[Commission] Stu's Down-Home Welcome

Story by Nemo0690 on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Hiddenxibalba

Sequel to Higgins' Special Commendation. It's been a few weeks since Nick was marked, and the fox has already started settling well into his role as a Toy. Even on a trip to Bunnyburrow with Judy to visit his partner's family and offer his help on their farm, Nick finds himself lost in thoughts about his double life. But Nick soon finds that he isn't the only mammal wearing the mask of an upstanding citizen, and even out in the sticks of Bunnyburrow a Toy's work is never done.

Warning: Hints of incest/semi-incest

I am open for commissions!

If you like what I've written and are interested in commissioning something, feel free to head over to the adult info tab on my profile for more details.

And hey, if you want to support my writing and feel so inclined, I'm also accepting tips at the link down below. Any little bit is helpful and greatly appreciated!https://paypal.me/Nemo0690

The pipes of the small outdoor shower groaned, a deep lowing like a wounded elephant, and then cool water began flowing out of the showerhead. Nick let out a groan of his own as he leaned against the brick wall, feeling the water soak into his sweaty fur and caress his sore muscles. He wasn't exactly used to manual labor, being a 'city-slicker' as all the mammals around here called him, but it was actually kind of nice to get out of the smog and heat of Zootopia for the fresh, clean air of the countryside; especially as a favor to his number-one partner.

His lips curled into a smile. Judy had wanted to use her vacation time to return to Bunnyburrow and catch up with her family--all 500-something and counting of them--and it had seemed natural as anything to the bunny to invite Nick along. The fox had been wary at first--that first meeting with her parents when they'd dropped by her apartment unexpectedly hadn't exactly gone off without a hitch--but he was willing.

And surprisingly, other than a few hiccups, he'd been met with semi-open arms. Bonny had smiled as she invited Nick into their home, only giving the fox the occasional glance over Judy's shoulder as the two females hugged. Stu had to be coaxed out from the hall closet where he'd bolted at the first sight of Nick, but after a short and semi-awkward conversation had seemed to warm up to the larger mammal. 'See, he's just like Gideon,' Judy had said as she patted her father's back to lead the buck forward, and Stu had nodded and finally offered Nick a nervous grin as they shook hands.

Then he and Stu had gone out to the fields to pick carrots together, and had fallen into a semi-comfortable silence as they worked and sweated together the entire afternoon. Now the work was done for the day, and it was time for them to clean up and head inside for a well-deserved dinner.

"G-Good work out there, N-Nick...!"

Nick pushed himself off the wall and turned to offer the rabbit a grin. "No problem at all, Mr. Hopps!" He noticed the way the buck was shrinking into himself, his wide eyes locked onto Nick's sharp teeth, and the fox closed his lips into a softer smile. "Happy to help out a fellow mammal."

"Yeah." Stu gave Nick a strained smile in return, moving to the showerhead next to the fox. "You were a big help today, so, uh... thank you."

"It was nothing."

The two fell into another silence as Stu began to wash himself as well. He seemed completely comfortable being naked with another male present, and Nick's times showering with his brothers in the ZPD had made the fox similarly so. As he scrubbed at his chest, Nick glanced down to the bunny beside him. Stu had is eyes closed as he leaned his head back, letting the water run down his shoulders--surprisingly built and compact for a such a little guy--and chest. The buck shifted from foot to foot, his similarly-built legs flexing while the softer flesh of his flanks jiggled. Nick's gaze dropped lower, under the rise of the rabbit's gut to the sheath and balls sitting between Stu's firm thighs.

Then the fox jerked, looking away as he felt his cheeks--and the still slightly-sore spot under his tail--burn. Ever since he'd been marked with the tattoo at the base of his tail, he hadn't been able to look at any prey mammal, large or small, the same way. He knew what the symbol--a stylized prey cock pointing right at his tender, loose, needy pucker--meant. He knew what he was. And beneath the mask of Nick Wilde, officer of the ZPD, he was proud of it.

