Releasing the Light

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#75 of Commissions

Story commission for that's a bit of a mix of D&D and Pokemon.

A low growl came from Ryu's throat as he struck at the target dummy. It was just the barest hint of a grumble from the dragon-type. His eyes narrowing as each blow struck true. The target rocking and trembling under each blow. Wood starting to crack and creak as he leaned forward. Feet scuffing off the grown. Nearly dancing around the target as his blows came faster. Body relaxing as each motion flowed through him.

This was meditation for him. Each motion practiced and honed until it flowed naturally from him. Scales chiming like the sweetest of bells as he danced around his imaginary foe.

At least it was like meditation any other time. There was something that was unsettling Ryu. A constant, low tick that was keeping him from falling into the deeper levels of relaxation. He couldn't bring himself to full focus, nor could he make himself relax.

Ryu's growl lifted into a throaty snarl as he spun and brought his tail down on the dummy. Wood splintering and falling to pieces at his feet.

He let his gaze linger on the shattered target. A low huff lifting from his throat. Eyes lifting slowly to the stone that his teacher had struck earlier in the day. Its surface smoothed by countless years of rain, moss gently gathering along the gray surface. Untouched by mortal hands for countless time.

Save for the hole that had been neatly punched through its center.

Eyes dropped to his own wrapped hand. Fingers flexing slowly as his growl lifted once again. What was he doing wrong? Years of his life dedicated to training and honing his skills. Transforming his body into a weapon through rigorous training. He'd run countless miles, woke before dawn every day for years, done everything asked of him and then more.

Yet he was still lacking.

The words of his sensei still rang in his ears, "Without a doubt, you are my most dedicated of students. Your physical skill is without match, but your spiritual side is lacking." The sawk had poked his chest with a finger, nearly driving the breath from Ryu's lungs, "You are holding yourself back from achieving greatness. There is a spark of greatness within you, but you need to find a way to unleash your light." Then he turned, and with a single seemingly effortless blow, punched a hole clean through the rock from several feet away. Something about his punch making it glow with the ferocity of the sun.

Which lead to where he was now. Staring blankly at the hole and wondering what he was doing wrong.

"Hhaaa!" the kommo-o called out as he lunged. Trying to strike at the rock with his light. He felt something shift within him, but nothing happened. No surge of light. Barely even a twinkle from the sunlight striking his scales. It was bothering him more than it probably should. Though he didn't know how much was too much. In a single breath he'd been told that he was great, yet also the worst.

"Boy, aren't you just a mess."

Ryu knew that voice too well. Teeth grinding quietly as he heard Meiling pad up to his side then past. The mienshao letting her fingers run over the smoothed edge of the stone, "Master Feng is beyond skilled, is he not? Though his methods are rather lacking when it comes to properly teaching." Whiskers twitched as she looked over her shoulder at him with an unreadable look. "He could have simply told you what you needed to know, but he loves his vagueness."

A growl rolled up his throat followed by the rattling of his tail scales, "Do you have anything to say that might help, Mei. Or did you just come to mock me?"

She turned to look at him fully. Fingers lingering on the edges of that heat-smoothed hole. "Well," she sniffed quietly, "I certainly could help you out if you wanted." A delicate sigh whispered out, "Though I am having second thoughts with that tone you're taking."

He wanted to growl and snap at her, but Mei had never done anything to deserve that treatment. She was maddening at times, but the mienshao was dedicated to her training. Not nearly as dedicated as he though, since many nights while he was meditating or cleansing himself, she would slip off to town to do... he didn't know what. Indulge herself in earthly desires likely. Ryu took a breath, "I apologize for my tone. I am just frustrated by my own failure."

Mei just gazed at him for a long moment. Her tail swishing in thought about the barest hints of a smile crossed her features. "Accepted. Now, do you want my help?"

