
Story by Kiingdrgn on SoFurry

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I meant to have this done for September 20th or before, but you know how procrascination goes... Anyway, enjoy this short story about a ferret gettin a bellyful of alien eggs!

***Make sure to check me out elsewhere:Furaffinity - kiingdTwitter - aurumcapra | aurum_ad(18+)Sofurry - kiingdrgn

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It was the night of September 20th, the day of the alleged Area 51 raid. The sun setting over the horizon, casting a white glow over the desert. What had started out as a simple meme had turned into a full on movement. There had been a concert and concessions setup at the raid base camp; a small music festival setup specifically because of the joke. Many people had setup flashy stands featuring cheaply made merchandise, all kinds of useless junk with the cliche phrase I raided Area 51 . Not dissimilar to the classic tourist trap.

None of that interested Damian. He was there for the real deal. The actual raid. He had spent his time patiently waiting inside his camper biding time until 3am; the agreed upon raid time. He had brought various books and games to pass the time, but boredom had taken over and he d fallen asleep. When he awoke, it was of his own accord, and a pang of fear ran through his chest. Oh shit! Did I sleep in!? I can t hear the concert anymore.... so it s past curfew. Damian looked through his bed for his watch, finding it buried in the sheets. It was a quarter after two, fifteen minutes before he d set the alarm. Damian sighed as his anxiety dissipated.

At least I ve got time for another shower he thought to himself, rolling to his feet and heading towards the bathroom. The desert heat was killing him, but his camper didn t exactly have the battery capacity to run the AC all evening. So he had to settle for the next best thing, a cold shower. Or, in this case, lukewarm. Turning the nozzle, he sighed when he felt the cool water running through his fur, washing away the accumulated sweat and dust that clung to him.

Damian simply stood under the running water, running his fingers through his short black fur. He worked the knots out of his fur and brushed out the clumps of sand that had begun to stick to him, working from the chest down to his white furred underbelly, then down his thighs and legs, and cleaning the extra grimy sweat that had collected around his sheath. Once he was sated with the shower he turned the water off, figuring he didn t have much left in the tank anyway. What water he did have left was best saved for cooking. No doubt this raid would work up an appetite.

Hm. Can t hear the concert anymore. Must be past curfew. That means it s after eleven. Damian dug through the blankets for his watch, pulling out the mechanical device. 2:15 am. he d beaten his alarm by fifteen minutes. And he had more than enough time to get into position. Now, it was simply time to suit up. The ferret wasted no time in getting into his black jumpsuit, throwing on some black combat boots and grabbing an expensive looking set of green goggles; night vision. Damian's plan was to sneak into the base while they were busy dealing with the actual raiders who planned to charge into there head on. His small frame and black fur were an incredible advantage, and he was determined to see what he could find inside the base.

'Alright. Lockpick, Flashlight, Camera, Night vision, Rope...' Damian did a final check to make sure he had all the supplies he thought he'd need, reaffirming he was ready before he shut the lights off in his camper and slipped out the back door. Thankfully some clouds had rolled in and blocked out the moon, increasing his stealth even more. Damian turned on the goggles and headed out in the direction of his vantage point, directly opposite to the side of the base people had planned to rush.

Getting into the base had been easier than Damian thought it would be. Chalking it up to the massive crowd distracting most of the guards in the front. He managed to stick to the shadows, entirely concealed in the darkness. He had encountered a couple of guards, but some patience and light footsteps made getting past them a breeze. The night vision goggles had come off now, the ferret sneaking into one of the buildings and heading downwards from there. He knew most of the base sat underground, and if anything, the secrets would be down there too. The issue? There were at least six floors to check, and they weren't small, either.

Damian snuck from room to room on the first floor. A surprising number of them were unlocked, but there didn't appear to be anything important in these rooms. Mainly janitor closets and filing cabinets full of reports he didn't care for. The second floor was the same, with the exception of one locked door that the ferret managed to make easy work of. Inside he found a server rack, likely highly encrypted. But with physical access he could break the encryption eventually. It was tempting to pull a hard drive, and Damian found himself debating it for several moments. His internal debate was cut short by the sound of approaching footsteps. He froze. From the sound of it, whoever was approaching was fully geared out, the heavy footfalls of combat boots more than apparent. He could hear the metallic clink of what had to be combat gear on the person, causing Damian s adrenaline to spike. He shut the door and locked it again, but that didn't fix the bigger issue at hand; the glass windows. Every wall had a massive glass window installed, which made it nigh impossible to hide. And as those footsteps came closer, Damian began to panic.

