at him when he was angry; luckily this wasn't even close to the way he got in the past.

"I went to get something from Subway, I told you earlier when we were in PE," I said, lying. I was trying to trick him. He never listened to me talk, so he wouldn't know if I said anything or not.

Fortunately, he took the bait. He shook his head and his face went calm. "Yeah, yeah...I forgot. Next time tell me for I can go with you." He said adding a wink at the end of his sentence.

"Ok, I will babe." I said and hugged his arm. "Are you still going to stay after school with me this afternoon? It's the first meeting of the French Club. I'd like it if you were there with me, Stevey."

", I'm not coming with you today. My friends and I are going somewhere after school." He said shaking his head.

"Where?" I asked a little disappointed. He promised to come with me today, and now he was backing out to do something with his friends.

"Just out, don't worry about it." He said as he turned his head in another direction before looking back at me. "But...I could stay a few minutes after school." He gave me a wink.

"How long will you stay?" I looked down at the tiled floor beneath me.

"Depends on that mouth of yours." He said in a chuckle.

I looked up at Steve, showing a fake smile, the only kind I could give to him at the moment. Sex: the thing that corrupted every guys mind, even Steve's. When he asked me out during summer vacation, in the middle of July, he seemed like an ok guy. He told me over and over how sex wasn't important in a relationship, and as he continued to tell me the obvious lie, the more I feel for him.

"Ok! Thanks babe!" I said with fake enthusiasm and an artificial smile.

Steve just nodded and walked away, without saying another word to me.

"Are you actually happy with him?" A voice said from behind. I turned around to find a fox whom I've never met before. He looked at me and shook his head. "I don't know about you, but that guy is only after one..."

"Shut up!" I cut him off. "I don't know you, and you sure as hell don't know me, so why are you talking out of term?" My words came out a little harsh, yet that's how I wanted them. Whoever this guy didn't have the right to talk to me like that.

"Keep denying it, I don't care." He said before turning around and putting his paws into his pants pockets. "You're just going to fall deeper and deeper into the pit he's trying to push you in, and once you're at the bottom, well, he's going to leave you there. Open your eyes dude, it's not hard to see what's going on there..." The mystery fox walked down the hall; I watched him until he turned the corner. He was strange, and his awkwardness aroused my attitude. I was more than mad - the news of Steve not staying with me already left my spirits crushed, and now this guy comes along and says things which makes me mad, and even more hurt.

I didn't know if I was mad at him for saying those things, or if I was mad because they sort of made since. I knew Steve wanted sex, we had a talk about it. I wanted to hold my virginity for a little longer so we performed oral. When I told him about wanted to hold onto my virginity, was when our relationship started to go downhill.

Now wasn't the time to think about what some random kid said, he knew nothing about me. I had class, this will have to be thrown in my problem pile, it would come up again soon, they always do.

Biology wasn't the best class. Don't get me wrong, learning about my body was very interesting, merely today was not one of the better ones. In Biology, I sat in the last row, first seat - in front of me I had a great view of the teacher and his desk, and to the side, I had an even better view of the outside life, being seated next to the classrooms window.

While I suppose to be paying attention to the teacher, my mind wondered off into the outside life, staring off into trees, and watching a car pass by. I wondered what Damian was doing; when would I see him again; would he ever want to hang out with me. I knew the answer to that. Damian was a good guy, his heart searches for furs who need help, and he'll help them.

Damian also had a good reputation here at the school, the football team's captain, a member of the wrestling team, and on the debate team. I wondered how far someone would go to help. Would they give up their step on the ladder for anyone?

That question stuck with me as the day passed on, from third block, to fourth, I thought about what type of fur Damian truly is, until finally coming to a solution. I would just have to see for myself, ask Damian to hang out, and see just how far he would go for me...

The bell rung to release people that day - I rushed directly to room 193, the place our French Club meeting was held. It was difficult traveling up the stream of furs trying to exit, but once I got there, I was greeted by none other than Steve. I walked up to him smiling.

"Ba..." I was stopped as he raised his hand.

"I don't have long, let's do this so we can go." I nodded and we started off toward the restroom - he lead the way.

Once we made it to the restroom, he opened the door for me, I thought it was sweet and heartwarming for him to be such a gentleman until I walked in the rest room to see two guys, a Tiger and Human (Humans were not common in areas, they started dying out a long time ago after mixed breeding with furs - he was one of the few purebred), standing centered in the restroom, looking directly at me.

"Duster, meet my friends Clay," He pointed at the Tiger. "and Jordan." He directed my attention to the Human. The two guys were fairly big. They were not as tall or big as Steve, but still had nice height on them. These guys couldn't have been freshmen, I knew most of the freshmen class, those two never came across my eye today. "They are going to play with us today."

"W-what?" I looked back at Steve, shocked, confused, and terrified. "No, I don't think so..."

Steve glanced up at his friends, "Give us a second." He said then pulled me to the side. "Look, I told these guys they could play with us, and I don't want to disappoint my friends."

"I'm not doing that!" I said with a little authority in my voice, something I never had to do. "I don't know those guys, you know how I feel about stuff like this. Usually someone in the party starts to get a little too out of hand, I'm not taking that chance."



