Commission: She's Hulking Out

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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#15 of Story Commissions

When two people destined by the Heavens to be in love meet there is nothing in the world that can stop their union, however, just because destiny guides people together doesn't mean that everything will be perfect. Thank God that science can come in to change the state of affairs for those who don't exactly fit together perfectly.

Commission Are Open

Ten years.

That's how long Leon and Hollyn Charity had been married to one another. Like one of those romance movies that Hollyn often dragged her husband to see the pair had met during their college years at a Christian arts festival one bright and sunny Saturday morning. Hollyn fondly remembered that special day as she pulled her slim ninety pound body up out of the bed she shared with her husband, the large green skinned man was still asleep at the time, and so she gently leaned over to place a kiss onto his fleshy lips in order to thank him for the precious years that they had spent together. Leon, even in his slumber, murmured happily before rolling over across the titan sized bed. Hollyn chuckled as she watched her husband behave so adorably cute without realizing it, the fact that he had the covers wrapped up around his lower body only adding to his innocent charm. Turning away to head out the door of their bedroom the thirty-six year old businesswoman let out a small yawn before she exited the warm room.

Getting outside into the main hallway of their single story home Hollyn found herself walking with a slight amount of pain, the fun she had with her mountain of a husband now reminding her of her own limitations as a mere mortal woman. Despite this fact Hollyn wouldn't have changed the nightly exercise she and Leon had enjoyed together, the memory of which made a perverted smile creep onto her pale pink lips at the same time small shivers race down her spine. A blush formed on the curly haired woman's cheeks as she felt the emanations of her husband's excitement trail down the length of her thighs, the fact that the droplets of liquid joy were still warm to the touch was something that brought a fair amount of embarrassed delight to Hollyn's face. Who would have imagined that a good Christian girl like her would enjoy the passions that came from riding atop the lap of a man like Leon? She certainly would have when they had first met, despite being fairly attracted to the green giant that she had literally bumped into a decade ago.

Back then the two of them had seemed as different as night is to day, what with Leon being a ten foot tall colossus with green tinted muscle, while Hollyn was a demure little thing that barely stood more than five feet in height. Leon proved himself to be a gentle giant however, speaking to the smaller woman more like a friend upon first having her bump into him. To say that she had been afraid of him wouldn't have been correct, however it would have also been a lie to tell someone that she had felt comfortable in his presence. The man was just so big that whenever she looked up at him Hollyn felt as though she were standing before a god-like figure, the likes of which seemed to judge her existence with calm indifference. Intimidating didn't even begin to describe how she felt felt when opened his mouth to speak down to her, though that was to be expected considering that he, like all of the men within the world have been ascended to godly beings.

"Oh, excuse me." Leon apologized. "I didn't see you standing there."

The deep baritone of his voice was like a train horn going off within the little blonde haired woman's ears, so strong and powerful that it shook her down to her core.

"I-It's alright." she laughed behind a hand while closing her deep blue eyes, mother had always taught her to never let someone see you sweat after all. "I should have been paying more attention to my surroundings, handsome." It was a second after letting that last word slip from her lips that Hollyn knew she had played her hand too early.

Leon merely smiled back at her.

Hollyn admitted to him several years into their marriage that she had fallen in love with his eyes when she looked up into their fathomless green depths, the sight of them had helped to make the business intern feel safe and secure in a way that was hard to describe, though at the time she would have never told him such a truth. Today however, Leon always blushed upon hearing these spoken words.

"Do you...uh..." the handsome green titan began while reaching back to rub his head in slight awkwardness.

Hollyn could easily tell that this was a first for the larger male, and so decided to help him out, if just a bit. "Like to talk?"

"I was going to say 'go and get some coffee', but that works as well." Leon chuckled.

Hollyn returned to laughter. "Sure."

The pair had went to grab something to drink together but only after listening to a polite sermon given by an up and coming preacher. Once they made their way into a small coffee shop not that far away from the field where the festival was being held the pair ordered their respective drinks - Hollyn having a double whipped espresso while Leon ordered himself a hot chocolate and caramel regular - and then went to go and sit down together. Leon quickly found himself becoming curious over the business that Hollyn was working at, while Hollyn herself was intrigued over the scientific lingo that Leon seemed to constantly spout out from in between his lips without thought. The little blonde could admit that she found the conversation a bit boring when Leon started to use words that she had no clue as to the meaning to, and yet she continued to patiently listen to him, if only to watch how his meaty lips and tongue worked together to produce said words. At the time Hollyn didn't want to admit that she had wanted to lean across the cherry wood table separating them to kiss the larger man, and yet this was a truth that constantly entered into her mind, especially after she felt her pulse start to grow just a little erratic underneath her skin.

