Kill la Kill: Alterations Part 1

Story by Kayden Silvertongue on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions

With the war against REVOCS and Nudist Beach reaching a head, one lone third year student makes a rash decision: He would take on the Mistress of Life Fibers herself.

This story was requested by: destinydueler over on FurAffinity

Originally just a longer one-shot, as I wrote, the story began showing a lot of ways it could grow and branch out, so I decided to make it a series!

Story by: Kayden Silvertongue (ChaosSavior) Commissioned by: destinydueler Characters and settings copyrighted by: Aniplex of America, Hiroyuki Imaishi and Kazuki Nakashima Kill la Kill: Alterations

Ragyo Kiryuin hated humans. She hated them with a passion matched only by her devotion to the higher beings that were Life Fibers. But what she hated most about humans? Human men; with their constant need for approval and their self-importance. So, when she had found the boy skulking around her headquarters, challenging her staff to fights, she would not let it go ignored. His skill wasn't even that impressive, is she were being honest. A mere Two-Star Goku Uniform against her army of subjects and COVERS? He should never have gotten as far as he had managed, she was rather angry to admit.

At 20% Life Fiber, that uniform should have bowed to her will before even entering the complex. It would seem there was something about the boy that was somewhat special, after all. If that were the case...well....Ragyo *had* found herself in need of a new daughter recently... Meanwhile... Something seemed off. This was going far too smoothly. Of course, Rin had known he was good, and his uniform enhanced his skills further; but this was still odd. He had run into a few non-uniformed staff and taken them care of them without too much trouble, thank god for that. But if he had run into any of those COVER possessed zombies, he was done for. There was no way he could fight one of them, when even the elite four of the academy were struggling with them. There was also the matter of the tingling he had been feeling from his Goku Uniform ever since he got within range of this place. Like something squirming and electric trying to make its way beneath his skin. That must be those Life Fibers he had heard the new girl and president going on about with that odd man. He wished he had been paying more attention. He barely had any idea what was going on. What he did know was that he had probably made the wrong choice, running in without anything but his uniform to back him up. Even as President of the new Ninjustu club, he knew he had no shot against someone that insane. Thankfully, stealth had seemed to work well since the last guard he had taken down. Rounding a corner, a door presented itself; but caution held him back. Ducking back around the bend, back pressed against the wall, peering out to study the door. Most of the facility was equipped with keypads and electromagnetic locks. This one...wasn't. Had he hit a dead end somehow, and found an area of such little importance they hadn't even bothered with a knob lock? As he silently wondered all this and whether or not he should go back to check some of the more secure areas, the door opened. He pulled his head back quickly to hide it from sight, pulling out a small mirror from his pocket to watch around the corner. Two guards came out of the, not guards. These were COVERS, and behind them was the hag herself! He felt his heart stop and he held his breath. Too easy...this was all too easy. The monsters drew closer, and he almost let out a whimper. If they turned the corner to the left, he was done for. As they drew closer, Rin crouched lower to the ground, ready to try and run. As luck would have it, they turned right., and Rin uttered every quick prayer in thanks that he knew. He dashed around the corner and through the door before it closed, Ragyo's back to him as he ducked into the shadows silently. The room itself was large and mostly bare, nothing remarkable about it, really. Concrete bunker walls with metal reinforcements, like the rest of the bunker. The only odd thing about it was the furnishings. This place seemed to be a private chamber of some sort, with throw rugs on the floor and heavy wooden cabinets, dressers, and wardrobes. Ragyo sat in the center of the room, working on a sewing machine as she hummed to herself. That was what unnerved Rin the most. How oddly normal she seemed....almost peaceful. She didn't seem to notice that he had come in, or that the door took longer to click shut than it should have. Thinking he was safe, Rin cautiously moved forward, trying to breathe as slowly and silently as possible. If he could do this, if he could manage to kill her right here, the battle would be over. Everything could go back to normal. All he had to do was get close enough and strike. His hands were damp, shaking, but he could do this. He had to. The knife was in his grip, sliding free of the sheath strapped to his ankle.....closer....closer....he was right behind her now. He was ready, his hand raised to