Chapter 4 - Pulling Strings

Story by Primus Leonides on SoFurry

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#4 of Mere Trifles

Hello all, and thank you for checking out my 4th chapter of the Mere Trifles storyline. It looks like Jake is continuing on his streak to devirginize a muscled lion as well as come between two loving males. Naughty little foxy. As always, feel free to comment, vote, and/or email any thoughts. Thanks a bunch.

This story contains sex between two or more male anthropomorphic animals. If such a thing does not appeal to you, what are you doing here in the first place? If you are offended or too young to be viewing this material, turn back now or don't get caught. Everyone else, enjoy.

Mere Trifles Chapter 4 - Pulling Strings

It had only been a few days since Jake and Chris had gone out on their clandestine date. the fox had been thinking about their time together often over the last three days. Each time he did, a grin spread across his mischievous muzzle. The sex had been wonderful, even if the dobie had been very inexperienced. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. he had to focus if he was going to reach his double objective by the time the semester was over. He was making progress with Brandon, though slow progress. However, breaking up the love-struck pups was proving to be a bit more difficult. However, he did have a new ally to help. Jake sat on the black leather sofa watching nothing at all on their big-screen television. The vulpine was alone at home, the three boys were once again at the gym, torturing themselves. He couldn't understand how all of them could stick to that routine week in and week out, but they did. It gave the crafy little fox plenty of time to work on his schemes. Today's plan was sheer genius if he did say so himself, and it was all focused on the massive muscular feline that shared his room.

The vulpine checked his watch. The boys should be home in a few minutes and he could begin. the ritual would be the same. The two canines would take a quick shower together, then run to their room for a romp. While they were playing, Brandon would sneak in for his own shower. Last time, Jake made sure he was caught playing with himself when the large male came back to the room. This time, the plan was different. But first, he needed to make a call. He grabbed his cell phone from his pocket and opened it, hitting the speed dial for a certain little pup he spent the night with recently.


"Hey Chris, it's Jake" the fox spoke. The voice on the other end of the phone instantly changed.

"Oh hi!" Chris exclaimed.

"Just wanted to call and make sure you remember me."

A heavy laugh echoed through the speaker. "Of course I do silly." Jake could almost make out a happy murr on the other end of the line.

"You remember what we talked about?" the red colored fur queried.

"Oh, yeah, of course, I wouldn't forget about that." Silence for a moment. "Um... when can I see you again?"

"Let's get together this weekend. Can I come to your place again?"

"Yeah!" the excitement was clear. "My dad is going to be out of town all week at some silly conference again. Somewhere in the nearby city, I think."

"Ah, okay, well, I'll see you this weekend. Make sure you talk to him."

"Yeah, no worries, I will. Bye sexy" the exuberant pup said before signing off.

The phone clicked and Jake grinned. It was so easy with virgins. Well, former virgins. Just as the fox was smiling wide, the door flew open, the trio returning from their gym trip.

"Why are you so happy? You look like the proverbial cat that ate the equally proverbial canary" the queeny dalmatian blurted out, seeing the rather evil looking grin.

"Oh, just remembering my date the other night" was the genuine reply from the seated fox.

"You slut" Roland said with a heavy smile.

"Takes one to know one" the vulpine stuck out his tongue.

Timothy walked in behind his spotted lover, gripping the dalmatian from behind and growling in the smaller male's ear. "Oh no, that stopped awhile back now, I assure you. I'm all the man this little boy needs."

"Hey Timothy" Jake said, waving to the midnight black wolf.

"Hey Jake" the wolf smiled, never letting go of his dog.

With that, the two canines disappeared into the bathroom as usual for their quick drenching. Brian walked in just after the two disappeared into the bathroom. The lion looked sweaty, his fur matted.

"I can't wait to get into that shower" the towering feline stated.

Me either, thought the small vulpine.