Leon was just happy to have someone to speak with.

The two had exchanged phone numbers after finishing their drinks, Leon having received a phone call from one of his coworkers about a new development with one of their current biological constructs, and so he had to quickly dismiss himself from Hollyn's presence. Hollyn could admit that she was somewhat saddened by this, but she played off the feelings rather well at the time.

"I'll call you later on in the week." she had said right as Leon was getting up from the table.

"I would appreciate that." Leon returned with a bob of his head.

And in keeping with her promise Hollyn had indeed called the green skinned titan back, the little blonde having punched his number into her digital calendar with a reminder to give him a ring every Thursday, since that was the day she normally had off from work. Leon had been politely surprised by her dedication to him, what with the man not having had that much luck with women in the past, and had been oh so ready to write her off as a lost cause. The two had spoken at length when they could, going out for coffee and then to dinner whenever they could align their schedules to perfectly match with the work that the other had to do that week. It was during one of these dates, it had taken Hollyn several encounters with Leon to realize that she and Leon were actually courting one another, despite her mother having hinted at this after informing the older woman of what was going on between them, that the little blonde woman realized that she had Leon had more in common with each other than they had thought.

"There's a Louis Vee concert taking place two months from now," Hollyn nearly dropped her fork upon hearing that name, after all, who didn't know the country's most prestigious christian singer?! "would you like me to take you to see him?"

"Yes!" Hollyn didn't even need time to think about the question, as going to see Louis Vee was something that she had always wanted to do for quite some time but had never had the time or opportunity to do so. That many of her friends had stopped participating in the Christian lifestyle was something that had left Hollyn feeling a bit isolated, and so to have Leon ask her to go to this concert felt like a sign from up above.

"Great!" the green giant smiled his award winning smile.

After that the pair grew closer and closer to one another, the pair choosing to go out on several more exotic dates, of which included a nice autumn hike down south in the deep plains, a skiing trip to the northern mountains, and finally a long cruise across the western pacfici. Leon had offered to pay for everything but Hollyn was not a gold digger, she refused to allow her partner, of which they both agreed that they were to one another, to continue to shell out his wealth for her happiness. Leon had cracked up laughing when, during one of their evenings out on the town, the little blonde had grabbed the check from the waiter and then stuffed her credit card into the black book the bill came within.

Hollyn decided to introduce Leon to her parents after nearly six months of dating one another. Her father had been rather impressed by both Leon's character and his build, though the other man having drawn the other to the weight room that he kept downstairs in order to see just how much punishment the scientific researcher could handle after dinner had been concluded. That Leon was able to easily bench nearly three tons of iron was something that brought a pleased smile to both Hollyn and her father's face, however, when the two men decided to try and wrestle naked with one another the women excused themselves back upstairs to the living room.

"Has he propositioned you for sex yet, dear?" Hollyn flushed upon hearing those words, her mother never could hide her thoughts behind flowery words after all.

"No, mom, he hasn't." Hollyn laughed as she sipped on the tea within the cup on the desk in front of her.

"Oh really?" the older woman chuckled while gazing at her daughter curiously.

"Leon has the same virtues that I do," Hollyn admitted honestly while looking her mother into her soft green eyes. "and so there won't be any nooky-nooky going on between us, not unless he decides to wed me." Hollyn felt so sheepish saying such a thing to her mother, but considering that she didn't have that many people her own age to speak with who better to say such things to?

"That's good to know." her mother stated after cutting into the slice of cake she had prepared for herself. "Do you plan to marry him?"

That was a question that followed Hollyn for the next half a year.

