Commission: Club No.2

Story by tronntronn on SoFurry

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A young college student learns that his affluent roommate attends to an exclusive club. He gets in his mind that joining it would be a great way to get ahead in life, but the roommate is very hesitant to even talk about it. Eventually he manages to get inside, but soon learns that the club is not what he expected at all...

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Andy stood behind a counter and polished a coffee mug glumly. The chestnut-brown deer had a slim, fit body and a striking pair of antlers adorning his head, but his barista's uniform dampened his handsomeness. The morning rush was over, so he wiped his hands on his apron and sat down on one of the tables to pour himself a cup. The autumn sky outside had turned leaden and rained down in a cold drizzle as he breathed in the freshly brewed vapors, but even the warm drink did not banish the chill he felt. Andy had come to Pinewoods for college, but his grades were falling and his parents' patience was wearing thin. Serving coffee looked less and less like an option and more the entirety of his future, and he sighed deeply; if only he had someone else to blame!

He knew that hard work was the key to success, for the dumb people at least. He was good looking and witty, and that had carried him this far in life, but college had put a harsh stop to that. Suddenly having to put in effort just did not fit in his plans, but he needed to figure out something to carry him over this semester--and soon.

Curiously enough, the solution decided to show up in Andy's shop at just that moment when his roommate Steven opened the door. He was a dark brown bull, a head taller and twice as wide as Andy, but his behavior was timid as if he constantly wanted to hug himself to make himself smaller. He wore a red hoodie and cargo shorts even in the cold, windy weather, and Andy's thoughts wandered idly to how high his body temperature must be. Touching him would be fun, but as far as Andy knew Steven was not interested in men. A pity.

What Andy knew for certain was that Steven's family was wealthy. Unlike other college kids he was born and bred in Pinewoods, his great grandparents having owned the original lumber mill around which the town had sprung up, and his cousins and other relatives all held influential positions in local politics. He had the kind of connections that Andy needed to survive, yet he kept them hidden. Andy was good at handling people who flaunted their status, but the shy bull who avoided bringing up his family annoyed him on general principle alone.

Andy gave Steven a single, tired wave. The bull glanced at him with his big, brown eyes before looking down at his feet and shuffling towards the deer, his hands hidden in the pocket of his hoodie.

"'Sup?" Andy motioned him to sit, but Steven kept hovering awkwardly next to the table.

"...I've come for my shift." He spoke softly and avoided eye contact, the voice carrying from his deep chest a surprisingly mellow baritone.

Andy snorted. "I don't get why you keep this dead end job. Your family's stacked with cash!"

Steven blushed and started to get antsy, but was too good-mannered to walk away. Andy was technically his supervisor, even though most of the time it was just the two of them at the shop. He furrowed his brows. "Andy, you know that I don't like bringing them up. There's a...distance between them and I, okay?

"Riiight..." Andy stretched out his disbelief and took a sip, then continued nonchalantly. "What about the club, then?"

Steven blanched. "There's no such club!"

"Funny, I didn't even get to say what club I'm talking about and you're already denying everything." Andy eased back on his chair, amused by Steven's discomfort.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the bull muttered and pushed his hands even deeper into his pockets.

"Oh come on! Throw me a bone here, man." Andy let his exasperation fuel the motion of his gesturing arms. "There's talk of some secret club where important people hang out. Everyone at school has heard the rumors, but no-one seems to know anyone attending it...except you, Steven."

"I don't know how you even got such an idea." Steven's face was burning red hot as he directed his words at the corners of the room, but his body language held firm. The bull was determined to stay stubborn.

"I've watched you come and go late at night, and from your expression I can tell those haven't been church visits. Your family is well connected, and you're too much of a nerd to party, so what else could it be?"

Steven fell silent and studied the floor like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, his large ears drooping down with his guilty feelings.

"I need an invitation, man. My future depends on it," Andy begged, but Steven held his peace. "Sheesh, have it your way then!" Andy huffed, tore off his apron, and tossed it at Steven. "My shift's ended, clean the shop. And don't think you've heard the last of this!"

Andy stopped only to grab his jacket before storming out of the shop, leaving Steven watching after him silently. The bull did not seem angry for being yelled at, but...sad, as if he had missed an opportunity to speak out. Andy fumed while he marched down the streets, where the rain had picked up cold sharpness and came down on him as sleet. By any metric Steven was a good roommate: quiet, minded his own business, paid his rent on time, and even did both of their laundry without being asked. Andy had to complain to him only once when he had forgotten to flush the toilet after using it, and even that had been more funny than irritating; especially how profusely the blushing bull had apologized to the deer. Andy sighed. He did not know why the rich kid was slumming it with him, but it felt supremely frustrating to him. His ticket to the society circles was fluttering right in front of him yet out of his reach, all because of the stubborn bull!

