The Daddy Next Door

Story by Motto on SoFurry

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Tired from work Harold only wants to relax when his neighbor comes a knocking. Promised food with a side of eye candy he helps his neighbor and gets more than he bargained for, but everything he wanted.

Frozen Dinner has to be one of the most depressing combinations of words. It was right underneath Mandatory Overtime. I watched the microwavable meal spin around and around. The plastic crinkling before rising as steam escaped from the small holes I poked in it with a fork.

Turning away from the microwave I walked into my living room and dropped myself on the couch. I crumbled in on myself and I let the softness of the couch take me. A sigh escaped my lips and magnified my awareness of how tired I was from work. Twelve hours of work in a stuffy warehouse didn't do a body well. Reaching into my jeans pocket I pulled out my phone and began searching through it.

The feed of funny videos and updates on the happenings of friend's that I brought up was a welcome distraction. As I used my thumb to swipe from video to post to comment I found myself relaxing more and more. Moving from a sitting position I laid down on my side, resting my head on the opposite arm rest to my feet. When I couldn't find the right spot to let my shoulder sit comfortably underneath me I turned over onto my back.

Between pictures from a friends vacation by the coast and an advertisement I nodded off.

Someone pounded on my apartment door brought me back to the waking world and caused me to sit bolt upright. Catching my phone as it slid off my chest I looked around for a reason there was knocking. There was no fire, my microwaveable meal hadn't exploded while I slept. It just got sadder, having sat in the microwave for however long my nap was.

"Harold are you home?" the familiar voice of my neighbor came before a series of heavy knocks. I stood up with a groan and headed for the door. I didn't often talk with Mr. Murphy. Though our small conversations in the halls or at the washing machines told me he was a good guy. One thing I knew was that he was recently divorced after a long marriage and was trying to get back on his feet.

Coming to the door I opened it and looked up into Mr. Murphy's face. I was below average in height for a grizzly, but Mr. Murphy was tall for a croc. Tall enough and wide enough that he had to duck his head and step in sideways through most doors. "Oh good, you are home. Would you mind helping me put together some furniture?" He stepped back from the door to give me room.

"I don't know, I am kind of tired from work." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"I'll buy us both pizza and got a few cold beer in the fridge" Mr. Murphy had me at pizza.

"From Francesco right?" I hedged. Locally owned and operated Francesco was ran by a man who knew pizza better than some people knew the back of their hands. Everything that came out of the store was a masterpiece.

"Of course." He gave me a wide friendly smile. "Where else would I order it from?" he gave a big hearty laugh that made his t-shirt rise enough to show a strip of dark green and cream colored belly. A size too small the shirt looked to be the type you kept to lounge around in. It was stained and had a few holes in it. Grabbing the bottom of his shirt Mr. Murphy yanked it down.

Having grown up with the internet at my finger tips I learned early on what kind of things got me going. Mr. Murphy checked most of those boxes.

Hoping my dark fur hid the rising color of my face I slipped out into the hallway, locking the door behind me. "Lead the way." I gestured down the hall to his door.

Having been built decades ago, the whole apartment building had a lived in feel. The paint in the hallways was chipped and the number plates on some doors was lopsided, but it was nice. The rent was affordable, even for a guy living alone, and on a nicer side of town that was a short bus ride away from the city.

"Welcome to my hole in the wall." Mr. Murphy said before opening his door and strolling inside.

Setup just like my own, from the kitchen and living room combo to the thin gray carpet, Mr. Murphy's apartment had a vastly different vibe. Mr. Murphy replaced the wispy curtains the apartment had with thicker sun blocking ones to go over the wide balcony window. He offset the darkness of the room with floor lamps in the corners. It made his whole home feel homier.

"What would you want on your pizza?" He asked as he went to the coffee table he was building in front of his couch.

"Pepperoni and extra mozzarella?" I offered, since presumably he'd be ordering a pie for us both. Walking over to where he knelt on the floor I looked over his work. Having almost completed the table he only needed to finish attaching the table-top to the legs. From the looks of it he was doing quite a good job of it too.

"Good man, don't overload it with toppings." he said with a grunt as he reached under the table and finished one side of it "Go ahead and grab one of the flat packs. I got a lot to put up here."

