
Story by Fieval on SoFurry

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This is a transformation/age regression story that I wrote many years ago. You may have seen it before, as it's been posted on Proxima Centauri's Nursery Tails for a long time. I didn't go back and change anything, even though looking back on it now, there are some things I would have done differently. I'm still pretty happy with it, and I think it's held up alright. I hope you enjoy it, if it's new to you. I think it's mostly inoffensive (for this type of story), but I've rated it adult because it does deal with infantilist themes and diaper wearing/usage. Consider yourself warned.

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"I've sure done it this time," I thought to myself as I stared at my map. "I am lost. I don't think I'm even on this map anymore!" I grumbled while I silently regretted not opting to bring a cell-phone or one of those GPS things. It was too late for that, however. "I'm going to have to hand it to you, Bart," I said to myself (I tend to talk to myself when I have something to say and there isn't anyone else nearby) "At least you chose a pristine location to get lost in." I was right about that for sure. I was surrounded by mountains and forests and rivers and waterfalls... If I had been in the mood for scenery, I would have been stunned. I turned the map to see if maybe I was holding it upside-down. Unfortunately, that wasn't my problem. I was reading the map right, I just wasn't on it. I cursed and folded it up. Or I at least attempted to. I ended up mostly stuffing it into my backpack. I sat on my haunches and evaluated my predicament.

"Well, Bart... It looks like you're lost. Way lost. Your map is no longer of any use. And it'll be getting dark in about 6 hours." I paused to let that sink in. "It looks to me like my hope of returning to civilization is not too good." Then, I remembered a tool that just might save me. I tore through my backpack looking for it. Finally, I found it. "My compass! Of course!" I eyed the small, round, plastic disc greedily. "I was hiking generally north. So if I go generally south, I should get generally near where I generally want to be!" It was then I realized I could have just used the sun to tell which way was south, but I didn't need that now! I had a compass!

I donned my backpack and held the compass flat in front of me. Then I circled around until I was facing south. I made sure the needle was right on the mark before I started to walk. I kept watching it, too, so I wouldn't stray off course. If I had been thinking more clearly, I probably would have reorganized my priorities. I realized that I made an error in judgement when I stepped forward and found that my foot had nothing to land on. I managed to shout a quick profanity before I began to tumble down. Perhaps stumble isn't quite the right word. Careen may be better. In actuality, I don't remember it very well. I remember running into a whole bunch of things, a lot of screaming, some crunching sounds that weren't very encouraging, and numerous abrupt shifts in my velocity. I was awake just long enough to know when I finished my journey to significantly lower altitude. (The lack of motion tipped me off.)

The next thing I was aware of was not exactly what I had expected. I was in a well-lit room, and I wasn't in any dramatic pain. There was a weird dull kind of pain, but after what I had been through, I didn't expect to wake up at all! I was very thankful. Then I tried to move. Not a good idea. Any movement I made brought a whole lot of pain. And my motion was restricted, too. My entire body must have been mostly encased in casts.

"Mmmph! Mmph! Owwrrr!" I tried to talk, but I didn't have much success with that either. I must have screwed up jaw in the fall too. It hurt to move my jaw. At this point, I was thankful to be alive, but I wasn't confident about where I was or how hard my recuperation was going to be. The next thing that happened gave me quite a shock. Someone walked into my field of vision (I couldn't move, so it was a rather small area) and smiled at me. She was female, I could tell that. But something was different about her. She looked like she was part feline! You know, part cat! I know it's hard to believe, but it's true! She really was part cat! She had the ears, and the whiskers, and the fur! But she looked kind of human, too. It was freaky.

"There, there, Bartholomew." She knew my name! I would have screamed had I been able to move my jaw. "I know it hurts right now, but soon everything will be all right. Don't be afraid. I'll explain everything soon. Now hush, and rest. Rest will do you a world of good." That was when I was calm enough to look at her eyes. She had very emotional eyes. She was compassionate, caring, and loving. I could tell that from her eyes. (They were very expressive as eyes go) And I felt like I could trust her. I closed my eyes and rested.

I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke up (that was how I had known I had fallen asleep) things felt very different. I yawned, and I felt no pain. I stretched, and I felt no pain. I rubbed my eyes, and that felt a little weird for some reason, but I didn't notice. When my eyes adjusted, I did notice something really weird. I was in a kid's room. The room I was in looked like it belonged to a 6-year old boy! Baby blue walls, teddy bears with balloons on the walls, morning light streaming in through the blue drapes, and a pile of Legos in the corner. What the hell? My bed had Lion King sheets of all things.

It was then I noticed my hand. I stared at it. I blinked. Twice. I wiggled my fingers, to make sure it was my hand. All my observations proved conclusively that it was mine. But how could that be? It had fur!! My hand was furry! Upon closer inspection, I had tiny little claws too! I was freaking out. (Understandably. I mean, how would you react in this situation?) I felt my chest. It was furry. Short, soft, fur. I felt my face. I had whiskers! My ears were different too. They were up on the top of my head, like cat ears! My nose was different too! I tore the covers off my bed to look at my legs. They were furry too! I flipped over and looked behind me to see my tail poking out of my underwear! MY TAIL?!

