My Mate: Bred by a Dragon

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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#1 of My Mate: Draconic Relations

Revision 2.

Thankyou everyone for your fantastic support over this past year. This one is for all my loyal fans, corrected now and ready for round 2. I think I ironed out most of the mistakes, so enjoy.

"Incredible," Sarah gasped as she stood upon the peak of Mt. Velroun, looking into the distance beyond. Lush green forest stretched for miles, surrounded by rocky outcrops and cliffs lined with caves. It had taken her the better part of a week to journey here, and she would most likely be the first human to set foot there.

Mt. Velroun had been an anomaly on Earth for many years. Undiscovered until 2013, it had remained untouched by man. This was due to its almost impossible-to-reach location by foot and the large magnetic field surrounding it which prevented any aircraft from getting within five miles of its surface. After a year of planning, Sarah had set off to do research for her agency around the area, in 2014.

It was a solo mission, a simple analysis trip to find out if anything of value or worthy of preservation lay within its bounds. She dropped her hefty pack on the ground and took out a protein bar, trying to regain some of her lost energy. She was quite tired, and decided that it would be a good place to camp for the night.


The next day she awoke after a rather decent sleep. Climbing out of her tent she was met with the brilliant sunrise over the mountain, which was amazing even by her standards, and she had seen a lot. Taking a few moments to admire the view, she made breakfast with what limited ingredients she had left.

She hoped that there would be some good sustenance in the forest, and few predators to compete with for it. She had her knife, and a gun, but she hoped she'd never have to use them. She was a nature-lover at heart, and hated hurting animals no matter how vicious they were. Licking her lips she stood up and stretched, walking back to the edge of the cliff she was on and taking another good look.

There was no map, no directions, so she'd have to make her own way through the area without getting lost. The forest stretched for miles, beautiful green expanse that teemed with energy. Looking slightly to the east she picked a cliff and decided that she would walk there and back and see what she could find along the way. This was unexplored territory, and she intended to find out as much as possible.

Packing her gear back into her pack she set off cheerfully, camera hanging from her neck. She'd brought enough memory to record a good years' worth of high-definition footage, something she intended to make use of. Large rocks made her descent a lot easier than her climb up, making it to the forest floor in less than three hours.

It was time to get to work. Pulling out her camera, Sarah took a few shots of the trees and plants, most of which she'd never seen before.

"I think I've hit the jackpot," she said to herself, "this place is full of new botanical wonders, and I haven't even started looking yet." Further into the trees she went, putting her batteries through a real pounding. Luckily, she'd brought heaps.

She stopped when a large red flower caught her eye. It looked almost identical to a common rose, except for the fact it was almost a meter wide at the top.

"Wow," Sarah said, reaching out to touch it.

She'd forgotten one of the vital rules of exploring: Don't touch it if you don't know what it does. The mega-rose exploded in a singeing blast of flame, scorching her hand and setting fire to her sleeve. She gasped in pain as she patted out the fire on her arm, her sleeve blackened.

"Darn it," she scolded herself, "how could you be so stupid?"

Picking herself up from the ground she took a picture of the ashen remains of the flower, wincing at the pain in her arm. She wouldn't make that mistake again. Just because the landscape was beautiful, didn't mean it wasn't deadly. She collected her wits and set off once again, this time making sure not to touch anything unfamiliar.

After a few more hours, thankfully uneventful, she stopped for lunch. Picking a nice clearing she sat down on the warm grass and took a bite out of her salad wrap. The food was refreshing, and eased her hunger quickly. She lay back and admired the view, lush green trees and the trickle of a nearby stream, which would be where she researched next.

The lack of contact with the outside world was rather lonely, but she knew she wouldn't mind it for a few weeks. Her boss had insisted she take a radio, and she had, but it was thrown away as soon as she realised that electronics couldn't work up there. She was a one man research army now, and was prepared to do her job.

Suddenly, a loud noise shattered the peaceful forest noise, making Sarah sit up with a start. She looked around wildly but realised it had come from a long way away when she listened to the echo. She shook her head, it had sounded like a roar. The noise had shaken her thoroughly, and wild thoughts popped into her head.

Immediately dismissing the idea that it was a dinosaur, which was insane, she decided it was probably just an angry mountain lion. Still, the noise was enough to make her pack up and keep moving. She left the clearing and headed towards the sound of the stream, about a half-mile away. As she left, a pair of shadowed eyes watched her move away, tracing her movement carefully.


Kneeling down, her small tube collected a sample of the water flowing along the stream. It was spectacularly clear, her data reader detecting that it was only 0.0000012 percent non-liquid, which was about a thousand times cleaner than what came out of her tap at home. She placed the tube in a safety compartment, so that it wouldn't break.

She looked around and in the water, making sure there was definitely no danger before she cupped her hands and took a sip.

"That's incredible," she sighed happily, reaching down for another sip. Suddenly, the water went dark and she pulled back just in time to see at least a hundred piranhas swarm the location her fingers had been in just seconds ago.

The young woman fell back, startled as they snapped at her menacingly.

"God that was close," she told herself, heart pounding. She backed away quickly with her pack and made her way away from that particular spot. In a few minutes she had distanced herself from that location, and continued to collect data as per normal.

Night came, and Sarah made her camp on the edge of a rocky outcrop, in a place where no creature could reach, except for perhaps a brave wolf or leopard who dared make the jump. It took only a minute to set up her tent and had dinner cooking in less that five.

"Ah, the amount of times I've had this meal," she whispered to herself quietly, remembering the many expeditions she had participated in.

She ate in silence, staring out across the new, secretive landscape she had discovered. She had been given two weeks before she had to return, and she intended to use both of them fully. There was just so much to do, so many places to look.

"So many dangers to avoid," she chuckled to herself, looking at her slightly burnt arm.

After she had eaten, her tent was quite comfortable after the long day she'd experienced. With a sigh she zipped up her sleeping bag and drifted off quickly to a good night's sleep. As she dozed off a thunderous roar echoed in the distance, but she was way too far into her sleep to wake up.


Sarah fell to her knees, unable to believe what she was seeing. While she had been asleep, something had come and torn apart her bag, looted all of the food and thrown the rest over the cliff edge. Even her camera had fallen victim to the unknown invader; lens smashed and case broken.

"I can't believe this, this can't be happening!" she cried, checking to see if anything had survived the vicious attack. She found a lock of hair in her pack's zip, and knew that it belonged to a wolf.

"Damn it," she yelled, banging her fist on the ground.

Now she was out on a limb, with no supplies, food or shelter. The only thing that had survived was her sleeping bag, and she couldn't carry that in a broken pack. She was defenseless...

"No, wait!" she said, her hand closing around the cool steel of her gun and the knife next to it.

"Unbelievable," she sighed, shaking her head. The handgun, ammo and knife were all untouched. Stowing them in her pockets, she got to her feet and looked around. Equipment or not, she had been trained in this sort of scenario. She would forage for food, and rely on herself. She'd done it before.

Saying a quick farewell to her destroyed possessions she headed off along the cliff's edge. Taking a look around she knew she had no idea where she was, so she decided to journey deeper. She couldn't die out here; there would be plenty of food from what she'd seen. Taking a detour off the rocky cliffs she headed back into the forest, hungry for some breakfast.

After a few minutes she came across what looked like a fruit tree. As she got closer she saw traditional, easy to eat apples growing from its branches.

"Success," she said triumphantly, although she was wary, in case of another weird plant incident like the exploding rose.

Walking up to one of the low hanging branches she pulled out her knife and sliced quickly at its root, the large apple falling with a 'thunk' at her feet. She picked it up and sniffed it; nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Taking a small bite the wonderful flavour assaulted her senses, making her smile happily.

I've finally found something decent out here, she told herself mentally. It was when she went to take a second bite that she saw it. The apple hit the ground and her hand immediately went for her gun. The lion lunged at her, smashing into her with a tremendous amount of force. She only just jumped in time to miss the lethal claw.

"Shit," she spat, standing back up and making a run back to the cliffs. The lion turned, a little confused, but realised it had missed its' prey and sauntered after her to reclaim its lost prize. Sarah fled, as fast as she could run, the lion taking its time behind her. She wondered why it wouldn't chase her furiously, and then it hit her.

The cliffs! A dead end. The lion had her trapped, like a cat and a mouse. She reached the cliff edge in a few minutes, no sign of the lion behind her. Taking a look over the edge, she saw that a river ran below, far enough that it would probably kill her to jump. Suddenly, the lion appeared from between the bushes, an almost triumphant look in its' predatory face.

Sarah was in deep trouble now, she knew that. In front of her, she could attempt to take on the lion and escape, which would most likely end with her being dinner. Behind her, an enormous cliff led to rushing waters below, almost certain death if she jumped. The choices weren't exactly in her favor

The lion steadily slid towards her, savoring its catch. She aimed the gun right at its head, looking down the sights. A low growl emanated from the feline predator, preparing to lunge. Yet, she couldn't do it, she couldn't pull the trigger. Everything about it was an action she was unable to take. She couldn't kill this lion; she couldn't bring herself to take its' life.

"Ah, darn, why do I have to be so damn soft?" she said to herself, shaking her head before turning and throwing herself blindly off the cliffs' edge. The lion lunged and missed, roaring at her falling figure as she plunged hundreds of meters into the water below. She didn't scream, however, just held the gun in one hand and prepared her body for the heavy impact.

Time seemed to slow, the walls of the cliff flying past her slower than they should have seemed to. The water rushed up to meet her, and she threw the gun at the surface, just before slamming into it herself.


A bright shape hovered above Sarah's head. She tried to touch it, but her body wouldn't respond. Unable to grasp why, she tried to open her eyes further. Her eyes focusing groggily on the shape, she realised it was a cloud. The cool rush of water over her knees made her slightly more alert, and with a start her foggy mind remembered what had happened.

She raised her head and looked down, seeing that she was lying on the bank of the river, in god-knows-where. Her legs were still in the water, and her body was just out of it. She was too tired to realize the pain, but she knew it would come to her soon. Her whole body was bruised, cut, grazed and probably broken in one or two areas.

With a grunt of pain she saw her knife half-buried in her thigh.

"Just my luck, landing on my knife," she commented dryly. Using all of her remaining energy she pulled herself up and propped herself against a rock on the river's edge, gasping in pain.

Reaching down she grabbed the knife and pulled it out of her leg. She cried out in pain, but grit her teeth after a few seconds and tore a strip from her shirt, wrapping it around her leg. Trying a knot she winced, but knew that it would withhold the bleeding. Now a new problem presented itself.

