Mistress of Theives

Story by Allester Darkflame on SoFurry

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#1 of Misstress of Thieves

Aubrey has lost everything because of her Husband, now she has to start over with a new idea in mind and a better base to work from!

Lemon Kitsune Studios


Mistress of Thieves

Aubrey growled through clenched teeth as she glared daggers at her husband. The male had ruined their house, destroyed by his attempts at being a 'Merchant' behind her back even though she handled all of that and the contracts. "You..." she snarled, curling her lip up on the right side of her short, blunted muzzle. The whiskers at the end twitching on either side of her soft pink and black nose pad. "You got caught..." she breathed deep "I don't even know what to call it, but you broke the law and you're telling me that all they're doing to you_is sending you to a lavish prison cell, and taking all of your assets," she paused and inhaled sharply "Assets that you shifted out of our combined account in to your own for this little venture of yours and are now leaving me with absolutely _nothing?!" she growled, rising from her chair.

For a rat, Aubrey wasn't the short statured woman many would expect. No, she topped six feet and four inches in height and curves that most noble women dreamed of having. Heavy FF cup breasts smooshed in to a low riding dress top with lacy frills hemming in her bountiful breasts and showing off the soft white fur of her ventral body. Black and grey fur peppered the rest of her body with a large splotch of grey over her left eye that many males found attractive since it drew the eye to her own soft baby blue gaze. Her figure by no means slim, but not fat either, she carried a little weight on her but most of it was muscle on her arms and legs with a little on the belly covered by a small plumpness from a lost pregnancy.

A forty-two inch waistline flared out to broad hips for a perfect hourglass shape and an ass the same size as her breasts. A simple dress bell of silk hugged her hips and billowed out to hide her shapely legs. Her hairless tail now lashed behind her, almost seven feet long and cracking like a whip as she stared at her husband, her giant ears straight on the sides and extending up four inches from her head before curling in to a perfect half-circle at the apex, angled up and forward slightly.

"Well yes darling. I am so sorry, but I've arranged for my cousin to house you during my ten year stint in lock up." The old otter chuckled as if this were just another political game the noble's he enjoyed hanging out with played.

Her long fingers clenched, balling in to fists as she stomped her left foot. "I built this House from the ground up!" she snapped, spittle flying from her jaws, revealing sharp white teeth. She had long ago filed her front two upper teeth down to just a centimeter of overbite, the effect it left on the lower lip was sultry and flirtatious and often garnered her attention from men that she could use in her dealings with them. "What made you think you could do business with my funds?!" she snapped, even as the guards at the doors moved to stop her from striking her husband.

They had been married for twenty-five years now, she was thirty-nine and he was almost fifty but that's how arranged marriages went. She had lost her first pregnancy after twelve years to the man and he'd been firing blanks ever since then, and it crushed her to not have children yet when all of her elder sisters had five or six already and two of them had grand children now!

The guards put their hands under her husband's arms and the plump otter man sighed. "Time for me to go my love, I'll let my cousin know to expect you." He commented dryly with a smile.

"Idiot." She hissed under her breath as the guards walked him out. Another pair of guards reached for her, but she shied from their grip. "I can walk on my own two feet. At least let me have that dignity in front of the servants." She snapped.

When the two men stepped back slightly, she squared her shoulders and began marching her way through the halls. Her naked feet scraping on the tiled floors with loud clacks since everyone else was silent and still as they watched the Merchant Queen of Lasillia walk from her home, disgraced by her own husband. She had nothing now, no money, no friends she could call on, and her husband had apparently used all of her favors with the Noble houses and Merchant's of the Kingdom to get himself off easy. All she had, was the dress and underwear she wore on her body. Even her jewels had been claimed as assets her husband had changed to his name, citing as gifts given to her, even though she had bought them herself.

As she stepped off her porch and marched through her own front gates, hands suddenly shoved her forward roughly, throwing her to the cobblestone road covered in dirt and grass. The gates slammed behind her and she broke down. Tears spilled from her eyes as her crimson hair fell from her bun in natural curls, hiding her face from view as she slowly dragged herself off the ground and sucked in a sharp breath to compose herself.

