Nightfall - 3. Of Understanding and Forgiving

Story by Judah Vishas on SoFurry

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"Moroii. We are the living. Everlasting denizens of the night. Mortal only to sunlight or a silver bullet."

I didn't know why, but as I floated in the darkness, my Sire's lesson on our kind played in my mind. The

words seemed to float around me.

"There is, however, another type of vampire... I pray you never run afoul one."

The words floating around me seemed to quiver with what was either hate or fear. Maybe both.

"It - and I stress the word '_it' - is called a Strigoii. It is the living dead variety of our kind. On the off

chance that we are killed, it is unnatural for us to continue. That is the time our souls - and don't let

anyone tell you we don't have them - cross over. A Strigoii clings to its soul and when it finally slips

away, the soul leaves an echo that never quiets, reanimating the vampire. They are nearly impossible

to kill and highly dangerous."_

I remember my Sire turning to me when he said the next part.

_"Strigoii, despite being our brothers and sisters once, are abominations. Enemies of our kind. It

becomes our duty to our race to destroy them if we encounter them."_

Why were these words flowing around me? True, I'd encountered one. Perhaps the most dangerous

one. But why would my Sire's words come to me after so long? Had I done something wrong? It was

indeed our duty to destroy them, but I was lucky to escape with my life. I'm certain I shouldn't go

looking for him to kill him. He was huge! That wolf could snap me in two easily!

But why didn't he?

Bacchus had me right where he wanted me and only raped me - something I'd only just gotten over.

Why hadn't he killed me when he had the chance? He'd said he'd track me again and again. That

scared me. So much so that now I was having vivid nightmares about him. It was so real I could almost

swear I'd chased him through the city, into the woods and willingly mated with him. What was scariest

was that I felt something for him, something that I still felt in my semiconscious mind now.

In the dream - nightmare - he said something - two somethings, actually - that made me think. First,

he said that we were opposites in that he could kill me, but did not want to and that I was the opposite

and opposites attracted. Then he asked me why I had to kill him. I couldn't give him a good answer.

Truthfully, I did not know why. No longer lingering on the words we'd shared, I remember the wolf's

touch. He did not burn against me as mortals did. Bacchus was just as cold as I was, so as scary as it is to

think about, being in the Strigoii's arms felt right. Even more disturbingly, contrary to all that I've

known to be true about him, Bacchus had been gentle with me.

But it was all a safe nightmare... wasn't it? Now that I thought about it, I hadn't dreamed since I'd been


That sobering thought shook me out of the magical place between sleeping and awakening. My eyes

had not adjusted yet, but I did not need them now. I felt something heavy wrapped - comfortably, I'll

admit - around me. His head was resting on my shoulder and I could feel his breath on my neck. It

wasn't cold like the first time he'd had me this close. I cleared my vision and my eyes ignited in their

bright blue light, allowing me to see through the thick darkness. I looked up with horror to see myself

in a mirrored ceiling with my one and only fear snoring softly as he held me in his arms.

Stifling a gasp, I immediately began trying to slip myself out of his arms without waking him, freezing

when he held me closer. Almost in a whisper in his sleep, he said, "Stay...with me.... Arael..." This was

not going to work. I had to force the wolf off me and it'd probably be the last thing I ever did. I turned

into him and placed my paws on his chest and counted to myself.



Between two and three, my mind interfered. It reminded me of what I'd felt for Bacchus in the day

we'd spent in each other's embrace. It frustrated the hell out of me. I could not understand it! The

feeling was strong. Strong enough to make me think I could forgive him for what he'd done to me.

Somewhere in my suddenly sick mind, I wanted to stay with him. I'd have to deal with that when I

escaped. If I escaped.

Three! I drew my paws back and pushed him with all I had, throwing the wolf off me and out of the

bed. In a blurred motion, I was crouched on the bed. I grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around

myself like a hooded robe and was on the side of the room opposite where I'd pushed Bacchus.

He sat up, shaking his head. As he made heads or tails of things, I sank into a defensive stance,

clutching the sheet-robe around me. The wolf looked up at me and tilted his head a little. I could see

sadness in his beautiful face.

