Delayed destiny ch 8 (Adult version)

Story by Trollin67583 on SoFurry

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#9 of Delayed destiny

Here is the adult version of chapter 8. I hope you are all enjoying the story so far. In just a few chapters things get more interesting. Any and all feedback is welcome.


It was a weird feeling returning to school after everything that happened, but I was glad things were going back to normal. Of course as soon as we got to Clinton high with we're all called to the principal's office.

"I'm sure you know why you were all called here." (Mr. Green)

"Because of what happened on Friday?" (Joe)

"That and the fact you all missed school yesterday and the day before."

"Well we can explain. On the Alex thing he attacked us first" (Me)

"As usual. Go on."

"I tried to stop Garrett from hitting back but that's when we found out we have an ability to fuse with each other."

"What do you mean fuse?"

"Well I'm sure you already have reports on what happened. All of us can fuse with each other and when we do we get power."

Mr. Green looked really confused at this point and I thought to keep it as simple as possible for now.

"Garrett kept swinging when we fused and hit Alex, who in all fairness deserved it. And that's when we found out we have extra strength when fused."

"OK Alex was hurt pretty bad, you guys didn't bother checking on him?"

"We were shocked with what happened to us and we ran. We should have checked but by the time we thought of it we figured if anything bad really happened the cops would come looking for us."

"That's still no excuse for leaving school and leaving a kid injured."

"We understand and we are really sorry. We've had a really complicated couple of days. Our mother took us to Mr. Orville to figure out what our abilities were and if they were safe. So we have been running tests for the past 4 days."

Your keeping a lot of information out. (Seth)

You think he's gonna buy that? (Joe)

It's not like I'm lying. (Me)

"I understand these must be difficult times for you. But I expect you all to show up to school from now on. I'm letting you go this time on one condition." (Mr. Green)

"OK what is it?" (Me)

"You will all go visit Mr Brenton in the hospital after school and apologize for everything. Am I understood?"

Really what kind of bullshit is that! (Farren)

He started the whole thing. (Seth)

Yeah but this will look really bad for the school if we didn't apologize. (Me)

"Yes sir. We will head to the hospital directly after school."

"Good. Head back to your classes and behave yourselves from now on. You are on close watch now."

We all left and went back to our first period classes. We aren't all in the same classes but it's OK now because we can still connect to each other's thoughts. We went back and forth about everything that's been happening in the past week.

I'm still worried that Ms. Star is still lying to us. (Lance)

Me too. And I find it hard to believe that all of this was supposed to be voluntary. I think because we escaped they had to cover up what was really gonna happen. (Joe)

If it is a cover up it's a good one. This whole story seems somewhat believable. (Farren)

I think the story is true. But because we escaped they had to play off the fact that they are probably forcing people to join this program. (Seth)

Even if that's true, we could still use that facility for training. We need to find our limits and learn to control this power better before someone gets hurt. (Me)

I don't like it but I think your right. I say we go for the training like we said we would. If nothing else we can try forcing the truth out of Ms. Star. (Joe)

There goes Joe always wanting to use brute force. That's why we always get in trouble. (Tony)

We will have to wait and see. We need to find a fault in their story before we try anything like that. (Garrett)

But what if they don't slip up again, and we get sucked into their plan before we can get out. What if we never learn the truth and get used for their goals. (Kade)

We will always be able to get out. Look at the power we showed on Monday. Who would be able to stop us? (Carson)

What if they already have an arcane reality controller and he makes us defuse if we learn the truth. They can do some scary stuff. (Lance)

Nobody has even seen an arcane reality controller in 10 years. Even if they found one they could never get them to join their little program. (Me)

This is the US government we are talking about. They hold a lot of power in the world. (Kade)

No, reality controllers are too rare and feared to be used by any group in the world. (Joe)

What if they already think we are reality controllers and that's why they want us? (Farren)

Maybe that's why they wanted to test us and see what we were capable of. (Lance)

Any one of those could be true. Let's stop thinking about all this now and wait until we go back to see for ourselves. (Tony)

I agree. We will never know for sure by guessing. (Me)

We went through the rest of the school day without talking too much. When school finally let out I found Forest.

"Hey where have you been all day? I thought I'd see you around. (Me)

"Well it turns out i have second lunch not first. And none of the same classes as you."

"Guess we'll just have to meet up in the halls and after school."

"I guess so. So what are you guys doing?"

"We have to go visit Alex in the hospital."


"I know it's stupid. But that's what the principal said."

"Me and my brothers can come with if you want?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah we all wanna spend more time together right?"

So we all went to the hospital. It was only a mile away from the school so we walked, gave us more time to talk anyways. I told Forest about what me and my brothers decided. He agreed that it would be the best course of action. When we arrived at the hospital we found what room Alex was in. Forest and his brothers stayed outside the room as my and mine walked in. Alex turn over to us and I could see how bad of a shape he was in.

