Taking Care of a Collie

Story by Taur on SoFurry

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Slightly less smutty this time, but hopefully still a fun read. Thank you all for the support

"Go on, do it!" Symara cried.

Symara, a border collie like Devon, stood in a pink short-sleeved shirt and a black silk skirt, one arm resting on the wooden railing. She idly stirred at the red drink in its clear plastic cup, leaning against the railing to maintain her balance which was becoming an increasingly more difficult activity as the night continued courtesy of free alcohol.

Devon and Symara shared many features. His white fur was broken by patches of varying shades of orange, and they had the same dark brown patch of fur over their left eye. Devon's left eye was the same deep brown color as Symara's, but his right eye was a pale blue. His wardrobe was a very simple dark blue pair of jeans and a speckled black shirt with a shadowy image of a large buck.

Devon's eyes bounced from his sister to the gorgeous brunette German shepherd swaying her hips to the beat on the lower level of the Manour Club. Her tight white dress fell to mid-thigh and black stiletto heels brought her to at least a head taller than Devon's five and a half feet. After two more quick glances he looked back to Symara with an uncomfortable shift in his stance.

"No, I've humiliated myself enough tonight," he said, his head shaking a quick no and his eyes fixed on the tile floor sticky from weeks of cocktails being spilled across it. For the last hour his sister Symara had unrelentingly demanded that he wander out of his comfort zone and talk to this girl or that girl. After two awkward conversations that left him with nothing but two more cocktails on his tab, and five failed attempts at acquiring a phone number, he was tired and had begun checking the clock every few minutes wondering when he'd be allowed to just go home.

It was Symara's idea to go to the Manour tonight. Thursday was ladies night, and she wanted to have a designated driver so she and her Australian shepherd friend Elisa could drink their share and then some. Devon begrudgingly agreed, figuring it would be nice to get out of the house. He dared not drink more than the three beers he'd ordered at an insane markup, particularly since the two girls had taken full advantage of the free drinks and were currently sipping at their fifth and sixth tequila sunrises.

"Last time, I promise! Go over there and ask for her number and I won't bother you any more," Symara urged. "You need to break out of your shell, what's the worst that could happen?"

Of course, Devon had already had to endure what he'd considered the worst case scenario five times, two awkward rejections and an ever increasing bar tab. Despite his growing frustration with his younger sibling, he conceded to her request. If it would get her to shut up for the remainder of the night then fine. He rolled his eyes and began walking towards the stairs. Before descending he glanced once more towards the German shepherd to make sure he'd be able to locate her once he'd made his way into the sea of intoxicated people. In an attempt to be clever, he pulled his phone out and opened a new contact entry. For the name he typed in "German Shepherd Cutie", and selected the phone number so everything would be ready to go.

He pushed through the mass of dancers and slowly made his way to his target. Surprisingly he only took one elbow to the chest. He must have been getting better at weaving through the drunken crowd. When he finally reached the German shepherd he tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and stared into space in Devon's vicinity for a moment before she spotted him.

"Hi," Devon said shyly. He held up and offered his phone to the girl, the light from the screen shining on her face. "Would you be so kind?" he asked, and waited. Devon watched her eyes scan the contact page and to his surprise saw her smile after realizing what he wanted. She may have chuckled even, but the incredibly loud music prevented any sound from reaching his drooping ears. With a nod she took the phone and began to tap in a number.

Devon's face broke into a wide smile. He couldn't believe this worked! He definitely owed his sister an apology. He watched the girl as she tapped the number into his phone, his gaze moving from her dark eyes to his phone and back. Her eyes flicked to him for a moment, then quickly shot to somewhere above and behind him. A look of shock started to form on her face when Devon felt a brawny paw grip his shoulder. The paw spun him around quickly to reveal a large pitch black doberman, a strong arm raised with his paw clenched in a fist.

