Please teach us princes! Enter the kung-fu tiger! [EDITED VERSION~~]

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#1 of Please teach us princes


Hello to all! This is my first story, now edited thanks to Drayne_the_Wolf! Like I've said before: it's based on the characters created by the kemono artist Doneru. it's his site and have the characters I shall use here (four of them) along with many of his stories/doujinshis translated, I recommend if you're into kemono shota and never heard of his art (and of course, to understand better the character's personalities here).

I'm using a tiger here, just because tiger is my favorite animal and I felt necessary to use a original character to be a main for some reason. I can't really describe them, since I don't know what many of Doneru's characters are supposed to be (what animals are Adonis and Hakuri for example... ) but with the site you can see how they look like (and every inch of their bodies too~~) and, as for the tiger (who shall be named Tygor) you can imagine him whatever you want ( for example, it's how I imagined him).

In doneru's world sex is totally okay between friends (especially if both are males) and such, as you can see from his stories. Mine is supposed to happen after his doujin Bikesao two (if timeline does matter... ). So... Adonis, Hakuri, Rokka and Ryuno and characters created by doneru, used by fanfiction purposes only!

Hope you enjoy it and that my story here can influence people to do more stories with never seen before characters (or situations).

The edited version is way more enjoyable, specially to native english speakers, I didn't know a proof read could make such a difference ^^v anyway, hope you just enjoy it even more! Thanks to Drayne_the_Wolf for his hard work, I know it took some time and isn't easy to edit such a big story.


Hey guys, Drayne_the_Wolf here. I decided to edit this story because it had a lot of potential but was limited by its use of language. I'm proud to be able to say that I did my part to improve upon this story so that it may be more enjoyable. Lastly, please note that it was my job to edit this story to correct spelling and grammar mistakes, not to make changes to the story itself. There are many things I like about this story, but many that I would have changed; please know that the actual story itself doesn't reflect my style of writing. For questions, comments, and writing/editing commissions, contact me via personal message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!

And Now, the Story:

"Geez, where are they... " Tygor asked himself. He was a young tiger, who had come to the ice kingdom with his group. They were a group of martial artists, students of kung-fu taught by their master. As of now, he was clad in a simple pair of black pants, typical of that group he belonged to. All of them were orphans which were adopted by their now master, and now, always went around the world doing exhibitions to gain money.

Tygor loved his master and his friends as though they were his family, although lately he felt they were keeping something hidden from him; some of them would stop talking when he came too close. In addition, many boys seemed to get more private class time with their master and he didn't. Something was going on, he was sure of it. But now wasn't time to worry about that.

He just finished his exhibition along with his group in the ice kingdom, but after walking for a while, he realized he was lost in the big castle. They were supposed to leave after a couple of hours, so he was worried he would bring trouble to the others by having them looking for him. He didn't want that, especially now with them keeping something from him like that.

"Hm? I heard something in this corridor!" he thought to himself. He stopped to try to hear more. Yes... it's from this door. Could it be someone needs help? He started walking to the door. It was faint, maybe because of the walls, maybe even the door itself, but he could definitely hear quite a strange sound from within the room.

Even if it was some kind of mistake, he would finally found someone who could give him a hand; he hadn't found anyone this entire time, probably since everyone was helping clean up his group's exhibition. With these thoughts in mind, he decided to open the door. Immediately the sound stopped and he was... surprised with what he saw...

There were four people in a large room, next to a sizable bed. Actually, he could see very well that they were all boys because they were all stark naked. Three of them were in front of the fourth one, who was sitting on the bed. The last one seemed to have quite an erection; he was noticeably panting, looking to Tygor with surprise, just like his friends. Were these three... sucking at him?!

Everyone just stayed silently for a few seconds. No one dared to even move a muscle other than their lungs and their eyelids. The room seemed suspended in time until suddenly;

"KYAAAAAAAAA!!! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?" shouted one, who was blond and had some suspicious white substance in his cheek.

"ARGH!! I'm... I'm sorry! It's just... I was looking for someone to help me, and heard a sound coming from here and... and... and... " Tygor was really nervous and embarrassed, since, after all, he just interrupted something quite... interesting.

"Ok, ok; calm down!" said the guy sitting on the bed. He was a dog, taller than Tygor, very slender and elegant in his body shape. His most predominant feature was the abnormally large rod of flesh that extended out from between his legs. He rose and started walking to the cute, kind, and oddly familiar tiger. He stopped in front of him, and, with the rest of his friends watching, exclaimed, "Ah, I remember you! You're one of the kung-fu guys that did that show a little while ago, right?" he asked him.

"Ah yeah! You're right Hakuri! I knew I saw him somewhere. He was really cute in there!" another of the boys said. This one was a young dragon,which was small and had a greenish color to his body.

"Whatever... interrupting something like this... as it wasn't embarrassing enough... " murmured the blond lion, starting to clean that now obvious-what-it-is substance from his cheeks and blushing a little.

"... uh... but, now what..?" the fourth boy asked. It seemed like he was the most shy of the peculiar group.

"Wait... you guys were with the kings in there... " Tygor started to realize, "could it be... you are the princes?!" Tygor suddenly realized the severity of what he had done. He became extremely embarrassed and fearful for his own wellbeing for interrupting something obviously important to the princes. And he just wanted to find his group...

"That's right! I'm Hakuri, prince of this ice kingdom!" the well-endowed dog boy in front of him exclaimed. "That over there is Ryuno, prince of the wind kingdom. The other, quite as shy as he's cute, is Adonis, son of a very important man in that, let's say, near future city. Oh, and the last one, it's the cutest guy ever, my Rokka-chan, prince of the fire kingdom!" Introduced the now know Hakuri, who didn't hide his apparent love for the prince who just cleaned himself of his Hakuri's semen.

"HEY!! What do you mean yours!?" shouted Rokka directly at Hakuri, who just give a mischievous grin. That guy must love teasing him...

"Haha, it's okay Rokka-chan! What matters now is what to do about our guy over there." Ryuno observed, while quickly going over to close the door. "Soooooo what's your name, eh?" he asked Tygor, looking him over head to toe, fixing a curious look in his pants which didn't go unnoticed by the small but muscular tiger.

"My name is Tygor, your highness. I am of the kung-fu group, as you know. And I'm really sorry for... " the tiger started apologizing to the princes for his transgression, but was interrupted by Ryuno.

"It's okay, really. You may call us by our names; no formality. Now, since we are currently in Hakuri's kingdom, he gets to decide what happens now. Though I believe I already have a clue." Ryuno smiled, making Tygor less nervous.

"That's right" Hakuri said. "And useless you really don't wanna... you shall join us!" he finalized, clapping his hands.

"J-Join!? You mean... sex with you guys???"A surprised Tygor asked, simply not believing his ears. He should be more tired from that exhibition that he realized... there's no way he could had heard that right!

