Some Lion Yiff (Short and Sweet)

Story by Rags on SoFurry

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Okay, let's cut to the chase. A lot of you readers out there are not reading stories for the plots, characters, or any of that stuff.

Fair enough.

Some of you just want to get into the REAL point of the story: the yiff. Yiff in a story and in art are two completely different things, and the thrill of each is unique. Art cannot do what literature does, and vice versa. Yet I digress...the point here is that you want to read about some sex. Lots of sex. Steamy, sticky, sweaty, in and out orgasmic procreation.

"Give the people what they want," says I. Because I talk to myself on a regular basis. Don't we? Yes we do. Jolly good.

Let us take any two animals, one male, and one female. Let us take...lions. Lions are good. Strong, powerful, mighty, redundant lions. Let's keep things simple. There was a male lion named...Leo. Simple as can be. And Leo had his eyes on one of the pride's lionesses. Let's call her...Leia. Still pretty damn simple. Now Leo and Leia were both interested in each other, and each of them had been looking at the other from across the way for some time now. Blah, blah, blah, love story. This isn't a love story. This is a sex story. Two different things. So these two felines stared at each other lovingly, wishing they were together...blah, blah, blah.

Well enough staring. Staring doesn't make a good story. But sex sells. Yay sex.

Leo held her around his arms, the heat of her body was overwhelming his senses. Her smell was intense, and he could smell her pheromones that were so highly concentrated around him. His erection under his loincloth was begging to be let out. Not literally. That would be freaky. But would make one hell of a story. I just got a new idea...anyway, Leo caressed her body to his and kissed her. His tongue licked her muzzle and her neck with a rough, yet gentle grace. Her light tan fur rubbed against his body in a million angles and they felt like they were literally connected. Then Leo began his move.

He reached behind him and loosened the strap of his garment, which fell away to the ground under him silently. His erection sprang out like a released animal ready to feed or flee. It pulsed with an intense beat that he could feel as his heart palpitated in the excitement. Her breasts were unclothed in front of his eyes. His face turned to look at her, and she smiled at him with an understanding grace. His hands moved to her buttocks and caressed them. He felt down with one hand and held his warm penis and put it up to her vagina, resting it there for a moment, letting the suspense build a bit more before he finally plunged in.

She gave a gasp as he did this, the feeling of him inside of her a surprise. Her face lit up with ecstasy, and she slowly opened her eyes to lool back at Leo's, but his eyelids were clenched tightly in his own pleasure. Her warmth and her grasp on him were perfect in tandem. He could not resist growling and even purring lowly with the intensity of his joy. No matter what he did, he could not stop himself from pushing in and pulling out of her. After a few moments he began to lick her breasts gently, his tongue fondling her sensitive skin, her grip tightening around his back, the entire scene unbearably ecstatic. She felt soon after that the lion's grip on her tighten for a second. Leo could not hold it back any longer and he ejaculated into her with ferocity, sending some of the semen out of her with his retractions.

He was gasping by now, his breath on her chest only added to her pleasure. His strong grip on her and his tender oral maneuvering made her wince and groan. His own face was alight in ecstasy, as her vagina was hot and tight. Her fur was ruffled up by the sweat that was forming on the both of them, and every little movement that he made into her send a wave of pleasure through her body. She held her hands in his mane as he licked her nipples tenderly. She let out a loud gasp of pleasure, so loud that some of the others turned to see what was going on.

Some of the others just watched them for a moment. This was expected. One has no privacy in the middle of the savanna. They watched the young pair as they mated orgasmically, listening to the noises they made, watching his length push into her as she tightened her grasp around his body. They didn't care if half the pride knew what they were doing. Leo was too busy concentrating on her that he paid no heed to anyone else. All he felt was the intense pleasure as he pushed into her, his semen lubricating the flesh and making his motions smoother. Everyone else in the pride wished they could be them, and some of them watched the two still out of the corner of their eyes and pretended not to be looking when in reality it was the only thing they were interested in.

Leo was a strong male, but eventually he became weary in the arms. He pulled out of her and said that his arms just couldn't hold her up anymore. She let go her grip on him and then moved in front of him. She turned away from him and got on her knees and looked back, telling her that he could rest his arms this way. He smiled to himself and moved up to her, putting his hands around her waist and pulling himself up to her rear. He felt out her vagina behind her and pushed into it deeply with his length, the heat of her buttocks on his belly giving him a sense of pleasure as well. He humped her with as he looked about at some of the others who were watching. They, when he turned, looked away a bit and pretended to be busy looking at something else, but that would be like your parents catching you looking at porn and you saying you were only looking at the advertisements on the side of the screen. Whatever you say, son. No more internet for you.

Leo didn't care about them . He actually liked it to see them watch. He liked it to know that the others could not have something he had that moment. Let them stare, and let them be jealous of him. Ha, ha. He smiled at the thought. His grip on Leia tightened and he made sure that she did not move as he rocked forwards and back, his erection pushing and pulling into the tight lioness with fervor. She groaned on the grass and gripped the ground tightly, trying to resist her wishes to gasp aloud again and send the entire pride into notice of them. The other females watched her and became very jealous as she lay there on her knees, the strong Leo mounting her from behind and mating with her.

He pulled out of her after a time, saying that he was too tired to continue. She was tired as well, and their hearts beat with powerful palpitation that preceded the pounding of post procreation repasse. That was an awkward line... They rested there on the grass after he was finished. He lay there looking up into the sky, still naked, letting the light breeze blow over him. She lay next to him, her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat and wondering when they would be able to have such a pleasurable time again. Her fingers stroked his mane (the one on his head) and she rubbed his chest. The others in the pride still looked at them, trying to soak up whatever pleasure they could from the sight of them lying there naked together, the same way that you are now. Don't deny it.

Well, since they were lions, about thirty minutes later, Leo grabbed Leia's behind, got her on her knees, and the whole thing started over again.

Now wasn't that a lovely tale of a penis and a vagina and the love they shared? Stirring.

Of course that's the problem with these Yiff stories: There's always a let down at the end.

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