Kill la Kill: Alterations Part 2

Story by Kayden Silvertongue on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions

Captured by Ragyo, Rin is subjected to her whims. Changes to his body affect his psyche, but he may find that it's not entirely the Life Fibers fault that he's enjoying this...

Kill la Kill: Alterations

==PART 2==

Rin's head was swimming when he woke up. At some point during Ragyo's...attentions, torture, whatever she would call it, he must have blacked out. He looked down at his body, flesh prickling with the cold of the room. He had definitely slimmed, lost some of his more masculine definition in favor of feminine tone and curves. Though he still had his body hair, his hips had increased in size, his ass bubbling out to form a healthy handful...and then he caught sight of his once proud cock. It was soft now, the stimulation keeping it at attention long since taken away. It looked pathetic; like a drawing of a male who was impotent and weaker in one of those adult novels he had read long ago.

That thought suddenly sent a surge of heat to his loins, and the flaccid meat jumped. Swelling slowly, he held out a hope that perhaps he had been given mercy, and his size had returned. Maybe he had simply hallucinated it shrinking! But his hopes were in vain as it stopped, full and hard. No fever dreams, no hallucinations.

What met his gaze was a pale shadow of the formerly 6 and a half inch member that he previously wielded. 4 inches, solid, and barely thicker than a hot dog. That was all that was left of his former pride. The largest, the incessant voice in his head whispered, that he would ever be again. He didn't bother arguing with it, he had neither the energy nor the desire to see the outcome of his fighting against what seemed inevitable once more.

He wasn't broken, not yet, but he couldn't watch his manhood shrivel and vanish like that. He had to find a way out, a way to purge himself of Ragyo's control and these Life Fibers. And then he would either find a way to revert his body back to its previous state, or he would just have to learn how to live with it as it was now. He moved his wrists, feeling a buzzing in them from having had the circulation cut off for so long, then stopped. His wrists were free. When did that happen, and why? Surely he wasn't being let go, so why would they risk unchaining him?

As he stood up, he felt his legs protest after being tied to the chair. Wobbling and using the nearby furniture for support, he walked over to the door, stopping midway. This wasn't the room he was in before. This was a grand bedroom, filled with elegance and stinking of money. The bed looked plush enough to swallow him whole if he dared try to lay in it. Crystal everywhere, from the lighting to the accents to the drinkware. As he turned around, taking it all in, the door opened and Ragyo entered. Her smile seemed warm and genuine this time as she waved in a servant with a plate of food and drinks. Wine for her, and he assumed the tea was for him.

"Good evening, my darling! I hope you've rested well. After all; you seemed quite exhausted after your first round of training.' her voice was soft and pleasant, and deep inside Rin felt unease at that fact. Something not even the parasites in his brain seemed to take issue with, remaining silent and untriggered at the feeling. His nerves were on edge with that thought; wondering what she has up her sleeve. He kept his face blank as he approached the table, desperately hungry but not about to accept any food from the white haired witch.

It wasn't until Ragyo took a small sandwich herself and began eating that he changed his mind. The sight, paired with his stomach rumbling loudly, killed any chance he could have hoped to hold out and pretend he wasn't hungry. He reached out and took one, biting into the soft bread and feeling relief rush through him. His jaw ached as he began to chew, savoring the flavors as he realized this wasn't the same caliber of food he would take to school for lunch. This was food only wealth could afford, and the difference was clear to him as he hurried through the first sandwich and reached for another, only to have his hand smacked by the woman as she gave him a stern look.

"Greed is unbecoming of a Kiryuin. Manners will be used at all times. You are representing myself and the REVOCS name, after all. To say nothing of the glorious Life Fibers." Her tone was matronly, a parent scolding an ill-behaved child. Rin snarled, ignoring the pain from the shocks the Life Fibers gave him. He guessed his nerves had adjusted somewhat from the last round as he spat out at her "You are not my mother. And I will never join or stand with you." The rebellious words put a smile on Ragyo's lips as she simply closed her eyes and took a sip of wine.

When she opened them, her eyes were hard but not cold. She spoke evenly, again with the parenting tone. "I will explain this once more, Akima Rin. You were kept alive for one reason, and one reason only. You are to take the place of my beloved daughter Nui and her traitorous sisters. You will inherit the REVOCS company after my glorious plan is achieved and I move on to better things, other worlds. To be my..ambassador here on this disgusting planet, ensuring humans remain under the rule of the glorious COVERS." Her smile had returned, and Rin noted that it appeared warm and even sentimental as she continued. "Do you understand what I'm giving you? I am giving you the gift that every parent wishes they could give to their children: The world itself! The Earth will be yours, to do with as you please, so long as you obey my commands."