In any normal circumstance she would be airlifted out of there and taken to hospital. This was not the case in this anti-technology range. She gripped the rock and pulled herself up, careful not to put much weight on her leg. When she was standing, she took a small test-step forward. Her leg crumpled and she fell to the ground, gasping in pain. Her mind went foggy and she fell into unconsciousness.


An unknown time later, for she was too unfocused to remember, Sarah came around again. She refused to give in, yet her body wouldn't grant her that easily. The pain in her leg returned, and her mind clouded. Groggily, she tried to reach out, but darkness overcame her and she slipped off again into the depths of her mind.


A sharp pain roused her once more. Sarah wondered if she was dead, the blood loss had to have been too much by now. The knife had, after all, gone right into her leg on an angle and her body had almost been torn apart. She felt as if she was flying, like her body wasn't quite touching the ground anymore. Deciding her mind was playing tricks on her, she once more succumbed to her fatigue.


A soft noise could be heard just meters away from where she lay. Sarah tried to open her eyes, but they would not obey. With a little amount of surprise she noted that her hearing had returned, and her mind was clearing. She was either dead, or being kept alive. There was no wind, and a fire was popping away nearby, so she immediately knew someone had intervened.

This worried her greatly, but she knew she was in no state to refuse help, no matter where it came from. Her first thought was that her company had rescued her, but logic and reasoning told her that was impossible. This led to only one remaining solution. There were people that lived her, natives that had been around long before her.

I doubt they'll speak English, she thought, considering they would have never left this area.

The shuffling sound came again, this time next to her.

"Ah, you're coming around," spoke the person, who had a rather deep tone, "this is good, I did not think you would make it."

Sarah tried to look at him but her body wasn't quite ready for anything physical yet.

"It seems that you have been through quite a severe ordeal," the male voice said again. "I know you can hear me, so I will explain. I have brought you back to my... home, and have attended to your wounds."

"I will admit I have been watching your progress through the Yotcama. We thought you were a danger to us, but after witnessing your actions with the 'lion', I saw that you are not like the other humans." The voice growled a little at the thought of 'other' people, or 'humans' as he had called them. This made no sense to Sarah, but she was grateful anyway.

Mustering up a large amount of willpower, she whispered, "Thank you." The voice seemed surprised, shuffling quickly towards her. She felt her body being lifted up and propped against a hard stone wall. He was very strong. Slowly, but steadily, she opened her eyes, the dim light of a fire flickering into view.

Her eyes followed along until she saw him. Her heart stopped; her breath caught.

"No..." she breathed as her eyes scanned along his form. Scales, spines, claws, teeth and tail. Immediately, the willpower was there. Her eyes opened fully, the pain strong, but not as strong as her panic.

She had no idea what to do; the only exit was blocked by him. Yet, she would be too weak to run anyway. Looking at him once more, she slowly pinched herself, to make sure she wasn't just seeing things.

A dragon! A vibrant red, full-size dragon! And it spoke English! Her mind reeled, and the dragon almost seemed bemused. For some reason, Sarah forced herself to remain calm. A thousand things flew through her mind, but none of them stuck. She realised, the only way anything could happen, the only way she could organise her mind, was if she started asking questions.

It was almost as if the dragon was suspecting she would, because he looked quite comfortable where he was lying.

"Wh...wh...what the...oh" she had trouble forming a sentence, so she took a deep breath, which hurt her sore lungs.

"Who... What are you? I mean, you're a dragon! But how! I mean..."

The dragon silenced her with what looked like a smile. How could he do that?

"If we continue at your current pace, we shall remain here for a long time," the dragon said, with a tone that sounded almost like a chuckle.

"I believe what you want to know, is how I exist, yes, and who I am myself."

Sarah nodded, deciding to just let the dragon speak. Her heart was still racing, as you would after seeing a creature you thought only existed in fantasy.

"I," the dragon began, "am a dragon, as you can see. I have lived here for many decades, and this is my cave. There is a fire, mostly for aesthetic purposes, but in your case, rather useful."

Sarah nodded blandly, understanding, but still not quite accepting.

The dragon licked its' claw, and continued, "There are more of us, about twenty in this area. We do not live together, but we sometimes meet every full moon to socialise and... mate." Sarah blushed a little, that was rather private.

"My name is Silyph, and I am pleased to meet you," he added warmly, "I mean you no harm, I do not wish to 'eat' you, like the other humans we have seen believe, and you are welcome to stay here for as long as you wish to; I will not stop you from leaving. However, seeing as you appear to be lost and without company, I would advise you to remain here. Once you've entered Yotcama, it is difficult to leave."

Sarah sighed, she'd known that already. It was like the outside world had disappeared when she came in.

She wiggled her arm and said, "you mentioned other humans?" Silyph looked at her, shaking his grand head slowly.

"I have left this area a few times before, through a secret valley we dragons discovered, but the only humans we met were terrified and fled."

"One even launched miniature lead pellets through a tube at me. They stung a little, so I growled and he ran." He chuckled, and Sarah couldn't help but grin a little.

"How do you speak English?" she asked.

"Well," he replied, "I don't. Our speech is understandable by all beings. It is part of the magic that is being a dragon." Sarah was stunned, her scientific mind collapsing inwardly. None of this was possible; surely it had to be a vivid dream. Still, the proof was in front of her.

"I see you are having a hard time digesting this. Perhaps I should leave you alone for a while?" Silyph offered.

"Oh no," Sarah hurriedly replied, "I want you to stay. I'm only just beginning to understand." Silyph nodded and motioned towards a hunk of meat lying on the cave floor.

"I left that for you," he told her, "I do apologise, but I don't usually stock for humans, and I had rather short notice. I know you humans don't like to share food."

Sarah looked at it thankfully, telling him, "No, that will do fine, I'm used to eating wild game, and I really appreciate it." Silyph nodded, glad she wasn't the particularly fussy type. The dragon stood up and carried it over to her, dropping it on the stone next to her. Bringing his mouth down, he breathed a powerful column of fire over its surface, cooking it almost instantly.

Sarah smiled, that would be much better. While he was standing she got a good look at the majestic dragon. He stood at around eight and a half feet tall at the head and over ten feet long. His body was powerfully built, a deep, iridescent red with beautiful scales. He had very sharp claws and teeth, spines over his neck and large, leathery wings folded up against his body.

Although not as big as Sarah had picture a dragon to be, he was still a sight to behold. Magnificent and dangerous at once, the smooth-talking, friendly-yet-lethal ultimate predator. She tore a bit of meat off the bone and wolfed it down hungrily; she hadn't eaten since her camp was destroyed.

"I will admit," Silyph informed her, settling down again, "I do appreciate the company. Dragons tend to live in solitude or with their mates due to territorial reasons, but sometime it gets lonely. Don't let that worry you, I wouldn't dream of forcing you to stay however. That would make me feel worse."

Sarah nodded, she was secretly glad to have someone to talk to after her time alone. Company, no matter how unusual, was usually a nice thing to have.

Between a gulp of meat, she asked, "would you be able to teach me how to survive out here?"

Silyph looked at her, surprised. "I could," he replied, "but why? Wouldn't you rather go home?" Sarah shook her head.

"I came here to study the local plant and animal life, and I still want to learn about them." Silyph snorted a ring of smoke.

"The local plant and animal life nearly killed you," he pointed out, "and yet you still refused to kill that lion. Why?"

"I guess," she considered, "that I would rather die than take another life of something so beautiful." Silyph looked at the ground.

"Amazing," he muttered to himself, "she's one of a kind, that's for sure." Sarah didn't hear that, so she instead took another bite of the meat. He looked at her intently, before another question came to her.

"Why haven't you asked anything about me? And also, how did you mend my leg so well. I can feel the pain slowing as we speak." Silyph got up and paced over to her, looking directly into her eyes. It was rather intimidating, but she didn't feel scared. Instead, she felt something else. Was it sorrow, or loss? Fear? She couldn't place it.

"I do not ask about you past because I do not care what you have done or what you have been. I only see a noble human woman who acts for nature and peace. This is what I see in you, I do not need more. You will tell me when you feel like it, I'm sure. As for what I did to your leg, you would probably rather not know."

"I would," Sarah said.

"Well," Silyph began, looking at the ground, "I applied dragons' blood to your wound. My blood." Sarah was shocked, quickly looking at her leg and noticing for the first time the red stains all over her pants, which were fresher than the ones she had left there. Amazingly, her clothes were rather intact, save for the small tears and holes from her fall.

"Your blood, but," Sarah said, looking at him worriedly, "did you hurt yourself to do it? I'm so sorry, I didn't..."

"Don't be silly," the flame-red dragon told her softly, "I would rather suffer a minor injury than watch you die." Sarah stopped and realised the logic behind this.

"Thankyou," she said gratefully. Silyph looked at the ground, scraping against the rock with his claw.

"You truly are unique," he said quietly, "only you would find out dragon blood was all over you and you were more worried about the dragon." He chuckled, but was serious. Sarah blushed and also looked at the ground.

"Dragons' blood has amazing healing power," he continued, "another one of the benefits of being a dragon. Or knowing one," he added with a sly wink. Sarah grinned and looked back down at her leg.

"How much longer until I'll be able to walk again?" she asked.

"You should be fine after a good sleep. It may hurt for a while, but that will pass. You're lucky to be here right now, you know." Silyph snorted and shook his body. "As for your earlier question, yes, I will teach you how to survive out here. I only have one real condition, and that is that you must leave every full moon."

"Why?" Sarah inquired.

"Because it is necessary to prevent me from hurting you. We dragons... become naturally stimulated by the full moon, and... well, you should just stay away."

Sarah nodded, understanding what he was too embarrassed to say. Dragons had a sort of heat cycle during the full moon, and became dangerous. She could accept that.

"Sure thing," she told him, looking directly at his head.

"Now, we shall begin," he informed her.

"What, how? I can't even stand," she told him, shaking her head.

"Peace," Silyph replied, "much of what you can learn is in theory. There will be many strange plants and animal habits you will need to adjust to."

"Ah," Sarah acknowledged, leaning back against the rock.

"So, I shall take the time to introduce you to the basics of the Yotcama area. We should start with the creatures, since it seems to be them which put you in this sorry state." Sarah nodded, and settled in for the beginning of her education into the wilds.


Three hours later, after her mind had been filled to bursting point with amazing information that made her science seem insignificant, Sarah and Silyph decided to call it a day. With a loud growl/yawn, Silyph settled in on the floor, curling up into a shiny red ball. Sarah did her best to remain comfortable, but aside for some leaves she was rather out on a limb.

