9th December

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#9 of Camp Snow

The best thing about summer are swim suits, but who said, you can't have that in winter?

I hope you like this chapter and like always, feel free to write comments to let me know if you liked the story.

I am currently working hard every day (for a few hours) to finish the chapters and also to finish an art trade that I dragged on for too long and that I plan to finish before Christmas as well.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involved anthro animals of different species in a pure fantasy world.

The story (even if not every chapter) contains nudity and sexual contacts involving adolescents, cubs and adults.

If you feel offended by either of these topics or dislike this kind of stories or anything in the tags used, please stop reading here.

Only read this story, if you are of legal age for your country (usually 18).

If you find any crucial tags missing to prevent people from reading content they might not like, please add them to the respective chapter.

At the moment, I plan to add one chapter each day until Christmas. If you don't see a chapter at one day, first try to check your blacklisted tags. (It might however happen that I can't upload a story every day, so if even without the blacklisted tags you don't see the story, it is just delayed.)

This story does not reflect the opinion or likes and dislikes of the author but are purely for entertainment. For legal reasons all characters are, like always, considered being adult in this fantasy world. Please never forget the difference between fantasy and reality and leave everything of the story as a fantasy.

9th December

The weather calmed down and the sun was shining, when the girls walked to the breakfast this morning.

All of them were well rested and energetic during the breakfast and Jen slowly started to feel more comfortable in the middle of the horde of cubs.

They still looked at her a lot and told her, that the new jacket and pullover looked cute on her and that they preferred this look over the previous one, which made Jen at the same time shy and happy.

After the breakfast, Sophie announced that they would go to the hot spring in the evening. She explained them, that they should wear their swimsuits under the clothes, because they had to walk some way and there was no place to change on the hill.

In the morning they had time to play in the snow, have a heavy snow fight and build a snow house together. After lunch, they all went to their room to get ready for the tour to the hot spring.

"What do you think?" Lisa asked and turned around in the middle of the room. The other girls looked at her. She had a black one-piece that covered her chest and her nether region.

"Nice but... it is black." Said Olga and looked up and down the lioness. "Don't you think that this is a bit too... adulty?" Ida and Ginny giggled but Lisa seemed a bit disappointed by this remark.

"The other colors they had did not look good with my fur color." She complaint. "Sure, the white one would have been possible, but wearing a white swimsuit is dangerous." Olga nodded. "I agree. On this remark the black one is much better."

"Why are white swimsuits bad?" asked Jen concerned, because she happened to have a white one. She selected it because it was the same color than her scales.

"Because when it gets wet, you often can see through it." Olga explained her and threw a gaze at the dragoness that just slipped into her swimming gear.

It was made from a bit thicker neoprene cloth and it covered a bit of her upper legs. At the back it had a sleeve that covered a few centimeters of her tail, just like her gym clothes.

It then went over her upper body, with holes to push her wings through, and ended in a wire over her shoulders.

"Well, I don't think this will happen with hers." Said Ida and stroke over the material at the Jen's chest.

"But she looks like she is naked." Said Lisa. Jen looked to the ground embarrassed. "I mean because it has the same color as your scales." Lisa added and came closer. "Sorry, I did not want to give you a hard time." Jen showed a forced smile to the girl.

"But why do you have the long sleeves?" Olga asked again and came closer as well. "I mean, not only at your tail but also at your legs."

Jen first mumbled something silently, but the others requested her to speak up and finally she whispered. "To hide my pink scales."

Olga shook her head. "So, I guess for the same reason you have it go up to your chest, right? I mean you don't have teats like we do, so it would not really matter if you had just some trunks, right?"

"But then I would look like a boy." She shot back, but she felt the blood rushing into her head.

"What do you think about mine?" Ida interrupted the quarrel and danced through the room. She had a blue one-piece that was nice on the eye next to her red fur.

The area around her utters was reinforced and bulged a bit to fit the girlhood into it.

Ginny and Olga also finally slipped into their swimsuits.

Olga wore a light green one-piece, that harmonized with her eyes. The swimsuit of Ginny was like Ida's, just that the reinforced part was not as big as the one of Ida because as being younger, her utters were not as large yet.

They made haste to put on their warm clothes over the swimming gear and then left the house to meet with the others in the dining hall.

The way up the hill was for parts more pleasant for Jen than last time, because she could move her wings now. The only discomfort was her thick swimming gear, that was thicker than normal underwear and therefore not so comfortable to wear while climbing a mountain path.

Sophia and Jake wore big bags with the towels and Jake even had a long package under his arm.

When they got to the hot spring, Jake used the package to put up a small barrier on the open plateau in front of it to allow the girls to change without the eyes of the boys on them.

They heard the boys jumping into the water already, when they still were putting off their clothes.

"You should hurry, or you will freeze to death." Reminded Sophie, who went ahead already and they heard the commotion of the boys when the snow leopard, who wore a one piece that showed a bit more of her fur than that of the girls. It only had a string in her back and at her front it covered her row of teats. The bottom was like a normal bikini bottom.