The blow struck across the bridge of his nose. He could feel as well as see the intense pain move across his face, his legs going weak and his arms reflexively drawing to his head. The doberman shoved him into the crowd, and walked away with the girl in tow who dropped his phone to the floor. Devon brought a paw to his nose and saw drops of blood begin to stain the white fur. He grabbed his phone, slowly stood up and began to stumble to the nearest restroom. After holding a paper towel to his nose for a couple minutes he looked at the mirror. Dried blood clung to the fur on his snout. Devon presumed the doberman must have been wearing a ring as he patted dry the gash that it had left across the bridge of his nose.

Devon began to feel his eyes welling up and feared he was close to being unable to stop the flood of tears. After doing his best to wash out the blood-stained fur he shoved the soiled paper towels into the trash can and stomped out of the restroom. He paused briefly to consider looking for his sister and her friend, a twist of humiliation and anger pulling his mind in more directions than he could handle. He looked up to the balcony in an attempt to catch a glimpse of her bright pink shirt, but it was far too crowded to even consider the possibility of finding her. It took him only a few seconds to decide he couldn't stay any longer.

The pounding bass reduced to a faint hum as he exited the club and continued on the sidewalk. Devon's head began to ache, the shrill voices of women chatting with their friends as they stood in line waiting to get inside felt like needles in his ears. He could feel his head throbbing to the beat, and the blinking lights on the roofs of security vehicles burned behind his eyes. After two blocks he finally felt like he could begin to think.

He stopped and leaned against a cold brick wall and looked at the night sky. Tears soaked the fur on his cheeks. He didn't know what to do. He was far too humiliated to go back to the club at the moment, but it was a cold night. The wet fur on his face only made matters worse. As he scanned the buildings lining the street he spotted a sign for Jackie's Diner a couple blocks further up. He pulled his wallet from his jeans and unfolded it. His credit card and driver's license were gone, left at the bar to keep a tab open. A glance at the cash pouch revealed a single ten dollar note. Devon figured it would at least buy a cup of coffee, maybe after he could make his way back to the club.

The aroma of grilled meats and cooking oil felt surprisingly comforting. The air was nice and warm. It quickly drove away the cold of the chilly outside. Devon glanced across the diner and spotted an empty booth in the far corner of the establishment. With a heavy sigh he sat on the bench facing away from the rest of the diner, trying his best to isolate himself from the world. He rested his throbbing head in his hands for a while before a buzzing in his pocket startled him out of his stupor.

Pulling his phone from his pocket revealed a cracked screen. Devon cursed under his breath. All these years with a phone and never once had he dropped it. "I've only had this thing for two months, come on," he mumbled. The notification on the front screen showed an incoming text message from Symara.

"Whrd u g?"

Devon shook his head and laid the phone on the table. At this point he was in no way interested in his sister or her friend. As far as he was concerned they could get a taxi home. He brushed aside the slight pang of guilt and stared out the window. Another minute later a sweet southern voice drew his attention.

"Well good mornin', welcome to Jackie's. What can I get for-- Oh honey are you alright?"

Devon looked over to the waitress. His gaze moved from her red apron to her face, a mixture of light and dark grey fur. Her blue eyes flashed him a look of sincere concern. It took him a moment to realize that his wound must have started to bleed again, and he patted it with his paw to confirm. He looked back up to the waitress, a short haired husky by his reckoning.

"Oh. Yeah I'm fine, I'd just like a coffee please."

The look she gave him showed that she clearly hadn't bought his lie. "You most certainly are not, what happened?"

"Please, I just want a--"

She grabbed his paw before he could finish his request. "Come on, let's get that patched up." Devon decided he was too tired to argue with her and stood up. She practically dragged him past the counter and through a door into what appeared to be the manager's office. "Have a seat," she said, gesturing to a folding chair by the wall. He sat down and watched the husky as she opened a cabinet and stood on the tips of her tennis shoes to reach a first-aid kit. She opened it on the desk to his right and pulled out some antiseptic wipes, a tube of anti-bacterial cream, and a bandage.