'Oh shit oh shit oh shiit! Why am I even here!? I'm going to get shot! Oh god, I'm gonna be 'that guy' on the news tomorrow morning. The crazy ferret who actually snuck in... Hopefully I'll make a good meme if anything...'

Closer and closer... 'Thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk...' Damian saw the guard's shadow first, some sort of canine. Just as the guard began to come into view, something amazing happened. One moment he was fearing for his life, the next Damian was blinded by light. Suddenly the ferret found himself freefalling, opening his mouth to scream. But when he did all that came out was a grunt, his back impacting something very solid. He opened his eyes again, finding that this time he wasn't blinded, but he was staring directly at some very bright LEDs. Covering his eyes, Damian rolled over onto his side, scanning his surroundings.

The room Damian found himself in featured no apparent entrances or exits, simply a pane of glass he could only assume was a one way window. There was no doubt that this was the most secure room in the base. But how did he get here? "This isn't the server room..."

"No, it is not the server storage room, Terran."

The new voice put Damian on high alert, and he rolled to his feet immediately, looking in the direction of the voice. When he finally got a view of who, or what had spoken, his jaw dropped. The creature could best be described as a human shaped slime. Its eyes floated freely within its gelatinous body, and the mouth was a barely noticeable flap that moved whenever the alien spoke. It was very reminiscent of a ditto.

"Holy shit.... You're...You're..." the ferret was at a loss for words. He never thought this moment would come! A silly thought, seeing as this was the entire reason he had come in the first place.

"An 'Alien'? 'Extraterrestial'? Yes, I am one of those. Though I prefer the name 'Xen'. I'm sure you have many, many questions, but I'm afraid we don't have time for that."

Damian nodded. He did have questions he'd wanted answered. Like how did the alien know to speak English, or how the Alien even knew what the people of earth called them. But he held his tongue, for the gravity of the situation was still a lot to grasp.

"The guards will be back to observe me in roughly thirty... min... min..."

"Minutes?" offered Damian

"Ah, yes, minutes! We have thirty of those until the guards will be back to observe me. If you get caught in here, your existence will be ended. I have seen them do it with other guards who wished to interact with me. But enough about that, I'm sure you're wondering how you even got here."

Damian nodded. He had no idea what had just happened moments ago. One moment he's on the second floor, the next, he's here.

"Simple really, I can't explain, but just know I brought you here. This body is weak, however, and I can only pull that trick once more. Which is why you're here." A tendril like arm extended out from the alien, and several translucent orbs extended out into the tendril. "You know how all your old... 'movies' talked about 'probes?'"

Damian's stared at the alien, glancing at the tendril and the orbs inside. He didn't know what to say, an awkward silence falling between the two for a moment. Slowly, the ferret worked up the courage to ask "Are those... eggs?"

"Yes, but there truly isn't much time to explain! Just know that you came here to break us out, and by incubating these, you are doing just that. Now, if you could disrobe so as to make this easier..."

Damian hesitated for a moment, unsure of his decision. 'Holy fuck, I'm...I'm actually going to have sex with an alien! And I'll be the one who actually got in! This is unreal! I must be sleeping!' Steeling his resolve, the ferret decided he truly would be the one to get the aliens out. He made up his mind then and there, and began to slide his clothes off. The moment he had kicked his jumpsuit aside the alien took matters into their own hands.

`The alien lurched forward, wrapping itself around the ferret's feet. Several cold tendrils slithered up his legs, causing chills to run up his spine. Damian gasped as the cold slime wrapped itself around his sheath, squeezing the fuzzy pouch in order to coax out his member. Another tentacle was busy poking at his backdoor. The slime was cold and gooey, the ferret drawing in a sharp breath at the cold sensation. As if noticing this, the alien began to increase in temperature, quickly becoming warm to the touch.

"Oh man, you can change temperature at will?"

"And much more, little terran. Now hush, I'll try to get this over with quick."

With that, the tendril began to push forward. Damian's muscles were no match for the slimy, malleable form of the tentacle, and he felt it slip in with hardly any effort. Prompting a drawn out sigh from the ferret. "Mmf... that.. that feels nice~" The tentacle was squishy, but had a certain firmness to it. Compressing just enough to slide past Damian s pucker, while constantly looking to expand, making Damian feel delightfully full. Chills ran down his spine when the tendril rubbed against his prostate, making him draw in a sharp breath and stiffen up. Meanwhile, up front the goo had fully encased the ferret s girthy dick. Pulsating and undulating, Damian was weak in the knees at the way the Xen expertly milked his dick.

A-Aah~! Y-you re... nnf... really good at this.. mmf! Damian stiffened as his prostate was rubbed once more. His heart was racing so hard he felt like it would burst out of his chest any minute. Here he was, deep in the centre of Area 51, getting it on with an alien! Not only that, but he was going to sneak out of Area 51 with a belly full of Alien eggs! The thought made his cock throb, spurting a glob of pre into the go encapsulating his dick.