Jen felt the cold air on her scales when she slowly disrobed. A look around showed her, that she was not the only one doing it really slow to fight down their nervousness and embarrassment.

"Come on, the water is wonderful warm." Came the voice of Sophie and Ginny was the first to turn around the barrier.

She was greeted by cheering of the boys and a few whistles. They heard her walking into the water fast.

The next was Olga. She did not get as much of a cheer as Ginny, but the boys still made her run into the water fast, so that Jen could hear the splashing.

Ida again earned a loud cheering and Jen got more and more nervous.

"Come, you look like you are freezing already." Said Lisa and took the hand of Jen. It was true that Jen was shivering from the cold air and the snow under her feet.

Hand in hand they turned around the barrier and the cheer of the boys was even louder than for Ida or Ginny. Jen looked up and at the same time wished she hadn't done that. She saw all the boys, and the girls, looking at them and even Sophie and Jake were looking their way.

Jen was just about to turn around ashamed and get back behind the barrier, when Lisa pulled her forward fast and Jen slipped and splashed into the hot water.

Jen and Lisa screamed from the sudden heat of the water, but Jen got used to it fast. She let her cold wings submerge in the warm water and sighed from the hot liquid caressing her scales.

"Sorry for that." Lisa apologized after she coughed up a bit of water that she got into her lung when she was pushed into the water by the slipping Jen.

Jen clapped on the back of Lisa and helped her to calm down. "It is okay. I think I would have been frozen by now if you would not have pulled me in." both girls giggled.

"You are super cute." Said Artemis. The badger boy sat in the water, holding himself up with one arm on a rock next to him, and his eyes were glued on Jen.

The dragoness was got flustered again and felt ashamed. She looked away and just whispered a very silent "Thank you."

"And what about me?" asked Lisa and now the boy first looked at her and then looked away as well. "You are cute as well." He mumbled and all around him laughed at his face, which made Jen feel a bit sorry for him.

"I think you all look super cute." Said Jake and smiled at the girls and they all started to giggle, and Jen even dipped her head under water because she felt her head getting hot again. Submerging in the water did however not help to cool it down and therefore she came back up very soon.

Jen stayed at the side of Sophie for most of the time and relaxed. Her wings were spread to the side so that she could lean against a rock and she watched the energetic game of the boys. Lisa, Ginny and Ida joined into the splashing games for a while, while Olga seemed to like it slow and relaxed like Jen.

"Jake is right." Said Sophie during their silent conversation. "I think you all look very cute. Especially your pink scales." Sophie chuckled when Jen looked at her in shock.

"Don't worry, they were not visible." Naturally Sophie knew about the scales, because she had been in the women's shower as well sometimes when the girls showered. "But I do think, that the boys would have loved to see them. I think they would have gone crazy on how cute they are." Jen submerged half her head into the water and laid the back of her head against the cold rock, while blowing bubbles at the edge of the water in embarrassment.

"After all, this was surely the most fun for the boys. Seeing us in our swimsuits, right?" She winked to Jen and the girl just nodded, still not feeling comfortable with the topic.

"But it is not like we don't get a good look as well, right?" she joked and looked sheepishly to Jake, who saw in the water with his wings and upper body in the open. The strong and muscular chest of the dragon and his strong arms were clearly visible.

Next to him, the boys climbed out of the water to jump back in and splash.

"Anyone of the boys you have an eye on?" asked Sophie and chuckled when Jen quickly shook her head and looked away to fake being uninterested.

After loosing her nervousness over time, when she did not feel watched by the boys anymore, she enjoyed the warm bath. She even took a swim for a few meters but stopped when her wings got cold.

While swimming, she had to hold her wings up, so that they would not have so much water resistance, like a fin.

She took a short dive, using her wings and arms to dart through the water to get her wings warm again and then returned to Sophie.

"I did not know, that dragons were do good at diving." Said Lisa, who also joined them, breathing heavily. "It seems that your wings give you a good extra force, right?" Jen nodded. In class of her old school, she had always been the fastest diver. Swimming on the surface however had always been very slow, because her wings would start to get tired from being held upright all the time after a while.

After an hour of soaking in the hot water, Sophie and Jake told the kids to dry up and put on their clothes. Sophie helped them to dry extra hard because else their clothes would soak.

The neoprene cloth of Jen was refusing to get dried with a towel and therefore she had to give up soon, because she was freezing, and put on her clothes, that slowly started to soak from the swim gear.

She helped Lisa while Sophie hurried up to help Olga, Ginny and Ida, to dry the fur, which also was soaking the water in, and then they climbed down the hill.

Jake went a bit faster, but not too fast to avoid anyone falling. Even though they took much shorter to get back, they all felt cold and Jen felt frozen, when they arrived.

The girls directly went for the warm showers to warm up, while Sophie got them some dry clothes.

For the first time since they came here, the other girls agreed to turn up the heater in their house and they soon sat there in their pajamas and chatted until it was dinner time.