"Tomorrow I shall find you some more suitable bedding," Silyph commented from between his forelegs. Sarah sighed, but was grateful for the shelter nonetheless. Hopefully a dragon would ward off any more dangerous wildlife. She put her head in her hands and drifted off into an uncomfortable, but safe sleep.


Sarah awoke the next morning with a loud yawn, stretching her sore limbs on the cold stone. Realising she could actually stretch her limbs, she gave a small whoop of joy and jumped to her feet. Pain shot through her leg, but at least she could stand.

"I would suggest taking it easier than that," Silyph told her, following the advice with a yawn of his own.

She nodded and leant against the cave wall, watching the noble dragon get to his legs. Now that she was standing she did a quick clothes check, finding that they were still in working order, albeit dirty and damaged.

"Sorry, but I can't help you there," Silyph apologised.

"Ah, they'll do," she said with a shrug. Looking at her leg, she saw the marks from her injury were almost gone.

"Damn, that's some powerful stuff right there," she commented, rubbing over the wound. Silyph nodded and began to walk out of the cave.

"Follow me, we should begin as soon as possible," he told her.

Sarah nodded and walked slowly to the edge of the cave.

"We'll take it easy, just walking for now," he added, and Sarah nodded again. When she got to the mouth of the cave, a hundred feet away, she gasped.

They were in the edge of a cliff that dropped almost a half-a-mile down to the forest below.

"My God," Sarah breathed, "how the hell do I get down there?" The answer came in the form of Silyph, who bent down next to her and motioned for her to get on his back.

"You want... me... to fly?" she asked incredulously, "no way, I can't." Silyph sighed, but remained where he was.

"From what I understand, you've done worse," he reasoned, "now you can remain here for eternity, or you can enjoy a flight with me. You should be honored, no human has every flown on a dragon's back before. I can make an exception for you, however."

From his tone, Sarah realised just how much he was offering by letting her ride him. Seeing how foolish she had been, she accepted.

"I would be honored, Silyph, just tell me what to do." Slowly, walking up to him, she put her foot on his hind leg and lifted herself with his horns, straddling him with relative ease.

"Hold on to my neck, carefully, and keep your feet where they are in my sides, for grip. Don't let go," Silyph added with a chuckle.

"Wasn't planning on..." she began but her voice died as he approached the edge and the huge drop spiraled out below her.

"Actually, on second thoughts," she began again but was interrupted by the powerful dragon taking flight.

His large wings pushing off beside her, her stomach dropped as he rapidly became airborne, the safety of the cave falling away below her. Her mouth clamped firmly shut, she couldn't take her eyes off the scene before her. A moment later, she realised that she wasn't going to fall, and relaxed a little.

"See," Silyph spoke into the wind, "that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"This," Sarah said, looking down below, "is AWESOME! I can't believe I was afraid, this is much better than abseiling or sky diving." She laughed and Silyph joined her, the pair enjoying the relaxing cruise through the skies.

Miles of forest and river stretched out before Sarah, her eyes taking in the amazing view with awe. The powerful flaps of the dragon's wings, and his extraordinarily stable flight made for an incredible experience.

"You're really lucky, I used to wish I could fly as a kid," Sarah told him, remembering her childhood days.

The large red dragon nodded, appreciating the compliments from the human woman. He banked a little, and dropped into a slow decline, not wanting to scare Sarah on her first flight. She held onto his neck as they made their way down to the forest floor, bracing herself for the landing she knew was coming.

Silyph hit the ground rather lightly considering his bulk and took a few steps to balance his momentum out. When he had stopped, Sarah pulled one leg over him and jumped to the ground. Her leg pained her for a second, but she gritted her teeth and got on with it. It wouldn't do to look weak in front of a dragon.

Speaking of dragons, Silyph beckoned for her to follow him. Setting up a slow pace, the unusual pair walked off slowly through the forest floor. Sarah's previous apprehension returned, this forest hadn't been very nice to her. She watched as Silyph walked in silence, his powerful limbs, beautiful scales, strong wings, muscles contracting and expa...

Damn, what am I doing, Sarah asked herself mentally, get a grip. He's amazing, sure, but don't let yourself become too dazzled. Shaking her head, she tried to think of something else. Immediately that opportunity came, as one of those bloody red mega-rose flowers appeared. She stopped, refusing to go near it.

Silyph saw her reaction, realising it was the rose she was afraid of.

"It is called a Firesleeve," he informed her, "and they are quite refreshing." Sarah looked at him strangely and watched as he leant forward and bit straight into the root of the plant. A small puff of smoke came from it, but it didn't explode.

"Then you eat it," Silyph said as he bit into the plant, smiling, "only dragons should, however." Sarah nodded, only a dragon could handle a plant that hot. Waiting until he had finished his little snack, Sarah continued further into the forest with Silyph. They traveled in silence, enjoying each others company for a while.

About twenty minutes later, Sarah came across something she though she would never see again.

"What... how the hell?" she gasped, looking at the clearing ahead. A backpack and clothing were strewn across a clearing, and the young woman knew they were her possessions.

"I believe these are yours, yes?" Silyph said, approaching her from behind. Sarah spun and looked at him.

"You knew?" she accused lightly. The big red dragon pawed at the ground.

"When I saw you get attacked yesterday, as I flew over I spotted your pack being torn apart by wolves. However you were a higher priority."

Sarah blushed and nodded, looking at the ground. Her life was more important to him.

"Thankyou for bringing me back," she apologised, and walked over to her bag. Not surprisingly, any trace of food had been removed by the ravenous wolves. Her clothes, sealed in a waterproof bag, had fared better.

"At least I don't have to go naked," she smiled, and gathered up as much as possible. Putting them back into the torn bag, which held them at least, she looked for anything else. Pretty much everything else had been in the way of the food and had been destroyed.

"Oh well," Sarah sighed, and lifter her pack onto her back. Pain shot through her leg and she dropped it again.

She clutched her leg in pain, while Silyph looked on helplessly. He couldn't do anything to alleviate her suffering, so instead he reached out and took her bag with his claws.

"Thankyou," Sarah said again, climbing onto his back slowly and watching as they took off again.

"I could fly with you forever," she said with a small smile, the pain in her leg subsiding. Silyph said nothing, it was lucky he was red. They headed back towards the cave, bag in tow, and reached it in good time. Silyph landed and folded his wings, allowing Sarah to dismount carefully. He placed the bag next to her spot on the floor.

"I must do something about that," he said to himself, and took off again, before Sarah could ask what he was doing. Sighing to herself, Sarah sat down on the warm rock, thinking about the previous few days events. She was amazed to still be alive, and considering the circumstances, quite lucky to have found such great company.

She pondered these things for a good hours before Silyph returned. Sarah was surprised to see a large slab of wood beneath him, which he was just barely carrying.

"Move," he ordered and she jumped out of the way, just as the large slab came crashing down to the ground next to her bag.

"Sorry," he apologised, "but it was very heavy." Sarah looked at the slab and realised it was a makeshift bed. A giant slab of smooth wood, about two meters long and one and a half wide, as well as about one high. Very high, she noticed, not wanting to roll off the edge of that one.

"I took it from one of the biggest trees in the forest, carved it with my claws and smoothed it with flame."

"An old technique from the days when we dragons used to carve gifts for our mates. Although, it comes in useful for making something that's better that a stone floor," he chuckled, but Sarah was genuinely grateful.

"Thankyou," she said for the third time, "this means a lot to me."

Silyph once again was glad he was red. Sarah walked over and lay down on it. It wasn't as good as a fluffy bed at home, but she had slept on wood before in her line of work, and this was better than any she'd ever seen. She would get used to it, and would come to like it, she knew. She had last time.

The rest of the day was spent talking, about the forest, about themselves, about anything. Silyph enjoyed the humans company, and Sarah enjoyed the dragons. They went to sleep smiling, Sarah curling up on her new bed, and Silyph curling up on the floor. Not for the first time, Sarah marveled at how the cave was always so warm before she drifted off into a deep sleep.


The wood proved to be quite acceptable and Sarah enjoyed a decent sleep for the duration of the night. The forest still moved around them, but sheltered in the cave of the mighty dragon, they were unaffected. Silyph stared at the human for a long time before sleeping himself, wondering just why he was helping her out so much.

I couldn't just let her die, one part of his mind nagged. But something felt different; something made him want to help her, not out of necessity, but something else. He liked Sarah, sure, and she was one-of-a-kind was far as the humans he had seen were. Thinking about it harder, he knew he had been lonely. He was like any other sentient being; he just wanted a friend.


Over the next few days, Sarah regained her strength completely. Silyph showed her the ways of the forest, and although it was hard at first, Sarah proved to be a natural survivor. She had more strength than most human men, and a mind of the sharpest kind. Silyph and Sarah grew closer each day, slowly opening up about their pasts.

They shared a bond no dragon and human had ever shared, that of a great friendship. Sarah slowly forgot about the outside world of the Yotcama, and Silyph reveled in the company he had received. Even the mightiest of beasts had a soft spot for conversation, and conversation they shared, all day, every day.

A few weeks into their time together, Sarah and Silyph had stayed inside the cave due to the thunderstorm that raged outside. Sarah sat on the edge of her wooden slab and Silyph paced the edge of the cave. She was quite happy to remain inside, she was exhausted from all the days they had been out and didn't mind a day off. Silyph, however, had a very pressing issue on his mind.

The full moon was approaching, only the night away. The young male dragon knew he would go into heat, and because of the storm, couldn't visit the other dragons. He had never mate before, this being the second year he had come into heat and the first, no females had been available. Unfortunately for Sarah, she was a female, and Silyph didn't trust his body enough not to mate the nearest thing in sight for her to stay.

After much deliberation, he decided the only way for the issue to have a peaceful ending was if he informed Sarah honestly. After all, she had earned his trust many times over already. Taking a deep breath, he turned to Sarah and told her everything. It only took about two minutes, but afterwards, Sarah was in a very difficult position.

"I will leave, if you want me to," Sarah offered, not particularly thrilled about going into the storm.

That's a nice offer," Silyph agreed, "but I don't want you to have to be out there on your own and die from hypothermia."

"So... what?" Sarah asked, shaking her head, "I stay and you possibly... lose control and..." she blushed heavily, unable to finish.

Silyph pawed the ground embarrassedly.

"Yes, that's a possibility," he admitted awkwardly, "one I would like to avoid. It would... damage our relationship, I would think." Sarah looked down; this was not an easy topic to discuss.

