Tina's Story Chapter 85 -The Birthday Party -A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina's Story Chapter 85 The Birthday Party- A Gray Muzzle story

Felicia turns the key to open the door to her modest apartment. Felicia and Kendo are just coming back from a black tie gala. Felicia wears a very tight, very slinky black formal. Kendo looks elegant in black tie, which looks stunning against his silver gray fur. Once inside, Kendo takes Felicia, who is carrying her high heeled shoes, in a passionate embrace....

"I have never seen you more lovely than tonight....."

Kendo kisses her passionately. Felicia cradles his strong head in her tiny paws, returning his kisses. The two tumble to the sofa where the kisses continue uninterrupted. Her formal dress begins to ride up, as Kendo's leg slides between hers. You can see Kendo's wolfish tongue slip into Felicia's mouth. She responds by clamping her legs around his muscular thigh.

"I love the way you kiss" Felicia purrs happily.

Kendo can feel the heat of her sex, burning through their clothes. He shifts the petite cat on his body, so that they are now face to face. Slowly, deliberately, they begin to hump one another through their clothes. As their kisses become bolder, they hold tight, the friction of their clothes adding to the sexual excitement both feel. Faster and faster they rub, until Felicia feels that familiar tingle, telling her that orgasm is near. She bears down for the final push, and the warm feeling of sexual release spreads over her. As she lay cuddle atop Kendo, she feels warmth of another variety. Moving a bit, she looks down at Kendo's tuxedo pants.

"Looks like I'm not the only one feeling good..."

Slightly embarrassed, Kendo looks down to see a wet spot right over his privates.

"Uh, yeah...."

He grins, bashfully, then takes Felicia back in his arms....

"What do you think we should do about it....?"

Felicia pauses, then smiles. It was a sad smile.

"Dear Kendo......there's nothing I want more than to take you to bed and make mad, passionate love.....But, I've been trying so hard to take back my life. That means thinking, and making hard choices. And you decided a long time ago to wait for marriage. I respect that, respect it enough that I'm not going to encourage you to stray from your own values. I hope you understand."

Kendo gets off, and kneels down next to Felicia.

"I do understand my love. I've thought about it a lot, and I keep coming to the same conclusion."

Felicia senses something serious. She sits up. Kendo reaches into his pocket, then looks into her eyes.

"Ever since I met you, I knew you were the love of my life. With all I've done, and all I had, there was something missing. I now know that what was missing was you. You bring so much joy! With you here, the color, the warmth, the feeling has come to my life. That's why I decided to do this....Felicia, will you marry me?"

Felicia gazes down on a beautiful....and large diamond solitaire in a velvet box

"Oh, Kendo!"

Felicia is in shock. Nothing in her life has prepared her for this moment

"But Kendo....my past.....there are things you don't know. Terrible things....."

Kendo touches a finger to Felicia's lips.

" Shhhhhh, my love. There will be time for us to learn about one another...our hopes, our dreams, our secrets. I thought long and hard about this. I know what I want. Now it's up to you...."

Felicia throws her arms around Kendo's neck, taking the wolf in a bear hug

"Oh yes, my love! A hundred times yes!

Kendo and Felicia collapse in a happy embrace, which lasts a very long time. Finally, Felicia speaks:

"You know, we have that party tomorrow"

"Right. Whose is it?"

"My bosses' cousin. She just moved here from Alaska. Tina wanted to do something nice for her"

"Your boss sounds like a nice person" Kendo observes

"You have no idea. She saved my life."

"Sounds like a story there."

"Uh huh. A story for another day, my new fiance'!"

Felicia ends the conversation with a soft, but very emotional kiss.

The next morning was busier than usual at the Goldstein house. Stan and Georgette had come over early. Stan was puttering around the house, fixing little things, while Georgette was in the kitchen making pancakes. Little Stan chased his twin sisters around the kitchen, all three shrieking with delight. Periodically, Georgette would attempt to calm the kids down, but to little avail. Ray and Tina were upstairs dressing, enjoying their last few moments of peace and quiet before their busy day. Tina is brushing her hair, standing at the mirror. With each stroke, her backside sways rhythmically, Commanding Ray's attention. Tina wears a tiny slip nightgown, transparent enough that her flowered bikini bottoms are clearly visible. The sway of her hips has mesmerized Ray; it is clearly very erotic. Ray walks over, and puts his arms over his wife's shoulders; Ray bumps his sex into Tina's backside in the process. Tina leans back to whisper in Ray's ear....

