Asharan: Jake and Ben ch8

Story by jamin_time on SoFurry

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#8 of Aharan Jake and Ben

Previously: "I love you Ben." Jake said warmly. He knelt down and so he was eye level with Ben and embraced him. It wasn't a tight embrace yet it seemed more romantic.

Ben said in the middle of the embrace "I... I love you to Jake." And let out a big sigh. Ben had never been in love before so he didn't know what this emotion he was feeling actually was. During the embrace Jake noticed something, something wrong. He doesn't know how he noticed it but he could tell Ben wasn't quite right, something was off.

"Are you sure you ok Ben?" Jake asked worryingly.

"Um... I guess. " Ben replied laughing trying to lighten Jakes mood. Ben knew Jake was worried. But he felt fine, there was nothing unexpected. After they got out they dried themselves off and continued on with their day.

At about 7:30 Jake said "I need to make a phone call, I'll be back in a minute." he walked into the office and closed the door behind him. As much as Ben wanted to listen in dew to the tone in Jakes voice when he said it seemed worried, he wouldn't. How could he after Jake had done so much for him ( I really wanted to put the phone call Jake made in but im mainly going from Ben's point of view so you will find out what it was about in the next chapter any way which should only be a day or two away).

A few minutes later Jake walked back out and said "c'mon babe it's time for bed." Ben just yawned as Jake scooped him up off the couch.

"You're so strong and big Jake." Ben said just teasing Jake in a flirty voice.

"I'd be careful with your tone little man. Other wise I won't go so slow on that pretty little ass of yours next time" Jake replied in deep manly voice. Ben just let a relaxing sigh and fell asleep in Jakes warm furry muscular arms.


What is love? What does it feel like emotionally, mentally and physically? Love is different for everyone so if you're not a lazy ass like me, leave a comment about what you think and feel what love is.

Ben awoke to a quite excruciating pain that was emitting from where Jake had left his mark yesterday. (You know the saying. I'll be feeling that in the morning). Ben tried not to make to much noise because he didn't want to wake his mate up. But it was useless. A lot of animals have excellent hearing.

"Ben are you ok?" (Omg I hate computer grammar, its crap, it wants me to say things like "Ben is you ok" it's so annoying!) Jake asked as he sprung up to aid him without even really waking up yet. Ben just moaned in pain holding his checks (not the ones on his face XD).

Ben was in to much pain to even answer; So Jake slid his soft furry hands under his stomach and slowly rolled him over onto his belly. "Try to stay still so I can have a look."

After a few seconds Jake started to lick. Ben jumped in pain on the first lick, but after a while it began to feel soothing (Ben knew Jake wasn't being sexual. animals have like a healing saliva kind of thing, stops injuries getting infected and stuff). "Hmmmm looks like I did a fair bit of damage to you babe." Jake said.

"You're not that good Jake." Ben laughed in between moans of pain.

"I'll go get you some pain killers." Jake said as he got up and walked out of the room.

AS Jake walked back in with the tablet, Ben just stared in awe. The tablet was huge that wasn't going to kill the pain that was going to knock him out cold. Jake was a bit on the slow side and doesn't realise things like not every one is as big as he is so they don't need humungousaur tablets.

"Um Jake don't you think that tablet is a little too big for me."

"Well you seemed to do fine with something bigger than this in your mouth last night." Jake replied with a smug grin on his face.

Ben just looked down and shook his head and said "You are an idiot seriously, that will knock me out cold for the whole day."

"But how would you kno-" Jake was interrupted with a "shut up and give me the dam tablet, im half your size remember." from Ben. Jake handed over the pain killers and Ben snapped it in half and swallowed one of the halves. Even half of the tablet would make him really tired.