"Perhaps you will simply not be... attracted... to me," Sarah suggested, and Silyph blushed.

"That is not an acceptable risk," he replied, throwing off the suggestion. They remained silent for a moment, each pondering a solution.

"I will stay until you show signs of... loss of control," Sarah told him, but Silyph shook his head.

"It may come on quick, and what if you can't leave in time?" he argued.

"Well, it can't be that bad if that happens," Sarah said, and Silyph looked shocked.

"I... what?" he said, wondering if he'd heard her correctly.

"I was only joking," Sarah said, and Silyph grumbled.

"It's not that funny right now," he said, but Sarah walked over to him and rested a hand on his neck.

"Ease up," she ordered, "this full moon is making you uptight."

Silyph nodded, and shook his body, the feeling of her hand on his neck making him blush. It must be the cycle, he told himself; everything was getting to him more than usual.

"I think it's coming on slowly, that's what's affecting me," he said, looking at his claws.

"Well, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm not leaving yet, and that's final. What kind of friend would I be?" Sarah smiled, sitting back down on her bed, and Silyph smiled back.

"Thankyou Sarah," he said, lying back down in the corner.


A few hours passed, and night fell slowly. Silyph breathing became more and more ragged, his body twitched occasionally, and his face showed signs of inner torment. Sarah could do nothing as she watched the proud dragon degenerate into a horny, depraved mess in front of her. The moon rose slowly, and Sarah was extra cautious now, watching the dragon like a hawk. So far, so good.

It pained her to see him like this, his body punishing him for averting natures' course. Sarah jumped when Silyph growled, but realised he was just letting off some steam. Literally. It was almost ten o'clock now in standard time, and Sarah was beginning to worry about Silyph. He looked very pained, and her inner nature lover wanted to do something about it.

"How are you holding up," she finally said, breaking the epic silence between them. She immediately regretted it. Silyph raised his head from between his forelegs, and stared at her with bloodshot eyes. All of a sudden, he stood up glared at her.

"Silyph, are you oka..." she began but was cut off when he pounced on her, knocking her clean off her feet and slamming her into the ground.

"Silyph," she cried out but it was like he had been possessed, he couldn't hear her. She cringed as his large bulk loomed over her, like a predator stalking his prey. His claw roughly tore through her clothing, leaving small marks where it had nicked her skin. She cried out in pain, but was quickly silenced by what she saw next.

Hanging between his rear legs was something which made her jaw drop through the floor. Inches of thick, pulsing dragon cock hung from his body, completely erect and dripping small amounts of fluids over her legs. Pressing down onto her body, he spread her legs with his bulk and aligned himself with her, ready to claim his mate as was rightfully his.

"SILYPH!" Sarah yelled desperately, one last time. He stopped and looked at her, red eyes staring into hers.

"Silyph, please, it's me, Sarah, calm down, please," she begged, "you don't want to do this, please." Silyph looked harder, as though trying to read her.

She pushed her hands against his huge chest and tried one more time.

"Please, Silyph, control yourself. For me," she added softly. It seemed at though an eternity had passed, but slowly, she felt his body rise from her own. Suddenly, he shook his mighty head and threw himself against the wall, roaring in shock at himself.

"I didn't..." he blubbered, "I can't have... oh heavens, I have... gods above, not Sarah, I can't have, I couldn't... NO!" Silyph pressed himself against the wall, unable to look at Sarah. Still in an amount of shock, Sarah got up, her heart pounding. Even in her shaken state, she still felt sympathy for Silyph. It was hard to watch such a mighty creature break down like this.

"I'm so sorry... I can't believe... I'm... so sorry," he gasped between ragged breaths, pressing his large bulk against the cave wall and avoiding eye contact. Sarah felt a little cool, no clothes wasn't exactly the best thing, even in a warm-ish cave. The winds from the storm blew in softly and she shivered.

"Silyph," Sarah whispered, approaching him slowly despite herself, "Silyph, are you in control now?" He hid his face between his forelegs, but nodded his head visibly.

"I am so sorry," he finally said, regaining his composure slowly, "I never wanted to put you in that position."

"In that position?" she asked, wondering about his strange phrasing.

"I never wanted to hurt you, and now you must think I'm some kind of monster," he continued sadly.

Feeling a little more confident, Sarah walked a bit closer.

"It's not your fault," she told him consolingly, but he flinched at her approach.

"But it is," he stated flatly, still not looking at her.

"It was your body, your instinct driving you. You can't beat yourself up over that," Sarah argued, but Silyph snorted.

"I wish it were that simple," he said quietly, almost so Sarah couldn't hear. Sarah looked at him, a little surprised.

"What do you mean?" she asked, unable to decipher his meaning.

"I..." Silyph began but faltered.

"What?" Sarah demanded, stepping closer, "what are you saying?"

"I could have resisted more," Silyph admitted, hanging his head, "I didn't stop myself."

"Don't be silly, you just lost out to your body," she tried to tell him but he shook his head furiously.

Looking her straight in the eye, revealing his head finally, Silyph growled and said, "Stop." Sarah looked at him, rather stunned by his abrupt attitude change. "I'm sorry," Silyph continued, "but I have to own up to this or I will never forgive myself. I wanted it, understand? I could have resisted, but I didn't, because I wanted to mate with you, and I let that overcome my judgment."

Sarah was shocked, her mouth hanging open slightly.

"Silyph," she muttered, but couldn't say anything else. Silyph hid his head again, the burst of courage gone.

"I wanted it," he said again shamefully, "and now I've destroyed everything."

Sarah didn't know how to act, what to say, or what to do. She was at a true loss for words and instead just fell back against her bed, looking at the sorry form of the red dragon. She thought back a few moments ago, just a split second away from being raped by him. Her mind flashed to his underbelly, the thick piece of dragon meat swinging from between his legs.

Instantly, Sarah shuddered, and it wasn't because of the cold. The image remained in her mind, and then she saw it get closer and closer, her legs being spread, the slippery head lining her up, ready to take her...

My God, Sarah thought to herself, shocked, finally seeing what had been in front of her the whole time.

"I wanted it too," Sarah said, letting the words hang ominously in the air. A few seconds later, Silyph raised his head and looked straight into her eyes.

"Don't try to make me feel better, I saw your face, I know you didn't want it," he said, snarling at himself.

"That's because I was scared, you had lost control, and you were crazy. But you've always been there for me, protected me for the last weeks, saved my life, and looked after me. It had missed it for so long, because I didn't think it was possible, but it is. I love you, Silyph, I have ever since we started spending time together."

It was Silyph's turn to be stunned. He couldn't believe she reciprocated his feelings. But there was one thing he knew he had to say.

"I... love you too, Sarah, and I... I am sorry for what I put you through. Love doesn't have to be about mating, I simply enjoy your companionship and friendship."

Sarah sighed, the weight finally off her chest.

"So what now?" Sarah asked.

"Well," Silyph suggested, "If you would accept, I would like for you to live with me permanently, forever."

Sarah didn't even have to think about that one.

"I would gladly accept that offer," she told him, "I would love to live with you."

"Thankyou," Silyph breathed happily, sitting back down and leaning against the wall.

"Still," he continued, "I'm still being affected by my cycle, and I'm not sure how long this period of control will last. I think I have a handle on it, but I can't be too sure. I think you should leave now." He motioned to the cave entrance, sadness in his eyes.

"But..." Sarah tried to complain, but Silyph cut her off.

"It's for the best. I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt you," he said forcefully, making it final. Sarah nodded, and stood up reluctantly, walking past Silyph and back to the exit of the cave.

"Uh, I don't think I can get down," Sarah noted.

Silyph looked up and cursed himself on his stupidity. Of course she couldn't what had he been thinking. It wasn't a problem for him, but she didn't have wings.

"Looks like I don't have a choice then, I'll just have to control myself," Silyph snorted, unhappy that he could put her in danger.

"I believe in you," Sarah consoled him quietly. She went back over and sat down, her thumbs running along the edge of her bed.

It was still early in the night, and she knew she would still have to watch her dragon go through more suffering for hours on end. She wouldn't be able to sleep, and would have to stay with him all night long.


No, her mind argued.

Why not? He's obviously in pain, and you could help him so something about it.

He's a DRAGON!

He's a male, same as any who just needs a little love to get him through the night

He would tear you apart!

I don't have to have him... in me.

Yes you do, that's why you're reacting this way. Your horny, he's releasing pheromones, you can't resist.

I don't want to resist, I want to have sex with him, I see that now.

But is that smart? What if he doesn't find you sexually attractive, only mentally? Could you handle the rejection?

I'd do anything for him, and that's final. I'm going to ask, if he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to.

This might end badly though, just know that.

Her mind made up, Sarah got up and walked over to Silyph, who had to breathe deep when she approached.

"Don't get close," he warned, but she shook her head.

"Silyph, I need to ask you something," she said, blushing slightly at what she was about to do.

"Anything," he replied, not realising that she was about to stretch that definition.

"You said earlier, when you... you know, that you wanted me," she asked awkwardly, "in... that way. Now that you are... in control again, do you still feel the same way?

"I..." Silyph replied embarrassedly, "I... why do you ask? I mean, I lost control, but..."

"It's a simple question," Sarah said sharply, "did you, at any stage, want to have sex with me?" Silyph looked at her and found himself unable to lie to her, her face said it all.

"Please forgive me," he asked, "but... yes, I wanted you as my mate. I know it sounds terrible, I know, and I know that I'm... well, not exactly your size, but I have fallen in love with every part of you, your mind and your body. I'm sorry."

Sarah, on the other hand, kneeled down in front of him and looked him straight in the eye.

"Silyph, if you would have me, I would gladly be your mate, both physically and spiritually." At this, the great red dragon sat bolt upright and stared at her, dumbstruck.

"You mean," he began but Sarah confirmed it.

"Yes, I would mate with you." Silyph shook his head, much to Sarah's surprise.

"No, we can't do this," he growled.

"I thought you said you wanted to have sex with me?" Sarah said, a little hurt that her offer had been rejected so swiftly.

"It's not that, I just... I don't want to hurt you. My size, your frame, I could seriously inj..."

"I don't care," Sarah almost shouted. Silyph stopped talking and looked at her.

"It's my choice, and I will risk it. Plus, you are one amazingly attractive dragon," she added with a wink.

Silyph had to try hard to restrain himself after that comment.

"I..." he began, but Sarah put a finger to his jaw.

"Come on," she whispered, begging, "I know you want it, and I do to. We love each other, there's no-one around, and you need this."

The powerful dragon sighed and looked down. Her logic was sound, but he still had no desire to hurt her.