If it would help him unlock his light, then yes. Though he didn't want to come out and sound like he was begging for her assistance in it. Friendly though they may be, he knew she wasn't above asking for something in return. In fact, he could already feel her sizing him up. Her unreadable gaze taking in every last inch of him and judging.

A sigh heaved out of the kommo-o as he bowed his head ever so slightly. Gaze dropping lower as his tail swayed behind him. "Meiling, I would be most honored if you would share your knowledge with me. What can I do to unleash my light?"

Her step was light, the mienshao almost seeming to glide across the ground. Ryu kept his gaze down, treating her with the same respect he'd give any of the mentors.

A whispery quiet purr rolled across him, "So polite, more than happy to help you."

Mei flashed into motion before he could straighten to thank her. Arms wrapping about his head and weight shifting. The larger pokemon uttered a surprised noise as his entire weight was thrown forward and over her slender form. Scales chimed before he slammed to the ground with a cacophonous clatter. Breath crashing form his lungs as he gasped and heaved, eyes rolling back form the shock of it.

She was on top of him in a flash, straddling his chest and rubbing with her long hands. Eyes practically glowing with mischief as she stared down at him with the quietest of hums. "You are a bit stiff you know."

Ryu was about to yell at her when her weight shifted ever so slightly. Jaw dropping as her rear pressed against his cock. Even that little wiggle was enough to make him light-headed as blood rushed to his member. Heavy length pressing against her back as it surged to life.

The kommo-o let out a breathless gasp of surprise as he squirmed, "Well look at that." She reached down to rub his cock. Gently petting on it as her eyes narrowed with a smirk. "Even stiffer than I'd imagined." Her fingers danced up the belly of his cock. Her voice was rolling with those purrs as she let her fingers glide around his exposed tip. "Now, I think we both know what your problem is." Her body shifted back, letting the cock glide against her thigh.

"W...what are you doing?" he hissed quietly, eyes darting to the arch that lead to the rest of the monastery. "Someone's go...going to see us!" It was hard for him to focus on her as she continued to teased him. Every touch set him trembling. The fighting dragon grinding his teeth as he did all he could to focus on what she was saying.

Mei smiled a little too sweetly as she tilted her head. Looking down at the cock that was pulsing on her thigh. "They won't if you stay quiet." Easing her fingers against his foreskin, the teased him and let it rub against his crown. Pushing that skin back to reveal his tip, she found there was a bump just behind his crown. Seemingly made to hold the foreskin back so she could play with his tip uninhibited. Which is just what she began to do.

Hand gliding up and down his shaft. Petting him and playing with the kommo-o. Fingers dancing up to tease over and around his tip. Gathering the precum that spilled before spreading it along his head. "Now, what is most important is that we get you to relax. And that starts with..."

Ryu grabbed his maw and held back a throaty groan. Unable to keep his tail from slapping off the ground as his entire body heaved upwards. Her legs tightening about his core as she rocked to stay on him.

Where she thought he might be trying to throw her off, it turned out it was something else entirely. The male shuddering under her and gasping. Cock leaping under her hand as he came. Thick strands of cum staining his front and the ground around his head. It took her a second to realize this, but once she did a wide grin split her maw. Hand curling about his shaft to keep stroking him. Keeping the male cumming as long as she could manage.

He had plenty to give too. It had been a long while since he'd sought any sort of relief. And it was the first time anyone else had gone through the trouble of helping get him off. The male groaning as his entire body shuddered under her, balls heaving with each pulse.

Mei let him come down as she breathed out deep, playful purrs. Petting the belly of his cock as she smirked down at him. The male's entire body dropping back with a metallic clatter. Body heaving with his pants and eyes rolling back in his head. "Well now, it seems that we're going to have to talk about your endurance. But that's another matter for another day." Ryu stared up at her, panting heavily. She gave his cock a gentle stroke, "For now though." She rose smoothly and licked her fingers clean. "It seems we'll have to move the lesson elsewhere." Mei gave his belly a pat, "Come meet me by the Pools of Reflection."

