Housework and Horse-work

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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Tirre is still under her masters control with her collar, and has been set to work around his house. But every now and then, there are 'excursions' outside, each one a surprise to the kobold..

This is a direct sequel to this story, A Violation of Trust!.

This story was available two weeks ago on my Patreon!

Go there to see stories earlier as well as some other perks!

Tirre woke up early in the morning, a moan leaving her lips before she was really awake. Blearily, the kobold, her hide a dull pink, opened her eyes, biting a lip. Her alarm clock wasn't really an alarm clock. Instead, it was a butterfly vibrator that she put on before going to bed. Now that it was time to wake, the little vibe was buzzing right on her clit. She moaned, hands clenched on her thighs as the vibe began to force her towards her first orgasm of the day.

Lysgoth liked to have her start off her day with an orgasm, get her wet and ready for the rest of her duties. As such, Tirre was forbidden from removing the butterfly vibe until she'd had at least one climax. The kobold squirmed, looking around. She was in a cage in her Master's dungeon, though it was, all things considered, fairly comfortable. There was a mattress and pillows and blankets inside, and the door was rarely locked; it was more as a reminder than anything. Locks weren't needed with the collar.

Moaning a little louder as an orgasm began to build, the kobold reached up to finger the collar locked around her neck. It was never removed, and rarely disabled. She wasn't sure how it worked but it controlled her every movement, down to the smallest muscle. She couldn't do anything to disobey Lysgoth with it controlling her, no matter how hard that she tried.

Her dragon master had put it on the unwilling kobold just over a month ago. It'd been the one year anniversary of him acting as a dom for the kobold but while he'd wanted it to become a permanent arrangement with her as a live-in slave, Tirre had refused. Unfortunately for her, Lysgoth was unwilling to take 'no' for an answer, putting the collar on her instead. Since then, all free will had been stripped from her, leaving her waiting on Lysgoth and obeying every idle amusement that he had, not least of which had been taking her to a brothel and letting an entire crowd fuck her. He seemed to get off on the humiliation and control, and Tirre was powerless.

The kobold's thoughts were swept aside as she gave a long moan, waves of pleasure crashing through her as she peaked, the orgasm leaving her gasping as her sex clenched and dripped slowly. For a few seconds, Tirre was lost in the afterglow, right before the still-buzzing toy began to feel far too powerful. The moment that the collar would let her, she stripped off the vibrator, turning it off gratefully and throwing it to one side. She'd have to put it back on tonight, for the following day, but now was one of the few times in the morning that she had any peace: after cumming for the first time and getting up.

Tirre closed her eyes, hand drifting to play over the collar again; it was a standing order from the dragon that she was forbidden from interfering with it in any way, so gentle touches were the most that the kobold could do. Before long though, she sighed, getting to her knees and crawling to the door of the cage. It opened without a sound and Tirre groaned as she stood, stretching out her arms and tail.

Even if she did get the collar off, she didn't have anywhere to go. Lysgoth had made her break her lease over her old apartment, and then sell all of her old possessions off. He'd taken the money from that, and then ordered her to contact her friends and family. With the collar, she sounded completely natural and authentic as she told them that she was moving in with Lysgoth, that she was fine but needed some time. She'd been forced to deflect all of the questions that they'd asked, make excuses for why she couldn't see them anymore. Some of them hadn't been impressed but they'd more or less accepted the story. A few more calls over the next week or two had severed any other connections that she'd had. Outside of the house, she didn't really have anything to go back to. She didn't even own anything anymore, not even a piece of clothing.

The first thing that Tirre did after getting out of the cage was go to the toy cabinet. Lysgoth had a pervertedly large collection of dildos, plugs, vibrators, and other toys, as well as cuffs, gags, and other bondage items. Lysgoth was quite a big bigger than Tirre and he loved the sensation of knotting his cock inside her. That had been all but impossible when she'd had the collar put on her, so Lysgoth had assigned her 'exercises'.

The kobold opened the cabinet, looking at the lowest shelf. On it rested a line of butt plugs, going from one barely larger than a finger on the left to a truly monstrous size at the right end. She wasn't anywhere close to taking that and she doubted that she ever would; at least, she hoped so. Tirre gulped a little as she looked it, then picked up a plug that was a little left of the centre. Her ass was small and tight and it was taking quite a while to stretch out her tailhole.

The plug that she picked up was a normal conical one, with a flared base to keep it from slipping into her. It was made of black silicon and the bottom was a narrow rectangle so that it would sit between her ass cheeks as she stood. Sighing lightly, she closed the cabinet, plug closed in a fist. There was a large pump bottle full of high-quality lube on a nearby table so she went to that next, putting a generous squirt onto a finger. Squatting down in a practised motion, she slight the finger beneath her tail and into her ass, the lube helping immensely.

Experience made it easy to keep her tailhole relaxed as she spread the lube around, thrusting the finger a couple of times before withdrawing. A few more pumps from the bottle and the plug was suitably slick as well, though it would hardly be easy to insert. Squatting again, Tirre manoeuvred the tip against her tailhole. The kobold took a few deep breaths, making sure the ring of muscle was as relaxed as she could make it, before pushing the plug into herself.

She groaned softly, panting and spreading her legs a little further as she quickly reached to the limit of what was comfortable. Panting, she paused to give her body time to adjust to the intrusion, then pushed it in the rest of the way. The plug entered her with a small pop, her ass drawing it in the rest of the way until the base was flush against her tailhole. Tirre stood with a small moan, the now-familiar feeling of having her ass stuffed uncomfortably full making her shift from foot to foot.

Now that that part of her morning routine was done, Tirre walked up the stairs, her gait a little stiff due to the toy filling her. Once upstairs, her first stop was the bathroom. She washed her hands, as well as washing her scales clean. Once her morning ablutions were complete, the next standing order that Lysgoth had given her came into effect. She had the sense that, before her, the dragon had had a cook and a maid working for him. Since she'd come though, they'd been fired and Tirre took over their duties, as well as those of a sex slave.

It was still a little while before she was supposed to wake her master, so the collar set about making Tirre cook breakfast. It was at times like this that the collar's control became hard to identify. As long as she actually tried to cook, Tirre couldn't feel it's influence at all. It was only when she tried to resist and disobey the commands that her movements were not her own. Knowing what Lysgoth liked, she began to cook bacon and eggs, as well as toasting some bread for the dragon. The kobold devoted herself to the task, forgetting everything else for a short while.

Many strips of bacon were soon frying in the pan, eggs next to them. Lysgoth liked a big breakfast so she made a great deal of both of them, sticking them in the oven once they were done cooking so that they'd stay nice and warm. The smells made her own stomach growl but she wasn't allowed to eat before Lysgoth did.

