Demimonde - Chapter Two

Story by vovin on SoFurry

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_Chapter Two

"Camera Obscura"_

The alarm clock beeped its hellish, pitched squeal. Max whipped his arm erratically about the nearby vicinity in hopes of destroying the damned thing. Eventually he hit home, and the sound ceased to be. Morning came flooding like distant car lights into his depressing, but very big flat, which was all but empty save a few items here and there. He laid on a mattress on the floor, still awaiting the delivery truck. It was due to arrive three days ago, but apparently they found it necessary to fix some engine or something like that. Max wasn't used to this place. He used to live on the west coast. Now here he was, New York City. It wasn't all it was made out to be. The movies had all been lying, except maybe the film noir ones. Still, his fanbase had grown considerably since he got into the Vovin network. His new show had high ratings and everything was dandy. Despite the lack of a bed and proper furniture, his apartment was central and it was the cat's meow compared to the crappy mould infested beach house he used to have in california. But still, that place was fairly close to the ocean, and here he just felt crammed in between giant, concrete boxes with fumes trailing on its surface 24/7.

Breakfast was tasteless. On the television, some crappy interview with a highly strung artist announcing how incredibly 'deep' his art is, and that nobody understands him. Nobody understands anyone. Everyone is just as blind, Max thought to himself. He looked across the room and spotted one of the few things he's managed to get up and ready in his new apartment; an old picture of his parents. Sepia toned. Happy parents on the beach with their young boy. His mother was jamaican and his father was from Kenya. Max was slightly lighter in skin tone than either of them, but so far he felt very black as he walked the corridors of his new workplace. He was slim, had lots of lengthy, thick dreadlocks swaying about, and nose piercings. Somehow these superficial traits had made his coworkers believe that they had to act "cool" around him, as they no doubt figured he was "cool" too. Pitiful. There are no boundaries to the stereotypes we love to have.

Morning stress had no place in Max's world, and as he moved himself dismally from room to room, trying to pull imaginary curtains apart to reveal the placement of furniture to his inner eye, the clock kept ticking. It was time to move. Max got dressed with impressive speed and called a cab.

Outside the apartment building, the chill winds impersonated the symptoms of fever sickness on Max's skin. He was freezing. The cab that appeared around the corner was like a carriage sent from Death. A gloomy messenger of despair. Something about this day didn't sit right with Max, and he had no idea why he felt that way. He got into the cab, and off they went.

The horizon couldn't be seen as they crossed the bridge, only feet of metal giants clouding the skies. Didn't matter, even the horizons across the oceans had seams, it was layered. The noxious gases of pollution dithered and separated the otherwise potentially lovely blend between earth, sky and water. This world felt like it was dying in the produce of humanity. Max hated it, but still happily contributed with the crap. He was a hypocrite, and he knew it, and hated it. The cab driver looked intensily at him for the longest time, then finally spoke. It seemed like he had tried to contain himself for quite some time, but eventually gave up.

"You're that guy, aint ya?", the obese cab driver said. "That... medium dude? The cool one? Yeah, I've seen you on TV!"

Max tried to look sincere as he smiled, but it was hurtful to act this early in the morning. "Well, I don't know about cool, but... yeah I'm the ... medium dude... I guess"

"It's all hoax though, aint it? You gots scripts and stuff, yeah? It's all choreo... what's the word? You know, it's all... planned and stuff?"

"Well, actually -- "

"-- I remember my cousin said so once. He was an extra, you know. On Miami vice."

Max realized this person was a hopeless case. No point in trying to talk sense with him. For the duration of the ride, Max just nodded his head and agreed with everything the driver said. As he stepped out, he suddenly picked up something from the man; images of him stealing money from his sick mother. It had happened recently.

"What, no tip?", the driver said.

"I didn't think you'd need it, considering you snatched from your own mother only a few days ago. Took money from her bedside table while she was moaning from sickness. Not a very nice thing to do."

The stunned cab driver said nothing as Max closed the door. After a few seconds, he rolled the window down and shouted, as Max walked away- "How the fuck did you know that?!"

"I'm the cool medium dude, remember?", Max shouted back and entered his new place of employment. As he walked towards the elevator, he couldn't help but smile. It was strangely satisfying to surprise people with knowledge he shouldn't have. As far as psychics go, he had never met his match. Maybe he was one of a kind?

Stale orange walls covered the walkways inside the semi-bustling building. Max nodded at the security guards, never the same ones as it seemed. Just how many people does this firm employ?

Lots of people by the massive elevator, all awaiting to be mechanically lifted towards the heavens. Business suits on all of them, except for Max. He wore his jamaican outfit, just to look as stereotypical as he could. Orders from the top, not his own choice.

Damn, even the top dog himself is here, Max thought to himself as he noticed Dan Saer amongst the small crowd. The elevator arrived, and all got in. It was pretty uncomfortable. Max felt like he was squeezed in with a bunch of sweaty sociopaths in a sauna. Everyone tried to not notice one another, and quite a few harkled unpleasantly. It was a typical modern social situation, where being anti-social was considered the social thing to do. Max smiled at his thoughts and looked about. The elevator had mirrors on every side. Like people wanna watch themselves in here, crammed together with other equally stressed out nutjobs. The only damn time this mirror serves a function is when the female employees wanna make sure they look good for a meeting with their boss... Max decided to look anyway, to observe people, and they all sure looked uncomfortable, even when viewed in a mirror. But something was strange. There was something here, an ominous presence of some kind. Max grinned at the silly notion, and kept looking in the mirrors. The only person who could possibly look confident would be --

What.. the ... fuck??!

Max' heart stopped beating for a brief second. He had been looking at Dan's reflection in the mirror, but Dan wasn't reflected. Instead he saw... something reptilian. Something out of this world. Max pulse was well over two hundred as he kept focusing, staring at the strange beast that was being reflected. Green smoke emanated from the being, or was it part of the being itself? Scales? What kind of --

Bright light showered the elevator. Suddenly it was all back to normal. Dan was once more in the reflection and he was..

Looking directly at me. Max got nervous. Those green eyes looked attentive, and Max noticed that Dan was sniffing the air as he was observing his... prey. Suddenly he nodded courteously. Max returned the nod, but couldn't help looking terrified. The elevator stopped at a floor, and Max got out. He left in a hurry, eager to get away. As he noticed the doors closing, and the lift continuing its ascent, he realized he was on the wrong floor. He would have to walk the stairs, but it felt like a welcome relief.

As he walked, it struck him that noone else had noticed it. Only he did. Normal people would believe themselves mad from an experience like this, but Max knew better. He had never been wrong about his visions in the past, and there was no reason to believe otherwise this time. But what was that thing?

Max got to his destination. The studio where his show was recorded. As he opened the door, the tepid air of pre-production hung in the locales. Lights were being fixed as Max appeared. The director, tall and sinewy, walked in his characteristically wobbly fashion over to Max as he had entered. He was fiddling with his glasses, hands moving quickly, like an insect.

"You look a bit stressed, Max. Stay away from coffee and stuff, rots your brain. Or maybe something else? Drugs? No.. you're too focused.. perhaps family problems, emotional... - "

"- Hey, hey, calm down Peter. I am fine. What's up? When do we shoot?"

"Current schedule plan; early November. Dismantling studio, as we speak."


"Early. Yes. Change of plans. Other series higher priority. Executive decision. Don't worry, we're still on payroll. Also, boss called. Want to meet you. Immediately."


"Dan. Top dog. Upstairs. No time to waste. Shoo, shoo now. I am a busy man, editing the compilation for your show. Will release DVD in two months. Hopeful for big sales."

Like a robot, he spun around and was gone fast as lightning. Max remained for a while, to catch his breath. Dan wanted to see him. The reptile. Or alien. What if the conspiracy theorists has been right all along?