And she was gone. Leaving Ryu laying on the ground with his own cum rapidly cooling on his chest.

He slowly drug himself from the ground, glaring daggers after the mienshao. Who did she think she was treating him like that? He'd asked for help and she'd decided to jerk him off? No one was allowed to do that! He hadn't even done it to himself in years. All his focus had been on training and honing his body, what right did she have to do that?

A growl lifted as the kommo-o punched at dummy. Something surged within him, shifting with his body before flowing down his arm. It hit the target with a spark and flash of light. The scent of burnedwood filling his nostrils.

Eyes went wide as he pulled his hand back slowly. The wood where his fist had landed was scorched and smoking. Thin wisps of smoke trailing upwards.

He'd done it. He'd done it! Excitement surged through the pokemon as he turned and lashed again! Repeating the motion exactly as he had a second ago. Feeling that shift within him. The surge that rolled down his arm to strike the wood.

Except there was no flash.

Ryu felt himself start to sink back into that frustration. He shook his head with a growl. No, something had to be different. Why had he managed to release his energy a second ago and not now? Maybe it was anger? His anger at Mei could be the key with it. Yeah, that had to be it.

So he rocked back on his heels and tried again. And again. Each time his fist landing on the wood with a dull thud that sent the dummy rocking. He would have growled and snarled except that he didn't feel like it. Sighing, he let his hand drop as he glared at the dummy. Tail scales singing his annoyance as it lashed behind him. Eyes shifting slowly to the archway to the path beyond. Looking upwards to where the pools were and where the mienshao would be waiting for him.

No matter how he sliced it, she had offered help and he'd taken it. That help had lead to more progress than he'd made all day without her. Meant that no matter what happened, she had some secrets that he needed to learn. Meant that he'd have to humble himself somewhat so he could learn what she had to teach.

"I don't know if you should be bathing in the Pools of Reflection." Ryu let the growl flavor his words as he approached. Cleaned up after her display at the training grounds, but a little dusty from the walk up the mountainside. "Also this isn't the pools."

Mei rolled her head to look at him, "Oh I know, they're further up the mountain. But I can't turn down being able to soak in some hot springs." She heaved a sigh and sank a little further into the water. Purring deeply at the dragon type as she watched him approach. "Took you a while to come up here. I was afraid that you were just going to leave me here all by my lonesome." The mienshao cast a glance over him before waving her hand at the water, "Come, join me."

Ryu started to growl, but just heaved a sigh and sank into the water with her. Gladly letting the warmth start to soak into him as the springs took away the dust from the road. He watched Mei from the corner of his eye as he gently splashed water onto himself. Trying to ignore the tension that was radiating through him. A tension that he hadn't realized he'd even had until the warmth revealed it. Muscles quivering under his scales. Breath coming in shorter huffs as his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. He puffed and rolled his shoulders before looking at her after a long moment. "So why did you drag me all the way up here?"

"For the hot springs," she replied simply. Shoulders rolling with a smirk as she watched him. "Step one of the Ryu Rehabilitation Program is to get you to relax." Fingers trailed through the water as she looked at him. "Once you are relaxed, then we can move on with training."

How in the heavens was he going to relax? The kommo-o growled under his breath and shifted in the water. Settling onto the water-smoothed rock bench. Meditation, would that help?

Taking a breath, he sank back into the water a bit more. Breathing slowing down as he fell into familiar routines of meditation. The tension in his muscle starting to relax and quake as he took shallow breathes. Doing all he could to not groan and whimper as it began to fade. Leaving a dull soreness behind where they'd been taut for too long. Allowing himself to fully relax for the first time in a very long while.

Mei's voice purred from nearby, "There we go. Now just stay relaxed while I..." her hand grazed his thigh and slipped into his lap. Ryu jumping as her fingers curled about his cock again. "Nah uh, relax." He opened an eye and saw her mischievous smile, "You wanted to learn my secrets, didn't you? And you must have found I helped a little or else you wouldn't be here." He grumbled a little but closed his eyes and tried to keep his breathing steady. "There we go."