"Yup" confirmed a now too cheerful Ryuno "You could say that's your punishment! Or... you never did these things before? If you don't want to, we won't force you to give us your virginity... although we will try you know. Hehehe..." Ryuno snickered with an evil, perverted, but still cute face.

Tygor realized that now all four princes were standing near him, as just waiting from his answer.

Thinking back, it was true he already did such things before. He did with an old friend, some years ago... a white tiger named Tewhi. Tewhi went to his room one day, saying he learned an interesting play the other day and wanted to try it with him. Tygor had agreed, and Tewhi showed him the world of sex. They did quite a lot that night, and in the following nights.

At first he felt a little strange since they were both male, but as he talked to Tewhi (and of course as the nights passed) he just decided to let it go. It was just some fun he was having with his friend, no big deal. And to be frank... just that he was doing it with another boy was arousing in itself. But that ended when Tewhi stayed to learn magic in a city. They still were in touch, but these nights ended.

Never again had Tygor done it with anyone else, but he always caught himself masturbating, thinking, remembering those sweet nights. And now, here he was, with four other boys, all of whom wanted to "do it" with him. All of them naked!

Tygor started to discretely look to their bodies. All were quite hard, but Hakuri had quite a big tool down there (and Rokka seemed to be the smallest of them. Probably was teased a lot). Tygor himself was about Adonis size and he knew that... and he started to think that they would knew it soon enough, that they would start to compare his size to theirs. Thinking this while looking at them, he realized his black pants started to show a very apparent bulge. He was getting hard and the princes realized that.

"I guess that is a yes?" said Hakuri smiling. "Man, I can't believe it came to this again. Not that I don't like it but... " Rokka said more to himself that to the other princes or the kung-fu artist. Ryuno was just looking happy, and, judging from the pervertedness in his face, imagining what would happen now. Adonis was silent, but doesn't seem he would complain at all.

"Ah... wait! This is... is... " Tygor was embarrassed but couldn't really say he didn't want to do it.

"Relax, relax... now, let me explain it better." Hakuri offered. "We princes like to have sex with each other, as a relief from the daily stress. All of the guards of the royal chambers know of this, so they know they shouldn't just let anyone in. But, sometimes, for whatever reason, they fail and guys like you end up... doing what you just did. In these cases, we prefer to make them our friends and let them join too, although in each kingdom, the princes do as they see better, like putting rules or other stuff for the uninvited guest, just for fun! In your case today for example, I'm going to let you start by allowing you to choose who you want to screw first! Hehe, they almost always choose Rokka-chan." Hakuri explained giving a glance to Rokka, not hiding his smile, like he was having some nice memories of what he was talking about.

"Y-YOU!! You did it again! Why it always come to me first!!!" roared a somehow furious Rokka, having some memories himself.

"W- Wait Rokka-kun, it's not fair." Adonis stated. "I also tend to get chosen a lot when I'm here and Hakuri always starts like this, but it's the word of the guest. Shouldn't we hear say who he wants first?" asked the cute Adonis, glaring to Tygor.

Could it be he wanted to be the chosen? Maybe he had a thing for the cat type? thought Tygor, but since it was like that, he decided to enter the game. He decided to stick it to the guy with the biggest cock first (which made him a little jealous... and the guy was even a prince!). He pointed to Hakuri and shouted: "Si-since it's like this... I want YOU, The ice prince!"

"EH!?!?! ME??!?!" Hakuri was quite surprised; it wasn't often that he was chosen. He loved seeing his cute Rokka being done in the butt (and of course, others like Adonis or Ryuno, specially when he was doing them himself) but for him to be done... not many like his fellow princes, specially Rokka-chan, get to do that. Everyone was surprised for such "insolence".

Rokka felt a mixture of happiness and jealously more than anyone for such a choice. Ryuno was surprised, but gave a big grin at Hakuri, while Adonis seems a little disappointed, but surely interested in what he would see.

"Okay, okay, fine! Since it is your choice..." said a surprised and embarrassed Hakuri. "But to start... shouldn't you get rid of your pants, hmm?" he pointed.

Tygor blushed, but he had a good point. So he started to get rid of them. He just untied the rope that was holding it, and, without it, the black pants quickly come to his feet. He raised his feet and tossed the pants aside, now as naked as his other fellow males in the room. He could feel everyone looking to his body, and to his tigerhood, making him blush. Just to be seen like that, so naked, made him even harder.

"Dawn! He's bigger that me..." Rokka exclaimed, pissed that, like almost always, he was the smallest in the room."At least his foreskin doesn't seem to pull back yet. He's tight, just like me..." the fire prince concluded, and upon realizing this, got a little harder.

"Not bad at all eh?" asked Ryuno, more to tease the tiger then to anything else, which made him blush a little more.

"So it's smaller that Hakuri-kun, but bigger that mine, Ryuno, or Rokka eh?" Adonis asked rhetorically, looking at the young tiger's sizable shaft with a certain interest.

Then, Hakuri went to the bed. He stopped by its side and rested his arms on it, still standing up (no way he was going to get it on all fours! It was embarrassing enough as it was); then, he started spreading his legs, and, after also spreading his two tails, showing his not-so-used tight pucker to the tiger and the others.

"So? Come, it's yours." Hakuri was so embarrassed in such a pose, and with his Rokka-chan and the others watching! But to be seen like this for them, was also a big source of arousal which reflected in his abnormally-hung boner.

"Yeah..." Tygor said without wasting more time. With the others watching, he went to Hakuri, stopping behind him. He admired the tight hole, wondering how many other males had used it before him. He probably hasn't been done many times, with him so nervous like that. But it was possible to make your hole always tight with magic or things like that, like Tewhi had told him. But this wasn't time to think of such things. He decided to start like how Tewhi liked. After thinking that, he put his finger in his mouth and pushed into Hakuri's awaiting ass.

"AH...! Ah... ah... you..." moaned Hakuri, not expecting he would start like this; it seems the tiger was considerate, how sweet of him... how hot... Hakuri moaned from the little intruder. Tygor kept his finger going in and out, just to make it ready for what was about to come. Ryuno, Adonis, and Rokka, who up to this point had been merely watching, started to touch themselves a little, wanting to see their friend getting what he wasn't expecting at first.

"You're so hot Hakuri-san... I already can't wait anymore. I'm going for it okay?" stated Tygor, putting his finger out. Hakuri was panting a little, precum already dripping from his large shaft. Tygor used one of his hands to catch the ice prince's precum, squeezing it a little, making Hakuri surprised and feeling good from the foreign touch of that tiger. After doing this, Tygor use the precum to rub his own cock.

"I lubed to make it easier. Here goes nothing!" and with that Tygor started aligning his member to Hakuri's ring. He put his hands on Hakuri's ass cheeks, spreading them more, and, slowly, he pushed forward.

