
Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#78 of Commissions

Commission for Marz, the smelliest yeen out there, based off Destiny 2

Vorpal hummed worriedly, "I really don't think we should be going here." The Ghost flitted around, lights dimming with concern before brightening as it roamed around the hyena's head.

"Ah you worry too much." Marz brushed aside a few strands of cobwebs and looked about. The blue-spotted hyena's smile brightening. "We've been in dozens of Golden Agefacilities before. This one can't be that much different, can it?"

The Ghost darted around him, trying to look at the Guardian while also lighting the path ahead. "You were also part of a squad when you explored those. Listen, I do not like the idea of us being here without backup." It tried to dart in between the hyena and a door. Marz readily ducking underneath and pushing through. "Listen..." Vorpal sighed, panels shifting to show off exasperation. It tried to jump in the hyena's way, "Listen, Marz..." another dip and the hyena was past. "Are you evening listening?"

Wide grin split the male's maw, "Nope."

If the Ghost had an eye to roll, it would have. "Of course you aren't, but it's not going to stop me from talking at you."

"I wouldn't expect anything less." A sigh heaved from the hyena as he approached a sealed door. Brushing the dust from an access panel. The act turning the panel on, lights flickering across the surface as ancient systems tried to wake up. "While you're lecturing, any chance you could interface with this."

Despite the weary and put-upon sigh that wrenched from the Ghost, Vorpal did float over to the door. Lights flashing as it tried to link up with the panel. "The systems are very unstable. Seems that the generator is on it's last legs. Really we should just go." Lens flicked towards the hyena, who crossed his arms and gave a very sour look, "But I know you just want to press on." Another sigh as lights began to dance and flash. "I am just of the very strong opinion that we should at least let others know where we are and what time we should be back. That way if it goes pear-shaped they'll at least know where to come and dig you out."

A snort sounded form the hyena, "Nothing is gonna go wrong. We might run into some old defensive robots, but we've literally fought thousands of those. If something does go wrong, you can just bop out a vent and go find someone. It's not like I can die, yanno." There was the hyena's easy grin as he leaned back. Fingers lacing behind his head, "So we'll be fine. Worse comes to worst, I can just wait it out until rescue gets here. No harm, no foul."

"That's not very reassuring, you know." Vorpal's panels slid into their best approximation of resignation. The Ghost focusing on the door for a moment more before, "There, the locks should be disengaging." A deeper sigh rang out as it drifted from the door. Vorpal doing the best to scowl at the hyena as the door popped open slightly before stopping. Lights in the hall beyond flickering again.

It was Marz' turn to sigh. Shoulders rolling as he gripped the door and heaved. Forcing the door to open a finger-length at the time. The hyena was far from the strongest person out there. So it took him a few minutes of straining and heaving before he was able to get it open enough for him to squeeze through.

"Oof, need to find the power down here." A quiet growl came from the hyena as he pushed through. "Or at least get some way for the doors to work."

Vorpal grumbled, "Or you could lay off the sweets." Scanning the corridor as they entered the room. Scanning the corridor for even the smallest reason for them to just book it. "Not like you need to eat, yet you continue to find junk food to stuff into your face."

The Ghost was given a thump as the hyena walked past, "Hush. Don't food shame me."

More grumbling as Vorpal followed behind. On one side of the door, the halls had been pretty trashed. Looked like someone had tried to break in a while back, but balked at the sealed door. Beyond, well it was still pretty bad. Though these halls largely seemed to be just messy. Without things to clean it up or air cleaners, the place was just musty and everything bore a heavy layer of dust.

He breathed out a deep whistle and rubbed his hand over the wall. "Doesn't look like much has been down here." Bright eyes took in everything as he slowly strolled deeper. Peering over what might have been a security desk. Papers scattered and long-faded. Nearly crumbling to dust as he picked a page and tried to look over it. Frowning, the hyena grumbled and leaned over the desk. Tail twitching behind him as he brushed the dust off the consoles. "Any chance you could get linked up? Maybe find out what all this place was used for before we get crawling through here?"