After a minute's silence, he looked at her and said, "Okay." Sarah smiled and hugged him, closing her eyes and feeling his heartbeat against her body. Silyph couldn't help but smile too.

"We'll take this slow," Silyph told her, and she nodded. She released her arms form his neck and kissed him on the lower jaw. He reciprocated by licking her nose affectionately, which made her even happier. She hadn't gotten this close to his face before, but now, it just seemed natural. After all, she was going to try and have intercourse with him. They needed to know each others bodies.

"Why don't we take this to the bed?" she asked, motioning towards the wooden slab. Silyph rose and sauntered over, lying down on top of the large wooden slab, facing Sarah. He only just fit, and looked rather comical doing so. She continued to kiss his nose, making her way over his horns with her fingers as she did so.

She tenderly wrapped her arms around his neck again and kissed his mouth directly. Silyph was in heaven, she knew how to really make him feel loved. Carefully, he opened his mouth and she took the opportunity to run her tongue over his. Taking a chance, he extended his tongue a little, and before either of them knew it, their mouths had gained a life of their own.

Despite its size, Sarah's mouth accommodated his tongue well, their saliva exchanging passionately. Due to his ability to breath fire, his mouth was clean of anything but his own fluids, so Sarah got to know his taste. His tongue had an exotic flavor to it, making her hair stand on end. It was a very erotic feeling.

After a few minutes, Sarah withdrew from their kiss and swallowed, tasting his flavor in her mouth. He himself smiled at her human taste, it was unique and pleasurable to his tastebuds. Closing his eyes he felt her work her way down his neck, kissing every part of it slowly and sexily.

As she got closer to his chest she could feel his rumbling heartbeat, pounding away steadily as she caressed his scales with her lips. The slow treatment was sending Silyph into a premature mating frenzy, his body responding to every touch, every kiss, every action she bestowed upon him. It was driving him wild with pleasure.

When Sarah reached his underbelly, she stopped and almost fell over. What she saw didn't just stop her, it made her jaw drop. Despite seeing it before, there was really nothing like having a huge erection staring you in the face, especially one from a dragon. And it was big. Very big. The same length as her forearm, and almost as thick at the base.

"It's so big," Sarah breathed, unsure now about what she was doing. Silyph grinned proudly.

"Like what you see?" he chuckled. Sarah nodded, it was magnificent. She reached out and attempted to wrap a hand around it. She failed dismally, Silyph moaning at the contact with his most private of places.

Sarah lent in close, inspecting his throbbing length. Thanks to her foreplay, Silyph was at full mast, and ready to go. His dragonhood was bright red, like his scales, but darkened the closer to the base she looked. Textured veins ran along the entire length, pulsing with blood. This was offset by the shiny covering of precum that had accumulated along his length and glistened off the tip.

The phallus was pointed, with a bumpy texture which looked like it was made for adding extra pleasure for the female. This followed into a long shaft, covered in little ridges and veins that would add to that pleasure. Topping it off was a very thick base, which sported a thick lump which looked awfully like a dog's knot.

"Except I don't have to finish for it to appear," Silyph informed her with a proud tone, noticing her staring at it. Sarah blushed, she was still a little apprehensive. It was going to be a big job getting this dragon off, that was for sure.

"You don't have to do this," Silyph told her, not wanting to have her feel like she had to.

"I want to, and besides, I've come to far now," Sarah replied, making it a sealed deal.

"How do you want to do this?" he asked, a little awkwardly.

"Just relax," she said, "I'll see what I can do."

She took both of her hands and placed them around his length, making sure to cover them in his fluids. Using her palms she massaged his natural lubricant along his entire shaft, eliciting a growl of contentment from the mighty dragon.

"That's already making me feel better," he muttered under his breath, but Sarah heard him and smiled.

She stopped and let the hefty cock drop into her hands. She looked at it, marveling at the size, shape and texture. It was a work of art to her, never having seen such a beautiful piece of equipment in her life. Silyph watched as she played with it for a few moments, gauging its firmness and slipperiness carefully.

Satisfied that she could do this, Sarah ran her index finger teasingly from the tip down to the base, making his shiver involuntarily. She circled his knot with her thumb and then ran her finger back up, rolling it over the tip.

"If you keep that up I may not last very long later," Silyph told her, but he wasn't serious.

Dragons had incredible stamina, able to last as long as necessary to orgasm in time with their mates if possible. Sarah grinned and squeezed the tip of his dragonhood between her finger and thumb lightly, producing more liquid goodness from its depths.

"This is amazing," Sarah told herself, "a dragon! A real dragon, and you're getting him off!"

She shook her head in disbelief at her situation, but smiled happily about it as well. Now that the awkward phase was over, she was free to do what she wanted with the mighty beast. Wrapping both of her hands around his thick shaft, one on top of the other, she slowly began to jack him off, her soft hands working their way along his draconic erection slowly.

Silyph grunted as he was masturbated by the human woman, feeling her soft digits slide up and down him with ease thanks to his lubrication. Due to his size, Sarah couldn't work particularly fast, but what she lacked in speed she made up for in skill. As she reached the top, her thumbs would caress the tip softly, gathering more fluids to lube him up.

As she would reach the base she squeezed on the sensitive knot, making Silyph twitch in satisfaction.

"You are amazing at this," he commented, and Sarah beamed.

"I haven't done this before," she replied.

"You're a virgin?" the dragon asked, surprised.

"Yeah," Sarah admitted, "I was little to intimidating for the males back home. They didn't like a girl who could beat them at sport."

"I am too," Silyph told her, and she looked at him.

"Wow," Sarah commented, "this should be an experience for both of us then." Silyph nodded, and rested his head back against the wood, the pleasure getting the best of him. Sarah's hands worked their way up and down his shaft continuously literally covered in dragon fluids. Sarah could smell his arousal; he had a very masculine scent which made her extremely aroused herself.

Silyph couldn't help but stare at her body, the sight of her making him even more randy. Her well-toned body, perfectly sized breasts, and he knew what lay between her legs, waiting to be claimed by her first mate. Still, he doubted that would be him, he would never fit inside her. He was content just with the handjob he was receiving.

"Don't dragons have testicles," Sarah asked, and Silyph shook his head. She looked at the slit where his genitalia had emerged from, and smiled. All hidden, eh?

"They're internal for dragons," Silyph informed her, "they need to be warm, and our bodies provide the right heat inside."

Sarah's mind wandered and she thought about just how much semen he would produce in an orgasm. If was proportional to his body, well, she would need to move when the time came. Or would she? She thought about how she would feel, drinking down dragon cum and having it on her face, her body and in her stomach. The thought actually seemed rather intriguing.

She had always pictured, if she was to ever have sex with a human man, that she would never swallow. But now, faced with that choice, she thought about how intimate it had been kissing Silyph and tasting his saliva. Was it really that bad to drink his semen? It would make him happy, and who knows, she told herself, I may like it.

Still, she had a fair bit to go before then. She would cross that bridge when she got to it. Her hands hadn't stopped, sliding along his dragonhood with renewed vigor. Silyph had lay back now, breathing heavily as his human mate worked with his erection. Never in his life had he experienced this much pleasure, and he intended for it to continue for as long as possible.

"You're so soft, yet so firm," Sarah commented, unsure how to describe the feeling her hands was detecting. Silyph nodded, it was like his penis had a soft coating over the stiff inside, making for an odd, but incredibly sensual combination.

"The softness helps our mates adjust to the feeling of being mated easier, and the firmness helps us mate easier.

Sarah breathed deeply, inhaling a fair bit of his scent, which made her shudder with delight. He was so masculine, so powerful, and yet such a gentle lover if the need arose. At least he is in control now, Sarah thought thankfully.

"I hope I'm doing this right," she muttered, but Silyph heard her.

"I've never felt anything like this in my life," he said truthfully, hoping to make her feel more comfortable. Her hand slid down his thick pole for what seemed like the thousandth time, sticky and slick from all of the fluids that had accumulated between her fingers.

"This is going to take forever if I continue like this," she informed him.

"You're doing fine," Silyph told her, licking his teeth, "you can stop if you want."

"And let you go soft on me?" Sarah chuckled, "I didn't do all this for nothing, and besides, I had something in mind." Silyph looked at her, intrigued, wondering just what she was planning to do.

"I want to... use my mouth," Sarah told him, blushing. Silyph looked a little surprised.

"Don't feel like you have to do anything special to please me," he said, but she shook her head.

"I want to, besides, my arms are getting tired," Sarah admitted.

She pumped her hands along his shaft a few more times, before taking them away. Long, sticky trails of his pre-cum followed, connecting them together. Knowing she would have to taste him eventually, she brought her hand up and licked over her fingers, right in front of Silyph. Her tongue worked its way between her fingers, scooping up a fair bit of his sticky emissions.

She brought it all into her mouth, and her eyes shot wide open with surprise.

"Oh my God, that's delicious!" she exclaimed, unable to control herself, and Silyph smiled happily. She stopped licking her fingers, and instead stood right back in front of his dangling dragoncock and brought her head down.

About to ask what she wanted to do the mighty dragon got his answer when he felt Sarah kiss the tip, then kiss the knot, then lick for the base all the way to the tip, collecting a fair amount more of his fluids on the way. Swallowing them, she rolled her tongue over the tip and then made her way down again, her lips pressed firmly against his shaft.

"That... feels... incredible," Silyph moaned, his whole body shuddering with anticipation. He was the luckiest dragon ever, and he knew it. Female dragons couldn't give oral sex, so the whole experience was a first for him, or any dragon in history. And with her mouth all over his cock, it would be an experience indeed.

Sarah was unaware just how much Silyph appreciated her actions, but she knew she was doing a good job. His breath was ragged, and his proud erection was stiffer than ever. If she kept this up, he may come a bit earlier that he had expected. Because her dragon mate was watching her every move, she was putting on quite the show, which in turn made him even more excited.

"If you keep this up," Sarah said, indicating the pre all over his length and her mouth, "you won't have any left."

Silyph chuckled despite himself, muttering, "There will be plenty left, don't worry." The way he said it made Sarah shiver, her mind immediately picturing wave after wave of dragon cum pouring into her mouth. The idea made her hair stand on end, in a good way.

Time and time again Sarah's mouth caressed every inch of her dragon's meat, seeking to satisfy his every need. Human saliva coupled with dragon fluids, human tongue with dragon flesh. The one thing that was exactly the same, however, was the level of passion each of them felt for the other. Silyph had never wanted anything this badly in his life, and Sarah felt the same way.