Within a few moments, hours to the fox, the loving couple removed themselves from the bathroom and ran into their bedroom, both giggling excitedly. Shortly after, a large tawny blur scurried into the bathroom with a click. Jake stood from the couch and headed over to the bathroom door. With a heavy grin, the short fur pulled a small metal object from his pocket. He placed it in the door handle and turned it, unlocking the door with an audible click. The fox slowly opened the door and peeked inside, keeping an ear out for the lovers nearby. What he saw was better than he expected. On the other side of the frosted glass, the large lion's impressive red member was easily seen with a paw wrapped firmly around it. Jake had problems keeping his gasp silent as he watched the heavy paw move back and forth over the long rod of flesh. Jake closed his eyes, one ear listening for the canine love/ birds, the other hearing the fast-paced breathing and stifled moans issuing from the muscular cat. The fox could tell that Brandon was close, his breath coming faster and faster, the speed of his paw following suit and moving quicker over his meat. Jake's pants tented as he listened intently to the lion's build-up, but he knew what was coming. It sounded as if Brandon was biting his lip to keep himself quiet. as the first arc of kitty seed landed on the shower door, Jake burst through the door, pretending to be headed for the toilet.

"Sorry to intrude Brandon. Just have to go really badly". He pretended not to see at first, but took notice as he approached the shower door. "Whoa, big fella, I bet you were thinking about me while you were doing that, eh?" he joked as several more shots of Brandon's hot cum splattered against the glass. "Apparently I'm better than I thought, and that's saying something."

It took several seconds for Brandon to even register that anyone was in the room.

"Oh....uh....I thought I locked the door" the feline stammered, avoiding the implication that he was thinking about Jake, though he was panting heavily and clearly was still somewhat enjoying the pleasure running up and down his entire body.

"Must have not quite hit the lock all the way" Jake shrugged, playing innocent, taking a deep sniff of the musk in the air.

"Oh, yeah, must have." Brandon continued. "Uh... could you get out?"

Jake grinned from ear to ear. "Sure, we are even now though. We have both smelled each other in awkward situations." Brandon blushed inside his frosted glass cage, but didn't say anything.

Jake moved out of the bathroom with the biggest smile on his muzzle. Another step down, one closer to his goal. The sly fox sat back down on the sofa, his pants still tented, a dull throb in his member. Now he had to take care of the other half of his and his brother's plan. Brandon ram from the bathroom with his towel around his waist. A whiff of his strong masculine scent slapped the unwitting fox as the feline passed by, making his member throb and a wet spot appear on the front of his very tight jeans. Less than a minute later, a sweaty pair of grinning dogs emerged from their room and disappeared into the bathroom for their official shower. Jake jumped up then and started getting dinner together for the four roommates.

Once dinner was over, and the four males were sitting around the television, the phone rang, the apartment phone. Roland jumped up to answer it. "Helllloooooo" he bursted into the receiver. "Oh... yeah. I know you. Sure. I would love to help you out. Tonight? Oh... um... okay. At the library in ten minutes. See ya baby." Then he hung up. The dalmatian sauntered over to the group. "That was Chris, the doberman from my art class. He says he needs some help with our newest project, so I'll see you all laters." With that, the spotted dog flounced out of the room and off to the library. Jake turned back to the group with a grin. Yes, everything was going swimmingly. Brandon stood up and wished everyone a good night, saying something about a hot date, leaving Timothy and Jake alone in the dorm together.

"So, what do you want to do then?" the fox asked the lupine.

"Movie night?" the black-furred male suggested.

"Perfect" Jake replied, settling down after putting a flick in. Timothy walked over and sat down next to Jake after grabbing a bowl of popcorn to share. The fox thanked him and grabbed some of the fluffy kernels and munched on them while watching the movie. Like last time, the movie became secondary to conversation. The pair laughed and joked about what they watched, about life, and about school. Jake inched his way closer and closer to Timothy as they talked, and by the time the show was over, the fox was curled tightly against the wolf's chest, and Timothy's arms were wrapped around Jake's lithe body.

At about midnight, the wandering dalmatian returned, finding the fox and wolf asleep in each others' arms. He strode up to the resting pair and leaned over the back of the couch. "Wake up babies, I'm home."

