Mew's New Plaything

Story by SorenBluebird on SoFurry

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#3 of Comissions

An introduction to the Mew from one of my earlier stories! This story was actually written first, but it took me a bit longer to clean it up and make it presentable. That same powerful Mew is now having fun with his newfound Pet! This also introduces the idea that this particular Mew is powerful enough to transform himself into any other Pokemon, leaving lots of room for lewd activities~

Mew licked his lips and glanced over the ledge he had been waiting at for some time now. Something seriously strange had been going down on this Route earlier, and Mew could still smell it on the camp below him. His small, cute body floated forward with ease to hover over the outcropping of rock. He was right above Friday, a wild dog trainer, and her Pokémon. The smell was that of two of her team, a Nidoking and a Charmeleon, breeding her multiple times.

Mew had never heard of a trainer being completely willing to be bred, nor had he heard of a Pokémon that would get horny around someone that wasn't even their species! It was early in the morning, so the three of them would just barely be waking up. Mew could tell that all of them were spent from the night before.

Friday was the first one up. She was still a little woozy from her escapades last night; Poke-spunk dripping down her leg. She would come out of her tent, naked from the waist up, stretching and yawning wide. Scratching her head, she got to work cleaning up. She hadn't noticed Mew in the slightest, who was watching her take care of the mess that her camp had become. She started cooking breakfast, and Mew gazed on as the trainer served her Pokémon before they even got up!

Mew looked in awe at the setup the two lucky Pokémon had! He did a quick back somersault in the air and giggled loud enough for the runt to hear.

"Wow!" He said, his voice sounding young and cute as he flew down to show himself to the canine. "They've really whipped you into shape, huh bitch?"

Friday yelped in surprise, stumbling back and tripping over a camping chair, sitting down on it hard with an 'oof'. She blinked and shook her head, eyes wide at the strange little floating cat!

"W-was that you? You can talk? Who - what are you?" She was so stunned she didn't even register that the Pokémon called her a bitch.

The psychic Pokémon smiled wide and nodded. Despite his words sounding loud and clear in her head, his lips weren't moving an inch.

"Of course I can, you dumb breeder-cow!" He said degradingly, the treatment only working to turn on the dazed canine. "I'm the most powerful being to ever exist! English isn't exactly a challenge."

The canine was left dumbfounded. Even though those lips weren't moving, her ears still burned at the remark, making a tingle of naughty pleasure tickle down her spine.

She bit her lip. "Most powerful being? But sound like a kid, and you're smaller than a Pikachu...!"

Mew's smile melted into a frown at that comment. A blast of pink, sweet smelling smoke exploded around him, and in the blink of an eye there was a feral Lycanroc where Mew had been floating! He growled loudly and pounced from the air, tackling the feminine canine onto the ground.

"Do I now?" He 'said', snarling loudly above the trapped Wild dog!

Friday once again yelped, her natural instincts kicking in and making her squirm beneath him. This was doing nothing to help her heat, which had been slowly starting to grow as soon as the dominant male had insulted her.

"Okay, okay, I get it!" She whined. "Please don't hurt me! Forgive me...Uh, what should I call you?" She whimpered as her ears had flattened completely, her tail between her legs and quivering.

"You can call me M-...Ooohhh...~" He started, but his powerful canine nose very quickly picked up the smell of that heat.

Unlike the Pokémon in the pup's party, he could control himself despite the scent. That didn't mean, however, that he wasn't getting 'very' horny very fast.

"You can call me Master...!" He finished, the Lycanroc above her sliding down to press his nose up against her jeans.

The little bitch moaned, her whole body shaking as the powerful lupine Pokémon pressed his nose to her crotch. She couldn't help it: She rolled her hips up, grinding his face in her bitch-in-heat scent. It was amazing, unlike any he'd ever smelled before - not even other Pokémon females smelled as fertile and horny as this dog!

"But...My team!" She huffed, unable to think of anything else except the other males who had claim on her.

Mew laughed out loudly, his cutesy voice in complete contrast with the powerful, muscular beast currently grinding his wet nose against her crotch. The other two Pokémon were zonked out entirely, obviously far more than just 'sleeping'.

