Redemption: A Fateful Meeting

Story by Calatin on SoFurry

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#1 of Redemption

This is the beginning of a story series. The setting is in a fantasy world called Isen-Hod. For readers sake; Loirans are basically a human culture that reside in the country Loiran, Garadians are also human and reside in the country Garad, finally Thaidrins are an race of anthros of the Canis genus (wolves, dogs, foxes). The time set is in 682 of the Second Epoch (purely fictional time). If blood, anthros, death, violence or anything the story involves disgust you then stop reading.

All characters are © (copyright) of me, Calatin. if by some chance that anything is similar to anyone, thing, story, charcter, or anything then it is just by chance. Enjoy.


A gust of wind howled as it blew through the trees and over the road. Not just leafs fluttered from the gust; robes did as well. Four figures walked through the early morning and over the loose dirt that made up road. Each one was hooded and wrapped in a bear hide cloak. Silence filled the air as the four figures treaded along the road. The front one stopped and raised its head to the sky. A sky, tinted almost blood red with a slash of yellow across it. There was deep breath in and a long exhale before the cloaked figure turned. Clothed hands moved to the edges of the hood and pulled it behind his head. A taunt male face was revealed, showing white Loiranian heritage. One more long breath and then a deep sigh.

"Another morning, another red sky. What was the old saying behind that?"

The last person in the group removed his hood as well; corn rows and a full beard covered the black Garadian's head. "Blood sky morning your mother be scorning."

A smile broke across the white male's face as did with the Garadian. Faint clinking arouse due to their chainmail armour. The last two figures removed their hoods and joined in on the laughter. The one on the right was a white female Loiranian with fiery long hair braided behind her head. She had a fur over-shirt and bear pelt leggings underneath her robe. The other was the odd one of the group. A Thaidrin; a female fox to be exact. Her muzzle white, ears black, and the rest of her red. Dark brown hair swooped from her hair down to her shoulders. She wore a leather vest over top of a light cloth shirt and some half cut leather leggings. It was the female Loiran that spoke first.

"The hell that supposed to mean Malkain? You pulled that one out of your ass didn't you?"

An even wider smile broke across Malkain's face and he let out a chuckle, "you know it Keira." A few more chuckles spread through the group before it fell silent again. Finally the silence was broken as the male Loiranian spoke again, towards the Thaidrin.

"You alright Natasha, you've been quiet lately? What's on your mind?" At first the Thaidrin didn't reply but after a few seconds, she raised her head and looked toward him before she spoke.

"I'm alright Zeke, I...I've just been thinking. That's all."

"Oh? What have you been thinking about?"

Once again she hesitated before she spoke, almost fearful of saying her mind to the group. "What's going to happen once we get to Nenarit?"

"Well, we're going to the market and sell our items to the city merchants, then maybe stay the night."

"No, you don't understand Zeke. I guess I mean, how are people going to act when we get there?"

Zeke almost stumbled when Natasha asked the question. His mind did a double take as he had just remembered that Natasha was a Thaidrin. Sometimes it was bad enough in the villages or the other cities but Nenarit would be hell; especially for a free Thaidrin. Since Nenarit was the capital of Loiran there were always issues with bringing Thaidrin into the city. With the king enforcing the belittlement of their race and the enslavement it was rare to come across a free Thaidrin. Zeke always thought of Natasha as an equal and a sister but unfortunately for them most did not have the same type of compassion towards Thaidrins or even her. They often had to leave early or just sit in their room at the Inns because the sight of enslaved Thaidrin really hit her hard. "I don't know Natasha, I truly don't know but we'll deal with it. No touches you. Right Malkain? Keira?"

"Right," Malkain and Keira agreed in unison. This brought a weak smile to Natasha's face; Zeke fell back and wrapped his arm around Natasha's shoulders. She looked up into his brown eyes and found reassurance within the deep pools. They rounded one last set of trees and looked in awe towards the tall marble walls that surrounded Loiran's capital city. The group stood there and gaped at the sight before moving towards the massive steel gate and the guards that stood before it.

Frantic eyes scoured the house as the young boy searched for a hiding place. Small grey paws reached towards the handle of a door and pull it open with all his strength. He crawled into the corner trembling with fear. His ears twitched at the sounds of yelling and blades meeting with blades. Suddenly the door burst open, the Thaidrin child jumped in fear. A female wolf stood there looking through the room before finding the wolf pup.