Timothy was the first to wake, looking up at his dog and smiling. "Hey lover, welcome home."

"Oh Timothy, you never can resist cuddling up against warm soft fur."

"Maybe not, but nothing compares to you baby."

Jake woke as well, separating himself from the wolf. "Ah, welcome back Roland."

"Thanks honey. Now, can I have my hunk of a wolf back or what?"

"Oh sure, I was just keeping him warm for you" he joked as he patted Timothy's chest before getting off the couch and stretching out. "I suppose I'll hit the sack before Brandon shows up with his date."

"Ew...." Roland blurted. "I can always smell female in the apartment for days after he brings one home" the dalmatian's nose wrinkled in disgust.

Jake laughed and waved the two to bed, yawning and heading to his own room. It was clear that Brandon had not been there for hours. The vulpine stripped off his clothes and curled up under his covers, drifting off to sleep. A couple of hours later, Jake was awakened by by the sound of the front door opening. Brandon walked in, the sound of a female's voice entering with him. The fox rolled over to face the wall, pretending to be asleep as the lions walked into the room, trying to be quiet. It was obvious that they were drunk, and at least one of the had sex on the brain. The vulpine could hear the sounds of smacking lips as the two leonines made out, the sound of paws on fur rather evident as well. Brandon's voice, nearly a whisper, could be heard in the darkness as well.

"C'mon baby, I need you" he purred at the female.

"Yeah? You needed Sandy last week, and Donna the week before that. I know a playboy when I smell one."

Brandon grabbed the lioness's breasts through her shirt and moaned lightly before a loud slap echoed in the quiet room.

"Keep your paws off me player. I'm a one male woman."

With that, the curvy female stalked out of the room and the apartment. Jake lay there, listening to the whole thing, trying not to laugh. Brandon sat down on his bed with a frustrated huff, quickly stripping and laying down to sleep. Once the large cat was asleep, Jake carefully moved from his bed over the the slumbering feline...

The next morning as Jake was pouring his juice, Brandon came out of their room, grumbling with an obvious erection issue. The fox grinned inwardly. he hadn't fully taken advantage of Brandon the night before, but he had made sure that the cat's hard-on lasted all night. The poor feline was obviously in quite a state of sexual need. But he still wasn't ready for the fox. Brandon would call every female on campus before he even looked to Jake for now. The vulpine was patient. He still had time, and plenty of other toys to play with. The lion reached for his cell phone, dialing up one of his reliable girls, making a date and running out the door, barely dressed. Jake stood and shook his head before grabbing his own phone and dialing up the young dobie from earlier in the week.

"Hey Chris, it's Friday. Can I come over after classes?" He knew the answer before he even asked the question, of course.

"You bet you can hot fox, four-ish?"

"Sounds good, see you then."

"Heh, see you" the young pup exclaimed, unable to hide his happiness and excitement even from the phone.

Jake hung up, his body tingling suddenly as he remembered that first time with Chris.

Classes were a bore, as usual, but once over the fox headed over to Chris's house. He pulled into the driveway just as Chris's father drove away. Jake hopped out of his car, watching the minivan drive away, suddenly being pounced by the enthusiastic pup, who nuzzled the ruddy colored fur.

"Hello Chris, good to see you again."

"Hiya Jake, I missed you. Let's go inside and have something to eat."

"Sure thing" the vulpine said as he entered the familiar house. Visions of their time together flashed in Jake's mind as he sat down on the couch. "Got something to drink? I'm parched."

"Be right back" the canine said as he disappeared into the kitchen and retrieved the desired drinks. When the dog re-entered the living room, he about dropped the sodas. Laying across the couch was a mound of red fur with its tail waving back and forth, nothing else on but a smile. "I really missed you Chris, all of you."

Chris quickly set the sodas down and dove face first into that fluffy tail before him. Jake giggled as he used his tail to fend off the canine's advances for awhile. Playful and frustrated growls came from Chris, make the game totally worth the effort. Finally, the dobie got the upper paw and pinned the evasive tail down and out of the way, giving a long sniff to the trapped fox's sheath, balls, and tailhole. "You smell so good, I just want to taste you."