But as he worked his way through the males of the ZPD, being passed around from Chief Bogo all the way down to the anteater janitors, that desire in him had grown into an addiction. He found it bubbling underneath his mask constantly, whether in the station or out on patrol. At every traffic stop, he'd glance into the car as he took license and registration and wonder what the driver's cock looked like. Every time he arrested a perp, pushing them against the wall to cuff them, he'd have to resist the urge to slide down to his knees and push his snout up under their tail where it belonged. More than once as he interviewed a witness, he'd catch himself fantasizing about crawling under the table, tugging their pants opening, and deepthroating them while listening to their statements.

And now he was thinking similar thoughts about Stu Hopps, his partner's father.

"Nick? E-everything alright?"

Nick jumped and looked over to Stu, who was staring at him with a raised brow. "Y-yeah! Uh..." He cleared his throat and slipped a cool, suave smirk onto his face. "Yes sir, I'm alright. Just thinking is all."

"W-well, don't let your thoughts run away from you, or you'll n-never catch them." The bunny offered Nick a strained grin and a weak chuckle.

"I'll keep that in mind, Mr. Hopps." Nick nodded, accepting the bit of folksy wisdom from the older male, and turned back to rinse his chest off. As the cool water ran down his stomach to the fox's own sheath, which was pulsing and throbbing in time with the thoughts nipping at the back of his mind, Nick bit his lip and felt his tail lift up instinctively.

"N-Nick?" Another nervous gulp from the smaller mammal beside him. "W-what's that?"

"Hm? What's wha-" Nick was cut off as a small paw grasped the base of his tail and yanked the swaying limb upward. The fox froze as a shudder ran down his spine and his legs shifted to widen his stance of their own accord. For a moment he was in the showers of the ZPD station, surrounded by big, sweaty prey mammals. Feeling their hands on his body, groping and squeezing and exploring. Watching their cocks rise out of their sheaths around him, filling the humid air with the scent of malehood. Hearing their lustful rumbling and crooning and groaning, telling their foxyboy exactly what he was.

"Thought so." That low voice, strong despite how quiet it was, made Nick shiver as a pawpad traced around his clenching pucker.

Nick jerked once more. It should've been easy to break out of Stu's grip; he was larger than the rabbit, and the work they'd done out in the field proved how much more strength and stamina the younger fox possessed compared to the older buck. But every squeeze against the base of his tail, every brush--air? A paw? Breath?--against his hole and over his taint, sent a tremble through the fox's legs. It was a struggle to support himself against the brick wall while his hips followed another upward tug on his tail. Nick gulped, plastered that grin--his mask--back on his face, and began to stutter and stammer. "Look, Mr. Hopps, I didn't know you were, uh... like that." His cheeks burned at how weak his voice sounded. "I won't tell anybody, but just, uh, let me go, yeah? I'm not... I don't, uh-"

Again Nick was cut off, this time by a rough smack on his flank. "Shut up, Toy. I can smell the stink of cum under your tail."

Nick bit his lip and whimpered as his trembling legs finally gave out. He fell to his knees, pushing his rump back into Stu's grip as the mask of Nick Wilde fell off completely. A Toy, that's what he was; a pred marked as a slut, a cumdump, for any prey in the know. The larger mammal felt his cock throbbing between his thighs as the buck behind him continued to paw at his loose ring, testing how easily it spread open against his touch. Nick craned his neck to look over his shoulder to Stu Hopps, seeing the older male's own mask--that of a friendly bunny and loving father to Nick's partner--slip off as well. The expression on Stu's face was stony and blank, but the eyes behind it were flashing and burning with lust. "Mr. H-Hopps..."

"No." Another smack on his flank cut Nick off, and made the fox's erection jump and splatter the ground beneath him with a spurt of precum. "It ain't Mr. Hopps right now, boy. It's either Sir..." The older male's lips, which usually trembled in Nick's presence, curled into a wicked smirk as his paw pushed against the fox's pucker again. "Or Pa, if you're as big a slut as I think you are."

"P-Pa..." Nick breathed the word out, his rim relaxing and clenching as one finger, then another, and another, sank into his burning, sensitive passage. "Are you a... a...?" A Master. A prey-mammal like Officer Higgins, or the tattoo artist who marked him. One of the privileged few who had exclusive rights to use their Toys in any way they liked; any order, no matter how depraved or embarrassing--barring any that would expose their little operation or hurt their Toys too much--was to be followed to the letter.

