In Gengar's Grasp

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I hardly kidnap them and keep them for long. Really. Only long enough to enjoy myself, and then it's right back home to mommy and daddy. I'm a nice guy like that-really. My name is Hiyoka, I'm about 5'4 purple, spiked hair. A gengar. Ghost type pokemon. I don't remember what I was before I died, but it doesn't really matter. The only thing that matters is today's subject- Andrew.

I saw Andrew in the park about a week ago, and that's when I knew I had to have him. He was a eevee. Painfully cute, about 11 years old. He wasn't slender, but wasn't fat. He had just enough baby fat on his body to make him cuddly. The type I desired the most. I did the research. He lived about a block away from the park, mom and dad had divorced, Dad lived in an apartment in the city, mom worked till about 10 at night. It was a perfect set up, and often, Andrew came to the park by himself most of the time, skate boarding (Or doing his best attempt to) off benches and poles. I grabbed him last night, and this morning, was when he woke up. Hypnosis is a handy technique to have some times. Especially when you use it to erase memories.

I was sitting in my basement, reading the paper, and drinking my morning coffee when I heard the chain's rattling. The young boy was tied from a hanging chain I had constructed to the ceiling. His wrists were in leather cuffs, not soft enough to let him pull them free, but not hard enough to cut off circulation. He dangled in the air helplessly, wiggling around a bit as he stirred to consciousness. I glanced at him. He stared at me, confused, and frightened.

"W, where am I?" he whimpered softly. His voice was even adorable. I stood up slowly, and strolled over to him, admiring his lack of shirt, and tight blue shorts. I grinned. upon closer inspection of the furred vee, he was a little more pudgy then I thought, which was better then I could have planned. But that was fine. His boyish brown bowl cut, hung in his eyes, and I could see he was beginning to tear up though his big, puppy dog eyes.

"Andrew Peterson, I do believe your mother warned you not to skate without a helmet?" I asked, using a voice of authority. He looked at me in confusion and I just shook my head.

"Did you know it's illegal to skate without a helmet? I've been watching you Andrew, and when I'm done with you, you'll never do it again." I said. He began to cry. I expected this.

"I won't! I won't ever do it again! I promise! Please don't tell my mom!" "He yelped, helpless in the chains. I listened, waiting for him to finish crying. He did quickly, it hardly ever took very long- accept with certain girls. I smiled at him, kindly, warmly.

"Awww, do ya promise Andrew?" I asked softly. He nodded his head wildly, tears flickering though the cool air of the basement. I nodded my head.

"You can go home then." I said. He smiled.

"After your punishment." He frowned, tears beginning to well in his eyes again. I reached my paw out, rubbing it softly over his head and cooed quietly to him.

"Awww come on Andrew. You knew this was going to happen." I explained. "Your mom told you not to skate without a helmet, and you did, and now you've been caught. The government cracks down on these type of things, so I'll give you a choice Andrew. "I explained, trying not to laugh at my own explanation.

"Either you take your punishment, here and now- or you can go with the police, I can call your mom, you can have a trial, and go to prison." I explained. He cried again. This time, It took him almost twenty minutes to stop, before the young, sniffling little fox boi looked up at me.

"P, p, punish me, p, please." He begged softly. I grinned.

"Ok honey...just wait right here. "I chuckled softly. He wasn't going anywhere.

I came back in about twenty to thirty minutes. I had to gather my things and get ready of course. When I got back, Andrew wasn't crying anymore. In fact, he was just looking around curiously, but when he saw me coming down the steps, his ears flattened.

"W, what are you g, gonna do t, ta me?" He asks softly. I reached over and patted his head.

"Nothing much Andrew. Just a little reminder not to ride without your helmet, ok?" I asked. He nodded his head. Already I could see him breathing harder. Not as hard as it was going to get though. I nodded my head, and produced a crop in front of his nose. He stared at it curiously, before looking to me. I wrapped my fingers and paw around the soft, leather handle, and pressed the taunt rubber into his stomach.

"Andrew, you know your not allowed to ride without a helmet, why were you doing it?" I asked sternly. He looked at his toes.

"Be, because my friends say I look dumb."