Looking over my shoulder to where he pointed with a screw drive I found a dozen flat packed furniture. They were all stacked up against the wall. Looking at all he had I started to see why he needed help. This was an all day job for one person. Turning around to ask which one to start with and where to put it I found the words turning to sand as my mouth dried up.

Laying down on his back Mr. Murphy had his head underneath the table and was tightening down screws. Which put everything on display for me. His shirt rode up his belly as he reached above his head. Below the big round gut was his bulge and even in the loose sweats he wore I could see the bulge he had going on.

Managing to keep enough sense about me I turned around as Mr. Murphy began sitting up. Grabbing a random flat pack I turned back to the gator. "Where do you want this? And got any extra tools." I managed to keep my voice almost steady as I found my words.

"Ah, that book shelf. Let's put it in the bedroom. Follow me." Grabbing the bottom of his shirt with one hand and propping himself up with the other Mr. Murphy got to his feet.

My heart was in my throat as I stayed put while he moved towards his bedroom. Feeling myself starting to panic a little I took a couple deep breaths. When my mind was clear I started to beat my libido into submission with a few logical thoughts. Mr. Murphy was as old as my dad. I might have been with men that age before, but he was probably straight and already dating someone. The likelihood I'd get so lucky to find an older guy, who was into other guys, and interested in me was as unlikely. With that kind of luck I should start playing the lottery.

"You coming?" Mr. Murphy said sticking his head out of his room. Having made it there while I pulled myself together.

"Yeah here I come Mr. Murphy." I told him as I picked up the flat pack to drag it into the room.

"Call me Mitch. It's easier and less of a mouthful." the tiniest of smirk crossed his face, as if he made a joke only he got. Turning around he popped back into his bedroom.

Giving my rising libido another reality check I entered his room. Noticing something as I made the turn. Unlike my apartment his bedroom was on the right rather than the left. Which meant, my bedroom was right up against his. That realization crumpled any bit of hope I still had left. I wasn't the most active bachelor, but I still had a few hookups over and watched porn regularly. The chances Mr. Murphy had heard me jacking off or with another guy was high. That fact mortified me.

"Over here looks good" Standing against the wall both our room shared Mr. Murphy pointed down to a spot.

"Sure, still need something to build these with." I pointed out.

"Ahh here, I'll get another one from my tool box." Walking back around his bed Mr. Murphy handed me the screwdriver he still had in his hand.

"Thanks." Grabbing the screwdriver I lugged the flatbed around the bed. Mr. Murphy's bed was not the standard the apartment offered. The frame was solid black wood with a nice headboard. A black and white checkered comforter covered the bed with a pair of matching pillows up near the headboard.

"Welcome. I'll bring in the few other things I want to put in my bedroom after I order the pizza okay?" Seeing me nod my head in acknowledgment Mr. Murphy left the room.

I didn't need to ask for anymore tools the book shelf only took a screwdriver and a bit of patience to build. Building large bookshelves and a few smaller shelving units in the bedroom we moved to the living room. Where we finished up the entertainment center and a few other shelves.

We were moving the TV, and the other electronics Mr. Murphy had, into the entertainment center, when the pizza arrived. "How about we break for food, you go grab a few paper plates and beers from the kitchen."

Starting to feel how tired I was I grunted an affirmative and went to the kitchen. Grabbing the paper plates and napkins off the counter I moved to the table in the corner of the living room. Dropping those off I came back for the drinks. I have never been much for beer, so I grabbed a few cans of soda for me and the rest of a six-pack from the fridge for Mr. Murphy.

Thanking the pizza guy Mr. Murphy closed the door with his hip. Rather than the one pizza I expected Mr. Murphy held three pizzas in his arms.

"Woah, what's with all the pizza Mr. Murphy?" I asked as he walked to the table and dropped the pizzas off.

Slapping the top of the pizza boxes with a big hand he gave me a hard look. "Now I know you're not hard of hearing son. Were not on my job site. So call me Mitch, okay?" While I am sure he didn't mean for the look to do so the weight behind it made my blood start to pump. I have a thing for authority figures, and he just checked another box. If I had him for a boss I am sure I'd never get a lick of work done.