Once there was enough food waiting in the oven, she set the table quickly. Only one place, of course. Lysgoth was fond of reminding her that she, as a slave, wasn't equal to him. A fresh glass of orange juice was poured next to the plate as she looked over everything, then at the clock. There was a specific time that she was to wait Lysgoth, and not a minute later or earlier. That was her next duty though, so the kobold found herself traipsing up the stairs to where the dragon's bedroom was.

Since it was still too early, she knelt outside his door quietly. There was a clock in the hallway for just this purpose and Tirre kept her eyes on it, waiting for the right time. She only had to wait a few minutes before, still kneeling, she opened the door. Not wanting to let in too much light, Tirre let it open just enough for herself to squeeze through on her hands and knees, crawling into the darkened room. Using her tail, she closed the door again gently, the only sound a small click.

The room was quite dark; Lysgoth liked as little light as possible when sleeping. Thick curtains covered the windows, blocking out the early-morning sun. In the dimness, she was able to make out the shape of the king-sized bed that the dragon slept on. Moving quietly, Tirre crawled to the base of the bed, looking over it. Lysgoth's outline was visible as a prone shape, still fast asleep. His scales, a pale greyish white colour, reflected what little luminance that there was, making him just a bit easier to see in the darkness.

As she'd been ordered to do, Tirre stuck her head beneath the covers at the foot of the bed, moving beneath them slowly. Lysgoth's feet and legs were on either side of her as she crawled fully onto the mattress. Feeling the weight make the bed shift, the dragon began to stir but not before Tirre's muzzle reached his crotch. Lysgoth wore no clothes to bed so there was nothing in the way as the kobold began to nuzzle and lick at his sheath. Much as Tirre tried to resist the order, the collar made the motions enthusiastic, tender even.

Lysgoth stirred more powerfully as his cock began to emerge from his slit, right into Tirre's waiting mouth. She suckled gently, mouth getting progressively fuller as the dragon got larger. His length was quickly too big to fit inside her short muzzle, the kobold continuing to suck at the tip and whatever else she could fit in her mouth. He was at least two feet taller than she was, and his cock was similarly over-sized for the kobold.

"Mmmm, morning slave," came the dragon's voice in a purr. The sheets were pulled from Tirre's head and her eyes flicked up to see, in the dimness, the dragon smiling at her. "Keep going now."

In the year of their play, Tirre had never had much interest in attempting to deepthroat the much larger dragon, but since she'd been collared, Lysgoth had insisted that she learn. Every morning, when she woke him, the kobold was to practice her new skill. As Lysgoth watched, Tirre began to force her muzzle down his length.

It didn't take long before there was no more room in her muzzle, his tip against her throat, but the collar compelled her to go on. Of course, Lysgoth could have just commanded that she take his entire cock and the collar would make her do so, but he seemed to prefer the 'training'. This morning, Tirre got almost halfway down the massive length before she began gagging. She pulled back for a second, then tried again, getting a little further as her throat stretched uncomfortably.

There she had to stop, but it was still an improvement over the previous day. She stayed still, suckling slowly and drooling down the length as Lysgoth patted her head. "Slow but steady," he said. "That's the way to improve. You can stop now."

Gratefully, Tirre let the dragon's length slide out of her muzzle, coughing gently as the collar kept her nuzzling and licking at his length. "Are you ready for the toy?"

"Yes, Master," Tirre said at once, making a mental groan. "Any one that you like." There was already a toy for her ass but some mornings -- many mornings even -- Lysgoth kept her sex stuffed full as well, usually with something that would tease her all day long.

"How generous of you," Lysgoth said, smirking; he'd been the one to tell her to say that, word for word. "Present."

At once, Tirre swung herself around, raising her tail over her back so that her sex, already wet from the vibrator before, was over Lysgoth's chest. "I chose this one last night," the dragon continued, Tirre waiting, tensed, as she heard a drawer open and close. She didn't have to wait long before a thick object pressed against her entrance, slowly slipping inside. It was fairly wide, making her pant slowly as the dildo slid into her damp sex. Lysgoth thrust it into her a few times before pushing it as deep as it would go. Tirre shivered, sex clenching down on the toy once or twice before feeling tight elastic around her hips, made to hold the dildo inside her without it slipping out.

The kobold half expected it but she still jumped as the toy began to buzz inside her. The vibrations weren't very strong but there definitely distracting to feel. "I doubt that I need to say it, but no cumming," Lysgoth said, Tirre able to hear his smirk. The stimulation was nowhere near strong enough for that, but even if it had been, the order meant that she wouldn't be able to climax at all until he overruled it. As it was though, the toy would just be frustrating. He slapped her ass lightly. "Let's go eat."

Tirre crawled off of the dragon and quickly knelt beside the bed as he yawned and stood, doing a few stretches. As the dragon began to walk towards the door, Tirre crawled after him. This was a new humiliation: she was not to stand or walk in his presence unless necessary. Since she'd been collared, it was like a completely new side had appeared to Lysgoth; Tirre would never have expected this from him before.

He went fairly slowly, enough so that Tirre could keep up with him as they headed downstairs. He seated himself at the table, sipping at the orange juice she'd laid out for him. Once in the kitchen, Tirre could stand again, quickly getting the breakfast from the oven and making sure it was all how the dragon liked it before whisking the plate into the dining room. "Ah, excellent," Lysgoth purred, sniffing at the food before picking up the knife and fork.

Resigned to the next relevant command, Tirre sunk to her knees, going beneath the table. As always when Lysgoth was eating, she was to give him a blowjob. Breakfast was usually the easiest, since after the teasing of waking him up, and a night without sex, he didn't last too long. She took his length back into her muzzle, trying to get him off as fast as possible. By now, Tirre knew quite well what he liked, running her tongue along the ridges of his shaft as her hands squeezed at the large knot at the base.

Between her legs, the vibrator was an unceasing presence, sometimes out of mind but never forgotten. She was properly dripping now, the low but constant stimulation making her squirm slowly as her sex got slicker. "Slow down," came Lysgoth's order, Tirre's heart sinking. "I want to enjoy the meal, after all."

Fucker, Tirre cursed at him, the opportunity for a quick bit of oral lost. The collar made her slow down at once, gently licking and suckling on his shaft while her hands squeezed and stroked gently. It seemed, to Tirre at least, that half her life was spent with her lips wrapped around his cock; Lysgoth was quite the fan of her muzzle.

The sounds of the dragon eating made Tirre's belly growl quietly again but she couldn't voice any complaint. She'd be allowed to eat, after. Lysgoth wasn't one to rush, so it was almost a quarter of an hour later that he said, "Almost done."