Once more, Aubrey narrowed her eyes and marched towards her cousin-in-law's farm home.

[/////////////// *** ///////////////]

"What do you mean the farm was taken?" Aubrey screeched, glaring at the guards posted at the front of the house.

"All assets of Walter Lyall have been ceased by the crown." The guard on the right responded.

Aubrey stared at the wolves, they were obviously twins with their black fur and perfectly chiseled muscles, but they seemed to ignore her presence much like all guards were trained. If she'd been younger she'd have flirted with them a bit more, but in today's society she was just too old to be considered marriage material. Even a quick fling would make her seem desperate and besides which, she was a married woman already. Infidelity was a crime punishable by castration for men; or beheading for women. She ground her teeth again and turned on her heel, stalking back towards the town walls with her dress skirt dragging in the dirt.

The walk wasn't too far, only two miles and she wasn't adverse to a bit of hardship; after all, she was born to a peasant family and married off to a small time merchant's son two years before the old man died and left his son the so called 'empire' of one shop and one cart. She used to guide that cart between three towns to collect goods to sell at the shop. She kept the books, inventory, and shipment manifesto all by herself. Her husband never had to lift a hand; just leave everything to her... why did he do this? Why had he not at least talked to her about it? "Honestly... hiring bandits to attack your own convoy for the King's Insurance, and then giving them the wrong information so they attack the King's carriage." She sighed, hanging her head as more of her crimson hair unspooled from the bun on her head, revealing the length going all the way to her cushiony rump.

About ten yards past the front gates, she felt someone shove past her and nearly knocking her over in the soft dirt road. "Hey!" she snapped, glaring at the little fox boy running past. He was filthy, his white fur chalky brown and rust red from the dirt in it. He wore just a small wool shirt that was ripped and shredded just like the pants that showed off a little too much detail around his crotch and rump. She wanted to be angry at him, but the desire to be a mother kicked in and she sighed, letting the boy run off after briefly looking at her. She wasn't worried about the fact he bumped her, a thief would have kept running... even if they hadn't like the boy, she had no money to steal.

Her belly rumbled and her right hand touched the pooch hidden behind her dress. She peered around the road, looking at the cheap and rundown buildings in the slums. The cobblestone road would start and end with the Merchant's quarter, where dirt roads lead in to the commons and then the lower quarter where the slums were; or they'd turn to brick roads going higher to the Noble quarter. She missed that cobble stone road. At least she knew where shops were there, but being a disgraced house - no shops up there would let her in the door. So she had to hunt down a clothing shop.

It took only half an hour to find a decent shop that looked like it had coin. When she entered, a strong scent of raspberry and herbs filled her nose and masked the smell of dirty bodies that went in and out of this shop from the street. It was one of her tricks for the little shop she ran and helped make customers feel more at home and comfortable, which made them less likely to haggle as much.

"Can I help you Miss?" a woman's voice came from the right, just behind the counter near the door.

"Mrs." Aubrey corrected, keeping her voice level and soft, almost clinical. "I was hoping you buy dresses, used of course?"

The small woman tilted her head some, a human woman well in to her sixties. Her grey eyes flowed up and down Aubrey's shapely figure and took in the dress and its filthy lower hem. "Mrs. Lyall I take it?"

Aubrey's gut clenched and her eyes widened, even the peasants knew about her dismissal?! She slowly nodded her head, a few tears running down her cheeks before she breathed out. "I." she cleared her throat after her voice broke on that single word. "I need to sell my dress, and buy some clothes." She finished, chewing on her inner cheek to try and keep from breaking down further.

After a few moments looking over the dress from a distance, the old woman nodded to a drawing cloth hiding a small changing box. Aubrey walked in to it, barely fitting with her thickness and height. Her eyes easily peered over the curtain rings bar. After five minutes of working the dress ties and zipper free, she bent down and stepped from the fabric. In just a silk bra that was cut to hug only half of her breasts in each cup, and a pair of matching panties designed with waistband in a sharp 'v' shape over her hips; she exited the box and draped the dress over the counter. "I'll buy the under,"

"No. I won't sell these. Thank you though." Aubrey said, cutting the woman off.