"'Couple of the pred boys who went to the big city came back with marks like this one." The thumb of the paw wrenching Nick's tail up in an iron grip traced over the tattoo at the fox's tailbase. "Came back presenting themselves like females and begging for a good rutting from any prey with a dick, too." Nick's ears pulled flat in submission as Stu--Pa--met his gaze with a toothy grin. "Wasn't expecting you to be like them."

Nick moaned, closed his eyes, and presented himself. "Please, Pa."

"Please what, Toy?" Another smack sent another throb through Nick's dribbling cock. "Please rut ya? Fill this hole of yours with a batch of nice, thick bunny cum?" The paw against his hole pushed, sinking in deeper. Deeper. All the way to the wrist. "Heh, might be hard with how loose you are. Bet a slut like you is used to big cocks, huh?" Stu's fingers tugged at Nick's rim and caressed the inner walls of the fox's hole. "How many cocks have you took, boy?"

"I've lost count, sir." The answer was immediate, falling from between Nick's slack jaws as he panted. Groaned. Whimpered as he felt Stu's paw sinking even deeper into him. His passage clenched and squeezed around the buck's forearm as the smaller mammal began roughly forcing it in and out of the fox.

Stu laughed. A deep, rumbling chuckle, so different from the nervous ones he'd offered Nick every now and again before. He began to move quicker, fucking the fox with his forearm and clenched paw. "Well then, I think you're gonna fit in just fine here in Bunnyburrow..."

Nick rocked himself back against every forward thrust of the buck's arm. His teeth clenched as he felt Stu practically punching his prostate, the rabbit's knuckles slamming into the tender spot and making his cock throb. It felt a little like he was getting fucked by Higgins again; or maybe Chief Bogo. Hard and fast, rutting him deep with every thrust. Nick could feel the pressure building up in his abdomen. He was going to cum. He was going to cum all over himself being paw-fucked by the smaller male behind him.

The buck roughly pulled his arm out of Nick's clinging passage, and the fox yelped. Close. So close. But not there; Nick's erection, painful and needy, jumped and throbbed but didn't spurt.

"Look at me, boy."

Nick looked back to meet Stu's steely gaze. The rabbit was hard, his own malehood--smaller than what the fox was used to, but Nick still gulped at the sight--pulsing and leaking as the buck gripped it. "Tonight, midnight. In the barn. I'm gonna give you the welcome you deserve." Stu could see Nick looking at his crotch, and slowly pumped his erection for the fox's benefit. "The other Toys had a collar and leash they showed off to let us all know what they were. You got one of your own, boy?"

Nick continued to pant as he pushed himself up to his knees and turned to kneel in front of the buck. The two were eye-to-eye, but Nick had no illusions about his place before the smaller male. "Yes, Pa."

"Good. You're gonna wear it, and nothing else." Stu grinned. "Give my dick a kiss if you understand, boy."

With a nod, Nick lowered himself further down to push his snout into Stu's crotch. He breathed in the scent--sweat and sweet prey musk--for a long moment, familiarizing himself with the bunny's sheath and balls. Then he met Stu's gaze and pressed a kiss to the tip of the rabbit's cock.

"Good boy. I think we're gonna get along just fine." Stu tapped his erection on the bridge of Nick's snout, splattering the fox's face with a few spurts of his own precum. Then the bunny turned, shutting the water off and walked towards the shower entrance to leave Nick on his knees and aroused. "Oh, and don't you dare jerk off before then, boy." Stu shot one last glance at the younger male over his shoulder, and then the rabbit was gone.

Nick groaned softly, looking from the spot where Stu had disappeared down to his still-pulsing erection. His heart fluttered in his chest, dropping down into his stomach and then shooting right back up again. He didn't know what Stu had in store for him, but he knew one thing for sure: even if the buck wasn't a Master, Nick was going to follow his Pa's every command.

Nick's heart pounded in his chest as he crept down the darkened, silent halls of the Hopps family home. It felt wrong somehow to be in such a domestic place without a stitch of clothing on, but as the occasional sliver of moonlight from a window illuminated his bare body it felt somehow right. His breathing was quick, the tight collar around his neck cutting off his airflow just the slightest bit; just enough to make his head swim and his erection bob against his belly when he gave the leash attached a quick tug.