Frantically, Max began searching the studio for someone that could give him any excuse to delay the meeting with Dan. There was noone about, noone that he knew well. He tried to talk himself into striking up a conversation with one of the electricians, but deep down, he knew it would only be awkward - and ultimately it would prove a feeble attempt to delay the inevitable. He would have to face the monster soon anyway. With a sweaty brow and nervous feet, he walked out of the studio, and towards the elevator, once more.

Max was alone in the elevator. Suddenly he understood the women, in a sense. He looked himself in the mirror, trying to make sure he looked his best for what could be his impending death. Maybe if I look ugly enough, he wont eat me? Or maybe I just fucking imagined the whole damn thing. Time to get real.

But 'getting real' was not as easy as he had thought. As the doors to the elevator opened, it felt like his brain was on fire, and the thoughts that billowed from the debris of cognitive clarity clouded his perception of reality. He stepped out of the elevator and ended up outside the huge office, with giant doors looming before him. They were closed. What secret do they keep within their maws?

A small, blonde woman looked up from behind an unfittingly enormous desk. "Can I help you?"

"Uhmm.. yes. I have an appointment."

"Of course! Maximillian Gilford. Step right in, Mr. Saer is expecting you."

"Please just call me.. Max...", he said, almost whispered, as he approached the wooden door. It was dark oak. A plastic tag was inserted into a screwed-on metallic tag holder, and it read "Dan Saer - CEO".

The door had been opened. Max stepped inside and closed it behind him. The whole room was very impressive. Beautiful panorama windows revealed the vistas of New York, and dark oaken panels leapt across the walls, framing the room well. If it wouldn't have been for the windows, all the oak would have made the room dark. For now, it was fairly lofty and light, and it all spelled elegance. Just like Dan, who sat behind his desk, far into the room. He smiled and looked almost ridiculously relaxed.

"Please, have a seat", he said in his calm, british voice. Max obeyed. He was now only about two meters away from the man. If he was a man. So far, Max picked up nothing. He sat down.

"As you may have been informed by now, your show is delayed until further notice"

Max was shocked at this. He had expected a vampire, or something else, leaping at him, and now they were casually discussing tangible issues. It was a welcome break from delirious fantasy. Max felt compelled to react to the statement, but that small bit of acting was still a welcome shift from the state of panic he was in when he entered.

"Until further notice? But.. Peter said November?"

"Did he? That's an inofficial leak, then. Or maybe just a misinterpretation. I did tell one of the owners we might get a shot at November, but at this point, no promises are being made. Don't worry though, you are not being cancelled, and you wont run short on cash. I will make sure you have plenty of nuts when winter comes."

"That's... very kind, sir. But.. what are the reasons for this delay, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well, officially we have quite a few new shows we're planning on airing, and it would be extremely hard to fit it all in. These new shows will shine some lights on important things; environmental issues, endangered species and the like. We're getting a whole lot more eco-friendly these days. Time to shift the focus."

"Mm... But I am just willing to bet my ass.. ehh sorry, I mean bet money that there's an inofficial story too, right?"

"Obviously there is more to it, yes. I can understand if you are feeling left out, but you are part of the reason I had to delay the shooting. I cannot have you doing shows at this moment, I might need you for something else."

"Like what?"

Dan formed a toothy grin, and suddenly he felt more predatorial, which Max did not like.

"You smelled terrified in that elevator, Max. It was no coincidence that I decided to go with you, and I am glad you saw what you did. Because you did *see* something, didn't you?"

Max' pulse skyrocketed. As if the room got smaller and smaller, he felt cramped. Suddenly his inner eye pictured a giant dinosaur prepared to jump him. Devour my flesh. Chew my bones, and ... He got up from the chair and went for the door. In fact, he ran for it. But it was locked. He began beating on it, to signal someone on the outside.

"Help!", he screamed and kept on beating. With a twist, he turned around and pressed his back against the wooden door, hoping for it to open at any second. He panted heavily and observed the calm Dan, sitting at his desk still, his hands connected as though he was praying.

"There is no point in doing that, Max. You will only work up your blood pressure, and it's not good for your health. Noone on the outside can hear us."

It had to have been a lie, but there wasn't a hint of it in his voice.

"What are you?"

"Are you accusing your boss of not being human? I would assume that normally calls for a very careful review regarding the subject's continued employment in the firm..."

"I hardly think that - "

"Relax. Sit down. Please". He waved his hand at the chair, motioning Max to regain his position in the seat opposite of Dan. Max felt hopelessness shower him. He couldn't flee. There was no point. As he walked over to the chair, he caught the scent of pine trees. It was most surreal. As he sat down and enjoyed a brief period of silence, Dan searched his drawers and eventually picked up a box.

"Look, Dan, or whatever your name is.. I - "

"It's Saerdan."

"Saerdan? Saer... An anagram? What's the point?"

"Few people are named Saerdan these days. I wanted to keep up-to-date. It's really beside the point. Would you care for a cuban?"

Max tensened his eyes, trying to decipher the meaning. He then noticed that the box was open, and cigars lay within. He reached over and took one. Dan swiftly brought up a lighter, and Max instinctively leaned forward. The cigar was soon lit and Max sat down to enjoy it. It was hard to act casual, but he somehow managed pretty well, in his own opinion. Saerdan closed the box and put it inside the drawer. "You must forgive me for not joining in. Never quite understood the charm of smoking".

"What do you want with me? Eat me?"

Saerdan began laughing. It wasn't a cruel laughter, it wasn't a laughter of mockery either. It felt very serene, in its own way. "Eat you? Oh no, dear Max. Certainly not. Tell me, what did you see? Why did you react the way you did?"

"I saw.. I don't know. I guess I don't think you're ... human."

"Do you often see people that appear human, yet somehow make you feel deep down that they aren't?"


"Has it ever happened before?"

"... no."

Saerdan began shifting his weight around in the chair a bit, and he cracked his knuckles rhytmically. Then his neck. Then his back. He was clearly pondering something, and Max tried his best to look unaffected as he listened in on the various snaps and cracks produced by this strange man's joint manipulations. The cuban tasted exquisite, if nothing else.

"I wanted you to see what you did. I allowed it. Clearly, you are unusually talented for a human. There are less than a dozen on this Earth with your capacity, amongst your species. You should take pride in that"

"Then.. you admit you're not human? What are you?"

Observing the man leaning back into his chair and looking pleased, Max felt insecurity. The air was thicker again, rich on floral scents. It was once more reminiscent of a forest. The fabric on Saerdan's clothing stirred with tension, and something akin to a vague, translucent steam vibrated from his skin. It looked like a strange optic effect that Max couldn't quite place, but he believed it was a sign of relaxation. The man felt more loose, like he was somehow allowing the facade to falter. Max believed it could be another test.

"What do you think?"

It wasn't an easy question to answer, as Max hadn't experienced this sort of presence before. "I would instinctively say some kind of spirit, but unlike any I have encountered before. Perhaps a... demon? Of sorts?"

"Demon..", Saerdan snorted. "I frown upon that statement, though I cannot blame you. It must be confusing for you. I am certainly not a demon, although I might need to recruit you in an arrend that involves such beings". For a while, he relentlessly flailed his fingers in his interlocked hands, while observing Max deeply in his eyes. "Care for a second try?", he said after a while.

"I.. have no idea.. I saw something scaly and.. weird. Winged? No.. I don't know..."

"Be spontaneous. What is the first thing that pops into your mind?"

"Well, if I were to wager a guess.. uhmm.. I would say... dragon."

Saerdan smiled deeply. He was pleased. He rocked back and forth in his chair while closing his eyes in that odd smile of contentment.


"Exactly correct. You did well on that guess."

"But.. I didn't believe dragons existed. Well, at least not on this plane, physically."

"It is complicated, and sadly not even we are aware of how we came to be here. There are theories, of course.."