With a simple nod, the woman looked over the dress. Inspecting the seams, the dirty hem, and the rare zipper that helped cinch the corset style top for the breasts; she sighed. "This is silk and lace. I can't afford to pay top price for this Mrs. Lyall."

"What can you afford for it?"

The woman's eyes stared at her for a few seconds before she let out a sigh. "Three gold, twenty silver and seven copper is all I have."

Aubrey's stomach rolled, the dress was easily worth twenty gold pieces even in its filthy shape. Still she looked around a moment and then walked off. She returned with a simple leather skirt, two pairs of panties and bra sets, and an over sized wool shirt. "Add these and it's a deal."

A smile broadened on the woman's face, and she tapped the counter. "Get another skirt and shirt, I'll feel better about the trade that way." She said, smiling even wider as Aubrey ran to grab another, shorter, skirt and tighter fitting top.

"Know anyone hiring?" Aubrey asked.

Shaking her head, the woman sighed "The King's taxes are killing the commoners lately. The tavern just down the road had to let go of three waitress' because of it. Finding a job is harder down here, you could try the Merchant Quarter."

Sighing heavily, Aubrey collected her spare clothes after getting dressed in the longer skirt and looser shirt. She tucked her money in to a pouch that she stuffed down the front of her panties, no thief was brazen enough to try to get their hand down someone's pants, much less the crotch of a woman's underwear. It'd be a quick way to get caught, not to mention slapped and beaten by the crowd.

[/////////////// *** ///////////////]

She spent the next three hours trying her best to get someone to hire her, but everyone recognized her right away and wanted nothing to do with her all thanks to her husband. She couldn't even find an Inn that would let her rent a room, the sun was setting and she needed a place to stay for the night that was safe. But at this rate, she was going to be stuck on the street. A woman alone on the street was the best kind of prey for those creeping in the shadows. Her stomach rumbled for food once more, the meager meal she had in the afternoon just wasn't helping her mood at all.

A sudden giggle came from behind her and she whirled swiftly, her hand reached for her left hip where in her youth she kept a dagger during her travels. Her fingers met air and she ground her teeth and swallowed. She let out a breath when that white furred fox boy bolted out of an alleyway with his muzzle biting down on a roll of bread, his hands carrying several apples with his arms cradling them. His speed was amazing, by the time he was down another alley and already out of sight, a pair of guards finally crashed through from where he came. "Where did the lil' shit go?" one asked her.

She thought quickly and turned to point down the opposite side of the street away from the boy. "He ran right over my tail, hurt like hellfire. You catch him, snap his tail in half!" she spat in a false rage. The guards nodded and ran in the direction she pointed.

"Little Thief huh." She paused, looking around and realized she was in a decent part of town. She strutted her way through the buildings and found a smithy. "Pardon me?" she called out.

The forge was cooling, so she knew the blacksmith was closing down. She hoped he hadn't completely shut his doors yet. When a hulking grizzly bear stalked out wearing the apron of a smith, Aubrey had a brief thrill of fear rush through her from some instinct in her species lineage. With the massive breast flesh forcing the apron's front out and practically spilling from the sides, Aubrey corrected her assumption on a male smith. "Closing soon. Make it fast." The ursine woman rumbled out.

"I'm so sorry for the late calling. I find myself in need of a method of self-defense before nightfall." She was about to continue, but the grizzly bear female held up a hand.

"Stop the fancy talk. You need a blade. Pick one." She growled out, slamming a tray of weapons on to her counter top. A long dagger, short sword, bastard sword, and a maiden blade rested on the tray.

The maiden blade would have worked if she still had her dress since the sheath was designed to wedge between breasts with low cut tops, but her new shirt covered her cleavage entirely. So that was out. The bastard sword was a hand and a half hilt, to heavy and too long for her tastes. So it was between the short sword and the long dagger. "How much for these?" she asked, pointing at the two.