The tentacle in his rear began to pick up the pace, squirming ever deeper into the ferret s guts. The tentacle began to expand, stretching the ferret s hole in preparation for the eggs. Damian huffed and reached back, spreading his cheeks wider for the invading tentacle. With each thrust that slimy appendage rubbed against his prostate, making him cross his eyes and groan aloud.

I think I understand your society s fascination with being probed by us aliens as you call us. It was hard to make sense of it in your old films, but it would seem you get

intense gratification from us doing so.

Damian simply groaned in response, too busy focusing on the pleasure to come up with a response. The ferret s toes curled and his hips bucked, thrusting into the goo while in sync with the alien s pulsating rhythm. The ferret was so caught up in the moment, he hadn t even noticed the eggs travelling through the alien s body. The large ovoid objects making their way through the tendril that was buried deep in his ass.

Damian s eyes shot open when he felt a firm pressure at his hole, threatening to stretch him even further. The eggs! The ferret took a deep breath, relaxing the best he could in anticipation for the first egg. The pressure increased gradually, stretching his hole while the egg slipped in bit by bit. It was a good deal wider than the tentacle, taking nearly a full minute before reaching the widest part. Suddenly with a wet Slorp the egg slipped in and bumped against Damian s prostate, causing the ferret to writhe and moan in the goo s grasp.

Mmf... oh god... That felt good...

The alien vibrated with what appeared to be amusement, before wordlessly continuing on with its oviposition. Damian bit his lower lip as the second egg began to squeeze past the rim of his ass. Spreading him with much less difficulty than the first egg. It only took half the time for the second egg to squeeze into his hole, bumping and grinding with the first, driving Damian crazy as they both stimulated his prostate.

Mmf! O-oh god! The ferret s eyes rolled back and he bucked his hips forward, gushing globs of preucm into the gelatinous body of the alien.

Thoroughly warmed up now, Damian took the third egg with little resistance, the third shell slipping into his hole within moments of the alien trying. His gut felt abnormally full with the three eggs, and with every movement they shifted and moved within him, causing a fresh wave of pleasure to wrack his nerves.

God I feel full. That was all three, yeah?

Correct. We re almost do-

The alien went silent and stayed perfectly still, prompting Damian to look around curiously.

What s go- A wet tendril clapped over his mouth before he could continue.

Silence! They re coming. I can feel their footsteps through the floor.

Damian felt a pang of fear in his chest, and he immediately began to wonder how the hell he would get out of this situation.

Don t panic. This just means we re cutting things short.

before Damian could respond he felt the goo retreating from his body. The slime milking his cock let go, returning to the alien s body, while the tentacle in his rump slowly began to slip free. In the process, Damian felt several warm floods of liquid from the tentacle, filling him up and them some. Just before the tentacle was free it let out one last burst of hot, sticky goo. The fluid quickly thickening and acting as a plug to deal the ferret s ass.

In the distance the sounds of doors unlocking could be heard. Loud mechanical thunks echoing through the halls as soldiers proceeded through various security doors. Without the goo supporting him at the legs, Damian felt himself fall to the ground, landing on his hands and knees with a grunt. He looked over to his clothes, reaching out for them.

You don t have time. Go!

Damian s vision was consumed by a blinding white light, forcing him to clench his eyes shut. He felt a weightless feeling, and suddenly he was falling, landing on his back with a grunt. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the star filled desert sky. He took a breath in; cool fresh air! He was outside! Damian laughed. He d actually done it!

Not only did I sneak in and out successfully. But i fucked an alien! Oh man, everyone s gonna go crazy when they see this! Damian smiled as he lay under the night sky, exhaustion beginning to set in alongside an unfortunate case of blue balls. Unable to ignore his throbbing dick, the ferret opened an eye, reaching down towards his crotch. Can t believe I got cockblocked by the fuckin army though...

Study Session

Darius sighed, leaning back in his seat and kicking his feet up onto the desk. The dragon was currently seated at the back of a lecture hall, one hundred and fifty students in various states of focus while Professor Monroe Lehner droned on about...

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Night had fallen on the city of Euphoria, the capital of planet Echo 6-21. Echo 6-21 was not like other planets. Border policy was that the entire planet was an adults only zone, and that any individual entering must have reached eighteen Terran years...

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The first thing you feel is intense warmth wrapped around your body. You're wrapped up tight in a soft, cozy material, and the last thing you want to do is open your eyes. Your body aches inside and out, and your head is pounding. 'What happened last...

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