Surprising as it might sound, it was hard to maintain ones composure when someone had their hands on your cock.

With his eyes closed, he was keenly aware of how her hands trailed over him. The gentle touch more than enough to rouse the dragon again. His cock lifting against her palm as quiet purrs rolled against him. The mienshao curling her form into his side, "You know, I never complimented you earlier." Hands stroked the belly of his cock and up to his tip. Fondling his crown and easing his foreskin back, "But you have a very nice cock." A sigh whispered against him as she leaned in. Lips brushing his neck with each word, "It's so thick." A squeeze made his length pulse. "And long. It'll give any girl a good stretching. If she's into that sort of thing that is. Some aren't."

It was getting harder to focus, especially as her fingers toyed with his crown. The warmth of the springs soaking into his body in ways he hadn't felt before. Her light touch teasing his length. "W...what about you?" he asked, trying to find something to distract himself.

"Shhh, you're supposed to be meditating." Teeth grazed his neck in a bite. "Or do we have to wait and then start over again?"

He felt his breath catch as her hands stilled. A strange worry racing up his spine. The dragon shivered and closed his mouth, taking a deep breath and trying to recenter himself. It was difficult to do, but he did manage something approaching relaxed meditation again.

A meditation which was ruined the second her hands started to move again.

Ryu took a shuddering breath and tried to calm himself. It was like any other distraction, all he had to was tune it out and he'd be fine. The masters had thrown all sorts of challenges at them when they were learning to meditate. Working them until they were able to enter the calmed state regardless of the circumstance. Though none of them had tried this sort of distraction before.

Water sloshed as Mei shifted. Ryu's body almost humming as he felt her shifting. Anticipating that she was going to sit on his lap again and toy with him. When she didn't there was a disappointed relief and he kept pushing himself to try and fall into that full meditative state. It was getting easier to push the attention of her hands aside. It was more surprise than anything else last time that allowed her to finish him so quick. He wasn't about to let her pull one over on him again. No matter how wonderful her hands felt as they played with his cock. How she cradled it, lifting it higher, how her body rubbed his as she moved, or even how she was toying with his tip..

Eyes shot wide and he jumped as something brushed against his cock and wrapped about the tip. Glancing hurriedly around he couldn't see Mei. Least not until he looked down and saw the mienshao kneeling between his legs, cradling his cock. Her eyes were shut and mouth open wide as she leaned forward, taking his cock right into her waiting mouth.

It was hard for him to even breathe as he watched her. Breath hitching in his throat as the mienshao bobbed her head forward. Tongue bathing the underside of his cock. Head twisting just so as her tongue ran a lap about his length and behind to tease his bump.

Drawing back, Mei's head almost broke the surface of the springs. Water just starting to crest over her head before she dove back down. Those skilled hands of hers sweeping along his post. Light enough to tease, but firm enough to push him that much closer to the inevitable. Each bob letting teeth and tongue tease his flesh. Coaxing precum out to flow down her throat as she drove ever further along his length. Neck bulging about his length as she swallowed and gulped around him.

He was impressed with her skill to keep this up while holding her breath. Never once did her head break the surface of the water as she kept working. Drawing him ever closer to his finish. The kommo-o groaning down at her and rolling his hips. Doing his best to remain still even as she toyed with him.

Ryu's breath came in shorter gasps as he felt his length start to twitch. Balls lifting as that pleasure began to build. His hips jerking as he resisted the urge to just grab her head and drive himself balls deep.