"Not a chance, Romeo; everyone else is already up and working. But be good, and play your cards right, there's always tonight...."

With that, Tina turned for the bathroom, swaying her hips all the way, even giving him a little wag of her tail.

"Do we have margarine?" Ray asked hopefully.

Tina smiled; she remembered the margarine from the last party they had held. By now, Ray and Tina were shoulder to shoulder at the same sink.

"Who's this we're having a party for?" Ray inquired.

"It's my Cousin Violet" Tina replied applying her eyelashes. "She's from Alaska. She......had a hard life there. She's staying with Mom and Dad. It looks like she's getting her life together. She's got two jobs, she's saving her money. She's even got a nice boyfriend. I think he's a reporter or something."

"Violet, that's an interesting name." Ray commented.

"Violet's not really her name." Tina replied. "It's Katherine Whitebear"

"Sounds like an Indian. And why do they call her 'Violet'?" he asked

"She was adopted by a native family. Inuit. And you'll see why they call her Violet"

"And why is that?"

"Her hair. Violet purple."

"THAT must be interesting...." Ray said, rolling his eyes "Anything else I should know?"

"She has two tattoos; A Poodle on her shoulder, and a paw print on her...cheek."

Ray laughed.

"And you know about the pawprint because....?"

"Because Ma told me. I expect you to be your usual gracious self, understand? Now, leave me alone, so I can get dressed!

With that, Tina shoo'd him from the bathroom. Ray put on some cargo shorts, and a Hawaiian shirt, red with big white flowers. When Tina came out, she slipped on some fresh panties, then put on a white sleeveless top, then wiggled into a long jean skirt. Minutes later, both Ray and Tina headed downstairs.

Downstairs, activity was everywhere. Georgette was trying to keep the babies in check, but now the dog chased after Little Stan, who chased after his sisters. At the same time, she had a big pot of potatoes, boiling for salad.

"What can we do, Ma?" Tina inquired

Just then, Tina's Dad walked in. In spite of his being black, you could see him covered in dirt, from head to toe.

'Ray/' he inquired "When's the last time anyone worked on that car?

Ray thought carefully

'The 'Dub? Dunno. Nothing ever breaks."

Stan smacked his head.

"I'll need a ride to the parts store. You need a ton of stuff."

Ray was about to protest, when Georgette intervened.

"Both of you! OUT of my kitchen."

Tina smiled.

"It's OK, dear; take Daddy to the store. We'll all be safer that way."

With the men gone, Georgette...and Tina could go back to cooking.

"Your cousin seems so happy..."

"Who's this new boyfriend?"

"A Wolf/Malamute. He's a journalist."

"As opposed to a writer?" Tina asked

"He does articles for the news on...'our kind'"

"Well, that's nice. Somebody has to tell our story.


"Dear, go see what they're doing; I can manage."

It wasn't long before guests began to arrive. The birthday party was planned with great care. Tina wanted it to be something that Violet would enjoy. She had decided to do a cookout and pool party. There were tents, in case of bad weather, and lots of tables and chairs. There was a dance floor, and the DJ was just now setting up. Since the party would last long after dark, extra lights were strung by Tina's Dad. First to arrive were Colleen and Lydia. Colleen wore a swimsuit and sarong, while Lydia had her suit under her little pink Polo dress that Colleen so loved. They had the babies with them, each wearing a tiny swimsuit. Next came Jack and K.C. After them were many others. The girls from the salon where Violet worked. The girls of Peteena House, where Violet used to live. Her fellow instructors from the 'Y' The people from the DMV were there as well.

Even Gray and Nina made it.

"Hi,Tina!" Nina gushed "Thanks for inviting us!"

"And how's the little mama? Getting close?" Tina asked, fondling the little Husky's large belly.

"Not too much longer....thank God!" she laughed

"I know,dear, it's no fun, when it's so hot"

"Amen. I think I'll head to the pool."

"Sounds good. You can change in the downstairs bedroom."

Outside, the yard was abuzz. Felicia had just made her entrance, on Kendo's arm. All the ladies were checking out Kendo, who wore a madras shirt, and neat khaki shorts, which fit his backside just so. Felicia wore a bright blue one piece swimsuit, with a DEEP scoop neck. The skirt she wore with it was the same color, but was split to her waist, giving the guys an uninterrupted view of her sleek Siamese leg. But it wasn't her outfit that caught the ladies attention.

"Waz DAT? Rosa blurted, grabbing the cat's tiny paw "Daz an Eengagement REENG!

In a flash, every female in the place was inspecting the ring with great care, peppering Felicia with a million questions.