"I wouldn't worry about those two too much, they're just in the way of what I want so I'll be sure to deal with them later." He said offhandedly, not even giving them a second thought as he began to use his psychic powers to tug down those jeans and reveal the already damp panties underneath.

Friday whined out and shivered all over again as she was stripped. She simply couldn't help herself around powerful Pokémon it seemed, and this was the strongest of all! Mew got to see her legs squeeze then spread as her first little eager squirt stained those panties more, fresh scent for Lycanroc nose~

The Lycanroc growled loudly again, the smell of a rock-hard canine cock wafted through the air and to Friday's own nose. Before it became an endless loop, Mew changed once again in a puff of smoke to change to a heavyset Lucario. He stood looming above her, canine cock in paw as pre dripped down onto her belly.

"Man, I can see why these punks fell for you so fast!" He said, his mouth moving this time and his voice being a much deeper bass tone.

The bitch in heat gasped and blushed harder than ever when Mew changed again. It was just starting to hit her how powerful this Pokémon really was and how limitless his potential was. She moaned and squirmed in his grip, trying to get her panties off. Mew quickly used his powers to help her slide them down, revealing a tight, pink pussy that was leaking feminine juices already

"What...happens when you b-breed, Master?" Friday asked with a whine.

Mew-cario gripped her legs and tugged them upwards quickly afterwards, grinding the bottom of that worryingly thick cock against her nether lips. The smell was mind-melting, even from this far away. Where the other Pokémon had powerful natural musk, there was nothing 'natural' about what Mew was producing...

"Well, let's just say you're going to have fun feeling every egg Pokémon can make pushing from your pathetic cunt..." He said menacingly.

Friday's heart pounded in her chest at the size of the cock she was about to take. Luckily the other two were big enough to train her, but she still couldn't possibly be ready for what Mew had in store. Either way: His words, his scent, his cock, all of it made her heat go into overdrive once more.

"Master!" She cried out and arched her back, squirting more of that thick golden fem-cum over that Lucario length.

Lucario frowned, obviously getting more excited than he had anticipated and had to work hard to keep control of himself and the situation.

"Rrrr... It's great to hear a bitch know her place from square one. I'll have to commend these two on their training before I breed you for life." He growled, pulling back and prodding that pointed tip against her lips.

He didn't even move, and instead he let his powers handle everything. Friday found her body floating upwards, being held up by a force that felt soft and plush. If she could 'manage' to look down, she would find she was floating on one of those pink clouds she had seen before. She was brought up to a laying position with her legs thrown over that Lucario's shoulders. His tip taunted and teased relentlessly, making sure to never go far enough in to satisfy that heat.

Friday had never imagined such a powerful male existed in the world. It made the heat inside her quake. Her whole body hummed and pulsed with an almost painful need. She howled to Mew, her legs shaking as they stayed in his shoulders.

"Please Master, breed me full, I'll do anything for it!" She whimpered.

"You'll do anything regardless, now that you're mine..." He growled back, taking his sweet time in pressing in that thick, pointed tip.

Mew pushed slowly, making sure that the first shove inwards would stretch the slut further than she had ever been stretched. In what felt like a million years, the dominant Pokémon was finally fully hilted. He pulled out and shoved in much quicker the second time, letting that cunt fill up full with his thick meat as the lips hit his already-forming knot. He built up a quickly ramping pace until he was pounding hard enough for his heavy, full, virile balls to be slapping audibly against her ass!

Friday would howl out as that massive Lucario dick destroyed her from the inside out. Nothing else would ever satisfy her stretching cunt again except Mew dick, corrupting her from the first touch. Her toes curled and she yowled out in pleasure as he pierced her cervix, making sure he could breed her deep. She shuddered and came again near instantly.

"Masterrrrrr..." she moaned as her cunt spasmed and soaked Mew's length in extra lube, making his extra deep pounding smoother.

The Mew-cario growled again, the feral act sending vibrations down through his dick and into the trapped canine beneath him. He pounded hard, thrusting repeatedly until his orgasm built to a peak. He howled out to the morning sky and tilted his head back as he filled that womb full of shot after massive shot of that virile cum! His orgasm rocked them both for minutes... It was easily the longest orgasm that Friday had had to endure, and she couldn't help but climax herself over and over again from the stimulation!