The kobold knew what that meant and started moving faster, trying to get the dragon to cum again. The dragon's tail pressed up between the kobold's legs, forcing the dildo and plug into her just a little bit more so that she moaned into his cock, sucking as hard as she could as her tongue coiled around the shaft.

It didn't take long before the familiar hand came down between her horns, holding her in place as the cock pulsed in her muzzle, filling it with the dragon's hot seed. She'd long gotten past the point of gagging as she swallowed the cum down in long gulps, knowing that if she didn't, Lysgoth would order her to anyway. "Good girl," he sighed contentedly, releasing her head.

Tirre licked his cock clean obediently, as that was another ingrained command, then crawled out from beneath the table. "Any orders for the day, Master?" she said brightly. It seemed the only inflection she could give her words now.

Lysgoth considered her for a moment, then said, "Clean the place up for now. I have a treat planned for the both of us this afternoon, but there's no need to waste the morning. Eat, and then put on the maid's outfit."

Not that, Tirre thought. The 'maid outfit' was a kinky French maid's costume, one that left her breasts exposed with the top. The skirt that came with it was barely there, not even covering her ass and leaving the bases of the toys completely visible. It was humiliating to wear, least of all actually clean in it. It was the 'treat' though that had her really concerned. The last time he'd planned something like that, it had resulted in a bunch of strangers fucking her tailhole on a stage in front of even more people. That was not something that she wanted to repeat.

None of her thoughts or feelings could be expressed though. All the kobold said was, "Of course, Master," as Lysgoth rose from the table, leaving the dining room without another word. Once he was out of sight, Tirre relaxed slightly, hands clenched on her thighs as she breathed deeply a few times. Her sex rippled around the vibrator inside her which was getting harder and harder to ignore. A little unsteadily, she rose to her feet and began clearing the table.

She took the stack of dishes to the kitchen, where the extra food she had cooked was still warm in the oven. Since Lysgoth hadn't wanted seconds, it was hers and she wolfed it down quickly. If he had wanted seconds, there was porridge in the fridge, but Tirre shuddered even thinking about that. Whenever she made a bowl, Lysgoth fucked her sex, then had her kneel over it so that their combined juices dripped onto the food. That made it far harder to eat, even if she normally liked porridge.

With the vibrator between her legs, Tirre began to clean up the kitchen first, moving a little slower than usual. Every so often she had to grab the bench-top, steadying herself as she tried to calm down. Small trickles of her arousal ran down her thighs in tickling streams and she wiped them away with a dishcloth; if too much got on the floor, she'd have to mop too.

Apart from the toys stuffing her below, this wasn't all that bad. Normal housework was one of the better parts of being Lysgoth's slave. The orders surrounding this activity weren't so strict so if she was at least trying, Tirre had the illusion of control back. Even something as ordinary as washing the dishes was nice; nothing about that could be perverted, if you discounted the toys.

Reluctant to get on with her other orders, the kobold made sure that the kitchen was sparking in every way before leaving it, heading back downstairs into the dungeon. There was a large wardrobe near the stairs and she headed to this. Since all of her _actual_clothes had been sold or given away by Lysgoth, this was now all she could wear. Most of the time, Lysgoth had her stay naked but sometimes he preferred costumes, or she had to wear something when she left the house. In most cases, Tirre preferred to stay naked; the costumes were often worse than nothing.

The French maid costume stood out amongst the hanging clothes. It was made of black and white fabric, along with quite a lot of frilly lace. With a look of distaste on her face, Tirre took it off of the clothing hanger. The cloth still smelled a little like sex from the last time she'd worn it, the kobold putting it on quickly. It covered absolutely nothing, her chest and ass clearly visible as well as the slick lips of her sex, slightly parted by the dildo's base.

There was a tall mirror on the inside of the wardrobe, Tirre taking the take to check her reflection and make sure the costume was all in place. The kobold sighed gently: if it had been another situation, it would have been rather sexy to wear.

She headed back upstairs, going to the cupboard that held all of the cleaning supplies and taking out a duster and a rag. The kobold could hear the sound of Lysgoth watching something in the TV room so she started her cleaning on the opposite side of the house, getting to work. Unfortunately, Lysgoth liked having a clean house and had her act the maid several times a week. That meant that there wasn't much for her to do other than keep it looking pristine; there was no hard grime or thick dust to get rid of when she cleaned so frequently.

Tirre went from room to room, trying to take as long as possible before her legs carried her to the next one. It took an hour or two before she got to the TV room though, leaving it until the very last moment. In that time, Tirre had found her tail hiking and she had to stop to calm down more and more often as the vibrator and plug teased at her. The kobold had long since given up on trying to keep her arousal from trickling down her thighs, filling every room she passed through with the smell of her toy-induced lust.

As she entered the room with the television, Lysgoth looked up and smiled. "Ah, you do look lovely in that costume. How's the cleaning going?"

"Well, Master," Tirre chirped in response, the collar making her smile at the dragon. The television, a very large one that was mounted on the wall, was playing a popular movie that had only been released a few weeks ago, but Lysgoth ignored it.

"Give me a show," he said, sprawled naked on the couch. His position left his slit exposed and Tirre groaned mentally as she saw the tip of his cock began to slip free. There were bookshelves around the room, all of them full with a variety of books. As she lifted the duster to clean them, Tirre stuck out her ass, swaying it from side to side slightly as her tail lifted high. With the short skirt of the French maid costume, she was baring everything to Lysgoth, the toys very visible.

She kept lewdly exposing herself, swaying and wiggling her rump as she moved around the room. As Tirre dusted, she thrust out her chest as well, squeezing her tits together as she turned to another shelf and giving Lysgoth the show that he demanded. As she turned, the kobold glanced at him, seeing his black shaft fully erect now as he watched her, the movie going forgotten.

"Enjoying the vibe?" he said with a toothy grin as she went to the last bookshelf. "Feeling needy?"

"Yes for both, Master," Tirre said. She hated the collar for making her say it but that didn't mean that it was a lie; there was a pervasive, frustrating ache between her legs even though the vibrator felt nice by itself, buzzing away inside her walls.

"Perhaps I can help," the dragon continued smoothly. "We have some time before my treat, after all." His hand reached down to squeeze his cock suggestively. "Take the dildo out, my pretty slave."

Tirre's hand put the duster down on its own, reaching down a second later to grasp the base of the toy. Her other hand undid the elastic straps holding it in place before Tirre slid the buzzing dildo out of her sex. Her legs trembled and she moaned reflexively, feeling quite empty as it left her. The toy was slick with her arousal and dripped onto the floor a couple of times as she turned it off, placing it on a coffee table nearby.

