Sweet Submission

Story by Xeratool on SoFurry

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Kayla was the first to wake up from the excitement of the night before. She sat up groggily and looked around her living room through blurry eyes. Her eyes settled on Xeratool, who was sleeping on his back in front of the couch, Beth inverted right next to him, her legs still wrapped around his neck. She chuckled to herself as she remembered everything that had happened and slowly lifted herself off the couch, being very careful where she stepped. As she moved, she caught sight of the bag Xeratool had placed by the door; her curiosity got the better of her and she crept over to it. She lifted it up gently, astonished how heavy it was given its size. Her hand barely touched the leather strap holding it closed when she heard a voice behind her, causing her to jump.

"And what if the contents of that bag are private?" came Xeratool's voice. Kayla turned around sheepishly, still holding the bag. She saw his lips moving but he was still lying on the floor, eyes closed.

"Sorry, I just wanted to know what you've been doing," she said guiltily.

Suddenly Beth jumped up, awakened by the sound of voices. She looked around the room and the position she was in and smiled broadly. "That was some night." She removed her legs from Xeratool's neck and sat up, hugging them tightly to her chest.

Xeratool finally opened his eyes and started to sit up. "If you want to know what I've been doing, all you have to do is ask."

"Alright. What have you been doing?" Kayla asked and walked over to him. She handed him his bag and sat back down on the couch, staring intently at him.

"As interested as I am I have work in, FUCK, eleven thirty, two hours," Beth said as she looked at a clock. She began to gather her clothes and dress herself. "Call me when you want to do this again, I'm ready any time." She moved toward the door once she was redressed. "I'm sorry about bailing on you guys."

"It's alright Beth, I'll see you later," Kayla said as Beth ran out the door.

"She really needs to learn to slow down," Xeratool said after the door was closed.

"Yeah, probably," Kayla said, only half interested. "Anyway, what have you been up to?"

"My main focus was to find this tile, but while I was there I picked up a few other things, such opportunities should not be passed up." He began lifting things out of the bag as he spoke. First he pulled out a flower contained within a glass container. Kayla gasped when she saw it. It was red and purple with curled petals that seemed to be reaching upward, she had never seen anything like it. "I will need to make some deliveries today. I know someone who is desperate for a live sample of this flower." He set the container on the floor next to him and turned back to the bag. The next thing he removed was a plaque that he looked at for a moment before turning around to show the necklace pinned to it. It was a simple cord with faded alternating turquoise and black beads, supporting a small pendant in the middle.

"It's beautiful," Kayla gasped.

"Do you like it?" he asked. She nodded excitedly in response. "Then it is yours." He held the plaque out to her.

"Really? Are you sure?" she asked hesitantly.

"Yes, the woman who asked me to find the tile would find it fascinating, but if you like it, then you can have it."

"Thank you so much."

Kayla was barely paying attention, her focus on carefully removing the necklace from the plaque without damaging it. Once it was free, she held it out in front of her to look at it one more time before quickly putting it on. "So, where do you need to go first?" she asked, paying attention once more.

"First I need to go to the natural history museum, and deliver the tile. I was happy to learn that Anna had moved up here, I did not think I would be able to see you again until after our business was finished," Xeratool repacked the bag as he spoke. "Then I will need to stop by the hospital."

"Why the hospital?" Kayla asked.

"One of the doctors there is researching medicinal herbs and I have a compound that he would be interested in," Xeratool explained.

"Alright, give me a few minutes to get ready and we can go." Kayla stood up and walked into her bedroom. She came back out to find Xeratool fully dressed and sliding his cell phone into his pocket.

"Alright, they know we're coming. Shall we be off?"

Kayla nodded and they left her apartment. Twenty minutes of walking later they found themselves in front of the museum. They entered quickly, and one short conversation with a security guard later, were allowed into the basement. Kayla shifted uncomfortably in the elevator, not sure what to expect when they reached the bottom.

The door opened to a small atrium connected to a large, sterile looking room. They walked in and approached the falcon sitting at a desk, intently focused on something. When they got close she lifted her head and spoke. "Xeratool, it's been a while. I was starting to wonder if you were ever coming back."

"Tell me about it," Kayla said under her breath.

"Who is this?" the falcon asked, tilting her head towards Kayla.

"Anna, this is Kayla. She is a close friend of mine."

"A pleasure." Anna nodded to Kayla quickly before turning her attention back to Xeratool. "So you do have the tablet, correct?"

"Yes, right here," Xeratool opened his wing and removed the tablet from his bag. Anna's eyes went wide when she saw it. When he handed it to her, her hands were shaking and she quickly placed it on the desk in front of her.