When she turned and knelt down in front of him he took a moment to glance at the golden name tag pinned to her apron. "Alexa, that's a cute name," he thought to himself. He winced as she brushed an antiseptic wipe across the gash on his muzzle. "Sorry hun, but the cleaner I get this the faster it'll heal," she said. Devon found her voice extremely comforting. Besides, he really didn't mind the pain. If anything the sharp stings were drowning out the dull aches.

His eyes fixed on hers as she concentrated on tending to his wound. As she finished cleaning the area around it she looked up at him and smiled. She grabbed the antibacterial cream and squeezed a dab out on to a fingertip. "So are you gonna tell me what happened?" she asked as she began to dab the cream across the gash.

Devon couldn't help himself at this point, and with tears in his eyes he recounted the story. He finished the tale as she applied the bandage. She shook her head as she massaged the adhesive to his muzzle. "I'm not sure who's worse, the bitch who gave you her number when she's already taken or the asshole whose first reaction is to punch the innocent one." Devon simply shrugged. Alexa stood up and turned to begin putting everything back away. "Well all I know is if I were taken I'd tell someone if they asked for my number." Devon's ears perked up slightly. He watched her tail sway from side to side, and it was only now that he really looked at the girl who'd been taking care of him. She was short, even compared to him. His eyes followed the curve of her figure from legs to head and back. Her jeans hugged her legs, and her apron was tied tight around her waist holding in a loose white t-shirt. He could see the black fur from her tail continued all the way to the top of her head, and her ears were both tipped in bright white.

He was so focused and in a haze that he hadn't noticed when she turned around, a smile breaking across her face. When his gaze reached her face and he realized she was looking at him he froze. "I'm... uh..." he stammered. He tried to compose himself. "Surprised you're not taken," he managed to squeeze out. Her eyes lit up as she chuckled. "Well I'm still new to the city, but thank you." She grabbed his paw and helped him out of the chair. "Now that that's done I suppose I can take your order." She lead him back to his booth, and pulled a notepad out of her apron.

After ordering a coffee Devon resumed staring out of the window. He watched as clubbers passed by, many of whom were clearly a few drinks in by now. His phone buzzed again. He pulled it out, noticing the time. It had been almost an hour since he left the club. Symara had texted him twice more asking where he was. Struggling with the keyboard on the recently cracked screen he finally managed to type out a reply telling his sibling she'd need to grab a cab home. He quickly added that he'd pay for it in the morning before hitting send, and tossed the phone on to the table. Alexa returned with his coffee and set it in front of him. Devon looked up and noticed the husky was no longer wearing her apron.

She seemed to notice his quizzical look. "You were actually my last customer of the night," she said. "Ah," he replied with a nod. He sipped at his coffee and watched intently as Alexa bounced into the seat across from him. Devon's phone vibrated on the table and he noticed another incoming text from Symara. Shaking his head he quickly swiped the notification away. Alexa cocked her head sideways at Devon's reaction. "Not interested?" she asked.

"No, it's just Symara, no doubt upset that I told her I wasn't giving her a ride home."

Alexa feigned surprise. "Really? Does that mean you're not planning on going home? Because I'm sure she'd wait as long as you want her to."

"I'm not really sure what I plan to do, I just really don't feel like seeing her or her friend any more tonight."

Alexa nodded but remained silent, unsure if she should say what she was thinking. She watched Devon continue to sip at his coffee, and chuckled as he quickly swiped away another text message from his sister. "Well if you don't want to go home tonight," she started. Devon froze mid-sip and raised an eye brow. She took a few seconds to finish her thought. "My apartment is only a few blocks away. If you ask me my couch is almost more comfortable than my bed. You're welcome to stay the night."

Devon just stared at her, mouth agape. He wasn't even sure he'd heard her correctly. He started to stammer out a reply, but couldn't think of what to say. Alexa struggled to hide her embarrassed expression. "No pressure of course, just thought that if you wanted to avoid your sister for the night, it would be better than sitting in this diner until mornin'."