Andy had no more classes to fail that semester, so he wandered aimlessly the sleet-beaten streets of downtown until his anger dissipated and was replaced by a growing sense of dread. He returned to the flat he was renting with Steven and passed the time as well as he could, too restless to focus on anything but too nervous to take a nap. Eventually he heard keys rattling at the front door, and he sprung up to confront Steven in the hallway.

The bull frowned when he saw the deer. "Oh please, can we just drop this?" he tried to brush him aside, but Andy blocked his path.

"Absolutely not. I need this, and you're the only one who can help me. Aren't we friends, Steven? I'll do anything you ask if you just let me into your VIP club!"

Steven was taken aback by how desperate Andy sounded, but then his expression turned into an ashamed one. "It's not what you think. It's a...different kind of club."

"So there is a club after all!"

"Sheesh, just forget about it!" Steven turned to leave, but Andy took hold of his hand. The bull's fingers were thick and warm like embers.

"Come on, I'll owe you a big favor, just name your price." Andy continued with a quiet whisper as he held the bigger man trapped with his soft touch. "We both know that getting anywhere in this town requires knowing your family..."

"My family has nothing to do with this!" Steven snatched his hand away and hurried back out the door before Andy could recover from his sudden outburst.

The deer ran to the window to see the direction the bull was heading on the street, and then tossed on his long coat to follow him discreetly. Andy was certain that he had noticed the beginning of a bulge on Steven's crotch while they had talked about him joining and performing favors, a detail that made him ever more curious about just what kind of club Steven was attending...

Steven led him to the bad part of the town, the kind of liminal space of closed businesses and abandoned houses that was too grimy for gentrification yet too expensive for redevelopment. Normally Andy would have been too nervous to follow the bull to the graffiti stained alleyways, but Steven seemed to know where he was going. He moved with confidence that he would not be stopped or harassed, and that aegis reached to cover the unseen deer as well. Before long, Steven stood behind an unassuming warehouse made of dull gray concrete, and knocked on a steel door. Andy watched from behind a dumpster as his roommate made a series of raps in an unusual pattern, and then a small slit on the door opened. There was a short conversation Andy could not overhear, and then the bull was admitted inside.

Andy's stomach fluttered with tension. He had come too far to turn back now, but he would get only one shot at making a good first impression and being invited in. Eventually his desire for an easy life won over his fears, and he walked briskly towards the door. He was a risk taker, after all, and quite determined as long as it did not require putting in a lot of effort. He knocked on the door and waited.

The slit opened, and a gruff voice addressed him. "I don't know you."

"I'm here for the club meeting." Andy made himself sound slightly irritated, as if he was unaccustomed to being interrupted like this.

"Invite only." The slit was shut.

Andy stared at the impassive steel in front of him for a moment and then banged on it again, genuinely angry. "Hey!"

The slit was inched open a little. "Piss off, kid."

"I am with someone! He invited me!"


"Steven Barrister!" Andy crossed his arms, chest puffed out with certainty that the family name was the magic word.

There was a moment of silence, then the door cracked open. Behind it stood a large, heavyset stallion with a gray piebald fur and a black t-shirt that accentuated his muscular arms. He studied Andy for a moment, and a big toothy grin spread on his wide muzzle. "Why didn't you say so first? Come in, come in!"

As soon as Andy stepped in the dimly lit entry room, the stallion wrapped an arm around his shoulders like they were the best of buddies already. His body had a strong but not unpleasant, masculine scent. "Welcome to Club No.2! Name's Jackson and I kinda run the place, if you know what I mean?"

" mean that you run the place?"

Jackson clapped the deer on the back and laughed, making a big, brawny sound. "I guess you could say that!"

Andy just shook his head and introduced himself, and then he was escorted deeper into the building.

They descended a set of rusty metal stairs into the basement and down a dank corridor lit by a few fading light bulbs. Andy's nervousness started to return, but then Jackson stopped in front of a sturdy looking door and tapped a number pad next to it. The door swung open to reveal a large, stylishly decorated room with some people already lounging and chatting together.

