Hallex Boarding School: Romance and a Bath After Class

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Hallex Boarding School

Disclaimer: All characters belong to me, so no touchie!

Feedback: Is appreciated. Flames are not.

The double ding of the bell signaled the start of the last class of the day for the students of Hallex Boarding School. The furs of room 5 - A each took their seats, their conversations quieting as the door slid open. A tiger padded in, pausing to slide the door shut behind him "Good afternoon students."

"Good afternoon Mister Fairrington." The boys of the class replied.

Arthur Fairrington's fur differed from that of a typical tiger, holding a light gray in it's tone, his stripes a simple darker gray. The instructor was well built underneath the button-up white, long-sleeved shirt he had on, toned enough to be considered buff. Arthur was in excellent shape in his middle age. His head fur was kept short, perhaps an inch longer than the rest of his coat. His round ears held on that gray coloring, their pink interiors contrasting well with it. A pair of silver, oval-rimmed glasses sat on his muzzle over his sharp hazel eyes, leaving him with a dignified look. A pair of black dress pants held his waist, tailing down the firm lengths of his legs white a hole was tailored in the back of his slacks for the tiger's tail to emerge out of. While the shirt he wore was tucked into his pants, the cuffs of his slacks reached just above the black shoes fitted on his hind paws. A black suit jacket, matching his pants, was tossed over his shoulder, held there by a paw. Arthur strode over to the desk at the front of the class, setting his briefcase down before popping it open as he glanced among the students there "Before we start our lesson today, Mister Marten," The comment got a surprised look from a young, brown-furred rabbit in the front row of desks "Yes Mister Fairrington?"

"I'll need to see you after class. Now, let us continue from yesterday with our discussion of governmental history."

Hallex was an all-boys boarding school for high-school age furs, a well-known and respected one at that. Some of the students were sent there as a method of discipline, others sent to further their academic studies, and some for other reasons still. Travis Marten was one of those other reasons, the bunny sent due to his parents hectic scheduling. Both his mother and father were often away on business, and, not wishing their son to be left alone, had sent him to stay and study at Hallex.

Following the two dings of the bell, the students each stood and gathered their individual books and supplies before filtering out the classroom door, leaving only Mister Fairrington and Travis there seated at their own desks.

The dress code for Hallex students was a strict one, each boy to wear one uniform style in autumn and winter and an alternative style in spring and summer. The snows falling lightly outside the classroom windows told of which uniform the students, including Travis, would be wearing. The bunny's fur was a chocolate brown color, the shade covering his full body, mixing nicely with the white color of his long-sleeved button-up shirt, covering over his slender body's torso and out along his arms, cuffs settled over he bunny's almost delicate wrists. The school's emblem was set on a right breast pocket of the shirt, the garment tucked into the waist of a pair of dark tan trousers, fitted well to each student, but still managing to be a little loose on the slim rabbit. Brown shoes fitted on Travis' hind paws, while a dark tan suit jacket was draped on the back of his seat, matching the color of his pants. The pinks of his long ears also well contrasted with his chocolate brown fur, their lengths bent down forwards halfway up his ears. Travis kept his head fur as short as the rest of his coat, his brown, bright eyes matching well to his fur. His paws were pressed together, fingers interlaced as his paws rested on the desk. Watching as Mister Fairrington stood, the tiger padded to the door and slide it shut before clicking the lock closed with a twist of his paw.

Arthur moved in front of Travis' desk, keeping a stern gaze on the rabbit while he spoke a simple, firm word "Stand." The bunny complied quickly, moving to his hind paws in front of the tiger, tilting his head upwards to meet his teacher's gaze. Along with being nearly three times as old as his pupil, Arthur was a foot taller than the rabbit.

The tiger's strong arms embraced the bunny, hugging Travis against his firm chest as their lips meet, the student's arms encircling Arthur's waist "I missed you last night, my love." Came the feline's murmur into the rabbit's lips before the kiss was sealed once more. Travis squeezed his waist, clinging against Arthur's body "I missed you too. I wish I could have met you, but I had so much homework to do and-" Arthur cut him off with another kiss, the faint roughness of his tongue parting his lips, Travis' own finding the pink muscle, the moist touch always making the slender rabbit quiver.

"It's alright. Will you be able to meet me tonight?"

"Yes Arthur..." Travis whispered softly as his adoring gaze met the loving one of his teacher "Will we-"

"We will, my love." One of the tiger's paws cupped Travis' cheek "But will you stay with me after? I've waited so long to both fall asleep and wake with you in my bed, in my arms, Travis..."