He hadn't thought about that. There wasn't much else he could do if he wanted to avoid Symara. Sure the diner was cozy enough he could probably suffer through it, or maybe sleep in his car. He shook his head at the thought. He looked back at Alexa's face and watched her nervousness turn back into a sweet smile. "Alright, that sounds good," he said. He finished the last of his coffee and pulled the ten dollar note from his wallet. Alexa held up her hand in protest, "Don't worry about that, it's on the house." After a quick back and forth he finally conceded, stuffed it back into his wallet, and followed the girl out on to the sidewalk.

The pair ambled slowly to her apartment. Alexa explained her recent decision to leave the small town she'd grown up in and move to the city. If she felt out of place she did an excellent job of hiding it, Devon thought. Devon talked about school and his career aspirations. He caught himself rambling on for five minutes about random astrophysics trivia and dipped his head in embarrassment. "Please, keep going," Alexa said. Devon glanced at the girl, who he now noticed had been holding onto his arm and leaning into his side. "Oh it's just more boring stuff, I'm sorry for rambling on."

"No really, I love listening to people talk about things they're passionate about. Plus it's always fun learning about new things," she pleaded.

So Devon continued his lecture, occasionally breaking free from her grasp to mime objects in the space in front of him. He was enjoying himself so much he failed to realize they'd been standing in front of her apartment door for the last five minutes. Alexa chuckled when he apologized, "I didn't want to interrupt, you were on a roll." Devon smiled back and nodded. "I don't get many opportunities to talk about that stuff. Guess I didn't want to waste the moment." Alexa laughed as she unlocked the door and ushered him inside.

Devon removed his shoes and placed them next to two other pairs near the doorway. He walked down the short hallway and scanned the interior. It was a small but cozy place. The living room was shared by a small kitchen with a counter separating the spaces. Sauce pans and skillets hung from a rack above the counter, and a full bread basket was nestled by the wall. He spotted the aforementioned couch opposite a decent sized flat-screen TV resting on a glass entertainment center. Piles of DVDs adorned either side, and he noticed a game console on the shelf below. Another small hallway connected the main living area to a bedroom and a bathroom opposite of it. A combination washer and dryer rested in a nook at the end.

"Make yourself at home," Alexa said as she dropped her keys in a small bowl on the kitchen counter. "I need to get out of these clothes, don't much like smelling like waffles and sausage." Devon watched her disappear into the bedroom, her tail swaying quickly back and forth. He slowly meandered over and dropped into the couch. She definitely wasn't kidding about the piece of furniture possibly being the most comfortable in the place. He sunk down as much as he could and lifted his feet onto the matching ottoman.

A couple of minutes passed before Alexa reemerged from her room. She'd changed into a black tank top and a pair of fuzzy pink pajama bottoms. Devon watched as she walked over to the kitchen and opened a cabinet. "Can I get you anything to drink?" she offered. After Devon declined, she grabbed a single glass and filled it with sweet tea from a dispenser in the fridge. Then she walked over to the couch and practically jumped into the seat next to him. She picked up a remote from the coffee table and navigated to one of the many streaming services on the TV.

"I'm not sure what's on but I'm sure we can find something you'd like," she said as she scrolled through the list. She looked over at Devon with a smile. Devon hadn't stopped watching her since she returned from her bedroom. His heart raced, he knew what he wanted to do, but couldn't shake the fear that gripped him. He brought his muzzle towards hers but stopped short in hesitation. After what felt like an eternity for the border collie, Alexa closed the distance and gave him a quick kiss. That was all it took for Devon, who dove into a passionate kiss. Alexa fell back onto the couch, resting the glass of tea onto the coffee table before embracing him.

Both pairs of paws explored every inch of the others body. Alexa's paws dropped to Devon's hips and gripped hard, drawing him as close as she could. Devon could already feel his cock begin to strain against his jeans. He brought his paw down to her thigh and squeezed it lightly before bringing it to her rump and grinding himself against her. Her breath began to get heavier, their kissing growing in intensity. Her feet pressed against the arm rest, slowly pushing the pair down the couch. Devon slowly slid his paw up her tight tank top and massaged her breast. Alexa gasped as he drew away from her lips and leaned into her neck. Devon continued to grind his groin into hers as he bit lightly.

