Tales of the Twin Schools Chapter 9 Part 1

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#22 of Tales of the Twin Schools

Tiffany 'Gia has invented a new machine that does... uh... something! Inviting a bunch of her classmates for a demonstration, said demonstration goes horribly wrong. Now the kids are faced with the strange sight of children... FROM THE FUTURE!!!!

The first half of a friggin' GIANT story I've been working on for the last several weeks. I have been truly inspired on this one, and this isn't even the really fun half of the story. I'm introducing a whole NEW set of cuties to add to the cast of Twin Schools here. This'll probably be it for a while in expanding the cast. Now to play with my new characters!

Hope you enjoy this work, and just wait for the second half...

"Tiffany, why are we here again?" Skye asked, sighing as she crossed her arms over her chest, her ears folded back in annoyance. The little tiger-cheetah was zipping back and forth around her lab, grabbing tools and running back to something beneath a tarp to tinker loudly. A small crowd of cubs stood there, watching her in various states of boredom, irritation, and bemusement. Skye noted Kiyone, Fire, Jayden, Sonic, Sally, Simba, and Nala all standing about, waiting for Tiffany to explain.

"Hang on, hang on, almost done!" she called, brushing a lock of her spot-striped yellow hair out of her reflective green eyes.

"...Fire, she's YOUR girlfriend-..." Skye began, turning to her brother nearby. He cut her off in mid sentence, holding up a paw and shaking his head.

"Listen, I have no idea what she's doing. She just sent me a message to show up here. And even IF she explained it, I seriously doubt I'd understand it," Fire sighed resignedly, "I'm sure she'll get to it... at some point."

"I don't get why WE'RE here. We don't even go to this school," Simba grumbled.

"Oh, cool off. You and Tiffany got along real well last week, when you met at that shop to pick up custom underwear," Nala said, "Besides, you'd think you'd want to be friends with one of the only other people in Breezeport who knows what it's like to have the kind of problems you do."

Nala gestured at the pronounced bulge in Simba's shorts, raising an eyebrow at him suggestively. The boy sighed and nodded slowly, getting the point.

"...True," admitted Simba with a sigh, "But still, I have stuff to do."

"Sorry, sorry! Just needed to do some last minute tinkering," Tiffany called, brushing her paws off as she stood up and turned to address the other children. She adjusted her working clothes, a ratty, torn and stained old t-shirt from an old cartoon that had fallen out of fashion a year or two ago, and a pair of loose-fitting pajama pants, with a child-sized lab-coat. The girl's white-furred cheeks were flushed with excitement; an appearance on anyone else that Skye would take for sexual arousal. But for Tiffany, Skye knew that she tended to get that look when she was excited over some impending scientific achievement.

"So! Thanks for coming, everyone... I was expecting like... eight or nine other people, but..." Tiff said, looking about as she brushed a lock of red-orange hair back, her tail swishing rapidly behind her.

"...They probably didn't get your message," Kiyone said diplomatically, though from the look she exchanged with Skye, she clearly thought that the others had ignored the message that Tiffany had sent, "There's been some server troubles lately."

"Right," Tiffany said, buying the excuse without a second thought, "Anyway thank you for coming. You were the guys I was most interested in having come here anyway."

"....Why? I know literally nothin' about science," Sonic complained, glancing over at Sally, who brushed a paw through her red hair, fingering her long braid.

"It's not my expertise or area of interest either, to be honest," Sally admitted, "My best class is history."

"Doesn't matter. As it stands, you guys are both my closest friends and also happen to possess unique genetic attributes," Tiffany said, waving a hand.

"Tiffany, deep breath. Slow down. Back up about a hundred miles. Act as if we aren't all super geniuses with telepathy," Nala said slowly, holding up her hands.

"...Sorry. Okay, starting at the beginning. I have just finished my greatest invention to date!" Tiffany announced, holding up her hand dramatically.

"...Better than Mega-Spurt?" Fire asked, "Because that allowed me to FINALLY beat Skye in a bukkake contest."

"Hey! I KNEW you cheated! That chocolate bar should been mine!" Skye growled angrily.

"Okay, SECOND greatest invention," Tiffany amended, "But this is almost as good. So I've invented a quantum flux genetic recombination aggregation crucible."

As she made this comment, she yanked the tarp off a large machine of utterly arcane appearance with a flourish. Her announcement, which she said in a manner as if she expected uproarious applause and exclamations of disbelief, was instead met with a bewildered silence and blank stares.

"...What?" Fire finally said, blinking.

"...A quantum flux genetic recombination aggregation crucible?" Tiffany repeated, less sure of herself, "...For manipulating string theory and the quantum foam to..."

She trailed off as the children continued to stare without even a hint of an iota of the tiniest spark of comprehension. She placed her paws on her hips and gave a long sigh.

"Okay, maybe it'll make more sense if I show you. First, I need a genetic sample from each of you," the tiger-cheetah sighed, walking forward, "Each of you has a particularly special genetic trait or signature, so this should work really well."

Skye and Fire grinned at each other and reached down to pull down their skirt and slacks respectively. Tiffany yelped and waved her paws.

"No, no! A single hair or strand of fur is enough! I don't need (or WANT) you to shower my lab with goo!" she squeaked. Skye and Fire both looked highly disappointed, pulling their clothes back on. The children easily plucked the hair and handed it over to Tiffany. She sighed and walked back to her machine.

Muttering to herself, Tiffany inserted the hairs into the machine and began to circle around it, tapping controls and typing. None of the children had even a hint of a clue of what exactly she was doing, and the machine's appearance gave no clues.

"Okay... Starting it up... NOW!" she called. She flipped one last switch.

Almost instantly, there was an ominous humming, then grinding noise from the machine. Before anyone could react, there was an enormous BANG and the machine promptly exploded into a cloud of roiling black smoke.

"Was it SUPPOSED to detonate like a smoke bomb?" Jayden yelped, as the smoke washed over him, completely obscuring him from view.

"NO!" Tiffany gasped, before she too vanished in the cloud.

The kids coughed and hacked loudly as the billowing smoke filled the room. Sensors triggered and the ventilation fans kicked on as the windows snapped open automatically. Slowly the air began to clear. It occurred to Skye (whose hearing bordered on the supernatural, given her huge ears,) that there were more voices coughing than there were children in the room.

The answer to this mystery became clear a minute later as the opaque smoke cleared away. Several new children were doubled over in the middle of the room, eyes watering as they gasped for fresh air. It did not escape Skye's keen notice of the totally obvious, that all of them were completely naked.

"What the f--" Tiffany gasped, before belting out several other oaths that would have earned her a week's detention from any teacher and a potential spanking (without a happy ending) from her mother.

"What the...? Where are we?" squeaked a young fox vixen. She looked like a fennec, but with pale pink fur. A mane of brilliant red hair cascaded down her bare back and covered her rear, and a distinctive blue forelock dangled down in her face. A pair of mismatched eyes peered out from under large bangs, one a bright, vibrant green, the other a vivid violet. A swath of fluffy white fur ran from the lower half of her face, down her chest and stomach, to her groin. A large, bushy white-tipped tail swished behind her, a pair of large wings with silver feathers flapped. Between her legs, a pair of large, dripping phalluses pulsed eagerly above her little mound, damp with honey.

"I dunno! We were just sitting in class and then poof! We're where we are now!" complained a boy.

"I think I got every lung disease in the world at once," coughed a girl, shaking her head weakly.

They were a pair of wolf-fox hybrids, and clearly were siblings. They were of average height, making them tower over the new fennec girl. They had grey fur with shaggy silver hair. The boy had yellow highlights in his hair, the girl had red. Their ears were larger than a normal wolf's, their muzzles a little longer and more slender. The boy had bright blue eyes, while his sister had green. Both wore glasses on the bridge of their muzzles. They had slightly stocky builds, but were clearly healthy. They had long, bushy tails like foxes; the tips were colored, yellow for the boy, red for the girl. Both of the wolf-foxes sported nearly matching erections; both were slightly over a foot long, with bright red flesh and a knot resting snugly against their sheathes. The difference was that the boy had a healthy and surprisingly large pair of coconut-sized testicles hanging beneath his sheath, while the girl's vulva trickled a steady dribble of nectar down her thighs.

"Aww, man, I spent two hours on that essay last night, and it figures that'd be the ONE day I get teleported across time and space to somewhere strange," griped a male voice. Its owner had an even more exotic appearance than the fennec or the fox-wolf twins. He had an odd mixture of feline and canine traits. Skye had to guess that he was a cheetah-fox hybrid. He had shaggy red-orange hair, marked with a distinct pattern of spots, clustered in shapes like tiger stripes. He had bright blue eyes over a distinctly canine muzzle. His fur was even more orange than his hair. The spot-stripe pattern continued down his body, except for a field of fluffy white fur covering his chest, stomach, and groin. A pair of large, orange wings protruded from his shoulder blades, fluttering softly, over a long, sinuous feline tail. A big, swollen penis jutted from his hips above a fuzzy white scrotum with a pair of softball-sized testicles, and the boy showed not even the slightest hint of embarrassment at showing it off.

"What're you guys doing in the Pridelands? Or... Uh... What am I doing here?" another girl asked dazedly, looking quite confused as she added, "I wasn't supposed to see you guys again for another week!" Unlike the others, she was not a hybrid. She was a lioness with shoulder-length golden hair and fur. She had large and very pretty red-brown eyes. The girl had an easy-going demeanor as she rested her paw on one of her small, slightly curved hips, drawing Skye's eyes down. The fennec (and the other Breezeport cubs taking in the newcomers) gasped in surprise. Not one, not two, not three long, pulsing pink erections throbbed and pulsed above her vulva, twitching up and down in unison.

"Big sis? What happened to Pride Rock?" said a little lion boy. The youngest of the bunch, he could not have been older than 5. His fur was a rich yellow color, with large brown eyes. He had a shock of startlingly red hair on top of his head. He had a mark on his shoulder, resembling a paw print, but when Skye looked closer and tilted her head, it sort of resembled a roaring lion's head. He was shivering as a trio of smaller shafts pulsed in his lap, each dribbling fluid onto the floor. He blushed when he saw the older girl look over at him, and the lioness looked mildly scandalized.

This would be because the little boy was currently resting in the lap of a second lion boy, whose very large, but singular shaft was buried to the hilt within the younger. This boy bore little resemblance to the other two, outside of species. He had a darker, more melancholic appearance than the other two, with brown fur and large blue eyes ringed by dark brown spots. A mop of black hair hung from his head, hanging down almost to his shoulders. The older lion boy hastily pulled free of the younger, splattering the ground with pre in the process. Skye was impressed by the size of his length; almost fifteen inches long and impressively thick.

"...Really? My little brother before me?" the lioness asked with a sigh.

"He got to me first!" the boy complained in a rough, but not unfriendly voice, "I couldn't help-"

"Yeah, yeah, you'll make it up to me later; I'll make sure of THAT. Once we figure out where we are..." she interrupted, waving a dismissive paw.

Skye, who was even by her own admission never the quickest on the uptake, began to have a sneaking suspicion of who these mysterious new cubs were. This hunch was further supported when she saw the last pair of children.

"Whoa! We're in Breezeport? How'd we get here from home? There's no way we could have gotten here that fast, even at a dead sprint..." asked a girl. The chipmunk had perfect chestnut brown fur and brilliant flaming red hair. A blue streak ran through her hair, slightly offset to the left of center. The red of her fur ran down her back in two thin stripes to her little fluffy tail. She had bright green eyes, narrowed in an intelligent, if confused, glare. A pink length hung down between her thighs, half-erect and swelling.