Mei broke the surface with a smirk. Fingers lingering on his shaft and stroking his length. She rose higher until she was standing up. Touch still lingering on his flesh as she looked right into his eyes. "Well, you're certainly worked up aren't you?" Licking her lips, she flashed a smile and tilted her head ever so slightly. "Sweeter taste too, been sticking to the diet, hmm?" Water swirled about her as she turned away and strode to far side of the pool. Casting the barest glance over her shoulder with a wry smile. "I could just tease you until you blow again, but you're not going to learn anything that way."

Bending forward, she let one hand come to rest on the stone ring that surrounded the pool. Her other sliding back to cup her rear. Meiling fixed him with a sideways smile as she spread her cheeks apart to reveal a pink pucker and the rosy petals of her flower. "Come over here and put that where it belongs."

His eyes widened and the pokemon swallowed hard. Eyes zeroed in on her offered backside. Was it just him, or had the hot springs gotten much hotter?

Body rolled slowly as she purred at him, "You want my secrets? You'll have to earn them."

Something told him that this wasn't exactly the orthodox way of teaching. A shiver raced down his body as the warm water flowed across his privates. Making the dragon type shiver and length pulse. Mei waiting patiently, dipping just the edge of a finger into her body. Spreading the outer lips of her peach apart to show those succulent insides.

A growl started up before he rose to his feet. "You'd better not be trying to trick me." He grumbled quietly as he approached. Nerves fluttering as he reached down to stroke his cock. Hand coming to rest on her backside as he stared down at her.

Her back arched until she was folded in a neat C shape, lips brushing his chin as she rolled her rear against his cock. "Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?" Body rolled smoothly against his as she breathed out the sweetest sounding purr. Her warm, soft lips rubbing against the underside of his cock. "Truthfully, this will help you understand. I could teach you other methods, but this will be enjoyable for both of us." She relaxed and practically lay on the stone, looking over a shoulder at him. "Your choice."

Nerves fluttered even more as she lay down to watch. This was all on him now wasn't it? She certainly had something to teach him and had offered him an out.

Brushing the tip of his cock against her entrance. He shivered at the soft warmth that was waiting on him. A groan lifting from the kommo-o as he pressed forward. Eyes locked on her body as he huffed. Nostrils flaring to inhale her scent as those lips were spread against his fat tip.

Mei groaned and gripped the rock. Claws digging into the stone as she did her best to keep herself looking as calm as possible. Fucking hell, if she/d realized just how big he was before this she wouldn't have waited so long to coax him into a romp. Despite doing what she could to keep her expression on the lazy side of neutral, her teeth were grinding as he pushed against her. Blunt tip spreading her wider and wider, reaching the point where she was worried he was going to split her down the middle. It'd been a fucking stretch to fit him in her mouth, her jaws still ached from that, could she take him?

Just when she was certain she'd have to tell him to stop, he pushed in. Jaws dropping with twin cries as her body stretched around him. Her claws digging deep into the stone. Bits of rock flaking off as the mienshao arched against him, trying to make it easier for the male to drive deep.

Ryu gasped over her, eyes rolling back as that warmth wrapped around his cock. He'd thought her hands were great, and her mouth was bliss. This was beyond his ability to describe. How her muscles gripped his cock. So warm, smooth as silk and searing him with her carnal fire. That warmth soaking into him, warming him to the core. Her muscles clenching about him, coaxing him deeper while also fighting his penetration.

Hips moved back with a shaky jerk before slamming forward. The impact of it driving the breath from her lungs as he jammed her against the rock. Tail lifting higher as she scrabbled at the rock. Gasping breathlessly as her form rocked back into his. "Gentler!" she managed to gasp, "Smoother."

The kommo-o blinked. Her words familiar and alien at the same time. He was already partially through another trust. Water churning madly about him as the male drove himself into her.

It took a few seconds, and several trembling thrusts, before they registered fully. Right, smoother. Her motions had been so graceful, he felt incredibly awkward now. Cheeks flushing as soft pants slipped out. How could he match her grace? He'd never fucked anyone before and now he was approaching balls deep in a fellow student turned teacher.