I paused a minute and examined at my underwear. It was pure white, soft and thick, plastic on the outside, and taped at the sides. This wasn't underwear, I was wearing a disposable diaper! And as if all of that wasn't enough, I realized that by looking at the proportions of my arms, legs, and chest, I had gotten younger, too! I must have been about seven years old myself! In human years anyway. I didn't know what that was in cat years. This dramatic alteration in my physical appearance took a minute to fully sink in. I spent that moment on my knees, my mouth agape and my eyes wide. Then, when everything hit me, I began to scream. Actually, it came out as more of a shriek. My prepubescent voice couldn't manage a real, manly scream.

Seconds after I started screaming, the cat-lady I had seen earlier came rushing in. She had a very scared and worried look on her face, and she sat beside me on the bed and grabbed my arms. I tried to get away, but she was much stronger than me. She mumbled something and ran her hand over my forehead, and I suddenly stopped screaming. I couldn't help it, I just got very relaxed all of a sudden. I fell back on my pillow and stared up at the ceiling, eyelids half-shut. She took a moment to catch her breath and then spoke.

"I didn't think you'd be up so early. Otherwise, I would have been ready." She smiled at me. I had managed to turn my head enough to look at her. "You shouldn't scream like that. You almost scared me to death, Bart."

"How do you..." It was slightly difficult to focus. "How do you know my name?"

She grinned. "I looked in your wallet. It was one of the few things that survived your fall. You yourself almost didn't make it."

"You found me?"

She nodded. "I did. I found you, and I took you here." She closed her eyes and looked down. "I couldn't stand to see you in such pain."

"And... uh... where is 'here' ?"

She looked up, suddenly. "Oh! I suppose you don't know, do you?" I was silent. I had propped myself up on one elbow now. "You're in Furtopia."

I chuckled to myself. "Sounds like a fruit drink."

She smiled at me. "No, Furtopia is where my kind lives."

"Your kind?"

"Yes, my kind. All of us Furs live here. We left your world a long time ago. For some reason, humans didn't trust us and treated us like some kind of lower species. So we made this place."

"Hold on a minute... 'made this place' ? What? I don't understand."

"Well, we've got some pretty good magic. We made this place apart from your world and made you forget about us for the most part. Magic. By the way, the relaxation spell I put on you should be worn off by now."

She was right. I was sitting straight up, so I sat beside her and put my legs off the edge. To my dismay, they didn't quite reach the ground. And I still had to look up to talk to her.

"But, if your world is separate, how did you find me?"

"Well, we can still pass between worlds at will. I like to go walking in the human world sometimes. You fell very near to our gate. It was just coincidence that I was walking nearby when I heard you fall. I took you back here and helped you."

"Helped me? What?!" I started getting a little upset. "I'm in the body of a cat!! A child cat at that! Helped me?!" I scowled.

"That's the thing, Bart. We have rules here in Furtopia. And one of them is 'no humans.' I really broke a cardinal rule just by bringing you here." She paused. "And you were very hurt... I basically had to give you a new body, your old one was pretty much past hope."

Since the relaxation spell had worn off, I had begun to get irritable. "A new body!? A new... But why a cat?! You made me a cat?! Why am I cat?!? Why... why..." My rant was put on hold when I noticed a peculiar feeling in my crotch. I looked down and put my hand there. I was peeing. I was wetting my diaper! "Wha... huh?"

"Oh, no... Are you wetting yourself?" I looked up at her helplessly and whimpered. She paused again. "That's another part of the rules, Bart. No humans are allowed here. I bent that by turning you into a cat. That way I was able to keep you from dying. But we don't have any spells to turn furs into people..." She bit her lower lip for a moment. "You were hurt very badly. The only spell I know that could repair that much damage had some other effects too... I put a regression spell on you." My eyes got very wide as my diaper continued to fill. "That's why you're six right now. And you're going to get younger. The incontinence is a side effect. But you're going to turn back into a baby, Bart." She looked at me again. "I'm sorry... it was the only way! I couldn't have saved you any other way, Bart..."

I was caught by her steel trap logic. She was absolutely right. This was the only way things could have gone. But that didn't mean I couldn't get upset about it. When I finally finished emptying my bladder and I started getting used to the feeling of a fully saturated diaper, I sniffled a bit and then burst into tears.

The cat-lady picked me up and set me on her lap. She wrapped me in a big hug and rocked back and forth while I cried. I admit it wasn't the most mature reaction, but come on! Consider my situation! "Its okay, Bart. Everything's going to be okay," she repeated over and over. I felt that she was sincere, but I was still coping with not only the loss of my previous life, but also my humanity!

In a few minutes, I got over it. My life wasn't so great back there, anyway. What would I have had to look forward to? My parents cut me off completely when I decided I didn't want to be a lawyer like Dad! I was barely getting by, and I hated my job as a waiter, too. Maybe this was more like a second chance! Yeah, that's the ticket! I had stopped crying, so I was just laying my head on this cat-lady's shoulder while she rubbed my back. My eyes were still watery, and I was still sniffling, but I was basically okay. The cat lifted me from my underarms and stood me on the floor. I still had to look up to look her in the face. I rubbed my eyes and sniffled a few more times.