The soft surface of his dragoncock combined with the textures and bumps was giving Sarah quite the experience. She took note of every little detail her mouth touched, wanting to know everything about the incredible organ. If she knew it like the back of her hand, it wouldn't take long to work out where the best spots to work her mouth would be.

Unlike a human, however, from what she could tell, dragon's were sensitive everywhere, not just the phallus. She could only imagine what pleasure she was bringing to her mate, but the look on his face gave her a fair idea. Suddenly, she withdrew her tongue from his length, swallowing the trail of fluids connecting them.

Silyph looked down at her, confused. Sarah smiled, letting him shuffle a little in anxious anticipation.

"What's wrong?" he asked, missing the feeling of her mouth all over him immediately.

"I don't believe you ever asked politely," Sarah told him, a cheeky smile forming on her face.

Silyph clued into her little game.

"I'm a dragon," he reasoned with a chuckle, "I take what I want." Sarah smiled.

"Is that so?" she asked, "well I think you should say please."

Silyph hung his head, knowing he wasn't going to get anything any other way.

"Please?" he asked with a polite smile, but Sarah saw a flicker of pain over his eyes. His heat must be trying to control him again. Not wanting to have him suffer again, Sarah decided she was going to get him to come, in her if possible.

"Anything for you," she told him, changing her angle of attack a little. Holding his thick shaft in one hand and his knot in the other, Sarah brought the tip directly into her mouth, rolling her tongue over the bumpy tip slowly. Silyph gasped in pleasure, it was incredible. As carefully as possible, the human woman slipped as much of his cock into her mouth as was comfortable.

The mighty dragon could do nothing but grunt in pure ecstasy as inches of his proud erection disappeared into his mate's mouth. Sarah couldn't deepthroat, so she only managed about a quarter of his overall length. This was enough to satisfy her dragon though, his heart pounding and body reacting to her warm mouth.

Speaking of warm, Sarah got a really good idea of just how hot her dragon really was. Inside of her mouth, Silyph's tool was very, very warm, almost to the point of being hot. This added to the sexiness of the whole situation, and the smell of warm dragon cock compounded this even further.

Once she was confident that it was in far enough, Sarah pressed her tongue against the underside of his erection and could immediately taste his amazing flavour once more. Creating a little friction between her tongue and the roof of her mouth, she slowly began to slide it out of her mouth. When the tip reached her lips, she gripped the knot and pushed her mouth back down the shaft.

Silyph watched intently as his human lover gave him his first full oral. His mind was a little hazy, pleasure filling his head and making him focus on nothing else but him and Sarah. Nothing else mattered now. Sarah could feel every ridge, bump and vein as she bobbed her head up and down, her sensitive tongue picking up the tiniest of details. It was incredible

"This is... incredible," Silyph confirmed, making Sarah feel a rush of pride for her work. His cock throbbed hard, sending a spurt of pre-cum into the back of her throat which was about the size of a regular human ejaculation. She coughed, pulling his length from her mouth as she tried to swallow.

"Sorry," Silyph said, "did I hurt you?" Sarah shook her head, swallowing the glob of fluid and coughing again.

"No," she replied, "your penis just surprised my throat, that's all. If you can produce this much..."

"I 'am' a dragon," he told her with a proud smile, "did you expect less? You don't have to do this if you don't feel up to it."

Sarah shook her head; she had taken the challenge and wasn't going to give up. Gripping his thick knot, Sarah's mouth slid firmly onto his needy length once more, her head sliding up and down his shaft a bit quicker this time. Now, she was really sucking him off, his fluids literally covering her mouth as friction squeezed them from him.

The heat radiating from his body kept her warm as the cool air from the storm outside tried to reach her. Sarah wondered what her boss would say if he knew she was doing this, and the thought amused her greatly. Knowing what a money-grub he was, he would probably try to sell footage of it over the Internet.

"I'm so glad I met you," Silyph said shakily, waves of pleasure rendering his speech difficult, "I don't know anyone else who would do this for me, or anything, for that matter." Sarah's heart twinged knowing he must have been lonely for so long. A creature this wonderful and social needed a friend, and luckily for her, she was that friend.

She swallowed once more, feeling the liquid seeping from his tip down into her throat. No matter how long or how many times she tasted it, she knew that the taste would remain the same. Fantastic. In fact, she doubted whether she would be able to go without it for long, the strong taste of dragon almost addictive in its own way.

Despite the fact she had five inches in her mouth, she desperately wanted to have the whole thing. It was something Sarah knew she could never do, but maybe over time she could work on it. It was a little intimidating when the thickness of those five inches was spreading her mouth to accommodate the thickness as well.

It was probably the knot that was the most unbelievable part of his genitalia. Each time Silyph's cock pressed into her mouth and slipped out again, she got a good look at the monstrosity that was his knot. It was easily thicker than her fist, but at least it was gradual, and not just a dead stop. She wondered just how much that would hurt inside of her; the thought made her shudder.

Deciding that it would be impossible and not worth the risk, Sarah returned all of her attention to pleasuring the powerful organ in her mouth. By using her tongue, she had created a very tight, warm tunnel for her dragon to slide into. Not that Silyph was paying much attention, his chest heaving with the deep breaths he had to take to contain his pleasure.

To add to the enjoyment, Sarah began to use her hands previously holding his hefty erection up. He was aroused enough now that his penis would stay exactly where it was. Wrapping her hands around the rest of the shaft, she began to pump along his length, sucking on his cock in unison. Silyph growled in pure ecstasy, his body unused to such an overwhelming assault on his senses.

"Don't you ever come?" Sarah asked, stopping for a second to talk.

"I'm close," was all the dragon could reply. Sarah could feel his need and pushed the large dragonmeat back into her mouth, bobbing her head swiftly along his shaft, this time hoping to finally make her dragon cum.

Silyph shook a little, causing his length to hit the back of Sarah throat. She gagged and managed to pull it out in time, hoping Silyph didn't notice. He didn't, too lost in his own pleasure to realise.

"I'm close, you should stop," Silyph informed her, looking back down at his human lover.

"I don't want to," Sarah said, and Silyph felt a surge of love for his mate.

"You don't understand," he argued, "I will ejaculate in your mouth if you don't stop."

"That's what I'm hoping for," Sarah replied, winking at him, "hope you don't mind."

Silyph could see the futility in arguing, Sarah's mind already made up on the issue.

"Thankyou," he whispered gratefully, trying to imagine a better lover but failing miserably. She wanted to swallow his semen, and there could be no higher honor for him. If she wanted it, it was hers.

She continued for another minute or two, before Silyph showed signed of his impending climax. They had been at it for almost half and hour now, and Sarah was about to reap the rewards of her efforts. Sarah pressed into the dragon's length as fast as she could, using her tongue and hands to finally bring the mighty beast over the edge.

With a loud roar, Silyph's cock erupted inside of her mouth, thick ropes of hot, creamy white cum shooting down her throat. Sarah was shocked, unable to believe he could produce that much. She immediately began to swallow as much as she could; thick mouthfuls of dragoncum sliding into her stomach. Sarah tried as best she could, but in the end it was futile.

Unable to keep up with the torrents of jizz which streamed from the pent-up dragon's cock, Sarah could only watch as it streamed from her mouth and ran down her chest, legs and feet, puddling on the ground. Silyph was in a world of his own, lying on his side gasping from his first orgasm. The sheer amount was making Sarah feel rather full, having swallowed at least a litre in the process.

After about a minute the orgasm tapered down to a trickle, Silyph managing to sit upright enough to look at his human companion. What he saw made him smile. A few seconds later his softening cock slipped from her mouth, followed by a stream of his steamy semen which splashed on the bed and ground.

"Are... you... alright," he panted, still recovering. Sarah coughed a couple of times and licked her lips.

"I have never," she replied, a twinkle in her eyes, "tasted ANYTHING that fantastic in my life!" Silyph chuckled, but inside he felt extremely glad that he had been able to satisfy her as well.

To further add to his pleasure, Sarah took his disappearing cock and licked it until it was relatively clean, smearing his fluid all over her body as she moved. A few moments later it had retreated back into his sheath, and she sighed contentedly.

"Amazing," she said, shaking her head, "unbelievable." Silyph was inclined to agree with that analogy.

Now that the dragon was no longer in need of sexual attention, Sarah took a change to survey the scene, as did Silyph. Warm, sticky dragon cum covered almost every part of her body, and some of his. The floor and her wooden bed had received their fair share as well. It was simply incredible, she had never even imagined that he could produce half of this, let alone what was before her.

She sat down on the edge of the bed, and Silyph curled his head around next to her. She pressed her hand against her stomach, feeling the immense amount of dragon sperm she had ingested move around her stomach. She could just picture the creamy fluid in her mind; thick white cum traveling inside of her. It was a very profound and intense intimate feeling, knowing she had his life essence inside of her.

Even if it was in the wrong hole to do anything, Silyph felt immense amounts of pure love for his human mate. It was a rare person who would help him like she had.

"I love you, Sarah," Silyph whispered into her ear, "thankyou for everything."

"I love you too," she replied, stroking his wing and feeling the leathery texture under her fingers. She used her tongue and licked around the inside of her mouth, trying to remove the last of his emissions from her teeth but failed, his taste still rich in her mouth. Not that she was complaining, but it was rather messy and she already had plenty.


They lay there for a long time, almost a whole hour passed unheeded between them in the afterglow of such an incredible release. She suddenly gasped in surprise when he felt his hot tongue lick along her naked body, cleaning the rest of his fluids off of her form. He swallowed and smiled, licking his lips.

"You're right," he noted, "I do taste alright." Sarah chuckled and rubbed his chin, pulling his head closer and indulging in another French kiss. Their tongues mingled and they lost themselves in the bliss of the moment, both dragon and human lost in their own world, away from everything else, only each other mattered now.

The night was still in progress, the storm outside subsiding a little, but still prevalent. Woman and dragon had curled up into a ball on the bed, reveling in the presence of the other. Ever since he had been born, Silyph had never thought he would like a human, let alone breed one. Sarah had been the same way, only she hadn't even known they existed.

"So I gather you are alright now?" Sarah asked, looking up at her dragon intently.

"You did much to help," he replied, "I am much better now, thankyou." Sarah thought about that for a second and realised he had just cleverly skirted the question.

"Much better?" she inquired with a skeptical tone, "so you're still suffering a little though." Silyph looked down, and realised he couldn't lie to her now.

"Yes," he admitted, "but I will be fine now. It is nothing to worry about."