"Sure Mitch." I fumbled over the name "What's with all the pizzas?" Hopeful as ever my libido started to wake up.

"One for you to take home and one for dinner now. It's only right, you helped me out a lot." The hard look was gone, replaced by a smirk again.

"I won't turn down food, I've been a hungry college student." Pulling up a seat I placed Mitch's plate on the opposite end of the pizza boxes and slid the beers over.

"I didn't know you went to college, what you go for?" Cracking open one of the beers Mitch took his box off the stack and slid my two closer to me. In Mitch's hand the beer looked tiny in comparison. Flipping open the top of his box with Mitch pulled a slice out of his. He had gotten sausage and peppers.

"I went for computer engineering at Tri-A." I began to tell him as I opened one of the boxes. Tri-A was the local community college, a cheaper alternative to out of state and even instate colleges. "Got my two years there and couldn't afford to go for the four-year anywhere else." Taking the first bite of pizza I groaned in pure pleasure. Still hot the cheese was melty, the sauce was just right, and the pepperonis had the right amount of spice. It was artery clogging heaven.

"I hear that story way too much, most of the kids that work on my crew have the same story." Mitch said between one swallow of pizza and the next. Finishing off his beer Mitch went for one of the two he had left.

"Crew?" I asked when my mouth wasn't full.

Putting his half-eaten slice down Mitch leaned back in his chair. "I am foreman on a construction crew. All the young guys have the same story. Either they couldn't afford to finish up college or they're up to their eyeballs in debt."

Finishing the slice and cleaning my fingers I nodded my head. "Yeah, up until I landed the job with a shipping company I was in the same boat. I'd go back, but I don't have the time. But, I got lucky and don't owe too much."

Mitch folded his slice over and finished it off with a few quick bites. Swallowing he continued. "You should go back, even if it's a class at a time. So, are you dating anyone?" Seeing the panic on my face his question brought on Mitch laughed. "My kids have that same look when I ask."

"No, though not from a lack of trying. I am either too wiped out from the job to go on dates after work or find out they live too far away to date." I told him as I grabbed another slice of pizza.

Stuffing my mouth full of Pizza I used it as an excuse to try to drop the conversation. While he probably knew, because our bedrooms' shared a wall, I didn't relish the idea of explaining I was gay. With him being older I didn't know how he'd react.

"Ahh, I know how that feels. Me and Jessica, when we were still together, barely shared an hour a day together. She worked nights, I worked days."

Feeling the conversation was safe enough I stopped devouring pizza long enough to ask, "Is that the reason you to split up?" Knowing they weren't at each other's necks like other divorcees I thought it'd be a safe place to steer the conversation.

"Nah, with her being an on call nurse she knew and understood scheduling conflicts." Taking a deep breath he looked up and away as he spoke. "No, we called it quits because we didn't feel the same way about each other. It could have been any number of things, but the spark just wasn't there anymore. We are working on being friends, but we have to let the hurt heal you know?"

Having my own share of ex's I knew the pain of growing apart from one. I don't think I ever could be friends with any of mines though. "Yeah, I understand."

Putting my pizza down for a moment I thought of a safer subject, since dating and marriage wasn't safe subjects for either of us. "I like your apartment. I might get a pair of black out curtains like yours."

Snapping out of whatever memory that was pulling him in Mitch shook his head. "Oh yeah, they're nice. A friend of mine who works nights suggested them. Do you have any plans for your days off?"

"I plan to sit around my house wearing as little clothing as I can manage." Grabbing a paper towel I wiped my lips of the sauce and grease coating them.

"Why not go out, find you a bar and have some fun with friends or hook up with someone?"

Without thinking, I said "I never been a club person and haven't found a gay club I want to go to." When I caught myself I tensed up, hoping he hadn't noticed.

He noticed.

Rocking back in his chair Mitch put an arm over the back and scratched his chin. "I'd say go to The Purple Panther, but that was a club back in my day. So I don't know if that is still around."

I just looked at him as that smirk came back. "I thought you had a wife." was all I could manage to say.

"I did," Raising his beer to his lips he drained the can "but that was before I met her when I was young. Hooked up with a lot of guys there. If it is still open I wonder if they still have that backroom."