Max hadn't smoked the cigar for a while, and he took another blow from it. "So what's your plan? Infiltrate humanity in order to wipe us out or something?"

"No", Saerdan said. Suddenly he seemed almost hurt. "We are in fact here as guardians of this planet. We want to help all species co-exist. Granted, humans have made that task very hard for us, but we don't seek your extinction. We could, however, use your help. We are extremely few."

"You.. you don't mean to say you want my help in broadcasting your existence?"

"Certainly not! It has to be kept a secret. I know you have fans who believe in every word you say, but you must promise to not reveal this to anyone."

What a day... Max suddenly felt the weight of the world upon his shoulders. When he woke up this morning, he was upset about the fact that his furniture hadn't arrived. But now? Even before late afternoon he had discovered that his show was being delayed, and as if that wouldn't have been enough, it had been delayed because a dragon in human skin, no doubt part of a huge conspiracy, wants his help in fighting demons from other planes. What would he find out, come nighttime? He felt light-headed. His elbows fell upon the oaken desk, and he rested his aching forehead against the palms of his hands, hiding his face entirely. A moan slipped through the fingers, as he was grinding them thoroughly against his skin.

"I am sorry. All this must be a giant burdon for you to bear", Saerdan said. There was a lot of empathy in his dark voice.

"It's... unusual.. yes.."

"Do you think I am lying to you? Twisting your mind in order to obscure some deviant scheme? I suppose that what I am asking in short is; do you believe I am evil?"

Max squinted at the question, and somehow managed to dissolve all emotions as he focused, trying his best to tune in on the fluttering chaos of complex energies that swirled inside the man before him. Amongst all the things he could pick up, there was honestly not a hint of a threat. There was a lot of power though, and no doubt it would be easy enough for him to conceal his true intentions, should he want to. But for some reason, it felt as if he had his guard down, as if he wanted to show his inner self at its most vulnerable. Max just could not believe he was lying. I am going to gamble on this one, and just trust my feelings.

"No. I believe you telling me the truth. I am going to trust you on this. But.. can you trust me?"

"The others would think me a fool to do so, but I can afford a rich plethora of independent initiative at my old age."

The others...

".. I can see you're wondering about something?"

"Yes, how many of you are there?"

"We are not entirely sure. I haven't found more than just a bit over a dozen, in a few centuries. Some of us have decided to join together and work to meet out ends, finding more kin and the like...", Saerdan said. Then he added, with a grin; - "don't worry - we have no plans to hurt anyone that isn't one of us."

"You said you wanted my help?"

"I do. You get around more than I do, and I cannot risk being found out by ... the forces that be. But you... you have acute senses, and can probably scout the surroundings, focus on people; feel who isn't human. You found me out, so I am sure you can find a .. demon. Or whatever it may be. I have felt something, but sadly I am not sure what it is. And I dare not expose myself too openly in case I get detected myself, which I may already have been, if I am unlucky."

"So.. getting back to another, less intimidating subject, you said there were ... theories? About your kind being here?"

Saerdan looked a bit uncomfortable at this point, and started looking about, while correcting himself in his chair, exhaling deeply, like a troubled sigh. He obviously didn't enjoy speaking about things of which he wasn't certain. The air was misted by the cuban cigar, and Max decided to put it out. He pressed it against the ashtray, and let it go. The slight hiss of quenched fire attenuated bizarrely in the large room, and outside, the rain had started to batter against the windows.

"It has been said that we were originally of another world, another plane, but that we somehow found our way into this world. Evidently, we found a way to be made flesh, in case we weren't physical from the beginning."

"So why the human appearance? Why this .. camouflage?"

Saerdan closed his eyes and smiled.

"Ahh.. see, now things get tricky.."

Max leaned back on the chair, and found it to be rather relaxing. He believed it quite possible to fall asleep if the need would arise. Right at this point though, his ears were perched, his curiousity piqued. He wanted to know more about these strange creatures, that had become children of Earth.

"According to our lore, or rather - what lore we have been able to deduce from the distant voices of the ancients, we had many a millennia of peaceful adaptation to life on this planet. Everything was going smoothly until humanity decided that we were evil monsters that had to be killed. Superstitious thoughts drowned reason and logic, and while we had become victims to their weapons and hatred; we still refused to fight back. It was our oath, you see. To guard and protect. Not kill, for the sake of killing. This quickly became a problem, as so very few of us remained, eventually. It was then decided that we should perform a ritual. A magic ritual that would affect all dragonkind, over the whole of the planet."

Saerdan paused for a while, and sighed, once more. He looked out the window, into the distant horizon beyond the rain falling upon the buildings. He seemed to be lost in thoughts, but even as he stared, he continued.

"Sadly, it didn't go according to plan. Our goal was to make ourselves appear human, to the degree that our physical bodies would actually literally transform into those of humans, but always with the option of turning back, at will. The ritual, as you can see, worked amazingly well. The flipside however, was that we didn't expect the change to be so utterly and thoroughly profound to our psyche. We simply didn't take into account the pure shock of the experience. After the ritual had been performed, we were all rendered.. inept. We lost all memory and became disoriented, and wandered across the globe aimlessly, unable to function properly. Some were apparently composed enough to appear reasonably sane, and relatively well working individuals within society. But always, we would feel disconnected, unsure of our true nature. Most of us, though, were not so lucky. Some became so insane that they were incarcerated or killed. In some instances, some of the ones that humans believed had been killed, arose from their graves, or lived for a very long time in their incarceration, seemingly without aging. This is origin of many strange myths, like vampires and the undead. Those myths all stem from us. We are hardier than normal humans, you see, and we do not age in the same way. We even have methods of making ourselves younger, should we want to. In these bodies, that are so simplistic to us, we can last for extremely long through the aid of magic."

Max was spellbound by this new insight, and he realized his jaw had dropped, and that he was staring at Saerdan. I probably look like a goldfish, he thought to himself. With a subtle harkle, he regained his posture, trying his best to look unaffected. -"So, how did you come to realize what you were, and how did you survive?"

"My own story is largely drenched in darkness, I am not sure how long I have lived. It seems I have been walking Earth for ages and ages, but I only recall the period of time when I was 'awakened', as we call it. It was in scandinavia around the year 700- something."

"A viking dragon?"

"Well... that's a ... crude, but interesting way to look at it. I was certainly living amongst vikings, yes. I had an epiphany and managed to come to the realization I was a dragon trapped in a human's body. I then gained greater levels of consciousness and managed to liberate myself from all ties that had previously bound me, kept me locked down. I began searching for others. Very few have survived the teeth of time, though. There are so few of us left.."

"And how have you... ehmm... procreated?"

"Well, up until this point, it hasn't been organized. Supposedly, it is possible for us dragons to mate with other dragons, even if we are in human forms. But it is not possible for a dragon in human form to mate with humans, and have children as an outcome. But at best, we know little about these things. The way we do it now, when we mate, is that we transform into our real forms and... well.. "

"What a sight that must be...", Max interrupted, almost as a whisper to himself. Saerdan overheard it and grinned.

"I am sure it would make for interesting porn. It would probably sell quite well in Germany and in Japan, but what do I know?"

"Actually, I think it would be a huge success in any country.. lots of weirdos out there... ehh... no offense."

"None taken", Saerdan said. He had a strange, contemplative expression on his face as his hands were locked. It looked as if he was praying; fingers constantly batting each other rhytmically. Suddenly they stopped. Saerdan looked intensily at Max, and the silence was thick. Max began to let his eyes wander, in order to shirk the gaze. It made him feel uncomfortable. -"Would you like to see how we look?"

This prospect intrigued Max. He began to feel like a child, wanting to open a huge christmas present. "Yes, very much! You mean... right here and now?"