"I only got it last night" Felicia said, coyly, basking in all the attention it got her.

Meanwhile, "The Mole", Rays awkward friend from work was doing what he usually did; standing around, by himself. He wore too long shorts, and a T shirt advertising something computer related. Soon he realized that he was not alone. A Poodle hybrid in a swimsuit came up to him. The Mole had never seen someone so lovely! And she was, er noticeably 'with child'. While he struggled to speak, she smiled at him, and placed his hand on her sex. With 'The Mole' in shock, she motioned to him, and lead him behind the pool house. Once out of sight, she dropped Mole's shorts, to find him ready for action, though still in shock. In a single swift motion, she backed her new friend up to the pool house, pulled her suit aside, and had him inside her in a heartbeat. Once there, nature took over. The two humped joyfully, blissfully, unaware of everyone mere feet away.

Nine had made it to the pool, where she caught up to Felicity.

"How you doing, Mommy?"

"You wouldn't believe how many times I get asked that." She sighed

"How close are you?"

"Close. Soon. It can't be soon enough." Nina growled

"Having a tough time?"

"Not really. It just wears on you. Uncomfortable. Tired .Everything that happens to you in the beginning, only nine time worse...."

Remembering their last meeting, Felicity inquired

'Having to pee a lot?'


"Take my advice?" Felicity asked

Nina smiled

'I was THRILLED to hear it was a pool party! I told Gray I'd be here the whole time"

'And why is that?" The cat asked, with a wicked smile

"Because, in the water, I'm not this huge, clumsy BLOB! The water is so cool. And relaxing....and......' Nina smiled 'I don't have to run to the bathroom every five minutes'

Felicity faked ignorance

"And why is that?' she asked, smiling

'Cause a friend taught me how to pee in the water!' she responded with a laugh

Felicity gave an evil grin. The two looked a each other. Holding hands, the Husky and the Siamese relaxed, a blissfull look on the face of each. They even reached over, and felt each other's warm discharge. Just as they finished with schoolgirl giddiness, Nine pointed and exclaimed 'Look!'

There behind the poolhouse were The Mole, and Andrea, the mute, pregnant Poodle. They were fucking a mile a minute, totally unaware that they were completely visible from the pool. The two girls leaned on the edge of the pool, taking in the sights.

"Decent dick....for a short, fat guy." Felicity observed

"Doesn't look like she's had any in some time!' Nina giggled

It was then that the guest of honor arrived. The party had been designed as a surprise for Violet. Tina, Georgette and Koji had gone to great lengths to keep it that way. Koji took Violet for a motorcycle ride. When they pulled up to Tina's House, Violet was confused, but rapidly figured out what was up. When they walked in, and everyone yelled 'Happy Birthday!' on cue, Violet broke down in tears.

"What's the matter, dear?" Koji inquired "Were you scared?"

"nnnnno." Violet sobbed " I nnnnever....had....a birthday"

A smile came to Koji's face, as he comforted Violet, who continued to sob. He couldn't comprehend how someone would feel to have their first birthday party at the age of twenty- five.

Gray wandered over to the grill, as Ray cooked.

"How goes, Ray? Nice party"

"Het, Gray! Glad you two....er, three, could make it."

"Three and two thirds" Gray corrected.

"Is it that soon?" Ray asked

"Uh huh. You never REALLY know, but anytime...."

"Life's gonna change" Ray observed

"Not as much as when I moved from Key West, got a wife and a son, and a new career, all in a couple weeks."

'Point well taken. Mind flipping burgers, while I check on Dad?

"Not at all" Gray replied. With that, Ray handed him the spatula, and plopped a chef's hat on his head.

The party was a great success. It was the biggest birthday party any of the guests recalled in their memory. Ray had found a great DJ at the DMV, and there was music and dancing the whole time. Guys and gals, gals with gals, as the day went on, even guys with guys. There was of course, a birthday cake. A huge purple one with three tiers. There was a beer tap, and even a full bar, where Jack occasionally relieved the hired bartender, since he had tended bar in college. In time, there were presents. Violet sat on the porch, and opened her mountain of gifts while everyone watched. She got purple smocks for work, and purple tights for her aerobics class. Stan and Georgette got her driving lessons, so she could earn her drivers license. When she finally reached the end, she noticed that there was nothing from Koji. It seemed odd, but then, she figured, it was a surprise party, they came on his motorcycle, and that made it tough. He's likely give her something later.

It was then that Stan came out of the garage where he had been working.