Dinner had been quiet, Stu and Nick eating ravenously after the time they'd spent working out in the fields. Bonnie had blushed and smiled when Nick complimented her cooking--carrot stew, with some freshly-baked carrot bread on the side--and told the fox to eat as much as he wanted. As they ate, Judy's many siblings had looked to Nick with open curiosity; and while the bunny was recruited into helping her mom clean up and do the dishes after everyone finished, the fox had found himself roped into the role of babysitter and playmate for the many bucks and does of the Hopps family.

Of course, the evening wound down eventually, and Judy had been rushed off to her old room by Bonnie while Stu led Nick up to the guestroom. The buck had left the fox alone with one last reminder to get to the barn at 'midnight sharp'--and one last grope of the younger male's rump--before shutting the door.

And from there, Nick had waited; he stripped out of clothes almost immediately--no sense waiting to drop his façade now that he was alone--rifled through his bag for his collar and leash--Higgins had made it clear he was to keep it with him at all times, and Nick was glad that he'd followed the hippo's order--and put it on--pulled snug and then one notch tighter, just how Nick liked it. And then Nick had lain on the bed, idly stroking and teasing himself--over his chest and thighs, his pawpads brushing his throbbing erection and heavy balls and loose, eager hole--as he dozed until midnight. Until it was time for Nick to let the true him out.

Nick froze, teeth gritted and heart pounding in his ears. There was a light on in the kitchen, and soft humming filtering out through the open door: Bonnie. He peeked in, watching as the older doe mixed something in a large ceramic bowl. Sweet scents wafted out, brown sugar and carrots and cinnamon. Was she baking? At this time of night?

And then Bonnie's ear twitched. "Who's there?"

Nick pressed his back against the wall, breath hissing through his teeth. He couldn't let her see him like this. He couldn't let her know what he was doing. "Uh, just me, Mrs. Hopps!" He called out, forcing his usual suave charm into his voice. "Don't let me interrupt you! I, uh... the bathrooms upstairs were occupied, and..."

"Oh, Nick! It's alright dear." He heard the bunny restart her humming, the clattering of the wooden spoon against the bowl resuming. "The outhouse should be open. It's around back."

"Th-thanks! I'll find my way there, you go on ahead and-" The fox paused. "What, uh... what exactly are you doing?"

A mischievous giggle wafted out from the kitchen, and for a moment Nick could imagine it was Judy on the other side of the open doorway. "Judy didn't want me to make a carrot cake for her, but it's her favorite. I was planning to surprise her with it tomorrow morning for breakfast."

Nick couldn't stop a smile from spreading over his face. "That's... really sweet of you, Mrs. Hopps."

"I'll make sure you get a nice, big piece too, Nick. You haven't lived until you've tried my carrot cake!"

"I'll look forward to it, ma'am." He glanced into the kitchen, waiting to make sure Bonnie had her back turned, and then darted to the other side of the doorway. "I'll, uh, let you get back to it. Got my own stuff to take care of."

"Careful out there, it's pretty dark."

"I'll be fine...!" Nick backed away slowly, ready to bolt. "G-goodnight, ma'am...!" The tension in his shoulders didn't release until the front door closed behind him, and only then did he let out his held breath. There he was, naked as the day he was born on the Hopps' front porch. The moonlight illuminating his cock as it bobbed before him, still aroused even despite what had just happened. Inside the house the Hopps family slept, their domestic world safely intact. And there, in the barn that rose up as a dark silhouette against the night sky on the other side of the field, was where his mask could come off; his, and Stu's.

He padded through the field, realizing just how eager he was as the barn grew larger and larger before him. His hole, still stinging a little bit from Stu roughly forcing his paw into it, twitched beneath his waving tail. His cock left a dribbled trail of precum as it bounced and splatted against his belly with every step. His spine tingled, already eager for the touch of another male. Finally, Nick paused to take a deep breath, cracked the barn door open, and slipped into the lighted space.

The sight that greeted him made his gut churn even as his erection pulsed.