"Will you look dumb with your skull broken open on the side walk?"

"I, I guess so."

"But you decided to ride anyway?"

"Y, yeah. I, I'm real sorry!" He sniffled. I grinned, and slowly, traced the end of the crop over his belly, sliding it back and forth and receiving a squirm and boyish giggle. Ticklish. He was adorable. I reached my hand down and slowly, began to unbutton the little buttons I found on his shorts over his crotch. He whimpered quietly, and looked up at me.

"W, what are y, ya doin?" He asked shyly. I grinned, glancing up to notice the small red blush covering his cheeks.

"Your going to get a spanking Andy." I said softly. He began to struggle, until I promptly yelled out the word "Prison!" and he calmed. I grinned, undoing his shorts, and drawing them down his pudgy legs, revealing the little fox. He was wearing nothing but a pair of bulging tight white undies, clinging to his rounded curves, and cupping his little boy bulge. I grinned and brought the crop down under the little white ball of sensitivity, making the boy wiggle, the chains rattling above.

"You ever have a spanking before Andrew?" I asked softly. The boy nodded.

"Good. Then you'll know what to expect. Since this is your first violation, I won't use the cane, or the whip, or the crop."I said softly. He seemed relieved.

"I'll use my paw, and maybe a slipper. " I said, standing up, letting his balls drop back down into the safety of the soft fabric. Slowly, I walked around, and examined his backside. A glorious round, ball of spankable goodness that looked back and me, wiggling helplessly. I grinned, and reached out, hooking my finger under his tail and into the back of his underwear, my finger gently brushing against his deep crevice. He squeaked and thrashed.

"N, NO! Not on the bare!!" He shouted. I frowned, then grinned slowly.

"Why not?"

"It'll hurt too much!"

"Surly you've been spanked on the bare by your mother."

"Y,y, Yes...b, but..."

"Then there's no problem!"

"DON'T!" He squeaked shyly. I caught the blush over his cheeks even from behind him. I chuckled quietly.

"Your not embarrassed to be seen nude, are you, Andy?"

"T, they make fun of me at school."

"Do they? Why?"

"T, they say I'm fat."

"Your not fat...chubby, but not fat. "I explained and began to tug his undies down. He wiggles helplessly but couldn't stop me. I chuckled at his attempts, his whining thrusts, and begging.

"Nonono! Don't pull those down!" He cried out. Too late. His undies were removed, and his plump, round, glorious bottom was presented to me in all it's naked glory. I grinned, and slowly drew a ghostly finger over the curves, making Andrew squirm automatically. His big bottom clenched and unclenched under the sensations of my teasing touches, his breathing getting heavier, squirming getting harder, and his outbursts and protests getting louder. I grinned, and drew my fingertip straight up the line of his crack in one soft, ticklish feather like touch. This produced the most melodious squeal from the boy I'd ever heard.

"Awwww, Andrew, I don't know why your so embarrassed by your butt. It's very cute. "I said, giving the chubby rump a gentle squeeze. Andrew was blushing so hard his muzzle had turned purple. He shook his head wildly, but seemed unable to speak as I continued my torture, working my fingers around in figure eights, and happy faces, and designs of my own making. All the while this was done to the sound of boy squeaks, squeals, and even, on occasion, giggles. After nearly ten minutes of torment, I decided to get to work. Clutching his tail in one paw, and raised it up, exposing that round, plump posterior to my hungry gaze.

"We're going to have twenty licks today. " I didn't wait for him to complain. Instead, I raised up my transparent paw in the air, and bought it down, landing it squarely across his butt in a soft stroke. It wasn't very hard. In fact, it didn't even rattle the chains above, but it didn't stop him from quivering in fear. I grinned a little bit, and struck again, striking his right cheek, then his left, for a total of three. Again, nothing. He stopped whimpering quietly and slowly turned his head, glancing at me from over his shoulder cutely. The four blow was across both his wide little cheeks, making him wiggle a little bit, but only out of curiosity. His plump little cheeks waving at me teasingly. I grinned.

"What are we up to?" I asked. He almost giggled- music to my ears.

"Six." He meeped. I grinned.