""Not a clue, sis! But man, there's some new cuties here. How YOU doin'?" asked a boy, winking at Sally. He was a hedgehog with vivid blue quills styled into three columns of long spikes down his back. The spikes each had a crimson streak, giving them a fiery appearance. His blue eyes were full of mischief as he made eyes at Sally, waggling his eyebrows, much to Sonic's irritation. His penis was rock hard and over a foot long, pulsing eagerly in Sally's direction.

"What did I DO?!" Tiffany exclaimed in disbelief, zipping over to her broken machine and examining the damage. She winced and sighed, looking at the shards of shattered steel and fried circuitry.

"What DID you do?" asked Fire, blushing at the sight of the nude and confused new kids. His pants were tenting dramatically.

"I... Maybe there was a quantum merging of our DNA signatures and extradimensional matter transmutation?" Tiffany suggested, ignoring or not noticing the blank stares of the other children, "Thus creating fused hybrid-clones of all of us? It's... happened before, sorta. My aunt Brianna is the result of something similar..."

"What in the world is she talkin' about?" asked Sonic, staring uncomprehendingly.

"No idea. Science isn't my specialty," Sally sighed, as if admitting that fact was painful to her.

"...Um... she's talking about basically copying two people and fusing them," explained the fox-cheetah hybrid, raising his paw shyly, "And did... Did you just mention my great-aunt, Brianna Diggers?"

"...Your great-aunt...?" Tiffany asked, looking as dumbfounded as everyone else.

"They're not hybrid-clone-whatevers. They're our kids! From the future!" exclaimed Skye, gesturing at them, as if this was completely obvious. Everyone stared at her now. She blinked, tilted one of her large ears, and shrugged.

"...What? Am I the ONLY one here that watches tons of old Saturday morning cartoons and reads tons of comic books? And seriously, look at 'em!" Skye said, waving her paw at the children again. She approached the pink-furred fennec (suppressing a twinge of irritation that the girl was just slightly taller than she was) and asked, "Hey, kid. What's your name, and who are your parents?"

The pink fox blinked and rubbed the back of her head as she replied, "I'm Raye Eldrich. And my moms are Skye Eldrich... and Kiyone Eldrich."

Skye grinned and turned back to the others, "TOLDJA!!!"

"Huh?" said Raye, her ears folded back in confusion.

"I'M Skye Eldrich," Skye said with a grin, pointing her thumb at her chest. Raye stared for a moment, taking in the fennec's green eyes, her cotton candy pink and blue hair, her golden wings, and the pair of bulges in her skirt... then yelped in shock and stabbed a finger at her in disbelief.

"M-M-M-MOMMY?! Whaaaaaa...?!! Who shrank you?! You're tiny!!!" she squealed in disbelief, "Where'd your giant boobies go?!"

A large throbbing, glowing vein pulsed on Skye's forehead and she growled angrily, "I'm NOT tiny! I'm perfectly sized for a cub my age!" (At this pronouncement, all the children behind Skye shook their heads in flat disagreement.) "...Wait, I have giant boobies in the future?"

"I'm... still confused," Jayden mumbled, staring as he cleaned his glasses for the tenth time, as if the new kids were just smudges on his lenses that would vanish if he just wiped them off.

"..." Skye sighed, "...Raye, what's the current year?"

Raye named a date approximately twenty years in the future. Skye grinned and did her "I told you so" dance, an exceedingly obnoxious routine reminiscent of the Macarena, with added pelvic thrusting, booty shaking, and an air of extreme smugness. The other children ignored her pointedly, trying to keep their focus on the situation at hand.

"Okay, so... uh... who are your parents?" Jayden asked, glancing back and forth between the wolf-fox twins. They glanced at each other.

"Uh... I'm Ronnie, this is my half-sister Rennie. Same dad, different moms. Our dad is Jayden Lupo. My mom's Skye Eldrich," said the boy. Skye stopped her dance and blinked in surprise, looking back and forth between Jayden and Ronnie, her jaw dropped. Jayden's eyes were as wide as dinner plates, and his pants were straining to contain his arousal as this information percolated.

"And my mom's Kiyone Eldrich," said Rennie, glancing at the red-furred vixen. Kiyone looked even more shocked than Jayden and Skye combined, and mouthed the words, "Kiyone ELDRICH?" Jayden fell over with a loud crash, apparently overcome by the news, his fly finally giving way as his penis flopped out onto his stomach.


"Waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, you mean we're... in the past?" said the hedgehog boy, finally catching on, his blue eyes narrowing as he looked over at Sally and the other squirrel, apparently realizing that they bore more than just a resemblance; in fact, if it weren't for the streak in the other squirrel's hair, her hairstyle, and the color of her eyes, they would have been identical twins.

"Apparently," said the other squirrel, taking this revelation much more calmly, "...I'm Sonia Acorn. That guy there with the big thingie and tiny brain is my twin brother, Manik."

"Then... that means I was... Did I just hit on my own mother?" Manik asked, blushing as he suddenly registered Sonic standing there.

"You WOULD be the one of us to do that," Sonia sighed, "And you guys must be our... uh... past-parents, Sonic Hedgehog and Sally Acorn?"

Sonic and Sally nodded, apparently too dumbfounded to speak.

***** The lioness looked back and forth between Simba and Nala, her mouth open in a cute little "o" of realization. She suddenly broke down giggling, burying her muzzle in her paws and doubled over.

"...What? What's so funny?" Simba demanded, his paws on his hips as he narrowed his eyes in irritation, glancing over at Nala.

"I... I never thought that you were so CUTE as a kid, Daddy!" she giggled, apparently taking the concept of time-travel in stride, "And you're pretty, Mommy."

"I'm not CUTE!" Simba growled irritably, crossing his arms over his chest, "And I'm not your daddy!"

"...You aren't her daddy, YET," amended Nala kindly, patting him on the back, apparently also understanding the situation a bit better than most. She walked forward and gave the younger lioness a once-over. They looked quite similar, superficially; Nala's fur was more cream-colored, while the new lioness had gold fur. The lioness's eyes were red-brown, Nala's were teal. The biggest difference was what hung between their legs; the new girl had three pulsing erections over her vulva, while Nala had no telltale bulge of arousal under her skirt.

"What's your name?" Nala asked, admiring the new girl's long, silky hair. Hers was cropped short, by comparison.

"Kiara," said the new lioness, "And you're Nala and Simba, obviously... though..."

She trailed off, threatening to break out in hysterical laughter again.

"What?!" Simba demanded crossly.

"Though I've never seen you without your mane! You and Mommy look a lot alike!" she guffawed. Simba growled and glanced at Nala, who was snickering too.

"And who's this lil' cutie?" Nala asked, bending over to smile at the little boy who was looking up at her. She ruffled his red hair playfully.

"My name's Kion," said the boy, puffing out his chest proudly, "...And you're my mommy? ...But... younger?"

Nala nodded and turned her attention to the last child, and frowned. She looked at him, over at Simba, then back at him. The black-haired lion had a large droplet of sweat run down his face.

"...You're not our kid, are you?" Nala asked.

"Uh... nnnno. But... I am... SORT of related to you... kinda..." the boy said, glancing over at Simba.

"...Spit it out, kid, who are you?" prompted the prince impatiently, waving a hand at him.

"...My name is Kovu, and uh... I'm sorta the adopted son of your uncle," said the boy, wincing as if he expected Simba to explode in anger at this revelation. Instead, all he got was a mildly confused stare.

"...Was... this supposed to mean something? I mean... I'm glad Uncle Scar decided to finally get an heir," Simba said with a shrug.

Kiara and Kovu exchanged a meaningful look, both looking quite relieved by this reaction.


Tiffany looked over the cheetah-fox and sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. He opened his mouth to speak, and she cut him off with a gesture.

"Shhhshshshsh! SHH!" she exclaimed, leaping onto her broken machine and trying to piece it together, "No! I don't wanna know. I've just violated SO many laws of time travel that I'm surprised that the time-space continuum hasn't collapsed in a pile of soggy goo already! Don't tell me anything, don't look at me, I need to fix this!!!"

"Umm..." said the boy, a sweatdrop rolling down his face, "...I'm... not as good at inventing stuff or fixing stuff as you are, but... When the mysterious blue smoke of death comes off of circuit boards, I know they're fried."

"No no no no! I can fix this, I'll put you back home, and we'll never talk about this again, and the universe won't explode!" Tiffany squealed, covering her ears, before grabbing a toolbox.

"...So... Um... Is... Is she still like this... in your time?" Fire asked, walking up beside the boy, pointedly staring at the wall next to him, to avoid staring at the boy's cock. The cheetah-fox sighed.

"...Sometimes? But you... er... future you, knows a trick to zonk her out if she gets too riled up on a project," said the boy.

"I do? I mean, of course I do... and what would this trick be... if only to confirm that we both know what the trick is, of course. Because I know the trick, and I'm just asking to test you!" Fire said, in one of the least convincing lies ever told. The boy rolled his eyes and sighed, turning to face Fire.

"...My name's Coal... and I s'pose I'm your kid?" he said, holding his hand out. Fire shook it awkwardly, his cheeks flushing red.

"...Fire, but... you kinda know that... and I mean, it's... kinda obvious you are. With that fur-pattern, I mean... She's..." Fire said awkwardly, jerking a thumb over at Tiffany.

"LALALALALALAAA! I DIDN'T HEAR THAT OR ANY OTHER POTENTIALLY FUTURE-EXPLODING INFORMATION!!!" Tiffany called out loudly, glaring over her shoulder at Fire.

"...Y'know, her behavior is all the weirder, considering she's met her own future self a couple of times..." Fire said, bemused.

"I know. Mom's gone back a handful of times to meet her and deal with stuff. Like that drunk alternate version of her," Coal sighed, "...Don't ask. Long story."

"...I try not to. Her family is WEIRD," Fire agreed, "...So, about that trick? She's not gonna calm down on her own any time soon."

"Okay, okay," Coal said, walking forward. He waited until Tiffany bent down, lifting her rear high to grab a shard of metal off the ground and try to fit it back into the housing. With a swift movement, his right hand found the back of her pants, pinching the base of her tail, even as his left gripped the scruff of her neck.

"HEY! What're you... OoooOOOHhhhh...." Tiffany demanded, before trailing off. Coal began to massage her neck and tail at the same time, his fingers working slowly. Tiffany's expression turned from outrage, to confusion, to pleasure, to vacant mindless bliss. She slumped in his grip, practically melting in the cheetah-fox's paws. A loud, rumbling purr elicited from her chest. Fire could not help but notice a rapidly growing tent in her pajama pants, a wet spot starting to expand in the fabric.

"...Did she just spurt in her pants?" Fire asked, blinking.

"Um... yeah," Coal said, blushing as hot wetness splashed his thigh where Tiffany's pelvis pressed against him, "Mom said that the base of her tail is her weak spot... and that if you massage that and her neck right behind the ears at the same time, it sorta overwhelms her brain with pleasure and puts her in a sorta stupor."

"Oh, man, I've been trying to find out about this sorta thing for months," Fire said, grinning as Tiffany gurgled dazedly, pumping her hips forward. White fluid seeped out of the girl's pants, splashing onto the floor in thick bursts.

Tiffany's orgasmic moans drew the attention of the other kids, who turned to watch as she thrust her hips in time with her ejaculations, soaking her pajamas. Their conversations interrupted, the present and future children now had new questions.

"Whoa, what happened to her?" Sonic asked, blinking, "And how do I get that to happen to me?"