"Not exactly. We can enter astral realms while our bodies are asleep, and there we can function as though it was real. Your kind has limitations when it comes to traversing the astral planes, but for brief periods of time, you are still able to maneuver yourself fairly well .. not least when you have guidance. I can take you there, and show you how we look, should you want to?"

Max looked at the man. Dragon. Whatever he was. Saerdan. He then proceeded to look out the window. New York. He didn't hesitate, but still felt the need to try and be hesitant to the idea. This was an offer he couldn't refuse, but the safety of the gray city below somehow shone a light of caution in his eyes, as they reflected the vistas outside the wet window. He threw the notion away like a wind in the night. He returned to look at Saerdan and nodded.

Just like that, the eyes of the dragon appeared through the mask of the human body. Giant, green, piercing. The eyes invited the guest to a divine slumber. Max discovered the lure of the chair. It was indeed easy to fall asleep in its embrace. Should he allow himself to sleep?


John was soaring in the astral skies. He had been flying all day, and so many days before that. He had become quite skilled, and could move with inestimable grace now, amongst the clouds. Cruising like a god in the torrents of winds. Saerdan was not here right now, he was at work. Human work. John knew his body was really lying in bed in that huge mansion, but this place here, is where he truly lived; as a dragon, in his self made world. But he missed his master. He was only truly happy when he was around, to talk about their history, what it means to be dragon, teach him new tricks and spells and ... to emanate that wonderous scent. John sighed and released his wings, leveling out neatly and opting instead to just hover solemnly above the waters beneath, as his thoughts were all about the majestic, green dragon he had fallen in love with. Head over heels.

It was strange to John, the concept of happiness. Yet here he was, and had it in abundance. From hopelessness to joy, in such a short span of time. It was surreal. But real. Yet without his green partner, the skies were so empty. How could he let him know what he felt? It wasn't just his hormones talking. For some reason, though, it seemed as if Saerdan deliberately kept a distance. Perhaps to appear professional and serious. But he needn't play that charade. John would listen no matter what. And he wanted him. Badly. He would do anything for him, and he wanted him to know that.

Lost in his thoughts, it took some time before he registered a sensation that felt alien. Something was trying to ... breach into my astral sleep? But.. it isn't Saerdan.. someone else? The feeling was odd, yet strangely appealing. As if a faint outline of a texture, or a contour, was orchestrating itself as both smell, tint and sound. Someone wanted to be allowed entry. A dragon. An unknown dragon. John tried to tune in on the individual, drifting like a ghost outside the confines of the spawned reality. He could pick up scents and images of the traveller now. He sniffed the air. Male, definitely. Red colors, lustrous body.. he is quite good looking. I will.. allow him entry, he appears to be friendly.

Breaking out of the clouds, suddenly real and in the flesh, a lightning-fast red dragon swirling amidst the sunrays of the setting sun. John laughed in ecstatic waves, as the dragon that flew before him started to perform tricks in the air; seemingly to entertain, or thank his host for being allowed entry. Sublime spins and loops replaced on another in quick turns, and the agility of this fantastic dragon impressed John infinitely much. He was slightly larger than John, but still considerably smaller in frame than Saerdan. John and this new dragon appeared to have more or less the same body type, being long and slender, graceful in the air. But it was clear that this dragon was far more skillful and experienced than John, which was hardly surprising.

"Who are you?", John shouted happily towards the visitor, who kept on spinning in the air.

Eventually, he settled, and banked to the side, placing himself on the right side of John in the air. He didn't fly too close. It was evident he didn't want to impose. Instead, he kept a solid speed, and looked at John with his gentle, albeit scarred face. His eyes were intelligent, and he seemed to ponder something.

"I am Arasas", said he.

The wind howled in John's ear as they flew alongside each other. It was slightly hard for him to focus on the flying while simultaneously paying attention to the unspoken rules of social courtesy amongst dragons. John smiled uneasily and tried to look friendly, but it only seemed to make the other dragon perplexed.

"Ehh.. hello! I am glad to meet another dragon. I am .. new to all this. I suppose you could say I am 'awakened', as .. it's apparently called. My name ... oh... my name is sadly not as resplendant as yours, I am just called John"

"A name is a small thing to be concerned about. It is a label you are free to change, should you want to. Some of us find our names from within. Deep inside you, there is a forgotten language, almost like a song. It comes naturally to us all, but it is seldom found easily, as it hasn't been spoken since we roamed the Earth freely, and not merely confined to human vessels. Once you find that language within, though, it does not leave you. And only then will you be able to find a name that suits you. But until that day comes, have no worries. A name is, after all, just a name", Arasas said. His voice was calm and understanding, but at the same time it had a very rough and raspy character to it, full of strange friction; as if it had been worn down by a harsh and long life.

John smiled insecurely while the red dragon inspected him with scrutinizing eyes. There was no doubt that he was blatantly inspecting this new, blue dragon, and John couldn't help but nervously wondering if he 'passed the test'.

"You're Saerdan's youngling, aren't you?", he said with a slight hint of disdain in his voice. "I can feel his scent upon you..."

"Uhh.. yes! Saerdan helped.. actually, he saved me, I should say. Why, you know him?"

John noticed an awkward bitterness in Arasas expression, but as soon as he offered the question, the bitterness was traded with a confident, bordering on smug, smile.

"I certainly do. I used to be his student too, once. But he threw me aside, just like he will throw you aside one day too, when you fail to entertain his whims. Be on your guard. Never trust him"

John's heart turned to ice, for a brief moment. An unreal buoyancy made his head feel strange, as if his blood stopped pumping. Everything he knew, everything he felt - was it all for nothing, like so many times before? John was used to being let down, to have people around him betray him. But Saerdan... the nightmarish concept buried itself like a spike in John's mind, and prevented him from speaking. His flying became erratic, as he urgently tried to root himself in some comforting thoughts. Surely, it couldn't be true? This stranger, why would his words carry such weight? Still, there was something about the way he said it. Such conviction. John looked at the fellow dragon, and saw great compassion in his face. He seemed to display how well he knew that those words were hard to bear. He shook his head, ever so slightly.

"I am sorry to tell you this, youngling. I can tell it had a difficult impact on you... I too, was sorely wounded by his betrayal. I was his first, he said. In retrospect, I believe it was a lie...", Arasas said with a low voice, which was nearly drowned by the windy flight. John saw sorrow in his eyes, but felt compelled to learn more.

"What... did he do? How did you know him?"

"Like you, I was awakened by him. He came storming into my life, and carried me to new heights. But he always kept a distance to me, no matter how much I tried to make him understand what he meant to me."

"I... know what you mean."

Arasas looked searchingly at John for a while. "He will claim to have changed, you know. That much, I have learned. His philosophy, his outlook on life.. it has all changed. It is a sign of psychosis. His instability will be his downfall, and I would hate to see you plunge with him. What he taught me has been the pillar of my life, but he rejects the wisdom he once spread, these days."

With a worried glance over his shoulders, Arasas reaffirmed himself quickly, but his voice changed to that of someone in a hurry. "I cannot stay here for much longer, but I want you to consider what I have said. I will always be here for you. I can be a greater teacher to you than he ever will be. Don't let your feelings for him cloud your judgment. I must be off now, but... I will contact you again soon. Farewell, John. Until we meet again".

And just like that, he started to fade. His shape, now lucent and slowly vanishing, began to fly away from John. Still he kept his eyes on the startled pupil. And within a few seconds notice, he was entirely gone. Only his scent remained on the breeze, and John turned to catch more of it. He smelled so different from Saerdan. The master who quite possibly wasn't as perfect as John had thought him to be.

Suddenly a familiar presence whispered into the astral world. A voice, requesting entry. It was Saerdan. The odd timing felt like a mystery at first, but it struck him that Arasas must have felt this before it actually happened. I see.. Arasas knew he was coming, and fled before he could arrive. But I have to let him in, I have to speak with him about this, hear his side of the story.