"Arael? What are you doing?" He asked, getting to his feet as he looked over me with those terrifying

crimson-illuminated eyes. Why wasn't he coming at me? I took another look at his face. Now the

sadness turned to a crushed look. He appeared as if he'd collapse any moment. "I... I thought we were

beyond this need for my death..." he sighed.

Suddenly I felt guilty. What the hell?! I'd done no wrong, so why did I suddenly feel this urge to cross

the room and hug the wolf?! I shook myself mentally, then looked to the balcony doors. There was

definitely no light peeking under the curtains. I took another look at Bacchus and he looked back at

me, having followed my gaze to the door.

He sighed. "I won't stop you..." he said. "But please don't go."

Why was I hesitating?! By now, I should be out those doors and at the edge of the city, but I was still

standing there before him. Slowly, the big wolf was turning into a sad puppy. What happened in the

past twelve hours that I was not remembering? Had he had some epiphanic revelation that I'd

missed? I shook myself again, shocking my thoughts with the fear still running through me, and the

next instant, I was on the balcony looking into the cabin at him. He held a paw out to me and spoke my

name again. I shook my head and kicked off the balcony so hard that I disappeared into the night.

---------------------------------Two Weeks Later----------------------------------------

I caught up with Maxwell. He was in a panic, thinking I'd fire him for not alerting me of what was to

come. I assured him his job would always be safe as long as he kept his mouth shut about what I was.

Truth be told, the gryphon was far too valuable to me. It was tough when I had no one I could be

honest with. Not that I was being completely honest with him. Maxwell still had no idea of what had

happened three weeks ago.

Not that he didn't notice. Somehow I didn't think that he'd notice that I wasn't taking fans on late

night 'rides' in both senses of the word. Tonight was his night off, so he convinced me to go out to a

night club with him. It didn't take much to talk me into it. I'm no narcissist, but I did like to show off my

own wardrobe every now and then as opposed to the stuff I had to wear in photoshoots. I'd also get

to piss off a few men in the room as their girlfriends (and in some cases, boyfriends) watched me.

Standing outside Ebon Nirvana, Maxwell looked to me with a grin. "I'm glad I'm off tonight."

"Okay, I'll bite. Why?" I asked, smirking at the gryphon.

"Because I'm getting fucked up and you're the designated driver this evening." he said, dropping the

keys from his hand, and walking in. He knew I'd instinctively catch them. Clever bastard.

The club was three stories tall with the middle cut out of each so that the main stage - the dance floor

  • was the center of attention. Inside was as expected. Music throbbed faster than a heartbeat as a

myriad of furs twisted to it, some so close that their bodies seemed to intertwine. The lights were off

in favor of lasers and a flickering strobe light, giving every half second in the room the appearance of a

snapshot. There were occasional gasps as the inhabitants realized I who I was. I stifled a grin as I

ruffled my raven curls with my paws to make sure my hair wasn't flat. I glimpsed my reflection along

with the hateful eyes of several envious boyfriends. I'd chosen a pair of baggy black jeans that clung to

my hips and a too-small matching vest under which I wore a fishnet shirt.

We'd hardly been there before I heard my favorite song, "Before I'm Dead", starting on the speakers.

I sighed a little, not wanting special treatment here, but then it hit me. Maxwell had disappeared into

the crowd before I entered. I looked up to the second story where the DJ was stationed just in time to

see Maxwell duck. I'd have to thank him later. I didn't expect to have much fun here other than

showing off my clothes, but now there was something to dance to.

It was time to really piss someone off. As I made my way to the dance floor, the crowd parted before

me. The seductive beat had grabbed me by the hips and dragged me to the neon-tiled floor. Lost in

the sound, I didn't even care that I was the only one out there now. That was probably because I

wasn't doing any particular dance. I never bothered to learn the popular dances of this decade.

Instead, I just let the music move me and hoped for the best. To this song, I was moved like a belly


Halfway through the song, I saw that I was being joined on the dance floor. I grinned as I heard the

grumbling of angry males trying to get laid. They'd have to try a lot harder with me unintentionally

seducing their targets. Soon the dance floor was populated enough for me to slip away unnoticed

when the song changed. Good thing too. I'd felt more than a few people pinching my ass and pawing

at my crotch, not that the attention wasn't appreciated. I sat on a stool at the bar and watched them.