The barn was completely filled with the sounds and scents of sex; cum, musk--both pred and prey--and low, horny, lustful moaning. Bunnies, all of them just as naked and hard as he was, lounged against the walls of the barn and atop tightly-packed hay bales. Judy's uncles. Her cousins. Even a few of her older brothers, the fox recognizing them from the dinner table. They either stroked their own cocks, or leaned against each other to jerk off one of their fellow bucks. All of them, however, were watching the show in the middle of the barn; another fox lay on his pudgy stomach across a hay bale, wrists and ankles bound together as he was double-teamed by a pair of rams. Nick couldn't see the fox's erection, but he could see the way the male rocked backwards against the thick length pounding into his ass and the blissful expression on the his cum-stained face as he suckled on the one working deep into his throat.

"Well well, there's the mammal of the hour." That voice, strong and husky so seductive; different from the one that usually came from its owner's throat. Stu sat like a king on his throne on one of the larger hay bales as a younger buck stroked his--brother's? Uncle's? Father's?--cock. Nearly every pair of eyes in the barn turned to stare at Nick, and the fox flinched and shrank into himself under the combined weight of the Hopps males' gazes even as his cheeks burned at the murmuring and laughter from the bunnies. "You're late, boy."

"I-I'm sorry, sir. I ran into some trouble getting out of the-"

"No excuses." Again, Nick flinched and pulled his ears flat in submission. "Get over here."

"Yes, Pa." The whispering grew louder at that, and Nick could feel the other bunnies' eyes on him as he dropped onto all fours and crawled toward Stu. The handle of his leash was gripped between Nick's teeth, and the fox offered it to the older male with a low whimper while settling in place--in his place--at the buck's heel.

"Good boy." Stu patted the buck sitting beside him on the hip, sending the younger male off. He then took the leash in his paw and tugged it taut to pull Nick up. "You see that, boy?" He gestured to the display in the center of the barn, where one ram had seemingly finished with the other fox's mouth. The prey mammal pulled out and, as the pred choked and gagged and whimpered, shot his thick load all over the fox's face. Then the ram moved away after a few moments of panting and sighing in sated bliss, joining the small group of his kind leaning against the barn wall; more rams who were either waiting for their turn or had already blown their load.

"Yes, sir...?" Nick watched as another ram shoved his cock down to the hilt in the bound fox's throat, immediately starting up a hard, slamming pace.

"That there's Gideon, my business partner." Nick could feel Stu's paw pat his flank, and his tail lifted of its own accord as soft pawpads worked over the curve of his ass. "Used to be one of the biggest, baddest bullies in Bunnyburrow. Threw his weight as a pred around to terrorize the kids. Those ram boys, and my Jude." Nicks breath hitched as the buck squeezed his asscheek in a tight, crushing grip. "You think I'd let him get off with just a little therapy after that?"

"N-no sir."

"So you know what me and my boys did to get him loving dick?" Stu turned his gaze to Nick, a grin on his face and a terrifying glint in his eye.

The fox gulped. "Wh-what?" He took in a hissing breath as the buck's fingers played over the loose lips of his hole. "What... Pa?"

"When he came here talking all sorts of shit about making amends, I told him to come out to this barn, on a night just like this." Fingers playing around Nick's rim. "Me and my boys were here to greet him, and we got him hogtied up nice and tight." Over the center of his pucker. "Then we fucked him. In his mouth. In his ass. Filled his belly with cum and made him our bitch." Finally slipping inside as the fox let out a low moan. "He cried and hollered at first. Begged for mercy, at least until we'd taken a few turns at his mouth. Gave him a taste of the humiliation he'd been giving our kids..."

"P-Pa..." Nick heard the murmuring and laughter from the other watching bucks. Felt the fingers in his hole poke and prod and pull at his inner walls. Looked over the other fox's sweaty, cum-splattered form as yet another ram plunged into the pred's cushy-looking ass. Nick and Gideon locked eyes with each other; the slim fox stood tall, ears pressed flat against his skull and erection dribbling on the floor of the barn as he lifted his tail and let his ass be played with, while the pudgy fox squirmed and rocked in between the rams that were stuffing him full of thick prey cock over and over again.