"I think there's one you missed"

Out of the garage, Stan was rolling a new motorcycle. Not just any bike, but a Harley-Davidson, a Sportster 883L. When the realization of what this was hit her, Violet went to shriek, but there was no noise. Her hands went to her face, her mouth open, knees buckled, but not a sound she made.

"Happy Birthday, dear" Koji said, kissing his love

By now, Violet was coming around. She was on the bike, checking it out

"I've never seen one like this!" Violet enthused "For years, I've hung out at the dealer, got the brochures, pestered the salesmen to death. I've never seen one like this.

In deed, no one had.

"It's a one off." Koji announced proudly.

"It's from the Harley Custom shop. I picked out the purple color, and I had it lowered another 1 ½ inches, since you're so small. I know you love leather, so I had the custom bags done. I know you love lace, so I had the tank done in ghost lace paint. "

"What's with the Kenworth emblems?" Ray wondered. Indeed, each bag had a Kenworth 'KW' emblem on it.

"Her name's Katherine Whitebear. 'KW'" Tina explained

Koji walked around to the front of the bike.

"How'd you do this?" Violet gasped

Koji smiled

"A friend of mines' a Harley dealer. He owed me one. Here, look what's in the handlebar bag"

Koji reached into the handlebar bag. He withdrew a small box. Opening it, he withdrew a ring, and placed it on her finger.

"Katherine Whitebear, will you be my forever mate?"

This time, the shriek that came from Violet could be heard several miles. Violet grabbed to hug Koji, almost toppling him and the bike in the process

A cheer and applause swept the group, as Koji and Violet hugged, she whispering in his ear that yes she would.

It was then that KC exclaimed

"Gee! Felicia AND Violet getting engaged the same day! Wouldn't it be SOOO cool if they got married the same day? Right here? Together?

There was another cheer, and more applause. Everyone seemed to love the idea.

Except that Felicia gave Kendo the strangest look. Almost the same strange look that Violet gave Koji.

"Come on, everybody! We've got a wedding to plan!" KC chirped, as the girls went off to plan a dream wedding.

The party didn't end there, of course. It ran long into the night, as long as music played, and alcohol flowed. Nina, who had lond since gotten out of the pool and changed, was walking the yard with Gray.

"Been a while since we, uh, you know..."

Gray agreed.

"I know...."

Nina stopped. She looked up at Gray. Saying nothing, she tok his paw, and put it under her short gray dress.

"The ruffled panties! From that night!" Gray smiled.

Nina smiled and nodded.

"Make love to me, Gray" she murred

Softly, quietly, they lowered to the grass in a remote corner of the yard. Gray slipped off her lace panties, sticking them in his pocket, as he lowered his pants. She was warm and wet, more so than he remembered. Sliding inside easily, they kissed. Time seemed to stand still, as they loved softly, tenderly there on the grass. It was almost disappointing when Nina asked him to come.

"Come, lover...." She cooed, and Gray complied. Feeling her start to spasm, he quickened his thrust and soon found himself pouring cum into his pregnant wife. Nina winced, stifling a scream. It was then that Gray felt his lovely wife a lot wetter than she's ever been. Her bottom was soaked, Gray was soaked, the ground itself was soaked.

"Looks like we made quite a mess!" Gray smiled.

Nina looked back, her face showing both love and pain.

"I think my water broke." She explained, slightly embarrassed at the mess.

"My God, you're...."

"Uh huh. I started having contractions this morning."

"Well, why didn't you TELL me?"

'I figured they'd go away. They did, uh, kinda" she smiled weakly.

Gray gathered her up, and rushed to the house. Gray explained that they were on their way to the hospital. He left Greg with them, for now. Hearing what had just happened, the party was again abuzz with talk. With something new to talk about, people stayed for another couple hours.....

It was two a.m. before Ray and Tina made it back to the kitchen, alone.

"Quite a day" Ray observed.

"Two engagements, maybe a birth, I'D call that a Hell of a party. Is everything put up?"

Ray looked around. Everything was, except for on last thing. Walking up behind his wife, Ray kissed her neck. With his free hand, he undid the long denim skirt. He found tina was without panties.

"I thought it might come to this" she replied, kissing hi "And you've been good"

Ray took the tub of margarine, and scooped out a big fingerful, placing it at the entrance to his wife's tailhole. Ray took his penis, and smeared it all over, before sliding it into Tina's ass. A look of bliss came over them, a perfect ending to a perfect day.


Tina's Story- Chapter 86- Gray Muzzles-A Gray Muzzle story

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