John smiled hesitantly, and with a powerful gust of forceful winds, Saerdan appeared before John. His characteristic, heavy frame and the calm beating of his wings made John feel happy. Somehow, the rush of joy also made John feel a dash of guilt. He knew far too well that he was easily pleased by the lulling presence of his saviour. Perhaps too easily pleased, John thought to himself. He still felt unable to question Saerdan's proclaimed intentions, and his casual, but severely restrained love. Could Arasas be wrong? He had to have been.

"I am sorry for being late, John. I had a rather interesting day, though. I met with... ", Saerdan began. He interrupted himself as he settled in on a course at John's side, flying quietly while sniffing the air. "Something familiar.. have you had a visitor?"

"Ehmm.. yes. Another dragon".

"Really? You must tell me all about it."

"Maybe later. You had something you wanted to talk about?"

John expected Saerdan to be taken aback by the clear evasion of the subject, but instead it appeared as if he leapt at the chance to talk about his own matter at hand. Is he not concerned about the fact I had a visit from another dragon?

"I did something that might put me in a bit of a bad light amongst our kin today. I revealed myself to a human. I let him into my astral sleep and showed myself in my real form, and I also talked with him about our kind."

"You did what?!". John was shocked and confused. Saerdan only smiled, which made it all even more bewildering.

"I have planned it for some time. There is this ... gifted.. human. He could be of great use to us. You remember I talked to you about unseen enemies around me? He can help us find those enemies, infiltrate them. Find answers to questions I keep.."

"You already trust him that much?"

"Of course I don't entirely trust him yet. He is still in a state of shock, so I will give him the benefit of time and reflection. He is staying at our mansion now. His name is Max."

"Our mansion?"

"Of course. Everything I have, I have to share. With you."

John couldn't help feeling suspicious. What if it was all a lie? He had to change the subject.

"So.. what did he think about your appearance?"

"He was startled, naturally. But he quickly came to accept it. He said he thought I was quite beautiful, although he indicated it was purely on an aesthetic level", Saerdan said and grinned toothily. -"But enough of him, now. I have something to show you. Follow me".

Saerdan flew towards the sun, which had almost entirely sunk down beyond the seas in the horizon. The dark blue skies gained a strange, flaring shred at its very fabric, and a portal opened up. It was a link to Saerdan's portion of the astral planes, and like a projectile he passed through the portal, as did John. They both entered a freezing cold landscape. Snow tumbled down and covered the plains below, and strange huts painted themselves as large, clumsy structures of jagged wood as they flew them past in the night. John followed, as Saerdan swiftly rose in altitude, and set a course towards a nearby chain of mountains. He landed on a protruding, rocky plateau, overlooking the village and its adjacent river that trailed along silently, plucking the mirrored stars onto its watery surface and displaying them like shimmering and obscured diamonds. The moonlight boiled the snow covered soil in a diffuse glow, and the calm surroundings teemed. It was like a gorgeous painting. John couldn't help but stare at the scenery for the longest time, and Saerdan did not disturb the peace. He just lay there, like a foundation of protection, smiling secretly at the awestruck youngling.

"It is absolutely fantastic...", John eventually let out, still swelling with emotion.

Saerdan nodded, and glanced the village below. "Yes.. it certainly was. This is how it looked, where I grew up. Or rather, where I was awakened. This was my village. I used to go up here sometimes, even in my human form. It wasn't as easy of course, but I always found that it was worth the effort".

John looked at Saerdan. Intensily. It was so hard to shake the feelings he had for him. It was impossible to picture him as dishonest; as a traitor. Anxiety began to build up inside John. He knew he had to ask him.

"You know.. the dragon from before? The one that.. visited me?", John started; his heartbeats thumping soundly at his tensing chest.


"He said his name was Arasas, and he said he knew you..."

John expected.. well, actually, he didn't know what reaction he expected. All he knew is that he didn't expect the lack of reaction he got instead. Saerdan simply turned to look at John, and his eyes were indifferent. Totally indifferent. Did he not hear what I said?

"Ahh, Arasas. I knew the day would come. Maybe not this soon, but I knew it would come. I am glad you spoke with him. Maybe it was only briefly though. No doubt he took flight right before I showed up, did he not?"

"Ehh... yes?"

"Arasas... my cherished, committed Arasas... ", Saerdan said, clearly to himself. After a few seconds of mournful contemplation, Saerdan turned his attention to John, once more. -"He was my apprentice, as he no doubt told you. I am also sure that he told you not to trust me. That choice, I leave to you. I will not tell you what to think. But I *will* tell you what happened, if you would hear it?"

John afforded a nod, a quick one. His neck felt a bit stiff from the cold air, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

"Times were different back then. I ... was different". Saerdan looked almost angry as he reflected on the past, but he continued nonetheless. "It was during the 1700's. War plagued large portions of Europe, and I found Arasas in England. He was a stubborn youth, already back then. I initiated him, told him about our ways.. but sadly my perspective was polluted with hatred. He became my instrument of vengeance on humanity. I had seen so much darkness and hopelessness for so long that I had come to believe that total eradication of the species would be the only solution. I trained him. I trained him hard. I taught him to not feel, not show sympathy. I taught him that strength could only be seen in resolute discipline, and emotions were a weakness one could not afford to confront or show. And he was a good student, sadly.. he listened to my words like masses to a preacher. He became the ultimate soldier, my pride and joy. The first... " - Saerdan halted in his speech. Something unfathomably heavy seemed to burdon him, and he could not continue talking.

After a while, he collected himself, caught his breath. He reeked of stress, of sorrow. Undeniable sadness and guilt. "- The first few years, he had such trouble with my lessons. He had desires to be seen, to be loved. It was something that he had been denied his whole life, and I kept on perpetuating that terrible absence of recognition. My rewards came only when he learned to hide his emotions, or learned and performed new spells of destruction. My rewards were simple. I would just say 'well done', without emotion, and I would let him go to sleep early, instead of continuing his lessons."

Saerdan began to grind his teeth, with his eyes fixed on the rock-strewn ground before him. The memories clearly ached. "Some nights, he got up in the middle of the night, and he would sneak through the corridors, just to look into my room through the keyhole. He didn't realize that I knew what he was doing. I didn't have the will to punish him for it, even though I felt it was expected from me. I never showed him love. Never.. and it was all he wanted from me, and all he wanted to convey to me. I rejected it, taught him to disregard from such feelings, and he eventually did. By the time my lessons had become the blood in his veins, and the air that he breathed, he had grown cold... and hard as stone. The perfect student to the most imperfect philosophy. My greatest failure. My greatest regret."

Saerdan paused for a bit, tears streaming down his face. The dagger in his heart was clearly massive, and the emotional pain seemed to almost be physical. John didn't know what to do, what to say.

"Eventually, I realized I was hurting him.. hurting myself. I figured that there had to be another way. I left him, all on his own, claiming it was for his own good, that he would have to find his own strength. He was destroyed as I left him, yearning for companionship - and I left him in the shadows. I went far away, to meditate. A meditation that would last me nearly a hundred years..."

"The ... a hundred years?"

"Yes. In our astral sleep, our human bodies need practically no nourishment as you know, since our bodies are more or less entirely inactive. We are free to go into meditation, while in our astral form, nearly shutting ourselves down entirely even in the astral planes. It is a fantastic experience. You will feel the universes around you, and you tune in with .. everything. Including yourself. It can be a frightening thing of course, learning all that which you may not want to know. When I returned from my meditation, I didn't believe it had taken as long as it did. It was worth it though, and for a very special reason; I connected with someone as I was meditating. And even though there was no real communication between us, I had found a person that has become crucial to our cause. A dragoness in slumber. It was because of her that I returned to consciousness. I started working towards different ends. Instead of wiping out humanity, I would focus on finding dragons, finding those of our kind. I think that was the message she was giving me"

"Who is she? Do you know anything about her?"