"Feldrin! Oh god Feldrin, you're alright! Come here, come here."

"Tisha!" Feldrin yelped as he ran into his sister Tisha's arms. "Where's dad?!"

"I don't know, I don't know. I lost track of him." Feldrin started to cry as Tisha held him and rocked him in her arms. She hushed him and continued to rock him. The fur on her arms helped to add comfort to the Feldrin. After a short time, she moved Feldrin away from her. She reached into her right pants pocket and pulled out a necklace. The gold chain wrapped around her paws with a black diamond surrounded by a silver circle. Feldrin stared in awe at the pendant before his head was raised to be eye to eye with Tisha.

"Feldrin, you have to listen. This is our family's and our clan's symbol. You have to carry on our heritage. You've got to run as soon as I leave this room? Look into my eyes and tell me you understand." Tisha's muzzle held a very serious look but her eyes had compassion and hope within them.

"Ye...Yes I do." Tears weld up in his eyes but he looked away and wiped them before they could fall down his face. Tisha brought him close and hugged him. She drew the necklace around Feldrin's head and connected the clamp. She moved the necklace under his fur around his neck to make sure it was hidden. She slowly stood up and backed her way to the door; she drew her sword out of the hilt, turned and opened the door. A large spurt of blood flew from her back and splattered against the back wall. Feldrin gasped in horror as the sword's tip was fully rammed through Tisha to the point of it sticking out her back. She stood there for what seemed like eternity; blood dripping from her mouth. She let out her last breath and then was violently shoved backwards. The killer stepped out from behind the door and then blackness.

Feldrin awoke with a gasp as though he felt he was choking. His hands quickly darted behind him to keep himself propped up. He shifted himself over so he sat on the side of the bed. His hands then went to his hair as his head sunk.

"It was just a dream, just a goddamn dream," his voice whispered too softly to even make an echo. 2 years he had sat in the same cell. Day in day out he sat in the dark room, no sun, just a few candles supplied light. It was unusual for someone to be in jail for so long, especially for a Thaidrin. Feldrin rose towards his wash pale and the mirror for his cell. His paws cupped water and splashed it upon his face, drenching his fur. He did this a few times, making the room smell of wet dog. He looked up at his reflection in the mirror and saw a tired grey wolf looking back at him. A scar sat under his left eye on the same side he had part of his ear cut off and there was one across the chin of his muzzle. He wrinkled his black nose in attempt to get water out. He looked down at his hands or what Loiran's called paws. They weren't any different from a human's hand except the black pads on his palm and each separate digit, the sharp claws at the end, and of course the obvious fur. He looked over his body to examine it just as he did every other day. The grey fur covered up most of the definition his body held but they didn't hide the ugly scars on his back and sides. 9 years of abuse made him tough but even an immortal couldn't hide scars.

His ears twitched as foot steps echoed the brick walls, step by step. As did every other inmate, Feldrin prayed that he wouldn't be called upon. The gods didn't favour him any better today then they had since he was a child.

"Well, well dog. It seems your time is up in this cell. Your new home is going to be the ground soon enough!" The masked guard laughed in unison with his 2 fellow guards. He moved a key to the cell door and turned it with a quick flick. The other 2 guards moved in, making their large frames block the door. Their plate armour rattled and clanked as they moved. The armour made them look like impervious beasts. He realized that trying to force pass them in an attempt to escape would be futile at best. The guards quickly grabbed his grey furred arms and forced him forward. With his hands behind his back, the helmeted guard lead Feldrin to his execution. Head hung low and his body drooping in posture, Feldrin reminisced on what he had done. Any remorse he ever had had died the moment he saw his sister and his family slaughtered. He whispered prayers to the gods for any form of salvation as he was guided along stair wells and short corridors. Finally they made their way to the final set of doors leading to Feldrin's fate. As they swung open, Feldrin squinted at the first bit of light he had seen in 3 years. Feldrin faintly smiled at the thought he would die closer to his gods now then in that jail cell.

"So your saying that this small emerald, this steel dagger, and this hide is worth forty six gold and thirty one silver?" A quizzical look was forming upon Zeke's face.