"What are you guys doing here?" (Alex)

He said that with a little bitterness, but less than what I expected.

"We came to say sorry and see how you were doing." (Me)

"Really? Why would you guys care? And why are you apologizing?"

"Well we were kinda forced into it, but I never meant to do all this to you." (Garrett)

"Of course the school would force you. you guys don't need to apologize to me."

"Why do you say that?" (Seth)

"Because you weren't the problem. I was."

Hearing those words from Alex was like a shot in the chest.

"Woah, I never thought this day would come." (Carson)

"Yeah neither did I. Do you guys know what you did to me?"

"What do you mean?" (Lance)

"I lost my ability. I've come to realize how much of an ass I was to you guys. It was all so stupid and horrible. I was a bully to you for no reason."

"We didn't know you lost your ability. I didn't even think that was possible." (Garrett)

"Yeah neither did I. I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I also wanted to hear about your new ability if you guys could tell me."

"Yeah of course." (Me)

We told him about our ability and how we've been working with it. We didn't say all of the things we could do. But we did tell him we could control two arcane powers at once. It was after we were done talking that I had an idea. I sent my intentions to my brothers and waited for their feedback.

Do you really think you could do that? And if you can do you really want to? (Farren)

I have to try right? It was because of us he's like this in the first place. (Me)

I say give it a shot. (Joe Garrett and Tony.)

All of my brothers fused with me and I turned to Alex.

"What are you guys doing?" (Alex)

"I'm going to see if I can restore your ability and heal you."

"Do you really think you can?"

"I have to give it a shot right?"

I reached over to Alex and placed both hands on his chest. I focused on a feeling of restoration, and I activated our power I felt a huge rush of power and my hand felt really hot. After a second the feeling was gone. I looked at Alex's face and I saw him looking surprised.

"Did it work?" (Me)

"I think so. My body feels healed. No more broken ribs that's for sure. It feels like my power is back but I'm getting a crazy feeling from you."

"Oh that's probably just because we are all in one."

We defused and I asked him if it was back. He was very happy as he said it was. We all talked a little bit more as the hospital staff got incredibly confused as to why Alex was completely healed and had his ability again. After a short explanation they wanted us to leave so they could do a full check up on Alex and see if he was fit to be released. After our goodbyes we left and were walking home with the linners when Forest asked if I wanted to stay at his house. Of course that meant Seth Farren and Kade as well so we all went over.

We spent the rest of the day going over what happened at the hospital. We ate dinner and went back upstairs. It was already pretty late by the time we finished talking. So we were going to lay down for the night.

"Hey, were at my house for tonight. Did you wanna try some stuff?" (Forest)

"Huh, I guess we are. I wouldn't say no to a little fun."

I pulled Forest towards me and started kissing him. He pulled back and took off his shirt, I did the same. He went in for another kiss, this one pushing us onto the bed and held for much longer. After a few minutes of making out I rolled on top of him and undid his button and pulled down his zipper. I started sliding down his pants when he grabbed my arm.

"wait um... Take it slow with me... OK"

"Of course."

When I got his pants all the way off I went back to kissing him. I could feel his cock growing against my own. He tried to roll me over but I wouldn't let him. Finally, I relented and let him get on top of me. He started doing the same thing I'd done to him. Except he didn't stop at my pants. He pulled my boxers down and let my penis go free.

"Wow... I thought you'd have a leopard cock.

"Nope. Fully foxy down there."

He laughed as he grabbed it and slowly started rubbing it.

"That makes this so much easier for me."

He got a blank look in his eyes and shot standing up, taking a few steps back. He was clearly shaken for some reason. I stood up and reached out to him. He recoiled from my touch and backed away.

"I'm so sorry Ajax. I thought I was ready, and here I am getting you all excited. What's wrong with me."

"It's OK. Here come sit down with me."

I slipped my boxers on and I sat on his bed. Patting the seat next to me.

"Come sit and we can talk about it." (Me)

"I'm so sorry, I should have told you from the very beginning."

"It's OK, we will talk about it now."

"I... When I was in Cali I was... I wa."

He started to break down and cry. I pulled him into a side hug and tried comforting him.

"It's OK, you are safe here." (Me)

"one of my dad's friends out there was drunk... and he... he raped me."

"Oh Forest... I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Did you report it?"

"No... He's dead now."

"What do you mean dead. What happened?"

"My mom shot him. The cops know and all that. He was rushing at my dad with a knife when he accused him of raping me. That's when my mom shot him."

"Forest you don't ever have to say sorry to me. Don't feel bad for what happened here. I just wish you had told me sooner, but it's your right to tell people."

"Thank you Ajax."

I pulled him into me and rolled back on the bed. We drifted into sleep.