Vorpal heaved a sigh, "I'm not made for this, you know. Be so much better if we had backup or support." Even with his complaining, the Ghost roamed over to look over the controls. Which, sadly, even with Marz' percussive maintenance was intermittent to the point of unusable.

Something which even the hyena accepted with a resigned sigh. "So, on down to the power core? See if we can't get it running? Or at least limping." He stepped back and scanned the area for a map or sign. Vorpal rolling his lens with a sigh. Casting another look at the screen as it flickered on for a moment. Not long, but enough for him to gleam some information from it.

"Hmm," Vorpal hummed as it managed to grab a map and some information. It wasn't a lot, a handful of memos and a couple messages, barely even surface information about the facility. Keeping part of his attention on Marz, he scanned through the text. Only took a second to parse the information. Surprise striking the Ghost hard enough to make him bob in the air. Oh so that's what was going on here? Certainly gave him some ideas of what to do.

Marz looked up from a rusted cabinet as the light flickered. Catching sight of Vorpal right as the Ghost lifted again, "You okay over there?"

Light flickered, "Hmm? Yes, I'm okay." The hyena gave him a look as he bobbed there. "Was just interfacing when the power surged is all. Threw me for a little bit of a loop." He bobbed higher, dipping a bit, "Closest I could say would be it's like being drunk." Moving to a door, "It'll pass, but good news is I managed to get a map." Plus some access codes and intel. "If you can get this vent pried open I believe I can get into a control room and give you access."

He was already shoving a cabinet over, "This vent here?" Vorpal nodded, drifting closer as the hyena hopped up and started to wrestle with the panel. "Osha would be proud of this," he wobbled on the unsteady cabinet. Bracing himself on the wall as he shoved a tool into the vent. Wrenching and prying as the metal and aged fasteners fought. Though they weren't made to stop a determined hyena and soon gave way. The panel wrenching free with a final screech and pinging of bolt heads as they were broken. Marz yelped and tumbled form the cabinet, slamming into the ground hard enough to drive the breath from his lungs. "I'm okay!"

Vorpal's panels flexed and clicked in his version of laughter, "I'd be worried if you weren't." The light tightened as he lifted to peer into the vent. Marz lay on the ground as he caught his breath, watching as the Ghost roamed into the vent. A plume of dust being sprayed out behind him. "Dusty."

Marz sat up slowly and let his elbows rest on his knees. "Yeah, I don't think they've had much time to dust lately." Without Vorpal around, the room was pitch black. "Should remember to get my own light," he mumbled under his breath. Doing his best to feel around the room. Trying to use the occasional flicker of the lights or monitors to somewhere better than the floor to sit.

A moment passed. Then two. It was impossible to tell how many minutes ticked past in that darkened place. All Marz knew was that he was getting pretty bored sitting here. Only so many thingshe could poke around while the lights flickered and only so many times he could twiddle his thumbs.

"Okay," Vorpal's voice broke through the silence, "I think I've got a panel that's somewhat stable. Give me just a minute. Rerouting some power to a few places..." Marz nearly leapt from his skin and most certainly did not issue a girly screech as a door slammed open beside him. "There. Don't know how long it'll last though. Looks like some conduits are burned out and these relays don't look good either." A hint of strain came through the comms, "Might wanna hurry along. I'll keep the lights up around you."

Lights flicked off before coming on just ahead of Marz. The hyena rushing forward to that circle. No sooner had he set foot foot in one clear circle of light than it clicked off and the next hummed to life. "This isn't creepy at all. Chasing lights through a pitch-black facility. Hey Vorpal, there isn't anything that's gonna jump out and bite me is there?"

An electrical hum came from his Ghost. "I am getting you on the security feeds. It's intermittent but seems we are completely alone here." A heavy sigh heaved, "Just the two of us in a facility on the brink of shutting down. What could go wrong?"