Shifting his legs apart, he began to roll his hips smoothly. Trying to shift and flow with how the water sloshed about them. Hands falling to rest on her hips She bumped up and back against him, body rolling gracefully back into his now. Eyes flushed with lust as she looked back at him. A smile crossing her lips as she wiggled back into him. Reaching down to stroke his fingers as she started to roll her hips with a throaty purr. Ryu's thrusts following the pace she was setting.

Her pace was faster than he'd been going. He could already feel his cock starting to twitch within her walls. A twitch that was met with a clench from her insides. Low purr rolling from the mienshao as she looked over her shoulder with a smirk. Eyes seeming to challenge him. To mock him playfully for drawing to his finish so early. Her words from earlier ringing into his mind.

Mei was having a blast now that he was in her. Fucker was thick enough that he was hitting everything inside her with each stroke. Took all she could to not just go cross-eyed from the fucking she was getting. She could feel it though. That twitch of his cock that spelled the beginning of the end of the kommo-o. Eyes narrowed with a rowl as she rolled back into him. Eagerly waiting for that blissful feeling of his cock surging in her and pumping his seed so deep.

Imagine her surprise when his arms hooked under her thighs and lifted her up. The mienshao crying out in surprise as he stood upright. Gravity drawing her further down onto his cock and forcing her legs up until her knees were braced on her own shoulders.

Caught by surprise and held, there wasn't a thing she could do other than hang on for the ride as he pounded up into her. Scales chiming musically as the dragon growled behind her. Arms looping to trap her legs about as high as they could go. Fingers linking behind her head to keep the hold on. Only just able to shift her upwards before allowing gravity to drop her towards his waiting cock. Each thrust driving him that much deeper into her. Eyes rolling back as he drilled himself further and further into her core. The smaller female's stomach bulging from his side as she shuddered around him. Mei quickly losing control as the male just flat out ravaged her. He was going to ruin her at this rate and she was fine with that.

Ryu was lost, it was all he could do to keep form cumming as she squeezed him. Something about those throaty yowls and gasps of hers was about to set him off. Cock pulsing in her depths. Up and down. Lift her higher before rolling to meet her with cycle. He was lost for what to do. It was all he could do not to just lose it and fill her up.

Not that his control would last, inexperienced as he was.

A growl ripped from the kommo-o as he started to slow down. Doing his best to make that fragile hold he had last. Length throbbing within her walls as he groaned. Eyes rolling back in his head. Tongue hanging from his maw as he tried to breathe and calm himself down.

Teeth nipped at his chin, "Don't you puss out on me now, Ryu." Even held as she was, Mei rolled her body and drove herself back down down into him. The mienshao growling in pleasure as her eyes narrowed, "I have a lot to teach you." Each of her pinned thrusts made him go that much further cross-eyed. "Starting with, don't leave a lady hanging!" Oh fuck, there was no way he was going to be able to hold back. He could feel it starting, building in his loins. That tension building in an instant before releasing into her with a bellow.

"Hiyaaaa!" Ryu called as his hand lashed out. Light erupting from his clenched fist to strike the stone. Gasps of awe and surprise rang through the gathered students as the energy struck the stone with surprising force. Drilling a neat, smooth hole through the weather-worn rock.

Exhaling, he stepped back and brought his hands together. Head bowing ever so slightly. His master let out a pleased noise, "Very good. It pleases me greatly to see you have mastered your light." The sawk crossed arms behind his back and looked over the kommo-o with a quiet hum. "I feel there is little else that I can teach you that you can't learn by yourself."

Ryu bowed, "I wouldn't have been able to master without the help of my fellow students, Master. I am indebted to you and to them for all that you have given me." He saw Mei smirk at him from the corner of her eye. The mienshao licking her lips in that subtle way that suggested she wasn't done 'teaching' him yet.

"Indeed," the sawk rumbled, "Then perhaps I'll leave you to some further... studies."

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