How to Ride your Dragon

Story by Literate Raven Studios on SoFurry

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#8 of Naughtyvember

Off in a distant land, a place many had seldom even crossed their lips. The land of Wyrmguard did live a benevolent king. Out in the plains of the kingdom sat the draconic king, watching the clouds as they lazily drifted by.

"Such a lovely afternoon to relax." He murmured to himself, resting his head down on the soft grass. His eyes lidding slowly as the warmth of the day was carried upon a gentle breeze. The stone gray skinned male breathed deep the sweet scent of the air as his mind began to wander.

"A lovely day to be daydreaming isn't it your highness?" A much higher octave voice chirped, it was certainly a female voice. The male slowly opened an eye and saw the head of a pink reptilian woman standing beside him glancing down at him. A sweet smile on her face as she chuckled.

"Good afternoon sir, having yourself a lovely nap?" She mused.

"Celestie. Hello!" The dragon laughed. "Yes, I figured I would have a day to myself. Things have been fairly peaceful lately I figured take the respite while I still can." The large statured male lifted his head up slightly to look at the female. She was certainly differing from the dragon, though similar in species she were a kobold.

"Certainly sir! It's a beautiful day, one that should be shared with those you care most about if you were to ask my opinion." A light hue crossed the pink kobold's lovely cheeks.

"Would you be so kind as to grace my presence? I would certainly love the company." He smiled. His eyes slowly veered up and down her slender body, enjoying the curves to her shape.

"Of course your highness. I would love nothing more!" She spoke so jubilantly. Though it would be lying if she'd said she wasn't taking a glance of her own. "Is there perchance something I could do to make this better for you sir?"

"Well a little bit of companionship couldn't hurt." He gave her a coy grin. His green eyes glancing down at his trousers. Giving her a 'come hither' stare.

"Oh Arathor..." She spoke softly, kneeling in her dusty dress. Rubbing his chest gently and trailing her fingers to his waistline. Bringing them back up again, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Revealing the large scar that covered his chest and abdomen. The kobold smiled letting her fingers run across every inch of his chest. Drinking in the sight of his masculinity.

Arathor smiled as he leaned up and met his lips with hers, slowly tugging on the dress she'd worn. Up and over her head it went, showing the luscious curves of her feminine body to the young king.

Celestie kissed his lips lovingly as the kobold ran her fingers down his chest, over the scar and down his waistline. Tugging gently on his belt, unbuckling it and slowly pulling it loose. Quiet groans of delight came from the female.

The dragon slung his arms around her back as he dragged his nails down her nude body slowly. Growling playfully as she tussled with his trousers.

Finally tugging them down she saw the semi erect length before her, a happy smile on her face as she stroked him sensually, feeling his pulse in his shaft as it throbbed in her hand. Growing more than enough for just one hand the kobold grabbed it with her other hand stroking up and down.

"Sir I am not sure it's gonna fit." She spoke apprehensively.

"Don't worry Celestie... We'll make it fit." Arathor chuckled and helped her up on his lap. Helping to position her above the tip of his length. Pulling her down onto his thick shaft, causing the girl to gasp and moan as he entered her.

As she lowered down onto his length she could feel her stomach distend as he hilted inside of her. "Oh goodness sir~" She cooed as she ground into him.

Arathor groaned happily and bounced her up and down on his shaft, grabbing her hips sliding her up and down.

Celestie moaned happily as she bounced on his length, every descent back down her stomach bulged with each thrust of his length.

"See I told you it would fit now didn't I?" Arathor grinned cheekily as he bucked his hips harder into his lover.

"Y-you did sir. I-it certainly fit sir." She whimpered and gyrated against his body. Her body hugged tightly against his throbbing eager shaft.

Arathor's nails dug into her hips as he pulled her in with several final thrusts. Stuffing himself deep inside of her with a bellowing roar of pleasure as he finally released spurting his hot spunk inside of his kobold lover.

"Oh Arathor..." she spoke breathlessly leaning her forehead against his. "That was truly amazing sir..." She cooed.