After Ben finished chocking on the tablet, he felt the effects straight away... including the drowsiness. "c'mon." Jake said as he picked his tiny lover up (only in comparison to him though). Jake carried him out into the kitchen sat him on the bench and walked over to the fridge to get something out. When Jake turned around he had a (wait for the pun) a can of Red Human (Hahaha omg I've been waiting to do that). Ben drank the energy drink (although I don't think it's healthy to have tablets and then energy drinks, but this is a place with walking and talking animals).

The amount of energy in the drink seemed to cancel out the drowsiness of the tablet, so he felt fine again. Jake made scrambled eggs for breakfast. As they sat down to eat they began once again talk about what Jake's world is like. Half way through the conversation Ben noticed it was colder than it was the past few days, well a lot colder actually. He looked out the window and saw snow (:P)! "OMG"! Ben screamed at the top of his lungs as he ran into the bedroom to put some warmer clothes. Jake followed Ben into the bedroom just staring in confusion. Ben after getting some warm clothes on sprinted past Jake and out the door into the snow. Jake still didn't understand what was so exciting. Because in his world one day it might be 35 degrease Celsius and the next day it would snow. So didn't matter where you were in the world or what time of year it was it could possibly snow.

Ben was just jumping around in the snow. He had never seen snow in person before so this was awesome for him. Jake kind of worked out why he was so excited, realising that their worlds are very different. So he ran outside to join his mate, running up to him and tackled him to the ground (softly of course or it would have snapped Ben in half). They mucked around in the snow out the front of Jake's house for nearly 2 hours. Now they were getting tired, so they just laid down in the snow together. Not saying a word to each other, enjoying the silence. Ben's mind began wondering and a few question pooped up in his head like, what's Jake's last name does he have family and other questions like that.

Just as they were both nearly asleep a car pulled into the driveway. Jake told Ben to go wait inside for the moment. Ben was worried but still walked back inside, but was peeking through thee window to watch. As the car pulled up a very slim curvy figure came out from the car (like Ben's figure). It was another white tiger, but it was a girl.

She began talking to Jake, Ben couldn't hear although it looked very serious. They finished their conversation and hugged each other. Ben was confused and in that moment of confusion the effects of the tablet began to ware off. Excruciating amounts of pain began to overwhelm his body (well his ass more specifically).

At that moment Jake and the other whit tiger walked in and saw Ben on the ground moaning in pain. The chick says to Jake "Wow... you must have done a fair bit of damage to the poor thing." Jake just stared in anger but then quickly said "just hurry up and check him out. Find out what's wrong".

In the middle of the waves of pain Jake decide to introduce the white tiger. "Ben, this is my sister Chloe. She's a doctor and is going to find out why you are in so much pain ok?" Ben replied sharply and loudly "no". Jake already knew why he said no, "I know it's embarrassing but you have to let her see. Please Ben for me. I'll be there with you." Ben didn't reply, so they just picked him up and took him into the bedroom.

Jake ripped Ben's pants and underwear off and bent him over the bed, so that Chloe could have a look at what was causing the pain. As soon as Chloe knelt behind Ben, his whole face went red (Could you imagine how awkward that situation would be, it just makes me feel awkward thinking about it).

She pulled out some cream stuff and rubbed you know where, she was a skilled doctor so it was very quick. "Well there is nothing more I can do to make it heal any faster. Jake just should have eased you instead of just going for it."

Jake then looked up to Chloe and said "I did ease him in or well more like I eased him on."

"Well umm... you should have gone even slower because you did do a lot of damage to the poor boy. At any rate, there is nothing more I can do. You just have to wait till it heals properly, the cream just eases the pain and will help prevent any infections, use it whenever you need, any thing you think that helps heal things faster use them other than that there is nothing else you can do. Sorry" Chloe explained to Jake and Ben.

Jake Got up and Whispered to Chloe "Umm you might want to go get your stuff and get comfy. He probably won't want to even come out of this room after that. He's really embarrassed." Without a word she did exactly that. Jake helped Ben to his feet, as Ben was putting his clothes back Jake began to talk "well Ben. I know that would have been really weird and all but you have to come out and introduce yourself."