"Then do it, I like being eaten" the fox said, writhing beneath the dog's cold and wet nose.

"I haven't done that before" the pup uttered nervously, taking a tentative lick of the tight pucker, making Jake gasp. He so loved a good rimming. At the first taste, Chris let his sexual desire and arousal take over, his tongue lashing out over and over against the vulpine's entrance. Jake became a moaning ball of fur, his sheath swelling as pleasure shot through his body. The doberman got more bold, his strong oral appendage working its way inside Jake's body, lapping at his inner walls. A deep murr resounded in his chest as he tasted the fox, his own member coming to life and peeking from his sheath. After several torturous minutes, Jake was a murring, crumpled mess. "Take me Chris, right now" he ordered in his lust.

The pup wasted no time in jumping up on top of the other male, placing his cock at Jake's slicked entrance. His chest heaved as he shoved the tip of his member into the warm body, sending ripples of pleasure throughout himself. Jake sucked in a breath as he was penetrated, a grin forming on his muzzle as he moaned in pleasure. The exuberant canine pushed again and hilted himself into Jake's tail. He howled out in rapture, the feel of the tight heat surrounding his cock still so new and wonderful. Jake grabbed Chris by the hips and pushed and pulled him, beginning the humping motions for the overwhelmed dog. The canine regained some of his senses and began moving on his own accord, slowly at first, getting their mating off to a good start. Jake was panting and whimpering at the slow pace, wanting more speed, but Chris wasn't having any of that. He pinned the smaller fur down so that he could stay in control, giving two quick deep thrusts which caused the submissive to murr deeply and stay still. Chris then continued to make love tot he fox, two sets of moans and murrs filling the house. The canine's breathing increased, his climax coming quickly from his excitement. Jake reached between their bodies and felt the canine's knot forming.

He put his paw around in front of the canine's knot to prevent tieing. The dog whined out in protest at the act, but the vulpine's other paw reached up to Chris's lips to silence him. Chris nodded and thrust harder into the fox, cause Jake to gasp. Within moments, the dog's knot was fully formed and he was panting and whining in need. At last, another loud howl erupted from the canine, his cock jumping wildly inside Jake's body as he spewed his seed inside the fox's body. Jake groaned in pleasure as he felt the warm liquid fill his tailhole. His own small knot forming as he grabbed his throbbing member and pulled on it until his belly was stained with his own seed. Chris, panting heavily, looked down at the pinned fox.

"No tie?" he asked, somewhat frustrated.

"I can't, Chris, I can't stay all day. By the way, how did you and Roland do, and where did your father go again? I saw him leaving."

"Roland is great! He's kinda girly, but very sweet. We have another date to work on a new project in a couple days." His ears perked at the mention of his father. "Dad had to go to some administrator's conference in the city, he's staying at the Rappaport Hotel." Chris nuzzled against the fox as they both calmed down. "Such boring stuff, or I would go with him."

"I see, sounds dreadful. How does he stand it?"

"I'm not sure, but he comes back pretty happy most times."

"Interesting. Chris, I'm going to have to leave after dinner. I hope you don't mind too much."

"Awwwww... I suppose not. I was hoping to spend most of the weekend with you."

"We will have time, and then you can yiff me all you want."

"That's not all I want from you, but it is amazing when we do."

Jake nodded, actually feeling a little bad about using the poor naive pup. But he needed someone to get between Roland and Timothy. He pulled Chris down and kissed him, a genuine happy kiss from his heart. the canine melted into the kiss, and the two stayed kissing and cuddling until their stomachs growled. The two lovers made their way to the kitchen and made up a fine dinner for two, sharing a plate as they ate naked. When dinner was done, Jake kissed the dog goodbye and drove away.