strike..... "Did you really think you would be able to kill me that easily?" No! How!? Ragyo stood, turning around just as Rin stood as well, still ready to strike as she stared at him. "Stupid boy. I allowed you in here. I purposely made sure no COVERS were in your way so that I had your body to do with as I pleased!' The ice that went up Rin's spine most surely came from the depths of Hell itself. She had planned this. She had intentionally cleared the path for him to come within seconds of killing her, made sure he had thought he could do it. But that made no sense! How would she know that he wouldn't just kill her some other way? Poison, or an arrow, some method that didn't rely on him getting close to her. Why would she risk the chance, unl- Unless she knew. Of course. She could see everything in this complex, obviously. And she would be able to see any ranged attack before it hit her, use her COVERS as shields, or some poor servant. Maybe that odd 'daughter' of hers that had had her arms lopped off by those giant scissors. She knew he would have to get in close, even if she could see everything, so that he had more control over the strike, had the false sense of hope that a naked blade and exposed flesh would give him. He had played right into it. The woman's hand slowly raised, twisted into a claw as he felt that sensation underneath his skin intensify and suddenly grow to blinding levels. He would have fallen to his knees if not for the fact that Ragyo would not allow it. Even the strongest Kamui, and even the most willful minds could not resist her mastery of Life Fibers when directly in front of her. He blacked out, the pain overloading his body as his Uniform turned into his prison. Rin Akima, Honn?ji Academy 3rd year, Ninjutsu Club President; was now her slave. As he woke up, his vision blurred and nausea flooded over him in a wave. He knew it would be useless to try and move. Even now he could feel the threads burrowing deeper into his brain. He could only look around to see that he was sitting in a chair, stark naked. He assumed that once the Life Fibers had gotten into his body, the uniform itself was irrelevant. But that didn't answer why he was naked, or why the bitch hadn't just killed him in the first place. The room itself wasn't the same one he had been captured in. This was a lab of some sort, with large tanks of the red strings currently controlling his body, odd beakers and flasks of liquids, even macabre tanks full of various body parts. Sweet lord, is this where she had created that insane doll, Nui? But if she had brought him here...did that mean she had plans to make him into something like that as well? A jab of pain through his brain stopped his thoughts before he could worry about it more. His fear and anxious nerves were only heightened when his body went slack, no longer obeying his commands to try and struggle. Ragyo came into view, elegant and as calm as always. She was beautiful, graceful, and he would die for his M- where had that come from!? He would never think of this woman as anything but his enemy! A target! He had to kill her! More pain, white hot in his skull as the Fibers punished him for thinking like that. Tears made his vision swim as she drew closer. "Now. I think it's time to explain to you why I've kept you alive. You, pathetic and filthy as you are, hold some slight special quality about you. You managed to keep your mind and resist the control I exert over all Life Fibers right up until the moment you were about to strike me down. That alone is worth some small praise. But because you had the courage to come here and attempt a mission you surely knew would fail anyways, I've decided that you could be useful. And so, I shall train you. Transform you, and make you into my perfect servant." her mouth was bent into some perverse mockery of a smile, and Rin's blood was frozen. No. He couldn't lose like this. He couldn't live under her thumb! He would rather die! That was when the shock hit his brain again. An insistent, firm thought: (NO. TO LIVE UNDER THE MISTRESS IS PARADISE. TO RESIST IS PAIN.) ...What was that? What had just happened? It was as if someone else was in his head, feeding him thoughts. Which, of course, they were. His brain was now threaded and infested by the Fibers, tracing and twisting around every nook and lobe of his brain, slowly creeping down his spinal column. They obeyed only one voice, and with a thought she could hijack his entire system and force him to watch as he was made to commit atrocity after atrocity. But Ragyo Kiryuin was patient. She was cruel. And she wanted him to not only suffer, but crumble. She wanted his body, and his soul, so broken that he willingly offered himself to her for whatever perverse or destructive desires she might have. Rin's eyes went wide as she suddenly lunged closer to him, her hand finding his groin as she cupped his genitals with a firm but not yet painful squeeze. "This, my dear, will be of no more use to you. You won't need it anymore, but I'm going to let you keep it until you no longer want it. Until then, it will be a pretty