"No im not going out there, she basically knows me as much as you do now that she's done that. How can I go out there and talk to here. What am I going to say? Oh I know I could say, HI my names Ben but you must already no that because you just had a look in my ass and rubbed some cream because of how much damage your brothers dick did to me. That won't be weird or anything." Ben was so angry from embarrassment. "I'll just wait till she leaves or something."

"Well Ben that's the thing... she is staying here for two weeks." Jake said, just making the whole situation worse. "So you will have to come and talk to her".

After about 10 minutes of them arguing they finally walked out of their room. Jake decided he would start preparing food for dinner, while Ben went and talked to Chloe. Ben knocked on the guest room door where Chloe was going to be sleeping for the weekend. Chloe opened the door and looked down at Ben, she seemed scared of something but Ben couldn't quite work out what. They both just stood in the doorway staring at each other, both of them waiting for the other to say something.

"Um... Hi." Ben started "I don't really know what to say but um... thanks for" Ben beginning to talk under his breath and talk extremely fast "Checking me out and stuff"

Jake could hear a few sounds of the conversation but couldn't make any of them out. Five minutes Jake heard a really loud scream. "OH MY GOD!!" Chloe was screaming, so Jake ran to see what was wrong. As he ran around the corner all he saw was Ben over one of Chloe's shoulders and her running around screaming in excitement.

"What the hell is all the noise for" Jake said trying interrupt Chloe's screaming. It worked, Chloe stopped screaming and turned around and said with a lot of attitude "That's for me to know and you to find out." Jake just gave her a look that said Fuck you tell me (sorry for the swearing). But she still didn't tell him and Ben wasn't going to either. In fact Ben was still pissing him self laughing (not literally of course).

"Whatever, you two can come help me cook." Jake said in a way that made it sound like a punishment. The three walked back into to the kitchen continued preparing the food. Chloe opened a bottle of sauce and then Jake noticed cheeky grin on her face. He knew what she was up to and was prepared.

Chloe without warning threw sauce at Jake, but as he knew what she was up he ducked and it landed on Ben. Chloe stood there staring before her and Jake started laughing. Chloe was laughing so hard she fell to the ground, when she looked up Ben had a big bag of flour and he then poured it all over Chloe. She instantly stopped laughing. This made Ben laugh and Jake who was already laughing was in hysterics. Chloe and Ben looked at each other then at the only one who was completely clean. They then started throwing the sauce and flower at him. Jake now went to the fridge and pulled out a giant bottle of whipped cream. As Jake turned around, he was walloped in the face with flour.

Jake ran up to Ben pined him on the ground and squirted the whipped cream all over him (I bet that isn't the only cream Jake wants to squirt on his mate). This food fight went on for a few more minutes. By the end of it they were all laying on the ground exhausted. "Well lets get cleaned up" Jake started saying in between breath.

They all got up and Ben asked where the paper towels were. "Why would you want paper towels?" Jake asked back. "To clean up with, it's not like houses can clean themselves you know." Ben replied. Jake and Chloe just laughed and told Ben just to watch. In about thirty seconds, robotic arms were coming out of the wall and began cleaning the mess up. "Wow... I guess the house really can clean it self up." Ben said stating the obvious. This world is so further a head in technology than ours.

Jake then said to Ben "Yeah, there is a lot of stuff like cleaning and gardening and all the hard stuff that houses now do for us they have some program in them that senses all of it. Anyway let's get ourselves cleaned up, that's one thing the house can't do."

Jake picked Ben up carried him into the on-suit stripped himself and his mate off and jumped into the shower. As they were showering cleaning each other off Ben noticed that there was a little robot vacuum cleaner thing that was cleaning up all the foot prints on the ground that were left by the two when they walked in. as it finished cleaning in the on-suit a little hole in the wall appeared, the little robot slowly made its way through the hole in to the next room.