"But...what if the school-"

"I'll vouch for you, tell them you were studying with me and fell asleep on the couch." Arthur's lips brushed Travis', both arms pulling the rabbit more firmly against him "Trust me Travis. I'll make sure nothing bad happens." His lips brushed the rabbit's softly once more "I love you."

"I love you too..." Travis whispered, the brown of his eyes faintly wavering with tears behind the deepening smile of his muzzle, leaning up into a passionate kiss of his teacher's lips.

Travis brushed his paws forwards of his ears and head fur several times before slipping the dark tan jacket of his uniform on, buttoning it the full way up.

"Where are you going this late?"

The rabbit pulled the cap of his uniform on, a slightly puffed hat with a brim rounding across the bottom of it's front, the school's emblem set in the middle of the hat above said brim. The hat left Travis' ears pushed down to rest against the sides of his head. Adjusting his uniform a few seconds in the mirror, Travis glanced to the fennec he shared a room with as he grabbed up his school bag "I'm going to be tutored tonight by Mister Fairrington."

"I thought you got good marks in that class though."

"I do, Jason. It's because he tutors me that I do." The fox gave a nod of understanding as Travis pulled his backpack onto his shoulders.

"Don't stay out too late. You know how stiff Mister Fairrington is about the rules."

Travis barely contained his laughter at that, nodding a few times as he padded out the door "I know..."

Travis' paw steps lead him along side the classroom doors on his way to the faculty wing of the school, a little shiver running through the rabbit as a gust of wind sent a flurry of snowflakes whirling around him. His excitement finally overwhelmed him, the rabbit breaking into a run along the walkway, pausing only when he reached down of his teacher's apartment in the faculty wing.

Lifting a paw, Travis wrapped his knuckles against the frame of the door, calling out "Mister Fairrington, it's me, Travis!" His gaze swept up and down the hallway before speaking louder "Arthur, it's me!" After several more seconds of no response, his paw tested the door to find it unlocked. Sliding it open, Travis poked his head inside and called out "Arthur? Are you here?"

"In the bathroom!" Came a soft, yet familiar voice. The rabbit slid the door shut as he padded into the apartment. Dropping his backpack onto the floor behind him, he clicked the lock in place before stepping out of his shoes. Travis pulled his hat off next, setting it atop his backpack before finally padding from the kitchen and eating area the door from the hallway led into, the bunny moving through the bedroom, peering in through the partially open door that led to the bathroom.

Arthur was in the bathtub within, the gray tiger's strong body partially submerged in soapy water. He met Travis' gaze with a warm smile "I was planning to be washed up when you got here..." The feline stood, waters trickling off his body in the motion, leaving that gray fur slicked against his muscles. The pink tip of his length was already emerged from his thick sheath, his large sac dangling beneath it "But I liked the idea of you helping me finish bathing better." Arthur paused for a wink to his student "Come on in."

With an affectionate smile, Travis stripped his uniform with practiced ease, folding each garment before setting his briefs atop the outfit, placing them all together on the counter of the bathroom next to the sink.

"Wash my back?" Arthur offered a bar of soap with his warm smile in an out-stretched paw to the rabbit. Travis nearly bounced in anticipation as he scampered to the tub, accepting the soap before Arthur caught the smaller chocolate brown paw in his larger one, pulling a surprised rabbit into a short, passionate kiss. Breaking from the touch, Arthur turned with a swish of waters, leaning his chest against the tub's edge, draping his arms over the side. His head turned, giving his smile back to the rabbit over his shoulder.

Travis was already knelt at the tub's side by then, lifting the bar between both paws, stroking it in slow, white paths through the gray fur stripped by darker gray. His fingers worked the lather in Arthur's fur, their careful massage letting out a sigh from the tiger "I keep saying you should become a masseur, with those skilled paws of yours." Travis' cheeks flushed at those words as he giggled softly "What?" Arthur glanced over his shoulder "I'm serious love. And that's good enough for now." As the tiger turned, his arms encircled the rabbit, pulling him gently into the tub, sending a bit of water sloshing over the rim. Arthur seated Travis sideways in his lap, setting a tender kiss on his short muzzle.

"Hmmm..." The soft noise slipped out through the kiss as Arthur's sharp eyes traveled the face of the rabbit in his lap.

"What is it Arthur?" Travis took a puzzled look as he broke the kiss shortly after "Something wrong?"