"Ohhh... ah... Tygor... so... good..." Hakuri moaned, feeling the young tiger's long, thick member inside him. It had been a long time since he had ever been taken up the ass, and this wasn't a small one, either. He blushed at the thought of his friends watching... Rokka-chan too...

Tygor started a rhythm, pushing slow first, then pulling back until the tip of his cock was left in, then pushing forward again and hilting the ice prince. That tightness, the hotness around his needy member; it felt so good! He remembered when he did it with Tewhi, when he was embarrassed being naked together with his friend, then Tewhi saying "Hehe its okay, we're both guys, you don't need to feel so embarrassed. Now let's start..." then feeling his friend's butt around his cock... it felt similar, so hot, but not the same; Hakuri was more tight than hot; maybe each boy had a different feeling inside their asses. And there were still other boys in the room; maybe he would do them as well, each giving a different pleasure. Thinking about them, Tygor gave a look to their direction. They were pawing off to the sight.

It wasn't every day Hakuri was taken like that; his moans of taking a member inside him hadn't been heard in quite some time. Even Rokka was pawing off to such a sight, although Tygor saw a little jealously inside his eyes. He probably had feelings for the ice prince that he was, now, taking as his. After realizing this, after he saw the other princes, all cute with their own hard cocks masturbating for him and what he was doing to their friend... something woke up inside him.

"Huhuhu... ah... see that Hakuri...? Your friends... ah... are excited... to see you... like... THIS" said a perverted Tygor, trusting quite hard after that observation, making Hakuri give a big moan "They like... seeing the ice prince... ahh... being taken... like a female in ... heat... ahh... all they can do... is paw off... ahhh... to us... maybe wishing... that they were in my... or your place... ah... so good!" Tygor growled lustfully, while increasing his trusts in that royal ass.

"Look Rokka... I'm doing... the prince... that you... like... ah... in front of you... real... HARD (he gave Hakuri a bigger hard trust making him squeal)... do you... hate... this...? Or... it arouses... you... uh... to see... your beloved... being taken ... so rough... by another... male..?" he grinned, realizing that with his hard trust his balls slammed against Hakuri's, remembering him that he was fucking not only a prince, but a male that was bigger than he, which was hot in itself...

"Heh... he's bigger then... everyone here but... ugh... he's the one... taking it... so well... don't you think... it's hot... seeing his big... tool... down here... swinging around... after... each push... of mine... ah...?" stated Tygor, talking in a completely shameless and pervert way, enjoy what his cock was feeling, fucking that tight prince

"Whoa... I know some guys that like talking dirty in sex, but that one... his talk is nothing bad at all..." A surprised (and more aroused) Ryuno exclaimed, looking to his fellow princes, he saw they also felt the same way (especially probably Rokka-chan, who was now pawing off more furiously of the three); he just had a idea: he whispered something to the others, making them all get onto the bed; they obeyed, and, standing up on the bed, went to Hakuri, just stopping when their own hard-ons were inches of the ice prince's face...

"Hey Hakuri-kun, since we played with your cock before, how about you play with us three now hmm?" asked a malicious Ryuno to the only prince who was being taken.

"Ry... Ryuno... taking... ah... advantage of... the situation... ah...!" said Hakuri, while looking at his three friends, dangerously hard by his face, while still feeling Tygor inside him (such a naught tiger...).

"Ahhhh c'mon... can't you... no... don't you want to help us in here? Hmmm??" asked Ryuno, putting up each off his arms in the shoulders of Adonis (to his left) and Rokka (to his right). Hakuri looked the three of them, all hard, their pre-slickened cocks pointing to him, with Rokka-chan among them... he liked that and couldn't really say no, so carefully, not to lose his balance, he used his left hand to squeeze Adonis, while his right squeezed Ryuno and to Rokka-chan, he gave a quick lick to the tip, starting work on all three of them. He then played with Rokka's balls, sucked the tip of Ryuno and masturbated a little of Adonis... he moved to give each firm shaft a lick, from the balls to the tips (but to Rokka he gave another, from the tip upside-down).

"Yah...! Good to see you haven't lost...your touch... right guys...?" asked a please and moaning Ryuno to his friends, all under the same treatment as he was. Hakuri may not take in the ass that much but he liked to suck his friend's dicks, and he was a great cocksucker (but then again, they all were...)

"Yeah... ah..." moaned Adonis while Rokka said "That... guy... how he can... focus on us... while doing that..." forgetting that he also could do a good job while under the same pressure that the ice prince was.

Tygor was more aroused then ever seeing what was in front of him. One prince licking and sucking the other princes: That vision, and the feeling around his member, the constant ball slamming; it was starting to be too much! He knew he wouldn't hold out resist much longer.

When Hakuri saw any precum, he readily licked, slowly at the tip of the owner (even more to Rokka, which was fair: when they were playing before, he made sure to defile only Rokka with his own precum, making the lion a little pissed and blushing. Oh how he loved to tease him). Then proceeded to a heavy focus: he started sucking one prince, putting his entire meat in his mouth, while pawing quite efficiently the other two. He started with Ryuno, then moved to Adonis, and, when he felt he was getting close, decided to finish it with his Rokka-chan, moving to sucking him, his head bobbing up and down on the fire prince's dick, looking at his eyes with a cute look. He also was pawing off his two friends more fiercely now, and all that with the cute tiger behind him giving him all he had, making him moan with Rokka's member in his mouth.

Then, "AH..I-I'M... CUMMING...!" exclaimed Adonis, his malehood showering Hakuri's hand as well as a good bit of the bed in his seed, which held a bit of electricity to it, making Hakuri shiver a little (Adonis dick also gave such electricity, but his cum seems to give more of it; after all, he was a member of the lightning beast tribe).

Looking at the cute Adonis cumming like that, that was it for Ryuno: "ME... TOO...!" he shouted while cumming all over Hakuri's other hand (and helping Adonis's cum foul the bed), Hakuri felt his other hand covered with the hot essence of Ryuno, but he know he wasn't the hottest.

The hottest one, the prince of the fire kingdom, after looking at his two friends cumming like, while still being sucked so skillfully by Hakuri, with him still looking into his eyes while doing that... "HA... HAKURI... ME... TOO... AHH!" he finally give in, blowing his load inside Hakuri's mouth, more than eager to receive the hottest cum he ever had (well maybe not counting Rokka-chan's father, but he would never tell him that). He savored the taste, letting a little of the thick fluid slip out of his mouth. Rokka's cock, still twitching with orgasmic pleasure, hit Hakuri in the face with a splash. Tygor, after seeing such a naughty scene before him, still buried deep in Hakuri, finally gave in. Screaming, he came inside Hakuri, he's seed filling him up... then he put it out, letting a single splash foul the prince's back (le loved doing that to Tewhi), resting in the floor, realized it was quite dirty with Hakuri's own semen; the ice prince probably came after he just did. All of them were now panting, a little dirty with the semen of the others (even more true to Hakuri of course), but all of them still rock hard and ready for more.