"Welcome to your home away from home, Andy." Jackson's voice was filled with pride as he nudged the deer to make him step inside.

The basement room was the size of an assembly hall, but it had a ceiling low enough for Andy to almost reach with his fingertips. Its walls were covered with red velvet padding, and tables and couches were arranged here and there in little islets that were lit by tasteful spotlights. On one end was a well stocked bar, and on the other a stage with musical instruments. There was a billiard table and other games, and even a cozy fireplace framed by shelves of literature. Andy could see about a dozen other people there, and to his surprise he recognized most of them. There was his English professor, an older gentleman of stodgy disposition, and over there a bear that Andy dimly recognized from local news as the chair of the chamber of commerce. The others were young, college aged men; a labrador that was his former lab partner, an elk PhD student who did weekend shifts at the coffee shop, a couple of svelte antelopes from one of his classes and a pair of cats too--and Steven, who coughed and sputtered into his drink when he saw Andy.

Jackson addressed the bull. "Hey Steven, you're vouching for this guy? You've vetted him to make sure he's cool with our stuff?"

Steven looked as if he was about to panic, his eyes open wide and searching for escape, but there was no graceful way for him to extricate himself from the situation. "Uhh, uh yea, of course..." he managed to mumble, and Andy made a little relieved sigh. The bull clearly did not want him at their secret club house, but at least he had the decency not to ruin if for Andy.

"Great, that's what I wanted to hear!" the stallion clapped Andy's shoulder. "We only accept a certain kind of people here, so it's good to know that you're one of us."

"That's what I wanted to hear too," Andy grinned and made finger guns, much to Jackson's amusement. "There's a lot of young guys here for an exclusive club though? They can't all be wealthy..."

The English professor, a big bellied hippo, had waddled over to shake Andy's hand. "This is not really a club for rich people per se, but for individuals who have a shared interest--and for younger men who wish to meet a mentor in life, for many of us are recruited from the college as you see. We've all found a love for...certain proclivities there."

"What about Jackson? I haven't seen him on campus."

"Naw, I'm not with the bookworms. I just facilitate things around here, you know?"

"Think of this as a social club: a place to relax from the pressures of the outside world, and to be who you really are without shame. You won't be judged here, young man." The hippo patted his round stomach and smiled.

"Also the drinks are free at the bar, help yourself. Get to know the other lads, if you know what I mean?" Jackson nudged Andy and winked, but the deer just made a noncommittal half smile.

Jackson showed him around and introduced him to the others in his good natured manner. His classmates were as surprised to see him as he was to see them; but they were welcoming to him, and like an eel he slipped into their social pond with ease. Before soon they were playing video games together and joking around as if Andy had always been a member of their small club. The only one who kept his distance was Steven, who hovered nearby looking like he was about to puke from nervousness. More than once Andy caught his roommate glancing at him with a hopeful look, but the deer was content to let him stew for the time being. The club was great, and if the bull wanted to apologize to him for his stubbornness, he would better find the courage to do so!

After a while, Andy had gotten a little buzzed and rose up to visit the toilet. On the back wall he noticed a door with a sign reading 'Deuce Room', but when he was just about to open it, he was stopped by Jackson.

"Hold it there bucko, that won't be until later. After your pledge, you know?" The stallion smirked knowingly.

"I just need to take a leak, is all."

"We go there for that." Jackson pointed at a urinal bolted to the wall in the corner of the room, in full view of everyone.

"W-what, all in the open?" Andy sputtered.

"We're not shy about that kind of thing here, hehe. In fact let's go together! I needed to drain the hose anyway."

Andy gulped, but followed the horse. So far the club had been everything he had hoped for, and he did not want to make a fuss. He was no stranger to being hazed by fraternities either, and was determined to show these people that he had what it took to become a full member.

At the urinal, Jackson stood right next to him and pulled out his thick, heavy horse sheath. Andy could not help but watch as he hefted it in the palm of his hand before pulling back the dark gray skin and revealing the tip of his pink, jiggling cock. The deer glanced shyly upwards and saw the stallion nodding and smiling in approval to him. He felt awkward but still unzipped his pants and took out his slimmer deer dick. The conversation stopped behind him, and he could feel the eyes on his back as the rest of the club turned to watch. The entire situation felt supremely awkward, clenching his bladder and making him grimace, but Jackson simply laughed and let loose. Little by little Andy started to relax, listening to the sounds of splashing water, and managed to follow the stallion's example. It was a strange feeling to relieve himself in front of others like that, but Andy could not deny that there was something liberating about it. When they finished their business and zipped up, the other club members started clapping and hollering encouragement, much to Andy's growing confusion.

