Commission - Hive Minded

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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#17 of Story Commissions

Danny goes to look for Bheni after finding him missing within his home. It doesn't go well for him.


Bheni had been worrying over this situation for a while now, particularly ever since he and his new friend had come together, though now as he walked back and forth throughout the main area of the hive the blue dragon wondered if taking his companion's suggestion was the right course of action, especially given what the results of such a happening would entail.

"You fears are unfounded.

"He's not going to like this."

"He'll enjoy being one of many."

"Maybe, but I can just imagine how this will feel for him before that happens."

"Would you rather this one takes control over the situation?"

"...yeah. Sorry about this."

"This one sees no reason for an apology. All is for the hive."

"I just hope that Danny forgives us."

The sounds of footsteps coming down the metallic hallway made the pair instantly go silent as their combined senses became hyper focused as they tried to sense who or what had entered into the hive's shelter.

"Danny..." Bheni whispered in open mouthed awe as he senses the other dragon making his way forward.

The sensations of the red and gold dragon's personal biorhythm could be felt through the invisible lines of webbing which hive had spun about the area in order to detect intruders. The fact that Bheni could feel the familiar pulsations that were specifically made by the other male allowed both himself and his new companion to track Danny as he cautiously made his way throughout the empty area was something that the Bheni found rather amazing, at least until he was directed by his companion to guide the red and gold dragon through the maze like structure to where they were waiting for him.

"Help him find his way." his companion ordered with a simple politeness one would expect from a parent speaking to a child that was still learning basic lessons. That the blue of his body was slowly fading to a deep rich purple color was something that would have worried Bheni...hadn't he been feeling oh so good at the moment.

"How?" Bheni asked in a slightly slurred tone as his body went for the door leading out of the area the two of them were standing within almost on autopilot. When his body came to an immediate halt the blue dragon found himself mildly concerned by what was happening but was quickly reassured that all was well once a strong chemical compound was drip fed to him by his new companion.

The red and gold dragon had known that something had been wrong when he had arrived at Bheni's house and found the other missing. Now normally this wouldn't have been a problem for Danny, after all, Bheni was an adult, and so he could do whatever or whoever he wanted whenever he wanted. However, everyone knew that Bheni was a magnet for trouble; the blue and white dragon could easily get himself into the oddest of predicaments even if he were sitting at home on his own couch. And so when Danny had gone over to see the other and failed to find him the red and gold dragon was certain that something was out of place, this fact was further confirmed when he had stumbled over Bheni's sofa and found the cushions covered in glowing white goop which could only have been one of two substances. Dipping his clawed finger into the gunk and then bringing it to his nose the red and gold dragon gave the fluid a couple of sniffs before taking a lick.

A deep sigh escaped his throat as he noted the gamey taste and silky texture of the goop.

'Yep. Here we go again.' the red and gold dragon thought in mild irritation as he turned his head to the side to spit out the sexual fluids. Danny's long serpentine tail flicked like an angry cobra ready to strike out at someone as its owner rolled his emerald eyes in annoyance.

Looking around the house Danny found himself noting a small trail of shimmering slime leading out of the back of the house. Following the puddle from Bheni's home, across the yard, down the street, and then to a sewer drain the red and gold dragon grunted when he noticed that the trail of goo dripped down within the darkness of the stinking sewers. Now, had this been a romantic tale set within a fantastical world the winged dragon would have instantly tried to find a method of getting down into the sewers and then chasing after wherever the blue and white dragon had either been taken or had run off with, however, this was reality and Danny was no fool. Plus, add in the fact that he knew about Bheni's encounter involving involving three draconic creatures made up of water, gunk, and tar, respectively, and the red and gold dragon didn't see the point in throwing himself into obvious danger. So turning around and going back towards the blue and white dragon's home Danny went inside the dimly lit house and then called the police.

The officers who came to the house quickly took his report - they of course asked him questions as to who he was and why he was there in the first place, to which he told them that he had come by to take Bheni to see a new movie playing at the local cinema, before showing them various pictures of himself and Danny scattered about the house - and then told him to sit tight and wait for the other dragon to return home. Danny already knew that this wasn't going to happen, but he politely did as the officers requested. It took three days before any word was heard from Bheni, and while the red and gold dragon tried to play it off as though he wasn't worried for the other the truth of the matter was that he found himself pacing the floor of the other dragon's home several times over after straightening up the place in order to distract himself from worrying of the blue and white dragon. The ringing of the phone woke Danny up from where he had been resting on Bheni's bed. Blinking in sleepy confusion the red and gold dragon clumsily got up after fighting with the cotton sheets wrapped tight around his slim waist and then went over to grab the screaming phone on the nightstand.