"Hehe... Adonis's and Ryuno's...?" Hakuri started to slowly lick his hands of his two friends' semen (Ryuno gave him a great grin just for that, while Adonis blushed). "There..." Hakuri said after finishing."Now, let's continue, shall we?" he asked. Everyone agreed, but Tygor; "Whaaat?! We're doing it again?" He didn't know he was supposed to have more rounds with the princes, it did felt great but he still had to look for his family.

"But of course!" Ryuno got up off the bed, going to Tygor "You really didn't thought it would end with just like that right? Or... you really don't wanna...?" Ryuno asked, seeming to be a little sad.

Tygor saw the same face in the others... well... maybe he could go look for his family later after all. The princes could punish him or do something worse for what he did, but instead, they invited him to feel good with them. So, he decided.

"Hmm... okay, I'm game," said the tiger, making the princes now satisfied.

"Great! Nooooow..." Ryuno said, "since you disappointed Adonis by not choosing him (that statement made Adonis surprised and a little ashamed) before, how about he do you now?" Ryuno seems to love giving such ideas in this kind of thing.

"A-Adonis... do me? You mean... take me in the ass?" the slightly apprehensive Tygor asked.

"Oh, you don't wanna? Never did it before? So you already fucked guys but never let anyone ever touch your cute tiger butt? How egoist eh....?" teased Ryuno, suspecting that wasn't the case.

"N-no, I... I already did it before (thinking of his white tiger friend make him blush a little) it just it surprised me... alright, alright, I accept." the tiger gave up. Well, he just did a prince, and one that didn't get it very often, so it was fair he also shared his own body with them. Besides, Adonis was cute.

"Good!" Ryuno told him. "So go to the bed! Adonis-kun it's your clue!"

"Y-yeah, sure." Adonis said. Then, Tygor went on top of the bed with Adonis. "Please try to stay on all four okay?" Adonis asked the tiger.

On all fours... man, how embarrassing! But fine, I guess I will even make a little drama. Tygor thought what he would do and had an idea. He started to get in position, then, raised his tail, exposing himself completely to Adonis (and to the other princes who were enjoying the view) and, with an innocent look, said, "Please Master, make this good-for-nothing tiger fell good! I will do anything for you, so please, be gentle," said Tygor, taking Adonis off-guard, but made him really aroused (you could even see he forcefully expel the air from his nose!).

"Just... just leave it to me," Adonis, now completely hard said to him. Adonis went behind the tiger, and spreading his firm ass, revealed the tiger's ring, all to himself. He didn't waste time in using one of his hands to guide his shaft to it, and then, with a quick trust, he was already inside. "ARGH!!AH... ah... no... foreplay... ah...?" the submissive Tygor asked, getting the feeling of a cock in his ass after such a long time.

"Hehe... You said you did it before... ah... so good... tighter than I expected... ah..." Adonis explained, pleased that he was in the active role, and which such a cute tiger like that all to himself.

The princes started to touch themselves a little at the view just before then. Adonis doing a strong, cute tiger like that; by the way he was moaning, it was obvious that it had been some time since he had gotten anything in his pucker. They were expecting for the tiger to be surprised any minute by now.

"Eh...! Th-that... ahhh... electricity..? Ah... but... how...?" Tygor wasn't feeling only a cock in his ass, spreading his insides so good like the nights with his friend. He was also feeling like it was a vibrator inside him, electricity coursing through it as it moved in and out of his tailhole. He knew the feeling of such devices, since Tewhi used some on him a few times, but to feel a living, hot dick acting like a vibrator; the feeling was indescribable.

"Huhuhu... it's because I'm one of the lightning beast tribe, remember? We can produce some electricity, especially in sex. Like being fucked with a living vibrator; feels really good, right? Well... ah..! I know that... I feel good... you're so tight and warm in there... ah... you should share that piece of yours a little...ah... more," Adonis told him, showing that apparently, he also had a somehow naughty side during such plays.

After laughing a little at the surprise of the tiger, the other princes decided it was time for them to join in as well. They wouldn't let Adonis get all the fun with their unexpected guest. The question was what they should do? Hakuri started, wanting revenge. He crawled to the front of Tygor, who only realized him when Hakuri had already raised his huge cock in front of his face. "Hey Tygor-san! You had me moaning quite shamefully there! How about returning the favor?" Hakuri had a perverted, but totally happy face showing up to the tiger.

Tygor blushed, but it was more than fair enough, so, slowly, he gave the long shaft a tentative lick. He liked how it tasted, quite cold, but good. So, using one of his hands to fondle Hakuri's balls he started to kiss the tip of his big cock, then proceeded to lick it, from the tip upside-down, like a lollipop. He was trying to do it like how he did to Tewhi, and for the moaning he was hearing, he was doing a good job.

"Good... hmm... so you are... a-also good... at this... you... pervert..." Hakuri said to praise and to tease the tiger. Tygor felt embarrassed to be called a pervert like that, but he couldn't really think much of it, not with Adonis still fucking him with that vibrator that was his dick, and now still having to pleasure that naughty ice prince. He realized he was getting double-teamed; it was so strange, but really good.

The cute tiger had to focus on the big dong to prevent from shamefully moaning from Adonis's intrusion, who was now fucking him quite hard, moaning loudly, letting everyone around know that it was he, Adonis, who was fucking the strong kung-fu warrior; he was the one making him so amenably good.

"So Rokka-chan, what are you going to do?" Ryuno asked, curious by what part of their little fest Rokka would do.

"I'm still training to be a cool guy, so I'm going to suck him off. You said that will help with the training, right?" asked Rokka, starting to wonder.

"Of course! Just give your best and you will be a cool guy in no time!" Ryuno answered, hiding his laughter at what Rokka had said. Hakuri wasn't the only one who liked to tease him.

"Ok, here I go!" he quickly went bellow Tygor's pulsing hard-on. Rokka stopped a second to admire it; it was larger than his own, but nowhere as big as Hakuri's. He started to lick it, focusing now on the balls.

Ryuno liked what he was watching and moved to Rokka-chan. "Hehe Rokka-chan, I'm going to suck you too!" and went between Rokka's legs to his object of interest. Rokka's small shaft was the one he believed was the cutest (maybe on par with Adonis's); he loved to play with it.