Saerdan sighed and walked to the very edge of the cliff, staring out into the hours of darkness. He looked lost and confused, and the expression troubled John, at first. Then he was reminded of his own life. The fear of the unknown past and future; the constant battle of meaning attached to symbols and persons - the sheer struggle to make sense out of the inconceivable. Perhaps Saerdan was similar in many ways, maybe there were things not even he could explain. John wanted so badly to trust him, but his trust was expensive stock, and he would not handle someone using it recklessly. Would it be wise to let himself go? To just drop all doubt and .. make an effort to trust someone?

"I know close to nothing, but I felt safe and warm in the presence of her light. I saw images of her. A white dragoness. I simply call her the Sleeping Lady. She is ancient, to be sure, and still in her real form. I don't think she ever changed into a human, as if she was somehow excluded from the old ritual of transformation. That makes her... well, truly ancient indeed. I wished that she would have spoken with me, but for some reason she remained silent. It took me long enough to decipher her will, but in the end I believe it was made clear; gather our kind and live up to our purpose; be respectful, guard the planet and know no boundaries to love and harmony"

"So.. we're hippies?"

Saerdan froze and turned to John, which had up until this point never seen the green dragon look startled. But he sure did now, and it made John smile. Saerdan smiled in return and walked up closer to John. -"I suppose we are, smartass.."

"That's all right, you would look very cute with flowers and bead necklaces all over your scaly neck. Imagine what people would think if we landed in the middle of New York in dragon form, preaching messages of love and singing "we shall overcome".. "

Saerdan smiled, and seemed to feign a hurt look. "And here I was talking about serious issues.."

"Pfft.. fine. Let's get moody again. Drama, drama, drama..."

Saerdan kept his smile and tilted his head, looking at John from top to bottom, with a curious expression. It was clear he wasn't used to humorous talk. It struck John that perhaps he hadn't feigned the hurt look after all. John dropped the act, realizing it had been an inappropriate jest.

"So, what about Arasas, then? Did you find him once you came back from your meditation?"

"As painful as it was to find him in his shattered state, yes... but I could not convince him to join me. He had his own army going, and he's still very much recruiting. He is hell-bent on destroying humankind. I suppose that in his eyes, I have traded reason for insanity. I have tried to talk to him so many times, tell him how sorry I am, tell him how much I love him.. but it's so hard for him to accept. He refuses to believe me."

"I just can't believe that you've ever been a.. well.. piece of shit. I mean.. you're so damn kind and wonderful to me. I just can't get it around my head, seeing you as a cruel, violent person? No, I just... it doesn't add up."

"Makes me glad to hear, but at the same time; such was my past, and it lead to many unfortunate consequences. I am still paying for my stupidity. But the course of the future bends from our actions today. And you... you have choices to make aswell. I am actually glad you listened to Arasas. Perhaps you even agree with him. I am not trying to decide for you"

"So.. you would just give 'thumbs up' if I agreed to join him instead of you? You wouldn't be pissed at me?"

Saerdan shone a gentle smile, and his eyes were half closed. He looked like a proud parent, in some strange way. -"No, John. I would never judge you for your choices in life. In fact, I would prefer that you explore all your possibilities and potential paths. That way, you will have more certainty about the one you end up choosing."

John felt as if soft pillows choked his heart. Saerdan was so excruciatingly sweet. -"I have already chosen my path...", John said and pressed his snout against Saerdan's thick neck.

"Then.. you trust me?", said a surprised Saerdan.

John decided, at this point, to throw caution to the wind. To be reckless with his heart for once, and make a commitment of trust to someone else. Maybe it was all a big lie, but at this moment, John didn't care. He honestly didn't. He just smiled, and started to grind his face against the neck of his idol. -"Yes. I trust you", John said and sighed - ".. in fact, I love you."

"Love..", Saerdan said with a bemused tone of voice. It sounded as if he used a word he was afraid of using, even though he had spoken so warmly about it only a brief moment ago. Like a stranger, describing a foreign land he'd only heard about in fairy tales.

"Saerdan... "


"Why are you purposely keeping a distance?"

"What do you mean?", Saerdan said with an utterly confounded expression, while backing away from John. But John didn't let him get off the hook that easy. Instead he closed in on the big dragon as he backed away, preventing him from moving.

"Oh no, you don't..", John said and clasped around the dragon's upper body.

Saerdan looked very confused.

"Look, Saerdan...I know you've been afraid of showing emotions in the past. I also know you've changed your outlook on life. But it doesn't mean you're home just yet, does it? You're probably just as scared of being loved, as you are with loving another. But I am tired of the whole 'it's just hormones' bullshit that you dump on me, in order to avoid showing how you truly feel. I know exactly what I feel, and I can see in your eyes what you feel too. You're playing stoic and unreachable, but at the same time your eyes are screaming from a yearning of being unbound. Maybe it's time you liberate yourself, just as you have liberated me?"

Saerdan blinked, and stared at the youngling. His breathing was the only sound that could be heard, and suddenly it appeared loud for that very reason. He swallowed deeply, after a while. "You certainly have a way with words.. "

"And you certainly have a way with deeds. Rescuing young dragons from a life in darkness. That's what you do. You're my saviour.. my hero... my... ", John began. Then an amused expression fell over his face, while Saerdan simply looked speechless. -".. my ... lover?"


"Yeah.. how about we add that word to the list of the things you are to me?", John said and pressed his head against Saerdan's.

"Do you... do you really want to? What if.. I mean, we don't know what.. -"

"- I have never in my life wanted anything more. And to a scenery like this? Who, in their right mind, could ever say no to something like that?", grinned John. "And who knows, maybe some human boy lies sleeping in that dream village down there, and wakes up in the middle of the night? What if he goes out of his hut, sets his feet into the snowy wastes, and raises his head towards the mountains, and watches us make love in the moonlight? Can you imagine what that must be like, for him to see that? Would you deny him that? Would you deny me that? I pretty much feel like that boy, and all this... it still feels a bit like a dream, even though I know it's real".

John looked at Saerdan. It was easy to tell he was still hesitant, maybe even apprehensive. "Look I know that you don't want to promise anything, and I know you're afraid of hurting me, cause we don't know what the future holds. But I would rather have us care about each other, and not be afraid to love one another, because at least then our potential loss will have meaning. I want us to make love tonight, Saerdan. Because that's what it will be: Love. Not just sex. I care for you so fucking much it hurts me, and I want to give myself to you. Please.... take me. I am yours."

Saerdan's eyes glazed over with a misty coat, and the smile was twisted and strange, but very earnest and peaceful. "Then you are mine, but only if I am also yours. To the end of time and beyond..", Saerdan said and pushed John to the ground with one mighty shove of his snout.

John tripped over and snickered at the impulsive move. He sprawled out on the ground, looking up at the magnificent dragon, and their smiles met in unison with the glow of the distant moon, radiating thick outlines of white across the muscular body of the green dragon. "It's a deal.. you're mine. I'm yours", John said, barely able to contain his emotional turmoil from unfolding to unbridles chaos.

The trembling nighttime air, almost tepid from the lusting fumes of the male dragons, soothingly stirred the tension between them, and carried scents of passion on its indiscernible wings. John flared up his nostrils and dragged it all in. Saerdan's scent had changed quite a lot. He was clearly getting aroused. He just stood there though, looking down at his eagerly awaiting recipient. He seemed like an elegant warrior in the shade of night, cloaked by a mysterious gloom. He moved slightly as he breathed, and kept his eyes locked on John's. -"You're beautiful", he suddenly said. John did not know what to reply. He just fell silent, and kept on looking.