"More importantly, what the heck is she WEARING?" Sonia asked, blinking as her shaft twitched up and down at the sight.

"What? A lab coat, t-shirt, and pajama pants. Nothin' weird," said Simba, shrugging.

"...A lab coht? Tee-shir? Whaa?" echoed Ronnie uncomprehendingly. Now all of the present day children were staring at him.

"...Clothing?" suggested Kiyone slowly, clearly having a sneaking suspicion about the future children. This suspicion was confirmed a moment later.

"Clothing? Really?! I've never seen it before except in old movies!" Rennie said, blinking as she looked around at all the other kids, "Wow, how quaint! How old-fashioned!"

"You don't know what CLOTHES are?!" exclaimed Sally, her blue eyes wide and jaw dropped in disbelief, "Wh-What do you WEAR?!"

"...Nothing? The way nature intended?" Manik replied, shrugging, "So that everyone can see what you're sporting and give you compliments, or touch you easily!"

"But what about in the winter, when it's snowing and cold and your little butts turn to ice cubes?!" Nala asked, looking just as stunned as the other present-day kids.

"Personal environmental protection field patches? What, you don't have those?" Coal asked, frowning. The present day kids all shook their heads in unison.

"Well, I mean, it's not ENTIRELY true that we always go naked... I mean, I wore... uh... what-do-ya-call-'em's.... Ah! Lingerie! I wore a little cute bra, some crotchless panties, a garter belt, and some stockings to a wedding a year or two ago... It was weird," Raye volunteered, shrugging, "...But I think the question is why do YOU wear clothing?"

"...So that we're NOT always showing our thingies off to each other unless we want to? Or so we don't freeze our little fuzzy butts off in the winter?" Skye replied. There was a long and very awkward silence as the future and present day kids stared at each other in confusion and disbelief, processing the cultural divide that only 20 years would bring.

"Y'know what? I'm embracing the future!" Fire said, grinning wide, as he began to shuck his clothing, tossing aside the buttoned shirt and clip-on tie covering his top. His slacks and underwear followed a moment later, allowing his half-hard penis to flop out and swell. Already reaching down to his knees, he grinned as he gripped it and stroked it shamelessly in front of the other children.

"Whoa... My dad's cock..." Coal said, staring at it, blushing.

"Yeah, it's awesome, right?" Fire said, grinning as he sauntered forward, "I'm bigger than you!"

Sure enough, he was an inch longer than the cheetah-fox and a little thicker. Coal gave a strangely feminine giggle for a boy.

"Um... Yeah, but... I was gonna say, it's so small and cute!" Coal said, chuckling. Fire's face fell and he stared at Coal.

"Hey, in my time, you're 28 years old, twice as tall as me, and you're like 21 inches long!" Coal said, giggling again, "When I was younger, you used to let me ride around on it. When you spurted, you called it your 'bucking stallion.'"

Fire's eyes went wide and his swelling arousal suddenly sprung to a full and solid erection. He stammered incoherently, apparently unable to think of anything to say. Coal smirked and began to undress Tiffany, pulling off her coat and tugging her shirt over her head. He blushed, looking at the girl's stiff little pink nipples.

"...Wow, they're small too... She's so big in my time, I never imagined her with a flat chest," Coal admitted, a dribble of pre running down his shaft as his wings fluttered. He tugged down Tiffany's pants and revealed her penis and vulva to the world. Her shaft was still lurching up and down, spurting violently.

"Whee-hee-hee mrflge glfrle..." Tiffany giggled drunkenly as Coal wrapped a hand around her cock, pumping it in time with her gushes. He stroked his own as well, and Fire blushed, watching his foreskin glide over his dribbling tip. Tiffany, in her soporific state, was limp in his hands, drooling dazedly as her eyes rolled around in her head.

"I... I gotta try this..." Coal panted huskily, "S-Sorry, Dad, but..."

"Try what?" Fire asked. He was answered a moment later, when the cheetah-fox drew his hips back and in one swift movement, hilted his stiff cock in Tiffany's sopping wet muff. Fire's jaw dropped and a dribble of precum ran down his shaft as Coal began to pump his hips, moaning in delight.

"Ahh! It feels just as good as when Mom's an adult!!!" he gasped, "T-Tiiiight!"

***** The other kids, watching Fire and his future son beginning to play with Tiffany. There was a series of exchanged glances between the children of the present day, before they gave a shrug in near unison. They all came to the same conclusion: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

There was a commotion as the present day kids set about undressing. This was easier for Nala and Simba, who did not wear school uniforms like the rest, and didn't have buttons or scarves to undo. Within moments the two lions were nude, and letting their future daughter, son, and friend take a look.

"Wow... I don't wanna be like Coal, and say something so... uh... blunt but..." Kiara said, blushing as she looked at Simba's trio of erections, his swollen sack hanging below.

"Just say it," sighed Simba, pinching the bridge of his nose irritably.

"...Well, I mean, for what it's worth, you get even bigger than Grandpa Mufasa when you're an adult!

"Wait, I do?" Simba blinked, sounding both surprised and delighted by that news. His shafts gave an eager twitch up and down.

"Uh-huh! Me and Mom love watching you taking him from behind... And Kion taking you..." Kiara purred, sauntering over to the lion boy, until she was close enough that the tips of her penises pressed against his. Her tufted tail swayed as she began to swivel her hips from side to side, causing their shafts to bump and rub together. Simba gasped, his knees threatening to buckle, as he had never been teased like this before.

"Oooh. You take your daddy?" Nala asked Kion, dropping to her knees before the smaller boy. She wrapped a hand around two of his shafts, slowly sliding her fingertips up and down. She made a quick estimate, finding he was a little over seven inches long each. He moaned in an almost girlish manner, arching his hips.

"U-Uh-huh! He's so big, but he lets me do it," Kion said, glancing over at Simba. Simba's cheeks turned even redder and he coughed. Nala grinned. Kovu stood off to the side, watching awkwardly, shuffling his feet.

"I bet he does," she agreed, poking the boy's nose playfully.


Raye looked back and forth between Skye, Kiyone, and Jayden as they stripped out of their clothes. She blushed and giggled as she saw Skye step forward proudly, the fennec's twin members twitching eagerly. Kiyone was a little more shy, but showed off her own twin shafts, longer than Skye's by two inches each. Jayden's knotted cock was harder than usual, already dribbling pre steadily as he looked back and forth between all of the naked kids around him.

"So... um..." Jayden began. He barely had time to say anything more, before Rennie pounced on top of him. He gasped, knocked clean off his feet by the young hybrid girl, landing flat on his back.

"EEE! You were BIG as a kid, dad!" Rennie squealed playfully, giggling as she rubbed her fuzzy cheek against the side of his penis. His precum dripped into her red-striped silver hair, leaving messy slicks.

"I... am?" he squeaked, surprised by the sudden assault. She nodded eagerly and continued to nuzzle his cock, feeling it pulse eagerly against her face. She ran her cheek down from his fat, swollen helmet under its foreskin down to the knot. The wolf-fox's bushy tail swished as she prodded the bulge with a fingertip, giggling.

"And such a big knot too!" she giggled, "I can't wait to see it all ballooned out!"

"Uh... Lil' help here?" Jayden mumbled as his glasses fogged over. The wolf tugged them down, his silver eyes looking over at Skye desperately. Skye, however, was quite busy herself.


"Yeow!!! SOMEONE'S a bit forward!" yelped the fennec, as Ronnie had reached down and began to fondle her vulva. She gasped as his fingers probed her muff, teasing her little clitoris. Pleasure threatened to make her knees buckle, but she resisted with an effort of will.

"I can't believe I come out of here in 12 years," Ronnie snickered as his index slipped inside the fennec's damp cleft, "It's so tiny!"

"Oh, that's it," Skye growled, "No one gets to call me tiny twice and get away with it. Especially my future kid!"

Before Ronnie could say another word, the little fennec grabbed his hand and yanked him down onto the floor. He yelped in surprise as he landed flat on his back, groaning as his cock slapped against his stomach.

"OW! What the heck, Mom?! And where did THAT move come from?!" he squeaked as Skye loomed over him, her green eyes narrowed in a glare.

"I watch a lot of martial arts cartoons," she said flatly, hooking her elbows under his knees. With surprising strength, she heaved him upward, forcing him to curl up until his legs lifted over his head. The fat foreskin-covered tip of his own penis struck his black nose, making him yelp in surprise.

"I dunno what I taught you in the future, but you're gonna respect your mommy!" Skye growled, though with a smirk, as she rubbed her lower erection at the boy's opening. He yelped again as Skye pressed it inside him, pushing into his rump. With his mouth open, the thrust forced his hips down, and rammed the head of his own penis into his mouth. Ronnie gave a muffled complaint through his mouthful of cock, but Skye ignored him, working her hips back and forth as she slowly sank in inch by inch.


Meanwhile, Kiyone and Raye looked at each other awkwardly and silently for a few moments, apparently unable to decide what to say or do. It was finally Kiyone who broke the silence.

"...So, I like your hair," she said, walking a little closer to the smaller pink fox. She tilted her head, admiring the girl's crimson locks. They were a more vibrant, brighter shade of red than her own. She reached out and gently felt one of the long tresses that draped over Raye's shoulder.

"Yeah, you... uh... you help me care for it when I come home on the weekends," Raye said slowly, "It actually takes an hour or two. What with the protein soak and all..."

"...Protein soak? Oh, please don't tell me..." Kiyone mumbled, shaking her head.

"...Thingie milk is really good for hair and fur!" Raye said, shrugging. Kiyone shook her head, scratching behind her ear.

"I can't believe I grow up to be... so..." Kiyone trailed off, apparently unable to find the words.

"...And I can't believe you find it embarrassing," Raye said, looking equally surprised, "...I guess things DO change a lot in 20 years..."'

"Are you saying I'm a prude?" Kiyone asked, narrowing her blue and violet eyes at Raye in annoyance.

"No, no!!!" exclaimed Raye, waving her paws desperately, as her purple and green eyes went wide, "I've just heard stories of your childhood, was just... kinda surprised. I mean, given the whole sex zombie thing that happened, that makes some of MY life seem tame..."

"...Sex zombies?" Kiyone asked, staring.

"...Oh, that hasn't happened yet? ...Uh, forget I said anything," Raye said hastily, a large droplet of sweat running down the side of her face. Kiyone gave her a look that clearly said that she would find that quite hard to forget.

The little fennec walked over to Kiyone, her hips swaying from side to side, her bushy tailtip flicking. Kiyo was suddenly struck by the vixen's appearance. She may have had a different hair and fur color, but there was definitely a strong resemblance to Skye there. The pink-furred fennec smiled, showing off her fangs in the same way Skye did. Kiyone felt her twin erections stiffen painfully, unable to resist her attraction to cute fennecs.

"Jeez, mom, those look like they hurt!" Raye exclaimed, noting Kiyone's wince. She reached down and wrapped her hands around both of the vixen's shafts, squeezing gently as she rolled back the foreskins. Kiyo whimpered as she felt pressure rush up her shafts, and two sticky spurts of clear, syrupy liquid splashed Raye's tummy.

"Okay, I'll take care of these," Raye purred affectionately, grinning as she began to pump Kiyo's shafts, leaning into the taller vixen's body. Her own penises rubbed against Kiyo's thigh, and slid back and forth softly.

"Oooh..." Kiyo moaned, swooning into her grip. The girl knew just how to touch her in all the right ways, and Kiyo was trembling in delight within moments as Raye's thumb pressed down upon her swollen tip. She arched her back, letting the fennec explore her body.