"There now Bart, is that better? I hope you understand that this was the only thing I could do... It was this or nothing." I nodded. "My name is Maria. You can call me by my name for now." She had a weird tone when she said 'for now.' But maybe I was imagining it. "Now then, I bet you want to get out of that diaper, right?" I nodded vigorously. She lifted me up and carried me on her hip. We walked out of 'my' room, down a hallway, some stairs, and into a TV room. Or maybe a family room. What's the difference anyway? But I digress.

Whatever kind of room it was, we were in it. And there was a pile of stuff on the couch that I was afraid to identify. "I hadn't finished setting up your room when you woke up. So I hope you don't mind, but I'll have to change you out here." I gulped at the idea, but considering the alternative was to remain in this soppy undergarment, I resigned myself to my fate. She sat me on the couch and started preparations.

She spread a large plastic mat on the floor. She lifted me up and then laid me down on it. I simply stared up at the ceiling. I had planned to wait out the whole ordeal that way, but I just got too curious when I heard her undo the tapes. I looked down just as she pulled back the front. My penis was so small! I whimpered, but she didn't seem to notice. After she had the front down, she lifted up my feet until my rear end was off the ground. She deftly removed the diaper, threading my tail through the hole. Then she set me back down on the cold plastic. I admit it felt good to be out of the diaper, but my damp loins coupled with a slight breeze wasn't a very wonderful feeling. Maria took a small cloth and dried me off. That felt nice, but it was weird to have someone else touch me like that. "I'd better get used to it," I thought. I imagined that this wouldn't be my only diaper change in the immediate future. Then she took some talcum powder and sprinkled it on my crotch. That was an oddly familiar smell. Perhaps it was because my senses had just been upped, but I closed my eyes for a minute to absorb the scent of the baby powder.

When I opened my eyes again, it was just in time to hear the tapes being closed on my new disposable diaper. I was surprised that it was done so quickly, actually. Maria patted my newly padded crotch. "There now, all snug again." I didn't appreciate her condescension, but what could I do in my position? I sat up and felt my new diaper. It was snug, and very thick. With the last one, I hadn't taken the time to focus on how it actually felt. The thickness between my legs was kind of odd, and the padding under my butt was strange too. It was unfamiliar, but not altogether bad in any way. I was glad that I didn't dislike it, because I wasn't sure how long I would have to spend like this.

"Are you hungry, Bart?" I hadn't noticed it until now, but I was positively starving. This whole body-changing and rejuvenation-thing really builds up your appetite. My stomach gave its own affirmation of my hunger. Maria chuckled and picked me up and carried me on her hip again. This time, we went into the kitchen. She set me down beside the table. "I'm going to get you some food. I'll just be a minute, okay?" I nodded and pulled out a chair. As I did so, I noticed that I was about the same height as the chair. These observations weren't so upsetting as they were not too long ago, so I noticed the coincidence and quickly ignored it. As I climbed into the chair to sit down, the plastic on my diaper made little crinkling noises. And when I did sit down, it felt like I sitting on a pillow! I silently grumbled.

I hadn't been sitting down for long when Maria placed a plate in front of me. It was an interesting assortment. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the crusts cut off, potato chips, orange slices, and a cup of some Kool-Aid-like fruit punch. It wasn't exactly mouth-watering, but I was hungry. So I took a handful of chips and ate them, deciding that would probably be the best part of the meal. Then I discovered something entirely unexpected: they were delicious! Not just good, they tasted like the best chips I'd ever eaten! It had a very loud taste if you don't mind me using an adjective normally used for sound. I could taste it a lot, I guess you could say it that way. I didn't know whether to attribute it to the chips, my change into a cat, my rejuvenated taste buds, or a combination of them, but this was really good! I took one of the orange slices and got a similar reaction! The same for the sandwich, it was great! I began to devour my meal. When I went to get a drink, I discovered that the cup was too big for me to get with one hand, but that was okay because when I used both, the orange drink was wonderful. In minutes I had finished off my meal. I leaned back in the chair and burped.

Maria came back and took my dishes. "Did you have a nice meal, Bart?"

"Yeah... Thank you, Maria."

"You're welcome, Bart. Now, why don't you got watch TV for a while?" I hopped down from my chair and returned to the TV/family room. I guess it was a TV room, because it had a TV in it. Anyway, I sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote. I turned the TV on, and it turned out to be on some cartoons. I decided that given my current position, it would be okay for me to watch them. And besides, I really wanted to.

So I leaned back and became absorbed in the antics of the animated anthropomorphics. (How's that for alliteration?) While I watched, my thumb slowly and unconsciously rose up to my mouth. I began to suck on it without even noticing. I was too entranced by the cartoon. During a commercial, I did suddenly realize it, but I didn't stop. It felt too nice. Not too long after that, I was struck by a familiar feeling. I was thrown out of my semi-aware state into being completely alert. I had to take a crap! Maria hadn't talked about that. I didn't even know where her bathroom was. I jumped off the couch to go ask her. That turned out to be a mistake. As soon as I was standing, my bowels started to release. It was quite a surprise. I could feel it enter my diaper and squish against the barrier. It then spread out and covered my whole rear. I could only stand stunned as I continued to void myself. When I finished, I got weak-kneed and fell back on my butt, spreading it around even further. It was not a pleasant feeling. And if all that wasn't enough, my bladder released as well.