"The next day, we spread the word to a couple of the other prey dads and some of the boys he'd bullied when they were young. Told them about what we did, and what we were gonna do that night." Stu took in a hissing breath of his own as his malehood throbbed at the memory. "Staked him up in one of the outer fields, naked and ready for public use. Let nearly every male in Bunnyburrow have a turn at him." Stu laughed, humorless, and reached down with his free paw to stroke himself. "And you know what ol' Gid did when I went out early in the morning and found him covered in prey cum? When I untied him from that stake?"

Nick whimpered, shivering and shuddering and aroused. His crotch throbbed with dull, aching need at the picture the buck's words were painting in his mind--of Gideon tied up out in the open field, morning sun shining on his sweat-slick fur, panting and gasping and leaking cum freely from both ends--but he knew better than to touch himself without a Master's permission; if Stu wanted him to cum, the buck would order him to jerk off for him and the other males. "What did he do, Pa?" The words were whispered, hoarse and throaty with desire.

"He kissed my hindpaws and my ass, and begged for another round." Stu shoved his fingers as deep as they would go into Nick, swirling them around, and then roughly pulled the digits free. "He looked up at me, nose in my crotch, and begged to be my dirty, cum-guzzling whore. So I let him." He nodded to the bound fox in the center of the barn. "Though I bet I don't have to go through all that with you, do I, Nick? You're a natural-born slut, aren't you?" He then looked to the fox beside him, expectant.

Nick knew exactly what to do. "Yes Pa. Yes I am." He turned to face Stu, dropping to his knees once more. As the buck lifted one hindpaw and then the other, Nick dipped forward to press his lips against the older male's dirty pads. And when Stu hopped up to stand atop the hay bale, turning around and shoving his firm ass back into the fox's face, Nick pushed his snout in between the older male's cheeks and gave the taut, greasy rim hidden within a tender kiss. "I'm a Toy. A worthless pred only good for drinking prey cum. Please, Pa... make me your whore." His cheeks and the tips of his ears burned as he felt the eyes of the watching bucks on him, but his cock throbbed with pride between his thighs; pride in what he was. "Fuck me. Fill me with your cum and mark me as the Hopps Family Cumdump."

Stu turned, placed his paw on the crown of Nick's head, and grinned. "Good boy. I think me and the rest of us'll do just that. Ain't that right?" A raucous cheer rose up from the watching bunnies as Stu hopped down off of the hay bale, picked the handle of Nick's leash back up, and lead him over to the bound fox on display at the center of the barn. The rabbit nodded to one of the rams standing nearby with his throbbing cock in his hand as he waited for his turn. "Alright, clear out boys. Take Gid here to the field. You know the one." Stu tugged Nick forward to present him to the group. "Got a new boy to break in with the family, you understand."

The rams' eyes turned to Nick, looking him up and down, and the pred stood still and let them examine every inch of his nude body. "Alright, Mr. Hopps." The apparent leader of the group nodded and gestured to a few of the spent males resting nearby. "Come on, boys, get things cleaned up. We're takin' Gid out for the night." The other rams murmured and chuckled, and a few of them moved to lift Gideon's slack body up and carry the bound fox out of the barn. "Want the hay bale here, sir?"

"Naw, put it back where it goes, Jimmy."

Jimmy nodded, hefting the hay bale up and tossing it aside. "Have fun with the new Toy, Mr. Hopps." The ram looked right into Nick's eyes, winked, and sauntered out behind the rest of his group. And then Nick was alone with Stu and the many watching bucks continuing to stroke themselves and each other.

Stu smiled to Nick, so confident and dominant; confident in his place above the pred. At a tug on the leash, Nick moved to kneel down in front of the buck. Just like in the showers, he had no doubt of his place before the older male, even if kneeling only brought him to eye-level with the smaller mammal. "Jesse, Bob, you got the ropes?"

"Yup." Two rabbits bounded forward, grins on their faces and erections bobbing before them as they moved to bring over a few lengths of rope.

"Good. Samuel, get the hook up in the rafters down here."

"On it, Uncle Stu!" One of the younger bucks hopped up, moving to a winch on the wall. The hook he lowered down looked like it was used to lift and lower hay bales, but Stu seemed to have another use in mind. As Jesse and Bob tied Nick's wrists and ankles together, leaving the fox bent over with his face on the ground and his ass lifted up in the air, Stu placed the handle of the pred's leash onto the hook and gave it a firm tug.