The dance floor was rarely as crowded as it was now. Now I could actually see around the room. I

grinned as the males not dancing turned their noses up at me. Idly, I took to spinning on the revolving

barstool. I'd rotated about fifteen times before I noticed him.

A vampire was walking briskly out the door. I focused on the atmosphere. The furs between me and

the door all visibly relaxed as I expanded my aura quickly to touch his before he got away. I gasped

when I felt the unpleasantness around him. I quickly grabbed a napkin and a pen from my pocket and

wrote down Maxwell's address so fast that my paw blurred, then I called for the bartender.

"Listen to me. A gryphon by the name of Maxwell is going to come by here in the next few minutes

and get ridiculously drunk. I need you to take him home at the end of your shift." I spoke quickly, but

the tender - a small mouse - seemed to understand. I took out a wad of cash from my vest and

stuffed it in his paw along with the keys to the Aston Martin we'd arrived in, then left as fast as I could

without drawing suspicion.

Outside, I slipped into an alley and quickly scaled the wall. Once I was on the roof, I scanned the area

for any sign of the mysterious immortal. A breeze blew the scent of lavender to me from the east. I

looked and saw the feline standing on a taller building. My eyes saw him as if he was right in front of

me, but in truth, he was a couple blocks away. He was a lynx with glowing azure eyes and long silver

hair that flowed around him. There was no way he could exist inconspicuously among mortals. Most

vampires who couldn't chose one path.


The lynx's expression was furious as he gazed at me. He roared at me before speeding off so fast he

disappeared. I looked around. Why had he looked so angry? Wait... I looked past where he was

standing. The woods were not far off. I sniffed my hair. My scent was not my own. I smelled of trees.

He'd been tracking Bacchus and found me instead.

What happened next stunned me, or at least I wished it had. Without my command, my feet began

working. Within moments, I was running, then blurring across the rooftops toward the forest. I

wanted to stop, but for some reason, I couldn't remember how to not run. What would I do when I

inevitably reached the Strigoii's cabin? A few weeks ago, didn't I hate him? Why was I now rushing

back to his home? Something in the back of my head answered. It reminded me of what I'd felt during

the day I was trapped in the woods with him and I found myself running faster. I didn't know what was

going to happen, but one thing was certain. I absolutely had to warn him.

Leaving the city was a long road that curved around the woods. I ran the eight miles of it before the

woods in 10.3 seconds, then leapt into the trees. I smelled no hint of the lynx's lavender scent, so I

was definitely ahead of him. A moment later I understood why. Despite being completely covered

from the waist down, I could still feel the sunlight on the back of my legs. It was like being lowered into

hell. It was just starting to rise, but was just as lethal. I put my paws together.

There was a spell that all vampires knew, but usually had no need for, since we were always conscious

of time. I'd forgotten everything, including how close to sunrise it was. The spell gathered the night

around us to form a shield against the sun that would last until the sun was completely raised.

"Nox noctis , servo mihi!" I shouted the words, hoping the wolf would hear me and open his doors. I

felt the darkness wrap around me, hazing my vision slightly as it completely covered me. I didn't hear

the doors open. "Bacchus! Open up!" I screamed, the cabin now in view. The balcony doors opened

for just a second, long enough for me to slip in.

"You came back?

I turned around to see him leaning against the doors. The night swirling around me faded now that I

was safely indoors. Without its haze, I could see him clearly. Bacchus looked terrible.

"What have you done to yourself?!" I demanded. Upon further observation, I saw that his eyes

weren't glowing as brightly as they should in the heavy darkness. They answered my question. "When

was the last time you fed?"

He stepped from the doors and walked to his bed, something I'd never seen the wolf do. He chuckled.

"I haven't been out of here since you left. Meaning, I haven't fed or been laid in two weeks." He said

weakly, looking up to me. "Have you come to help me with those problems?"

Unconsciously, I stepped forward and placed a paw on his face. He reached up and held it there. He

was cold, even to my touch. If he were mortal, he'd be dead by now. "We have bigger problems than

you getting your rocks off. You need blood. Now." With that last word, I raised my paw and brought it

down to cut my wrist for him, but before I could, he grabbed my paw.