This was all a lot for me in such a short time period. And I burst into tears again. I was sobbing. I was so upset, I started throwing a tantrum! I banged my heels on the floor and screamed! I was highly emotional, so that's an understandable reaction. Maria quickly rushed out to see what was wrong. She saw me having a fit on the floor, and she either guessed what had happened or deduced it from the rather suggestive scent in the air. She picked me up let my head rest on her shoulder. Just because it was comforting, I wrapped my arms around her neck. I sobbed into her shoulder while she rubbed my back and spoke comforting thoughts into my ear. Unfortunately, she held me by placing her hand underneath my rear, so I was treated to the mess back there shifting around again. I shuddered to think about what was contained in that diaper.

"There, now... Bart, it's okay... I know it's scary... But everything's going to be okay. It's all part of the regression. Its going to be fine, Bart..." As she whispered reassurance into my ear, I felt my composure coming back. Had the situation been any less severe at all, I would have been terribly embarrassed, but considering everything, I took it in stride and laid my head on her shoulder. I sniffled again. Man, did I reek!

"So, you've made a little poo-poo, eh Bart? That's okay. I'll clean you up." She kept patting my back as she carried me towards the plastic mat. Just before she laid me down, she gave me a little kiss/lick on my cheek. It caught me off guard. But it made me feel better. She sat me down on the mat and then had me lay supine. That shifted the mess in my diaper again. That feeling was going to take a little getting used to. She unfastened the diaper, and pulled back the front. The smell was really nasty. I'm not sure how she could stand it. I really didn't want to see what she was doing, but my curiosity again got the best of me.

At first, I couldn't see the mess I had made, but when she lifted my feet and pulled the diaper out from under me, I got a pretty good glimpse at it. It was pretty nasty, and I won't describe it for you today. Just use your imagination. She took a baby-wipe kind of cloth and used it to clean me up. And I tell you, it was cold! I yelped when it touched my behind. She couldn't let that go by without comment. "Little chilly, eh? Sorry." She grinned. She continued wiping me. "You sure are messy, Bart." When she finished she set me down on the plastic again. It was again cold on my rear, but it felt good to be out of a diaper for a moment. She dried off my crotch and sprinkled baby powder on it again, and I enjoyed the smell, especially after the stink I had just made. But this time, she suddenly flipped me over. I tell you what, that plastic was cold on my tummy (and my penis too) and I yelped again. She paid me no heed, and proceeded to powder my fanny. Once that was done, she flipped me back over. Then she lifted my legs and rediapered me. A dry, clean nappy felt a lot better, I had to admit that. She picked me up, flipped me over, and set me down on my hands and knees. Then she gave me a playful smack on my butt.

"Is that better, Bart?"

I turned my head and smiled a little. "Yeah... Thanks again, Maria."

"Now scoot yourself off that mat so I can fold it up." I crawled off the mat and she folded it up. "Now how about we watch some TV together, eh Bart?" I grinned and nodded. After she put the mat away, she sat down on the couch. Then she patted her lap invitingly. I mentally shrugged and, still on my hands and knees, I crawled over to her and crawled into her lap. She gave me a big hug and snuggled me close to her. She turned on the TV and started watching, but I just snuggled to her chest and listened to her steady breathing. I had my eyes closed and was supporting my head with her arm. As her slow, steady breathing, I paused a little to think about what she had done for me. Not only had she saved me from dying, but she'd given me a second chance at life. She had done more than I thought anyone could have done for me, and I hadn't been treating her very well so far. She deserved to know how deeply I appreciated it.

"Maria?" I said while my eyes were still closed.


"Maria..." I opened my eyes and looked up at her. "I... I'm sorry I haven't been very grateful to you so far."

"Oh, Bart... Hush."

"No, I want to say this." I sat up in her lap. "You saved my life, and you've given me a second try at living. Thank you so much. Thank you for rescuing me, healing me, and thank you for..." I blushed a little, "thank you for being my mommy." I licked her cheek just like she'd done for me. I felt good after I said that. She smiled at me, maybe a little misty-eyed and proud, I wasn't quite sure. Then she gave me a big hug. She hugged me real tight and I hugged her back. A few tears fell from my eyes, but I probably had gotten some dust in there or something. Yeah, that's the ticket.

She set me on the couch beside her and then went out into the kitchen for a minute. I wondered what she was getting. She came back in with something behind her back. When she sat down she pulled it out. A baby bottle filled with milk! My first reaction was disgust, but then I decided that I'd be using one soon enough anyway, so what the hey. Into the abyss. I crawled back onto her lap and laid back. She placed the nipple of the bottle between my lips and I began to suckle. I got the same reaction from the milk that I had gotten from the other food; it was great! It was kinda tough to get anything out of it at first, but I got used to it, and managed to get a pretty regular flow of liquid.