"Ohh these are just what I have in stock for quick picks. Iron, Steel, and Maristeel are what I have ready for sale in either of these sizes."

"A Maristeel dagger then?" Aubrey inquired.

"Two gold. No haggling."

Aubrey winced, but nodded her head. "Does it come with a sheath and belt?"

"Sheath. Belt is two silver."

"A belt as well please," Aubrey said and waited for the larger woman to bring out the belt and sheath - which Aubrey slung over her waist and adjusted to be on her left hip. "Thanks." She finished, when her dagger was brought forward.

Only a six inch blade of what looked like emerald gemstone protruded from the top of a simple steel cross guard hilt. The blade was double edged with serrated teeth at the base two inches of the blade near the hilt. The cross guard curved slightly to look like fangs and even had points at the ends, extending about an inch from where the guard began. The balance was perfect for the weight, thanks to a small ruby colored marble on the end of the pommel. "It's beautiful." She whispered.

"Thank you."

"You're not much for words are you?" Aubrey asked, setting the gold coins down on the counter and tucking her new dagger in to its sheath, adjusting where it rested on her hip after a few test draws.

"Not much to say when it's business."

She smiled and looked up at the ursine lady, "But a friendly smile and sweet tongue can drag more money from a sale or purchase."

"Don't buy. Only sell."

Aubrey blinked a few times, and then smiled. "Alright, well I know where to come when I have need of weapons." She held out her hand, "I'm Aubrey."

"And armor." The ursine grabbed her hand and shook.


"I sell armor I make as well. Leather, Cloth, Metal." The large bear shrugged her shoulders and just smiled broadly, even though her left boob fell from the apron and revealed a large black nipple.

Aubrey stared at the huge orb, her own tits were as big as her head was, but that one orb on the ursine was bigger than both of her boobs combined. "Right. Armor too. What is your name Miss?" she asked, still staring at the exposed tit.

Another shrug, "Linsay."

Nodding her head, Aubrey smiled and then turned to walk away. "Have a wonderful night Linsay. I have to go hunt down a little Fox." She giggled, even as Linsay drew a bar down over her door once Aubrey had left the smithy shop.

[/////////////// *** ///////////////]

Following that young fox proved a lot more difficult than she realized it would be. He left hardly any paw prints in the dirt of the alley ways, but she did spot some apple cores littered here and there. It was close to midnight by the time she found the little hovel the tyke had holed up in. Unfortunately the door and windows were closed up tight, and she stood out back staring at the small hole in the clay wall. "Fuck that, I can't fit my tits through that much less my wide ass." She growled and kicked the wall. "Hey brat! Get your fuzzy ass out here so we can talk." She yelled.

Nothing inside moved or made a sound, and she ground her teeth as she dropped to her knees and tried to peek inside. Instantly she saw the movement of someone darting out of sight of the hole. "Hey! I saw you!" she snapped and without thinking, shoved her head through the hole and promptly got stuck at the shoulders. "Fuck..." she snarled, though now she could see the kid quite clearly. There was a small candle in the room on a desk that gave off enough light for her eyes to spot the little fox. "I can see you." She hissed through her teeth.

The boy's huge ears, we're talking almost eight inches of triangular ears here, hiked up high on his head and then twitched several times. His poofy tail swayed behind him slowly, almost four feet long by itself, though the boy stood maybe three feet and five inches tall. He still wore the tattered clothes she saw him in earlier, but she could see his green eyes sparkling in the candle light, they weren't looking at her stuck head, but at the deep cleavage her tits made. Her loose shirt should have blocked the view, but getting stuck as she did, the shirt tore partially down the middle and left shoulder, revealing almost every inch of her furry left tit. "Wanna see 'em?" she asked, giving a coy smile that made her filed down buck teeth dimple her lower lip further and look far more alluring.

His head didn't move, nor did any part of him, even his tail froze mid sweep.

"Really kid?" she huffed.