"You have no idea how much this is worth to me, the amount I promised will be in your account by the time you check it." Anna's eyes drifted back to Kayla as she finished speaking. "Are you sure, you didn't find anything else, in those ruins?"

"Nope, nothing of interest. I did find that flower Sadie was talking about though. Is she here?" Xeratool said.

"Yeah, she's working in the back." Anna motioned over her shoulder as she spoke. Xeratool pulled the flower out of his bag and held it out for her to see. "It really is beautiful; I can see why she wanted it."

"I know, but sometimes I wonder where she learns about them," Xeratool said and started to walk further into the room, carrying the flower.

"Close friend huh?" Anna asked once Xeratool was out of earshot.

"What? Yeah, I guess," Kayla said, not thinking it was that big a deal.

"Lucky girl, I've been trying to get close to him for years." Anna seemed to be thinking out loud, more than talking to her.

"What is it that he does?" Kayla asked.

"He does a little bit of everything. I've never heard him actually call himself anything, but he always seems to have free time. And with jobs like this, never a shortage of money either."

"So you don't know anything about him either..." Kayla trailed off.

"You should have seen the look on her face when I gave her the flower," Xeratool laughed when he came back. "I swear; she was considering jumping me for a second."

"She does tend to get over excited," Anna said.

"Was that all for here?" Kayla asked.

"Yeah, sorry about only dropping in for a few minutes Anna. We should meet for dinner one night while I'm in town."

"I'll have to take you up on that. I'll call when I've got a night off," Anna said as the two of them left.

They walked quickly to the hospital and found the doctor they were looking for. They caught him walking through a hallway and Kayla wandered away while he and Xeratool talked. She peeked into an empty room and saw the bed was set up for a harness to support someone with a lot of broken bones, her mind immediately turned to other uses for it. She grinned to herself as she went over different possibilities before quickly shaking her head. She realized that she was getting wet from her fantasies, and how poor a place she was in for that to happen. But now she knew what she wanted, and she wanted it bad. She walked back to Xeratool and grabbed onto his arm. "We're making a stop on the way back," she said in a very determined tone.

"Sorry doctor, but it looks like I have to go now," he said and the two of them left the hospital. Kayla was practically dragging Xeratool as they walked. "So where are we stopping?" he asked.

"Here," Kayla said, stopping in front of an unmarked storefront. "Wait here, we need a few things for when we get back."

Xeratool watched her enter the store and leaned against the wall, wondering what she was doing inside. She came back out of the store five minutes later carrying a black plastic bag. As soon as she came out she grabbed his arm again and resumed dragging him along with her.

"You clearly have something specific in mind; care to tell me what it is?" Xeratool asked as Kayla pulled him toward her apartment.

Kayla stopped in her tracks and turned to look him in the eye. "I saw you with Beth last night. The way you held her with your claws and teeth, the way you dominated her, if only for a moment. I want that. I want you to take me and use me," she said in a low voice, bordering on a growl.

"If that is what you want, then I can claim you and push you to your very limit," Xeratool whispered back to her, in the same low, near-growl. Kayla shuddered with anticipation as he spoke. He leaned in close, so his mouth was right next to her ear. "You will be mine."

A chill ran down Kayla's spine and she continued pulling Xeratool behind her, more determined than ever. By the time they reached the door of her apartment, Kayla was panting, both from being out of breath after having run most of the way back and excitement over what was about to happen. As soon as they were inside, she started to move for her bedroom. "Come on," she called over her shoulder.

"Stop." Came Xeratool's voice from behind her, it carried a sense of command to it she had not heard before. Without thinking she stopped. She heard him walk up behind her and stop very close. "Give me the bag." A hand reached around her side and took the black bag from her. As soon as she placed the bag in his hand he spoke again. "Now go to your bedroom. I will be there in a minute, I expect you to be naked and sitting on the end of your bed waiting for me."

Kayla was tingling with anticipation and walked wordlessly into her bedroom. She immediately stripped out of her clothes and sat on her bed, impatiently waiting for Xeratool to come in. After a minute of waiting, she began to wonder what was keeping him.

"Sit on your hands, feet flat on the floor," came Xeratool's order from just outside the door. Kayla snapped into position and Xeratool walked slowly through the door completely naked, the black bag hanging from his tail, swaying ever so slightly with each step. Kayla wanted to dive off the bed toward him but the way he was staring it her kept her in place; his eyes contained a powerful sternness she had never seen before. "Very good," he said in a rather dismissive tone. "Stand up."

Kayla practically jumped up. "What do you..." she started to ask, but was cut off.