The vulpine headed his Jaguar towards the big city where the adult doberman was, determined to gain some influence over the elder dog as well. Some school administration power would help his plans along nicely. The drive took a few hours, and Jake was pretty tired, so he made his way to the Rappaport Hotel and got a room, asking about an adult doberman. The clerk confirmed a Mr. Claymore had checked in earlier that day, and that he was on the third floor. The blue-eyed fox requested a third floor accommodation as well, then headed for his room. As he moved up the stairs, he saw the older dobie walk into room 320. Jake checked his card, he was in 319, right across the hall.

"Perfect" he said to himself as he entered his room. He crawled into bed quickly, falling fast asleep in his exhaustion.

The next morning the fox went tot he front desk and inquired about the conference. he was told that it was only a one day conference for college professionals with a dinner and dance at the end of the evening. The vulpine thanked the clerk and headed upstairs to the meeting halls, scanning the signs for the right one. When he arrived, the fox grinned and went inside, seeking out Mr. Claymore. On the stage was some sort of panel discussion, old windbags talking about the decline of money coming into colleges. Jake just about passed out from boredom in only two minutes. Finally, he located the older dog, looking almost as bored as Jake was. Sitting down next to the dobie, Jake sighed loudly to get his attention.

"Do I know you" the dog questioned.

"Well, I attend the school you work at, Mr. Claymore."

"Mr. Wingarten? What are you doing here?"

"Just checking on the state of our higher education system. My family is always invited to such events. I think they believe they can pry some money out of our clenched paws." He chuckled, smiling at the older male. He really did look just like Chris, just more experienced and distinguished. Jake found himself thinking about bedding the older man's inexperienced son. "If I leave a check, would you want to get out of here with me? Oh, and it's just Jake, please."

"I can't. I'm meeting someone else here."

"Oh? I wouldn't want to intrude" he said as he turned away, flashing his electric blue eyes at the doberman. A memory flashed in the older dog's head of seeing that look before, and the licked lips that went with them and shuddered. He turned his thoughts to his departed wife and his son, neither of whom knew that the had secret desires for other males. These trips allowed him the opportunity to quell those desires. The fur he was there to meet was one of those such males, another older fellow like himself. However, Jake was sitting right here offering his time. After only a moment's hesitation, he turned back to the fox.

"Why not? I'll leave my regrets to my friend. What did you have in mind?"

"Just dinner and a drink, then we'll see."

"Sounds good" the other male said. "I'm Roger by the way."

"Good to meet you Roger" the fox replied as the two stood from their table and exited the ballroom, Jake leaving the doorman a check for a large sum of money for the college.

They found themselves at a quiet french bistro, lit only by candles. Jake thought it was a rather romantic choice the old dog made, but he said nothing. The fact was he had eaten here many times before, usually alone. The two walked in together, a small rat walking up to them.

"Table for two, right this way" he said in a faked french accent.

The two males followed the rodent and sat down. The brown rat handed them their menus and the wine list. "Your usual, Mr. Claymore?"

Jake's eyeridge perked, the canine having been addressed with familiarity as well. The dog across the table nodded to the matre D and the rat scampered off to get the wine.

"Come here often?" the younger fur asked of his companion.

The older male blushed and nodded. "Uh yeah, with colleagues from the conferences." He lied, not knowing how much the fox might know, or how much he wanted him to know.

"Me too, when I'm in the city" the vulpine replied. "Fantastic wine."

"I usually can't afford the really good stuff, but I like what I get."

"Well then, we'll get some of yours first, then mine, on me."

The doberman blushed deeper and nodded again. he couldn't believe that this young man was out with him. The canine had never really been with many men, and none who were this young. But he would have to be good tonight. This male was a student, and he could get into a whole lot of trouble by getting involved with him, both as a student, and a Wingarten.

The wine arrived, and the two sipped it. Roger apparently liked it, but Jake thought it was rather low quality. He let the dog do the majority of the drinking of that bottle, but Roger didn't seem to notice. Jake then ordered a bottle of Chateau Le Tour 1927, a four hundred dollar bottle of wine.

"Whoa, that's a lot of money for wine."