"Thank you for being so understanding, Bart..." she said to me as I suckled. "Even though you humans drove us out, you didn't do anything wrong, Bart. I can't share my people's views on humans. I couldn't stand to see you like that, so I helped you however I could. " I closed my eyes and got caught up in the sweet peace of Maria's breathing, my suckling, and the quiet background noise of the television. I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in a different place (I was starting to get used to that) and for a second I was scared. I was laying flat on some kind of bed, and there was a blanket on my legs. But all around me, there were bars. I'm sure you've figured it out already, but it took me a minute to realize I was in a crib. I also noticed that my diaper was wet. I must have wet it in my sleep. Oh well. The blanket on my legs was very soft. It was covered with cute designs. Little, diapered kittens in a variety of poses. I can't tell you why, but it suddenly struck me as very cute. I picked it up. It felt soft and warm close to my skin. It made me feel very... secure. Maybe my regression had starting affecting my psyche, or maybe I was just adjusting myself. Regardless of the cause, I had chosen a security blanket.

I stood up, and held on to the top of the bars with my free hand. I was taller than the sides of the crib, but not by much. "Maria?" I said. No response. "Maria?" I said a little louder. Nothing. I clutched my blanket. I was feeling slightly afraid. I hadn't realized up this point how much I was depending on her right now. She could... But no. She wouldn't. "MARIA?!" I screamed. I was relieved to see her rush in the door. My scream had made her suppose something was wrong.

She put her hands on her hips and half-frowned at me. "You have to stop doing that, Bart. You're scaring me out of my wits."

I smiled mischievously. "Why am I in a crib? I'm too big for this!" I hadn't expected to be in a crib quite yet.

"Technically, Bart, you're not little enough yet. But you were still asleep when I finished setting it up, so I figured we should use it. Don't worry," she leaned over and smiled at me, "It'll fit you perfectly soon enough." That may sound threatening to you, but I wasn't upset at all. She was just stating the obvious, but it was an obvious point that I had missed. "I bet you're wet after that nap, right?

I nodded, "Yes, Maria."

"Well, then we should get you changed." She lifted me up out of the crib and while she was carrying me, I noticed something. I had gotten significantly smaller! She could carry me much easier than before. That was a really weird feeling. After a short ride she set me down on something on the other side of the room. I hadn't noticed it earlier, but it was a flat surface a little lower than Maria's chest level. It had a plastic top, and that was all I could discern from my vantage point. It hit me suddenly: This was my changing table! Well, I suppose it's better than forcing her to break her back taking care of me. We went through the whole changing process again, and little was different this time, so I'll skip the description here. I still had a kind of morbid curiosity concerning these things, so I spent the change watching Maria and clutching my blanket.

When I was in a clean, dry diaper, Maria carried me out to the TV room again. She sat me down on the couch. I was a little surprised at how much TV I was watching. "When I grow up, you're not just going to let the TV raise me, are you?"

Maria laughed. "No, Bart. Right now I'm just taking care of some things so I'll be ready when you become a baby again. I wasn't exactly ready for you when you showed up." She chuckled and walked into the kitchen.

She came back quickly with another baby bottle, which she handed to me. She didn't say anything, but I assumed she didn't want me to shampoo with it or anything, so I held it to my lips and started sucking. My mind kind of fuzzed over while I watched cartoons and suckled my bottle. I didn't really have any conscious thought until I reached the end of the bottle and started sucking on air. I realized that while I had been drinking, I had wet myself a little. Not much, it was quickly and completely absorbed by the diaper, but still worth mentioning. I set the bottle aside and went back to my cartoons. Again, I went into a TV-mind-meld, and unbeknownst to me at the time, I began sucking my thumb.

I was awakened this time by Maria coming into the room. She had a box in her hands. "You awake there, Bart?" I nodded, leaving my thumb in my mouth. "Good, because I've got something in this box you might like." She shook it, and it somehow... I swear, the contents sounded fun. I got off the couch and ran up to her. She held the box with one hand, and pulled something out of her pocket with the other. She draped a string over my head, then popped something into my mouth. After a second, I realized she had given me a pacifier attached to a necklace. It wasn't so bad, and I started sucking on it immediately.

Maria then went into the center of the room and began to remove the contents of the box onto the carpet. It turned out to be a collection of building blocks that fit together in certain ways. I clutched my blanket and hopped up and down excitedly. When she had emptied the box I immediately started playing. She went to the couch and set the box beside her, watching me play. I was on my hands and knees, facing away from her, playing with the blocks. They were kind of tricky, but not too bad. I was having a ball.

I had gotten four blocks on top of each other, when I was struck with a familiar, urgent feeling. I didn't even have time to react. Without warning, I suddenly started pooping. I was filling my diaper uncontrollably. I grunted a little through the pacifier. When I had finished, I was aware that my diaper drooped noticeably from the weight of my mess. Then my bladder released again. So there I was, butt pointed at Maria while I had a very full and sodden diaper. I sighed and turned to look at her. She patted her knee. "Come on over here, Bart, then we'll go get you changed." I was sure I wasn't going to enjoy crawling all that way with this load against my butt. Nevertheless, I was going to have get used to this, so I might as well grin and bear it.