Lysgoth rose from his reclined position, sitting upright instead. His cock stuck up from his lap, seeming very big to Tirre, who suspected what was coming. "Ride me," the dragon purred, patting his leg. The kobold immediately went over to Lysgoth, straddling his lap as his length pressed up between her thighs. It slid gently against the wet folds of her sex and Tirre couldn't help but give a breathy moan, grinding gently against the hard length.

The dragon gave an appreciative growl and grabbed at her exposed tits, squeezing them firmly from where they were practically shoved in his face. Tirre rose a little higher, reaching down beneath her to firmly grasp Lysgoth's cock, positioning it so that the tip pressed against her entrance. He didn't say anything, letting the previous order do its work as he leaned his muzzle in, tongue licking against her exposed nipples.

That touch drew another moan; the kobold had rather sensitive nipples. But she was more concerned with her sex as she gently lowered herself, biting a lip to strangle a moan as the dragon's cock slid into her. He was a lot bigger than the dildo but she was suitably slick, and she'd had a fair bit of practice in the last month of fitting the dragon's length inside her sex. If ordered to, she could even take the knot, though it was far from comfortable and left her sore for days.

Tirre rocked herself up and down slowly as Lysgoth played with her breasts, gradually fitting more of the cock inside her as the ridges popped in one at a time. "Mmm, I'll never get enough of your cunt," Lysgoth panted. His hips twitched into her a little but otherwise he let his slave move on her own accord. She, at least, was glad for the freedom to move at her own pace, slowly stretching herself out until her folds pressed against the beginnings of the knot at Lysgoth's base. The plug in her ass made her feel even more full, though it made it slightly harder for her to fit him inside. The hard shape of the toy pressed in through the wall of her sex, making it a tighter fit for Lysgoth.

There she stopped, panting a little as her walls squeezed and rippled along the cock sporadically. Lysgoth continued to play with her chest as the kobold couldn't help but blush. "Don't let me stop you," Lysgoth growled quietly.

Tirre wasn't sure if it was an order or not but she acted as though it was. The kobold lifted herself back up, moaning as the ridged cock slid back out of her. She began to thrust and grind against him gently, keeping it at a slow pace that was most pleasant for her; it was rare that she even got this much control.

Given the relentless teasing that she'd been subjected to for the day so far, it didn't take Tirre long to begin to climb towards an orgasm. Whatever she might feel for Lysgoth as a person, his length felt nice inside her, the ridges along the shaft pulling and raking gently at her walls. She shuddered in pleasure, moving faster as the pressure in her lower belly built and built. Her pussy clenched hard around Lysgoth as she arched her back, ready to cum again.

At the last second, Tirre groaned, an odd sensation running through her. It felt like she was about to peak, but physically unable, like her body was resisting her. "Master..." she moaned, instantly remembering the order not to cum when he'd put the toy inside her in the morning. That command was still in effect and so the collar was forcibly preventing the kobold from cumming.

Lysgoth stopped playing with her tits to smile at her, knowing full well what was happening. He could feel her sex clenching needily on his shaft. "Beg," he said simply.

Tirre's face burned with the humiliation but even if she hadn't been wearing the collar, the urge to be able to cum was very strong. Lysgoth's word was still an order though, and she had to obey. "Please, Master," she said breathily, moans interspersing the words. "Please let me cum. I need badly!"

The dragon reached between her legs, fingers tracing around her clit as he smiled, considering her words. The kobold shuddered from her head to the tip of her tail, moaning loudly as the most sensitive point of her cunt was played with. She couldn't stop herself from grinding and thrusting faster on him, bucking her hips into the hand.

Lysgoth's skilled fingers traced around the nub, pushing back the little hood to expose it to his attentions. Tirre moaned louder, her clit feeling so sensitive that the sensations were almost painful, but it kept her near the peak, unable to go over the edge and cum properly. Her sex clenched needily and, as his fingers moved directly over her clitoris, the kobold gave a small squeal, bucking her hips away, and then into, the touch. "All right, slave," he said after edging the kobold for a good minute. "Cum!"

The restriction from the collar was lifted but at the same time, the order forced the kobold to climax, even as she was on the edge. Tirre howled, collapsing forwards against Lysgoth's chest as she quivered, all of her muscles twitching in a full-body climax. The muscles in her thighs and legs spasmed, not holding her as her weight fell onto the dragon's cock, forcing it deep inside her. At the same time, the kobold's tail curled and looped in jerking motions, entirely involuntary as pleasure raced up her spine.

The frustration of the morning's teasing all came out at once in one of her most powerful climaxes ever. Tirre was rendered breathless, feeling as if her lungs were refusing to work but not caring, unable to focus on anything else. The climax seemed to last a long time and she was vaguely aware of Lysgoth grunting as he orgasmed as well, the feeling of her climax driving him to one too. It seemed vague and distant as Tirre relaxed in an afterglow that seemed to wash everything else away.

"Good girl," came Lysgoth's voice, tinged with a purr, bringing Tirre back to herself. She tensed, the relaxing remnants of her climax fading away. Realising that she was pressing herself against Lysgoth, she immediately sat back up, shivering as she felt the cock inside her shift. Looking down, she saw that they'd made quite the mess; without the dragon knotting her, their combined juices had flowed out onto the couch.

"Is there anything else, Master?" she said stiffly, wanting to get off of his cock.

"Clean up here," Lysgoth said, squeezing a breast idly. "Then get the outfit for going outside; by then, it'll be time to leave."

"Yes, Master," Tirre replied dutifully, swinging off of the dragon. His cock slid out of her used sex, followed by quite a lot more of the dragon's seed. She put a hand over her sex to try and catch some of it as Lysgoth stood, heading out into the house and leaving Tirre to deal with the mess. Still with her palm cupped beneath her pussy, Tirre went to the cleaning cupboard, getting the necessary supplies.

It didn't take very long for her to clean up, even as cum continued to drip slowly from her used sex. By the time she was done though, that stopped and she headed downstairs. Lysgoth had ordered her to get dressed in the outfit for going outside. It was better than the French maid costume, but only just. At least this had proper underwear though.

The outfit began with a lacy g-string that Tirre pulled up between her legs. It was mostly see through and didn't hide her folds at all; the outline of her pussy was clearly visible as her wetness caused the fabric to adhere. Next was a lacy, bright red bra that gave the kobold exaggerated cleavage, pushing her tits up. Added to her bottom half was a miniskirt. This was slightly better than the costume's, just brushing against the top of Tirre's thighs, but still far from what she'd normally be comfortably wearing. Next was a shirt, knotted at the kobold's midriff. That was even smaller, leaving her entire belly bare and not even covering her violently red bra.