"I was just thinking how much I'd enjoy giving you my own personal tongue bath," That faintly rough tongue curled along Travis' lips "But that wouldn't work. My scent would be all over you, and someone would figure it out."

"But I could take a shower in the morning, and use lots of soap. Please?" Travis wiggled in Arthur's lap as his expression beamed with hope.

"Alright love..." The gray tiger murmured as he squirmed two fingers between the furry cheeks of Travis' ass, rubbing firmly along, stroking his pucker as the rabbit squirmed, letting out faint gasps from each motion of the digits "There, I think you're ready now..." Arthur purred as he stood gradually, pulling Travis up with him.

Setting Travis onto his hind paws on the tile floor, Arthur climbed out from the tub after opening the drain, letting the waters start to empty out. A slick gray paw took hold of the pink flesh already full out from it's chocolate sheath, stroking the wet fur in a deliberately slow and constant motion as Arthur padded behind the faintly moaning bunny. Pressing against his slender body from behind, Arthur drew his tongue along the length of each ear before giving each a loving nip at the inside of both ear's base. Both nips left Travis shivering; the moan from his love's paw doubled.

Arthur's tongue traced along the rabbit's neck, sliding down the chocolate brown coat further, lapping between and along his shoulder blades down to the small of his back. Pausing several seconds, the smile of Arthur's muzzle grew as Travis squirmed now to the constant motions along his cock. The tiger's maw opened slowly, his hot breath rolling across the wet fur before his muzzle closed on the puff of Travis' tail, suckling at it hard.

The touch alone made Travis' squirms intensify along with his calls of pleasure, glancing a moment to the knelt feline behind him "Arthur no!" Came an urgent voice before the rabbit's moan took it away, all to Arthur's enjoyment. He knew each spot to make his young lover squirm so very well.

"Patience my love." Arthur murmured before his suckles at the poof of fur left Travis shuddering. Gradually, his maw pulled off the puff of fur, suckling it hard in the whole unhurried motion. Arthur was quick after that; free paw pulled one of the cheeks of the rabbit's behind away from the other, pushing his muzzle's blunt tip between. Lips parted, the lightly rough tongue beginning a group of measured strokes over that sensitive pink pucker.

Travis opened his muzzle wide, bending forwards with a deeper moan, his breaths now taken in almost squeaks "Arthur!"

"We both know how much you love this, Travis..." The tiger murmured as he smiled against the bunny's rump "Just relax my love...let me bathe you..." Again, it took several seconds before Arthur could pry his muzzle away, giving each of those tender cheeks a loving nip before Arthur rose up, finally pausing his paw on Travis' member as he moved in front of the rabbit, placing a short, tender kiss on his muzzle.

The chocolate rabbit was still shuddering even as the tease of his body was paused, showing the truth behind his teacher's words. Arthur wasted no time still, starting to lower his body, his muzzle pushing under Travis' chin, lapping across his throat. The wet, rough flesh trailed through the fur of the rabbit's chest, seeking out both of his nipples, rubbing their smooth flesh with his rough tongue in each lick, both given a soft nip before his tongue traveled further down. The rabbit's nipples with stiff with even the lightest of Arthur's teasing, even the short attention his tongue gave making the rabbit moan out.

The tiger kissed around Travis' navel, his tongue dipping within it, licking along the furry indentation. Arthur kissed softly at the skin of the rabbit's stomach as he lapped into his belly button; each little motion sending quivers through his student's body, Travis' paws settling down on the tiger's head, pressing at it feebly "Arthur..."

"Shhh..." Came the feline's voice, slowly dipping his head down further, tongue's stray motions careful to avoid the bunny's stiff pink flesh as his paw began to stroke over it's smooth surface once more. With one last smile to his love, Arthur's maw parted, taking the chocolate brown sac into his muzzle and suckling it hard, rough tongue rolling along it's underside.

The brown eyes of the rabbit shot wide open, feeling his love's tongue, his mouth, their combined touch over his balls "Arthur!" He cried out the tiger's name, paws set on his head now to keep himself standing, knees literally wobbling now. The feline's paw was barely felt, Travis' full attention on the mouth of his teacher beneath him. He was already so close thanks to his prolonged teasing throughout the tongue bathing, and that touch of the rabbit's most sensitive spot send him tumbling into his climax, his balls tightening up within Arthur's muzzle. The tiger clamped a paw over the head of the rabbit's pink flesh, each burst of hot seed landing into the slick fur. His other paw kept its constant, now swift motion, his muzzle suckling hard, tongue dipping further back behind Travis' sac.