I started the journey from my spot on the carpet to Maria on my hands and knees. With my every movement, the contents of my diaper shifted around, a sensation which I found rather disgusting. Maria smiled at me as I crawled closer and closer. For comfort, I sucked on my pacifier, which helped me keep calm. The thing I couldn't believe was the smell. I didn't believe that I had made that smell. After what seemed like a lot longer than it probably actually was, I crawled up into Maria's lap. She kissed my forehead and picked me up. When she started carrying me into the bedroom, I started wondering why I didn't just walk. I can still walk, why didn't I? I didn't have to crawl, but I did for some reason. While I wondered about that, we got to my changing table and Maria cleaned me up. It took a while, because I had really smeared the mess around. When she had finished, though, Maria didn't put another diaper on me.

"Well, Bart, how about we give you a bath?"

A bath? The idea didn't really sound 'fun' or anything, but I wasn't adverse to it. So I shrugged. My blanket was left by the changing table, and Maria took me out of my room and into the bathroom. She set me on the floor and started to run the bath water. I felt a little silly, sitting naked on the floor sucking on a pacifier. Thankfully, there was a rug laid down, so I wasn't sitting right on the tile floor. The mere thought of that makes me shiver. Maria had the water at a good temperature and was letting it fill up the tub. She turned around and smiled at me.

"You know Bart..." I looked up, sucking on my pacifier. "You're adjusting to this very well. I know it's hard, but you're doing a great job. Thank you Bart." I didn't say anything. I didn't feel like I had to. She suddenly plucked the pacifier out of my mouth. "Oops! Won't be needing that in the bath!"

About that time, she decided that there was enough water in the tub, so she stopped the faucet. She then lifted me up and lowered me in. The water was warm, but not hot, and very relaxing. Maria began scrubbing me with a washcloth and soap. She started with my back. The warm water, the repetitive motion of the rubbing on my back, the feeling of being taken care of completely... It all came together and I felt a sublime peace wash over me.

She moved my back to arms. From my arms to my chest. From my chest to my stomach. Then she asked me to stand up. I did, and she started cleaning my crotch. She paid attention to every crevice. I developed a small erection, and Maria looked at me and chuckled. Had I been in a more able body, and had Maria been anyone other than my surrogate mother, I would have been quite aroused. She moved from there to my rear, which she paid just as much attention to as my crotch. I was given a proper scrubbing behind, too. She then went up and down my tail, which caused me to suddenly purr. It was the weirdest thing. She was cleaning my tail, and it felt really good. Suddenly, I got this kind of rumbling in my throat, which released itself in the form of a quiet, long, purr.

Maria laughed at my reaction, I was trying to figure out how I did it. It came completely out of nowhere and it surprised the heck out of me. When that moment passed, she moved to cleaning my legs, my inner thighs, my calves, and my feet. I guess they were really paws, but since I had two sets of paws, I still called them feet to clarify. I sat down again after that. She picked up a bottle that was sitting by the tub and poured some of the contents on her hands. I guessed it was shampoo, but upon closer inspection I found that it was baby shampoo. The "no tears" kind. She lathered up my headfur. (Same thing with "feet;" it wasn't really hair anymore, but it wasn't like she lathered up my whole body. Just the top of my head.) It felt kind of funny, and I giggled while she was rubbing. When I had been sufficiently lathered, she told me to close my eyes while she poured water over my head. I knew I didn't have to, since it was baby shampoo, but I did anyway. I closed my eyes real tight while she rinsed out the shampoo. When that was finished, so was my bath.

She lifted me out of the tub and wrapped me in a warm, fluffy towel. It felt great to feel so secure and comfortable. Maria took a moment to unplug the bathtub, then she came back to me. Drying off was almost as fun as getting washed. She rubbed the towel all over me, and it really tickled. I laughed like crazy while she dried me off. Then she wrapped me up in the towel and carried me back into my bedroom.

I was snugly taped into a new diaper. Maria handed me my blanket, which I immediately clung to my chest. Then she popped my pacifier back into my mouth and dropped the string over my head. I was euphoric. Maria picked me up and carried me on her hip into the kitchen. I nuzzled against her side while she prepared a bottle for me. Then we went out into the TV room and sat on the couch. I removed my pacifier and let it drop onto my chest. Then I took the bottle and began to drink. Maria took something from the end table and began to groom my fur with it. As for that "groomer," I wouldn't call it a comb or a brush, but it was kind of like that. It just groomed my fur.

Maria rubbed that all over me, to keep my fur in good condition. I had my eyes closed while I nursed my bottle, so I couldn't see what she was doing, but the gentle kind of tugging at my fur was really very nice. When she did my tail, I purred again. Maria just smiled down at me. She finished grooming me before I finished my bottle, so she just held me and waited for me to finish. I squeezed into a kind of ball in her arms, and I kept sucking even after I had emptied the bottle. She took it from me and set it aside. She smiled down at me and I gazed up at her. She looked very maternal and I admitted I was starting to see her as my mother. She was so caring, so loving. I didn't remember being treated this way by my old mom. I didn't have any memories of this kind of thing. This really made me appreciate Maria for what she was doing. Just as the moment had achieved its zenith of loving emotion between us, I burped. Not a big one, just a little one. But Maria couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, Bart, it's about dinner time. I know you just had a pretty big bottle, but are you still hungry?"

I smiled and nodded. "Mmm-hmm." I was. Something about this age regression really gives you an appetite. Or did I already say that? She carried me out to the kitchen and sat me on a chair. Well, sort of. I had a booster seat under me! I needed it, though. I figured that without it, my neck would be about at the level of the table.