The two continued to grind. Alexa rhythmically pulled Devon's hips into hers, moaning in time. Devon's paw moved down her side and into her pajama bottoms. He rubbed her bare thigh at the edge of her panties, feeling the heat pouring from her pussy. Alexa groped the growing bulge in his jeans while her other paw worked at his belt. As she pulled it free Devon pushed her sopping panties to the side before working a single digit up and down her slit, occasionally pushing it into her slick passage. Every stroke brought a small gasp from the husky.

Alexa worked at Devon's jeans, releasing the button and pushing them down his legs. Devon quickly pulled them off and kicked them to the floor before shoving his paw into her panties and cupping her pussy, her juices covering his palm. He worked two digits into her cunt and started pumping, grinding his thumb against her clit. Alexa squirmed as they returned to making out. She slipped her paw into his boxer-briefs and cupped his balls and growing sheath. Devon continued to pump his fingers in and out of her pussy. Alexa could feel her own juices dripping down and staining every square inch of her panties. She did her best to massage the growing length in her paw, but she found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything but Devon's paw rubbing away.

Devon withdrew from his kissing and sat up onto his knees before pulling off his shirt and then her pajama bottoms and panties down in one motion. Alexa quickly pushed them off the rest of the way with her feet while Devon took in the site of her beautiful slit. He grabbed her waist and pushed her further up the couch before leaning down and shoving his muzzle into her crotch. Alexa gasped as he brought his tongue across her slit and lapped up the juices that covered her pussy. Devon licked away at her clit and looked up across the husky's body at Alexa's face. As he continued to grind his tongue across her cunt Alexa threw her head back. She grabbed onto Devon's head and pulled him in deeper, hips still squirming under his assault. Her heavy breathing turned into ragged gasps for air as Devon drove his tongue deep into her. She felt his muzzle brush against her thighs, her juices soaking into the fur and chilling in the air.

Soon enough Alexa began to feel the pressure building in her groin. Her breath quickened and she pulled his head even harder as she approached her climax. An electrifying wave of pleasure crashed over her body as she came hard. Her legs began to spasm and her ragged breath stopped entirely as she shook with ecstasy. Devon continued to pump his tongue in and out of her gushing pussy, her juices dripping and soaking into the couch cushions below. After Alexa finally returned to breathing heavily he pulled back and brought his paw to her slit, slowly pushing his still wet fingers in and out while his other paw massaged her thigh.

Alexa slowly began to catch her breath, her head swimming in a pool of pleasure. She started to grind against Devon's paw. Devon used his free hand to slowly pull his boxer-briefs down and onto the floor. As he continued to finger her pussy Alexa brought her feet up to his now exposed sheath and began to massage it, drawing out his growing cock.

Devon could not wait any longer. In a surprising show of force he grabbed her waist and began to flip her over. He pulled the middle cushion from the back of the couch down and pushed Alexa onto it, her rump now raised up slightly. Devon scooted forward and dragged his cock up and down her slit before slowly hilting himself completely in one push. Alexa moaned as he filled her and felt his balls resting against her. Devon propped himself up and began pumping, slowly at first then quickly picking up speed. His balls slapped against her squeezed together thighs with every stroke. The room was filled with a cacophony of lewd moans, squelches, and slaps. Devon grunted as he shoved his length as deep as he could. He withdrew nearly all of his seven inches each time before slamming forward into the silky passage. Her walls squeezed against his throbbing cock, milking pre from his length adding even more wetness to the sopping mess.

Devon could feel his knot begin to expand. He wrapped an arm around Alexa's waist and shoved forward as hard as he could. His thrusts became short and quick. Alexa moaned loudly as the inflating knot locked them together and filled her even more. The bulb tugged at her insides and rubbed every last spot of her sensitive pussy. She climaxed hard once again, and her walls clamped down on the invading member. Devon could hold back no more, and shoved hard one last time before flooding her pussy with his seed.