All in all, the outfit was very revealing and only just acceptable for wearing outdoors and in public. She wouldn't be arrested, but everyone would probably think she was a whore. What Tirre didn't forget through, was the plug in her ass. It was just covered by the skirt but if someone looked beneath it, the base of the toy would be clearly visible, the g-string not concealing it at all. If Tirre moved too quickly, the breeze would flip the skirt up and expose her ass, and the plug, to everyone.

Now fully dressed, she moved back upstairs, finding Lysgoth already waiting. The dragon was dressed fairly casually in a pair of jeans and a buttoned shirt. "To the car," he commanded carelessly as soon as Tirre came. He smiled widely as he saw the outfit, tail curling around to slap at her barely-covered ass as the kobold passed him. "Mmm, I never get tired of seeing you in that."

"Thank you, Master," the collar made Tirre say, also making her flash a smile at the dragon as she headed out of the door, Lysgoth locking it behind her. As they headed to the car, Tirre looked around furtively, as she always did when she was out in public with Lysgoth. She went as slowly as she could, not wanting to flash the street with the short skirt but there was no one that she could see.

That hadn't been the case a few days ago, when one of Lysgoth's neighbours had been having a garden party in their front yard. To Tirre's embarrassment and shame, Lysgoth had purposefully called out to her to draw their attention, while she was wearing her current outfit. This crowd was quite high-brow and prudish, so there had been no lewd comments or whistles, but instead a great number of disapproving glances and upturned muzzles. The entire garden had gone silent until Tirre had been in the car and out of sight, but not before Lysgoth had whispered in her ear, making her flash them all.

Now though, there was no one to see her as she and the dragon got into his car. Tirre squirmed as she put the seatbelt on, her weight on the chair forcing the plug deeper beneath her tail. Thankfully, Lysgoth's car had good suspension so the bumps and vibrations as they began to drive weren't that distracting.

"Now," Lysgoth said slyly as he drove, "there are a few commands that I want you to follow when we get there."

Oh no, Tirre thought, not saying anything as she looked at the dragon, feeling quite apprehensive. Lysgoth continued, each word making Tirre's nervousness grow. "Firstly, when told to undress, you will get completely naked. Next, you are to 'accommodate' any advances made to you. Understand?"

"I do, Master," Tirre said reluctantly; she could easily imagine how she would be made to 'accommodate' anyone that hit on her.

"Next, and this is important, your tail, calves, and thighs are now erogenous zones. Treat them as such. You are permitted to orgasm as much as you want. And remember: play the happy, kinky, perverted kobold that you are."

The last bit was a standing order when they were in public, designed to prevent Tirre from tipping anyone off about her situation. "Yes, Master," she said automatically but her mind was whirring. She didn't even know the collar could give her new erogenous places, though this most certainly didn't bode well for her.

Tirre kept a close eye on the route that they travelled, trying to figure out where Lysgoth was taking her. The drive only lasted for fifteen minutes or so, still staying in the relatively affluent part of town before Lysgoth finally pulled up on the side of the road. He parked right outside a massage parlour, Tirre giving a soft groan as she realised what the commands meant, the pieces of Lysgoth's newest plan to humiliate her clicking into place. "Out we get," the dragon said brightly, Tirre immediately moving to mirror him as they both stepped out onto the sun-warmed pavement.

"I chose your masseuse specially," Lysgoth said conspiratorially, leading Tirre by the arm towards the door. "I think you'll be quite...satisfied." A little bell tinkled as the dragon opened the door, revealing the front room of the parlour. There was the sharp smell of incense, coming from a few burning sticks of the stuff on the counter of the front desk. The room was quite nice, with a couch and some armchairs arranged in a tight circle to the left of the counter. A hall was visible, half a dozen doors lining it. From the corners of the room, soft music played to give a relaxed, calming atmosphere to the place.

Behind the counter, a petite bunny was clicking away at a computer, but as Lysgoth and Tirre entered, she smiled, standing. "Welcome," she said brightly. "How are you? Do you have appointments?"

"We do," Lysgoth said smoothly. "And we're well, thank you. I believe that this lovely kobold has an appointment with Mason, and I have one with Anna. I asked for them specially."

The bunny beamed and nodded, sitting back down at the computer and tapping for a few seconds. "Ah yes," she said, looking back up. "They'll be ready for you in a few minutes. If you could take a seat until then...?"

"Of course," the dragon said, giving Tirre's arm a small squeeze. "Be polite," he murmured, too quietly for the bun to hear.

"Thank you," the kobold blurted out. Lysgoth only made her do that so as not to arouse suspicion. She and her master sat down together on the couch, Tirre stiffening as she plug beneath her tail went a little deeper. Lysgoth's hand stayed possessively on her knee as they waited for the masseuses to come out and take them. Tirre's stomach was twisted into knots of nerves, anticipating what was coming. The kobold sat stiffly, waiting.

More at ease, Lysgoth picked up a magazine that was laying nearby, flicking through it idly. It didn't take too long for the sound of footsteps to echo down the hallway, Lysgoth and Tirre both looking up as a female arctic fox, covered in snow-white fur, came into the waiting room, looking around. Upon seeing Lysgoth, she smiled, coming over. "Back again?" she said, giving the dragon a gentle hug as he stood. "Shall we get started? You booked an extra-long session today."

"Let's go," Lysgoth smiled, letting Anna lead him down the hall. Just before he went out of sight, he called back to Tirre. "Enjoy your massage!"

The collar made Tirre flash a smile and give a short nod, Lysgoth disappearing from view. Once he was gone, Tirre gave a soft sigh, relaxing a little. That didn't last long though. Heavier sounding footsteps came from down the hall, Tirre making a small, dismayed gasp as she saw who Lysgoth had chosen for her masseuse, the one she was supposed to 'accommodate'. From the hallway emerged a stallion. He would have towered over Lysgoth, which meant that he absolutely dwarfed Tirre. A Friesan, he had dark, short fur, with a longer mane running to the base of his neck. Powerful muscles were visible beneath the stallion's hide, giving him a bulky build. She gulped, standing as he smiled down at her.

"Hi," he said, his voice deep and resonant. He held his hand out to shake and Tirre took it; his fist entirely enclosed the kobold's. "I'm Mason, and I'll be taking care of you today."

Tirre gulped again, shaking the stallion's hand. "L-looking forward to it," she said, words faltering a little. In spite of herself, her eyes flicked down to look at the equine's crotch. He was wearing rather loose, flowing shorts, but Tirre thought that she could see a hint of an outline there. She gulped again, following the equine as he returned to the hall, leading the kobold down to a door at the far end.