The little blonde wasn't quite sure that she was ready for such a step, after all, the two of them were still trying to find their place within the world and within their respective businesses, and so the idea of marriage, and what would naturally follow suit afterwards, was a topic that was held off by both of them. At least, at first. Later on down the line both she and Leon began inadvertently giving subtle hints to each other over such a possibility, what with Leon making comments about how beautiful she would look in a wedding dress during the marriage of one of her college friends, while Hollyn often complimented him about being a great partner and someone that she wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with. So of course when disaster struck and Hollyn, along with several others, needed to be rescued from a terrorist group looking to 'dispose of the blight of the human woman' it came as no surprise that Leon decided to propose to the smaller woman.

And being the smart person that she was Hollyn immediately said yes.

The marriage process was, as to be expected, rather long, since both Leon and Hollyn needed to get a number of items, as well people, together for the big event. Thankfully Leon's family was more traditional when it came to things such as this, and so his side paid for almost everything, Hollyn's father insisted on getting his little girl's dress as a farewell gift to her. Hollyn had chuckled about the statement but said nothing to contradict it, especially after seeing the lovely gown that her father had gifted her with. Her mother had gifted her with the pearl necklace which had been passed down from mother to daughter within her family, the chain of which was made from solid platinum and so would never rust or break.

"You look beautiful wearing those." Leon had complimented her while the two of them stood together before the priest overseeing their vows.

"As do you with those glasses on." Hollyn chuckled as she looked over her soon-to-be bespectacled husband.

"You may now kiss the bride." the priest chuckled after the pair exchanged rings.

And so they did.

Later on after the wine bottles were emptied and people had danced their legs sore the happy newlyweds slipped into the limousine that they had rented and then drove towards Leon's apartment. The pair had still in the process of finding a good home for each other at the time and so it had been decided that Hollyn was going to stay with her new husband, rather than the two of them commute back and forth between their respective residencies. With that said though, the biggest issue which crept within both of their minds wasn't so much their new living arrangements, but instead of fitting themselves together in bed.

Both literally and figuratively.

Hollyn had always known that Leon was big man in the downstairs department, the bulge that often swelled within his pants when he thought she wasn't paying attention to him had made that obvious. However after he undressed himself the little blonde woman found herself stunned into silence by her new husband's girth. That the massive dark green shaft was as long as her forearm while resting in between his thick thighs was something that made a warning bell go off inside of Hollyn's head. She had only ever fooled around with a medium sized dildo bought for her by her mother, and so in seeing the massive pillar of flesh swinging in between her husband's legs Hollyn felt her nethers flutter in both unabashed fear and morbid curiosity. When the spongy meat twitched like a writhing snake she almost jumped back in fear. Leon might have let out a small chuckle at her startled reaction but her cruel eyes had dragged both her gaze and focus down to twin spheres which hung further south. Coconuts would have been put to shame had they been set next to the large mounds which drooped like ripe fruit underneath the shadow of Leon's now half engorged manhood. The subtle shifts which came from the flesh encased orbs brought a sense of intrigue to Hollyn's mind, as she had never before seen another male's body react in such an odd manner.

"We don't have to do this tonight if you're not comfortable." Leon stated softly, clearly able to see his wife's hesitation.

Instead of replying to her new husband Hollyn marched forward, pulling off her wedding dress as she did so until her demure form was as naked as Leon's, she then pushed the other back until he was forced to buckle his knees. Landing on his bed with a subtle thump Leon smirked as he found himself looking down into his wife's, as even when half folded in on himself he was taller than her. That playful tug on his lips soon disappeared when Hollyn slowly climbed her way up onto his lap, her bubbly rump bouncing teasingly against the mushroomed head of his manhood, which was taking greater notice over her backside, and then leaned forward to kiss the green giant onto the lips. Leon opened his mouth obediently when her tongue played across his flesh, he then gasped when the warm wet heat of Hollyn's untouched flower slipped up over the tip of his dick.

It took every ounce of control he had built up over the years to keep from thrusting himself deep into his new wife. Hollyn could feel this and so, despite the growing discomfort radiating through her lower body, the little blonde lowered herself down...down...down onto Leon's lap. She was sadly only able to get about a third of the way before she had to finally stop herself, her body was literally shuddering like a leaf on the wind by this point, and yet when Leon pulled back to ask her the question she knew was coming Hollyn simply shook her head at him. With eyes wide shut the little blonde took several deep breaths in order to compose herself; her mind screamed at her to get off of the twitching spear that was lanced so deep within her body that it was touching the lower end of her guts but Hollyn chose to ignore her rational self in favor of pulling her five foot plus frame up over Leon's cock.