Friday was utterly destroyed, left with nothing but a feral breeder bitch of a mind while she rode out his orgasm and lost count of her own. The whole campsite smelled of their sex, her face covered in drool and her belly swollen up with Poke-cum. By the time he finished, she looked almost ready to pass out.

"I-I'm sorry, Master. I was mistaken earlier. You're not a kid, you're a god..."

The Mew pulled out, letting cum drool lewdly from that snatch as he poofed back into his smaller form.

"Of course I am!" He said, doing another flip to show off. He was back to his old voice, and once again his mouth didn't move as he 'spoke'. "Nice to see all it took was a quick fuck for you to realize that! Now come on!"

He raised the spent canine in the air and floating with her back to the top of the outcropping. He dropped her down gently onto a soft patch of grass, letting the cum work through her and begin to produce a Lucario egg!

Friday howled out loud and threw her head back.

"Masterrrr!" She yelled as she pushed, the massive egg coming out with one last shudder.

Then, she collapsed, falling asleep for some time. After a few hours, though, Friday would wake up, groggy and not quite remembering where she was...until she saw the egg! She blushed brightly as the events of the morning came flooding back to her.

Mew smiled wide as his new pet finally opened her eyes. He had waited patiently, knowing trainers and those that had endured him needed time to recharge. He had waited for her to wake up naturally, but now he was already prepped with what he wanted to do next.

"Hey there!" He said, taking her attention away from that egg and onto him. He was small... smaller than even his Mew form! He had decided to take on the form of a Pachirisu, the shortest of the electric-rodent family. As he spoke, he sounded much more like a child than the god he had shown himself to be. "You're up, you're up! Hooray!"

Friday blinked, not believing what she was seeing. She squirmed, suddenly realizing that she was still naked, and huffed. This was so different from the massive wolf-like alpha stud earlier...she almost had a hard time taking him seriously, but the thought of his immense power kept her in line.

"Y-yeah, I am... Oh jeez, what time is it?" She stood, looking over the outcropping down at where she'd been making camp earlier.

"That doesn't maaatter!" The Pachirisu said, running over and grinding his nose to that used an abused crotch. The heat smells still lingered, and it still drove Mew crazy with how hot it made him. He licked and lapped at the battered folds, not even giving the canine a moment of downtime! "We've got more important things to deal with!"

The tired wild dog squeaked when the little rodent ended up between her legs! She huffed and almost accidentally clamped her thighs together, shivering as he started to lap. Lucky for both of them, Friday herself could recharge pretty fast. Her tongue lolled out as her heat really started to go again.

"Ooooh god Master, how did you get so good at all this?" She whimpered, face twisted in a look of pain and pleasure from the sensitivity.

"What else do you do when you're a god of mischief like me?" He said in his cute voice before pulling back and hopping onto her chest.

He pushed her back over into a laying position; his small body standing harmlessly on top of her. His fluffy tail rubbed up against her legs, giving tiny electric shocks to keep her brain occupied. From this view, Friday could finally see that even though Mew had made himself so small, he was still packing 'heavily'. It looked almost absurd on such a small body, but the smell of it made it impossible to think of as anything but gorgeous...! He walked up and dangled his 6 incher in front of her muzzle, letting the unfitting smell of masculinity wash over her senses.

Friday would be unable to help herself as she yelped and shivered. His sparks teased her, and his small body planted on top of her made her weak. It was so strange, and a far cry from the powerful beast he had turned into before. She was humiliated at how ready she was for someone so small to dominate her. It reminded her of her Charmeleon, but it was even worse. When she saw his cock, her eyes went wide and she sniffed more, letting out a little doggy whine while squirming.

"That's a nice cock Master... B-but why be this small?"

The dick swinging in her face was lewdly human, uncut and looking more at home on someone at 'least' 5 times his size. He slapped the fat cock head against her nose, letting a bead of pre drip between her nostrils; the masculine, manly scent driving her wild.

"To make this even more humiliating for you, duh! You'll get every kind of cock in you sooner or later, so I figured a form that showed you how low you are would help speed up breaking you."

Friday gasped and whimpered as that fat cock throbbed on top of her muzzle. Her heat grew more intense in mere moments, and it made her hips writhed and toes curled. Her slutty scent was in full force now; the perfect aroma for keeping Mew aroused.