He held it open, letting the kobold slip inside. The room was fairly spacious, with a padded table in the very centre. There was some more incense burning on a low side table, next to some lotions and oils that were sitting in a holder, getting warmed up. More soft music played from hidden speakers, just enough to fill the silence with something.

Mason stayed by the door. "I'll give you a few minutes to undress," he said, pointing to a towel that was neatly folded on the padded table. "Undress to wherever you're comfortable, and that's there for you to cover yourself. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Thanks," Tirre mumbled as the stallion closed the door. Lysgoth's order made more sense now as Tirre's hands move to her clothes, quickly stripping everything off until she was standing stark naked in the room. Her stuff, not that they took up a lot of room, were placed in a little cubby off to the side. She put the towel in there; she wasn't allowed to cover herself with that either. Taking a moment to breathe deeply, she clambered onto the massage table, laying face down with her muzzle and head going into the headpiece at the end.

It was quite soft and comfortable there, the table shaped so that she could lay down comfortably. Still, Tirre couldn't relax completely; from her position, the black plug beneath her tail was visible, as was a hint of her sex. She kept her legs together but they weren't hidden completely. It was only a minute or two before a soft knock at the door came. "I'm ready," Tirre said reluctantly, keeping her head lowered so that she wouldn't have to see Mason's reaction.

The door clicked open and she heard a short intake of breath. "Guess you're quite comfortable," the horse said, the amusement audible in his words. The heavy steps came closer. "I've warmed the oil up for you; say if it's too cold or too hot." Tirre nodded awkwardly, heart beating very fast at being so exposed. To her relief, he started at her shoulders, large fingers pressing in and kneading at her muscles. It actually felt quite nice; understandably, given her situation, the kobold was quite tense. The oil was rubbed and massaged into her hide, nice and warm, the perfect temperature.

"Ooh..." Tirre said softly, her shoulders seeming to melt beneath the stallion's hands. "That's perfect..."

"Good, good," Mason murmured, kneading deep into Tirre's back with his fingers to relieve the tension that was knotted into her muscles there. Slowly, he worked from her shoulders and neck downward, working around her spine. Tirre was in heaven; this was the most relaxed she'd felt in weeks, definitely since she'd been collared. It felt like she could barely keep her eyes open, relishing the feeling of the large, strong hands releasing all of the tension inside her.

Slowly, he got lower and lower, using his knuckles to gently roll along Tirre's lower back. She squirmed a little as the equine's fingers got close to her sides but besides a light tickling sensation, it was really quite comfortable. Then he reached for her tail, kneading at the base and stroking it firmly, fingers digging in to make the muscled limb relax. Tirre's breath hitched for two reasons. The first was that Lysgoth's command made her tail feel weirdly erotic, the tight grip seeming to shoot directly to her sex.

The other was that, as Mason lifted her tail slightly to get a better grip, the black plug in her tailhole was starkly visible. Tirre's face was on fire, buried in the table, as she felt the stallion pause, most certainly having seen it. What she couldn't see was the slight smile that crossed his face as he saw it, getting over his shock quite quickly and continuing to massage down her tail, not saying a word.

As the anxiety from waiting for Mason's reaction slowly lessened for Tirre, the erotic sensations from her tail becoming her sole concern. The limb twitched in the equine's hand gently as he squeezed at it rhythmically and the kobold realised that her sex as squeezing in time with him, especially when his hands were near the base of her tail. Tire bit her lip, determined not to moan or squirm, or otherwise embarrass herself more than she had to. She wasn't sure if it was the collar doing this to her or if it was just a placebo; advanced technology it might be, but she'd never experienced this particular function before.

Tirre was inclined to believe it though, because she'd have never thought that having her tail touched could feel this good. It was similar to having her nipples and breasts played with, the feelings intimately connected with her pussy but still different. She wanted to lower her tail but the collar wouldn't let her; perhaps the command to accommodate Mason was still in effect, or that she had to do the massage. Either way, she couldn't stop the stallion as he inadvertently stimulated her, all from massaging her tail.

Eyes closed, the kobold tried to relax, now for a different reason. The tension was gone now, replaced with the more electric feeling of arousal. Her sex was still flexing every now and then, whenever Mason gave her tail a particularly strong squeeze. Tirre only got more mortified though as she felt herself slowly getting wetter as she got more turned on, a cool touch of air between her legs as her folds glistened slightly.

It was then that Mason moved on from her tail, but first he put it down, positioning the limb so that her sex and the plug above it were left bared. Tirre knew that her pussy was visibly wet, blushing furiously as she lay completely still, only to gasp gently. Mason's knuckles bumped against the base of the toy inside her ass, rocking it inside the kobold. "Oops, sorry," he said, sounding unconcerned.

"I-It's okay," Tirre muttered, almost too quiet to hear. The stallion's hands skipped over the kobold's ass, moving right to her thighs. Tirre gave a small squeal, thinking that the fingers were very close to her pussy, but Mason just continued to massage at her. Her thighs had also been made an erogenous zone by Lysgoth, but they seemed even more sensitive than her tail. Perhaps it was the proximity to her sex, but this time, she couldn't prevent a soft moan from escaping her muzzle, eyes lidded as she enjoyed the sensations of her thighs being rubbed and massaged.

"Glad you're enjoying it," Mason teased gently, Tirre's blush increased but she didn't reply. Instead, she began to breathe a little faster, squirming gently on the table. Her sex was definitely wet now, the scent of her arousal beginning to fill the room; Mason definitely would notice it now, especially since her folds were getting red and puffy, slick and glistening in the light.

As the stallion rubbed at her thighs, Tirre began to feel...something. It was building inside her, like an orgasm, but not as strong. For a minute, she was confused, wondering what was happening before realising that it was an orgasm, just one unlike any that she'd felt before. The massage was slowly driving Tirre towards a climax, something that only made her more mortified. Still, she couldn't deny the sensations as the ran through her.

When she began to cum, it was expected, Tirre not at all surprised. She did moan softly, feeling waves of pleasure run through her, but it was different. This was slow, relaxing pulses, nowhere near the overpowering sensation that she usually felt when cumming. Her sex clenched down in a gentle rhythm, more of her arousal gently trickling out. It seemed to make her even more relaxed, the climax flowing through her and making every muscle even limper and softer than the massage had made them.

It didn't seem to distinctly end, simply fading slowly until she couldn't feel it any longer, only for another pulse of warmth to flow through her, driven by the large hands that moved from her thighs to her calves. As her legs melted into a relaxed warmth, the climax seemed to ramp back up, making her moan again. It might have even been a new climax altogether. All she knew was that it felt nice, sex dripping more arousal slowly as she closed her eyes, luxuriating in the waves that ran through her body.