John noticed Saerdan's breathing getting heavier, his eyes getting dreamier, his fragrance getting more intense. As John looked over the massive body, his eyes soon came to rest on the animated bulge between Saerdan's strapping thighs. His tail trailed off behind him, as he was sitting down on his hind legs, and the intricate pattern of scales on his belly shifted, as they made way for something that began to slip out from within. John had tasted it once before, and the familiar smell reproduced in the dense air. It spoke promises of a flavor he had previously been interrupted from enjoying, but could finally be blessed with now.

And then he saw it, the slit opened up slightly, and Saerdan's penis throbbed as it more or less poured out, in a slowly stiffening motion. It glistened so lucidly, with veins setting thick courses across its length. John felt an overwhelming desire to taste it. Suck it. Please it. He wanted nothing more than to see Saerdan spray his seed in lustful bliss. To share an orgasm with the love of his life. John felt light headed from his desires, and began to crawl over towards the giant dragon, who patiently stood still with a look of passionate longing on his face.

John was there now, with his head nearly at the ground, looking up and into his masters eyes. On both his sides, the ferociously massive pillars of scaly flesh; the powerful thighs with their giant muscles nearly encasing John's world. He kissed the thighs, and licked along their forms as he moaned with pleasure of having his masters taste on his tongue - a tongue that did not deserve this divinity, but was still granted it. Saerdan shivered with pleasure, and released a tranquil sigh. He was pleased with the treatment, and his swelling penis tensioned from excitement, almost making it whip the belly from jerking spasms. It had begun to leak its juices of pre-cum, trickling down like rivers along its shaft. The aroma drove John insane, more or less, and there was no way he could neglect to ease the burdon of his master. Give him release. With a drugged, lethargic fanaticism, John wanted deliverance. "Can I taste it? Please?"

"Please... go ahead my... my love.. suck it.. ", Saerdan said, clearly exhilarated with lust.

John opened his muzzle, and licked the pre from the base, all the way up to the tip. He then swallowed the twitching mass, and let it fill his gaping mouth. He could feel it throbbing with every heartbeat, and he applied pressure to his sucking, in order to milk it of its sweet fluids; tasting it with delight. A deep murmuring sound, almost like a buried rumble of sleeping gods, resonated firmly from Saerdan. John noticed how his master pressed his feet against the ground, his legs expanding in width from the effort, as he seemed to attempt pushing them deep into the Earth. John kept sucking, and with one of his draconic forepaws, he began to feel up on the area below the base of the slit. He felt the testicles, and gently began to cup them, kneading them carefully, as the bobbing motions of his busy head continued. The sweet, musky smell of maleness thickened and grew stronger from the attention that the member and the holy orbs received, and the panting settled in on a steady rhythm.

It soon dawned on John that it was a wholly different experience to perform a blowjob on another dragon, and not least as a dragon. The situation ought to have felt remotely familiar, but as it were, it felt new. As if he was exploring his sexuality for the first time, and of course, in a sense he was. This is how it was supposed to be. It felt natural and meaningful. That, too, was unfamiliar to John.

Saerdan was getting almost uncontrollably excited from the extensive sucking, and his thrusting had begun to overpower John's capacity to maintain the swelling girth safely in his jaws. He did not want to risk the fantastic, life-giving organ to chafe or get cut against razor sharp teeth. John opened his muzzle wider instead, and used his tongue to slither around the length, like a vine branch entwined around a massive twig. He pulled his tongue backwards, making it strain around the large form, like a lasso tightening around a neck. Saerdan let something akin to a deep roar resound, and it attenuated across the landscape. His pleasure was bordering on madness, as it seemed. John couldn't believe how incredibly massive the cock truly was, nor how it could have such an addictive taste. But keeping it in his mouth and throat had started to become a hassle. All the pre-cum had made everything slippery. The shaft felt too big, and Saerdan was too strong, too eager. Even disregarding those facts, John wanted Saerdan inside in a different sense. He wanted to be mounted. The notion overwhelmed him as soon as it had entered his mind, and he couldn't risk letting his master discharge his load just yet.

John let Saerdan's pride slip out of his muzzle, and although the member was still bulging and thrashing about from his burning sex drive, Saerdan was remarkably contained as far as his demeanor was concerned. John looked at him and tried to speak, but Saerdan was already in his face, licking him thoroughly. John snickered some at the attention his face got, and didn't manage to get a single word out.

"Sweet, sweet youngling...", Saerdan suddenly said. "You've given me such pleasure, such love... now let me be the lover.."

"Yes.. I want you to enter me.. please, I want you inside me.. ", John replied, barely able to verbalize his desire, the hunger for Saerdan's love had begun to rise from the entity of hunger itself, as if the gods of love had broken free from the altar. As if lust reigned the stars above, and dug songs of its secret formula of creation into the lowly heart of a soul yearning to explode from its passionate clutches. Nothing made sense anymore in John's mind. He had found the love of his life. The memories of his old view on love had deteriorated into nothingness. Atrophied into dust. It was a cold and dead thing, and now - he felt only alive.

Like in a dream, he turned away from Saerdan briefly, only to reveal his backside at the great dragon. But not even as he turned, was he alone. Saerdan's heavy head lay against John's cheek, guiding him around, gentle as a breeze. John was hardening real fast, since he knew what was to come. Still a bit clumsy from the adrenaline rush caused by all his expectations, he accidentally stumbled forward, landing obtusely on his belly. He was on the ground, laughing. It was all as if he was in a strange daze. But even at this point, Saerdan's benevolent face remained at his side, watching him. Making sure he wasn't hurt from the fall. No words were needed, he just watched his youngling with care, and it was evident. Plain as day.

John stopped laughing, and instead just looked into the warm eyes of Saerdan. There was no room for jesting, no room for any humorous comments or constipated jokes. He looked into something that stretched beyond all the bedside manners of his customers. This was not a sexual situation that he had ever been in before. No drunken playtime sessions with wacked-out patrons. At first, John did not even understand what Saerdan conveyed with his eyes. It was like an alien language. He knew it was important. He knew it was full of soul, he just couldn't understand that it was directed towards him. John felt his own eyes tearing up from the gravity of the look he had seen replicate in those big, green eyes. The promises of endless safety, constant protection. And love in abundance. Saerdan placed his gentle snout against John's, in a serene caress. The motion, the gesture, it spelled reciprocation. Partnership. Between two lovers. "Don't worry, it wont hurt... I love you".

"I love you too.. ", slipped from trembling lips. John felt the body of the huge, green dragon coming in close, hovering around and above him. Its warmth radiating onto his skin. It was like a compressed space that John felt like an entropy, closing in on him, until it would inevitably connect. Body against body, soul against soul. Saerdan's warmth leaked out from within, to the very end of his scales. It then passed through them, and into John, who felt like he was wrapped in the lava of a welcoming volcano. The yearning had finally become something bearable, because they shared the passion. John was under the guidance of his master now, and he desperately wanted him to enter. John tried to look back, but it was hard; as Saerdan's weight began to press him against the ground, albeit gently, it became slightly difficult to maneuver his head. He managed to get a glimpse of the giant green body as he turned laboriously, but a giant foreleg obscured his view somewhat. Not that the foreleg was in any way a disappointing sight.

But there - a glance. John saw the magnificent penis, way back near his own tail. Saerdan was trying to steer it in. In an attempt to make it easier, John raised his tail. Saerdan helped to lift the heavy, thick tail into the air, and he then placed it by his side, but not before running one of his forepaws across its shape, massaging it. John moaned loudly. It felt so good. He noticed that Saerdan leaned forward, but he had no clue why. Not until he felt a wet, warm presence. It was dripping - no, filling into his cavity below his tail. It was Saerdan that had let his tongue carefully lick around the swelling bulge surrounding the anus. He kept on doing so until John eased up, and his hole widened up enough.