Andy was blushing fiercely when Jackson wrapped his arm around his neck and patted his stomach. "Attaboy. Let's get some food in that belly, and then we can start your initiation!"

The deer merely muttered something in agreement, both embarrassed and happy to have passed this weird test, and let himself be escorted back to the others They were setting a huge buffet in the middle of the room, and the club started eating together in a merry, almost mischievous mood. The table was laden with heavy, greasy foods, deep fried and starchy, and everyone started stuffing themselves as full as they could. His new friends kept piling more on Andy's plate, egging him on to eat as much as he could. Spurred on by their enthusiasm and liberal amounts of booze, he did not find it hard to comply.

After their meal the entire group laid back, digesting and burping in cozy lethargy, patting their stomachs and feeling the copious amounts of food slowly passing through their digestive tracts. Eventually, Jackson stood up and clapped his hands.

"All right, it's your time." He nodded to Andy.

The crew around him murmured in agreement and propped him up, then walked him towards the door on the back wall. He felt both nervous and giddy at the same time, their friendliness mixed with their strange habits keeping him on his toes.

Steven pushed through the crowd and nudged his sleeve. "Hey man, I'm sorry."

"For not inviting me earlier? You should be."

"No...about what's gonna happen." Before Andy could ask what the bull meant, he was carried into the Deuce Room.

Inside was a large space with tiled walls and benches and showers much like a locker room, but at its center laid a regular bathing tub. As soon as they entered, the club members started undressing and tossed their clothing aside without any kind of shame. Andy watched in growing awe as his classmates bared themselves in front of his eyes, the youths mingling with the older hippo and bear and the mighty, naked stallion. Andy let his gaze linger on Jackson's thick body; the muscular torso with bit of a gut, the wide thighs, and the firm buttocks above which his bound tail bobbed perkily.

Jackson saw Andy staring at him brazenly, and snorted. "Get undressed and into the tub, pledge."

Andy obeyed, and to his surprise showing off his nakedness in front of the others felt strangely thrilling to him. There was a pair of leather manacles chained to the bottom of the tub, and as soon as he sat down the club members slipped them over his wrists to trap him in a reclining position. They looked at him with hungry, approving expressions, jostling and joking with each other about the night's entertainment while Jackson crossed his arms and studied the naked deer in silence.

"All right, bring it on! I can take whatever you have in store for me!" Andy's voice was loud and challenging, but he could not stop himself from testing his bindings at he spoke. They held fast, and he knew he was at the mercy of these people. His heart thundered in his chest, jumping between fear and excitement with every beat.

Without saying anything, Jackson climbed into the tub to show the true nature of their club to the deer. The stallion squatted down and lifted his tail, shadowing Andy with his bulk and revealing his squishy, slightly puffy flesh donut. The dark colored pucker started to bulge, and suddenly the thickest loaf of shit Andy had ever seen started to protrude from the stretched-out hole!

"Hey hey hey!" Andy cried out as the turd started to extend out like a brown constrictor snake, but he fell silent when it landed on his chest with a wet smack. His skin crawled with disgust as he felt it resting there, smelly and glistening and as thick as his arm. The deer started to hyperventilate and struggle to free himself.

Jackson grunted and reached back to clasp Andy's snout in his meaty paw. "Shhh, don't lose your nerve now. This is what you always wanted, remember?"

The other club members murmured in agreement and started to pet Andy, stroking his shoulders and thighs and copping a feel of his crotch, making him yelp and fidget in the tub. One by one they all climbed into the tub with him, squatted on him, and added their turds to the growing pile on him. The first one was his lab partner, the sand-colored labrador, who smiled and panted with a lolling tongue as he squeezed a light brown shit sausage onto the deer's belly. Andy shivered as he felt its weight and tried to breathe through his mouth, but the smell was getting overpowering already. The antelope pair sat on the tub's edge while leaning their backs against each other, and Andy could only watch as their pink puckers started to widen. They pushed out long filth coils that landed simultaneously on his crotch, and he moaned in disbelief when he felt his cock twitch in response to the soft, sticky caress on his privates Against his will, the deer was becoming aroused by his bizarre situation!