"What's wrong, Arael?" he asked, pulling me closer to him. He rested his head on my midriff where

the fishnet shirt was torn off. I tensed and pulled back, but he wrapped his arm around my waist and

held me there. "Please." He said, holding me there. His grip was weak. It was like a mortal holding on

with all his might, which could be broken just by stepping normally.

"Bacchus, you have to drink from me. There's a tracker out there waiting for the sun to go down to kill


He didn't look up. "Why would a tracker be after you?" he asked, running his paw up my back.

"He wasn't at first."I told him, moving to sit with him on the bed. He tightened his feeble grip on me,

thinking I was moving away from him. When I was seated, he sat up and rested his head on my

shoulder. "He was tracking you, but found me. Somehow your scent is still on me."

Bacchus chuckled at me. "I'm sure this isn't helping that." He said, kissing my neck. My head was

screaming for me to get away, but that little part of me that I will admit felt something for him was

strong enough to keep me rooted where I was. "I'm sorry I got you into this. If I could have stayed

away from you, you'd be safe."

"That doesn't matter now; we need to get you better so we can run when the sun sets." I said,

running a paw through his hair. "What the hell possessed you to starve yourself?!"

He let go of me then and moved away a little. "When you left, I thought you wouldn't come back." He

rubbed his head. "How to put this.... I knew that if I could, I'd follow you and trick you into coming here

again somehow. I didn't want you to come back like that, so I starved myself so I couldn't chase you. I

guess I felt that if you didn't want to come back, I wouldn't try to make you."

I tilted my head a little and moved closer. "Why did you want me to come back?" I asked, my voice was

barely above a whisper now.

He moved away, shaking his head. "I can't say it. Not yet." He stood up and staggered across the room,

stopping to lean on the wall by the fireplace. "Arael, I can feel it around you. You care for me. You

wouldn't have come here today if you didn't. It's killing me." I opened my mouth to speak, but he

held up a paw to silence me. "Listen, I need to formally apologize to you or the pain I'm feeling won't


"Bacchus, what are you talking about?"

The wolf smiled and shook his head again. "I don't know whether to call you resilient or get you a

psychiatrist. Arael, I don't know if you remember or not, but I raped you the night you met me, then I

tricked you into coming here just before sunrise a week later and for some reason, you cared enough

to come back to see that I wasn't killed." He sighed and came back to sit next to me, taking one of my

paws into his. "I'm sorry, Arael. I'm sorry for hurting you the way I have, and that I can't leave you

alone now." He paused. "I guess the reason I wanted you back is that I... I love you."

He looked up to me for a response, but I couldn't speak. He sighed. "I suppose I understand if you

don't feel the same. I'll go prepare the guest room and you can leave at sunset." He let go of my paw

and stood up to walk away, but I found myself and grabbed his wrist with enough strength to snap a

mortal's. He looked back at me as I stood up. The wolf raised an eyebrow.

I'd completely lost it, but it somehow didn't feel wrong, just weird. I pulled him closer to me and held

him there. He lifted my head up to look me in the eye. I found my voice then. "Bacchus, I... I don't hate

you - personally. It's what you are. I think I could -"

He let snatched himself out of my grip. "Moroii and Strigoii. That the chapter of the handbook that

bothers you?" he grabbed me by the shoulders and bent forward to be at eyelevel with me. "Arael, I

understand if you hate me. You have every reason to, but please don't hate me for what I am. I didn't

choose to die. I, like every other like me, was murdered for being a vampire. I don't think I can take

someone else hurting me because of what I am. Hurt me for hurting you, but not for doing what

vampires do and living forever." He released me and disappeared. My hair lifted as he bolted around

me to lie down.

I understood him. My Sire's words about Strigoii meant nothing to me now. This one was far from a

soulless monster. We'd abandoned our brothers and sisters in death. We the Moroii were the

monsters. The next instant, I was lying next to Bacchus. He didn't look away from our reflection in the

mirrored ceiling. "I'm sorry, Bacchus." I said. The weirdness and aversion was all gone now. "I get it

now. We're the monsters, not you."

His lips curled into a smile and he turned on his side to kiss me. "You never told me. Do you forgive

me?" he asked, running a paw along my cheek.

"Yes." I said, taking that paw into my own (which was hard to do. Those things are big!)