"Hello?" Danny asked with a loud yawn.

"Danny." Bheni's voice echoed through the end of the receiver making the red and gold dragon's slightly confused mind hurriedly wake itself up.

"Bheni?! Where are you? No. Wait. Are you ok?" Danny asked in a slightly frantic tone.

"I'm fine." the red and gold dragon sighed upon hearing this.

"Where are you?" It took a moment for the blue and white dragon to answer, and in that time Danny found himself furrowing his brows as he thought he heard someone else speaking behind the other.

"With a friend at their home." Bheni answered a few seconds later, though there was something within his voice that made nervousness climb its way up Danny's backside.

"Would I approve of this friend of yours?" the red and gold dragon asked in a serious tone, his tail snapped behind his backside when he heard the other dragon chuckle on the other end of the line.

"Why not come and meet them so you can see for yourself?" there was a strange echo within Bheni's voice that Danny didn't find all that charming to hear, but he didn't draw attention to this fact.

"Where are you?"

The blue and white dragon gave Danny his location and then hung up the phone leaving the other slightly confused as to what he should do at the moment. One the one claw, he obviously wanted to go and check on the other derg to make sure that he was doing alright and that this so-called friend of his wasn't doing anything to him that the red and gold dragon would disapprove of. And yet on the other claw, Danny was smart enough to know that this was obviously a trap, after all, why would Bheni call him out to this place and yet not tell him anything about how he got there, or why he was there, or about what had happened to him that had led to their being sexual slime coating his couch.

'Obviously he's not being held hostage, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to call me,' Danny nodded and then froze suddenly. 'Unless that's what this friend of his wants?' The thought of being caught within whatever was going on with Bheni was something that the red and gold dragon was not thrilled to think about and so he made the wise decision to call the police to let them know what was going on with this situation.

Sadly the officers told him that they would need some time to find out about the location and assemble a group to go to the hotel in question. Danny was not happy with this news. If something had happened with Bheni then he wanted an immediate response! The officer on the other end of the line was patient with the red and gold dragon after he made a spirited outburst through the phone - Danny quickly apologized for this after he realized what he had just shouted - but still told him that this situation would take time to handle properly. It was only after the officer had reassured Danny that things would be alright that the red and gold dragon lowered the phone back into its place on the wall. Of course once he did so Danny was left alone with his thoughts and frustrations, the likes of which teased and taunted him with thoughts about what could possibly be going on with Bheni. It was just after he had settled himself down onto the couch that the red and gold dragon placed his head into his clawed hands and then took a deep breath.

'He's fine.' Danny tried to reassure himself. 'He wouldn't have called if he wasn't, but...' the thoughts of why Bheni hadn't told him anything about this friend of his worried the red and gold dragon immensely.

Bheni didn't have that many friends, a consequence of being rather reclusive, and he definitely didn't have friends out where this hotel was, Danny had double checked the address on the blue and white dragon's personal computer just to be sure that the place in question was indeed real before calling the police.

'Something isn't right here, but what should I do?' Going to this hotel seemed insane by all accounts but as he continued to sit within Bheni's silent home anxiousness ate up Danny's mind to the point where foolish courage bloomed within the depths of his mind like a forbidden weed.

When the last of Danny's rationale shattered within his mind three hours later the red and gold dragon picked himself up, his emerald eyes glowing with determination, and headed out of Bheni's home onto the street. Seeing that it was rather late within the day and that there was no moon in the sky tonight as the white sphere was at its darkest point in its life cycle - quite appropriate Danny thought to himself in silent disconcertment - the red and gold dragon spread his wings out as far as they could reach and then bent his knees until he stood low to the ground. Surging himself forward Danny flapped his wings as hard as he could in order to get enough forward motion to lift himself up off of the ground, soon enough the red and gold dragon found himself sailing into the night sky, the taste of the cool summer sky quickly greeted him as he soared within its calm embrace. Taking a few moments to get his bearings together Danny recalled the location of the hotel and then flew off into that direction, his face narrowed into a slight scowl as he wondered exactly what he was about to get himself into.