Andy had never been so humiliated in his life. The disgust he felt from being buried under the steaming waste of other men made him want to retch; but at the same time, his cock powered through his revulsion and grew ever harder until it was at full mast,throbbing and leaking precum. By the time his fat-assed professor lumbered over him to drop his wet hippo log onto his student, Andy had stopped struggling and simply laid back to stare in disbelief. He was breathing heavily, the shit stench permeating his nostrils, and barely even flinched as the yellowish pile splurted over him from the professor's loose, flabby sphincter. He was getting covered with warm, squishy shit coils all over his body, some firm and some soft. Only his head and raging erection protruded from the mess, and to his growing surprise Andy realized that he was more fascinated than horrified by his initiation into filth.

All around him, the other club members were joining in on the fun too, kissing and stroking each other before as they partnered up. The bear leaned against a wall and pushed out a loaf while an antelope fucked his ass, his thin dick plunging into the mess extruding from the eager bear's hole. The pair of felines fingered each other, taking a dump in each others' hands, and then used their partner's shit to jerk off with great relish. Jackson ground his crotch against the elk's hairy ass, and then let him squeeze out a fat loaf into his sheath where it rested against the stallion's cock. The group's moans of pleasure mixed with wet, smacking sounds as filth was given and received freely, locked in amorous entangles of the dirtiest kind as they turned their waste into a medium of love-making.

Steven was the last member to approach Andy. The bull was just as erect as everyone else, but he still looked as flustered as a virgin on his first date.

"H-hey, why'd you never tell me about all this?" Andy asked with a quavering voice.

"...I was afraid you'd think I'm a freak." Even at that moment Steven avoided eye contact with his roommate.

"Well you fucking are...but I like it. I guess we're both freaks."

A wave of relief washed over Steven's face. "You can never tell my family about this. Please?"

"Are you gonna do it to me?"

Steven's eyes widened. "If, if, you'd like to...?" he stuttered.

"I bet your big bull ass has a huge, stinky log waiting for me..." Andy was panting now, craning his neck eagerly. "I bet you were huffing my filthy underwear all this time, you sexy freak..."

Steven blushed and nodded. "I've wanted this since the day I met you."

"Then give it to me, you sexy hunk. We'll make it our dirty little secret..."

Steven did not need additional encouragement to climb on top of Andy. His knees sunk into the mass of shit as he kneeled over the deer, bringing his ass right in front of Andy's face. Andy's field of vision was filled by the round, muscular curve of Steven's well shaped buttocks, the thick base of his tail, and the inviting pink of his anus as raunchy ass smell wafted into his nose. The deer could see the bull tightening his muscles, then relaxing as his pucker started to stretch and the tip of a big, steamy turd slowly emerged. It grew thicker as it protruded out, dangling in front of Andy's nose like soft serve chocolate, and then slipped out as a single, juicy slab of shit that landed on his forehead. The bull mooed as he released his heavy load onto his deer roommate, trembling from lust and relishing every moment of his fantasies finally coming true. Andy was buried in stinking darkness, leaving only his muzzle free of filth. He took short, trembling breaths as he savored the sensations, making little motions with his body to feel how the muck squelched over him. He could hear the other club members gathering around the tub, then the slick sounds of them jerking off. One by one they climaxed, glazing the shit pile with jets of pearly cum as the fragrance of their semen mingled with the stench of feces. Some came quickly in little spurts, already aroused beyond belief, but the Jackson's voluminous load was unmistakable when it splashed over Andy in several gooey shots.

The stallion let out a long sigh after he came, and then snorted and spoke up. "Alright, show's over everyone. We'll see tomorrow if our newest pledge truly is one of us." There was some clapping and shouts of encouragement, followed by sounds of showers being used. Suddenly, Andy felt something being pressed into his hand, and he heard Jackson's voice up close. "Here's the deal: you have the key to your manacles in your hand. You can leave any time you like, but if you're a true filth-lover like us then I'll find you waiting there in the tub tomorrow morning when I return. That's all you need to do to join us, if you know what I mean?"

"E-entire night here...?" Andy managed to whisper. The prospect of stewing in shit for hours both disgusted and turned him on and he could not say which feeling frightened him more.

Jackson patted his snout encouragingly. "I know you can do it, kid. Enjoy!"

With that, the club members started to leave. The last sound Andy heard was the door being slammed shut, and then he was left alone in the darkness and chained inside shit tub.