Sarah got out from under his wing and stood up, Silyph realising she wasn't going to let it go.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked, "I mean, it's not like I haven't proven I can already."

"It's not a question of your devotion," he said, getting up and standing back on the floor, "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Hurt?" she asked.

"The only way to get rid of a male dragon's heat is when the chemicals from a female orgasm neutralise those created by the male," he informed her. Sarah closed her eyes and sighed, it made sense now.

"So the only way for you to be completely cured..."

"Is to mate with me, properly," the dragon said embarrassedly, adding, "which could serious injure you." Sarah sighed and leaned against the bed. It would be rather difficult, but now that the thought crossed her mind, she really wanted to try it.

"If I promise to go slow, and be careful, will you mate with me?" Sarah asked, looking into his eyes. Silyph began to shake his head but stopped. As long as he was careful, they could take it slow. At least, that's what he hoped.

"If you really want to, then yes, I would be honored to take you as my mate," he said, bowing his head slightly out of respect for her commitment

Sarah smiled, happy that he had accepted her offer. She was already getting aroused just thinking about it, but she was also a little apprehensive. He was huge, after all. She lay back on the bed, a little unsure of how to proceed. Silyph noticed this problem too, but realised that the bed was almost perfect height for him.

"I should be able to reach, if you remain there," he informed her. She nodded and moved back on the bed, her naked form presenting itself to the majestic dragon. She spread her legs, giving him a clear view of her vaginal opening, which was slightly wet from her arousal. Silyph couldn't help but stare, amazed by just how attractive every part of her was to him.

The sight of her sex stirred deep emotions inside of him, his slit slowly parting to allow for his arousal to slip free. Sarah watched with delight as his slick cock stiffened in front of her, pulsing with vitality and need. Here was a dragon entering the prime of his life, his powerful body rippling with muscle, his body recovered and revitalised from the previous orgasm.

"God you're hot," Sarah whispered in awe, taking in the intimidating sight. Silyph felt quite happy knowing the effect he was having on her. She was having quite the same effect on him as well.

"Not as attractive as you," he replied, moving a little closer to her.

Before she could ask what he was doing, he brought his head down and flicked his tongue across her delicate slit. The young human moaned in pleasure as his rough tongue caressed her clitoris, sending waves of pleasure through her body. Although unskilled, Silyph made up for his awkwardness by the fact that his tongue was simply long, hot and didn't miss a spot.

Liking what he was tasting, the young dragon wasted no time in pressing his rough tongue as deep into her as it would go. Much to Sarah's pleasure, that was quite far. She moaned and arched her back in pure ecstasy, allowing him even further access into her most private of places. It was simply overwhelming; his tongue was just too good. It was incredible, and he hadn't even mated with her yet.

Silyph was enjoying himself as well, his lovers' rich taste on his tongue. He pushed as much of his saliva into her as he could, lubricating his mate for what was to come. She would need all the help she could get to fit him inside of her, he knew that.

"Ohhhh!" she gasped as his tongue worked even deeper, tickling her in all the right places.

Her soft flower parted under his tongue easily, like silk would through his claws. Flesh met flesh as both parties sought to please the other, using all of their skill to make this night one to remember forever. Sarah looked down between her legs and saw his large eyes staring at her while his tongue worked its way inside of her.

Just when she thought she would orgasm right there and then, he slowly slid his tongue out of her, a trail of his saliva following behind.

"That was incredible," she told him, panting a little.

"I was simply lubricating you," he lied, and Sarah didn't fall for it for one second.

"You big liar," she chuckled, "you enjoyed that as much as me." Silyph grinned, and gave her opening one last lick.

"Well," he admitted, "you have an incredible flavor. Maybe I'll just have to eat you later." Sarah laughed at his joke, but stopped when she suddenly found his large bulk moving over her.

"What are you doing?" she asked, Silyph straddling her slowly. He moved into position, placing his front legs either side of her head and positioning his proud erection right in front of her vagina.

"Seems like someone isn't taking me seriously," he growled playfully, and Sarah shivered in anticipation.

"Maybe you'll have to show me how," Sarah suggested, eyes gleaming. She still couldn't take her eyes off his package, swinging heavily below his underbelly.

"Perhaps I shall," Silyph agreed, adding, "although I'm beginning to wonder if that's the only part of me you like."

"Not a chance," Sarah told him, looking away from his genitals and straight into his eyes. In the position they were in, Silyph could look down on her easily. Slowly, he brought his head down and kissed her. Not a fiery, passionate kiss like before, but a tender, loving caress of their mouths, the weight of which finally crashed down upon Sarah.

It was a lovers' kiss; nothing but pure love and affection for her emanated from the mighty dragon above her. In that moment, that tender kiss, the sheer immensity of his feeling for her, and what he was giving to be with her. Silyph had chosen his mate, and that mate was her; it would always be her, forever. She finally knew what was about to come. She was going to have sex with a dragon!

There was no rush, no sense of urgency between them now. They had all the time in the world to make each other happy. Their kiss lasted for over a minute, their tongues intertwining sensually together. After the few brief moments of tender romance, Sarah knew that she wanted him inside of her. She needed him inside of her.

Silyph positioned his body directly over hers, his thick dragonhood dripping fluids softly across her abdomen. The warm liquid made her smile, knowing just how much of it she would claiming before the nights end.

"Are you ready?" he asked, looking his human lover straight in the eye.

"I've never been more ready for anything in my life," she replied honestly. Silyph rewarded her by lowering his cock onto her soft entrance, eliciting a shiver from the human female. In all honesty Silyph was nervous; she had pleasured him so well it would be almost unfair not to perform highly in return.

"So warm," Sarah murmured, watching the pre dribbling from his tip over her belly button. She ran her hands along his sides, staring up at his chest. It was good he had a flexible neck; otherwise he wouldn't be able to kiss her. He remained there for a few moments, giving her time to relax and stroke him body. Still, it was time to mate; he couldn't relax himself any longer.

He slid back, his stiff length rubbing along her lips. Sarah braced herself, expecting to feel his powerful organ plough into her needy sex. Instead, Silyph went one better, extending the foreplay a little. Pushing back forward he ground his cock roughly against her, sliding his shaft back along Sarah's entrance.

Immediately he repeated the action, pressing his thick shaft forwards and backwards against her. She moaned in satisfaction, feeling his strong length work its way against her vagina. Silyph smiled, knowing he had surprised her once again. He snaked his head down and pressed his mouth against hers, once more seeking the confines of her tongue.

Sarah accepted the kiss eagerly, moaning into his large mouth and shaking with pleasure as he rubbed against her, making her stomach slick with his juices and her pussy twitch in satisfaction. He could feel her every breath, every heartbeat as their bodies pressed against each other needily.

Through this constant contact Sarah really got a feel for just how big and powerful he really was. Muscles rippled under her hands, his heavy breath rumbled in his chest, his heart pounding heavily. He truly was a creature of legend. His scales were diamond-tough, but silky smooth and warm to the touch; his weight pressing against her lightly made her aware of just how heavy he was.

Not to mention his amazing dragon cock, which fit in well with his overall size. In her mouth she had thought it was big but now, with the bumps, veins and ridges pressing against her, it felt almost impossibly large.

"How am I ever going to take this?" she wondered to herself.

Silyph was enjoying himself, the feeling of her soft skin against his shaft made him smile with delight. He knew he wouldn't fit entirely inside of her, but considering how good it felt just to grind his dragonhood against her soft flower, he wouldn't need to.

"So... good," he grunted between thrusts, his hot breath wafting across Sarah's face.

"Be a good dragon," Sarah ordered him, "shut up and kiss me." Silyph looked at her, a little surprised, but saw that she was only joking about. Still, he didn't decline the offer, returning to slather more of his saliva into her. Sarah didn't know how to explain it, but the whole messiness of the situation was a big turn-on, and Silyph felt the same way.

Each time he pushed forward against her clitoris, sparks of pleasure ran through her veins. Each time he slid back, his sticky fluids smeared across her stomach. It was a wondrous feeling, her sexy dragon rubbing against her like he was. She looked back down; it was like staring at a loaded gun.

When he slid forward, his large erection would slid over her lips and be pointing at her face, throbbing ominously. Even though she knew he couldn't be close yet, it still felt like it could blow any seconds and cover her in warm dragon cum. The thought of it made her smile; it was so arousing to consider it.

Sarah placed her right hand on his shaft, feeling it slide against her slowly.

"This is quite relaxing," Silyph told her, "I could happily do this all day." Sarah shuddered at the thought; that would be intense.

"Maybe you should, one day," Sarah replied, smiling.

Silyph nodded, sliding back further than he had before, stopping when his draconic phallus was aligned directly with her human entrance.

"I think we should... begin," he suggested. Sarah nodded, gulping in nervousness.

"Okay," she replied shakily, not knowing how it would feel.

"Don't be worried," Silyph reassured her, "dragon semen has some unique properties. It allows us to mate with a female dragon of any size." Sarah looked at him, still a little unsure.

"Female dragon," she said, "isn't female human."

"I'm sure the same principle applies," he said, shifting his weight a little. Sarah knew he wouldn't lie to her; if she couldn't trust him by now, who could she trust?

"I trust you," she whispered, spreading her legs wider than before.

Silyph nodded, considering how best to approach the situation. If he thrust too hard he could hurt her. Sensing his dilemma, Sarah reached down and spread herself open with her fingers, directing him into her. He took the hint and slowly moved his body forward, his slick cock beginning its long journey into her body.

Sarah gasped as his pointy tip parted her lips, passing her fingers and sliding into her long-awaiting body. Silyph grunted in satisfaction as he sank the first inch of his fantastic length into his mate, feeling her warmth around him. His temperature was hotter, however, something Sarah noticed quickly.

Once his tip had finally entered her completely, he stopped, allowing her to get used to the sensation. Sarah couldn't put the feelings she was experiencing into words. Even though it was only the head, she was already being stimulated beyond belief. The pointed tip was covered in bumps which caressed every contour inside of her, sending her body into an information overload.

She looked down at where their bodies were now connected, a smile forming on her face. Seeing just his shaft and knowing that the tip was inside her was a very erotic feeling, one she would never forget.

"How do you feel?" Silyph asked protectively. He didn't want to hurt her under any circumstance.

"Aside from a little impressed, quite fantastic," Sarah replied, stretching her arms. She would have been content to lie there for a while, but she knew she still had to help him get over his heat.

"What about you?" she asked.

"As long as I'm with you, I'll always feel fantastic," he replied with a soft wink, but Sarah could tell he meant it. She could feel a strange sensation coming from her groin, unable to tell what it was. After a moment she realised it was just her body telling her to keep going.