The green mountain of a man let out a low moan that sounded almost like a lion's roar as his new wife began to fuck him in the exact same manner he had dreamed about for a while now, however, at no point did he move to take control over what was happening; that the small woman was playfully rubbing her plentiful breasts together in front of his face with a teasing smirk on her face was a delicious cherry on top of the proverbial cake for Leon.

Hollyn was able to bring him to climax nearly half an hour later as the little blonde tugged her thighs and hips around Leon's gargantuan shaft, squeezing him with just the right amount of pressure to cause his body to seize up in unrestrained pleasure. The feeling of his balls tugging up was the only warning sign she received that he was about to release himself inside of her slightly bruised pussy and yet Hollyn felt no fear as she held herself down along his manhood. The warm flood of his expulsions came in bursting arcs, the likes of which made the married couple let out respective howls of pleasure. That Leon's white seed splashed out from Hollyn's inner plumbing over and across both of their legs was something that the couple would eventually laugh about later, however in that moment as their ecstasy overwhelmed them the two knew nothing, save for unimaginable bliss.

Hollyn herself came a few minutes later, the little blonde's orgasm splashing out from in between her legs in a milky wave. The passion of her first real climax caused the newlywed woman to shudder for a few seconds as her body tensed up along the large flesh within her, and then lean forward as her body began to turn itself off in order to recover from what just happened.

"To think it's been so long since that day." Hollyn giggled while making herself another cup of coffee. "I wonder how many more years we'll have together?" that was a question that the little blonde didn't often like to bring up, and especially not in front of her husband who she knew was obviously bothered, however it was something that both of them had talked about, especially considering that men like her husband had extended lifespans when compared to her own. "Oh well, it doesn't matter right now." Considering that today was Saturday and the two of them had the day off Hollyn decided that she and her hubby should do something fun for the afternoon. "Maybe we should go out to the beach and water ski?" Leon wasn't a big fan of skiing on open water, his concern about dropping like a stone into the ocean a prevalent fear within his mind, and yet Hollyn had seen more than a few advertisements for reinforced skis which could handle her husband's half a ton weight.

Sadly, going to the beach was moved out of the question for today, because as soon as Leon had woken up and shaved his face clean of the fuzz which had grown across his cheeks last night the hulking male whisked both himself and his wife to the laboratory where he worked testing muscle and cock power. After all, even if the men of the world were gods, they still wanted certain important aspects of their anatomy routinely tested out.

"And why are we going to your office again?" Hollyn was sure that the reason had to be important, especially for Leon to drive through the empty streets of the city of Adjerstern so early in the morning.

"You'll see." the green skinned man chuckled.

"Uh-oh," Hollyn snickered. "That's usually the start of trouble in a movie."

"Thankfully I think you'll enjoy the feature presentation that I'm going to show you."

"Ohhh, now I'm even eager to know what's going on!"

"Patience, dear." Leon reached a massive hand down to stroke his wife across the knee.

Thirty minutes later the pair had parked into the Leon's designated spot, got out of the massive four door vehicle, and then made their way into the towering white stone building that served as the hulking researcher's place of work. Getting into the main elevator within the building the green skinned biochemist took his keycard out from his wallet, swiped it through the central panel next to doors and then pressed the number B5 button. Hollyn found herself snuggling up to her hubby as she watched the numbers on the elevator tick dowards one by one as they headed into the basement area, her mind a whirl as she wondered exactly what was going on here.

"Don't be afraid." Leon calmly reassured his wife. "I'd never let anything happen to you."

"You better not, or else I'll haunt you." Hollyn teased while sticking out her tongue.

Leon could only laugh.

A few minutes later the two were inside of the main facility where Leon worked to reconstruct the cells within various creatures for the company that he was employed at. Sadly Hollyn couldn't be told the exact details behind her hubby's projects because of the company's strict NDA agreement. Not that this ever bothered her, since Leon was happy with what he did for a living. Looking around the room and seeing the various scientific devices which were scattered about the multitude of metallic tables within the large sixty by sixty foot room Hollyn found herself slightly curious over what everything here was for. Of course she didn't touch anything, she had enough control and had seen one too many horror movies to be so naive, but she did make a mental note of how items were positioned and the labels slapped across their front.