"I mean, I thought you were straight." I responded, grasping where the conversation was headed.

"I fuck who I like, I don't know what that makes me. Probably Bisexual."

Snapping my mouth closed I slouched back in my chair. All I could think was that I should go buy a lottery ticket. Covering my eyes with my hand, I asked what was on my mind. "Since you know I am gay, and you're Bi, I have to ask. Have you heard me and guys going at it?"

"Once or twice. In truth, I fall asleep on my couch more often than I should." He said and chuckled. Lifting my hand I looked at him, mortified. The smirk had become a full-blown self-assured smile as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Nothing to be ashamed of. You're still young. Before Jessica came around it was a new guy or girl every other day. I am lucky I was smart enough to wrap it up."

"You've got a better batting record than me." I sulked "I got a few friends I fool around with, but that's once or twice a month."

"I am right there with you, haven't had much action since I split with Jessica a year or so ago." Reaching for and cracking the last beer he had he continued " How about we both fix our problems?"

I looked up at the croc. With him talking about how he fooled around with guys my cock had steadily grown harder. Now, with his offer, my libido came back with avengence. Stumbling over my words I sat up out of my seat. "Yes!" I blurted out.

"Alright, let me get another slice, or two, and then we can head to the bedroom son." leaning back in his chair one hand dipped below the table while the other went for pizza. "Unless you don't mind starting while I stuff my face?"

Maybe it was the long time since I got laid, or the fact I hit the jackpot, but I couldn't think of one reason not to slip under the table. Getting down on my hands and knees I went nose to groin with Mitch's bulge. He was wearing a pair of boxer briefs covered in leopard print.

As he spread his legs I reached for the sweats that were around his knees and pulled them down past his ankles. Mitch's hand didn't have any trouble palming the back of my head and press my face right up against his bulge. While I had been smelling it all day I only started to notice it now, with my face pressed against Mitch's bulge. Mitch smelled good. His natural scent reminded me of something smokey and of the forest. The closest thing I could think of is the smell of a log thrown onto the fire as it pops and sizzles.

"Stay right there son." he told me as he released my head to grab the elastic of his underwear. Scooting back enough to pull his underwear down Mitch took off his briefs. Tossing them off into the living room somewhere. "There we go." Grabbing his length Mitch gave his hard cock a slow pump. Colored a shade darker than the cream color of his belly his cock was fat. Thicker in the middle and at the head of his cock looked to be a real jaw breaker. Watching him pump his cock, pulling his foreskin down to show a fat purple head, made my jaw ache.

"God you're huge." I marveled as I hefted one of his balls, they were as big as oranges. With his mouth full of Pizza his only reply was to scratch the back of my head. Shivers and goosebumps to ran up my back.

Knowing what I would want me to do if I was in Mitch's place I leaned in and took the head of his cock in my mouth. Slightly salty in taste his cock head was covered in pre. Staying there I sucked on the head gently. When I started to run my tongue over his urethra his hand tightened around the back of my head, fisting in my hair. Choking down food Mitch pounded his chest to get it all done.

"Not your first time with a big cock huh?" It was with one as big as his. "Keep doing that and I'll be knocking on your door more often." That was all I needed to hear.

Closing my eyes and grabbing fist fulls of his thick thighs I took more of his cock in.. The only reason I stopped moving deeper was the fact I could get the fat head down my throat, yet. Pushing his legs further apart I started to bob my head up and down, twisting and turning my head as I went. I was going to get that cock down my throat, even if I ended up choking on it.

Drawing out a deep throaty "Fuck" as I went to work Mitch grabbed my head and started to hump. "Hold on son, if you want to take it, I'll help you." He said. Dropping his pizza to the plate he grabbed my head in both hands and pulled me down while pushing his hips forward. Tears beaded at the corner of my eyes as Mitch forced my throat to spread for his cock.

"That's it, take that cock boy!" he growled as scooted to the edge of his seat.

Getting past the fat middle of his cock I started to choke. Before he could get the words out to ask me if I was alright I was squeezing both of my thumbs and pushed forward, forcing my gag reflex to relax. It was an old trick a friend trick a friend told me over beers and it paid off. He pulled me down the rest of the way and humped my face, grinding me into the softness of his groin.