Andy wallowed in the foul mire, confused by his conflicting emotions. He wanted to retch and flee this madhouse, yet at the same time he was lured in by the sheer excess of what he was being put through. Blinded by the shit on his face, the deer focused on his breathing to calm himself; and as he grew less tense, his other senses started picking up information. The feces had layers of smell to it, the earthy reek of dung hiding sweeter, sugary tones of grains and even a hint of grass. The soft, slick coils of shit slipped down along his chest like wet clay, while firmer, denser logs felt almost dry on his skin. The muck still carried echoes of body heat, but as it started to cool it enveloped him like a mud pit while solidifying around him like a perverse cocoon. It was degrading, being submerged in the waste of others, but that humiliation also felt liberating to Andy. He had always been obsessed with status, and now that completely was stripped away from him, washed off in the shit bath; he was now the lowest of the low, and he loved the lightness of that realization. With nothing left to him, everything was equally pleasurable!

He was more turned on than ever in his life. His hips made slow, thrusting motions on their own, but chained as he was he could not reach out to relieve himself. Feverish scenarios flitted through his mind, each dirtier than the last, images of joining the others in filth fuelled rutting making him moan and his dick ache from the sheer pressure of his arousal. As the night progressed he lost his sense of time, his body adrift on the sea of strange pleasures. He rubbed his throbbing dick against the shit lumps coating him, edging himself and burning with perverse desires, until he finally managed to cum hands free through sheer will alone. He clenched and yelped when he shot his load, the long strands of deer semen landing on his shit covered belly and chest. His overstimulated mind would not relent, however, and kept him desiring for more even in the midst of his post-orgasmic bliss. He was already getting rock hard and ready for the next round before his semen could grow cold...


Jackson was watching the passed out deer through a peephole when Steven walked up to him. The bull handed the stallion a cup of freshly brewed coffee and took a sip of his own before speaking.

"I hope he's okay?"

"Yeah, I stayed here to look after him the entire night. I'd say the kid's more than okay, if-"

"If I know what you mean, yeah." Steven took another sip while Jackson guffawed. "It's almost 8 AM, we should go wake him up."

Andy was shaken into consciousness by the sensation of a wet cloth passing over his face. He opened his bleary eyes, and saw Steven wiping him with a towel.

Jackson, meanwhile, had plunged his hands deep into the shit to unlock the deer's manacles. "Congrats, you passed your test with flying colors!"

" do you feel Andy?" Steven asked nervously, "I hope you're not angry for being put through this."

Andy blinked, his mind still blurry after the long night, but then he lifted and settled his legs on the tub's rim, and gave the two a smug grin while letting loose the big dump that had been brewing in his guts all night. A long, continuous shit sausage pushed out of his jam-packed bowels, accompanied by raunchy farts as it looped into a neat pile next to his ass cheeks. Without hesitation, Steven leaned in to pick Andy up and carefully held his roommate in his arms like a kitten. The bull pecked Andy on the nose tip; cautiously at first, but then Andy pulled him into a hungry, slobbery kiss. Their lips and tongues started slurping at each other in earnest.

"Fffuck you're hot..." Andy managed before he was smothered by the bull's warm muzzle. It felt just as good as he had imagined.

"I want your filth on me, in me, you sexy deer fuckbeast..." Steven murmured between licks and kisses. His breath puffed in warm clouds over Andy's face and made the deer shiver with pleasure.

Andy pulled back for a moment with a mischievous smirk. "Is that a promise?"

"Anything you ask..."

"Well...we're club mates now. I couldn't let you down, bro." Andy laughed, and continued to kiss Steven while the bull carried him to the showers.


"So what's the 'Deuce Room' for?"

Andy looked up from the mulled wine he had been sipping to warm his bones after walking in from the snowstorm. The young, nervous looking squirrel who had approached him fiddled with his hands, his gaze wandering between the two men before him. Andy and Steven were seated on a couch next to the fireplace, the bull resting his feet on Andy's lap and patting his overstuffed belly with contentment as he allowed the deer to do the talking.

"Well, pledge, that's for you to find out," Andy reached out to pinch Steven's cheek with a teasing grin. "And for this big, lovely bull to show you. If you know what I mean?"

Both of them laughed heartily, which did little to set the squirrel at ease.

Commission: A Common Cold

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Commission: The Pot of Filth

The sun shone on Cassidy's misery. It filtered through the branches of a small copse of trees located behind the campus area, bounced on occasional beer cans here and there, and played with the flittering song of birds hidden among the leaves....

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Bertrand & Szymon

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