"But - I-I promise, I'm already a good girl!" She whined but couldn't really argue fully.

"See, the fact that you talked back at all tells me you're not a good girl yet!" He said, his cock suddenly shifting in that pink smoke.

This time, however, the sweet scent of the cloud was only there for a fraction of a second before it was replaced with an even heavier musk. As the dick changed, it flopped completely over her muzzle, the thing being an Emboar cock. It was thick, heavy, and was accompanied with matching nuts that weighed heavily against her chest.

The little bitch couldn't handle it. She started slurping immediately, her hips shaking and even bucking up into air a little. Her lips kissed, her tongue dragged, her pussy lips grew wet. She'd never had Emboar cock before and she was far too riled up for such a stud fiery beast! The Pachi giggled and leaned his body into that cock.

"What's that? I can't hear you under my massive cock! Did you say you wanted something bigger? I agree!" He said, that cock shifting once again and flopping with even more weight down against her muzzle.

It was half-chub now... And it had changed into a Blastoise cock! It was so heavy that the small Pokémon had no choice but to rest himself on those balls. His small rodent frame couldn't hope to move a cock that big, but he used his psychic powers to push it further against that muzzle.

"Hehe, you look so silly with all that cock in your face!"

Mew continued to taunt her as he forced the massive cockhead into her jaws. The gigantic cock throbbed with a power that even Mew himself hadn't expected. Friday would shudder as her pussy began to go into overdrive. Orgasm after pitiful orgasm shot through her, causing her heat scent to overlap on itself and grow stronger and stronger. Between the fat cock and cantaloupe nuts underneath him, and that heat scent that had rapidly grown nearly ten-fold, Mew found himself losing control over his own lust.

He gasped, tail sticking straight up as a hit of fresh, needy, slutty feminine scent hit his nose hard. His inhibitions slipped, and he began to lose himself to his own need. He panted and blinked a few times, his thoughts fuzzing over as need overtook reason. He panted and shook his head, trying to regain control of himself and failing.

"You... Y-you slutty cocksucker!" He said, blinking more and panting as he felt himself begin to shift his cock again. It poofed in that warm smoke, growing once again to an enormous size. The small Pachirisu body could no longer move on its own, but he could still move using his own immense powers.

He groaned and whimpered, sounding more childish than he had ever before. He was losing control, and it was a new feeling to the powerful god of a Pokémon. He slid down the front of the canine; his now 'Entei' sized dick leaving a trail of musky pre and sweat down the front of that soft body before lining up with her still-dripping pussy. He panted a few times and humped forward hard. He had no chance of moving that cock inside her with his body, but with his powers he shoved half of that cock in all at once.

The thick, godly rod stretched her wide, not giving her much adjustment time as it thrusts further and further in with each push. It didn't take long for him to reach his first orgasm, spurred on by that needy heat scent that clung to his nostrils... And then his second... And then a third! The fucking kept up, despite the obvious orgasms that were overfilling the slut-pup repeatedly! Her gut grew, distending to ridiculous proportions to fit all that virile cum!

Finally, after his fifth or sixth climax, he managed to pull himself off and flop to the ground...

"You... needy... bitch..." He panted, his cock slowly softening and returning to its natural size.

"Ohhhnnn..." Friday groaned in response; her swollen gut bloated far enough to force the rest of her body off the ground.

They passed out next to each other, with neither of them coherent enough to think about the repercussions. Mew didn't know just how this would turn out, but he did know one thing.

This was going to be a looong egg laying session!

A New Challenger Approaches

**A New Challenger Approaches** Mew sighed out as he felt the rush of his last 'encounter' fade. He had been rudely interrupted from his afternoon nap by a trainer looking to capture him, but after only a few moments he had broken her mind and...

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Gotta Jet

**Gotta Jet** Tony would wake with a start, his body lurching forward as the room around him shifted. Even in his sleepy stupor, he could tell that wherever he was, the 'building' around him was moving. The view of the room would slowly become...

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Soren's Biggest Fan

Tyson would moan as he explored his new body. His new Toon form didn't come with any genitals, but the spot where it 'would' have been was just as (if not even more) sensitive as his cock had been. However, there was zero chance of him cumming...

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