"Well, I will bring it down a bit." he changed his order to a 1936, only two hundred dollars. He smiled back at Roger, who simply rolled his eyes at the adjustment. The wine arrived and Jaked poured the glasses.

"Now, try this." he said as he handed the glass over the table.

Roger took his glass and sipped it, moving the liquid over his tongue inside his muzzle. Jake watched the movement of his jaw muscles with rapt attention.

"Wow, so much better than mine" he finally said. Both he and Jake drank down their first glass. In an hour, that bottle was gone, then a second an hour later. When they were done, Jake paid the bill and walked his companion outside. They strode back to the hotel, Jake doing most of the walking. Of the three bottles of wine they shared, the fox only really had about half of one, allowing the dog to do most of the drinking, which now showed.

Jake helped his companion up the elevators and to their rooms. However, at the door, the fox grabbed the dog and kissed him deeply. The older dog was slow to react, his mind forgetting that this was a student and a Wingarten. All his brain, and his cock, saw was that this was a desirable young male. The doberman kissed back, his tongue pushing out the explore Jake's muzzle, and the fox willingly accepted, using his own tongue to massage the invader in his muzzle. Breaking the kiss, the vulpine grinned at his prey. "Your room or mine?"

"Well, I'm leaning against my door, so mine I guess" the older male stated, pushing his card/ into the reader and getting a click in response. The two males practically fell into the room on top of each other. Jake dragged the drunken male into the room and tossed him on the bed, at least as well as he could being quite a bit smaller than Roger. He jumped on top of the older male and grinded his body against the dobie.

In a quick twist, the old dog flipped the two over so he was on top. Jake yipped as he was turned onto his back suddenly, pinned beneath the larger canine.

"Surprise" the doberman slurred as his teeth suddenly nipped along Jake's neck.

The fox was powerless and that fact made him both a little frightened and a lot turned on. He squirmed underneath the heavy male, murring at the forcefulness.

"You like when a male takes control, huh?"

Jake whimpered and nodded his accent, remembering all the times with Reggie the bear and some of his other conquests. No matter how much power Jake had over the situation and what was happening, he loved the other male to take control when it came to sex. Like tonight, he had made all the moves to get Roger into bed. However, now that the two were in bed, the vulpine wanted to be taken, to be had. While he loved the sex with the younger dobie, he had to be the teacher in that scenario. here, the older male with more experience took the reins.

The fox was lifted up, his shirt pulled over his head, only to have a strong paw move over his nipples. Jake gasped at the sensation, his claws raking a the back of Roger's head. The larger male didn't stop, stripping off his own shirt even as his muzzle moved down to replace his paws. Jake was in heaven, and they hadn't even done anything really yet. They smaller fur didn't even notice that his pants and underwear were gone, along with Roger's. The larger fur press his entire body against the fox, his weight pressing Jake down into the mattress. Scents of sex pushing out into the room, multiple males and females who were taken in just such a manner. The younger male gasped again, loving the feeling of being out of control, submitting to the older man with lustful abandon. He wanted this to last forever, to be dominated always, but he had work to do.

Too drunk to care about his actions, Roger rubbed his throbbing and eager shaft against his small and supple partner. Jake was whimpering, his ears pinned back in submission to the more dominant male. The positioning that Jake was taking was driving the inebriated dobie into a more frenzied sexual stance. He pushed himself up off the red fur's body and slid forward until his engorged cock was bouncing on those pouty lips. Jake's arms were pinned beneath the doberman's powerful thighs, leaving him helpless and at Roger's mercy. "Suck it" the larger male ordered, his speech still a bit slurred from all the wine. Jake's tongue darted out of his muzzle and across Roger's shaft. The fox murred at the salty-sweet taste, desiring more and reaching out his only available appendage to get it. His wide canine tongue lapping all over his partner's member from base to tip. Roger growled his approval and grabbed the back of the fox's head, pulling him down onto his cock with a snarl.