"Wow" Ben stare in awe for a moment before continuing "This world is awesome, if you are that far advanced in technology, then I bet you could cure cancer and other things like that."

Jake chuckled a little and said "Wow, where you came from sounds like a shit-hole ." and laughed some more. "Shut up Jake. It was still an awesome place... Just less, awesome then here." Ben replied with a bit of anger.

After they had all finished showering, they went back to the kitchen and actually cooked the food and sat down and ate with out throwing at each other. The three sat there talking especially Chloe and Ben. Ben wanted to know more about their world and Chloe just wanted to hear about Ben's world.

After Ben told Chloe about where he came from it was her turn to talk. She started with what Jake had already mentioned about the civil war. But then she went into a lot more detail. And she kept talking about the rebels. "The rebels think it's great that they have a chance to get what they want, but they don't understand is that if they win well the civil war won't end, if anything it will escalate. You see the rebels are not one faction but a whole lot of different factions trying to get what they want and if they succeed, then other factions will keep on fighting. But the worst part of all is that they are every where, committing all sorts of horrible crimes." She paused for a minute before continuing.

"Last week we had a gay couple come into the ER, on was fine but the other, well he was in such bad of shape that there was nothing that we could do... we tried our best but it wasn't enough. It was so sad. You see there are still a number of people who don't agree with same sex marriage but just put up with it. But then there are others who absolutely hate it, and quite a number of em have started doing this. We are one of the lucky cities. I've heard reports of other animals eating each other. Looks like they have started going back to our primitive ways... and now that the Galldan Empire are slowly gaining territory, there's less authorities around, so that just leaves a major gap for those idiots to jump at." She continued on about the war for what seemed like hours, but it was actually useful information. Except that now Ben felt like locking every door and window in the house and never going outside again.

They sat down and watched a few movies, Ben could not stop laughing dew to the fact that he was watching all these A list celebrities as animals. Fir some reason he thought they all looked funny. That was until they put a scary movie on, that Ben shut up and snuggle into Jake's arms. Chloe looked at them in the corner of her eyes she wasn't watching the movie anymore. She was thinking how cute that they were together. "I'm just getting a drink, brb." Chloe said as she walked off (yes she is talking in text language).

She was gone for a good five minutes, but that didn't seem to faze the two lovers. She crept up behind them and "RAHHHH!!!!!". But she didn't get the reaction she was looking for. Instead of jumping out of his skin he was just frozen in fear. Ben was just holding his chest trying to make sure his heart didn't beat right out of his body. "If you ever do that again I will probably die." Ben exaggerated. She laughed as she sat back down. Jake being the tough guy that he is wasn't scared.

"Finally the movie is over." Chloe said as she stretched. "Yeah who knew it went that long?" Jake replied. All Ben said was "Well now that ill probably have nightmares for the rest of my life because of how scary that was, I'm going to bed to get the first over and done with." He was joking of corse but he was still scared shitless. (From now on I swollenly swear that I won't swear in my stories, Unless of corse you people don't care).

They all made their way to their room. Ben was first in the bed already curled up in a ball, Jake just curled up around him, making him feel safe from any dangers of the world. Ben grabbed one of jakes hands and whispered "Jake, I love you." As he slowly drifted off to sleep. Jake replied back with a tight embrace and a "I love you too".

Ben woke up a lot earlier then usual; it was only 7:30 in the morning. He knew he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so he got up, only wearing his tightly snug briefs. Walked out into the kitchen, he was barley awake yet, but he continued on towards the fridge nearly walking like a zombie. Just as he reached to open the fridge he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and collapsed to the ground loosing consciousness.


Well this is a long chapter 5 pages of just this chapter wow >.< sorry it took so long. Guess I just lost motivation. But I seemed to have found it again. Any way the next chapter shouldn't be to far away... that's what I said last time lol. But seriously...**