"Fuck you look good with a cock down your throat son." he told me as he slid his cock back enough to let the head slide from my throat. Catching a choking breath and swallowing down spit I wiped the moisture from my eyes. "Yeah, going to be coming to you more often. Let's move this to the couch, so I can get at that mouth of your's." He said as he pulled me back down he humped my face a few more times while he finished off his last beer.

Raising my left hand I gave him a thumbs up, choking around his cock in the process.

Coming out slick and dripping with throat slime Mitch gave his cock a slow pump. The hand that wasn't taking care of his cock folded his remaining slice of pizza over before he devoured it.

Getting to my feet I felt my knees pop and groaned. The couch did sound a lot better than the thin carpet covering the floor.

Finishing his pizza while I stretched Mitch grabbed my ass. "Loss the clothes son. I'll go get the condoms." Letting go of my ass Mitch dragged his hand up my back, lifting my shirt. Stopping only when he got to the shoulder's blade.

"Sure." Lightheaded from the whole situation I didn't think before I started to pull off my shirt.

With Mitch disappearing into the bedroom I folded my clothes and laid them in my chair at the table. Walking over to the couch I imagined how best I could drape myself over it. Deciding it'd be good if Mitch had some room on the couch too I laid down on my back over half of it. Letting my legs layover an arm rest. Sized for someone Mitch's size I left more than enough room for him on the couch.

Coming back out with the condoms Mitch laid them on the table and ran a hand down my body. "Looks like you're all set son." Reaching down past my belly he gave my cock a squeeze before coming back up to pinch a nipple. Squeezing it between thumb and forefinger. The goosebumps were back and my cock jumped to attention.

Having stripped out of his clothes Mitch let it all hang free. Like a lot of men who worked physical labor he was no slouch. He had a big belly and was soft around the edges, but he had a sense of solidness to himself.

Placing one knee on the couch beside my head Mitch leaned down. The hand not playing with my moobs grabbed his cock around the base and smacked it on my lips. His balls already resting on my forehead. "Knock Knock." He said pulling back his cock and aiming down.

With his tip sliding back into my mouth he grabbed a nipple in each hand as he sank down. Pinching them between forefinger and thumb again he twisted them and pulled. "That's it boy!" He growled as he thrust forward. Burying himself in my throat again his thrust pushed me down into the cushions of the couch. Holding himself sheathed in my throat he leaned forward. Pinning me underneath his big belly and squishing my muzzle with crotch.

"If you need air son slap my belly." With that invitation I started to grope and play with his belly, running my hands along the curve. Grunting as I played with his gut Mitch picked up his hips and started to fuck my face.

He started slow at first and eased into a more moderate pace that had his balls slapping against my face. Every few thrusts he'd bury himself to the hilt and let his cock pulse as my throat squeezed it. I took to sucking harder when he did and got rewarded with him doing it more often.

Already riled up from the time at the table it didn't take long before his cock started to pulse. Switching to shorter thrusts that ground my head into the seat cushions Mitch didn't pull his cock out long enough for me to catch a breath. I took to squeezing his belly as I got low on air and my lungs began to protest.

"A. Bit more. Son." He urged me, his voice rougher and deeper. Practically laying on top of me Mitch leaned his whole bulk on me, squeezing what little air I had left out. A moment later I felt his cock began to as he unloaded down my gullet. Giving one or two more thrusts he stopped and just laid on me.

His body was warm and like the warmest blanket I'd ever had. Any other time I would have appreciated it, but I couldn't hold on anymore. Reaching a hand up I slapped his side two times. Four times. Nine times. Stars exploded behind my eyes as I squeezed them shut.

Just when I thought I might pass out on his cock Mitch lifted his hips up and pulled out fully. His cock, still in the throes of orgasm, dribbled cum over my face and chest as it sprang out of my throat. "You did good boy" he said laying back down, smother me underneath him.

Choking around the first few breaths I slowed down and filled my lungs with his musky smokey scent. No longer choking I let my hands flop down above my head.

After catching my breath I began to lap and lick at his cock as it laid across my face. My mouth in the spot where his balls and cock met while my nose was squarely in the sack. The rumbling that from Mitch's belly egged me on to lick more, ignoring the soreness that tried to settle in my Jaw.