"Have you decided," he paused as if not knowing how to finish the thought, "on how you feel about

me?" I could hear a faint quiver in his voice that no mortal would be able to detect.

I had decided. Against all I'd been taught and in full awareness of the consequences, I'd decided.

"Yes." I said, letting go of his paw to touch his face. "I love you, too, Bacchus."

His crimson eyes flashed brighter. It was as if hearing those words breathed life back into him. He

seemed like the old Bacchus again, only there was something new. He pulled me into a hug and rolled

backward toward his side of the bed so that I was on top of him.

I grinned and bent to kiss him before taking him by the paws. He tilted his head at me.

"You need a shower." I said to him, tugging him out of the bed. "You don't stink, but I'm sure you

could use one." I winked at him and that was all the persuasion he needed to get up. In a blurred

motion, he was off the bed and had picked me up into his arms.

"I will if you will." He said, kissing me on the forehead.

I smirked. "As if I have a choice." I said, running my fingers through that coarse-but-smooth fur of his.

The next second, we were in the bathroom adjacent to his bedroom. He sat me down on the edge of

the sink and pressed his lips to mine, but I soon realized with a smirk that it was to distract me as he

undid my belt and slipped a paw down the front of my pants to stroke my sheath. Sneaky bastard.

I'd have him undressed first. I had a trick or two up my sleeves as well. I leaned into his kiss and

wrapped my arms around his waist, extending my claws unbeknownst to him. In a flash, I shredded

through the already tattered green denim. My cuts were clean and so fast that it seemed the fabric

did not know it was time fall away, taking an extra second to fall from him. He bit my tongue, though

not hard enough to pierce it, then pulled away. The wolf smirked at me.

"Those were my favorite." He said, slipping my vest off my shoulders. "You now owe me clothing." He

undid the button on my jeans. "Perhaps I'll shred yours and wear them." That moment, he yanked on

them as hard as he could. Before I could process what he'd done, I was looking at my destroyed jeans

in his paw. "Guess not..."

I blinked and he was gone. I heard the showerhead turn on and looked to see the wolf beckoning for

me to join him. As I stepped into the shower, I felt him behind me. It hadn't even registered that he'd

moved before he wrapped his arms around me. I turned around in his embrace and looked up to him.

"You're rather fast for such a big thing."

He smirked. "In some ways. In others, I can be painfully - or pleasantly - slow." he said, making his

point by pressing his already half exposed length into me as he lowered his paws from my waist to

stroke my ass. "Shall I demonstrate?"

I gasped as he slipped one finger in. Somehow I'd forgotten how think his fingers were, so it'd taken

me by surprise. I slumped against him, relaxing quickly to ease the sudden pain into pleasure. A

chuckle rumbled through his chest as he pushed deeper inside me and pulled out the invading digit. I

shook my head and held on to him, turning us both around and pressing him to the back wall of the

shower. I was rather surprised. I didn't think I'd be able to move him even with my immortal strength.

"Let us start a different way." I said, standing on my toes to kiss him again. I kissed a line down from his

lips to his chest. From his chest to his navel and found what I'd set my sights on. He was tall, so I didn't

have to do much to reach his fully erect length. I crouched before him and looked up with a grin before

giving it a long lick from base to head, then took half of the twelve inch wolf dick into my maw.

I heard a small gasp come from him and smirked on the inside as there was no way my mouth could

accommodate sucking and smirking. I did was I could only do because of the control over my reflexes

immortality had given me. I came back to swirl my tongue around the tip - tasting pre already - then

took the entire twelve inches, into my throat. I heard something crack and looked up to see that

Bacchus had clawed the wall, breaking four tiles on either side of him. I grinned - once more, on the

inside - and continued to slowly blow the wolf.

"Deus, Arael, have you done this before?" Bacchus murred through clenched teeth.

Slowly, I pulled myself off of him, wrapping my tongue around the large member on the way up. I

shook my head. "Never. But I study my fans on occasion. They seem pretty good at it." I replied before

starting up again. I found a spot along the left side that elicited a tortured shudder from the wolf.

Grinning, I occupied myself by licking at it while he spoke between moans.