Getting out of the city was easy enough at this time of the day as there wasn't much air track to stop Danny going about his way, the fact that air became much cleaner the further he went from the towering buildings was something that the red and gold dragon was grateful for, even if he had been born a city derg. Rolling within the air to get the crudy feeling of the city fully off of his scales Danny flew for nearly an hour before he got the town where the hotel was located, the quiet settlement looked very reminiscent of all of the others that he had seen in the rural south and so Danny found himself wondering exactly who this friend of Bheni's was and why the two of them would be here in the first place. The answer to the red and gold dragon's questions were answered a few seconds after Danny gently set himself on the ground in front of the towering hotel. Had this been one of the action movies that he loved to watch on Pawflix Danny would have ducked into one of the broken windows and then began desperately searching around for his friend, but the red and gold dragon was much more practical than that and so he quietly walked into the broken wood door standing in front of him.

As expected of a place that didn't have any clientele or staff attempting to repair the area the interior of the massive six story building was as dark as the night sky outside, though that didn't bother Danny as he his reptilian eyes were able to see just fine thanks to his tapetum lucidum.

"Bheni?" Danny called out as he made his way across the hotel's lobby towards the elevators at the back.

The sound of something moving behind him caused the red and gold dragon to whip his head around. When a mouse ran across the floor behind him Danny sighed in vexation.

"Danny." Bheni's voice echoed within the red and gold dragon's ears making his tail snap joyfully at his back.

"Bheni, where are you?!" Turning around didn't reveal the other dragon's presence, which meant that either the blue and white derg had called to him using the hotel's sound system, or...


"Of course you are." Because it wasn't like this entire situation wasn't straight out of a cheesy horror novel, Danny though with a disgusted sigh as he reached up to rub at his gray haired head.

Turning to look for a nearby stairwell the red and gold dragon went over to a nearby door, opened it, and then slowly peered down into a darkened path which more than likely led to what he imagined would be the hotel's boiler room. Carefully padding down the cold stone steps into the darkened unknown Danny wondered if he should go back up to try and find a pipe or something to defend himself with. This thought became doubly strong when his naked feet dropped down onto something soft and squishy, the likes of which squeaked underneath his weight. It took every ounce of courage within the red and gold dragon's heart to keep from letting out a terrified shriek and hauling tail back towards the front of the hotel. Of course, when his courage decided that it needed a bit of a kickstart after he placed his other foot down onto the rubbery feeling substance Danny quickly reached up to slap himself across the snot.

'Get it together!' he growled within his mind. 'Bheni needs you.' With his determination reforged the red and gold dragon continued walking across the squeaking material towards...

"Danny." Bheni's voice called out to him once again.

"Bheni, where are you?!" Danny asked with a snarl, his serpentine tail lashing out behind himself almost frantically.

"Third door on the left."

Danny quickly made his way down the silent area, his hurried steps eating up the distance as his single minded desire to check on the blue and white dragon overtook his concerns about why this entire situation was feeling more and more wrong as time went on. Once he got to the door Danny reached out and turned the knob, yet he used so much force that be managed to break the handle. Tossing the destroyed metal over across his shoulder out of the way the red and gold dragon kicked the door open.

"Bheni?" Danny asked as he looked around for the other dragon, that the unknown material beneath his feet seemed to have become rather sticky was something that mildly worried him, especially given that it was taking more and more exertion to pick up his fee.

Turning his head back and forth the red and gold dragon found himself unable to see Bheni, but just as he was about to call out to the other again a buzzing sense of danger quickly consumed his thoughts. Tucking his wings close into his back Danny flexed his hands as he readied his claws to swing out at whatever it was that was making all of his animal instincts scream out at him. The feeling of a presence behind himself made the red and gold dragon roar out right before he swung his hand out in an arcing slash. When the sound of someone screaming failed to resound within his ears Danny found himself gasping in confusion. Surely there had been someone there at his backside, right? His question was answered by something warm and gooey reaching behind him to grab his shoulders.

"Gotch, Danny." Bheni's voice playfully stated right at the same time a large body pressed itself up against the red and gold dragon's backside.

"Bheni, you asshole!" the other dragon snarled as he turned his head to look to see...someone who was not the blue and white dragon standing behind him. "What the heck?!" Danny gasped as he looked to the creature that was smiling back at him with a cheshire smirk.

Defining exactly what the other creature was actually took Danny's brain a moment to do as the red and gold dragon had never seen such a being before today.