Marz kept following the lights as they lead him deeper into the facility. He passed by one door after the next, but could never get more than a glance inside before he was thrown into darkness again. "So where are you leading me?" He paused at the top of some stairs that lead further down. Peering at the lights that came on at the landings and only gave the barest of illumination. "I take it you're sending me to the power station? Think we can get it stable so it's less horror dark in here?"

Silence. "Hmm? Oh. Yes, sorry just trying to figure out the best route to get you there. Which starts with going down the stairs. I'd come and hold your hand, but a little busy right now." Silence again. "Might be able to make the journey a little more tolerable. Just let me see..." speakers crackled in the darkness. "If I just bypass this I should be able to... there!" Tinny, warbling background music began to chime through facility. "Turns out they have a BGM player on it's own circuit. Enjoy."

A sniff, "I don't need you to hold my hand." Gripping the railing tight, he ventured deeper, "I just don't want to fall and bust my ass. Doesn't matter if I can't die, it still hurts to fall down stairs." Boots clanged off the aged metal, "Especially ones like this. Be like falling down a cheese grater."

So onward Marz went. Following the fleeting lights down several flights of stairs and through even more halls. All while that dull music droned from the speakers. Which honestly didn't help the atmosphere, but he wasn't going to berate Vorpal for it. He was already pushing his Ghost pretty hard just getting him out here. If torturing him with some cheap cover muzak made it happy, then he wasn't going to complain. Well, not until they had the power back up and he was able to move around more freely. Then it'd be bitch city in here.

His journey took him to a heavy vault door. Ears perking as the heavy metal screeched and grated. Centuries of dust and rust fighting the movement. Marz having to step back and cover his face as a cloud of debris rained from the door and sill. "Okay," he coughed, "What am I looking for?"

Emergency lights barely illuminated the room, casting angular shadows all over and making his fur stand on end. Still he pressed deeper, looking for any panels or switches. "Well, hmm give me a second." The comms began to crackle the further Marz got into the room. "Seems to be some interference there. Likely from the conduits." Hisses and pops, "On.... Zzt left side.... Ssssk... vat."

"Vorpal?" Marz rubbed his head as if that would help improve the signal. "Vorpal you read?" Static and not much else other than that low crackling. He heaved a sigh and wandered around looking for a vat. Plenty of strange containers, all bearing layers of dust. Containers that were all tightly sealed up. The ancient locks resisting his attempts to pry and beat them open. Turning his attention to the shelves didn't tell him much. Tools and things which had long lost their charge.

Sighing, he wandered around the room a bit more before coming upon a large vat. Ears perking as he leaned forward and drummed the side. Whatever was inside sounded pretty heavy. Thick. Impossible to tell what was inside though since the lid was tightly clamped down.

Well Vorpal had said something about the left side. Looking there did reveal a panel. Brushing his hands over the surface to wipe away the dust. Didn't help a lot since it was still caked into everything. Not to mention how dim the light was. Really needed to pick up a light for those times where he didn't have Vorpal with him. Though that wasn't really often enough.

"Well shit," he heaved a sigh and looked over the panels and switches. "Eenie." he looked over the panels, "Meenie," up came his hand. "Minnie... you." he grabbed a large lever and pulled. The hyena putting his entire weight onto it. Feet coming off the ground as he drew himself up. Growling low in his throat as the metal creaked and shifted. Countless years of crud build up fighting as he jerked and pulled. Planting his feet on the panel and pulling with all his might. Ears folding back as he bounced and pulled, feeling it start to slip slightly with every bounce.


The handle came loose in more than once sense of the word. It broke free of the crud for sure. Swinging down in the hyena's grasp and slamming down with a resounding click. And more than that, it broke off in his hand. Sending him tumbling to the ground with a slam. Marz landing flat on his back, legs braced up against the panel, and just wheezing as the breath was driven from his lungs.

"That," he said to the ceiling, "was dumb." A groan heaved from the hyena as he tried to sit up, then decided it'd be better to just lay there for a minute.