"Arael, I can't fathom you being with anyone but me." he said, running his fingers through my now

soaked hair. I'd nearly forgotten the shower was blasting us with what should have been scorching hot

water. If I was correct, it was about 110 degrees but I could barely feel it due to my very low

temperature. "If I give up my ways, will you do the same for me?" he asked. I stopped sucking him

then and stood up, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Are you asking me to be yours?"I inquired, nuzzling into the wet fur on his chest before looking up to

meet his luminescent blood red eyes.

"Yes." He said after a long pause. "Will you stay with me forever?"

I chuckled and nodded, standing on my toes to kiss him again. "Then yes. I'll give up all others for you."

I could see his face brighten in the dark shower just before I was blinded by speed as he turned us

around, pressing my back to the wall. I snickered and jabbed him in the ribs. "Can't resist anymore?" I

asked as he kissed at my neck. From time to time, I felt his fangs rake across the flesh beneath my fur,

but not hard enough to pierce me.

"I really cannot." The wolf said, running his paws all over me. It wasn't hard to do, him having a pair of

baseball mitts and me being tiny as I am compared to him. He leaned back to look me in the eye. "And

neither can you..." I saw single rings of light radiate from his irises and thumped him between the eyes.

"Don't try to hypnotize me!" We laughed together for a moment before he went back to kissing my

neck. "But that isn't to say I'm not just as eager." I said. That was all it took. The next moment, I was

being held up off the ground by the waist. I locked my paws together behind his neck to hold myself

up, not that he'd let me fall.

"Then let's have some fun!" he said, pressing his lips firmly to mine again before reaching down with

one paw to line himself up with my hole. I lifted my tail out of the way. "Just tell me if I'm hurting you."

He said, kissing me again as he lowered me onto his throbbing erection.

As the first wave of pain hit me, I buried my face into his chest. He stopped and I shook my head.

"Keep going." I said to him, bracing myself again as he nodded and pushed further into me. I had to

admire his restraint. Sex with mortals was nothing like that with other vampires and the lack of need to

be gentle was almost intoxicating. I was surprised he hadn't completely impaled me yet. I could feel six

and a quarter inches of wolf dick in me before he lifted me up to where just the head was still in and

held me there. After a moment, I lowered myself down and took all twelve inches.

"Are you alright?" he asked frantically, holding perfectly still as only we could. I hadn't heard the gasp

that'd escaped me. I nodded and pulled myself back up to see him smirking at me. "Good. Can't have

you all broken on our first real day together." He said, thrusting into me. Once he was all the way in, he

froze to evaluate me. When he was sure I was alright, his eyes flashed and his smirk broadened before

he pressed me hard against the wall behind me. He held me by the waist and I wrapped my legs

around his as he picked up his pace, steadily pistoning in and out of me. I sank my fangs into his

shoulder, moaning around the flesh in my mouth. The taste of his blood made it even better. I

tightened my grips on him and forced myself down harder on him, feeling the wolf's already fully

expanded knot against my stretched hole. His thrusts had become erratic. He was close.

I'd cum with him this time. I didn't even need paws this time. I hadn't noticed until now that I was

making the fur on his stomach slicker with pre than the water was. I felt him tense all over and inside

me with one more mighty thrust, he forced his knot into me. There was a crack behind me. He'd

pushed so hard that I'd cratered into the marble behind me. I'd have laughed had my breath not been

caught in my chest. Suddenly, faster than even I could see, he clamped down on my neck and howled

as his cock spasmed inside me, coating my insides with hot wolf cum so much so that I could feel it

overflowing. A wave of euphoria came over me then. I was suddenly lightheaded. He was drinking

from me. I'd never know how pleasurable it was to be fed off of. The feeling pushed me over and I

matted his fur with my own two weeks of pent up seed.

After a minute, he forced himself to stop. Neither of us realized it until then that we'd slid down to the

shower floor. Panting, I lifted my head to kiss him, tasting my blood on his lips and tongue. He'd

pinned me to the floor, but neither of us had the strength just yet to move. I didn't mind. The wolf -

my wolf - was more like a heavy blanket than a crushing weight. I didn't see us moving from there

anytime soon. After a few moments, he rolled onto his side and looked into my eyes.

"Thank you, Arael." He said, licking my cheek. "I love you."

I grinned and kissed him before leaning in to rest me head on him. "I love you too, Bacchus.