She started to sigh, her eyes closing, when her ears heard movement. She looked up just as his left foot planted itself on her forehead, and shoved. She squeaked in an undignified fashion but did pop free of the hole on the other side. She crawled back a little more and sat on her wide rump, watching the boy slip free with ease and fluid grace. "K. See." He said, his voice high pitched and breaking a little, signs of puberty obviously.

With a roll of her eyes, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and rolled it up enough her long fingers could hook the underside of her silk bra. With a grunt, she rolled her back and pulled up to let those boulders spill from her bra, only to realize just how tight it was and what she had attempted to make look sexy and graceful... turned in to a snarling tug of war that made the little fox boy giggle uproariously. Eventually, both of her boobs spilled from the cups of her bra and bounced heavily in to the open. She crossed her eyes and bit her lip slightly, her breasts sagged way too much for her age due to their sheer size.

She smiled when she saw the boy staring at the white furred orbs with their soft purple fleshed nipples capping the center of each perfect sphere. Or at least in her mind they were perfect spheres, she could see how the sag started to pull them in to a teardrop shape and she huffed aloud. With a roll of her shoulders, she wobbled her boobs side to side for a few seconds and then pushed her shirt and bra back down. "Awww." He complained, even as he watched her fidget under her shirt and push her tits back in to their cups.

"Name?" she asked him.

He cocked his head a little and gave a loud bark "Travis." although his voice cracked with youthfulness.

Groaning, she shook her head. "No, that won't do for, not for the worlds bestest thief ever." She cooed. She'd decided on flattery to work the boy over to her side. Her plan to make money off of those who didn't even try to help her after her husband's royal screw up.

Like she planned, Travis' chest puffed up at her praise. He smiled at her and then shifted foot to foot before darting back in to the building faster than she could move. "Hey! You little shit! Get back out here I wasn't done talking to you!" she hissed.

She waited, and waited, and waited some more but the boy never came back out. With a growl, she peered back in to the hole and saw him laying down on the floor and pulling a ratty blanket over himself. "Are you shitting me? Hey! We can make a lot of money together if you would come out here and talk to me!"

He flicked his tail at her, rolled over, and promptly let out a sigh as if to say "I'm sleeping." to her.

Planting her butt against the hole and crossing her arms over her tits, idly pulling up the left shoulder of her torn shirt to try and hide her furred flesh from view. "Shut me out will you? I'll shut you in, you little fucker." She waited, her tail finally working its way deep enough in to the hole. She smirked when the tip touched fluff, and with a strong mental push, she snapped her tail hard across the boy's body. A satisfied smile crossed her lips when she heard him yelp, but she snagged her tail around what she thought was his leg, and pulled. His weight was slight, maybe fifty pounds at most, but she hauled him towards the hole and started to stand up to use her weight and powerful legs to pull at him free!

When she freed him, she turned and blinked when she saw her tail was coiled around his right arm almost completely. "Now then. Let's talk little thief."

"I didn't steal anything of yours!" he barked.

She nodded her head and smiled. "I know kiddo. But I saw all the food you stole, and how you ditched the guards. I'm starting a Thieves Guild, and I need cute little tykes like you to help me build it up." She said.

The boy just snorted. "No thanks."

"I know it's a great idea and I, wait what?!" she hissed, grabbing the boys shirt and hauling him up to his feet before standing up tall herself and dangling him in the air. "What do you mean 'no thanks'?"

He shrugged his tiny shoulders and giggled lightly. "I already get all I want." He said matter of factly. "I don't need money. I got lotsa food." He snickered.

She ground her teeth firmly, staring at his little green eyes. After taking a moment to think, she remembered how he stared at her tits. "I bet you like girls. You don't see boobs too much." She purred "I could let you see them any time you want if you work for me."

"Nope. Saw 'em already." He said in response and continued to hang in her hands.

"What?!" she snapped, glaring daggers at the boy as her uncoiled tail lashed behind her angrily. After a short time of thought, she frowned as an idea hit her. It was a huge risk if it got out. "I'll fuck your brains out kid. You do good work and I'll fuck you again." She offered.