Sonic, Sally, Sonia and Manik watched as the two groups of cubs quickly devolved into an orgy. The two hedgehogs and two squirrels glanced at each other appraisingly.

"Well, dang, that escalated fast," Sonic remarked, his thirteen inches bobbing up and down eagerly as he watched Coal's rear end bobbing up and down, and Skye driving down into Ronnie. He yelped in surprise as he felt something press against him from behind. Instinctively, he stiffened his quills, and heard someone else yelp in pain behind him.

"YEOWWW!" Manik yelped, staggering backward and rubbing his beige-furred stomach and chest, wincing. There were a series of red spots in his fur where Sonic's quills had poked him. He examined himself quickly and gave a sigh of relief that there was no blood.

"Oops. Sorry, but... don't sneak up on me!" Sonic complained, blushing. Manik grunted, rubbing his stinging front, even as his erect cock twitched.

"Seriously, Manik, you're a hedgehog too! You'd think you'd know that surprise buttsex isn't a smart idea," Sonia chided, "...With ANYONE, much less another hedgehog."

"...I take it you spend about 70% of your time scolding your brother for impulsive and/or stupid things he does?" Sally sighed, looking to Sonia.

"How'd you guess?" she asked, looking at her young mother.

"Because I do the same with your father," Sally explained, sighing heavily, "...And you cannot believe how strange I find that sentence."

"You learn to take these things in stride," Sonia sighed, watching as Manik lined himself up with Sonic's rear again, this time with permission, taking his time and being careful. Sally doubted she could have told the hedgehogs apart from afar. Up close, she could see Manik's blue eyes (the same blue as hers) compared to Sonic's green and the red streaks in his quills. His cock was nearly identical to his father's in size and shape, though Sally estimated that Manik's testicles were slightly bigger.

Meanwhile, looking at Sonia was akin to looking in a mirror for Sally. Again, their different eye colors told the truth, as Sonia had her father's eyes. A streak of cerulean blue went through Sonia's hair, also telling of her paternal lineage. Sonia's shaft was slightly larger than Sally's nine inches, which she found intriguing.

"...Is it just me...?" Sally began, watching as Manik groaned in delight, sinking his cock deeper and deeper into Sonic's rump. She could see his shaft pulsing as he pushed deeper, and Sonic grit his teeth. Sonic's shaft was like a leaky faucet, precum dribbling liberally onto the floor. A clear, sticky flow of fluid bubbled from his fat tip, running down the long underside of his shaft and down his balls.

Sally knew he must have already been on the verge of an orgasm; the blue hedgehog had a notorious hair trigger and achieved climax very quickly. While he only needed a couple of thrusts to begin ejaculating, the boy also had near-infinite sexual stamina, and no refractory period. He could climax hard, yet his penis would remain just as stiff and ready to go as before he started, and he could go again and again for as long as he wanted (or until he passed out, whichever came first).

"Or is the sight of two blue hedgehog kids goin' at it like rabbits totally hot?" Sonia finished Sally's sentence. Sally heard the faint "shlick" of feminine masturbation, and barely needed to glance over to see that the other chipmunk's fingers were buried deep in her cleft, pumping in time with her brother.

"...Yes, absolutely," Sally agreed, as Sonic gave a groan of ecstasy, and milky ropes of spunk splashed the floor in front of him. Manik joined him a second later, burying himself to the hilt and standing as still as a statue, before hot white fluid poured back out of Sonic and onto the ground.


Fire pumped his cock, blushing as he watched his son's rear end bounce up and down. The hybrid's shaft pistoned into Tiffany's muff, making her cry out in delight as the thirteen inch length probed her hot, wet depths. She had not stopped climaxing the entire time, spouts of thick, hot cheetah spunk bursting from her ten-inch member to strike Coal's fluffy chest, or drape delicately over her own face. Coal suddenly blinked and looked over his shoulder.

"...Um... I'm okay if you wanna go inside me," he said, his white cheeks turning red.

"I was hoping for a turn with her, actually," Fire admitted reluctantly. Coal suddenly grinned, pulling out of Tiffany, who huffed and gasped for breath. His shaft glistened with a mixture of pre and her juices, bobbing with his pulse. She whimpered helplessly, scrabbling at the ground as she bucked her hips into the air. Her cock convulsed again and again, a fountain of semen splashing everywhere.

"I think I can solve both of our problems," purred the cheetah-fox, grinning, "I inherited mom's nanites, but they work a little different..."

Fire and Tiffany watched in disbelief as the boy suddenly seemed to change before their eyes. The changes were not instantaneous, but they happened so quickly and smoothly that they had trouble keeping track. His hair began to grow out, reaching his shoulders, becoming more silky. His boyish hips widened a little, even as his chest changed shape, becoming softer. Pink, rosy nipples poked out from his chest. His facial features softened a bit, his eyes became a bit wider, his eyelashes more prominent. Between his legs, his large testicles vanished in a blur of motion, replaced by a chubby, child's mound, split by a damp cleft. Belatedly, Fire realized that "he" had become a "she" in mere moments.

"I guess you could call me gender-fluid? And sex-fluid too," Coal said, her voice much higher-pitched and feminine than a moment ago.

"Yeah, I bet with you around there's a LOT of sex-fluid..." Fire said dumbly, stunned by the transformation.

Coal smiled cutely, and Fire noticed that her lips were a bit more rosy than they were a moment ago. She bent down over Tiffany and plunged her shaft deep into the feline's depths, moaning in a much more feminine manner than before. Even as she began to thrust again, Coal lifted her tail high, revealing her new vulva to Fire invitingly. Fire only hesitated a moment, gripping Coal's hips and marveling at how soft they were compared to a moment ago, before plunging himself into the girl. He gasped in delight, her inner walls clenching tightly around him, practically pulling him in.

"Eeek! Nnng!" Coal moaned happily, her long tail curling around Fire's waist, "...Okay... You're bigger than... I thought!"

"Gahhh," Fire replied, his eyes rolled up in his skull as he buried himself into her. Fire wanted to ruminate on how weird the situation was, as he drove into his former and future son, now future daughter, as she drove her own shaft into her mother. The problem was Coal was as tight as any girl he had ever been with, her warm wet grip convulsing around him. Any attempt to think clearly about the situation was washed away in a wave of utter pleasure as Coal's coaxing walls drew him in again.

"Nnahhh... D-Daddyyyy..." Coal moaned, panting, "Mommmmmmyyy...."

Hearing that, Fire lost all sense of rationality as his arousal skyrocketed. He gripped his daughter's hips and began to pound like a jackhammer.


"Ahh! Nnnf!" gasped Kion as Nala buried her face into his loins, sliding her rough tongue along the little boy's swollen shafts. She purred loudly as the trio of seven inch members pulsed against her face. His pre already coated her face with sticky wetness, matting down her fur. Nala treated each of his shafts to a long, slow, rasping slurp, cleaning up as much pre as she could. Her paw fondled his three pairs of testicles gently. They weren't nearly as large as Simba's or Kovu's, but he was three years younger than the other lion boys. Each was about the size of a kiwi in her palm.

"That's a cute tattoo you have there, Kion," Nala said, resting her mouth for a moment while she continued to fondle the child's furry balls, making him whimper in desperation. Kion blinked and glanced over at his shoulder, where the paw/lion's head marked his gold fur with brown. He reached up and traced a part of it with his claw.

"Um... It's... sorta magical," Kion explained, blushing. He opened his mouth to continue the explanation, but was cut off by a gasp as Nala wrapped her muzzle around his upper penis, slurping loudly.

"A magical tattoo?" Nala asked, raising an eyebrow as she pulled off of him, reaching up to begin pumping his second and third shafts.

"Uhhhhh... Uh-huh," groaned the little boy, his tufted tail swishing. His eyes were half-closed in pleasure.

"I'm... the second child of the King... an' that means I'm the leader of the Lion Guard... an' I have special powers... Though... I dunno how to use 'em real well," Kion panted, thrusting his little hips forward into Nala's paws. He bit his lower lip cutely, huffing through his nose as his body trembled. Nala giggled as it was easy to tell the boy was about to climax hard. His balls were clenching to the base of his sheaths, his hips were shuddering, and pre was leaking liberally from each of his heads.

Nala let go of him and sat back on her haunches, smiling patiently as he moaned and shuddered. He opened his eyes curiously, clearly wondering why the older lioness had stopped when he was so close.

"Mm-mm. I dunno what I'm like as a mommy, but you don't get a treat until you do some work first," Nala purred, pointing a clawed finger down towards her vulva. Kion blushed, seeing her dripping muff, the cream-colored fur soaked with her arousal.

"...Actually, you're exactly the same in the future," Kion mumbled, as he got down on hands and knees to crawl forward and bury his muzzle between her legs.


"So, unnngh... You're taking this whole... future kid thing in... stride," Kiara remarked, gasping as Simba's lower-left member plunged inside her little cleft again and again, making her shiver from head to toe. He growled softly, his tufted tail flicking as he worked. Ten inches of hard, thick lion-cock drove into her depths, grinding her little clitoris. His other two penises rubbed incessantly against her inner thigh as he thrust, splattering her fur with precum. Kiara had wrapped her hands around two of her own members, equal in length to her father's, and stroked in time with his pumps, moaning in delight.

"Well... Y'know... Hakuna matata," he said, shrugging as he paused for a moment to catch his breath, "...It means..."

"It means, 'no worries,' I know," Kiara giggled, "Timon and Pumbaa taught me that one too."

"Oh. Well... Yeah, no point in freakin' out about weird things," Simba said, shrugging, "Particularly when I barely understand what's goin' on, and people much smarter than me can handle it."

"...Easy for you to say," Kovu grumbled, sitting back as his paw slid up and down his shaft, his tail curled around his left leg. His fat purple helmet was throbbing visibly, actually expanding and contracting a little with his heartbeat. He grimaced, reaching down to massage his furry balls, the scrotum taut and stretched over the swollen orbs.

"Kovu, c'mon over. You must have horrible blue-balls by now," Kiara said, watching him wince in discomfort.

"Um... N-No, I'm okay just... watching. You and your dad can have fun," Kovu said, waving his hands nervously.

"...Do I not like you or something in the future?" Simba asked, narrowing his eyes at Kovu. The brown-furred lion winced and opened his mouth to answer, but Kiara cut him off.

"It's very complicated, and won't be relevant for twenty years, and Kovu isn't part of it," Kiara said firmly.

Simba looked into her eyes for a minute, then over at Kovu again, who tried not to meet his gaze. The young prince grunted and drew his hips back, letting his shaft draw free of her cleft, dripping with a mixture of pre and her juices. He turned and walked over to Kovu, who still could not meet his gaze.

Kovu gasped as Simba suddenly bent over and ran his rough tongue all the way from his sheath all the way up to the tip. Simba kept eye contact with him the entire time, even as he slipped his tongue into Kovu's foreskin and slowly swirled it around the fat head. The boy's paws found his heavy balls and gave them a firm squeeze.

Kovu groaned helplessly, surprise at Simba's actions overriding his self-control. He thrust forward and moaned as his cock began to jerk violently, spouting thick blasts of pearly semen into the air. Simba took it like a champion, not flinching as the hot lion-spunk struck his face with the force of a hose turned on full blast. He opened his mouth wide, gulping down the salty-sweet fluid. Kiara watched, jaw dropped, as Simba pumped Kovu's cock in time with his orgasm, letting the other boy drench most of his upper body.