"I need more," she stated flatly, "I want you in me." Silyph nodded, happy to oblige.

Sarah gripped the sides of the wooden bed tightly as he pushed more of his incredible length into her. She could feel every tiny detail as he penetrated her, her soft walls giving way to inches of thick dragon cock. Silyph grunted as he sank into her, feeling her tight hole grip his shaft welcomely, caressing and stimulating him heavily.

And what a shaft it was! Lively, pulsing veins throbbed along its length, slick mating fluids providing the warm lubricant she needed, minute ridges and bumps pleasuring her to the limit. It was a cocktail (pun) of pleasure, designed to bring as much joy to the receiver as to the one who was giving.

And give he did, spreading her legs wide as his enormous organ filled her to the brim. After what seemed like half an eternity, he stopped, having met enough resistance to prevent him from continuing. Sarah breathed out deeply, slumping back against the bed. When she had recovered, she looked down to a surprising sight.

He had about a third of his thick girth in her, about the same amount as a human man would with his whole manhood in depth, but much wider.

"That feels... so good," she breathed, looking up at Silyph.

"I'm surprised you took that much," he said, "but then again, you are an extraordinary person."

Sarah smiled at the compliment, and lay back against the wood again.

"This is exhausting, and we haven't even started yet," she complained in a cheeky tone.

"Take your time," Silyph said, "for we have all the time in the world."

Sarah nodded and Silyph watched as her chest moved up and down, deep heavy breaths coming into her lungs. He was quite astonished by the effect he was having on her, almost as if she was going to faint. He had never considered that he could be so good. Yet, from what he could feel from her right at that moment, she was going to send him crazy too.

He could feel her soft walls tense and relax against his length, her muscles reacting to the new invader. It squeezed out more of his natural lubricant from the tip, smearing into her deepest of places and getting her ready for what was to come.

"This is incredibly weird," Sarah commented.

"I thought we were well past that stage," Silyph replied, confused.

Sarah shook her head, adding, "it's not that, it's just we must be the first human-dragon couple in history." Silyph smiled, looking back down at her.

"The other dragons don't know what they are missing out on, then," he chuckled.

"Oh, it's not just the dragon's that are missing out," she informed him, "'cause I don't know many humans that get to have a sexy dragon mounting them in a cave.

Silyph nodded in agreement, smiling at her compliment.

"Shall we continue?" he asked

"I'm ready," she said.

Silyph slowly tensed his hind legs and pulled out of her carefully, the top of his thick shaft reappearing to the night air once more. Sarah gasped as she felt the bumpy surface stroke against her sensitive walls as it left her, a thick trail of dragon fluids in tow. Once he had only his tip inside of her, he looked down for her approval.

"I love you, Sarah," he whispered, never having said truer words in his life. Sarah saw it in his eyes, the devotion, the love. He would never leave her, and she would never leave him. They both knew that.

"I love you too, Silyph," she replied, spreading her legs and bracing herself.

What followed next was an experience she would never forget. Silyph leaned forward and took her with one thrust, inches of thick dragon cock burying itself deep into her human body. A second later he would pull out, only to repeat the action, claiming her as his lover once and for all through the ritual of mating.

Sarah was powerless under him, the dragon in complete control now as his hefty bulk pressed against her. She had no problem with that; she trusted him with her life. The feeling of being continuously stuffed with his throbbing meat was incredible; it was incomparable to anything she had experienced beforehand.

Silyph felt the same way, unable to describe how good her tight body felt around his invading organ. He was almost constantly producing precum now, making her slippery and slick inside as he worked his way into her. This made penetration much easier for both of them, also producing a wet sloshing sound each time he entered her.

Silyph took it slow, mating his human lover with precision and tenderness. He wanted her to enjoy the experience more than he did himself; sliding in deep until he heard her gasp softly in pleasure, then pulling out again and letting his ridges stroke against her. It was slow, but rewarding.

Even after the first few moments, Sarah knew she would never get completely adjusted to or complacent with his thick girth. Each time she thought she had him figured out another bump or ridge would slip into her, making her nerves stand on end as pleasure assaulted her mind. It was a good thing; she could mate with him forever and never get tired of it.

She took a brief glance down, which turned into an incredulous stare as almost half of his large pole sank into her. How she had taken that much, she had no idea. Placing her hand on her lower stomach, she rubbed it slowly. Her heart raced when she realised she could feel him through herself, a large mound appearing and disappearing under her fingers.

"So much..." she muttered through her dream-like state, Silyph looking down at her intently.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked, but she shook her head.

"Don't stop," she begged, "I need you."

Those simple words sent a warm flush through the mighty dragon's body, a surge of pure affection for his mate. Although he could have probably come then and there, male dragons had the innate ability to sense their partner's climax and time themselves to it without any problems.

"I will always be here for you," he whispered into her ear.

With that he began to increase his speed, thrusting into her with renewed vigor. Their combined lubricants dripped from her steadily, making a small mess around their lovemaking. The change of pace finalized the 'testing the waters' stage of their romance; now it was time to mate. They both knew it, and wanted nothing more.

Sarah's soft moans and pants turned to cries of pure pleasure; music to the young dragon's ears. She pressed her hands against his beautiful scales as his steamy erection pumped into her repeatedly, elevating them to a new level of intercourse.

"Oh Silyph," Sarah gasped, looking into his eyes, "it feels... so good."

Silyph smiled, but was ultimately concentrating on the task at hand. It was becoming difficult to think, difficult to control his instinct. Every fiber of his being told him to rut this female, to bury his flesh deep into her, breed her, fuck her, impregnate her with loads of his fertile, creamy seed.

Sarah, meanwhile, had lost track of time, not that she had a good grasp of it to begin with. It could have been an hour, it could have been ten, she had no idea. While she was being bred by this incredible force of nature, she doubted she would ever know. All she knew is that she wanted it to last forever.

Briefly she thought of her old life, back outside the Yotcama, thinking of all the things she had left behind. She now knew that she could never go back, now that she had more than she could ever dream of right here with her. Silyph was her mate now and would be for life; there would be no turning back, no return.

"Gods above!" she exclaimed as he hit a particularly sensitive part of her, deep within her body. Silyph smiled, knowing that he had found something he could really work with. Readjusting his angle a little he thrust against that spot, causing Sarah to clutch him tightly and buck her hips in pleasure.

Time and time again his pulsing red maleness plunged into the confines of her sex, the friction between the two becoming intense. Silyph looked back down and kissed Sarah on the neck, before moving up to her lips. Her mouth opened eagerly to let him in, the heavy, charcoal smell of dragon's breath bringing her slightly back to her senses.

Sarah wondered for a minute just how this would look from a spectator position. A powerful, majestic red dragon having sex with a young, comparatively fragile human must look rather interesting from an outside perspective. Still, Sarah knew where she would rather be, and it was right where she was at that moment, getting mounted by the proud male.

Silyph grunted in pure, primal satisfaction as his mates' soft walls caressed his thick length as it plunged repeatedly into her depths. His speed had increased tremendously, thrusting rapidly into her, on the final stretch now. Sarah was beginning to feel the impending climax that awaited her any minute, pleasure building inside of her loins.

"I'm... getting close," she managed to gasp. Silyph didn't reply, he was so far lost in the bestial act to respond. He didn't have to, his body already sensing her tension, getting ready to release all the pent-up energy they had created.

"Finish inside me," Sarah demanded, and Silyph kissed her once more in reply.

Their tongues intertwined as the great dragon began pounding away at her sloppy pussy, slamming over two-thirds of his enormous dragon cock deep into her. Sarah could only kiss harder as she was mated heavily, Silyph rutting her with all of his remaining energy. All of a sudden, he buried himself deep inside of her and let out an earth-shattering roar.

It was like the walls of a dam had burst. Powerful jets of thick, steamy dragon cum erupted inside of her, flowing deep into Sarah's womb. The sensation was too much for the human female, who climaxed alongside the mighty dragon. Wave after wave of draconic seed poured into her, unable to escape properly due to his considerable girth.

Sarah lay back, exhausted as the pent-up dragon dumped his hot load into his mate. It seemed almost endless, far more than she had received from giving him oral. Silyph's eyes were glazed over in pure orgasmic bliss, but never did he forget about Sarah, watching her intently as he emptied himself into her.

Despite the fact her stomach had swelled, some of his fluids were pouring from her sex, coating the bed liberally with his seed. Sarah could almost imagine his dragon sperm rushing around her body, impregnating her, breeding her. It was a shame he was a different species, it would never be able to happen.

Still, she was extremely happy with what she had. His incredible ejaculation eventually slowed to a drip, his impressive cock slipping from her used hole followed by a stream of his own emissions. Sarah watched as his shaft shrunk and disappeared back into his slit, wishing she had the energy to lick it clean.

Both of them were spent, Silyph curling up on the bed around Sarah, resting his head against hers.

"That was..." she began, but words failed her. How could she describe such an experience?

"I know," Silyph replied, understanding her loss for words. He couldn't describe it either.

She placed her hand on her stomach, missing the feeling of his erection inside of her. She would have felt empty, if it wasn't for the gallons of spunk he left inside of her. She reached down and ran her hand over her opening, scooping up a decent amount of it and drinking it down eagerly, savoring the rich taste.

"Thankyou, for everything," Silyph whispered, truly grateful for her help.

"I hope you're over your cycle now," Sarah chuckled.

Silyph grinned, replying, "I am now, but I don't see why that means we have to stop. I may need a little assistance tomorrow too."

"Such a cheeky dragon," Sarah laughed, although the idea appealed to her.

"You serious," she added, unsure.

"I would be honored to mate with you ever day, for I would never grow tired of such an amazing experience."

Sarah nodded in agreement; glad that she would be able to have sex with him again the next day. She rubbed his scaly neck, feeling his excess fluid trickle out of her. They were both smothered in it, but cleanup would have to wait, the pair both enjoying the afterglow of their mating.

Closing her eyes, Sarah began to fall asleep, her body and mind completely drained from the effort involved.

She was disappointed that she had been unable to take him fully, buts he knew they would have all the time in the world to get that far. She smiled to herself, picturing his thick knot slipping into her, tying them for hours. She could also imagine just how much of his creamy seed that would trap inside of her, something she desperately wanted to feel again.

As she fell into a deep slumber, she whispered quietly, "I love you, Silyph." The mighty dragon looked at her, pressing his mouth against hers once more before curling up around her protectively. He would always be there for her now, no matter what.

"I love you too, my mate."