I was almost sad when he pulled himself up off of me and sat on the unoccupied cushion. "Hope you still with me son." Mitch said and grabbed one of my moobs again. Squeezing and squishing it in his hand he used his thumb to play with the nipple.

Seeing as he didn't mind calling me son I decided to throw caution to the wind. "Still here daddy." Usually I'd ask before flinging that word around, since it scared some guys off. This time it just seemed right and Mitch seemed to like it.

"That's good, get your mouth over her boy." his words husky and rough as he spoke them. Still, half hard Mitch's cock laid against his inner thigh. As I rolled over onto my front Mitch leaned back and gave me more room, taking his belly out of the way. "Before you get to work grabbed the lube off the table."

Having only just noticed the big bottle of lube he brought out with the condoms when he pointed it out I grabbed it. Laying across his thigh I handed him the bottle. With my hands free I stroked his cock. After a few pumps I leaned in and took the softish length into my mouth. The angle didn't let me take much of his cock in. I let my hand take care of most of his cock while I went back to licking over the head.

I heard the snap of the bottle opening up moments before I felt a big finger slide between my cheeks. Slick with lube Mitch pressed his finger right up against my hole. When it didn't slide in he began to massage it small circles, occasionally stopping to drag his finger across my hole while pressing down hard.

Focusing on relaxing myself enough to let him in I slowed my licking. With just a moment of discomfort Mitch's finger slid inside of me. Pumping his finger in and out a few times Mitch pulled his hand back out to reapply lube before he got to work. Sliding his finger back inside of me Mitch switched his position so that he was kneeling on the couch again. His big belly rested on the back, though this time he didn't lean all its weight on me. Grabbing my ass with his other hand Mitch worked his finger in deeper. By the time he got it all in he was curling his finger, in a come hither type motion, as he pulled it out. At the same time he tried to spread my ass with a second finger.

Mitch's cock firmed back up in no time in my mouth. He started to thrust his hips forward at a slow lethargic pace, but most of his attention was on my ass. Not that I was minding.

Mitch's finger did things to me that made me grow hot under the collar and my toes curl. The pure pleasure his two digits brought left me squirming. Most of the time I was the one doing the preparing before a guy showed up. The rare times a guy used his fingers on me it was always quick and utilitarian. Get me ready enough so they could slip in. And sure, that was what Mitch was doing, but he was taking his time with it. Experience made sure he knew just the right places press on and just how firm he had to be.

Pulling my mouth from around his cock I buried my face into the seat cushions and raised my hips. A low pitiful whine escaped my lips as he kept on going. My cock was drooling and I sure I was leaving a stain on his couch, not that I cared about anything but the pleasure his fingers brought on.

"You like that huh? Daddy stretching you out, so he doesn't split you in half when he fucks you?" He teased. Knowing he couldn't see it I still nodded my head. He must have gotten the message somehow because I could hear the grin in his voice. "I know, don't worry. I am going to make you feel good boy." Sliding both fingers inside of me at the same time Mitch pushed one up and the other one down. Pressing on my prostate and making my stretch that bit more as he pulled out.

Dipping his hips low Mitch scratched the back of my head. "Come on, get back to work boy." Lifting my head I found myself eye to eye with the slick purple head of his cock. Eager to please and not sure what else to do I aimed his cock down with my hand and started sucking again. I didn't have any rhythm at all, I just sucked on as much of him as I could. Hoping to show him a little of the pleasure he was showing me.

Bringing a third finger down Mitch rubbed it along the outside of my hole. I bucked back in anticipation of what he could do with it. "Easy now." he urged before he started to try pressing it in alongside the others. Eager and worked up as I was the finger slid in without much more work. Stacked on top of the other two.

Sliding his three fingers into me Mitch moved them around a bit more before pulling them out completely. My hole felt empty with his fingers gone. "There you go boy. Ready for some drilling." Mitch pulled himself from my mouth and stood up off the couch.

Grabbing my hips Mitch pulled me over so that my ass was facing him and my front his kitchen. Getting comfortable in the position I rested my chest on the back of the couch and spread my legs.