"Alright, lift him up, Sammy! Get him about crotch-height, alright?"

"Yessir!" Nick felt himself being lifted by the neck, the leash pulling him up as the hook was winched back upwards. He choked, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes, and had to push his paws under himself to keep from getting strangled. It hurt. But at the same time, his cock was harder than it ever had been.

He felt something wet and firm smack on the bridge of his nose, and looked up past Stu's erection into the buck's eyes. "You comfy, boy?"

In answer, Nick pushed forward to bury his nose in Stu's pubic fur. He ground the tip of his snout into the buck's crotch, kissing his balls and the puffy opening of his sheath, and filled his lungs with sweet prey musk; earthy, comforting, and now-familiar. "Yes sir."

"Good." Stu dragged the leaking tip of his cock against Nick's lips, and the fox opened wide. "I'd better not feel any teeth, boy." With that threat hanging in the air, the older male closed his eyes and began to hump the bound pred's tongue.

And that seemed to be the cue. Nick heard the crowd of bucks, horny and lustful, surrounding and pressing in against him. He felt paws along his back and sides, grasping his ears and tugging; making him gasp and gag on Stu's erection as the collar around his throat pressed against his windpipe. Felt the bunnies squeezing his rump and balls with in tight, teasing grips.

One of the bucks let out a loud guffaw as he groped Nick's ass. "Look at him, liftin' his tail like a female." Indeed, Nick's tail was hiked up as high as it could go, baring the flexing pucker beneath to the males' eyes. "Wonder how tight he is."

"Can't be too tight, with all the dick he says he's taken," Stu groaned out.

"Haw! Regular cumdump, huh?"

"Just like the rest a' his breed."

Nick clenched his eyes shut, shame and arousal swirling and mingling in his expression and his mind. That's right, he was a cumdump. A Toy. A thing to be used for male prey's pleasure, and nothing more. His erection, pulsing and throbbing and dribbling beneath him, didn't matter; all that mattered was the grip of his hole and the dexterity of his tongue. He shifted his hips, winking the muscles of his pucker at the staring rabbits, and swirled his tongue around and over Stu's cock; the only cock that mattered in this situation, even above the other malehoods he could feel brushing against him and staining his fur with pre.

"Fuck... he's good, though..." The older male's humping began to grow quicker as Nick's tongue wrapped around his length. He panted and groaned, huffing out. "Damn, really good." The fox could feel the bunny's pulse through the hot, musky flesh, and traced over and around it in time with Stu's thrusts.

"I want to go next."

"No, me!"

"Nggh... we got all night, boys. Patience is a virtue." Stu glared at a pair of bucks standing nearby and eagerly waiting their turn.

"Haw! He actually feels pretty good when he squeezes down." Nick gulped, feeling the length pushing into him from behind and the rough smack on his ass. "Come on, cumdump, squeeze my dick!" The fox could only obey, clenching his passage as tight as he could around the cock working into his pucker.

"Hey, feel his ears!" Nick grunted as a paw wrenched his head to side by one of his flushed ears. "Pretty hot and soft."

"...Think it'd feel good on your dick?"

A guffaw. "Only one way to find out."

From there, it dissolved into a free-for-all. Nick could feel cocks, hot and throbbing, large and small, pressing and rubbing and grinding against him; on his snout, on his pawpads, on the flesh of his ears and the base of his tail. The grunting and groaning and panting bucks, young and old, pushing in for a turn at his body. The hot, sticky splatters on his fur as one or two overeager males shot off. When Stu finally came, the pred kept his maw wide open to let the bunny spurt his cum right down into his gullet; and when Nick swallowed, gulping the creamy load down, he opened his eyes to look right up at the older male.

And then another male pushed forward, offering his cock, and Nick gratefully latched on to suck it. The fox bobbed his head and rocking himself back and forth, humping back against the cocks poking at his rump and tailbase and open, needy hole. He breathed in deep, filling his lungs with the smell of prey musk and semen as it grew stronger and headier with every orgasm from the bucks around him. His mind swam. Sank into a haze of cock and musk. Again and again he felt the males around him cum, splattering his back and shoulders and face and rump with their seed. Marking him. Making him theirs; their Toy. Their cumdump.