John then felt the warm, soaking wet tongue enter him, like a lovers kiss. It was insanely nice. John nearly cried out from sheer satisfaction. Saerdan kept on pressing his tongue deeper into the helplessly dismantled dragon, while simultaneously rubbing along the tenaciously trembling tail. Dragon paws rubbing hard into pure tail muscles. As his tail softened from the pressure that was applied in beguiling, and gradually intensifying waves, the anal cavity loosened even more, much like the rest of his body, until he was like a numb ragdoll, stretched against the rock hard ground, just moaning with delight. The magical movements of the tongue sent shivers of ecstasy all over John's body. It felt like stars disintegrated inside him, and reproduced as sensations of the divine. He could even feel his prostate being stimulated, and he suddenly realized he was fully erect. His swollen penis was grinding against the ground beneath his impressive weight. As his body moved from the stimulation he received from behind, the member stroked itself automatically, caught between the pebbled soil and himself. The sensation was indescribable. It was an experience that came without a dictionary, without a possibility to describe its nature.

"I think you're ready now..", Saerdan said. His tongue was obviously free, but John hadn't noticed as he had nearly passed out from the pleasure. All he knew is that he wanted the big dragon to continue doing what he had been doing. Looking back at him, he realized that Saerdan was preparing to mount, and John held his breath, ready to receive. In his ear, a soft whisper - "It is going to be ok.. just relax, my love". John closed his eyes, and willed his body to become as pliable as possible.

Within a short moment, he could feel the warm, fleshy tip brushing at the edge of his soon-to-be point of entry. He became aware of its stickiness, with full knowledge of what made it so deliciously slimy and warm. He couldn't wait to have it inside him. Just thinking about it made him push up against the cock, whining impatiently as he did so. Soon he would have it; the lifegiving milk from the most profoundly beautiful male in history would swim inside him. It was more than he felt he could ever deserve, but he would not decline the offer. He could kill for it, but he needn't even do that. He needn't do anything except just...

Suddenly he could feel Saerdan slipping inside. The consistency of his penis was a mixture of hard and flexible, and it was drenched in an abundance of pre-cum and saliva. It travelled smoothly into John's body, sliding like a soft snake of devotion. The situation felt sacred; untouchable in its sheer purity and power. What was inside him was the holiest thing he could think of, the grandest thing he knew. The physical pinnacle of the being he adored and worshipped had expanded and entered him.

"Are you ok? Does it hurt?", Saerdan asked in a worried tone of voice. There was a hint of fatigue, or perhaps just lust. Hard to tell. John wondered if his master had gone insane. Am I ok? This is the best moment of my life!

"It's wonderful, I love you so much, my great master. Please cum inside me, please.. I want your seed in me..", John mustered forth, trying to keep his eyes open. The eyelids fluttered from the impressions, and his glazing eyes was a dead giveaway; he was on the brink of his own release. His belly was wet from his own pre-cum, and his member kept stroking with every beat of his speeding heart. The friction from the weight of his body and the support of the ground made the sensation very much like penetrating someone, and Saerdan's penis stimulated him so well inside, the prostate was reduced to a whimpering breaking point in a sea of desire.

Saerdan had managed to slide his entire length into John, and he had done so gently. Now he began to retract it, almost equally gently. It was teasing for John, who began to whine louder, hoping that Saerdan would understand. He did. With a mighty thrust, he was fully inside once more, and he began to fuck John in a steady rhythm. With increasing force and speed, he began to pound his tubular shaft even harder into John, who began to push his front legs against the ground, so as to parry the pressure from behind. Meanwhile, he also thrusted his own hips, using his powerful legs to grind his cock against the ground. Saerdan panted heavily, and his pushes gradually became more and more unrestrained. The pressure inside John felt amazingly wonderful, but at the same time strange. John realized that while he had lots of sexual experience from before, his dragon body had absolutely no experiences at all. In a sense, he had been a virgin up until this point.

John could no longer maintain his blocking of the ground, and he began to cavort forward from the voracious pounding he received. The sheer strength that Saerdan displayed was daunting, and John almost began to feel fear when he heard a gargantuan roar plummet into the air. It came from the very depths of his masters belly.

Saerdan's majestic penis, with its size and stout hardiness at its maximum, climaxed with an unreal thrust. John felt the fumingly warm sperm flood into him, and Saerdan frantically gripped John's sides, claws digging into the flesh, and paws shaking spastically as he emptied his load. John could feel how most of it halted inside him and returned, leaking out from his hole. The sound of seed splashing against ground made him realize what copious amounts it must have been. John's own excitement was at its peak, and with a few chaotic and unbalanced thrusts, he strived to milk himself dry against the ground. His hind legs fumbled as they tried to find stability in the ground, but through sheer willpower he managed to direct a lot of power forward. He could feel the slowly limping penis inside him beginning to slide out, but John was still hard as diamond; eager as the sun.

Suddenly it came to him like a wave crashing against a lighthouse; the impending release. John roared as the cacophony of pleasure became too much to contain. His seed catapulted out from his stiff, yearning penis. He pumped and thrust with his whole body, instinctively, as he drained himself of his male liquid, thoughts reduced to a primal craving. The prodding motions eventually saw a decline in pace and power, as he unleashed it all on the ground. Moments later, with a loud slopping sound, he felt and heard how Saerdan's organ slipped out. As he climbed off of John, his weight temporarily became a pleasant burdon. Saerdan sighed and grunted as he stepped clumsily all over John's back, and eventually he slumped down on the ground right next to the drained student, who also toppled over and crash-landed, totally exhausted.

John panted, and sweated profusely. Front paws against ground, he pushed himself back, and then he turned his weight to the side, flipping over to face Saerdan. They were now lying side by side, facing each other, but John was slightly below head level, instead facing the chest of his master. With a few improvised jolts, he managed to hop his body into a more comfortable position, and was now able to sink his head towards Saerdan's sex. With gusto, he licked and sucked the penis, tasting the cum of his lord, his god. Cleaning his cock with eager tongue. Drying it, soaking up what remained. The tip of it was jerking from the touch of the tongue, and while still massive, the penis slowly began to shrink, drained of its fluids. Saerdan squirmed at the treatment, and somberly chuckled a bit at the tickly sensation that reverberated all over his sensitive organ. When John was done, Saerdan sighed with relief. John was more than content too, and barely had the strength to move. "Come here, please.. ", said Saerdan, and with that; John found strength anew. He climbed the horizontal wall in order to level with his master, and once he did, they lay in front of each other.

John looked into the moonlit eyes of his saviour. The scales on his head were like hills of a promised land, where the roads would take him to a new tomorrow. An endless journey of everlasting joy. He would always be protected by his loving god, who shone like a thousand supernovas as he smiled at his student, who had now been introduced to what dragon love entails, in all its boundless glory.

"This night is ours, and we are as one. For as long as our hearts shall beat, I will be your shield. I will protect you. John, I ... I promise to never leave you... and I will never stop loving you", Saerdan said.

"Perhaps you will protect me even beyond this life? What about the next ones to come? Do you promise to protect me in those too?", John said. There was only a hint of sarcasm in his voice. In truth he was hoping for it.

"As the stars are our witnesses, I will...", Saerdan said, and he appeared to be dead serious.

"Then I promise to one day try and pluck them down from the sky, and give them to you", John drowzily replied with a smile. Saerdan turned to look at him, and returned the smile.

John was overwhelmed, and started to cry silently. His tears distorted the draconic face of his lover before he found the black grip of slumber creeping in, slowly placing its blanket upon his world. As he began to slip into unconsciousness, he felt Saerdan hold him in his cradling arms, and he felt how Saerdan's wings gave him added comfort and warmth. He was cocooned in the embrace of love. He had never felt this safe before.

Safe in the arms of a huge, green dragon, who's name was Saerdan.