Retsuko and Naeye: Changes

Naeye crawled out of bed, grumbling at the fact that her new mate had woken her up making so much noise downstairs. She realised a strange feeling, but wasn't sure what it was. She looked down at herself and let out a groan. "Oh god... This can't be...

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Retsuko and Naeye: The Beginning

They were good friends. Or at least, that's what it was meant to be. However, no matter how much Naeye ignored it, there was something strange about Retsuko, something better than all the other girls. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't take her...

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Toshiro's interest: Because I want you

This wasn't the most comfortable position he'd ever been in. There he stood, in a dress with a horny bunny moving slowly towards him. The small arctic wolf had only gone in Naeye's room to help tidy up. But today, Naeye had left her clothes out. Female...

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