The boys head tilted to the side, she thought she had his interest now, "What's sex?" he asked, and she dropped him in shock. Every boy his age knew what sex was! Hell her eight year old brother was the one who told her about sex when she was seven. How young was he?

"How old are you?" she barked in shock.

"Uhm... nine." He said.

Blinking a few times she rubbed her face. "Sex is something all boys want, it feels so good they pay for it." She responded, it was true after all, prostitutes were all over. "But all you gotta do is steal the stuff I ask you too, and I'll let you have sex with me." She smiled, licking her lips in fear. She could see the boy's package was a joke in size, but something itched behind her ear at the thought of cheating on her husband. It was dangerous, if anyone found out she'd be sentenced to death. The thrill seemed to make the idea hotter, the fact he was so young seemed to make it even more of a bad idea that was good. It was also a way to pay back her husband for fucking up her life so badly. It was only right she fuck someone else over.

"How do I know I want it if I never had it?" he asked her, and she flicked her left ear. The boy was smarter than he looked.

After chewing her lip a little, she looked around the alley. "Got a way for me to get inside your little house?" she asked "I'll have sex with you this once, so you can decide if you like it enough to work for me." She said. She needed this kid for her Guild, she needed to start them very young to keep their mouths shut while she trained them, using her body as a reward to keep them loyal would be perfect.

Travis smiled and nodded, moving around to the very back of the house and pointing up to the roof. "There's a hole up there. I think you'd fit." He said, cheerfully smiling at her, even after basically calling her fat.

Rather than snap at him, she looked around and started climbing up the side of the building using a few broken chunks in the wall surface. She slipped a few times, having to start again before she finally got her leg over the roof. Peering along the surface, she found the hole near the other end, it was definitely big enough for her to fit through, so she dropped down through it and found herself in a small bedroom with rotted cabinet and end table in it. "Little shit..." she said, and found the door.

Shifting her feet, she pushed her skirt back down since it had ridden up during her climb and showed off her panties a little more than she liked. Sure she was ready to fuck the kid, but she wasn't going to give up her decency yet. The door wasn't far from her, so she opened it and found the little boy about to do the same. His eyes were literally level with her crotch and she gave a slight smile and cock of her hips. "Like what you see?" she asked, and honestly she was a little damp between her legs with all of the thoughts running around through her head.

"I like your boobs." He commented with a smile.

She nearly face planted but sighed. "There a bed around kid?" when he pointed behind her, she turned and looked at the straw thing on the ground. "No. Just. No." she said, pushing the boy by the back of his head and making him move out of the way and looked around in to the main body of the building. The house had two rooms besides the one she just dropped in to behind her. The other was the one she found the kid in, in the first place. So this room seemed like the main living space thanks to the fire place on the far wall. An old rug was on the floor, covered in dust and dirt.

"Fuck... I guess here is best." She said, walking with a sway to her hips without even thinking about it and pulling her ripped shirt off. She fought with her bra a moment before tossing it down as well, she didn't feel very sexy showing off to a kid that had no idea about it, but she still bent forward slowly and hiked her tail high so her skirt rose up and showed off her ass with her panties as she pulled down her underwear. A small thrill zinged up her spine when her cunt mound slipped from the damp panties, she hadn't had sex with her husband in three years mostly because she was too busy with their merchant business to bother, so her cunt mound was quite hairy and gnarled with curls.

There had been no reason to trim up her muff, so a lot of the padding her panties had was the thick red curls covering her pudgy pussy petals. Stepping from the leg holes and tossing them on the pile of her clothes, she simply hiked her skirt up over her wide hips and then sighed. "Out of your clothes kiddo. Then lay down there." She murmured, deciding she'd mount the kid and dirty her knees rather than her back and ass. She turned just in time to see him dropping his pants and shirt, revealing red runes criss-crossing all over his fur in a beautiful spiral of patterns that were natural after a closer look. "Tracer. That's your new name." she purred in one of his large ears.