An ear twitched as something creaked nearby. Sitting up, he tried to look around in the dark room as that creaking echoed out at him. Slow, quiet popping of aged equipment trying to come back to life. Groans and cracks sounding as crud broke free. A loud ping shattering the silence mere inches from his head. The hyena jumping with a yelp, fur bristling under his armor.

The vat next to him began to pop and creak. Something within starting to shift as some device within the vat started to churn and shift. "What the?" he stood slowly and perked his ears with a hum. "Hey, Vorpal?" he tapped his ear again in hopes that it'd improve the signal. "There's something happening down here. Something's moving around in the vat." Craning his head, he let out a low hum as he ran his hands over the stainless cover. "Might be a fuel source or something? Vat of lubricant?"

Lights flickered, growing just bright enough for him to make out a few more details about the container. It was huge, but stood about shoulder-high to the hyena. As he examined the edge, it popped. Lid springing up the barest fraction of an inch. "Whoa, thing just opened. Should I look into it?'

Silence. Not even the crackle of Vorpal trying to get through to him.

Marz took a few steps back, eyes locked onto that lid. "Nah, it'd be stupid to look in there." Nose wrinkled with a huff, "Whatever's in there has to be ancient. Old water, rotten grease, who knows what it was." feet scraped on the floor as he paced, "Bet it smells like ass. Don't want to have that stench in my nose all day long. Yeah, got a lot of things to do and last thing I wanna be is a stinky yeen today."

So why was he walking closer to the vat again? Common sense never won out when it came to sheer curiosity. It didn't matter how rotten the stuff might be or just what might be in there. Chances are pretty good that he'd either experienced or smelled far worse. He just had to know how much worse.

"Vorp, I don't know if you're reading but it won't stop me from talking." Fingers ran over the edge of the rim, "Big vat has cracked open. I'm just going to take a quick little peek inside. Got my gun loose in the holster and I'm being extra careful about it." The lid shifted as he worked his fingers under the rim. "If you don't want me messing around with this then just say something."

More silence.

Wide grin splitting his face, "Okay, I'm taking the lid off and peeking inside. I'll do my best not to dissolve in acid or something like that."

It didn't take much to push the lid off now that the machinery had cracked the seal for him. Ears fell back as it clanged to the ground. Undoubtedly denting or warping the lid. Thing sounded like it weighed a lot. He just hoped that the vat didn't need to be capped to work. Be a shame if whatever was inside had survived this time only to be ruined because he was too curious.

"Ah well fuck it." Planting his hands on the rim, he peered up over the ledge at the mystery that lay within the vat.

Something thick and vicious waited within the vat. Looking blacker than the deepest night. Even what little light was inside did nothing to illuminate the inside of the vat. It was filled nearly to the brim with this liquid, shadowy material. In fact, it was so full that his finger tips dipped in as he pulled himself up to look in. The substance was thick and a little cool. Bending under his fingers like it was jello rather than a liquid. "Weird," he uttered to himself as he kept pushing at the stuff.

It flexed and pushed under his fingers, dimpling. "I don't know what this stuff is, Vorp, but it's thicker than a bowl of oatmeal." Running his hand out into the vat, he pushed lightly. It felt a little rubbery, smooth and cold against his palm. So naturally he started to push and put more of his weight on it. Ears perking with strange glee as he watched that shadowy mass rippling. Refusing to spill over the edge of the vat.

Grinning widely, he make squishing noises as he played with it. Yeah, it was absolutely childish. He didn't care. "Really have no idea what this stuff is. Or what it was? For all I know it could have just been lubricant and this is what it looks like after centuries."

Nails dug against the surface, scratching and pulling. Nothing. Not so much as a scratch or rip along the surface. "Fucking weird. What else is there around here?" Marz turned to look around, hand falling to his side.

Or at least that's what he wanted to do.

His hand didn't budge from that thick goo. Looking back slowly, the hyena watched as his hand began to sink in. Surface dimpling against his palm as hair-thin tendrils started to wrap about his fingers. "Okay, I don't know what's going on here, Vorpal, but this stuff seems to have started to react. Maybe it's heat-sensitive?" Pulling his hand, he watched as the goop drew up with his hand, refusing to release him. "It's tenacious, that's what it is."

