Toshiro's interest: Because I want you

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#1 of Toshiro's Interest

This wasn't the most comfortable position he'd ever been in. There he stood, in a dress with a horny bunny moving slowly towards him. The small arctic wolf had only gone in Naeye's room to help tidy up. But today, Naeye had left her clothes out. Female clothes had always fascinated Toshiro. Something about them had always drawn him to them, like some kind of irresistible force. And today of all days, this force decided to grow in intensity. As he picked up one of the Naeye's dresses to put it away, he began to stare at it. And this staring grew to the thought that no-one would know if he tried it on, which then turned to him looking at himself in the mirror while wearing this dress, with a white bow to match.

It wasn't his fault he'd taken too long staring in the mirror, and it wasn't his fault that Karasuko had decided to walk into Naeye's room. But these events together led him to this situation, backed against a wall with Karasuko walking towards him, not bothering to hide his erection.

"Shiro-chan, you look... Cute in Nae's dress", the rabbit said seductively, making his affection completely obvious.

Toshiro froze at the sound of him being addressed in such a feminine way. It felt right, but at the same time deeply worrying.

"Uhh... Why is your..." is all he managed to say in the situation he found himself in

"Because, Shiro-chan..." the black-haired male whispered in his ear "I want you"

"But... Isn't it bad for boys to do things like that together"

"Well, you're wearing a dress, so that must make you a girl" he said to the younger male whilst pulling down his jeans to reveal a large erection.

"But... How am I meant to...?"

"You'll see"

Karasuko lifted up the boy's dress and removed his underwear, licking his lips at the sight.

"W-What should I do?" The wolf questioned, as Karasuko ran his hand along his shaft, watching it as it got hard.

"Just relax... Unless you're hungry?"

"I-I guess I am a bit..."

Karasuko pushed his head down, leaving it so that his mouth was at the same height as his erection, placing it against his lips.

"Lick it," he ordered.

The boy hesitantly ran his tongue over his shaft, slowly beginning to speed up as he grew more comfortable.

"Now, put it in your mouth..."

Toshiro obeyed, taking the tip of it in his mouth and running his tongue along it. But it didn't stop there, as Karasuko began thrusting into his mouth, moaning softly with every stroke.

"Ahh, better stop now, I can't cum yet, we've got too much more to do!" the rabbit said grudgingly, pulling his member out of his mouth.

"What do you mean? What else can we do?"

"You'll see..." The cream-furred male hinted to him, while reaching behind him and placing a finger in his tailhole. "Oh, you must not have played with yourself much, you have such a tight pussy..."

"But that's not my... Ahh!"

"It must be, you're a girl..." he replied, inserting another finger, clearly enjoying the reaction from his new 'female'. When he felt he was ready for it, he began sliding his fingers in and out of him, enjoying the reaction he gained from it, hearing overly feminine moans.

"Do you want to feel something better than this?"

"Can there be anything better than this?" The 'girl' questioned between moans

"Turn around and I'll show you" he answered, removing his fingers and grinning as he turned around obediently, is tail raised in the air.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked, placing the tip of his erection at the edge of his tailhole.

His question was answered only by the wolf sliding back onto it and letting out a loud moan. He began thrusting, losing himself in the moment, no longer thinking about whether or not the younger creature underneath him was enjoying himself.

"Ahh, my new pussy feels great, I wish I could always be a girl!" the boy cried out, moving himself backwards towards each thrust, desperate to feel more. "Ahh, I feel funny down there..."

"Is it a good feeling?" the bunny asked, thrusting continuously faster as he rapidly approached orgasm.

"Yeah... What is it?" he moaned, shocked as the pleasure kept increasing, unaware that he's approaching a climax.

"You're about to cum, and so am I... Do you want your pussy to be even more full?"

"How can it get any... More... AHH!" he cried out, while spraying his seed over the dress and the floor in a powerful orgasm. This action caused his tailhole to tighten, forcing the larger male to his own climax, releasing his seed into the wolf's hole to the point that it begins to overflow.

"Karasuko... That felt so good, I wish I could be a girl all the time now" the younger male panted as the large shaft slid out of him.

"Then you can be" he smiled down at him.

"Karasuko..." He said, looking down. "Look what we've done to Nae's dress" He frowned.

"We can wash that... After a few more uses" The rabbit smiled, slowly getting hard again at the thought.