Wave after wave of cum filled Alexa's cunt, unable to squeeze past the enormous knot plugging her. Devon collapsed onto her, his cock pulling against her. She squirmed under his weight, feeling his seed swirling around in her engorged passage. Devon panted, his hot breath blowing past her ears. Her constant movement massaged his sensitive length, sending shocks of pleasure across his entire body. He bit down on her shoulder and hugged her tight. They panted in unison as he slowly came down from the high.

Once he could finally think clearly again, Devon pulled the cushion out from under the husky and rolled them onto their backs, his cock still throbbing inside her. With a little difficulty Alexa managed to turn around and lay facing the collie and began to lightly kiss him. She could taste her juices on his matted muzzle. Devon's cum seeped from her, covering them both in his seed. After fifteen minutes of cuddling and light kissing his member slipped free from her pussy. Alexa looked into Devon's eyes and rubbed his floppy ear. Her face broke into a wide smile, the husky unable to contain her joy.

"I suppose we should get cleaned up," she finally said. Devon nodded in agreement, not quite able to speak yet. She slid off of him and grabbed his paw to help him to his feet. She pulled him to the bathroom and Devon watched as she bent down to turn on the shower. Streams of cum continued to flow down her thighs. Alexa look at Devon, his face in a stupor. She giggled and wiggled her hips at him to get his attention. "Looking at the mess you made?" she said with a wink. Devon could already feel his sheath begin to swell again. He reached out and grabbed her ass, admiring everything.

Soon enough the water was nice and hot and Alexa pulled Devon into the shower. He held her from behind and rested his face in her neck as the water washed away the mess. Alexa turned around and pulled Devon into a kiss while a paw moved down to his swelling sheath. She pulled back from their embrace and looked down at his package. With a smile she quipped, "Wow, still not satisfied?"

"Have you seen yourself? I don't think I could ever be satisfied," he replied. Alexa giggled, then dropped to her knees. "Well it would be rude to leave my guest unsatisfied," she said as she pulled his sheath down revealing the red tip of his cock. Devon lifted his head back as she licked at the tip with her paw fondling his balls at the same time. Within moments his cock was back to its full length, and Devon watched in amazement as it disappeared entirely into the husky's maw. Alexa gagged once as Devon's hips bucked the member against the back of her throat, but continued to suckle at the entire length.

Devon brought a paw down to rub the top of her head as she worked on his length. Alexa bobbed up and down on his cock, swallowing every bit of pre she milked from it. She brought a paw down to her own throbbing sex and pumped her fingers in and out of her dripping pussy. As Devon's knot began to swell she pulled his cock from her muzzle and began to lick from base to tip. Devon wouldn't last long, her slick tongue was joined by a stream of hot water, and he could feel the pressure building in his balls. Alexa could tell too, and began lick at his cock faster while gently squeezing at his orbs, feeling them draw up towards his stomach as he approached the point of no return. With a loud moan and a grunt the first wave of cum splashed across the husky's face, dripping down between her blue eyes. Alexa pumped at his cock with her paw, directing his seed all across her face, completely covering herself.

After Devon appeared to be spent, Alexa stood and washed the cum from her face in the stream of water before pulling Devon into one more kiss. His cock continued to twitch as they took turns washing their fur and rinsing themselves clean. His member had finally retreated when the water began to get cold, and the pair decided it was time get out. After drying themselves off and running a blow dryer through each others fur they stepped back into the living room.

Alexa looked over to the couch, now thoroughly covered in her juices and his cum. "Well, definitely not going to ask you to sleep on that now. Guess you're sleeping in my bed." Devon felt a little bad about the mess on the couch. "Sorry about that," he said. Alexa laughed. "Don't worry, I'll have it all cleaned up for next time."

Next time. Devon smiled wide. He followed her into her bed and held her close as he drifted to sleep.


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