"Yeah, forget it," He said. I thought I had one the fight, feeling a little relieved until... "Forget us as well."

As he said that my heart pounded my chest to a point I felt pain. I couldn't retaliate with an argument, I was mad, but also scared, so I said the first question that anyone would ask...

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Forget our relationship, me and you are through. You're not about to make me look bad in front of my friends." He spat and backed away from me. "Go to your fucking French thing."

"I...." I was rendered speechless. The next thing I did was cling on to my only hope of happiness, it felt like a stupid thing to do, but I reacted on pure pressure. "Ok! I'll do it, but please...please can this be the first and only time we ever do anything like this?"

"Sure." Steve looked up at his friends and gave them a nod. "This will never happen again, promise, yeah." He pushed me in front of him, moving me forward until in the middle of the three. "Now this should be easy, all you're going to do is suck our cocks a little till we explode in your mouth. The faster you do this the better, it shouldn't take long with that awesome mouth of yours."

"Ok," I was scared to death, but that comment made me blush, a little.

"Now, get to work, slut." Clay, the tiger, said, grinning. They all started to chuckle.

I did as told and kneeled down on my knees. All three guys unzipped their pants, letting their cocks flop out of its containment. Looking at all three, I noticed Steve had the largest - horses usually did. I started on his first, slowly licking the tip before going down on it, taking his cock in my maw. I started tedious, and worked my way up, bobbing with more speed.

"Hey, you have two other cocks over here, they need attention too!" I retreated from Steve's cock, turned around to see it was Clay who spoke. I held Steve's cock in my paw, gently stroking it, and filled my mouth with Clays rock hard member. Clay appeared to enjoy the blowjob a little more than Steve - he was filling my mouth with his precum soon as his cock hit my tongue. "Ohhhhhh....kid....that feels soooo good!"

That was my cue to take it up a notch. I came up to his tip and sucked his cock like a straw and taking in all of his delicious pre. The tiger let out a mrawl, followed by a few moans and grunts.

At first this seemed like a bad idea, but once I was down here, I started to enjoy it. Hearing a guy moan and groan from the things I did made me feel alive. I wasn't a slut, I just liked to please someone, I would get the same satisfaction out of helping an old woman across the street.

After a few more growls of satisfaction, I removed my muzzle from Clay's cock and turned too Jordan. Clay seemed a little disappointed, but he got over it. Seeing Jordan's cock made me drop Steve's and use both paws to hold the human's. I've never seen a human cock, not even in porn. I rubbed my paw over it - he shivered at my touch. It was so smooth...

I observed the human's cock for a short time, I didn't exactly have a lifetime to do this. I opened my mouth and covered the cock with my warm saliva. Jordan must have never had his cock sucked because his entire body clenched as his member entered my muzzle.

"Oh my God! That feels good..." Jordan said before I even had a chance to suck on him yet. I chuckled. I decided to give him the best blowjob he'll ever receive. I started full force, rocking my head back and forth, his cock bumping the back of my throat.

Jordan was shooting out his precum in the buckets, I almost thought I would drown from the incredible amount of pre this guy released. As I was pleasuring my bf's friend, I could hear whispering going on from behind. The first thing that came to mind was that I was being complimented on the good job I was performing.

But I was wrong.

As I was giving the human oral, I suddenly felt my tail being jerked around. I let out a yelp and turned around to see what was going on, letting that smooth cock fall drop out of my muzzle. Clay had grabbed my tail and pulled me back, bringing my ass against his pelvis.

"Maybe we can have a little more fun, slut." Clay said in a deep and frightening voice.

"No, I don't want to do anything else! Blowjobs and that's it!" I looked up at Steve to see him laughing. What did he see funny in this? I was scared, and the tears began to form as my mind raced in the heat of the moment.

Clay began clawing away my pants, successfully bringing them down to mid-hips. I was, how they say, 'Scared Shitless'? I was in the schools restroom, giving oral to two guys I've never met, and about to get raped. Clay brought his big arm over my head, forcing me down.

"Clay, dude...that's enough..." I could hear someone say, I knew it wasn't Steve, probably because I could still hear him chuckling in the background, so I assumed it was Jordan.

"Naw, I'm gonna make this slut my bitch." Clay grind his hips to my ass, an d purred evilly.

I continued to struggle, but the mass of weight against my neck was simply too much for my small frame. My strive to remove the large cat off of me ended in failure, in the end I was weak and out of energy. Small muscles, tiny body, no power made me helpless.

"Please stop..." I said weakly. It didn't appear that he heard me, I was so drained, my voice wasn't able to travel far.

Clay continued to pull my pants down until they were beneath my ass. He had a full view of my bottom, and at that moment was able to do anything he wanted.

Was there no one to help me? I caught a look of Jordan. He looked confused, and probably more scared than me. I could see he wanted to stop Clay, but simply didn't have the power to. Steve, my boyfriend could still be heard chuckling. I couldn't believe that he wasn't helping me, I thought he loved me...

I felt Clay's claws drift up and down my bare ass, then catching it in a firm grasp. "Bottoms up!"