Jake's ears flattened against his skull at the snarl, his tail coming up between his legs, fully submitting to the larger male as an alpha. He took the long and throbbing cock between his lips and deep into his muzzle, slurping with rapturous abandon. The submissive fox licked and sucked, his eyes closed as he teased and tasted every veiny inch of his partner's perfect dick. The elder canine was moaning and thrusting into the warm wetness of the vulpine's muzzle.

"That's it kit, take it all" the dog said as he pushed all the way into Jake's tantalizing maw.

The fox gagged briefly, but swallowed hard and took the cock deep into his throat. He murred around the invading member, sending pleasurable vibrations throughout the older dog's body. He quickly pulled his cock out with a growl.

"Don't want the night ending so soon" he murred. The dobie jumped off the younger male's body, flipping him over and pinning Jake down with a paw. "Hold still, this won't hurt a bit."

Jake had no time to say anything before a warm tongue ran over his tailhole. The vulpine gasped and shuddered, the experienced appendage teasing its helpless victim relentlessly. The fox tried to keep his senses clear, but he was quickly losing himself to his baser instincts. He murred and moaned, gripping and tearing at the sheets on the bed as he was thoroughly dominated by a proud and strong male. roger lapped at the tight puckered entrance with a ferocity unexpected by either male. Jake tasted better than anyone he had ever eaten out before; he couldn't get enough. After several agonizingly torturous minutes of tongue play with the outside of Jake's tailhole, leaving the vulpine a ragged murring head, Roger's tongue split Jake's rear and entered him. Jake gasped suddenly and went limp, a stream of groans coming from him as his brain went into overload. The dobie's talented appendage of played Jake like a well-tuned violin, making all sorts of pleasurable noises come from the smaller male. Jake's head was spinning so fast he barely registered when he begged Roger to take him.

"Patience little one" the older male chided, his drunkenness seeming to have subsided somewhat, though he still swayed a bit as he rose up on his knees. "We've got all night" he murred as a finger replaced his tongue, opening up Jake's tailhole slowly. the fox whimpered, wanting so much more, but willing to wait for the main event. roger worked his finger in and out of the tight hole, his other paw stroking over his hardening shaft. Jake pushed back onto Roger's finger, begging for more. A second finger was added making Jake gasp and whine in pleasure. This male knew how to play him, pushing all the right buttons in his body. At first, this was only supposed to be business, but he was quickly losing himself in the moment.

Riger removed his fingers from his now demure little partner and once again leaned in to shove his tongue deep inside the loosened hole. The fox shivered and murred loudly as he was penetrated again by the wet appendage. The nerves in the vulpine's rear were burning with need. The dobie's tongue was in far deeper than earlier, the thick muscle licking over Jake's prostate. The red furred male growled in pleasure and held the older male's head against his tailhole, moaning loudly. The experienced canine murred into Jake;s tailhole, his paw still moving slowly over his own meat. it was getting close to time. Jake was primed, and would end up milking Roger's cock for all he was worth. The dog pulled his tongue out and raised back up, slapping Jake's ass hard. "I think it's time to take you my friend."

"Oh yes, Roger, please take me" the little male begged and pleaded.

Jake grinned as Roger positioned himself at the fox's entrance. After all the tortuously wonderful foreplay he was finally going to get plowed by the experienced older male. Roger placed his cock at the opening to Jake's body and pushed with a dominant growl. His cock popped into the fox, and Jake moaned and shook. The vulpine's body was so charged that the entry of the older dobie's member was like heaven itself. He lowered his ears at the growl, truly loving the submissive position. Roger pushed in slowly, enjoying every second of the penetration. His nerves were on fire as well. All the preparation for this event had him ready to burst. He focused heavily to make sure he didn't blow too easily. Being drunk helped as he pushed all the way into his partner. Jake moaned and murred, squirming beneath he larger male, wanting so much more, rougher and faster. he tried to grab the dobie's hips and pull him forward, but Roger resisted, slapping Jake's paw with a heavy snarl. "Don't" was all he said, his threatening tone telling the fox that he needed to back off. If it were possible, the vulpine's ears would have splayed even more as he reacted to the older male.