"Arrgh! Hurrrf... W-Why?" Kovu grunted, his hands clenched at his sides, his lips drawn back in a feral snarl as he felt burst after burst of cum rush up his fifteen-inch length to fire out over Simba.

"In the future, I'm gonna be king. That means Kiara's your princess. And she gave you an order to come over and relieve yourself," Simba explained, punctuating each sentence with a splutter or a loud gulp, "And whatever problems we might have, they're in the future, not now."

"...Nnn... H-Hakuna matata?" Kovu asked, panting as Simba took the head of his cock into his muzzle to nurse on it for a moment.

"Hakuna matata. No worries!" Simba agreed, grinning at Kiara.


"Mmmph, mmm... Sssss... Mmm!" murmured Rennie with a loud slurp as she suckled upon her father's shaft, her lips pressed to his knot. Jayden groaned deep in his throat, bucking upward despite himself. The wolf-fox was incredibly skilled, and her tongue was driving him wild. Her red-striped hair dangled down over her silver eyes, her spectacles perched on her muzzle as it dipped onto him again and again. Jayden blushed, noting the growing pool of precum on the smooth floor as her cock twitched and drooled.

"R-Rennie! C-Cut it out!" he gasped, panting desperately. He blushed as Rennie blinked at him, her ears folding down. She took her time pulling back, making sure he could see each inch of his fourteen leave her muzzle one by one. She giggled as his cock pulsed and fired a shot of pre over her muzzle.

"What? Did I nick you with my teeth by accident?" she asked curiously.

"No, I just... need a moment. I'm gonna have a panic attack at this rate!" Jayden gasped, panting as he tried to adjust his glasses. Rennie did the same, sitting up on her haunches, and giving Jayden a wonderful view of her little pubic mound in the process. The wolf averted his gaze and started reciting RPG statistics in his head to stave off a premature orgasm.

"...Ohhhh..." Rennie said, her silver eyes going wide in sudden understanding. She smiled again, but it was a much less predatory and mischievous smile than before.

"...What?" Jayden asked, frowning.

"You SAID you were a lot more shy as a kid. I guess I didn't believe it," Rennie said, chuckling, "...Sorry. I guess I kinda overwhelmed you."

"Yeah, big time," agreed Jayden, huffing softly, "I mean, first off, I thought I was gonna see a cool science experiment, and that went screwy. Then I found out that I'm gonna be with my best friends in the future... and that I'm gonna have kids with both of 'em! And to top it all off, it's gonna be YOU!"

"...Yep!" agreed Rennie, grinning, "And Ronnie!"

"And I'm having a freakout at it. I mean, if I went to Breezeport Elementary, I'd be a second-grader!" Jayden exclaimed, "I don't even know HOW to have kids!"

"Well, it's not like you're gonna be having me TODAY... It's thirteen years away," Rennie said, trying to calm the boy down.

"Still!" Jayden said, taking deep breaths as Rennie gave him a little space. She sat back, spreading her legs and wrapped a hand around her penis, slowly squeezing her sensitive knot. Despite himself, Jayden watched her out of the corner of his eye. Like all kids in Breezeport, he could not help but estimate her size on sight; and guessed that she was sporting a solid thirteen inches. She clearly took after him physically, even if her personality was quite different.

"I wonder when we'll get back to the future, speaking of which," Rennie mused thoughtfully, sighing.

"Why, is my company that awful?" Jayden asked, frowning.

"No, it's just that I have a tenth level Semenomancer waiting for me if my Heroes and Humpings game," she sighed, "We were supposed to play tonight."

Jayden blinked and his penis twitched eagerly, "...You play Heroes and Humpings?"

"Who do you think taught me?" she asked with a smirk, "Though you still maintain that second edition is better than sixth. You complain constantly about the changes to the bukkake rules."

"There's a sixth edition? We're only on third edition!" Jayden exclaimed in disbelief and excitement.

"Well, yeah... twenty years from now," Rennie said shrugging, "But Ronnie and I have the entire core rulebook memorized between us, so... we could give you a sneak peek of the future?"

She suddenly squealed in surprise as Jayden leapt upon her, showering her face with kisses as his hand pumped her foreskin up and down. She giggled and squirmed under his attention.

"I knew THAT would draw you outta your shell!" she snickered.

Jayden grinned as he pressed his erection between her thighs and plunged its whole length into her depths, knot and all.


"Ack, ow! Mom! Careful!" whimpered Ronnie, as Skye pounded her little hips forward against his, her second penis sliding along his taint to prod the back of his testicles. Her precum drenched the swollen orbs, which wobbled back and forth as Skye thrust forward. Her wings flapped in time with her humping, providing the force she needed.

"Apparently, future me didn't teach you manners!" Skye growled as she pounded forward and downward into Ronnie, panting.

"N-No, she did, but..." Ronnie gasped, but was interrupted with a splutter as his cock jerked violently, catching him in the open mouth with a gush of precum. He gulped it down and coughed as he tried to catch his breath.

"But I, what?" Skye paused in thrusting, panting as her members twitched eagerly, urging her to continue. Her tail swished from side to side as she glared down over his coconut sized testicles at him.

"...You always hump harder when you're angry!" Ronnie said, showing off a wide grin. Skye could see herself in that smirk, her own sharp fangs peeking out from under his upper lip.

"Oh, now you're gonna get it!!!" Skye snarled. With her squeaky voice, this was less than intimidating. Ronnie laughed, a moment before Skye thrust hard enough to force his cock back into his own mouth. He suckled loudly upon it, an evil grin on his lips even as the fat head bumped the back of his throat. His thirteen inches pulsed, pumping pre into his mouth, which he drank down happily. Skye growled and leaned forward, shivering as her lower cock pistoned into his tight, warm rump. Her other shaft hit the back of his fuzzy scrotum again and again, causing the massive orbs to wobble tantalizingly. His bushy tail was wagging rapidly, even as hers was doing the same. His grey-feathered wings fluttered as he grunted, his body shuddering around his mother.

Despite being shorter than him, she was in charge... or at least, he was letting her think that. He rocked back against her as best he could from his odd position, with his feet above his head, but she set the pace. She drew back as far as she could, before driving in all the way to her sheath. Ronnie could feel her throbbing and twitching inside and against him. He suckled on his own penis happily, his teeth nipping and tugging his own foreskin back and forth.

Skye could see a lot of Jayden in Ronnie's appearance, but he definitely took after her in personality. His mischief and the sheer joy he took in sex were definitely Skye's personality traits coming through. His silver eyes glittered behind his glasses as he giggled at her expression of mixed pleasure and aggression.

Skye resolved to hump him stupid for stealing her schtick.


Raye cried out in delight as Kiyone plunged both erections deep into her little holes. The two rock-hard footlong shafts were driving in with long, slow strokes. Kiyone marveled at Raye as she cried out under her.

She was an inch or two taller than Skye, but still shorter than Kiyone by several inches. Her inner walls were just as tight as Skye's, but... different. Kiyo doubted she could have put it in words. Kiyo fit inside Skye like a hand into a glove, as if they were made for each other, and vice versa. Kiyo fit into Raye just as snugly, but it did not feel quite the same. Not worse, equally pleasurable... but different.

The pink-furred fennec's twin shafts were longer than Skye's by about an inch each, but shorter than Kiyone's by about the same. Kiyo could not help but note that the girl seemed to have inherited Skye's virility, as precum seemed to bubble out of her twin heads, pouring onto her own fuzzy stomach in a steady, constant flow. Kiyo wrapped a hand around Raye's lower shaft, feeling its soft-skinned, but incredibly rigid length in her paw.

"Nnnf... Y-You take care of your thingies..." Kiyo panted, looking down. Raye giggled.

"Everyone does in my time, but you and Mommy Skye are particularly firm about it. I use salve and lotion on them every day," she agreed, smiling as she wrapped her legs around Kiyone's waist, pulling her hips forward. She moaned in pleasure as Kiyo ground against her.

"Nnnahh... You're so much smaller, but... you still hump the same way as an adult..." Raye moaned happily. Kiyone was not sure that was a compliment, and apparently Raye read her expression as such.

"...You're only 8 years old, and your thingies are pretty big for a girl's, but... You grow a LOT in 20 years," Raye reassured her, her cheeks flushed with arousal, "But you're always so slow and gentle and try to make sure I get as much tinglies as you do. Mommy Skye kinda..."

"...Humps like an animal and fills you up like a beach ball?" Kiyo finished her sentence.

"...Some things don't change in two decades, apparently," Raye remarked, a droplet of sweat rolling down her face. Kiyone sighed and shook her head, returning to the task at hand.

Since Raye had mentioned it, Kiyone could not help but feel a little self-conscious of her technique. She was taking her time with her thrusts, keeping a steady rhythm that was neither frantic, animalistic jackhammering, nor torturously, teasingly slow. She made sure to change her angle every so often, so as not to spend too much stimulating any one point within Raye. She made sure to lift her hips when drawing back, so that her upper penis dragged along Raye's clitoris, making her tremble in ecstasy. She switched up her thrusts carefully, sometimes only driving six inches in and out, other times taking full strokes that threatened to make her slip out of Raye with each pull back.

For her part, Raye seemed content to let Kiyone take the lead. She matched Kiyo thrust for thrust, but let the vixen set the pace. It occurred to Kiyone that her daughter was EXTREMELY good at sex to be able to do that so easily. The little fennec's big ears flicked as she brushed her blue forelock out of her face. She smiled, and Kiyone's heart clenched, and she had to grit her teeth to avoid orgasming then and there.

Man, did Kiyone have a thing for cute fennec girls...


Sonic groaned as his son drove in to him from behind, Manik's thrusts lubricated by his own semen. The boy had inherited his father's trait, and was climaxing again and again every couple of pumps of his hips. Sonic himself was doing much the same. Spunk streaked the floor in front of him, coating his gloved hand as he pumped his shaft.

"C'mon? Is that all you got, k-kid?" Sonic teased, glancing over his shoulder as he gripped the edge of one of Tiffany's worktables to brace himself. He shivered, feeling a river of hot, thick spunk running down the back of his testicles. This made things particularly messy, as Manik's heavy balls struck Sonic's from behind with each thrust, causing a wet, gooey slapping noise.

"Nnnng... N-Not even close. I haven't even taken off the parking brake!" Manik bragged, "Wait until I get into turbo gear!"

"What are you w-waiting for? GNNN!" Sonic teased, shuddering as he had another orgasm onto the floor, splashing his beige-furred stomach with more cum. His spunk splattered the table in front of him, soaking some of Tiffany's papers. Manik grit his teeth and began to thrust faster, his blue-furred hips beginning to blur.

"Now there's TWO of him. I didn't think there was enough space to fit two egos that size," Sally sighed, shaking her head. She was on the floor, her legs entangled with Sonia's. The two chipmunks had pushed their hips together until their little vulvas pressed together. They were rocking back and forth slowly, moaning in pleasure. Their little clits rubbed against each other's, sending jolts of pleasure up and down their spines. Their fingers were wrapped around their fat shafts, pumping them in time with their gyrations.

"You sorta get used to it and learn to tune it out," Sonia said, chuckling. She grunted and shuddered. Her shaft twitched as a sticky, syrupy burst of precum splashed onto her own stomach. She smiled at her mother, her green eyes glittering playfully. Sally could not believe how much Sonia looked like her.