It was large, that was fairly obvious, as the other had about a good head over his own six foot height. From what he could guess the other was probably somewhere around fifty to a hundred pounds heavier than he was, as there was much more mass within the other's head given its angular shark-like head and thick blue and black tail. Staring across the creature's smooth looking midsection Danny could see that the creature in question was female in nature, given that it had two very plump looking breasts standing firm on its chest. Danny wasn't sure how to feel about that, given that he normally preferred to be held by pure males, however this concern was quickly pushed from his mind as he noticed the hands which were holding him firmly in place. That said appendages were protected by some kind of thick hand covers, the likes of which were glowing with a phosphorus green glow from the three crystalline protrusions on their front. Looking across the other's body Danny noticed that more of the green crystals seemed to be decorated around the female's form, so much so that if this had been any other situation the red and gold dragon might have actually been charitable enough to call the other pretty.

Of course, this situation was not one that inspired such pleasantries out of him, as could be seen by how he fruitlessly struggled to get away from the iron grip tightly restraining his shoulders.

"Let me go!" Danny hissed as he thrashed his tail wildly back behind himself in an attempt to hit the other.

"Now why would I do that?" Bheni's voice asked with a malicious sounding chuckle.


When the female creature chuckled at him and then nodded Danny found himself blinking like a deer in the proverbial headlights. "I know you have a lot of questions,"

"Ya think?!" the red and gold dragon spat.

The creature using Bheni's voice to talk merely rolled her eyes at it looked at the smaller male clutched tightly within her hold, but continued on with what she had been saying without pausing to chastise the other for the sudden outburst. "But I think that it would be better to show you what's going on, rather than try and confuse you by trying to put what's happening into words."

"Why do I NOT like the sound of that?" Danny asked aloud as he found himself being dragged over to the far wall within the small room. "Where are you trying to take me?" Instead of answering the red and gold dragon's the female half carried-half forced Danny over to the area in question.

It was just as the red and gold dragon was about to repeat his second question that the creature tossed Danny forward into the wall.

The impact of his backside hitting the squishy wall made the red and gold dragon grunt in pain, his wings in particular did not enjoy being forced into the hard material as they the most sensitive appendages on his body. His tail chimed in about its own frustrations as an aching pain tore its way up into the red and gold dragon's backside up into his head. He was definitely going to have to take something for the headache that he was no doubt going to have once he got out of this predicament. Turning to laser an unamused glare upon the smirking female Danny found himself curious as to why the other was smirking, at least until the rubbery wall behind him began to move around against his backside.

When the wall suddenly came alive Danny did as any sane creature in his situation would do, he screamed while struggling to get away from it. His efforts proved to be for naught, because with every ounce of motion he used to try and get away from the wall the living substance which made up that part of the building seemed to use as fuel to grapple him much more tightly into itself. The feeling of gooey tendrils coiling around his legs and arms like a snake brought back many a disturbing memories for the red and gold dragon, the likes of which made him fight even harder to get free from where he was trapped.

"Bheni, get me out of here!!" Danny roared as he felt his backside become ensnared within the gooey rubber and then pulled down into it as though it were tar.

"No." the female said before chuckling out loud.

Danny snarled but didn't say anything more as he fought to tear his arms free from where they had been pulled tightly within the squeaking wall behind him.

His plans for freedom were quickly washed away when part of the wall quickly found its way into the slit in between his legs, the feeling of slick hard warmth poking deep within his wet, fleshy folds made the red and gold dragon hiss. Danny was then left panting as the cocooning substance around him dragged him back further into itself, all the while rubbing and stroking over his hard dragonhood, of which was attempting to poke itself free of its slimy home. Danny wanted to resist what was happening, but it just felt so good. He was always a slut for having someone play with his dragonic cock, and right now the slippery coils weaving their way around his hardening shaft were push all of the right buttons to make the red and gold dragon putty within their embrace. That Bheni, or the female creature that was Bheni - it was hard to think right now - was watching him with idle amusement on her face only served to turn the trapped Danny on more, he wouldn't admit it to others but he had a subtle desire to have someone else watch him as he came undone from sexual bliss.

When pure darkness enveloped his muzzle the feeling of sensual pleasure quickly shifted to abject terror as Danny found his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth filled by the rubbery substance coating him. Sensory deprivation was nothing something that the red and gold dragon had ever had to suffer through before, so this was a new experience for him, though not one that he ever wanted to go through ever again. Being only able to move his lower body while the air within his lungs slowly running out, the effects of which left Danny feeling as though his head was spinning, was not fun in the slightest. Now add to that the fact that his muscles were becoming stiff and immovable as the confines of his strange new prison tightened around his body with the strength of a naga's constricting hug and soon Danny found himself whimper and yelling as best he could to get out of there. Of course being that there was only one other person within the room with him at the moment the odds of the red and gold dragon being released from the purple rubbery substance was next to none.