"Don't get too cozy in here, darling," Leon snickered as he turned away from the massive cylinder tube which stood in front of his face. "We won't be here that long."

"Hmm, and what are we here for again, beloved?" Hollyn asked with a raised eyebrow.

"This." Leon hiked a thumb over his shoulder making his wife turn to look at the empty container behind him. "I've been working on it for a month now, and I think I have everything ready."

"Ready for what?"

"For you to be like me."

"Huh?" that was the only expression Hollyn's brain would allow at the moment as she looked up at the ten foot tall giant of a man walking over to her.

"You'll understand in a moment." Leon smiled as he picked up his wife, who didn't bother resisting being scooped up like a child, and then carried her over to the unknown machine.

Setting her down within the container and then flipping a few buttons Leon watched as the metal arms connected to the main body of the computer which acted as the central control panel pulled away from their designated spots and then pointed themselves at the Hollyn. The little blonde turned to look her husband with a look that actually made the large male swallow thickly. Thankfully he had more than enough faith with his experiment, and so with a steady hand he activated the protocol for which he had punched into it. When the mechanical arms began to glow with greenish yellow light of angelic magic, concentrated from the near divine men's thoughts manifesting themselves into physical reality. Hollyn held her breath slightly. Feeling the cold light of the strange unknownable machine wash over her body Hollyn shivered from her head down to the tips of her toes as she felt something happening to her insides that nature probably hadn't planned for.

Once the metal arms finished trailing down the length of Hollyn's body Leon punched a command into the control panel which sent the mechanical limbs back into their original positions. Going over to the glass cylinder Leon opened the door and then pulled Hollyn out to stand next to him. Looking over the smaller woman the glasses wearing giant found himself grunting in annoyance as he searched for something that the little blonde couldn't see. When her husband poked her against the side Hollyn found herself giggling.

"Not exactly the response that I was hoping for." Leon grumbled in annoyance.

"What were you expecting to happen?"

"I thought that you would..."

Before he could finish his explanation Hollyn let out a yelp that made Leon pull back slightly.

A second later Hollyn growled like a feral cat as she felt something within her body pushing outwards, her heart hammered so loudly within her ears that she felt that she was about to go deaf. Leon moved to try and aid his wife but was forced back several feet when a swell of energy spread out from the little blonde's demure form. Shaking his head the green researcher watched as the effects he had been searching for came about, though not exactly in the way that he had thought that they would. Hollyn barely noticed her husband's confused expression as she lifted her head and then began moaning in something akin to twisted pleasure and erotic pain.

Reaching down to release the buttons on her blouse Hollyn grunted as she tried to lessen the pressure which was squeezing along the front of her chest. Sadly her actions didn't result in the alleviation of the burden clutching tightly onto her body, this might have had something to do with the fact that her plentiful breasts, which were already positively perfect, expanded further outwards in a slow and steady measure. Hollyn's dainty fingers quickly ripped apart the front of her bra unleashing her twin mounds, the growing flesh seemed to be quite grateful for their new freedom as the surged outwards one centimeter at a time with every breath the little blonde took. That Hollyn's skin was taking on a green tint was something didn't go missed by Leon, the mountain of a man found his eyes watching over his wife's transformation with a sense of glee that could almost be called euphoric, as evident by the large lump growing within his pants.

As the smaller woman's pale skin grew darker her hair drew longer and thicker, not to mention greener, down the length of her body. Hollyn couldn't really appreciate this so much as her clothing felt as though it was constricting itself so tight around her shuddering form, that her insides felt like they were melting was something that worried little blonde, but at the moment she couldn't really focus on that fact seeing as all of her ligaments were suddenly humming with energy. Tearing the cotton material off from her arms, legs, and chest until she was completely naked Hollyn found herself panting hot and heavily as she felt the cool air within the building blown over her heated skin. Reaching down to the crux in between her legs the half green-yellow haired woman brushed her enlarging fingers along the split in between her legs. Rolling her fingers forward along her sex Hollyn blinked her glimmering aqua coated eyes open - she didn't even know when she had closed them - to see her husband popping open his own pants to bring out the massive spire of jade flesh which sat in between his legs. In a strange way the married couple found themselves greatly aroused by what was happening here, though for Hollyn the experience was much more powerful. Pain echoed throughout her mind as this was happening, however rubbing along the outside of her inner depths pushed back against the feelings overtaking her.