reminder of what you used to be." Her tone was one of mocking disgust, and he could see the disdain in her eyes as she looked down at his penis. It was something he was rather proud of, to be honest. He wasn't the most endowed of men, but his cock wasn't something to scoff at.... Which is why it stung even more when she did. "But this is far too big for a slave. We'll have to modify that, I think." His blood ran cold, his mind racing even with the influence of the parasites within. (IT IS AN HONOR FOR OUR GODDESS TO CONSIDER ANY PART OF US WORTH ATTENTION. MODIFICATION TO HER DESIRES IS A BLESSING.) But what did she intend to do? Unless she chose to cage it, or nullify it..his size was absolute, wasn't it? There was no way she could change that, was there? His answer was soon given in horrifying technicolor as he felt a surge of that electric shock sensation again, and saw his entire package suddenly shrink a full inch. That caused him to panic; or at least, his mind did. His body, on the other hand, refused to obey him anymore. As the voice is in his skull kept repeating it's insane rhetoric of obedience, he felt the urge to cry well up in his chest as his breathing quickened. He shrank again, another two inches. His pride breaking as his once tennis ball sized sack and his paper tube thick cock we're now reduced to half their original size. "We'll stop there for now. I'll allow you to keep this much, if you're a good girl for me. Any disobedience will result in me taking away more. Regardless, you will eventually lose them entirely as I plan to reshape your body to my own design." The woman's voice was calm and authoritative, and even without her mental commands to obey, Rin began to see her differently. He realized that although she was described as a hag and much older, and certain lights and fashion choices on her part may have harshened that image...that once he took a good look, she was actually rather young. And now as he saw her remove her hairbands and she wore more practical clothes instead of the terrifying kamui...quite beautiful. Her silver hair fell to mid back, apparently using her Kamui had simply altered it into a shorter style, but now it was just as majestic, the rainbow colorings in it apparently natural as they glowed as strong as ever. Her hands ran up to the straps of the blouse she was wearing, her eyes as piercing and cold as ever. "I will give you an honor, servant. I will allow you a glimpse of my body without my beloved clothing; and if you can resist your filthy male instincts, I will allow you to keep a more masculine shape for a short time.' He couldn't guarantee anything at this point, watching as the straps fell off her shoulders and the top fell underneath her bust. Her breasts were magnificent, perfectly suited to her frame, and Rin couldn't help but stare. They were certainly not what he would consider 'large', but the firmness of them was undeniable, the nipples looked as if they were calling to him to reach out and touch them, take them into his mouth. But the second he thought that, the Life Fibers shocked him again, searing him with pain as his cock shrank another inch. "Stupid boy; didn't I tell you that any disobedience would cause you to lose more of yourself?" her voice was stern, but he could almost make out the amusement underneath it. "I see I'll just have to train you harder..." Ragyo's hand, delicately gloved despite her current clothing choice, slid out and gently caressed his diminished pride, fondling it and the shrunken balls below as she stared him in the eye. He whimpered, unable to keep the shameful sound from escaping as he felt himself grow harder under the ministrations. Her thumb circled his head, using the pre escaping him to lubricate the process, even pressing her finger to separate the slit and rub inside. All of which caused him to squirm and try to press into the attentions more. As he did; his kind seemed to calm and the Life Fibers eased their hold on him. As he sank I to the pleasure; he heard his Mistress' voice once more. "There now. That's better, isn't it my dear...?" ==END OF PART 1==

Kill la Kill: Alterations Part 2

Kill la Kill: Alterations ==PART 2== Rin's head was swimming when he woke up. At some point during Ragyo's...attentions, torture, whatever she would call it, he must have blacked out. He looked down at his body, flesh prickling with the cold of...

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Red Ribbon: Slut Re-Training

Story By: Kayden Silvertongue (ChaosSavior) Commissioned By: Momiji\_The\_Rabbit Characters and setting copyright Toei Animation and Akira Toriyama Red Ribbon: Slut Retraining Dr. Bulma Briefs sighed as she stared at the computer screen in front of...

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Penny Gadget's Downfall

Written by: Kayden Silvertongue (ChaosSavior) Commissioned by: Momiji\_the\_Rabbit Characters copyright: DIC Entertainment and Bruno Bianchi Penny Gadget's Downfall Penny's communicator wasn't responding. Nor was Brain's. That alone was enough to...

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