The fact that she knew his name sent chills through him, but he supposed it was to be expected. This was the mother of the Student Council President, after all. No doubt she had some ties into Honn?ji that would allow her to pull the files of anty student she wished, to learn all she could about them. He hardened his voice and repeated: "I said no. Turn the pain up all you want, kill me from it if it gets you off! But I will not follow you!"

Something flashed in those cold grey eyes as the words landed in the space between them, and Rin feared for a moment he had actually signed his death warrant. The laugh that bubbled from Ragyo shattered that thought and made him think he had done something far worse.

"Do you think all I can give you with those Fibers is pain? That I can only control or punish? What a limited imagination you have." She rose her left hand, slender and elegant as she snapped her fingers. The sharp noise brought with it a sudden surge of lust and pleasure to Rin's groin, his cock instantly getting rock hard and cumming a feeble, if thick, load all over the floor between them. Ragyo's smile had returned, always empty of any real emotions. No happiness or pleasure, simply a farce of the real thing, another mask of the sadistic monster within, though her voice seemed to dance with unbridled glee. "There now, do you see? I can gift you with pleasure and happiness beyond your wildest imagination. All you need do is accept my dominion over you!"

Before he could regain his senses, Rin heard in horror his voice whining out of his throat, high and feminine: 'Please...m-more.' He couldn't have stopped himself. Not because of the Life Fibers, but because he genuinely craved more of the paradise he had just been shown. He hated himself, wanted to tear himself apart, but he couldn't deny that his heart was in the plea.

Ragyo's laugh was warm and almost motherly as she leaned in and stroked his cheek with the palm of her right hand. "I'll make you a deal. I'm renegotiating the terms of our previous challenge. This time, I'm going to tease you, and you're allowed to yet hard and beg. But the only way I'll allow you to cum is if you willingly give up this disgusting, sinful little appendage of yours. Deal?"

Rin's whine was all the answer she needed. His eyes burned with hatred and anger, but the stink of cum and the heavy ropes of it on his belly spoke much louder. Whether or not it was true yet, he would soon need the pleasure. He would crave it, sink to any depth to get it, even if it meant giving up his humanity. Ragyo had made this an art, after all, and she had done this many times to men she needed in key positions.

As she stood, Ragyo shrugged off the light blouse she had been wearing, once again revealing her supple breasts and lack of a bra. Rin has fallen onto his back when she had flooded his nerves, and she now towered over him. With the same blank expression, she reached down to the waistband of her pants and slowly began to undo them. Rin's eyes followed eagerly, staring hungrily at the flesh already exposed before fixing onto the button as it slipped through the fasten. The quiet trill of a zipper being pulled filled his ears as if played through arena speakers at deafening volume, and the woman's fly was open. As she slowly, meticulously shimmied out of the tight pants, he started breathing quicker. She wore plain white cotton panties, as if she were a virgin. His spent cock found the strength to begin rising once more as she stood tall and proud in front of him once more. The lights on the room and the rainbow highlights in her hair worked together to create the image of a Goddess, statuesque and untouchable by mortal hands lest they stain her pristine beauty.

That was the lust talking.

Rin didn't care.

No; he had to escape.

No. He needed to fuck her.


His voice cracked as he began to plead: "Please, let me inside you! Let me feel your walls grip me! If I'm going to lose my pride and my life as a man, let me feel that first!"

One would have thought that the cruel woman in front of him would have denied such a request, struck him down or taken his member in a decidedly more violent way. Those thoughts would have been proven surprisingly false as the thin mouth of the matriarch curled into a wicked smile. Her thumbs hooked into the waistband of her panties and with a sharp jerk downward, stripped them from her shaved body.

"Very well. You will know the loving embrace of your mother before you become my daughter. The memory of this moment will stay with you forever." As she spoke, she slid down and onto him, dragging her flesh against his dick as it approached her groin. That simple movement and touch was enough to cause Rin to moan loudly, his body squirming as his instinct kicked in and roared for him to take the lead. To grab the thick, birth-ready hips of the woman on top of him and slam into her, breed her and restore his pride as a man. But he didn't, he held back.

The overwhelming part of him wanted to see what this cruel monster did to men she had decided to pleasure, how she took care of their urges. He wanted her to be the one to drain his balls, not himself. That wasn't submission, he told himself, it wasn't. That was a man's desire; of course it was! The woman should work to please him, if it was just a casual encounter. Only lovers should work to please each other equally and wholly. Right? He wasn't giving into her...