"I can't imagine," Sally replied, panting as she felt her thighs tense. She groaned, arching her back and gave a tremble from head to toe. A mini-orgasm shook her little frame, as her penis jumped in her grip, slinging several ropes of spunk onto her chest and stomach. It was a tiny climax, only lasting for thirty seconds, but it was enough to leave her fur sticky and wet with a dozen white stripes and a puddle in her navel. Sonia giggled, continuing to rock her hips, even as her mother tried to recover from the pleasure.

"Still, I could pick things up a little myself too..." Sonia purred huskily, pushing her hips upwards against Sally's muff, gasping as she felt the other chipmunk's nectar mix with her own and soak their fur.

"...Don't tell me..." Sally said, narrowing her eyes at her future daughter.

"I have speed too, though UNLIKE my brother, I know how to hold back," she said with a smirk. Sally yelped as the girl suddenly turned into a chestnut and crimson blur. The world turned topsy-turvy as Sonia moved with superhuman speed. Sally cursed, gasping as she found herself on her back, with Sonia pressing her swollen shaft to her little cleft. Sonia pushed in slowly, moaning as seven inches of girlcock slipped into her mother's tightness.

"Brace yourself, mom," Sonia said, grinning. That was all the warning she got, before Sonia's hips turned into a blur. Sally's mouth opened in a silent scream as she felt the girl piston into her with incredible quickness, driving her wild.

Sally wondered desperately how she was going to be able to handle three constantly horny people with super speed and nearly endless sexual stamina in the future...


"Ooh... ooooooh! D-Daddy! I'm... I'm gonna splurt!" moaned Coal, arching her back back against Fire as he drove his fourteen inch member to the hilt in the girl. Coal's red-orange feathers were in his face, but he did not care. Unlike a few of the other kids, who found the whole "parents and sons and daughters" concept either freaky, confusing, or merely an interesting curiosity; Fire actively got off on it. Coal's moans of "Daddy!" and "Mommy!" were driving him wild.

"Hrrrg... hrrnnng! ARRGGHHH!!" growled Fire, pounding his cock home into Coal's clenching depths a few last times. He finally craned his neck and howled to the sky, his orange wings flaring out to their full span. His cock began to convulse violently as the burning ache of ejaculation rushed up his member. Coal squealed girlishly as she felt a blast of creamy fluid flood her young womb, filling it. The fox could not move as his muscles locked up, his fingers squeezed tight around the cheetah-fox's rump.

"Whoa-ho-ho-hoooooly moley!" Coal gasped, apparently unprepared for the force of her young father's orgasm, "Is... Nngah! Is that a thingie or a fire-hose?"

"Rrrrgahhhh!" grunted Fire in reply, too far gone to be capable of anything resembling humanoid speech. His heavy testicles were clenched so tight to his cock that they ached. He swore he could feel the cum rushing out of them and up his penis with each pleasurable convulsion. It was, in short, one of the biggest orgasms he'd ever had.

Coal moaned and lifted her hips, burying her own cock deep into her mother's depths. Tiffany was still mumbling and gabbling mindlessly, her shaft spouting thick ropes onto her own face and chest, one orgasm blending into the next. Her reflective green eyes were rolling around, a large silly smile plastered on her face. Coal wrapped a hand around her shaft, milking it with her fuzzy fingers as she drove her hips forward a few last times.

"Nn... Eeee!!!" squealed Coal girlishly as she buried herself into Tiffany to the hilt. Her inner walls clenched down on Fire so tightly that he could not pull back. Her penis lurched inside the little cheetah, beginning to pump thick, hot blasts of cub-goo into her young womb. Tiffany cried out at the flood of molten liquid in her core, intensifying her pleasure as she bucked back against the hybrid. She overflowed Tiffany on her first massive spurt. This was not unusual; given that she was both a cub and particularly tight, most kids could manage the feat. What was unusual was the sheer amount she overflowed the other girl.

Fire's eyes were wide in surprise as a thick white river poured back out of Tiffany's muff, pouring down between her legs. His daughter was easily gushing twice what he was, and he was sending about a cup of semen with each ejaculation. This only aroused him further, as he drove forward into Coal, hugging her waist. Her red-orange feathers flapped as her inner walls milked him, Coal's stomach swelling with her father's thick infertile cub-spunk. The cheetah-fox's long, sinuous tail swished back and forth as she cooed and cried in delight. Fire's white-furred testicles were snug against her, enough that Coal could feel them churning as they pumped his heavy burden into her.


"Ah, ah, AAHHHHH!!!" gasped Nala, lifting her hips high. Her toes curled and Kion felt her inner walls clamp down on his tongue. The little five-year-old gasped and folded his ears back as he felt a sprinkle of feminine nectar coat his muzzle. Nala trembled from head to toe, tingles and tickles sparking through every nerve ending in her body.

Kion watched in awe as the little lioness bucked and thrust in the throes of pleasure. His eyes were wide as he sat back on his haunches, and wrapped his fingers around his lower two shafts, panting heavily. His six balls felt like lead weights, dense and heavy with seed. Pre was dribbling liberally from his members, soaking his paws.

Nala sighed softly and collapsed back, trembling from head to toe as the orgasm transitioned into a warm and heavy afterglow, a heated blanket over her whole body. Her paw strayed between her legs, caressing her clit to eke out every last iota of pleasure she could before the spasms faded.

"Nnn... Fff..." panted Kion, drawing her attention. The little boy had a look of desperation on his face, his hands pumping his shafts as pre splattered the floor like raindrops. His three shafts were pulsing, veins bulging along the sides. His large sack was drawn tight to the base of his sheaths, and he shuddered, teetering on the edge.

"Ohh, sorry... Here, lemme take care of that," Nala purred, noticing the little child's distress. Before Kion could react, she was between his legs. She gently pried his hands free of his members. Nala opened her mouth wide and took his upper penis deep into her muzzle, even as she wrapped her hands around his lower two, peeling his foreskin all the way back. Her claws tickled the fat, swollen helmets, causing his three shafts to pulse dangerously.

Kion gave the world's cutest roar as he came, throwing his head back and crying out. Three spouts of hot child-spunk struck Nala's face and chest as his trio of shafts convulsed in unison. She gulped eagerly, her eyes wide as hot, salty-sweet cream splashed her rough tongue, tantalizing her tastebuds. The little boy came with surprising force and volume, leaving Nala's cream-colored chest glazed with white fluid within two gushes. Nala giggled in delight and surprise at the boy's virility.

Nala moaned and cooed, pumping his lower shafts in time with his orgasm, leaning back to let rivers of semen run down her front. It all poured down towards her thighs, running down over her pubic mound. Nala gasped in delight, rubbing her vulva, smearing his cum all over it. She shivered and cried, a second orgasm building in her loins as the boy struck her straight in the face with a blast. The milky liquid drenched her fur, saturating every inch of her.

Kion's knees buckled under him and he fell forward, but Nala caught him, even as she trembled in her own orgasmic pleasure. He moaned and cooed, wrapping his arms around Nala's neck. His hips bucked forward, splattering her fuzzy tummy directly with three streams of cum at a time, his head resting on her shoulder. He was on his tiptoes, and she rubbed his back, murmuring softly and reassuringly to him as he blasted her with warm, thick goo.


Kiara was clearly enjoying herself as her father and friend tended to her. Kovu's cock spread her cleft wide as she could possibly go. His arms were around her waist, his face in her hair as he speared up into her again and again, fifteen inches of swollen lion-cock driving as deep as it could go. Simba stood in front, kissing her deeply, his tongue playing over hers as he pumped his shafts and hers together. He had his hands wrapped around his lower members and her lower members, stroking two in each hand, barely able to grip them. He thrust his hips upward, letting his third upper shaft rub smoothly against hers, precum drenching their flesh.

"Nnng... AHH!!" the lioness cried, as her body convulsed. The pressure building deep in her loins began to rush outward through every nerve ending in her body. She arched her back hard, her tufted tail thrashing against Kovu's chest. Her hips thrust forward, nearly bowling Simba over.

With a loud, high-pitched roar of delight, she came violently. Three lances of semen struck Simba's chest, and splashed his golden fur. He grunted, shivering as her penises pulsed and jerked against his. Kovu gasped as her inner walls clenched around his shaft, milking every inch of it. The lioness buried her face into Simba's shoulder, muffling her leonine roars and her feminine cries as she spasmed again and again.

Kovu couldn't even try to hold back as his friend spasmed in his grip. He felt the burning pleasurable ache of impending ejaculation boiling up his penis. He pulled back until only the bulbous, fist-sized head was inside her, then drove forward with enough force to actually lift Kiara's feet off the floor. She yowled in surprise, then roared again as she felt the flood of hot lion-spunk fill her. Kovu groaned in ecstasy as he burst again and again, his overfilled balls finally getting the chance to completely empty their burden. Simba had helped earlier, as Kovu had unleashed a bit of the semen he had built up over the boy; but this orgasm was significantly more powerful than the first one. He bucked in time with his gushes, lifting Kiara's feet off the floor each time he buried his pulsing shaft into her.

Simba joined the roaring a moment later as his own orgasm hit with the force of a volcano. Three fountains of lion-cum arced into the air as his erections surged powerfully. His steaming ropes of milky fluid intertwined with Kiara's in midair, raining down upon them both His body was locked up, his muscles completely tensed. Simba groaned, letting go of his and Kiara's lengths, letting them surge and pulse and gush together.

Kiara moaned, dangling on the tips of her toes as Kovu filled her again and again. She loved it more than anything, her face showing her bliss in lewd detail. Her eyes were rolled up in her head, her tongue lolling out of her muzzle. Her body jerked about of its own accord as random spasms made her look like a marionette controlled by a rank amateur. Simba was drenched in girl-spunk as rich and gooey as his own, sticking his golden fur to hers as he pumped against her hips. Kovu's semen drenched his balls, spilling back out of Kiara to splash over his scrotum. Kovu grunted suddenly and pulled free of Kiara, having to actually lift her up by her armpits to do the deed. His shaft swung about like a serpent, spouting ribbons of pearly fluid against her back, before he lowered her back down. Carefully maneuvering himself, he lifted his hips, letting Kiara's legs come down over his sheath and the base of his cock. His penis slipped up between hers and Simba's, sliding back and forth between the six other spurting lion-cocks. His enormous head peeked over their smaller (though still substantial) members, adding to the mess. Seven spouts of thick lion cum erupted upwards, raining down upon the three cubs, and everything and everyone around them.


Tiffany's lab was already loud, what with the roaring lions and moans and gasps and groans, the slap of wet flesh on wet flesh, and the splatter of incredible amounts of sticky fluids. Rennie and Jayden did not make things any quieter when their mutual orgasm hit.

Jayden buried his swollen cock as deep as he could go, panting for breath. He shuddered, feeling his knot beginning to swell rapidly, ballooning to nearly twice its original size. His thrusts became rapid and restricted; he could no longer pull free of Rennie's cleft. His cock had locked him firmly inside her, his knot swollen to the point that it tugged against her when he drew back. She groaned as she felt what, for all intents and purposes, was a grapefruit-sized bulge inside her, spreading her walls as wide as they could go, even as Jayden's fat head prodded her cervix.

Rennie cried out, pumping her member with both of her small paws. Her own knot was expanding outward, growing larger with each throb of her penis. Unlike Jayden, she had no one to tie inside, but it did not stop her body from following its natural orgasmic process. Her foreskin tugged back as the skin of her penis grew taut, her cock swelling in her grip. The red-purple helmet of her cock was glistening, wet with precum, and growing larger as blood filled it.