Tirre was so relaxed, her mind feeling soaked through, that she didn't register that Mason's hand had left her for quite a while. It was only when there was a brush against her sex that she jerked, blushing again. That didn't feel like an accident; the finger pressed lightly against her folds, running down, feeling the slickness along them. It was only a brief touch, Mason's digit gone before Tirre could even react, but she blushed hard and didn't say anything.

Next his hands glided over her ass, squeezing firmly. Tirre moaned again, partly in surprise, as the touches to her ass continued, Mason massaging that part of her next. His fingers pressed in deep, but it wasn't uncomfortably. Instead it made her sex drip faster, the blush staying on Tirre's face as her rump was thoroughly massaged. She didn't know for sure if this was part of a normal massage or not but something told her that it wasn't. The hands gripped her cheeks, spreading them firmly apart to show off the kobold's cleft and tailhole, especially the plug. He did that a couple of times, making Tirre blush; she knew that she was being played with, examined, but she couldn't help but be excited by it and when he touched her sex again, this time a light brush with his thumb, she moaned out loudly.

That seemed to make Mason more forward because the next touch was much firmer, pressing in between the kobold's lower lips and stroking from her entrance all the way down to her clit. Tirre's hands squeezed the bench a little as her tail twitched. The plug filling her rump moved a little too as she squeezed down on it involuntarily.

"I think I know part of the reason you requested me especially," Mason said in a low, rather sultry voice. His finger moved back up and then forwards, pressing into Tirre's tunnel. She moaned softly again; she was wet enough that the digit slid into her with ease. It felt thick for a finger, more like a small toy as the equine pushed it into her, all the way up to the knuckle. The kobold was breathing heavily again, her body squeezing around it.

Hesitantly, she raised her head, looking to the side and behind her. The first thing that her eyes fell on was the stallion's formerly loose shorts. Now, she could definitely see his length: it was pressing through the fabric, trying to rise and get hard. It was even larger than Tirre had thought. She gulped; it was comparable to her arm. How am I supposed to take that?

"I-I might have," the kobold answered, shakily. That definitely was true, but Mason seemed to think that she'd chosen him as a masseuse specifically for sex. Tirre hadn't helped dispel the notion by stripping naked, showing off her butt plug, and then cumming during the massage. Now, she was squeezing his finger inside her pussy, getting it slick with her arousal.

The stallion thrust his digit a few times before taking it back out, giving her ass a firm grope as he did. Tirre took the opportunity to sit back up, looking up at Mason with a small smile on her face. The collar was controlling that particular expression, as well as her hands as they went to feel against the growing bulge in the equine's shorts. The warmth of his cock was coming through the fabric, her small hands running from its tip to its base before the kobold hooked her fingers into his waistband.

Gulping slightly again, she tugged down, Mason letting her do so. The shorts got caught on the swell of his length a little, Tirre tugging them with a little more force until the slipped all of the way down, Mason kicking them off carelessly. The kobold didn't notice, too busy staring at the cock in front of her face. It was indeed massive, larger than the mare that she'd sucked off at the brothel weeks ago. She gulped again; gravity was making the long length curve into a gently arch. The tip was unflared, two large and very heavy balls sitting below it.

Tirre hefted them gently in her hands, marvelling a little at the weight before letting them fall from her palm, grasping his cock instead. It twitched in her grip, swelling a little bit larger as Mason smiled, looking down at her. "What you expected?"

"Bigger," Tirre murmured in response, feeling the pulse beneath her fingers. She tried to think of a way that she could do this but Mason spoke again before she could.

"Why don't you turn around, and we'll see how you take a stallion," he said, trailing the back of his fingers across her muzzle possessively; his hand smelled strongly of the oil and her sex.

With another gulp and a nod, the collar made the kobold obey the suggestion. She turned, getting on her hands and knees and looking back to watch Mason. The horse started by giving her ass a quick grope, squeezing it with those thick fingers before moving back to her pussy. This time he thrust two fingers into her sex, pumping them quickly to warm up the kobold a little more. She moaned, arching her back slightly, especially when a third finger was added to her sex. It was more of a stretch now, approaching what it felt like when Lysgoth entered her. Tirre was grateful though; any help was appreciated.

It felt all too soon when Mason pulled his fingers back out of her, leaving the kobold feeling empty but still too tight for what was to come. Her heart was beating fast in her chest but her breath all but stopped as something much, much larger than a finger pressed against her folds. "Bit of a size queen, aren't you?" Mason laughed, his hands grabbing Tirre's hips tightly. "Maybe this will satisfy that craving for a while. But first, you don't want this in." Tirre gasped as the plug was pulled on, Mason wriggling it around inside her. He didn't just take it out though, pulling it until the widest part spread her tailhole and then shoving the plug back in. He did that a couple of times, making the kobold moan and gasp as the plug popped in and out of her ass. Finally, he yanked from her tailhole, Tirre feeling rather empty with it gone. "Ready?"

Before Tirre could respond, he was thrusting forwards while also trying to drag the kobold back by his grip on her waist. For a long moment, the head of his cock pressed hard against her sex, not slipping inside. Tirre let out a soft moan, feeling the mounting pressure on her body as Mason's cock bowed slightly. Then, her entrance yielded and the first few inches shoved their way inside her.

It felt like all of the breath was squeezed from Tirre's body, so tightly did her pussy wrap around the stallion's length. It was so wide; her walls felt like they were paper thin around him, stretched to the limit around the equine girth. She couldn't even breathe, feeling every minute detail; the ridge around the head of his cock felt like a mountain inside her, even unflared.

The first two inches or so of Mason's length pressed into Tirre, the stallion having to work to push even that much into her. She was too tight to allow easy entry, and he had to move slowly so as not to slip out of her, shoving forwards with an irresistible pressure. There, he paused. It was then that the kobold managed to gasp in a shuddering breath. "Fuck..." she panted as soon as she had air in her lungs. She spread her legs further but there was simply no room in her hips, or so it felt. Her body felt pushed to its limits as it was. She didn't know how much of his cock there was left to go but she was absolutely certain that even if her sex could take the girth, she'd never be able to take the length.

Mason seemed inclined to try though; after a few beats, in which he gave Tirre time to acclimatise, he thrust forwards again. The movement was forceful, but slow, making the cock sink into her depths. Tirre moaned again; the sheer sensation couldn't be really be called pleasure, but it was intense nevertheless. The kobold's wetness was squeezed out around the stallion's girth, especially as he pulled back, the ridge around his head raking along the kobold's tunnel.