Maria placed a plate in front of me and then sat down beside me. Both our plates had the same food: chicken, carrots, mashed potatoes, and a roll. But mine was cut up into finger-food-size pieces. And my glass that had milk in it, was a sippy cup. That would have been upsetting if I hadn't had a whole bottle fifteen minutes ago. Before we started, Maria tied a bib around my neck. I didn't mind.

"Maria, when did you have time to cook this food?" I was genuinely curious. I mean, she had been taking care of me pretty much constantly, but this looked like a magnificent meal! How'd she do it?

"Well Bart, like I said, we have some pretty good magic here. Do you think I'm able to turn you into a kitten and save your life but I can't make dinner?" That explained a lot, actually.

So we ate. I did fine with most of the food, but the mashed potatoes were a little messy. I was thankful for the bib. Hey, have you ever tried to eat mashed potatoes with your fingers? When you're in the body of a 4 or 5 year old cat-morph? It's harder than it sounds! Whenever I got any on my face, Maria would take my bib and wipe it off. I was really hungry, so I ate a lot. I had two helpings of everything, three of the chicken. And I had two and a half cups of milk. I knew where all that was going to end up, but that wasn't going to stop me. I was beginning to get comfortable with my diaper dependency. Not really comfortable, but accepting.

When we had both finished, Maria picked me up and took my back into the TV room. She set me down on the couch and left the room to get something. In the meantime, I replaced my pacifier in my mouth. She came back carrying a small blue T-shirt that said "Baby" on the front. I figured it was for me. Admittedly, it was pretty cute. And I hadn't worn any clothing for who knows how long now. I was eager to be covered in some area other than my diaper area. She put the shirt on over my head, and pulled my arms through the sleeves. It wasn't quite long enough, stopping a few inches above my diaper. This left a cute little view of my tummy and belly button. Maria thought I looked adorable.

Night was beginning to fall, but I wasn't tired yet. Maria popped in a movie and came back to the couch. She lifted me up and set me on her lap. I replaced my pacifier and sighed contentedly as I begun to suckle. I snuggled into Maria's lap and began to watch the movie. It was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I was going to ask how she got a human movie, but then I decided it didn't matter. I watched the movie, and I enjoyed in a way I never had before. Something stood out about it now, I couldn't really say what. During the boat scene, I got a little scared and clung tightly to Maria's shirt. She held me and told me it would be okay. Surprisingly, I didn't fall asleep until the end credits. The song sent me into dreamland. It was something about pure imagination. I don't really remember it now.

I awoke in my crib once more, covered by my blankie. Again, things were very different. My blanket covered me much easier than it did before. I tried to stand up, and I was having a little trouble with my balance. I took hold of a bar of the crib and steadied myself that way. When I stood up, I noticed my T-shirt now came down well below my waist, almost below my crotch. I had shrunk a lot last night.

As soon as I had stood up, I started messing myself. My entire dinner from the night before ended up smushed against my butt. It even started spreading forwards into my crotch. As soon as it had settled, I started wetting. I thoroughly soaked my diapers, which were already damp from the night. I looked down and saw my diapers drooping. The smell I had made was not a very nice one, I can tell you that. I was surprised when I didn't find the feel of the diaper very upsetting. The smell wasn't pleasant, but the warmth and the wetness and squishiness wasn't altogether unpleasant. I shook my tush a minute to feel it shift around. I sat down on it, and giggled as I felt it tickling around my diaper area. I tried crawling a little ways, and I managed to cover every part of my diaper with soft, squishy mess. After I finished entertaining myself with my own excrement, I decided to try to get Maria. I was sitting on my rear, blanket clutched in my left hand, when I decided to call.

"Mawia!" I yelped when I said it. I tried it again. "Mawia?" I had lost my ability to make "R" sounds! I admit I had expected something like this to happen, but it still came as a bit of a shock to me. As I look back on it, I wasn't that upset. But for some reason, I started crying. Actually, I was bawling. It started small, like it usually does, but it quickly grew into a full-force scream. I drummed my feet against the floor of the crib as I expressed my aggression. Needless to say, Maria came running. She must have thought I had split my head open or something. She picked me up and tried to comfort me.

"Hush, baby, hush! What's wrong, Bart? Come on, now, what's wrong?" I calmed down after a minute of her holding me. "There now, it's okay. Now then, what's wrong?"

"I can't tawk wike a big boy anymowe, Mawia." I placed my thumb in my mouth.

Maria chuckled and gave me a big hug. "That's okay, Bart. It was bound to happen eventually. Don't worry about it, baby." She held me for a couple of minutes while I recovered. When I had subsided to about a sniffle, Maria moved on. Her first order of business was to change my diapers. This change was much like all the ones before it, so I'll opt not to go into description. They're all fairly similar, for the most part. Once I was back in a dry diaper, Maria took something out of the chest of drawers. It was a pair of shortalls. It was obviously my size, and it had snaps in the crotch, for easy changing one would assume. In a few moments, I was snapped in and my tail was run through the hole in the back. I had not previously considered how animals dealt with their tails when they wore clothes...