So, slowly at first, he started to paw him a little, while pawing himself with the other hand, not only to Rokka's dick, but to the show before him. He saw that Tygor now had a big look of pure lust, but he didn't blame him. He was getting triple treatment from three experienced princes... Adonis was still fucking him quite hard, with his vibrator-cock, Tygor's mouth was busy, now trying to put Hakuri's entire member inside his mouth, and now, Rokka was also licking and kissing the tiger's dick. Ryuno could see that Rokka liked the taste.

Tygor was still pleasuring Hakuri's cock, bobbing up and down along the thick shaft. He wasn't nearly able to get it all, but least he was getting some part of it. He also was using his hand to massage both of Hakuri's balls, which only made Hakuri moan of pleasure even more.

Ryuno realized Hakuri started to trust his hips forward, face-fucking the cute tiger's face. It was hard, but Hakuri was successful in jamming everything at once, since the tiger wouldn't handle it (he was using both of his hands to hold Tygor's head still, both to better control then face-fucking and to make the tiger more submissive). Hakuri was just happy that the "insolent" tiger that choose to fuck him was now sucking him off so well, as to atone for what he did to him.

Ryuno decided to give the same pleasure to Rokka: he moved his head down, next to Rokka's own shaft, and, with a happy, malicious grin, started licking all over it. Rokka felt the difference in the way he was being pleasured, moaning around the tiger's cock. He was already starting to lose it, the smell and the strong taste of the tiger's precum was intoxicating. He just couldn't wait to try to suck it all.

So, he momentarily stopped licking the tiger, then, painfully slowly, started to deep throat him, grabbing the tiger by the balls; he bobbed up and down, always stopping a little at the tip, to savor the taste of precum and to make Tygor feel even better, like Ryuno had taught him. He keep going, knowing the poor guy wouldn't last long, not while being so hard, fucked deep by Adonis's unique dick and sucking at Hakuri's big one, and now, with the fire prince working on his charm.

Ryuno already moved to the next stage: he was deep throating Rokka (which wasn't hard at all... now that he would tell Rokka that now) quite skillfully and with great technique; after all, he was the most experienced of the princes. He didn't need to listen to Rokka's muffled moans to know he was doing a great job down there. He was enjoying tasting the quite hot small penis in his mouth. He closed his eyes to help him focus, only concentrating in his mouth movements around that cute dick, licking it at the tip at same time in his mouth.

This went on for a while, all feeling great pleasure from each other. Then it began. The first to cum was Rokka, since he couldn't last long with Ryuno's great ability: he was still doing his job, so he couldn't scream, but Ryuno could hear the suffocated big moan and get ready: soon, his mouth was full with Rokka's scalding-hot seed. Ryuno enjoyed the taste, swallowing at all, not letting any goes to waste. Ryuno was quite hard, especially with what he just did to Rokka, but didn't cum; he was only focused on Rokka for now, but it was okay, he knew he would see a great release soon enough.

After seeing cute Rokka cumming inside Ryuno like that, filling his mouth with the seed he knew so well, and with the cute tiger sucking on him so well, it was Hakuri's turn. He gave a big moan of pure lust, and, while still face-fucking the tiger, came inside his mouth. Tygor was taken by surprise (since he was feeling the pleasurable Adonis's inside, and Rokka's sucking him) and end up tasting the ice cum of Hakuri (which, while different, was enjoyable and he swallowed it without even thinking about it) but he let Hakuri's dick out, which maybe was a mistake for him; he received the blasts of ice cum with full force directly in his face, coating it entirely in cum.

After finishing, Hakuri was still hard and even more turned-on by looking at the cute tiger, who was looking at the ice prince with lusty eyes and his face full of his own cum, like he was marking the kung-fu warrior as his.

Tygor couldn't take it anymore. Tasting that ice-bitter cum, being sucked and fucked by two cute guys like that, and now with his proud warrior face covered by another male's cum, he could barely say "... I... I'm...!" before cumming as well, inside the fire kingdom's prince. Rokka heard it and was prepared; he received the tiger's cum with anticipation. It tasted strong, quite sweet, he liked it... he managed to swallow it all, enjoying it deeply, but couldn't hide his blushing to know he just swallow the cum of someone he just met today.

Adonis was still fucking Tygor as hard as he could, but, when Tygor came, Adonis's cock felt the tiger's ass tighten around it even more, and he couldn't handle it. With a final hard trust, he came inside the tiger, filling him up, giving the tiger a sensation he hadn't felt in a long time, especially with the small electricity in the cum; it was like a vibrator had just violated him and came inside him. After finishing, Adonis took out his cock from inside the tiger, making a big slopping sound, and rest there in the bed, panting heavily, like everyone else.

All of them were accustomed with this heavy sex, but not Tygor; he was quite spent, but totally horny, wanting more, and, looking at the other princes' still-hard shafts, he knew he would get it. He still wanted to get out looking for his master and the others, but after experiencing so much he wanted more, he wanted to just receive as much as possible while he was there, since he didn't know he would get another chance at this. While he was waiting for what would happen, he started cleaning his face of Hakuri's cum, tasting as he got it on his hand. With the corner of his eyes, he saw that Hakuri was grinning heavily at him. Tygor just blushed and ignored it, just wanting to get his face clean... for now, anyway.

"Ah... now, that felt good! Now let's see, for round three..." Hakuri was already thinking what to do next, especially because it was Ryuno who gave in the last suggestion for the play "Well, Tygor-kun is quite a great cocksucker (while he wasn't teasing, just praising the tiger, it made Tygor blush little too much), I think he deserves a reward right? So, Tygor, who shall you do next?" He grinned, after revealing his plan. He didn't want to be the only prince taken by that tiger.

"So c'mon, guys! On all fours! He shall choose now." Hakuri said, looking to happy about it, just waiting at the side of the bed, arms crossed, wanting to see who the tiger would choose.

"Hehe okay Hakuri-kun. Here Tygor-kun! That's what I can offer to you..." said a naughty Ryuno; moving then to the bed, next to Tygor, and entering in position; Tygor saw the tight pucker just bellow Ryuno's tail and even beyond, his cute balls, his cock just hanging around. He was getting aroused just by the view...

"O-ok! So... here," the blushing Adonis said as he went to stand by Ryuno's side, and, like him, showing up what he could offer as well: Adonis own tight pucker; Tygor wondered if inside it he would feel some electricity as he felt when he was fucked. He could still feel Adonis's seed dripping from his own ass. Maybe it was time for payback?.

"Geez Hakuri! But I'm not surprised, you always give such ideas. Let's just get this over with then!" the fire prince Rokka shouted (but even in saying such things he seems to always get with it). He stayed in position to the other site of Ryuno, showing all of himself to Tygor; Tygor had to admit, for some reason Rokka's seems to be the most inviting of them all. Maybe because he wanted to see how the hot-tempered prince would moan with a cock fucking him real good, maybe because his tiny cock gave him a unique charm. He didn't know... what he realized is that none of them had cum dripping from them, meaning that he and Hakuri were the only ones so far who had to take it. He looked to Hakuri and he grinned: Hakuri was counting on him to change that...