As his release tapered off, Travis started to topple, only to be caught by the firm arm of his teacher. Arthur cradled the slender bunny to his chest, smiling warmly, setting a gentle kiss on his muzzle "Better, my love?"

"Ooo...so much better..." Came the rabbit's now soft voice.

"Well...I believe I promised you something Travis..." Arthur nudged against the chocolate of the bunny's cheek with his nose "But you should probably get a bit more cleaned up first." Helping him over to the counter, he leaned Travis there softly while pulling the cabinet open, fetching a small bottle with a long nozzle on the tip, setting it down on the counter in front of Travis "I'll let you clean up yourself...I'll be waiting in the bedroom love."

A flush of the toilet sounded from behind the bathroom door, the sink muffled softly as well as Arthur waited out on the foot of his bed, legs stretched out forwards, his tail flicking back and forth against the mattress. His smile was held firm by his muzzle, ears perked, listening to Travis' preparations, his paw stroking softly along his pink flesh, spreading the rabbit's seed along it.

The door pushed open a few seconds after that sound of running water ended, with Travis padded slowly out. He paused in front of the tiger, their lips touching a moment before the rabbit knelt down, settling his paws softly along the feline's inner thighs, his gaze taking in the sight of Arthur's slick member standing out in the gray of his fur coat as it stood nestled within it. A paw gently settled between the rabbit's ears, stroking between them as Travis slide forwards, drawing a lick up the length's underside. His lips touched at its tip, sliding slowly around it, suckling firmly. The powerful scent of his lover filled his nostrils in this position, leaving Travis quivering faintly in the position. His tongue played around the head, circling its surface before dipping against the slit within the flesh.

Arthur let out a soft groan, his paw stroking more along his student's head, no pressure given for him to take more, always enjoying the slow way Travis worked on him. He moved one leg, bending the knee and setting his paw against the floor as his other leg remained stretched out straight forwards. Both chocolate paws stroking the fur of his inner thighs, the rabbit's muzzle sinking further on his shaft, the delightful suckling drawing his pleasure out further.

His tongue worked the underside of the shaft as Travis' mouth pushed further along it, leaving his tongue eventually trapped on its underside, moving from one side to the other and back. He concentrated most on his suckles though, head moving forwards just a few inches. The bunny nearly ached for the taste filling his muzzle now, the faintest sounds of slurping coming as he sucked at it, each one drawing out a faint chuckle from his teacher. That paw on his head remained gentle, offering no force beyond its petting, letting the rabbit move on his own. It was always something that pleased the rabbit, feeling Arthur's large paw atop him at any time, let alone such an intimate one.

The gray of Arthur's chest started to shift faster as his breathing quickened, feeling the pleasure of his love's mouth building in his shaft. With a reluctant groan, his paw pried the bunny's head from his length, letting out a sigh to the puzzled expression Travis gave him "Not yet..." Arthur mumbled, leaning forwards, his paws catching under Travis' armpits. Pulling the rabbit upwards with his student's own help, Travis settled down on Arthur's lap, both their lengths brushing softly as their kiss renewed, embracing each other as their tongues parted both lips, finding each, pushed slowly back into Travis' muzzle. The familiar brush of the rough pink muscle made him shiver, his arms squeezing Arthur's waist tighter.

The embrace prolonged as did the kiss, each gaze finding the other's watching their love as the kiss grew in passion. It was finally broken with another reluctant groan from the gray tiger, his paws catching under Travis, pulling him up by the rump and forwards, leaving him hovering over his length "Ready my love?"

"Yes Arthur..." The soft voice replied, the rabbit's arms slipping away only a moment before they wrapped behind Arthur's neck, hugging his head against the chocolate brown chest.

Fingers found their way between the chocolate cheeks of Travis' behind, parting them as the bunny lowered downwards. Arthur's tip brushed softly through the fur, holding him there as the tiger probed. His tongue slipped out, lapping softly into the brown fur, finding one of Travis' nipples and taking it between his lips as the bunny sank downwards, Arthur's shaft slowly disappearing into him. Travis' held lifted up, letting a low groan slide out as he clutched Arthur's head tighter. The feel of his love's member parting his cheeks, stretching him softly from within left the rabbit shivering further. Gradually, Arthur filled his rump with his flesh, letting Travis rest in his lap as he clutched him to chest firm chest, stroking those large paws along his back and the back of his head "Love you..." Travis moaned softly, the words brightening Arthur's smile further, whispering softly into one of those long ears "I love you too..." The chocolate length twitched at that whisper, Travis giggling just faintly as his teacher's hot breath spilled into his ear. The couple stayed there, arms held around the other, paws stroking softly through their fur for several minutes before Arthur shifted, starting to push softly up into the rabbit, his length moving in short strokes in Travis' behind, each motion pulling another moan from the bunny.

