Redemption: A New Journey

This is the second part of the story.if you haven't read the first then I suggest reading the first to get caught up with the story. As always all characters are © (copyright) of me, Calatin. if by some chance that anything is similar to anyone,...

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Redemption: A Fateful Meeting

This is the beginning of a story series. The setting is in a fantasy world called Isen-Hod. For readers sake; Loirans are basically a human culture that reside in the country Loiran, Garadians are also human and reside in the country Garad,...

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Redemption: Testing

Third part is finally up even after A long time on the shelf. No it's not dead but I've been busy. Anyways, you know the drill with reading this, see the first (A Fateful Meeting) if you haven't already. Anyways this holds the most action so far...

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