Trying to yank his hand back, the hyena didn't notice how more and more of those hair-fine threads started to wrap about his fingers.

A deep growl wrenched from the hyena as he pulled and heaved. The goo drawing higher within the vat. He reached to grab his wrist, heaving back with more of his might. More and more strands wrapping about his finger, growing thicker now into bands. Planting his foot on the side of the vat, he heaved and pulled. The substance shifting, his hand sliding closer to the edge. Up came his other foot, Marz once again putting his weight behind the pull. "Let go you cuck!" he snarled.

Metal dented under his boots as the hyena's muscles rippled and pulled. Deep growl rattling up his throat. Putting every ounce of his strength behind it, he tried to heave his hand free.

After the last time, you'd think that he'd have learned his lesson.

The vat's side buckled as he wrenched himself back. Marz managing just a yelp before that stuff slammed into him. The double impact of slamming into the unyielding floor and that sheer weight crashing onto him more than enough to drive the breath from his lungs. The weight of that stuff driving the breath from his lungs in an explosive groan. Eyes rolling back in his head as the hyena struggled and pulled. Putting every ounce of his strength behind it, he squirmed and wiggled. That heavy, ventablack mass wobbling over him. It was hard to get a grip and shove since the entire thing was flexing and shifting as he heaved at it.

As it warmed, the goo began to shift and mold against him. Hair-fine strands turning into thicker tendrils. The hyena yelping in surprise and twisting, shoving the mass off him and over with a thud. It pulled him with it, molding to him like a bed from hell.

"Vorpal? VORPAL!?" Teeth ground as he pulled and heaved, squirmed and wiggled. Trying to get away from the unyielding grasp. Seemed like the more he fought the tighter it started to grab him. Marz' eyes going wide as he watched the tendrils shoving up under his armor. Crawling across and under his skin. Low whine starting to roll up his throat, "Vorpal, I don't know what the fuck is going on, but something's happening here!"

The goop pushed and rolled under his armor. Gloves tightening on his hand as the stuff pulled them off. His hands sinking further into the substance as he squirmed. "Marzzzzt?" the comms crackled, "Wa...?"

He was starting to pant now, muscles aching as he continued to fight with the substance. "Vorpal!" he gasped, "I knocked over a lid on that vat thing and now I'm elbow deep in this goo!" Not quite, but it was getting there pretty fast. "More I fight, the more it's grabbing me!" The slab of goop was starting to ripple and draw in towards him as it crawled over and under his armor. Marz could feel it sliding over his elbows and reaching towards his shoulders. Armor bulging as the material started to push and bulge. It wasn't until he started to pull at his legs that he noticed how his legs were being bound as well. Boots getting popped off and the hyena practically howling as the stuff crawled over his feet and between his toes. "What do I do?!"

A noise that could have been a hum or just static came through the communicator. "Have you zzzt relaxing?" A burst of static that made the hyena wince, "...inger tra..."

What the fuck was an inger tra? He wiggled and fought, pulling and trying to get any part of his body free.

Inger tra... wait... was Vorpal talking about those finger trap things? The little things from party favors from when he was a kid? He watched as his sleeves bulged, that icy cold substance drawing over his shoulders and front. Somehow pulling his armor open and starting to bare his lean chest and body. The idea of stopping and taking it easy wasn't entirely appealing. Though he didn't have a lot of options did he?

Taking a deep breath, the hyena pushed towards the puck and tried to relax. Pressing towards where the tendrils were coming from rather than pull away. A shaking grin slid over his maw as he watched the grasping parts start to relax. Loosing around his arms as they sank deeper into the muck.

It was going well until it wasn't. Marz' hands stopped, halfway buried into the slop. That substance firmly locked around his forearms and keeping him trapped. His legs sank in as well, the entire lower half vanishing into the darkness and trapping him in somewhat a kneeling position. "Vorp, I hope you're right about the..." he trailed off as those tendrils slipped up over his thighs and around his hips. "Trap... thing..." worry built as his pants were worked down. "I don't think you were right... this stuff seems to be semi-aware."