Each one was so inviting... he wanted to have them all, but he know he couldn't; so, he decided to choose which he believed it would be the more interesting: the hot ass of the hot-headed prince. He, all hard just by looking at his possible choices, walked to behind Rokka, who shivered a little realizing he was chosen.

"Hahahaha, I knew it!" said Hakuri, quite happy he would finally see his Rokka-chan getting it.

"SH-SHUT UP!! This is your fault... a guy I just met today... but fine! A cool guy wouldn't complain with something like this. Look Tygor! Just... just make me feel good, okay?" asked him the fire prince, blushing with his request, making Tygor even more excited.

"You can leave to me my prince..." Tygor answered, grabbing Rokka's hips with one hand and guiding his dick with the other to claim what shall be his. He was already anticipating how hot would be inside him... and, with a slow trust, he was inside.

"H-hey! I-inside... it's... big... ah... er than... it seems... ah..." said a blushing Rokka, getting it for the first time on that day. Tygor couldn't believe, it was tight yes, but what he wasn't expecting was how hot it was inside! It almost felt like his dick would melt right there just for him going in and out of that ass, like some kind of punishment for him, for the crime of fucking the fire prince. It was so good; he needed all his focus training just to refrain from cumming right there.

He needed to keep a long rhythm as long as he could, not only to please himself, but that cute prince. He decided to try something for that end; with one hand, he went down, and grabbed Rokka's shaft, starting to paw him. Rokka gave an unexpected moan because of that... to be fucked by such a tiger, in front of everyone, and being pawed by him! Rokka couldn't deny that it was, indeed, quite a "hot" situation for him.

Hakuri, after seeing the choice was indeed made, went to Rokka's front; "Ok-Rokka-chan! I'm not really rock-hard just by looking at you like this! C'mon, suck on me okay?" the ice prince told him, totally mischievous, getting his huge cock to Rokka's face. He knew Rokka wouldn't say no, and sure enough, without saying a word, just blushing more as an answer, Rokka gave Hakuri's cock a big licking, focusing on his balls.

Rokka liked the cold feeling Hakuri gave with his body, especially his shaft and cum (although he would prefer to die then to tell Hakuri that!) which he knew he would get sooner or later. He saw that Hakuri was moaning, and already with precum at the tip. (Let's start with that Rokka thought) and proceeded to give a good licking in the tip, making Hakuri gave a big shameful moan, even making him raising his head... he then put one of his hands on top of Rokka's head, as to guide him in his licking.

Adonis, looking at Rokka being double-teamed so roughly, wanted to join in. He already had an idea of what he wanted to do. He went behind Hakuri, and, embarrassed, asked him, "Hakuri-kun... uh... could... I...?" then stood still waiting for an answer.

Hakuri was surprised, but, while moaning, just said "Heh... I guess you have... a liking... for fucking a time like this eh... probably... its Jerik-kun's fault... (Adonis continue to stand still, but more embarrassed as Hakuri just mentioned the sexual activities of him and Adonis's boyfriend) but... fine... show me... what you got... Ah! Rokka-chan..." he said while spreading his two tails, moaning heavily with Rokka's treatment (he was now sucking at the tip while massaging both of his balls).

Adonis smiled, positioning himself, grabbed at Hakuri's hips, and penetrated him. Hakuri gave an even louder moan, being sucked by Rokka and now being fucked the second time that. Adonis felt Tygor's seed inside him, making him easily keep a steady rhythm; funny, the insides of the ice prince, while not cold, were quite hot... maybe that was because of the times Rokka-kun fucked him? But now it wasn't time to think that. He liked it all! He just fucked Tygor's strong tight ass and now was doing Hakuri's which gave Adonis's electric cock a different, but not less feeling. He knew that Tygor's cum inside Hakuri would help conduct his electricity all over Hakuri's ass, raising his pleasure; it would appear to Hakuri that Adonis's cock would feel bigger because of that. Smiling, he continued to give the ice prince the fucking he deserves, while enjoying the view his fellow males in front of him provided.

Tygor was feeling so good fucking that extremely hot and tight ass, he didn't noticed Ryuno moved behind him. Ryuno didn't wasted time: he stroked the tiger's firm ass cheeks, and spreading them, took aim and... "Tygor-kun I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to do this since I saw you earlier. Don't worry, since you took Adonis's, mine is almost the same!" he quickly explained what he was obviously going to do.

"Ah... wait... ah..." Tygor tried to protest, not knowing if he wanted to be fucked while he was fucking but...

"Sorry, I can't wait. Not with these guys doing that right here" said Ryuno, with an awfully perverted face (but still somehow cute) and with a quick trust, he started fucking him, making the young kung-fu student moan for the intruder. Ryuno felt Hakuri's cold seed still there. It felt good, that contrast between the coldness of that seed and the hotness of the hole he was claiming right now.

Tygor was amazed and felt really good right now. To fuck a cute prince while being fucked by another cute prince, the sensation was new to him. To think the hole he was now fucking belonged to a male as masculine as himself (as proved by the hard hot cock in his hands, dirtying them with its precum) and the male behind him (Ryuno should be really horny, since he didn't waste time and was already fucking the helpless tiger as hard as he could).

Everything was so arousing. Every single time he came back preparing for trust again he would get more of Ryuno's inside him, making both moan, totally delivered to the pleasure. He saw it in the others as well. Adonis was fucking Hakuri quite hard, probably filling him with that marvelous electric cum (which now Tygor himself was familiarized) and Tygor knew quite well how Hakuri was feeling right now; he too was fucked by Adonis and had his cock sucked by Rokka. As a male, he knew what pleasure Hakuri was feeling right now. Somehow, that made him happy, that he could understand and, of course, get horny just by the sight. This round three was already starting to take a while; Tygor had no idea who would get it first.

However, as Tygor would soon see, that would be Adonis. Maybe it was Hakuri's natural tightness, maybe the seed he was feeling from the tiger he just fucked before; maybe it was because he had just fucked a tight ass and moved to fuck another delicious one. Whatever the reason, it was his time. He moaned loudly, gave a quick but powerful trust into Hakuri's pucker, and came inside him, making the not-so-used-to-taking Hakuri having two different seeds inside him. After cumming all he wanted inside, Adonis just panted and pulled out with a strange slopping sound and sat on the bed, looking at Hakuri's dripping hole and the soon-to-cum boys in front of him.

After feeling Adonis cumming inside him, making Hakuri think Ah... two cute boys... came inside me... today... how... dirty... he was over the edge. It didn't help that Rokka-chan was sucking him so hard now (Rokka knew he would never fit it inside his mouth so in Hakuri's case he preferred to just focus sucking heavily on the tip, with occasional lips circulating it, while pawing the rest, playing a little with his balls. Hakuri always thought that was cute).