Both cubs came at nearly the same time. Jayden howled to the ceiling as his penis began to flex and his pelvic muscles tensed rhythmically. Rennie could feel rapid, thick spurts of steaming-hot fluid filling her tunnel. She joined her father's howl with one of her own, her own penis blasting against his chest and striking his chin. Jayden's eyes went wide with surprise at the size of her gush, which struck the ceiling high above. Like all of the future kids, she came with incredible force and volume. Jayden couldn't help but wonder if Skye had secretly mothered ALL of them. She groaned in ecstasy, squeezing down on Jayden and milking him, even as she pumped her cock in time with her long, powerful jets.

Unlike the others, who when gushing forth inside their partners had waterfalls of semen backwash out, not a single drop of cum escaped from Rennie's cleft. Jayden's knot locked it in, blocking any from escaping. Surge after surge flooded the girl's tunnel, as she trembled in his grip. Jayden's glasses were askew, his eyes closed and teeth bared as he felt his cock convulse inside her again and again, filling her to the brim and beyond.

Most kids felt nervous when knotted, not just to Jayden, but to anyone with canine anatomy; as they were afraid of the sheer amount of cum they would have to endure without any escaping. Rennie showed not a hint of nervousness; whether it was because she had a knot of her own and knew what it could do, or for some other reason. Indeed, she giggled in delight as her stomach began to swell outward as if she had eaten a large meal. She could feel Jayden's semen sloshing around in her with every movement, a pleasurable fluid shake that made her feel like a living water balloon.

She only seemed to climax all the harder for it, completely soaking Jayden's fluffy white stomach and chestfur with her milky spunk. He gasped and groaned, feeling her shaft slapping against her with each ejaculatory spasm. His hand wrapped around her shaft, beginning to stroke quick and firm. He could feel the thirteen inch length pulsing in his grip, imagined that he could actually feel the bursts of cum rushing up the underside. Rennie grunted in an almost masculine manner as she ground her hips against him, tugging against his knot. Jayden gasped, his balls churning as he continued to jet inside the girl again and again.

He had almost forgotten this girl wasn't just some random kid... it was his daughter with Kiyone twenty years from now, and he was currently filling her like a cream-filled pastry.

The thought caused his cock to stiffen, his bursts of cum to intensify, and Rennie's eyes to go wide as she squealed in delight.

"Eee! Daddy! You keep this up and my innie is gonna be an outtie!" she squeaked, pointing at her navel. Jayden winced and closed his eyes, wishing she wouldn't say things like that... he was already cumming as hard as he could, and he was afraid his penis would break if he went any harder...


"Nnn... Nnn!!! Gonna... Gonna... SPLURRRRTIES!!!" moaned Skye helplessly as she drove her shaft into Ronnie several more times. Her wings flared out to their full golden span as she arched her hips and drove her lower cock to the hilt. Both shafts jerked violently at the same time, sending a hose-like spray of semen into and against Ronnie. He could feel it flood his rear even as her second shaft blasted the back of his testicles.

Feeling his mother's orgasm begin was all the excuse he needed. Skye could watch as his wobbling testicles stopped wobbling and retracted tight to his sheath. Ronnie gave a low, long groan, his knot expanding just like his father's and sister's did. He suckled loudly upon the head of his penis, his tail swishing as he awaited the impending pleasure. Then, as his entire body tensed suddenly (squeezing Skye's shaft tightly in the process), his cheeks suddenly ballooned out like a chipmunk's. Thick, pearly wolf-spunk filled his muzzle beyond overflowing. He gulped desperately to keep up with his own eruptions, but predictably, it was beyond futile. Most of it escaped from the corners of his mouth and ran down his chin onto his chest. He did not seem to care.

He groaned as he gulped down his own spunk eagerly, feeling Skye gush against and inside him. He grinned, delighting in his mom's orgasm face, her expression of purest pleasure. Her green eyes were half-lidded, her tongue sticking out of her mouth, her hair draped in her face. Ronnie's bushy tail wagged rapidly, even as he reached up and began to pump the inches of cock left out of his muzzle. Skye's gushes were arcing over his testicles and splashing over his face and chest.

Skye pulled free of the boy after a minute, letting him uncurl. He gasped as his penis slipped free of his muzzle. His back ached from being forcibly put in such an awkward position for so long, but the pulsing, spasming pleasure of orgasm dulled the pain easily. She pounced on the boy, growling. Ronnie gasped as she mounted him, wrangling his lurching shaft between her legs and sank down upon him. She squealed in ecstasy as he painted her convulsing inner walls with his cum, soaking her tunnel. She could not sink down all the way, as his knot was too swollen to enter her now, but that did not stop him from enjoying the sensations.

She bounced in his lap, babbling like Tiffany. She was facing away from him, so she ejaculated clear across the room. Other cubs spluttered as massive cables of fennec-spunk struck them. Ronnie giggled almost girlishly, gripping the fennec's penises and aiming them around the room like a pair of hoses.

"C'mon, Mom! Let's show them how it's done," he purred in her ear, "You know you can outspurt all of them!"

"Nnnghh... ahhh! Y-Yeahhh!" agreed Skye, taking her upper cock in paw and aiming it, even as Ronnie gripped her lower. Ignoring the either delighted squeals or growls of protest as she splattered the other kids eagerly, Skye drove against her son. She moaned happily, feeling her body tingle and spasm with every gush.


"Ahh! M-Mommy K-Kiyo!!! I'm almost there..." Raye whimpered, gasping as her hands gripped her shafts tightly, pulling her foreskins back and forth. Kiyone was driving in faster now, desperation to achieve orgasm causing her strokes to quicken. The vixen grit her teeth, staring down at the trembling fennec under her.

Like Jayden, and indeed most of the kids of the Twin Schools, she was more than a little fuzzy on the concept of how babies were made. Kiyone had made the somewhat reasonable assumption that it had SOMETHING to do with sex, but could not quite figure out how spurting massive amounts of "thingie-milk" equated to a baby being born. She knew Mrs. Diggers, the health and sex-ed teacher, would cover the topic in a couple of years, but wondered if she might ask about it early.

All she knew right at this moment, however, looking down at this pink-furred fennec fox that shared her heterochromatic eyes, her hair color, her muzzle markings; and indeed, her very DNA... All she knew was that she wanted this baby to be real. She knew that someday, she and Skye were going to figure out how to have babies, and they'd do it together to create this magnificent girl. And she WANTED it more than she had ever wanted anything.

Kiyone buried both of her footlong members to the hilt inside Raye, and howled to the ceiling as those thoughts triggered a bigger orgasm than she thought was even possible. Raye's eyes went wide at the flood of cum that filled her; an incredible wash of hot, sticky cream. She moaned as Kiyone filled both of her holes, spouting off incredibly.

Raye howled in ecstasy as her own orgasm hit, and Kiyone was barely surprised to see that she had inherited her other mother's virility. A veritable fountain of cum erupted from both of her lengths at the same time, spouting in incredibly long jets over her face and chest. The ejaculations lasted over thirty seconds at a time, drumming loudly against the lights. The fennec moaned happily, clenching around her mother, squeezing the twin erections tightly. Her hips bucked upward as she erupted again and again, splashing Kiyone, herself, and much of the room around them.

Kiyone panted and continued to thrust, driving each gush as deep as she could in her daughter. Her mating instinct took over for her conscious mind, as she thrust in time with her spurts. Her silvered wings flapped as she bent over the smaller child, cooing and gasping in ecstasy. Raye rocked back, letting Kiyone spasm and throb and jerk inside her. She moaned as she felt her mother's thick cum drench her thighs, spilling out of her.

Kiyone felt her orgasm with all of her senses: spots danced before her eyes, blood rushed in her ears, she tasted Raye's cum on her tongue, and of course, had total physical sensation overload. Kiyone swooned, sagging forward against Raye. The little pink fox flailed, yelping, but managed to roll Kiyone onto her side. Panting, Raye cuddled up to her mother, caressing her body and trying to prolong the red vixen's ecstasy, even as she splattered her Kiyone's fur with her own spunk.


Things had progressed with Sonic and Manik. The boys were on the floor, mouths wrapped around each other's pulsing shafts, gulping down constant blasts of cum. Both boys were a much milkier shade of blue, coated from head to toe with each other's semen. They barely had to suckle to elicit spasms from each other; both having climaxed so many times that they were getting a little oversensitive. Sonic grunted, laying on his back as he lifted his hips, spouting thick spurts of hot boy-spunk against the back of Manik's throat. The boy gulped quickly, trying to keep up with his father's orgasm, but most of it spilled down Sonic's blue balls. Manik grunted loudly as yet another climax hit him hard, his cock twitching in Sonic's throat as it gushed powerfully.

Next to them, Sally and Sonia were in much the same position. The two chipmunks moaned and gasped as they slurped and lapped at each other's members, caressing each other's vulvas. What Sonia had said was true; while she had inherited her father's speed, she had not inherited his premature ejaculation issue. Both chipmunks had not achieved an orgasm yet, but both were on the verge, tension building in their loins.

Sonia leaned in and nibbled at her mother's clitoris, grinning mischievously as she teased the sensitive nub gently with her teeth and tongue. It was enough. Sally let out a squeal of delight as her orgasm broke over her with the force of a tidal wave. She trembled from head to toe, moaning as her cock began to twitch hard, firing off into Sonia's hair. Her first shot traced the blue stripe, splashing it messily. She shuddered, as Sonia pressed a pair of slender fingers into her cleft, feeling her inner walls clench and spasm around it.

Sally panted as she nipped at Sonia's cock, tickling the head with the tip of her tongue. Sonia gasped, her own climax hitting hard. Sally spluttered in surprise, caught off guard by her daughter's first ejaculation, firing straight into her mouth. She coughed and gasped, during which Sonia fired several more shots, splashing her face with thick, sticky semen.

Distracted by their own pleasure, they did not notice that Sonic and Manik had parted until they felt their spunk strike their fur. The boys were standing over them, stroking themselves frantically over the girls. They moaned happily, their shafts pulsing in their gloved grip as ropes of hot semen fired from their tips. They milked their foreskins up and down over their heads, shuddering in pleasure as they splattered the chipmunks. Sonia and Sally watched in awe and arousal as the two boys masturbated over them. They sat up, presenting a target for the boys as they let them splash their fuzzy chests, draping splatters over their pink nipples. The two girls stroked each other, trying to drag out their orgasm as long as they could.


The room was filled with the moans, gasps, and cries of eighteen climaxing children. They shuddered and thrust, splattering each other haphazardly in ecstasy. Gallons of semen splashed the floor, soaking almost every surface in the room. Minutes passed as they drove against each other, parting and pairing up almost at random; their arousal driving them to mess around and play.

In the the kids lay in a messy, panting pile of exhaustion and pleasure. Semen coated most of the lab, the floor, workbenches, the walls, even the ceiling in many spots. The cubs were glazed with each other's seed, soaking their fur entirely. Between Skye's enormous climax and the future cubs' nearly equal virility, they were much more heavily drenched than they would have been under normal circumstances.

Jayden grunted as he attempted to pull free of Rennie. It took several attempts over several minutes, before there was a wet "pop-schlick-gush" noise, and his knot pulled out of her cleft. His fourteen inch shaft slipped free next, followed by a veritable tidal wave of wolf-cum. She moaned in pleasure and mild relief as the pressure in her tummy was released.

"...How the heck are all of you still rock hard after THAT?!" asked Sally, staring in disbelief at Kiara's three erections. Sure enough, they were just as hard as before her orgasm, even still dribbling semen onto the floor. And all of the future children were in similar states; all possessed of full, throbbing arousal despite the force of their collective climax. The only past child who was still sporting a complete erection was Sonic, of course.