The female creature watching his futile struggles seemed to find the sight of the red and gold dragon's squirming rather amusing, glowing green eyes watched as the smaller male was quickly blanketed by the living exterior which made up the hive's nest with unrepressed glee. It was only when Danny went still within the confines of the purple wall that the female made her way over to the other with her thick hips swaying left and right in what would have been an obviously arousing gesture had anyone else been within the room with her. Making her way over to where the trapped Danny now stood out from the hive's cocoon like a living piece of arm Bheni reached up to press her hands against the dragon's lithe form. The small pulses which came from within was all she needed to feel in order to know that Danny was still alive, that she could feel the other's frustration, anger, and arousal through the rubbery membrane that made up the cocoon the other was in didn't go unnoticed. However, Bheni had no real interest in the dragon's emotional state, after all, what he was feeling now was nothing compared to what he would experience once he joined with the hive.

Reaching out to press her hands against Danny's form Bheni slowly began to massage the purple latex into dragon's scales. The red and gold trembled slightly at the feeling but he was utterly helpless to do anything other than wriggle into place. The female chuckled as she felt the small tremors run up through her hands and into her arms, it never ceased to amuse her how much those within the embrace of the hive would uselessly struggle during this point. She quickly put her amusement into the back of her mind as she continued on with her duty. Grabbing handfuls of the purplelatex-like material Bheni kneaded more and more of the rubbery substance into Danny's body. At first there didn't seem to be anything happening inside with the dragon, but as the seconds ticked by an obvious change could be felt by her.

It was the feeling of the dragon's bound form growing thicker that alerted the female that the process was working as intended. Moving her hands down until they made their way to Danny's waist she slowly rubbed at this section of the dragon's body, the feeling of the already plump hips growing much more plush put a smile on the female's face. Making her way down the dragon's thighs she both watched and felt as Danny's lower appendages grew outwards gaining a level of definition the likes of which would mirror her own. Danny trembled beneath her hands as the process of his transformation overtook some of the fearful thoughts within his brain, but instead of enjoying what was happening the female continued to adhere to the work she was doing. Going on further down to the dragon's feet Bheni grabbed at Danny's legs and then stroked them hard, the sight of the male's long and limber appendages growing shorter, not to mention thinner, put a pleased smile onto her face. Molding over the flesh within the cocoon until the dragon would have the same elongated stance that she did the female mirrored her actions with Danny's other leg before pulling back to stretch her back.

Danny didn't know what in the world was going on right then, but he sure that he probably wouldn't have been pleased with it. This thought pounded forward into his head until soon enough he found himself falling down into a deep chasm, the likes of which were left him drifting within a sea of strange lucidity. When he felt something reaching out to him Danny instantly grabbed ahold over what this new and strange thing was, as he was not at all comfortable with being trapped within the void that existed within his mind.

The female smirked as she felt something click throughout the hive.

Lowering her arms from where they were stretched up over her head she walked back over to the now no longer twitching Danny Bheni noticed that the other's manhood was still sticking out from within the vacuum sealed cocoon. Feeling a touch of naughtiness within her mind she went over to nibble on the head of the dragon's cock, her elongated teeth pressed down hard enough to make Danny moan within his mind, and yet that was the only thing he could do. Had he been freed from the rubbery confines holding him down he would have humped desperately within the female's cavernous maw, especially when she opened her mouth to swallow down the first few inches of his shaft - he would have a lot of questions later on about his homosexuality following such an event. The female teased the dragon for a few more moments before suddenly stopping. Danny whimpered within his mind at the loss of such pleasure but he soon found a greater form of it overtaking his as the female reached up to rub along his chest.

Feeling as though the dragon was growing more and more used to his current position Bheni ground her hands into Danny's chest with firm strokes. The sight of the male's flat chest becoming round was something that delighted her to no end, however it paled in comparison to the knowledge of how well she was able to force the dragon into his new position within the hive. The raw feeling of control was like the finest drug to the female, now add to that the her host was silently enjoying what was happening as well, even though he refused to participate within what was happening, and she felt like a queen sitting atop the world at the moment. Thankfully Bheni was able to reign in these feelings before they could actually distract her from the task that she was performing. Massaging over Danny's forming breasts, and adding a bit more jiggle to them than were a part of her own, the female expanded the fleshy pillows outwards until they soon stood like ripe melons on the dragon's chest.