The ice prince knew it was coming and pulled out of Rokka's mouth, busting his cum all over the fire prince's face.

Rokka was a little pissed. He hated when Hakuri did that; he didn't like someone just shooting cum in his face without previous warning. But, he knew Hakuri did it on purpose, just to tease him and make him mad, and of course, Hakuri loved seeing him covered in his cum. So, he just did his best to swallow the cold cum from his face with his tongue. And that when he was still being fucked and pawed by that tiger, while swallowing Hakuri's cum, he couldn't hold it any longer. He came as well, making the bed dirty with his hot cum, and also dirtying Tygor's hand with it. The tiger continued to paw him a little longer, making sure the fire prince was giving all the seed he was worth.

After cumming, Rokka's ass became even tighter, which brought on Tygor's turn. He came inside the very tight pucker of the hot (in more than one sense) fire prince, making sure to only pull out after he finished inside him. To cum inside someone else, that was really arousing. He couldn't blame his fellow males for doing the same. He wanted to pull it out so he could also cum on Rokka's back, but he couldn't since he was still being fucked by Ryuno. At least he felt that his hand was covered with Rokka's very hot seed. He would love to get it clean later.

Ryuno just saw all his friends cumming like crazy, and after Tygor came himself, it raised the tightness around Ryuno's member... "AH... Tygor-kun... I'm... Ah... CUMMING... AH" Ryuno could barely finish before cumming inside that cute tiger. It was almost a dream; that tiger's entire group was cute, but Ryuno had his eyes in that guy's ass and now here he was, cumming inside him while still thrusting into him like nothing else matters. Then, after he finished, he pulled out with a messy slopping noise, and, like everyone else, just sat there, panting heavily, waiting to recover.

He saw that Rokka was busy cleaning his face while looking furiously at Hakuri (who just grinned, sticking his tongue out and blinking) and Tygor was licking Rokka's hot cum off his hand, looking to happy about it.

No one spoke, but after a while they recovered, and Hakuri said, "hehe... now, it's time to thank our little guest! Let's show him how we appreciate he had interrupted us," Hakuri and Ryuno had quite a grin on their faces. Tygor wondered what they were going to do now, and he watched as Ryuno, Adonis and Rokka went to him. They motion for him to stand up, and the three of them starting working on his tigerhood.

Tygor should be in heaven. There he was, with three of the world's most important nations' princes working on his cock to make him feel good. It first, Rokka was putting his left nut in his mouth, playing gently with it, then dropping it out and giving it hot licks. Ryuno was kissing his right prize all over, while using one of his hands to massage behind the tiger's balls. Adonis was licking his shaft upside down, stopping a little to give cute, lengthy kisses on the tip, even sucking it all a little (showing that he also was a skilled cocksucker, like apparently, any prince should be).

Then they would move positions... Adonis played with the tiger's balls using his hands and Ryuno and Rokka kissed his dick all over, one at each side, like they were trying to kiss each other (and, occasionally, both kissed over the tip of that lucky tiger's cock) and so on. Tygor was in completely ecstasy when he felt someone coming behind him.

"So..." Hakuri started "You just come and choose to fuck MY Rokka-chan in the ass like that, in front of me. That won't do you know... you need to be..." he said with a really big devious grin, while raising the tail of the tiger and grabbing his firm ass with his hands "PU-NI-SHED~~!" and, with his big tool, giving a good fast trust, taught the tiger how it felt having a larger-than-usual dong down there.It was the tiger first time taking a bigger that average member inside him...

"AH!!! Oh... oh God... ah..." Tygor surely felt that he knew what Hakuri was up too. No wonder the ice prince was surprised at first, Tygor understood now; the guys who usually choose Rokka afterwards had to deal with the excited ice prince and they were probably exhausted to react in any other way than to accept his big dick in any hole they had avaible. It was an evil, nautghy plan, but had a somewhat arousing vibe to it.

Hakuri's big dick wass now jamming him with full force, and the three princes in front of him were now kissing and licking the tip of his cock. They were also looking up, and he saw their looks: the embarrassed look of Adonis, the defiant yet gentle look of Rokka, and of course, the perverted, naughty look of Ryuno (like he was saying something like "You like that, dontcha? "). Hakuri continued to pound him hard, wanting the tiger who dared to fuck his Rokka-chan to take his entire cock.

Tygor, of course, wouldn't last very long. But the one who came first was Hakuri, since he was hammering the tiger really hard, feeling Adonis's and Rokka-chan hot seed in there, and looking at his friends sucking and licking all over the tiger's dick. He gave out a simple "CUMMING...!" and made sure that now that tiger would carry three royal seeds inside him. After thrusting a little more, to be sure he was spent, he pull out, seeing the seeds dripping out from the tiger's pucker, down his legs, and onto the bed. He would now see the tiger give quite a big blow...

Tygor could feel it... the cum accumulated inside him was dripping down his legs, the seeds of three cute naughty princes, and three princes were still there pleasuring him. It was too much; "AH... SO GOOD... AH... GUYS... I... I..!" he tried to say when he finally came all over the three princes pleasuring his cock.

All three received a blast of his strong musk coming from his tiger cum; he was defiling all the three faces, and they were just there, waiting for him to finish, with their mouths open and tongues out, trying to catch as much of the seed in the air as it was possible. After he was finished, Tygor just sat down, looking at the cum-covered princes, and how the three were now licking and kissing themselves to get themselves clean.

The tiger was there, just lying in the bed, totally spent, legs spread showing the proof he was male, completely naked. He couldn't believe the experience he just had, and, while he didn't know yet, wasn't over yet.

He saw that now all the princes were stand up beside him. They all had somewhat malicious grins. "So, the little cute tiger enjoyed himself? Good, but you are quite dirty now, eh?" Hakuri stated. "So... you need a good bath! Don't worry though, we're going to give it to you!" saying that, all the princes started to masturbate, furiously, wanting to cum as soon as possible. Their target: the exhausted cute tiger lying in the bed.

"Wh-what...?" Tygor managed to ask, but he saw what they intend to do. He was completely exhausted after the princes' great job (maybe that's what it was for?), he couldn't get away even if he wanted to. He wondered how the princes had such great stamina for the sex (he was a martial artist, but them? Maybe they were using magic or something) but that didn't matter now. He was going to get covered in cum from four different boys he just had sex with, and he knew he would like it, as shameful as it was.

It was then that occurred to him. Maybe he was wrong; maybe the sex wasn't only used by these princes to relieve from the daily stress. Maybe it was used as a way to have fun with each other, to make new friends; a way to remember that, as much they were princes, they still were young males that liked to have sex with each other like almost any other normal boy in the world. It was a way to help them make new bonds and strengthen old ones, which means like anyone else, they also could feel the pain of loneliness. He was like that as well of course; he wanted to also be friends with these totally cute and at the same time horny princes.