"Oh... uh... Well, we've all given genetic and technological enhancements with nanites to boost our virility and sexual stamina," Sonia explained, looking down at her own member as it pulsed eagerly.

"Wait, so you're all super-soldiers now?" Skye asked, narrowing her eyes at Raye. The pink fennec sweatdropped and shook her head at the sand-colored one.

"Uh... no? But every child who's born is given certain genetic treatments to maximize how big their orgasms are, and in the case of boys and futas, how much we gush. And to enhance how long we can go. Honestly, we spend most of the day with big stiffies," she explained, as if this fact was not anything special or amazing. The children stared in disbelief.

"...You spend... all day walking around with stiffies?" repeated Fire, "...Why was I born 20 years too early?"

"Some parents go a bit further and do permanent custom nanite alteration too," Kovu said, before he blushed and looked down at his erection, which peeked out with many inches to spare from both of his clenched fists, "...When I was five, my adopted father had me... uh... expanded. I was only six inches, and now... well..."

"Kion's due for one when we get back too," Kiara said, ruffling her little brother's hair. Simba looked inordinately surprised by this, though he did not comment on it. He merely stared at Kion for a minute, frowning thoughtfully.

"The future is friggin' WEIRD!!!" exclaimed Sonic, to the murmured agreement of all of the other present-day children. Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden and loud exclamation.

"Golly!!! What in the multiverse is going on in here?!!" a voice cried. It was that of an adult, jolting all of the children out of their pleasured cuddling. The voice was enough to snap Tiffany out of her stupor, and she yelped, leaping to her feet.

"M-M-Ms. Hackwrench!!! I can explain!" she squeaked, wiping semen from her face as she rushed forward. Sure enough, the mouse was standing in the open doorway to Tiffany's lab, looking both consternated and surprised at the sights before her.

Tiffany could only imagine what it looked like to her: a pile of eighteen cubs, only half of which she would have recognized, all covered in large quantities of cum and in various states of flagging arousal. A pile of clothing in the corner, but only enough for half of the kids. A broken machine in the center of the room, still puffing smoke; with scattered circuit boards and rent and shattered metal on the floor. The new children in the room, with their exotic appearances and traits, that could only come from being passed down through genes.

"I can explain! I think... I built a quantum flux genetic recombination aggregation crucible to manipulate..." Tiffany began to babble to her teacher, who looked almost as bewildered as the children at her explanation. The blonde-haired mouse shook her head and waved her hand to cut off the stream of technobabble.

"Tiffany, I BARELY understand what you were trying to do, but that doesn't explain what you DID do. Why did the machine explode, and who are these new kids?" she asked, shaking her head.

"Uh... Well... I think that a quantum flux caused an Einstein-Rosen Bridge to open in the--" Tiffany began a second stream of technobabble. This time, it was Skye who interrupted.

"They're our kids! From the FUTURE!" she called with a grin, "I mean, just look at Coal over there, my brother, and Tiffany and do the math!"

Gadget did as she was told; first looking at the foxboy, who blushed at the attention, then down at Tiffany, who grit her teeth and looked frustrated, and finally at the cheetah-fox, noting the spot-stripe pattern in her fur.

"...Tiffany, sometimes the simpler explanation is better," she sighed, "...So, next question, if they're from the future, can you send them back?"

"....uhhhhhh..." Tiffany hedged, giving Gadget the answer even before she elaborated, "...I... don't... think so? The quantum flu--... the machine kinda exploded, and it took me six months just to build it the first time. And even if I DID rebuild it, I don't know what went wrong to bring them here in the first place... or what timeline they're from or..."

"Okay, I've heard enough," sighed Gadget, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Teacher command, Obedient Child."

Skye, Kiyone, Jayden, Fire, Sonic, Sally, Simba, Nala, and Tiffany all gave a slight gasp, before slumping back. All the tension left their bodies, the lights in their eyes fading away to be replaced by empty bliss. The future children looked confused by the sudden entrancement of their parents.

"What the? Was that some kinda hypno-trigger?" asked Ronnie curiously, pushing his cum-glazed glasses up on his muzzle. He prodded Skye's face, but the fennec did not react to his touch.

"I think so," agreed Coal curiously, "but different than the ones we have."

"...You know you have hypnotic triggers?" Gadget asked, surprised the new children had not been entranced like their parents.

"...Well, yeah, since the Headmaster rules the whole world in our time, he's pretty open about the fact that we're all his mind-controlled slaves, y'know," Raye said flatly, making Gadget's jaw drop at stating something like that so blatantly and even happily.

"...Uh... right..." Gadget said, walking over to Tiffany's workbench. She rummaged around for a moment or two, before finding what she was looking for. She lifted a device that looked like a small holocamera up and aimed it at the new kids. Pressing a button on the side, there was a brilliant, rainbow-colored flash of light. As one, the future childrens' eyes dilated until there was barely any color left, before contracting until the black pupils were pinpoints in the colored expanse of iris. They collapsed like puppets with their strings cut.

"...Hrm. Not bad, Tiffany, but a little strong. I'll leave you some technical notes on how to improve it," Gadget murmured aloud, placing the device back on the workbench.

Gadget shook her head in disbelief as she glanced over her shoulder at the hypnotized pile of children, then back at the machine. The mouse was a genius inventor in her own right, but she only had a vague hint of what the machine was and how it worked. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot for a minute, thinking.

Decision made, she walked over and pulled a datapad out of one of the large cargo pockets on her violet jumpsuit. She pressed it to Tiffany's computer console, tapping a few commands, and quickly downloaded all of the cub's data on the project. Even just glancing it over, much of it was well over Gadget's considerable understanding. She picked up the datapad and stowed it in a locker nearby to retrieve later.

She took out a few different scanners from Tiffany's workbench and walked to the future children. She ran the scanners over them, one by one, looking at the readouts. She frowned, apparently surprised by what she saw. Sighing, she downloaded the scans onto her datapad, then put the scanners back where she found them.

"Stand up," she ordered. The group of cubs slowly climbed to their feet, pulling apart, and stood on shaky, trembling legs. They stared in whatever direction they were standing, shivering in the afterglow.

"Okay... Skye, Kiyone, Jayden, Fire, Simba, Nala, Sonic, and Sally; I want you to go into Tiffany's shower, and take turns getting clean... and no sexy stuff, ACTUALLY shower! Then I want you all to go back to your dorm rooms and wait for me," Gadget ordered, "Remain in your trances until then."

With that, the children turned and shuffled away, their expressions blank and sleepy. Gadget sighed and turned to Tiffany.

"Tiffany, you are to report to my personal laboratory. Bring all your data on that machine, and any notes I missed or spare parts. Wait for me, remaining in your trance too," she commanded. Without even a blink, Tiffany turned and shuffled off to obey the orders, rifling around in piles of equipment.

"As for all of you... follow me," Gadget sighed, leading the children out of the lab. They followed mindlessly, heedless of the curious stares to which they were subject in the halls. Gadget led the future children out of the Science Building, off to the left, and took them to the Administration Offices. She led them to the Headmaster's Office inside, sitting in the waiting room patiently for him to finish a video conference.

The door opened, and Gadget took that as her invitation. The Headmaster had most of the town under surveillance, so she was not surprised that he knew she was waiting. She gestured for the future children to follow, walking into his office.

What followed was several minutes of explanation and interrogation, as Gadget discussed the situation with the Headmaster. As always, the deep, profound rumbling bass of his voice sent tingles through her loins and fuzz through her head; forcing her to concentrate extra hard on the conversation to avoid either falling into a trance or begin masturbating without thinking. Gadget had long suspected that either the Headmaster had conditioned everyone in town to react that way to his voice; or used some form of his mind control technology to elicit that response.

"I see," sighed the Headmaster, leaning forward and rubbing his temples, his expression hidden by the shadows of his office as always. It was the first time that Gadget had ever seen him react to news unhappily; but then again, being a mind controller, she assumed he was rarely told bad news that hypnotizing someone could not solve in one way or another.

She could not blame him; while time travel technology existed, it was prohibitively expensive and experimental. Even with the Headmaster's vast wealth and ability to simply hypnotize anyone who stood in his way into stepping aside; it was simply not feasible to access such technology. Worse, without an absolute time and date and timeline frequency, it was impossible to return the children to their point of origin, even with access to time travel.

"...Will you be able to repair the device that brought them here?" he asked, sitting back in his chair.

"Eventually, with help from a few experts, yes, I'm sure of it. There's a Professor named Peabody, and an alien Doctor I'm thinking of in particular who might be able to help," Gadget said, "But contacting them might take a while."

"And can we narrow down the time and place and timeline they were pulled from?" asked the Headmaster, clearly thinking very hard on the problem.

"Also, eventually. But it could be months before I do," Gadget admitted, "The good news is that the children are all in a state of 'quantum lock.' They won't age while they're here, so when they're returned, they'll be exactly the same as the moment they left."

"Ms. Hackwrench, I want this to be a priority," the Headmaster said, tapping a finger on his desk, "I cannot fathom letting these children remain away from their families and friends a minute longer than we have to. In addition, the danger to the timestream..."

"Will be minimal, provided we return them to the exact moment they left; and erase their memories of their time here," Gadget interrupted, reassuringly, "From what little I know about time travel, the time-space continuum is actually a lot sturdier than science fiction would lead you to believe. I'll need to do quite a bit of studying; and do some subliminal sleep-courses on the subject..."

The Headmaster looked relieved (or at least she thought so; she could not see his face clearly through the shadows). He remained silent, tapping his finger on his desk for a minute, growing more and more rapid as his train of thought neared its conclusion.

"...Why did Kovu get drawn back, if he's not related to Simba and Nala?" he asked, apparently just to stall for time to make a final decision.

"Um... Well... Having heard the story from the kids... I can only assume it was because he was... uh... 'connected' to Kion when the boy was drawn back," Gadget said, blushing a little, "...He was sheath-deep in him when the quantum flux happened."

"I see," said the Headmaster, glancing at the two lion boys with a slight smirk. There was another long silence before he finally spoke again.

"I want to hear from them. Will that affect the future negatively?" the Headmaster asked, gesturing at the hypnotized kids.

"They come from a potential future timeline, not THE solid, set-in-stone, unalterable future. So... I can only say probably not? Quantum mechanics aren't my expertise, like I said. Until I get hypnotically programmed with more information, I can only give you general ideas," Gadget sighed, "There's an infinite number of futures, so best case scenario, nothing happens, and their future comes to pass. Most possible, the future DOES change, but to an identical alternate timeline."

The Headmaster was silent for a minute, before nodding as he made a decision.

"Tell me about what happened before you found yourselves here," he commanded the children, leaning forward with interest as they began to speak.


Breezeport Stories: A Vampire In Town

Skye grunted, driving her little hips forward into Kiyone. The red vixen was on all fours, the heads of her penises dragging back and forth on the carpet. The little fennec was on tiptoes to fit inside Kiyone; she was so short in comparison. That did...

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Twin Schools Info 2.0!!!

_ **Twin Schools Kids** _ Skye Eldrich: 8 years old, dual futa fennec, two ten inch penises, orgasms with massive volume and force. Kiyone Karu:. 8 years old, dual futa red fox, two twelve inch penises, Skye's best friend/girlfriend. Fire...

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Tales of the Twin Schools Chapter 8

One of Breezeport's claims to fame were the twin private boarding schools positioned right across from each other at the end of a sleepy cul-de-sac. Both schools were famous for their slightly strange clientele: Our Lady of Ecstasy's classes were...

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