"No questions," Xeratool said. "Now, present your arms." Kayla slowly held her arms out in front of her, wondering what he was planning. Xeratool reached into the bag and pulled out a long silk strap. He wrapped it around both of her wrists and tied it tightly in the middle. As soon as the knot was tight he grabbed it and pulled it up, forcing Kayla's hands over her head. Being slightly taller than her, he did not stop until she was on the tips of her toes to try and keep up with him.

Xeratool placed his free on her chest, just above her breasts. He slid his hand slowly down, stopping just above her crotch. Kayla whimpered slightly but fell silent when he looked back into her eyes. He then ran a single claw back up her body, jumping up from her chest to her chin before curling back to hook lightly on her lower lip. He then pulled her forward, kissing her hard and forcing his tongue into her mouth, wrapping around hers.

When he finally released her he spun her around so she was facing the bed and pushed her forward. Kayla was left with her hands on the bed, bending over directly in front of him. She heard the bag rustling and looked back just as Xeratool removed a thin vibrator that was slightly curved near the end. With his free hand, Xeratool gripped the base of her tail before turning the vibrator on. Kayla gasped as she felt the vibrator brush against her ass and whispered "no." She feared what was about to happen but at the same time did not want to stop him, and regretted speaking. Xeratool stopped and stared at her for a second, before continuing on and pressing the tip of the vibrator against her vagina.

Kayla breathed a sigh of relief and moaned slightly, her fear passing and her pleasure building. "No noise," Xeratool said and clicked off the vibrator. "Move all you want, but stay silent or I will stop. Kayla looked pleadingly at him for several seconds but his expression did not change. Finally she nodded weakly and bit down softly on her lip to keep herself quiet. Once Xeratool was satisfied she understood, he started the vibrator again and rubbed the tip of it around her clit. Kayla squirmed and bit down harder, determined to keep herself quiet, in spite of the pleasure she was feeling.

Eventually Xeratool pressed the tip of the vibrator back against the lips of her vagina and pushed slowly into her. Kayla tried to push her hips back, to get more of it inside of her but Xeratool pulled it back and said "not yet," A few seconds later he resumed pushing into her, Kayla dug her claws into her mattress, fighting to control herself. Once it was completely inside her, he pulled it back out at the same slow pace before he whispered "now you can move."

Kayla began to move her hips in time as he pushed the vibrator back in and out of her. She was screaming in her mind, begging for him to let her cum, but on the outside she stayed silent. Eventually, Xeratool stopped with the vibrator most of the way inside her before shifting it slightly. When the tip touched against her g-spot Kayla nearly lost her footing. Her legs shook, she bucked her hips uncontrollably and she bit down on her lip so hard she thought she would draw blood, but she stayed quiet. A few moments later Xeratool leaned forward and wrapped his tongue around her clit. This new addition was too much for Kayla and she climaxed hard, falling forward into the bed and screaming in ecstasy.

When she finally came down, Kayla realized what had happened and rolled over to see Xeratool staring sternly at her. She looked down sheepishly and jumped when he pulled the vibrator out of her suddenly. "You didn't stay quiet. You will have to be punished for that," he said as he turned off the vibrator and threw it on the bed. "Stand."

Kayla stood back up and held out her hands again, staring at the floor the entire time. Xeratool grabbed the strap between her wrists again and lifted. He pulled her up so that she was hanging a few inches off the floor. Kayla tried to move because the tension on her arms was becoming painful but without her feet on the ground there was nothing she could do. Xeratool moved her toward him and she gasped when she felt the tip of his penis brush against her. He placed he free hand on her back and pushed her down around him, not stopping until he was completely inside her. Kayla wrapped her legs around him and ground against him, loving the feeling of having him inside her.

Xeratool turned and walked them over to a wall, pinning her against it before pulling out. He drove into her again and again, strong forceful thrusts, burying himself completely each time. Kayla gasped and moaned with each thrust, any attempt at staying quiet failing miserably. As he pounded into her, he slammed her against the wall each time, trying to get deeper inside her with every thrust.

Kayla screamed and begged him for more as orgasm after orgasm crashed through her, with no end in sight. As she was starting to get light-headed she heard Xeratool start to growl and felt him become more forceful. She knew he was close to his own climax and started pleading for it. "God yes, take me," she panted.

A moment later, Xeratool let loose an ear-splitting roar and drove into her one last time, pinning her between him and the wall, and bit down tightly around her neck. He held her in place and bucked his hips slightly as each surge of cum was pumped from him into her. Eventually his orgasm subsided and he released her, lowering her back down to the floor. The two of the walked shakily to the bed and curled up together, too spent to even clean up. Kayla felt safe in his arms, even if she was still tied up and quietly whispered, "yours," as she drifted off to sleep.