Hearing the sound of foil ripping open I looked over my shoulder. Mitch had the gold foil wrapper of a condom between his teeth. Plucking it from his mouth James tossed the wrapper over his shoulder and started to work the condom down his cock. My jaw sympathized with the condom. The beige colored protection looked strained as it was stretched around his cock.

Done rolling it down his length Mitch grabbed my hips. His big hand squeezing my soft sides. "Knock Knock." Mitch tapped his cock on the top of my ass before sliding it down between my cheeks. Reaching behind himself for the lube Mitch dribbled it down my cheeks and over his cock.

"How bad you want it boy?" Mitch asked as he capped the lube again and dropped it to the floor. Holding onto my hips he started to hump his cock up between my cheeks. Playing with my hole and coating his cock in lube Mitch kept me right where he wanted me, ass at the ready for him.

"Bad, fuck come on I need you to fuck me Daddy." I begged as I ducked my head and raised my hips. I couldn't make them go any higher with, but I didn't know what else to do to show him.

Appreciating the sentiment Mitch lined himself up with me and pushed forward. Not enough to slide in, and he kept me from pushing back. Holding me on the metaphorical edge. "Need is a strong word, you sure boy. You need daddy to fuck you?" As he talked he rocked his hips back and forth.

Unable to think straight I squeezed my eyes shut. "Yes, yes, yes." I repeated and Mitch finally let me push back. I was so thankful for him preparing me, because I don't know if I could have stopped myself. As it was now he slid in with almost no trouble, a little discomfort for how deep he reached. Nothing I couldn't work through.

"That's it boy." Mitch squeezed my hips tighter and scooted forward, resting his big belly on my back. With him holding himself inside of me I couldn't help but squeeze myself around him. The pulsing of his cock and deep groan was only the icing on the cake of feeling him inside of me.

Pulling his hips back until he was almost all the way out Mitch thrust back forward in one smooth move. His hands on my hips keeping me in place, and not pushed away by the thrust, so he could do it over and over again. Each time his hips meet my ass with a satisfying slap.

Holding me flush against his lap Mitch pushed us both forward, pinning me down between him and the back of the couch. Grabbing hold of my shoulders Mitch stepped up onto the couch. His feet settled in on either side of my knees as he leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Hold on." His words a husky demand. Picking his hips up Mitch let his weight and gravity pull them back down to my ass, those big balls smacking my ass. Lucky for me I was already held up against the couch, because if I hadn't been the new position would have driven me into it.

My mind, already empty, blanked as Mitch really leaned into the thrusts. Not a single thought or idea bounced around my head because it was full up with the pleasure of Mitch trying to pound me straight through the couch. Mitch didn't seem to be thinking about much else either. He cursed softly beside my ear when he wasn't gritting his teeth. His fists squeezing my shoulders tighter and tighter as he kept up the thrusting.

Reaching between us he spread my cheeks apart and held as much of himself as he could inside of me. At the same time he slumped against me, leaning most of his weight on me again. His hips slowing until he eventually stopped, buried inside of me.

I felt his cock jump and pulse inside of me. Even through the condom I felt the warmth of his load as it spread. Each pulse of his cock meant another shot of cum deep in my guts and a grunt in my ear.

After laying against me, for what seemed to be forever, Mitch slid back off of me. His orgasm over. Rolling over onto my back I looked at him as he pulled the condom off his cock. It looked like it could have burst at any moment. "How did you cum so much?" I asked while eyeing the not so small condom.

Tying a knot in the condom Mitch just smiled. "You ready for round two?" He asked dropping the used condom next to the box and grabbing another.

I couldn't tell for sure with the big sun blocking curtains Mitch had, but it had to be almost midnight. I didn't have work tomorrow, but I should keep a regular schedule. So of course there was only one real answer to his question.

"Yeah" I said, responsibility be damned.

"Good!" Mitch said as he finished putting on the condom.

After two more rounds Mitch decided to move to the bedroom and I went along with it. The old man was like a rabbit with how much he liked to hump. By the time he was finished with me I was a tired sweaty mess that collapsed in his arms. With my face in his chest I fell asleep snuggling up to him

What happened in the morning you may wonder? About what you'd expect. But that's for another time.