Delayed destiny ch 10

Story by Trollin67583 on SoFurry

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#12 of Delayed destiny

Chapter 10 as promised. Any and all feedback is always welcome. If you guys like this story and want to see me be a better writer feel free to leave a comment.


With the school finished we all got home and got ready for training.

Remember everyone, keep your eyes and ears open when we start this training. We need to know what's going on at all times. (Joe)

Yes we all know the plan Joe. (Lance)

I know. Let's just hope for the best.

We all got ready and waited from Ms. Star. Our mother made us go over every detail of our plan and what to do if anything went wrong.

After about thirty minutes Ms. Star pulled up. This time it was one military looking bus.

"Isn't that a little bit noticeable?" (Kade)

"Yes I suppose it is." (Ms. Star)

She didn't give any further explanation and we all hopped on.

The ride up there felt faster than the first time. Just like last time we went straight to the training room. This time the window into the safe room was see through on both sides. We noticed multiple people that were new.

"Who are they?" (Me)

"They are trainers who specialize in powerful and dangerous abilities. They will help you control your abilities and learn all of what you guys are capable of." (Ms. Star)

We were all a little thrown off with this change. We couldn't decide if it was good or bad.

We don't know their abilities. We have to tread carefully here. (Farren)

If they are telling the truth this could help with training us. (Tony)

IF is the key work there. (Lance)

Ms. Star went to the safe room and we awaited further instructions. Just like before they had two of us fuse and show one ability, Then it was two abilities. So on and so forth. We got to the point where they asked five of us to fuse. I was going to be the host since I had the most experience with multi fuse.

Farren Joe Lance and Carson fused with me. The energy rush was overwhelming but I brought it under control.

"OK, what are the abilities you can use easily in this state?" (trainer 1)

"Telekinesis, fire, water, air, earth, levitation, strength, increased senses, and I can read feelings." (Me)

"Can you show me three of those at once."

I picked myself up and created a fireball in one hand and a vortex in the other. Pretty average stuff for me really.

"OK now add two more please."

I added water and earth into the mix and had them spinning around me.

(note all elemental abilities can create that element and act like it, but if it was created it takes more energy and they disappear when you stop. So you can create water but it will disappear after you release it.)

"Great now release all of them."

I did so and landed back on the ground.

"Now let's experiment with abilities you haven't used yet" (trainer 2)

"OK what would you guys have us use?" (Me)

"I would like to see transformation."

Transformation changes the shape of anything. But you have to have your hands on it and you can't change what it is.

Someone brought in a metal statue of a horse.

"Please change that into another animal."

(trainer 3)

I did as asked and made it into a bear, a wolf. Then an alligator.

"You've never used that ability right?" (trainer 2)

"That's correct sir."

"Wow very impressive. OK how about illusion?"

I held my hand out and created a waterfall in the room.

"I've already made illusions."

"Well done. How about teleportation?" (trainer 1)

Shit how would I do that?

Look at a place and think of moving there in an instant? (Tony)

I stared across the room and tried my best to focus on moving there. I let power move through me. A bright and hot feeling washed over me as an explosion ripped past us. I realized that I had done that. The spot I was focused on was charred and the metal walls around it were expanded. Luckily no one was hurt.

"Well that was unexpected. Is everyone OK? (trainer 1)

"Yes we are good. So I guess we have combustion powers." (Me)

"It would seem that way. Now that we know, please don't do that again."

"Got it. So back to teleportation."

I tried focusing on the other side of the room. This time I didn't let the energy build up, I imagined it being moved to that location instead. In an instant I was standing where I was focused on.

"Great job. I think for now that should wrap up the testing." (trainer 2)

"actually, there's one thing that we would like to test." (Me)

"OK, what would that be?"

"We want to see if we have arcane reality control."

"No, that is not something we can test here." (Ms. Star)

"But you said this facility was built to handle any ability, and we need to know if we have that ability."

"I said no. Something like that is best left untouched."

"What if we end up accidentally using that ability and not being able to control it. we could cause a lot of harm if that ever happened."

"I understand but it's still not something we can test here safely."

"But that is what this place is for Ms. Star."

(trainer 1)

"I agree with John. We should test this now while we can" (trainer 2)

Reality control gives one basic ability that you can't find anywhere else. The power to change material to different materials. For a case like ours where we already have all these powers none can do that one thing. Other then that we already control everything else that reality control can do.

"Fine we will test it. If your going to do it, you might as well all fuse to produce the best results." (Ms. Star)

We all fused and I felt the power rush of having everyone's power contained. At that moment I felt that I could take on the whole world without breaking a sweat.

"Do you have control of your current state?" (trainer 3)

"Yes sir."

"OK take that metal statue, try to turn it into a different material."

I focused as hard as I could on the metal. I willed it to change into water. Nothing was happening.

Maybe we don't have it? (Farren)

Ya you may be right. (Me)

I kept trying when something started happening. I felt the energy moving around in me, something started to connect. When it did the energy started funneling into somewhere outside of my body. The power surge was like nothing I had felt before. The metal in my hand started to glow. In a flash it turned to water and splashed to the ground. As soon as I cut the connection the water turned to metal again.

"OK now you all need to defuse." (Ms. Star)