The merchant nodded her clothed head and held out an open bag that held the exact amount. Zeke looked toward Keira, the group's banker of sorts, who gave her permission with a small nod. Zeke turned back to the middle aged merchant and gave her the goods. She handed over the pouch and proceeded back to her outdoor awning and dropped the items into a trunk of goods. Zeke walked across the stone laid road and back to the group who was heading his way already. They still wore the robes but at the very least they had their hoods down "Decent bargain I guess, what did you all get?"

Malkain was the first to respond, "More ale, a few sharpening tools, oh and some whiskey."

"We already knew where your priorities lay," sarcasm flooded out of Zeke as he spoke to Malkain but then switched his attention to Natasha, "how about you Natasha?"

"Well, Malkain had to buy it since the merchants wouldn't let me buy but I got about 6 dozen more arrows, a few new bow strings and..." Natasha hesitated as she felt embarrassed about the last few items she had bought, "some linge-" Before Natasha could finish, a messenger boy ran straight into Zeke's side sending the two tumbling. The boy was in such a hurry he spoke way before Zeke had realized he hadn't been run over by a horse.

"Sorry about that, got to run! Spread the news and all. Oh, there is a hanging going to happen in 5 minutes in the market center, you have to be there!" With that the boy ran off. Malkain offered out a hand to Zeke and pulled him up in a swift jerk. He looked over at Keira and Natasha who shrugged causing Zeke to sigh.

"Fine off to this hanging." Zeke said reluctantly.

Malkain almost jumped with excitement at the words, being a former mercenary he had to attend many and such a sight grew on him to the extent of it being a sport for the Garadian.

The group kept a rapid pace just to ensure that they arrived on time to see justice paid out to whoever was the spotlight of this social event. Boots collided with stone, over and over until they arrived at the back of a large group. At the front of this group was a traditional hanging platform, 5 arches hanging above the platform, accompanied by 5 nooses. All the executioner had to do was pull a few levers and 5 trap doors opened. Using a lady's touch, Keira cleared a path to the front of the mob so they could get a good look at the guilty person. Unfortunately they were early so the victim had yet to arrive. They waited patiently at the head of the crowd but an uneasy feeling swept through Natasha. She didn't know what it was but something was going to happen and she had no clue if it was good or bad.

Paraded through the streets like he was the prize catch in a hunt of theirs. Feldrin felt numerous pairs of eyes staring upon him with each step he took along the hard ground. He had wondered why he wasn't allowed a pair of shoes but it dawned on him that it was probably a form of torture for criminals on death row. He was lucky that his feet had pads at the bottom, unlike a normal Loiran's foot. Though he could wear normal shoes, his captors refused him to have any. Each step brought more stares, shaking of heads, shaking of fists, and a few compassionate glances from some Thaidrin slaves but with each step it also brought him closer to his inevitable death.

The tension in the air could be cut with a knife as everyone was waiting to see this murdered die for his crimes. Still Feldrin held no remorse for his actions, an odd thing for guilty parties. If any had known the whole story maybe, just maybe they would feel for him but not a soul cared to hear his side. The precession rounded the corner and brought Feldrin face to face with his supposed peers; people he never saw, never knew, and never talked to. Their expressions matched the others he saw; cold, hard and spiteful. He hesitated for a moment at the set of stairs. Such a small obstacle but it loomed as tall as a mountain range. A loud crack echoed throughout the market place as a whip struck Feldrin's back. A silenced yelp escaped his mouth as he felt another scar get added to his back. He slowly paced the steps until he was eye level with the rope that would soon wring his neck. He slowly walked to up to the trapdoor and turned to face the crowd.

A quick survey of the crowd showed merchants, middle class workers, and a few nobles but there were four cloaked people in the front row that caught his eye. The main reason was because a fellow Thaidrin stood with them; not a wolf but a fox. Before another thought of her could form in his mind a guard captain took a pace forward and cleared his throat.

"This execution today is for this criminal slave. He slaughtered his owner in cold blood. Such a heartless act cannot go unpunished so we are all here to see this murderer hanged." An overall sound of excitement and anger echoed in the marketplace. The guard captain took a moment to silence the crowd before he continued. "Now as law requires we must give the criminal last words. Do you have any?"