Her nose was twitching on the end of her snout, the boy had no male scent yet, so he couldn't be that far in to puberty, hopefully his dick could get stiff or this plan wouldn't work. When she stood up again, she gave a grunt as the boys muzzle got wedged between her thick thighs, right against her hairy mound. She felt his hands plant against her wide hips and pushing his head back "Ewww... you pee'd yourself." He huffed, and her ears burned crimson with rage and embarrassment when her slimy cunt honey stuck to the bridge of his muzzle and nose right to her hairy mound in a thick sludge... it had been way to long.

"T-that's fine." She huffed, putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing him down and then laying him back. She dropped on to her knees, her slit growing wetter by the second as the thrill started to get to her. Her eyes drew down and she found her scent had at least spoke to the boys adolescent mind. Still, he wasn't even three inches long, so he wouldn't do very much for her. Even as she used one hand to stroke the boys stiffy, she rolled her hips down and pushed it in to the jungle between her legs. "This, is sex." She commented, adjusting her hips and trying not to embarrass herself any more as she actually had to adjust several times before she found her own passage and sank the boy in to her liquid heat.

The low sigh of pleasure from his lips made her smile, ohh this would seal the deal. She sat her weight on the boys hips, shivering just a little as she realized what she was doing. Cheating on her husband, fucking a child, whoring herself for his service, and getting laid again. All of this happening at once actually made her have a tiny orgasm, enough honey squirting from her to make a squishy sound that caused him to giggle. "I like Tracer." He finally answered her, and shifted his hips a little "Yer heavy." He grunted, and she glared at the boy.

Here she was, giving him a wonderful piece of ass, and he called her fat! She realized he barely felt much of sex yet, so she started to bob her ass up and down gingerly. There wasn't much length to work with, but she felt his flesh slide through her pouty lips and tickle the inner walls of her sex as it moved out and back in with the roll of her hips. The slight hiss of pleasure the kid let out as her passage soaked his furry lap, nuts and bare shaft told her all she needed to know. She planted her hands on the ground beside his head, letting her huge tits hang under her chest and right in to his face. His small hands cupped her orbs and she squeaked out a brief moan as his fingers squeezed near her nipples.

"Ohh, yeah there you go kiddo. Mmmnnng go on, suck my nipples. Pull, bite, chew, just play with them." She sighed, even as she bounced her hips a bit faster over his lap to work his stiff meat through her sex. Her entire body trembled when she felt teeth bite in to her left tits soft flesh, a groaning squeak piercing the air from the pleasure. She had always loved her boobs being played with, but her nipples abused made her wet. The movements of her body over his made her pussy queef rather loudly and she tried to ignore the embarrassing sound of her cunt farting on the boy's dick. She could feel his balls clap against her rump cheeks now and then made her shiver.

"Eww... peeing!" he barked at her as she grew wetter around his cock.

"Not piss you little shit. Girls get wet like this when they feel amazing guys." She said, trying to praise him even as she bounced her ass up and down faster and faster, trying to make sure she didn't rise to high and pull him from her slit. He bit her nipple again, sucking hard on the orb and raking his teeth over the sensitive flesh. Another mini orgasm poured out of her body as she moaned in to the air. Her sex made even more noise thanks to the added cunt honey gushing out of her and on to the boy's crotch. "Bounce your hips baby. Buck up in too me." She panted.

His little hips started to buck just like she asked, and she halted her own thrusting, enjoying the brief respite of the kid doing the work which actually moved his cock through her faster than she had been. Lowering her hips a little more to make it easier for him to plow her folds, with the greedy thrusts of a little boy learning, she reveled in the feel of his balls slapping her butt now and gave a groan that was very much un-lady like. Finally she couldn't stand the position any longer, she scooped him up under his arms, clenched her thighs against his hips and then rolled her body over with him held between her legs.

"Wha?" Tracer barked, blinking from between her large tits that dwarfed his head.

She smiled as her ankles crossed behind his back and high above, "Pound your little dick in to my pussy. Buck your hips just like you were. I want to feel your balls spank my ass hard." She hissed, reaching her hands down and grabbing the boy's small ass in her palms and pushing down just as he pulled his hips back. The soft little moan he let out made her tremble violently. As his hips began to pump in earnest, her hands squeezed in to his butt cheeks and she enjoyed the light slap his sagging nuts planted against her huge flanks. Her breathing was heavy as she felt his shaft sliding through her dripping quim, one day he'd stretch her out and reach depths her husband never could and that thought made her more eager to train him... not just as a thief, but as a lover.