Roger's growl diminished somewhat as Jake backed down, his claws raking down the red fur's back, making the young male whimper in pleasure, his whines for more falling on deaf ears. The dobie was concerned solely with his own enjoyment at the moment. he grabbed the fox's already ruffled headfur and pulled back hard, causing the smaller male to help and grit his teeth. At almost the same time, the canine pulled back and slammed back into Jake's tailhole. Jake was a panting, groaning mess at the mercy of the dominant dobie. That's just the way the dog liked it though, and this sub was extra eager for it. Roger began a steady rhythm of pounding into Jake's tail. slowly bur mercilessly. Jake grunted with each hilting thrust, his brain reeling from the intense feelings. The older male certainly knew what he was doing.

The dobie's speed increased,a gently slapping being heard between the two heated males. Jake's head bounced with each solid push, roger grunting drunkenly with his tongue hanging out. The pounding was increasing, much to both men's enjoyment. Each hit of buttock to bollocks made each one squirm and moan. it would be long now, though it was an eternity to this point, at least from Jake's perspective. Several nearly violent thrusts later and the fox found himself spraying his seed all over himself and a howl of earthly pleasure coming from him. No paw had touched his member, and that only made it better. His claws dug into the sheets on the over used mattress, digging rivulets into the stained bed cover. His spontaneous and pawless orgasm sent shivers down his spine that ultimately gripped at Roger's cock, milking him as he continued to thrust into the unforgiving tailhole. Roger growled and howled, adding his voice to Jake's as he filled his partner, still unrelentingly driving himself home. Roger kept his knot clear, and though he knew it would bring a whole new level of pleasure, he hadn't asked. However, Jake, in his lustful abandon, grabbed the canine's flanks and pulled hard, popping the knot inside himself. roger nearly screamed in appreciation as his swollen appendage locked the two together for the next little while. The dobie spasmed several times before collapsing onto Jake in a moaning heap. Jake closed his eyes and murred deeply, enthralled by the feeling of another canine locked together with him. The fox fell asleep underneath the big dog, the weight of his partner assisting his slumber. Roger wasn't far behind, inebriated mind only briefly considering what he had just done before he passed out from exhaustion, drunkenness, or pleasure.

The next morning Roger awoke to find his arms still wrapped around the smaller fox. Shocked and surprised for several reasons. The first being that Jake was still there. The second, and of slightly lesser concern, was that the dobie had blown off his actual date for the young Wingarten. The older male was afraid to move, terrified that any motion might wake himself up for real and he would find himself with his wolf friend, or worse, alone.

Jake slowly work as well,cuddling into the burly arms around him. His senses returned to him eventually, and he turned to Roger and grinned, licking his nose in an uncharacteristically affectionate manner.

"Hole cow, you were incredible" the fox said, with a stupid grin plastered on his muzzle.

"Thanks" the dobie smiled, trying to remember more details, but remembering enormous pleasure due to Jake. "You weren't so bad yourself" he replied somewhat sheepishly. "You uh...want some breakfast or something?"

"Sounds good to me" the vulpine responded. "I just need to make a call."

"Alright, I'm going to jump in the shower." The canine stood and headed for the shower as Jake reached for his phone.

The fox dialed up the other male's son. "Hey Chris, just wanted to call and see how you are doing."

"I'm great, missing you" the pup said happily. Jake could almost hear his tail nub wagging in his ho so tight jeans.

"That's sweet" Jake replied, trying not to sound overly sickened by the lovestruck puppy. "Have you spoken to Roland yet this weekend?"

"Only briefly, we are probably getting together tomorrow night."

"Good good. I'm glad to hear you pups are getting along."

He heard a chuckle on the other end. "yup, he's great, a real pal."

"Perfect. I should be back sometime by Monday, maybe we can get together again."

Once again hearing the stub wagging. "That'd be awesome. I'm looking forward to it."

"I'll see you then" the fox said and hung up. "One down, one to go" he said to himself, walking wistfully toward the bathroom, and the old dog who had just immersed himself in the steamy water.