"Five, If I count correctly." I gave him another slap, firmer this time. He still didn't respond. The next three blows were firmer then that, six, seven, eight. And upon eight, his cute behind jiggled a little. I put extra force into nine and ten, and he jiggled alot. I frowned. I had under estimated the amount of padding his bottom had when I first removed his underwear. He was barely even sniffling. I raised my paw back, and give another firm swat across both his cheeks, and he erked, arching his back a little. I didn't want to start swinging too hard, maybe gradually bring him around towards heavy strikes, but I had failed in my plans. Instead of sniffling and squirming around ten, I had to work harder then before, and I couldn't do that if I wanted to keep to the scale of increasing pressure. And I wasn't going to lie to him. I said twenty, and thats what I meant. I swung again, and he stiffened. Well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I grinned rubbing his paws over his broad rump, and raised my ghostly fingers, and brought them down once more, landing firmly across his butt, drawing a gasp from the owner. I had six more left. I wouldn't have him crying by six. In fact, his rump cheeks had only begun to shift from golden brown to a light, light tinge of red. Blast it. Next time I'd have to start harder, or imply the use of a slipper. The next three blows, 15, 16, and 17. All landed on his right cheek-hard. I could see his lips trembling, and his body quivering. 18, and 19, landing on his left cheek, leaving soft, reddish paw prints. Twenty was the hardest of all, smacking it across both his cheeks. Not a single tear. He was sniffling however, trembling and tensing, as if awaiting another blow.

"How many was that?" He cooed softly.

"T, th, that w, w, wa, was..."

"Twenty." I whispered. His little plump face softened, and he smiled a little with relief.

"Now then..."I grinned, slipping my paws down onto his rounded behind,and rubbing gently, massaging that persistent sting of the swats from his chubby tushie. "Lets see what We've got in the front." This promoted a gasp of embarrassment from the boy, and he tried to close his legs around himself, but hanging from the chains above the way he was, that was a little bit along the lines of impossible. Besides, I already knew what he was trying to hide. It was a common reaction in most boys when they got a spanking. I grinned and peeked over his shoulder as I made my way around the lad. I was right- standing firmly in front of him, was about four inches of boy meat that was begging to be teased and molested. I didn't plan to disappoint. I slipped around til I was in front of him, and knelt down, grinning at the little stick of throbbing boy flesh in front of me. Slowly, I extended a finger, and drew it across the underside of his cock, making him squirming, and the chains clink together repeatedly. His little penis bobbed quietly, sticking out proudly in front of him, while it teased it, toying slowly with the throbbing fox flesh. The tip burbled, a small dollop of precum spilled out, slowly trickling down the front of his erection, and across the small set of furred orbs below. I grinned.

"Ooops, can't have that now, can we?" I teased, and bent down before him, slowly, sloooowly, pressing the tip of my tongue along the underside of his young balls. Andrew moaned helplessly, trying to pull himself away from my teasing touches. My tongue slipped below his balls, forcing them to drape over the sides of the ghostly organ, and the cute little penis in front of me just throbbed harder and harder. Without paws to manipulate anything, Andrew only wriggled in the chains, his grasping, breathless pants of pleasure were music to my ears while he writhed, more little shots of fox pre dribbled down his shaft, over his balls and to my awaiting tongue- which I lapped away at it with great vigor. Soon, I had him begging, whining, whimper, and thrusting into the air. I'm fairly sure he was too young to actually ejaculate, but I took my time, devilishly, torturing the poor boy, with slow, long tongue lashes, sliding the silky, semi transparent organ over his throbbing red rocket, again, and once more. To my ultimate surprise (and pleasure) The boy shot his load with a long, loud squeal. His hips arched forward, and several, clear shorts of slippery juices sloshed over my spiked crop of purple hair. I laughed quietly, somewhat disappointed that I didn't get a chance to taste it. Next time, of course, I would be ready. I stood up slowly, my brown trousers down around my ankles, and my hot, purple erection, five and three fourths inches, stood in front of me- But Andrew was snoring quietly. He had cum so hard he had knocked himself out...which was fine, because he would need the rest for what I had instore for him...