Arthur's arms found the rabbit's waist, pulling him down tight against his lap, holding Travis there as his muzzle dipped down, finding his student's lips with another deep kiss, tongue parting those lips once more in search of his own. The tiger's throat rumbled in a purr now, hazel eyes locked onto the slender rabbit in his lap, that deep smile at his sight, his presence, his feel, pushed against Travis' lips as he kissed harder.

Travis was putty in the tiger's lap, his body shivering faintly, squeezing unpredictably on the length spreading his rump, lips pushing back weakly to Arthur's own. He always found all his strength gone when his teacher was within him, something that thrilled the rabbit greatly. His arms held feebly around the powerful feline's abdomen, his legs curled around Arthur's waist.

Their kiss broke slowly, Arthur's tongue slowly drawing back from within Travis' muzzle, brushing along his lips a moment before he shifted, turning around to the bed, leaving his student underneath him as he lay out atop the rabbit, the slender chocolate form sinking partially into the mattress. The feline's hips began to work up a slow pace, sliding his flesh between the cheeks of Travis' rump. The rabbit's legs shifted from around Arthur's waist to set his hind paws on the bed, knees bent up in the air as he lifted up his rump, letting Arthur further inside to his soft moans. The tiger caught beneath Travis' waist with an arm, holding him there as his other paw slide behind the bunny's head, pulling him into a loving kiss. Each push, each draw of Arthur's hips meant another muffled moan into his muzzle, a pair of deep smiles joined in their kiss, lips pressing tighter as Arthur's hips quickened. The feline's pace grew rapidly, his short strokes growing into near full thrusts of his side, leaving his tip within the chocolate rump each time, his sac softly slapping into the downy fur. Each drive of hips pushed out a pair of groans in the kisses, Travis feeling his teacher's thickness pumping within him, Arthur feeling his student's rump clenching down on him.

The force of the tiger's hips pushed Travis' behind down against the bed in each thrust, his legs trembling under their strain, pushing his rump back up as his lover pulled back out. He knew well how close Arthur's pace meant he was to his release, squeezing on both the push and pull of the tiger's pace now, heightening the pleasure each move sent. The pace lasted only seconds longer before Arthur buried himself in one faster shove inside the rabbit, forcing him down against the mattress as both strong arms curved up, catching under Travis' armpits, clutching him to the tiger now as the kiss was broken, Arthur's face burying into the pillow next to him, letting out a growl of a roar against it as his seed released into the depths of his love. Travis arched against the powerful feline atop him, feeling that heat pulsing into him, crushed firm against the chest of his love.

Arthur's release tapered off slowly, leaving his chest heaving, panting softly. His gripe lessened on the slender rabbit, their lips swiftly locking once more, a passionate, loving kiss passing between them.

"Stay here with me..." Arthur murmured into the touch, drawing back as his loving gaze was tinged faintly by the honesty of the request.

"I was going to, Arthur..." Travis seemed amused at those words, leaning up to kiss the tiger once more. A finger touched his lips though, halting the kiss as Arthur added "I meant I wanted you to live here with me Travis."

"But I can't...The school would never allow-"

"I can tell them you need my personal tutoring. I could have an extra bed moved in here, so it would seem like a perfectly innocent thing, my love. We could spend every night together like this."

"Really?" Travis' gaze almost sparkled with hope at those words.

"Yes, my love. I'll get it done right away."

"I love you so much Arthur..." Travis whispered as their lips touched softly, almost clutching the tiger in his embrace.

"I love you too." Came the tiger's thick voice into the lingering kiss. Slowly, Arthur's lips pulled back, adding "Let's get some sleep for now though...we can continue tomorrow night."

Travis gave a few short nods as he cradled himself against the feline. Arthur turned slowly, grabbing at his sheets with a paw as his other arm held Travis against his chest. Rolling further, Arthur ended on his back on the bed, the slender chocolate bunny atop him, his length still hidden inside him as the sheets were drawn up over them, one more loving kissing passing between the couple before Arthur turned out the lights of the bedroom.