That the larger man reached up to stroke her still inflating breasts was something that Hollyn was all the more pleasing for her as the tissue within her body expanded wider and more full, the depths of the large mammaries swelled outwards going from the size of dimes, to pennies, and then nickles before finally becoming as thick and wide as quarters. Leon teasingly tweaked one of the sensitive buds, the effect of which was easily seen by how Hollyn gasped and then jump upwards into his grasp. The massive green man chuckled as he felt his own flesh, specifically the large girth in between his legs, throb in want. The love he felt for his changing wife was so great that the weight of the orbs in between his legs increased to the point that a heavy slosh could almost be heard when Leon rolled his hips forward into Hollyn's backside.

Not that the smaller woman minded, as the feeling of her husband's desires seem to grow with the size of her breasts.

Leon slowly padded over to his wife to help her change along once he could finally understood the full depths of what was happening to her. Nuzzling the smaller woman's elongating body the green giant licked Hollyn across the side of her throat right before he moved her fingers to the side so as to press two of his own meaty digits into her pussy.

Hollyn gasped at the sensations surging through her body up into her mind, the pressure beneath her skin was still growing and yet with it came the pleasure of her husband fingering her plumbing. Grunting as a wave of growth hit her like a sledgehammer the now fully green haired woman found herself slowly drawing up to the point where Leon had to back his face up to get to her neck. Her rising fear was quietly washed away by the hulking man above her nipped her along the side of her throat. The sting of quiet pain made it so that when her arms and thighs ballooned out with muscle Hollyn barely even noticed her body's new growth. Opening her green eyes to look up at her husband the completely green skinned woman smiled as she felt Leon's thick cock rub against her back, her mind now able to fully comprehend the sensations which were happening outside and inside of her body.

"Leon..." Hollyn whispered.

"Shhhh, let's just enjoy this, darling." the larger man said as he looked over his wife's newly minted body, the sight of which caused his hard shaft to throb even harder in between his legs.

"Thank you." the green haired woman whispered as she turned herself around. Reaching for her husband's diamond hard dick the now seven foot plus tall female began to slowly pump the jade colored meat which was slowly spewing out clear nectar.

Leon grumbled in pleasure as he felt his wife's now much firmer grip squeeze and tug at his flesh with the right amount of force to cause his legs to pump upwards into her palms. Hollyn smirked as she felt something rise up within her mind that hadn't been there before, something new was happening inside of her but at the moment she didn't bother to pay any attention to this at the moment. For now all she wanted to do was see her hubby release his cum up from out of the head of his cock. Reaching down to gently squeeze over one of Leon's hanging testicles Hollyn decided to make her desires real, leaning down to flick her tongue along the length of the larger man's manhood Hollyn found herself chuckling when she heard her husband mewl like a kitten down at her.

Minutes ticked by before Leon's body gave up the ghost, his restlessly twitching shaft throbbed once and then twice before his semen shot out of his sex. Hollyn had just enough time to move her head out of the way as she watched her husband release himself. The geyser of seed rose up across Hollyn's green backside, the flow of which was warm to the touch like a pleasant bath. The flow splashed onto the ceiling in a giant spray, the width of which arced outwards over the top of the laboratory was quickly drenched within the sopping white spray, the musky smell which overcame the entire interior of the room was so powerful that it almost made Hollyn swoon, he knees shivered yet she retained her strength of will to keep standing. The streaming white ooze quickly painted itself over the floor of the laboratory to the point where soon the married couple were standing within a small lake of musky fluids. That Hollyn herself came a few minutes later was something that almost went unnoticed by the green skinned woman, though it was the quaking of her knees that made her realize that her body had decided to give up the ghost. She would have fallen into the slop had Leon hadn't grabbed her up into his arms, the larger man smiled even as his penis continued to spurt warm ribbons of fluid against the smaller woman's backside.

"You're so beautiful, Hollyn." Leon purred as he leaned down to kiss his wife onto the nose.

"You're the same, hubby, but I think I'm going to need a new name." the green skinned woman said startling her husband slightly.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. I think Aqua would be a better name for me."

"Alright." Leon shrugged before chuckling and making his way out of the laboratory, they would need to clean themselves off before they left.

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