Crawling her way up Danny's front she then leaned forward to kiss the dragon onto the lips through his cocoon. Danny shivered as he felt her lips gliding over his at the same time she reached out for his head. The female let out a gentle humming noise, like a mother calming a frightening hatchling as she gently but firmly rubbed over Danny's head. That she was pushing more the hive's rubbery matter into the dragon's head was not lost on either of them, and yet it was of very little concern to Danny as he mind began to swim with pleasurable thoughts about what his mother was doing.

What? Wait?!

Danny didn't know why he had thought of the female as his mother, but the pervasive thought wouldn't leave his mind. It quickly became an all consuming idea within his head as felt his brain literally expanding outwards with new thoughts and memories, the bulk of which cemented themselves on his place within the hive.



That's what the coalition of their species could be considered by others not of their breed.

Danny groaned as everything began to become too much more him, but as he continued to listen to his mother's crooning outside of his cocoon the dragon found himself less and less troubled by what he should or should not know. All he had to do was listen to the gentle melody which seemed to be guiding him along the darkened expanse within his mind.

How much time has passed since he had been placed inside of the nesting area Danny could say for certain but he did know that mother had stopped her gentle humming some time ago. This had made him feel somewhat sad, but mother was always there by his side, even when she wasn't. The older female had left his physical presence to see about something within the hotel, yet she was still mentally connected to him from within his cocoon. Yet Danny wanted to be by her side! Like a lost child stuck within the dark he needed to feel his mother's warm embrace encircling his flesh. That desire soon became so prevalent that Danny found himself struggling against the rubbery material which was still holding tight onto him. Grunting even as he heard his mother's warm voice silently try and reassure him that everything was alright Danny found his resolve being more than enough to push back what the older female was trying to say.

He wanted out!

He wanted his mother!

Grunting as his hand tore through slick material Danny gasped his first real breath since he had been placed within the cocoon, the feeling of the warm air outside filling his lungs made him smile a predatory smirk of triumph. Forcing the folds backwards until they could no longer contain him Danny found himself quickly dropping to the hard ground with a wet splat sound. He was thankfully able to catch himself before his face could kiss the floor, but just barely. His arms and legs felt so weak at the moment. Shaking his head to get some of the slimy membrane gunk off from his eyes Danny slowly willed himself to stand up. He of course wobbled like any newborn would, but soon enough, through sheer determination, Danny stood proud within the room where he had been reborn.

Green eyes blinked several times as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. Looking about the room it was easy enough to see that not much had changed from when he had walked inside of the place. Slowly stepping forward Danny found himself flexing his wings and tail as the three appendages were wound as tight as the springs of a clock at the moment. Reaching up to stretch his arms, as they too felt uncomfortably rigid, Danny only noticed that something felt off about himself when he rolled his body back. There was a greater weight on his chest than had been there before. Looking down at his chest Danny noticed that his breasts had fully developed while within his cocoon.

'But of course they had,' he thought in polite amusement.

Reaching down to fondle himself for a moment Danny checked himself over for several seconds to make sure everything else on his body was right.

Tail, check.

Wings, check.

Boobs, double check.


It took him a moment to notice that this part of his physical itenary seemed to be a bit slow to respond to his mental call. So, doing what any rational creature would do at this moment, Danny reached down to fondle himself in between his legs. When he felt the pressure of his shaft sleepily respond to his gentle prods Danny chuckled to himself.


With that last bit of himself in its proper placed Danny looked over his new rubbery form with playful green eyes. For the most part his body was the same as it had been, though now he supported a purple chest and wing membranes. The upper portion of his thighs were now adorned with a thick coating of rubber which protruded out like burning flames held perfectly in place, while down belong he had the elongated stance which was a crucial aspect of his species' physiology. Moving a hand up to his head Danny noted that along the pack of his head the massive tendril which acted as his mental receiver was right where it belonged. A happy thrill escaped from out of Danny's throat as he reached up to touch his new third eye, the green gemstone-like appendage stood out proudly from where it was placed right above his nose.

Noticing that he was still slightly wet all over Danny attempted to brush himself down from fluids which were coating him, however he swiftly pushed that thought out of his mind as he heard his mother calling for him. Danny didn't think as he raced out of the room to get to wherever Bheni was, his thick tail waving desperately behind himself as he all but flew throughout the hotel's basement.

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