Feldrin looked around before he decided to speak. In order to save any dignity, he spoke in his native tongue of Zeran. "*I will not repent for an act that was well deserved. May my family have vengeance.*" With that he bowed his head and waited for a sickening snap. It didn't come as he thought due to one last statement by the guard captain.

"I know you are all waiting to see this beast brought to justice but unfortunately I have to abide by laws and allow one final chance for him to be redeemed. For a price of 240 gold this slave will be free and in your custody. You have till 1 o'clock to claim this wretched beast. Once it strikes 1, this monster will die." Feldrin knew that not a soul in the crowd would accept such an offer.

"You hear that Zeke! We have to free him!" Natasha was anxious at the thought of saving someone who needed it. "Come on Zeke, if that was me you'd do it!"

Zeke was hesitant at such a thing. They didn't know anything about the wolf on the platform. "I don't know Natasha. For one, I'm not in charge of the money. And second we don't know anything about him. He probably deserves this for all we know." Zeke's response instantly caused Natasha to tear up. She looked away and moved through the crowd, leaving the Zeke, Keira, and Malkain standing aghast.

"Fuck. This is just fucking great. Malkain will you?" Zeke scorned himself as he watched Natasha hurry away. Malkain nodded and went after her in a brisk jog. "Well, looks like we have little choice now, Keira can we afford it?"

"Of course we can Zeke. You must have forgotten who my parents are. Now go after Natasha, she needs you. I'll handle the transaction." Zeke smiled and headed off. Keira returned the smile and faced the hanging platform again. She took out one of her many money pouches and counted off 240 gold. She took out a loose pouch and dropped the gold into it. Letting out a long exasperated sigh, she raised her hand and called out to the captain. "Yeah I'll take him. Two hundred and forty gold right here."

The guard propped an eyebrow up and looked oddly at Keira, "You sure ma'am? He is a dangerous one and might try to hurt you?"

"Hah, I'll handle that problem. Now here is the money." She tossed the bag to the guard who caught it one hand with a precision. He opened the pouch and counted it up quickly. With a hand motion, the noose was loosened from Feldrin's neck and the handcuffs removed. He rubbed his wrists instantly and followed the guards off the side. The crowd hissed through their teeth as he was let go. Keira made her way to the steps and waited for Feldrin to make it down the stairs. Once his last foot was on the ground Keira motioned him to follow and moved away from the pissed off crowd. "We're going to find the others. Just follow me and don't get separated."

Feldrin didn't even nod but did as Keira said. He followed right beside her, stride for stride. A contrast of grey fur and white skin made them stand out, no matter where they were. Finally they had found Zeke and Malkain comforting Natasha around the side of a tavern. Not noticing Feldrin, Natasha kept on crying over her inability to help him. Tears had dampened the fur on her muzzle and trickled down to the side of her lips. She held back from crying out but she didn't hold back from showing her obvious sorrow.

"Natasha, Natasha. Sshh. It's alright. He is fine. Keira bought him and in fact he is right here." Zeke was holding Natasha and petting her hair down.

"R-really? He's alright?" Natasha said as her tears started to dissipate.

"Yes. In fact he is here right now. He's coming with us from now on." Zeke spoke with ease and comfort. Natasha raised her head and looked to the entrance of the alley. There leaned a 6'2 grey wolf in only a pair of tattered pants. Compared to the others he was the second tallest, only losing to Zeke by an inch. His frame was somewhat thin as he probably wasn't well fed but he did have a well muscled frame and his shoulders were as wide as Keira's short sword. Natasha tried to distinguish his facial features but shadows hid it. A weak smile came to Natasha's face as she rose to her feat. In a speechless moment, she quickly bound over to Keira and gave a tight bear hug to the point of trying to pick her up. Once Natasha let go, they all turned to Feldrin gave a look over. His eyes darted between the four people who he owed his life to.

"What?" Feldrin spoke. It was the first time in over 6 years that he spoke to someone else and it had a nervous twinge to it. At first there was no answer but then the two females slowly approached him with sinister looks among them. Feldrin couldn't decide whether he was scared or confused. He slowly pushed himself off the wall and took a few steps backward. He couldn't run as Malkain was standing in the entrance to the back alley. The two females pounced like cats and soon it was all over for Feldrin.