More static as Marz tried to slowly pull his hand back. Whatever the stuff held onto him like the worse mud. It was like he'd shoved his hands down into rubber and now it was clinging tight to his form. Not giving him so much as an inch. He could only watch as the stuff crawled up his arms and across his back. Feeling how it wrapped about his chest and hips. Curling over his tail and between his cheeks. Heart hammering in his chest as the hyena squirmed, eyes going wide. Off came his underclothes next. The goo sliding underneath it and then rolling to push it off and out. Marz watching as his things were spat out of the goop one by one. Soon leaving the hyena bared.

"Okay, what the fuck are you? Some sort of guardian goo? Perverted slime?" The stuff stilled as it draped over his shoulders and back. "Can you understand me?" A tendril extended off his back, a pod forming before his face. "You can understand me, can't you?" The pod just hovered there. "Nod for yes. Shake for n...URK!"

That pod shoved into his mouth. Streamers curling over his maw and hooking there. More of the thick substance flowing over his tongue and firming. Sticking into his maw and holding it partially open as the thick, rubbery stuff crawled over his maw and face. Heart hammering in his chest as it bound his muzzle, keeping him from calling to his Ghost.

Yet despite how he was starting to panic, Marz could feel a strange arousal starting to build within him. A shameful excitement that was bringing his cock upwards as he was bound more and more firmly. Swinging length starting to pulse and throb.

Didn't look like the stuff was going to let him have that either.

As his cock started to firm, he could feel more of that latex substance coiling about his balls. Looping around them in a cage-like lattice. Stretching up to grip his cock and pull on it. Drawing him down and tucking him closer back to his balls. Throaty huffs coming from the hyena as he uttered a muffled call of frustration. His semi-hard cock quickly wrapped and bound within the thick substance. Unyielding goop stretching over his length and stroking. Every hair-fine fiber of the seemingly living latex stroking over and around his cock. Teasing and stroking him as if it were trying to jerk him off while not letting him firm.

"Mmph!" he cried out as the rubbery substance curled around his cheeks and under his tail. The smooth, cool substance pressing against his tailhole. Rubbing and gliding against his muscle before pressing forward. A slow, unrelenting press that steadily penetrated his rear. Making the hyena arch and squirm. Latex stretching and pulling him back to all fours. Keeping his hands and knees planted firmly on the ground as that probe rolled into his rear. Hooking as it stretched his inner walls. Moving until it was pressed against his prostate.

Eyes rolled back as the hyena huffed around his muzzle. Entire body trembling as the latex curled and wrapped around him. Encasing almost his entire frame. Leaving just his eyes free as his body was made to stand. Gaze dropping to watch as the latex curled about his caged cock, drawing it against his body. The dark substance going smooth and leaving him looking more like an action figure.

The dark surface rippled as it settled onto his form. Settling into place until the darkness began to shudder. Changing from that beyond-black to a gray-ish coloration with blue-ish spots. A slight mimicry of his own coloration. Shoulders rolling as his body shook. Marz trying to fight against the substance.

Despite how thin the coating was over his body, it was unyielding. He could barely even flex his muscles. Let alone stop it from making him walk. The substance guiding him to panels, flipping switches, and turning dials. All while his cock and prostate were rubbed, the cage keeping his length bound tightly against his body. Eyes rolling as he whimpered deep in his throat. Flushing as he huffed around the gag.

Deep in a control room, Vorpal gave what could only sound like a pleased hum. The Ghost watching as the now latex-bound Marz was moved around the room. He could feel each system as it started to come back online, thanks to the Minder Substance. Oh it would've been easy to just tell Marz how to fix it and let him have his reward. Though he felt the hyena needed to be humbled just a little. A few days should've been enough for most people. For Marz a few months should be enough, maybe a handful of years.

Not like he needed to eat, drink, or sleep after all.

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