Thinking that, he smiled; he then, slowly said "I... want to be... your guys'... friend... please... mark me... as one of you..." he said sweetly, looking to everyone, realizing that they were now smiling as he said that.

He would soon get covered by their seeds and he couldn't wait... "he... he... leave... it to... us... HERE!" shouted the first, Ryuno, splashing his his seed all over the tiger legs and his own member.

"Ha... take... THIS...!" exclaimed Rokka, aiming his hot tool to make sure he would cover all the cute tiger's chest with his own hot seed.

"Ah... TH-THERE!" it was Adonis's turn now; he end up shooting all over the tiger's body, since he couldn't decide where to focus his cum.

"He... he... Don't worry... you... already... are... our... FRIEND... AH..!" shouted the last, the ice prince, making sure to cover the face of their new friend (apparently cumming over the face isn't a privilege exclusive of Rokka).

There Tygor lay, all covered and marked by the four present princes in the room. "I... I'm... covered in cum..." he then used one of his hands to pick up a little cum off each part of his body and licked the substance from his hand. "Delicious!" he said happily and blushed for showing such a "slutty" side of him, a side of him that only his new friends would know, as he also saw the princes naughty's sides. Everyone was happy.

After a while they went to take a bath (a real bath this time) in the next room. They were already cleaned, just stayed a little more to chat. Rokka was playing, throwing water at Ryuno (who retaliated) and Adonis (who tried to avoid getting hit despising being in the bath like them).

"So you are worried because they seem to be hiding something from you right?" Hakuri asked as a response to Tygor, who had just explained his scenario with his family's secrecy.

"Well" the ice prince continued after seeing Tygor nod his head "if they are your family, you should just go and talk to them directly. Family and friends... they are people that care for us, so, if they are people like that, they could be trying to protect you from something, you know. Or, if it is something bad, they may be waiting until you are ready. You should try to thrust family and friends more." Hakuri's little speech was quite surprising, but Tygor knew he was right.

"Hakuri-san, you're right, thanks for cheering me up! I'm going to ask them head-on when I go back to them," the tiger was motivated after hearing that from Hakuri.

"Good! And remember," Hakuri started saying, grabbing the tiger's cock underwater, " we're your friends too," and kissed the now blushing tiger on the cheek.

"AH...!" Rokka shouted. "I'm going home NOW!!!" The fire prince jumped out of the bath and left the room with furious steps.

"ROKKA-CHAN! WAIT! IT WAS JUST A KISS... WAIT! OH, COME ON! ROKKA-CHAN!" Hakuri quickly jumped out of the bath as well to try to pursue his beloved.

"Eh... was that my fault..?" the guilt-feeling tiger asked to the remaining princes.

"Hehe don't worry, they're always like that... by the way Tygor-kun, you should be going now, I think you group was already supposed to have left this place. Don't worry, I'm going to send someone to deliver to you the "codes" ("codes?" Tygor asked himself. But he couldn't worry about that now) you need to play with us again when you are around our castles or the places we should be staying" the always cheerful Ryuno told him.

"That's right; you should try finding them now." Adonis said. "The guards left the castle to help clean the things from you guys' exhibition, but they should be here by now, so they can guide you... uh... so... good bye for now..." Adonis said with a big smile while blushing a little.

"Ok, thanks guys!" the tiger said, getting out to put on his pants and going out of the room to find his master's group once again.

"A really cute guy." Ryuno said. "Well Adonis, want to play underwater swordswar~~?" asked a already feeling naughty prince. Adonis just nodded after thinking a little. "Great!" Ryuno exclaimed. "You remember, right? We paw each other under the water, the one who cums first loses and has to do whatever the winner says."

"Y-Yeah! But I won't lose this time! You made me ride you in the water; it was really embarrassing when my dad entered the bath after hearing these noises!" Adonis said, determined not to lose this time.

While walking the hall, Tygor saw Pad, a panda boy who joined the group about a year ago. "Pad! Here!" Tygor shouted, making Pad listen and run all the way to him."Uff, uff... geez Tygor! Where the hell were you?! Nobody knew where you were and now everyone is looking for you!" shout the panda boy, quite angry at his friend."And...?... eh... Tygor... you just had sex..?! And... with more than two boys?" asked a very surprised panda to a even more surprised Tygor.

"EHHHHH, HOW DO YOU KNOW?! I MEAN, YES, NO, I MEAN, I-I-I..." Tygor was so confused and embarrassed; how could his friend knew what he was doing all that time just by looking at him?!

"Ah, I see... so you already had sex experience... that's a relief you know... " the panda sighed.

"Eh...? What are you talking about...?" Tygor really need to ask to understand what was going on.

"Well... as you remember, I joined about one year ago. The master said I had a talent to see the "chi" of people that even he didn't, so after I trained, I know much about someone just by looking at him, even if he had sex recently, and with more than two people. Then I... had sex with some of the guys in our family, it was great! They told the master, and he explained that it was perfectly normal for us, as friends, to have sex as a mean to make everyone feel good. The master didn't believe it was right for him to get our virginity, but he also wanted, as our friend, and as a male, to feel that bond with us. So, he asked me to do a favor to him; after I saw that someone of our group had sex, which would mean that that person wasn't virgin anymore, I would tell the master so that student could join his more private classes, which are actually hot orgies, where the Master also joins in, teaching a lot of sex stuff so we may feel even better! But, of everyone, you're the only one who I saw didn't get sex all this time, so it was hard being around you... people would talk about the sex class just night for example and had to be quiet when you were around since we couldn't risk you knowing about it. We asked the master if we couldn't ourselves just... uh, you know... but he said you need to discover it by yourself or something like that. Well, that's over now, right? Now you can enjoy everything like us!" a happy Pad explained to Tygor, even starting to talk a little dirty...

"Hehehe you will love it, the master has more than two hundred years, but, as you know, he still has the appearance of when he was a young boy. He said is to bring us and him more pleasure. You won't believe how tight he was! And in the classes we had cock sucking contests, where the winner may say what he want to do, and with who! But enough with that! I'm going on ahead, telling everyone you're not a virgin anymore! Everyone will want a piece of you, so be prepared you know!" the quite naughty panda said, running to get to the other guys.

"W-WHAT?! STOP! PAD-KUN! THAT'S TOO EMBARASSING!! I DIDN'T LOSE MY VIRGINTY TO- WAIT!" Tygor, now really embarrassed, thought what would happen to him after getting to his friends if he didn't stop the silly panda. So he started running after him. But as much as he wanted to stop him, as much as he wanted to get to him before he told such embarrassing things of himself to his friends...

He was smiling.