He thrust back in, making Tirre cry out as she was rocked forwards. He slid another few inches into her sex, Tirre feeling the ridge in the middle of his cock press against her lower lips, only for the feeling of the breath being knocked from her as the flat head rammed into her cervix. Just under half of him was actually inside the kobold and he couldn't go any deeper. Tirre's pussy flexed spasmodically around the equine, trying and failing to get used to the size.

"Hmmph," Mason grunted, grinding into her a little more but unable to go forwards anymore. "Not deep enough." He made a few more thrusts, pressing against Tirre's cervix each time and the kobold lost control. This orgasm was violent and sudden, crashing through her with an intensity that was almost painful. Her sex was so full that it was like her body didn't know what else to do, simply cumming to try and deal with the sensation.

She moaned, clenching down weakly as Mason pulled back, all of the way. The contractions of her sex were clearly visible as her pussy gaped open lewdly. A trickle of her arousal ran down from the stretched folds, dripping onto the padding between her legs. "Don't worry, you'll still get what you came for," Mason continued. Panting and wordless, Tirre glanced back to see him holding the bottle of oil again.

A small squeal left her muzzle as he upended the bottle over her tailhole, pushing the nozzle into her and giving it a few good pumps. Warm oil flooded Tirre's rump and for a moment, she didn't know why or what he was doing. It was only when he threw the bottle onto the floor and lined up his tip with her tailhole that she realised what the plan was. No, he won't fit there! Tirre thought in a panic. She opened her mouth to stop him, to say that it wouldn't work, but the collar prevented her. Lysgoth had ordered her to go through with it, and she had to.

Her ass was already a little loosened from the plug and the oil made for a very slippery lube. "Fuck," Tirre said in a strangled groan, unable to say anything else as the pressure against her tailhole grew and grew until, inevitably, it yielded. This time Mason didn't even try to take it slowly. He kept pushing forwards, holding the kobold's hips tightly to stop her from being shoved along the bench. There was a lot more space directly below her tail and he took all of it. The medial ring in the centre of his shaft popped into Tirre's ass, quickly followed by the second half of his cock.

Only when every inch was inside the kobold, her tailhole stretched lewdly around his base, flashes and twinges of discomfort running up her spine, did the stallion stop, giving her ass a sharp smack that made her jump. Tirre was so full...she barely knew how to process the feelings. The cock poked and stretched her inside in a way that felt very odd, no air seeming left anywhere, rendering the kobold breathless. The slippery feeling of the cock rubbing inside made her open her muzzle in a silent moan though, tail curved firmly over her back.

When he thrust, his cockhead dragged at her, the ring popping in and out quickly as he set up a rapid pace. "If you're lucky," he grunted in between the hard, battering thrusts, "you won't be this loose forever. Bet your boyfriend wouldn't like that."

Tirre squeezed her eyes shut, wondering if this was part of Lysgoth's plan so that he could finally knot her rump. Those thoughts were driven out of her mind though as the thrusts got even faster; she couldn't cum from anal like this, the discomfort from her stretched tailhole replacing and overpowering what pleasure he might have given her, but that certainly didn't apply to the stallion fucking her. His head inside was growing wider and wider as his cock flared, a sure sign of an approaching climax.

His movements got less forceful and more random, a loud whinny sounding from the horse as he thrust as deep as he could again, shuddering against Tirre's ass as he stopped flaring. Deep inside the kobold, thick cum shot from the equine's flat tip, filling her with the hot seed. Mason's balls held a lot of seed and he unloaded it all into the kobold. It felt as though she was being pumped fill, Tirre moaning softly as he slowly pulled back, coating her bowels in his seed as he did. The flared tip made her tailhole spasm as it passed through uncomfortably, the white cum dripping from her. Through her stretched hole, the rest of the cum was visible inside her; Tirre was gaping open lewdly as the thick horsecock left her.

Tirre felt exhausted, her arms trembling from holding upper body up. She moved to get down by Mason stopped her. "Uh uh," he said, holding her still by the base of her tail. "Can't have you leaving even more of a mess."

The plug was reintroduced to the kobold's rump. To her dismay, she barely felt it as it went in, her rump slowly closing around the thin neck, but not tightly. Tomorrow morning, she'd be able to skip a few plug sizes with ease. "Thank you, sir," the collar made her say reluctantly. Now with all the horse's cum locked inside her, the kobold sat up. Just as she did, there was a bell sound, a small tinkle coming from the speakers.

"Our session is over," Mason smiled, handing Tirre her clothes. "Anna should be finished with your boyfriend as well. Take care." He winked. "There's a discount if you ever want to come back."

She blushed, but didn't say anything, simply getting dressed as quickly as possible. She left in the same way, tale tucked tightly against her sore rump. Her sex was sore as well, her arousal and the stallion's cum soaking into her underwear but that couldn't be helped. The smell of cum and sex surrounded her like a thick perfume, something that Tirre didn't fail to notice; it only made her blush deepen.

The bunny was still behind the counter and she smiled knowingly as Tirre returned. "Your companion has already paid," she said, then winked. "I trust that Mason was...pleasing?"

"Uh...yes," Tirre murmured, not making eye contact with the rabbit. Before she could take a seat, or do anything really, the sound of another door opening made her turn around. Lysgoth emerged from another of the massage rooms, the arctic fox right behind him. Her fur was rather dishevelled and she was walking with a tenderness that Tirre suspected was from taking a large knot, rather like the one that Lysgoth possessed. Clearly, he'd had the same kind of 'massage' as she'd had.

"Ah, you're already out," the dragon said with a smile. He nodded to the fox, and then came next to Tirre, giving her a one-armed hug. His hand drifted beneath her skirt, giving the kobold's plug a nudge. That made her squirm with a small whimper.

"Would you like to make another appointment, sir?" the bunny said, smiling at Lysgoth.

"Not at the moment, thank you," he nodded graciously. "Though Anna mentioned something about house calls. I might take her up on that. I'm sure this one would like to see Mason again, isn't that right?"

Tirre was only silent for a moment before the collar made her respond. Smiling, she said, "Oh, definitely."

The rabbit receptionist beamed. "They'll be delighted to hear that. Well, you have our phone number to schedule that whenever you wish, sir. Have a lovely day!"

With that, Lysgoth led Tirre back out to their waiting car. The inside was hot from being in the sun, but the air conditioner soon drove away the heat. "So," Lysgoth said once they were inside. "What happened with you?"

"He fucked me, Master," Tirre said dutifully. "He tried my pussy but couldn't go deep enough, so he used my tailhole instead. It's filled with his cum right now." She blushed as she said the words but the collar demanded the truth.

"Very good," Lysgoth said thoughtfully. "Hopefully this will speed up your training."

Tirre gave a silent sigh, hand drifting to the collar again. Training was all that she had to look forwards to at the moment.