Both of his small hands grabbed at her tits again, and he giggled like a child with candy as they jiggled just a bit from the impact of his hips plunging in against her own. She worked her inner muscles in a clenching spasm, trying to squeeze his small cock through her passage to bring him more pleasure, but then she thought about how young he is and he might not ever orgasm. That thought made her gut churn, he could be between her legs for another hour or more and that might turn him off to the idea. So she grabbed the root of his tail in one hand, his ass with the other, and pushed him in to her hips harder. Then she relaxed her grip to let him pull back before gripping him again to make his thrust all the harder.

The low yip and moan let out by the boy signaled she found something he liked and so she planted her feet back on to the ground and spread her knees apart wide like a whore. The plunging movements he made got her juices running down her ass crack and tickling her pucker in a strange way, so she angled her hips slightly to change the angle of his thrust and her whole body rippled with a harder orgasm then before when his tip crossed something in her she never felt before. The rush of her honey spewing over his crotch made him wiggle, "Ewww! Stop peeing." He huffed out at her.

She was about to correct him when she felt a rush of heat filling her. She was about to pet him through his orgasm, when she realized there was no moan from him. Slowly it dawned on her and her eyes shrunk and narrowed in anger when the acrid smell of actual piss filled her nose. "Little shit! I... oh my god you nasty little fuck did you just piss in me?!" she shrieked... and felt another orgasm make her muscles seize up and her body buck. Her mind blanked as she realized her orgasm was sparked by this boy doing something nasty inside of her body... and the smile that crept up along her muzzle at the idea of being scent marked by the boy.

"You did it f-f... fiirrrsssst~!" he started, and then stuttered as his own little body seemed to jerk and spasm. She felt his piss drooling out of her slit down her crack as well as he own honey, but a new rush filled her - one she recognized as an actual orgasm when the boy moaned deeper. She felt his little dick twitching inside her, only just then realizing the boy had his knot buried in her and it didn't tie like it should.

"I didn't piss on you, kid. It's cunt honey, how women show boys they're excited." She said, the smell of urine starting to irritate her nose. She rolled her hips, showing off her rodent flexibility and unseating the boy from between her legs. She stood up, feeling pee gush out of her used snatch along with a thin trickle of sperm. Her eyes narrowed at that and she looked hard at the boy's still rigid dick with a small line of cock juice stuck to the tip. "Fuck." She whispered, realizing a few things she'd need to consider from now on.

Taking in a deep breath and tugging her skirt off to toss on top of her clothes pile, she rolled her hips and looked at the boy as he poked his own stiffy. "So, did you like sex?" she grinned, trying to give him sultry and seductive eyes.

The look didn't phase him, but he still smiled brightly. "Yes."

She grinned wide, "Want more of it?"


"Good. You work for me now." She squeaked out, as she walked towards the room she found him in earlier, after all she didn't want strangers falling in on top of her from the other room. "Do the job I tell you too, and do it well, you can have sex with me again." She said, and closed the room door before he could follow her in.

~~ The End...

~ Allester E. Darkflame

Round Robin Roo's

Darkflame Studios Productions Presents: Round Robin Roo's STORY CONTENTS: Nudity, Orgy, Sperm, Oral, Forced-Oral, Age-play, Underage, Cub, Sex, Vaginal, Big tits, Nasty-Nineteenths. Cuckolding, Foot-play, Big Bootie, Anal COPYRIGHTS:  This story...

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The Styx Diner - Ch. 4

Darkflame Studios Productions Presents: The Styx Diner - Death's Divine Anger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY CONTENTS: Death, Blood, Violence, Language, Magic, Nudity COPYRIGHTS: This story and characters owned and ©...

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Cafe' Plaisir: Ch.2 - The Birthday Breeding

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