It was only when he felt the cold ground against his cheek and a hindpaw nudging at his snout that Nick came back to himself. His body lay on the barn floor, coated with bunny cum and soaked with the sweat of a hard, thorough fucking. His muscles burned, and his neck ached from straining against the collar. "Hey." A voice, low and commanding, cut through his hazed mind. "Hey, boy." Another nudge against his snout. He looked up, meeting Stu's gaze. "You alright?"

"Please..." Nick didn't even recognize his own voice, hoarse from moaning and groaning and screaming in bliss as he was used. "Pa... please... I need..." Tears gathered at the corners of his eyes. His tongue, sore and tasting of cum, flicked out lazily against the hindpaw on his face. "I need..."

"Need what, boy?"

With a whimper, Nick worked his arms underneath himself. His cock, swollen and aching, throbbed against his pawpads as he pushed it down between his splayed thighs. "Please..."

"What, you wanna cum?" At Nick's needy whine, Stu put a paw under his chin and hummed in thought. "Let me see, have you earned it, boy?" He moved around to the fox's backside, looking over the larger mammal's exhausted form. "You did good, but I just don't know..."

The fox whined again. Lifted his tail up high and pushed his rump up for Stu. Begged with his voice and eyes and body for release.

Finally, Stu let out a long, beleaguered sigh. "Alright, fine. You'd better be grateful, you damn pred." He moved up behind Nick, grinding his hindpaw on the fox's erection, and pushed his fist up under the younger male's tail. "Too bad you're too big--nngh, and too big a slut--to fuck properly, boy. Would've loved to breed this ass of yours the proper way. But guess this'll have to do for a whore like you, huh?" Once again, Stu's forearm sank into Nick's back passage; deep, and then deeper, up to the buck's elbow.

Another whine as Nick squirmed. Shivered and shuddered. Clamped his inner walls around the intrusion within him. The feeling of his erection being sandwiched between the rougher pads of Stu's hindpaw and the hard barn floor was painful, like a punch right to the crotch. At the same time, the feelings of utter humiliation and desperation broiled in his gut, sparking with the waves of pleasure from his prostate and stretched hole to explode in a supernova of pleasure.

Stu roughly pulled his arm free as, with a final whimper, Nick came all over the barn floor. "There. Now, get yourself cleaned up and in bed, boy. We got another day of work in the fields coming up, and I ain't gonna go easy on you just because you're a little sore." He began to make his way to the barn door.

"Yes... sir..."

As he listened to door creak open and slam shut, Nick breathed in an out and tried to let his exhausted body rest. His mind was already swimming again as he filled his lungs with the scents hanging in the stale air, threatening to sink into the darkness of a well-deserved sleep; but not yet. He still had one last order to obey, after all.

And so Nick rested, gathering himself back up. When the ache in his limbs and throat had grown tolerable, he pushed himself up to his hands and knees, and then to his feet. He was a mess; a cum-and-sweat-soaked mess. Not even the roughest fucking from his higher-ups in the ZPD had gotten that wild. But as the fox trudged toward the barn door, ready to make his way to the showers and then finally back to the soft, warm bed waiting for him in the Hopps house, one thought ran through his mind as clear as a beam of moonlight through heavy clouds.

If this was the kind of welcome he could expect to be waiting for him, he'd definitely have to visit Bunnyburrow with Judy a lot more often in the future.

What They Have

Vulcan wasn't sure what to expect as he made his way up the mountain pass, occasionally glancing at the fiery sunset that lit the valley below in hues of orange and red. The typhlosion had spent the day in anxious waiting, visiting his friends and...

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[Commission] Higgins' Special Commendation

"...and before we break for the day, I've one last item on the list. Hopps, Wilde." The bunny and fox jumped to attention at the chief's words; it took every ounce of Nick's willpower to not jump to literal attention, sending his chair skittering...

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Look, Don't Touch

The door opened, letting out a blast of sweet air-conditioning, and then closed behind Travis to shut out the warmth of the morning. The wolf panted harshly, tongue lolling from his slack jaw as he stretched with a long groan. He paused, sniffed the...

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