Ragyo, on the other hand, knew exactly what she was doing. Each drag of her pussy over the boy's small shaft meticulously planned, agonizingly slow, in order to pull out the maximum amount of pleasure from him. She played with her breasts, massaging them and even sucking on her own nipples. A stupid, pornographic movement if she was honest, but this one was still young, and she guessed he would find it appealing in his youthful naivety.

From the whines and the sudden increased pulsing from his shaft, she would say she guessed correctly. Every fiber of her was filled with disgust, but she knew that this would be a necessary step to gaining this one's loyalty. She could handle the dirty work. One hand reached down and guided his cock deeper between her lips, so he could feel the soft satin walls hidden within, but wasn't yet entering her. She continued gyrating, showing him the hidden bud of her clitoris by slipping his tip over it as she gave an exaggerated gasp.

When she was confident he was primed and eager, she gave him his wish. Tip pushing past the teasing mound and entering her. Still keeping control and making sure things went as slowly as possible, Ragyo leered down at the former buck underneath her. Rin, on his part, struggled to keep himself from losing his mind right there. For an older woman who had given birth twice, and obviously had multiple partners, his new mother felt as tight as any virgin he had been with.

Her hands worked his skin with expert precision, running down with the lightest touches before sinking into pressure points, bringing pain and then relief as the tension released. Rin had never considered the possibility of mixing sex with a massage, but Ragyo's attentions showed him that it was an amazing combination. Her grinding was just as slow as her teasing had been, the nails raking down Rin's skin causing him to sink into a fuzzy, muddled place.

Time seemed to stop, anything beyond their bodies was just a soft blur in his vision, his thoughts moved as if they were wrapped in cotton, covered in molasses and then chained to weights. The only sensations he could feel clearly were the sharp, wet, warm colors of Ragyo's inner walls, her skin feeling for all the world as if it were the smoothest marble of some divine idol. Words were wiggling things, hot and irritating as he closed his eyes to focus on the sensations being brought to him.

Sweat slicked skin burned as the world fell away, nothing mattered except the movements, the pleasure. It couldn't stop. If it stopped he would crumble. The movement was his lifeblood, and with every pulse and hitch of breath, every new position and angle he slipped further into some liquid aether where everything was safe. The pressure in his loins brought only a little bit of himself back. Just enough to grab onto those thick thighs and groan, signal his readiness.

In response, the walls of his goddess' temple closed around him, gripping the root of his soul tightly and beginning to coax it harder. Milking him, bringing him to the edge. He was ready; he could already imagine spilling into her womb, completing his task. They would be one, this heaven would last for eternity, they would be love-

The rest of his conscious self snapped back with a sickening mental thud as his stomach dropped out from his guts. He was on the edge, but he felt his cock shrinking again. Ragyo was laughing as it grew smaller and smaller, his pleasure somehow never slowing or was unbearable! And then, with the smallest of wet sounds, his manhood was gone. He could feel his body rearranging, an ache between his thighs as the flesh molded and split. The churn of his guts as they made room for a womb that hadn't ever been meant to be there.

Rin Akima, Honniji Academy 3rd year, Ninjutsu Club President...was dead. The girl now moaning and whining beneath Ragyo Kiryuin had no name, and her only thought was the orgasm she would never be allowed to have.

After all, Ragyo had promised her the memory of this moment, of the cock inside her mother, would stay with her. Forever....

Kill la Kill: Alterations Part 1

Story by: Kayden Silvertongue (ChaosSavior) Commissioned by: destinydueler Characters and settings copyrighted by: Aniplex of America, Hiroyuki Imaishi and Kazuki Nakashima Kill la Kill: Alterations Ragyo Kiryuin hated humans. She hated them with a...

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Red Ribbon: Slut Re-Training

Story By: Kayden Silvertongue (ChaosSavior) Commissioned By: Momiji\_The\_Rabbit Characters and setting copyright Toei Animation and Akira Toriyama Red Ribbon: Slut Retraining Dr. Bulma Briefs sighed as she stared at the computer screen in front of...

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Penny Gadget's Downfall

Written by: Kayden Silvertongue (ChaosSavior) Commissioned by: Momiji\_the\_Rabbit Characters copyright: DIC Entertainment and Bruno Bianchi Penny Gadget's Downfall Penny's communicator wasn't responding. Nor was Brain's. That alone was enough to...

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