She set me down on the floor and took a step back to bask in my sweetness. I was wearing a tiny pair of snap-crotch shortalls, clutching my security blankie, sucking on my pacifier, bare footed, and obviously diapered. I almost gave myself a toothache. (I was so sweet, you see...) Maria picked me up and carried me into the TV room again. I realized that she had set up a playpen in the middle of the room. I didn't have to guess who it was for. She set me down on the padded, plastic bottom and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Then she walked into the kitchen. I stood up. That previously simple act took me more effort than usual, and I was even forced to take hold of the side of the playpen to achieve a fully standing position. Once I was up, I noticed that my legs were not as responsive as I was used to. I could still walk - sort of. It was more of a toddle. Not very coordinated, teetering on falling over.

After I finished investigating my current mobility situation, I turned my attention to what was in the playpen with me. There was a nice array of infant and toddler toys: blocks, stacking rings, stuffed animals, etcetera. I instinctively began to entertain myself. While I was playing with the rings, I couldn't help notice how they felt. The smooth curve of the plastic was intriguing to my hands. I paused my stacking activities to feel it all over with both hands. It was sort of like I was feeling it for the first time. The bright color, the smoothness, the scent... I was very absorbed in the qualities of this plastic ring. It then occurred to me that I wanted to know what this tasted like. I wanted to find out want what it felt like to my tongue. Not being one to deny the inscrutable exhortations of my soul, I popped it into my mouth. I explored the curves with my tongue for a few minutes. Once I had satisfied that urge, I continued my play.

Some time later (In all honesty, I hadn't noticed how long it had been because I was absorbed in my toys) Maria came into the room. "Time to eat, Bart." She picked me up and carried me into the kitchen yet again. You've probably already guessed that there was a high chair there. She set me down and got a plate off the counter. I had a selection of pureed baby foods of varying colors and consistencies. It didn't look too appetizing, but hunger was getting the best of me, and I was ready to accept it. Maria removed my pacifier and set it on the counter, then she tied a bib around my neck.

I was waiting for a spoon or something to eat this with, but Maria didn't give me anything. She sat in front of my high chair and began to spoon-feed me herself! I wasn't quite expecting this yet. After I swallowed the first spoonfull I said, "Mawia! Can't I feed mysewf?"

Maria smiled tenderly. "Sorry, little kitten. I think you've gotten too small to feed yourself now. Don't worry, I'll take care of you." She made sense. I allowed myself to be fed, but I was still a little upset. As a tiny revenge, I made it slightly harder for her than I could have. After my meal was over, she wiped my face with my bib and lifted me out of the high chair. Then she carried me back out into the TV room. She sat on the couch and held me in her lap. "Bart? You're almost done regressing. I think the next time you wake up you'll start growing up again." I suddenly got a very upset look on my face. "Don't worry, you'll grow up much more slowly than you regressed."

She smiled. "You don't regret what has happened, do you Bart?" I quickly shook my head. "I'm glad. I've really gotten attached to you in the past few days. I'm looking forward to raising you. You're such a lovable little guy." At that she gave me a big hug. "Well, Bart... Are you looking forward to growing up again? And being raised by me?" She looked at me hopefully. I knew what she wanted me to say, and I wanted to say it too. I nuzzled into her bosom and said, "Mommy, I wuv you!" Maria smiled widely and rubbed her eye slightly. "That's so good to hear, Bart. Now, I've got a little surprise for you." She reached down and began to unbutton her blouse. She exposed her full breast and all I felt was hunger. She guided my mouth to her teat and I began to suckle. The sweet, warm milk came quickly. I didn't have to work very hard to get it. I took hold of her breast with my tiny hands and continued to nurse.

As she smiled down at me, and I suckled her mother's milk, the old me vanished completely. In this act, any trace of my past life was gone from my memory. Maria became, for all practical purposes, my mother. I was her baby. That was the way things were. I finished one breast, and Maria moved me to her other. I was completely compliant. I made no resistance against her or effort to assist her. She moved me where she wanted. I suckled again, until I had finished that breast as well. However, I remained nuzzled to her warm chest, my lips around her nipple. Her breathing, her heartbeat, her soft fur, it was just so comforting.

When she noticed I had stopped, she placed me over her shoulder and began to pat my back. One hand on my rear supported me. After a few soft pats on my back, I released a small burp. The relief on the pressure in my stomach felt good. And just a few seconds afterward, I got a different feeling. I pooped my pants again. This time it was accompanied by a loud and wet farting noise. Maria must have felt it, with her hand on my butt. She merely chuckled and said, "Is my little baby pooting?" She cradled me in her arms and began to carry me to my room. The warm, squishy load against my tush was uncomfortable, but I didn't mind. Mommy would take care of me. She would clean me up and give me food. She would provide for me and make sure I would grow up big and strong. She changed me and put me into a blue flannel sleeper. She told me it was time for my nap and set me in bed. I quickly drifted into dreamland.

I awoke again. I tried to move, but I could barely do anything. All I could do was wave my arms in front of my face. I noticed how tiny and chubby my fingers were. I tried to say, "Mommy?" but I could manage was, "Maaa?" I was now a real baby. I was completely immobile, helpless, and dependant on my mommy. I responded as anyone in my position would respond. I wailed, like all babies do. Mommy came into the room, smiling. She lifted me out of the crib and held me in her arms.