A Stallion Affair, Chapter Two: Outdoor Pursuits

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#2 of A Stallion Affair

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Outdoor Pursuits

Cool and quiet, the stable yard was perfect for going for a ride on that calm summer afternoon. The chestnut stallion fur, Jason, trotted energetically across the yard, hooves clattering noisily against the paved surface outside the block of stables; he was feeling exceptionally good that day. He did love the faint warmth of the sunshine upon his fur - it seemed to shine so rarely in this country and the pleasant, light rays were far better than any scorching heat wave, in his opinion.

He bounded over to one stable where a broodmare stood with her head drooping over the door; sadly, this mare had given birth to a stillborn foal a few weeks ago. Jason had taken it upon himself to give her special attention after the devastating event and the white-grey mare was growing quite plump with the number of treats he supplied her with. Due to her previous unsuccessful pregnancies, the boss had decided not to put her in foal again and train her for the conformation classes of the shows instead. This meant that Jason was the one to receive the rare honour of taking her out for regular exercise.

"Hey there, beautiful," he cooed softly, rubbing the horse's nose with the flat of his paw. "What do you say you and me go out for a ride, hm?"

"I thought you'd never ask," a teasing voice came from within the stable.

Jason jumped back, staring at the mare in shock for a brief moment before doubling over in laughter and thumping his fist against the stable door, startling the mare.

"Daren! You pest, you scared me!"

The black stallion poked his head comically over the black painted half-door and grinned with apparent pleasure at his small practical joke. For a second, with only his head protruding above the door, he almost looked like a non-anthro stallion, if not for the wicked grin spread across his muzzle.

Jason couldn't begrudge him the joke - he had to admit that he had practically set himself up for that one, talking to the horses as he always did. He smiled and shook his head good naturedly, instead leaning against the wall of the stable block as Daren let himself out and then came up close, nuzzling into his neck affectionately. Jason wouldn't have thought very much of this, maybe just pushed the playful joker of a stallion off him, but Daren pressed his lips to Jason's in an unexpectedly lustful and passionate kiss.

"Daren?" Jason whispered frantically, feeling his back pressed up against the cool stable wall. "What are you thinking? There's others on the yard! It's not just us here this time!"

"Shush," Daren breathed and slipped his paws underneath Jason's thin shirt, slowly pulling it up to expose his defined abdominal muscles to the cool air. "I want you. Now."

The shrill ring of the alarm clock was obnoxiously loud. Jason sat bolt upright in bed and half threw the sheets off his naked fur in his urgency to slam a fist down on the clock, knocking off the banshee shriek. Blearily, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and then eyed the clock, seeing with not an undue pang of annoyance that it was only six.

Daren must have set it, he grumbled inwardly, falling back on the bed and yanking the sheets snugly under his muzzle. He had no reason to get up so early...and he was having such a good dream...

He blushed hard, remembering the dream in vivid detail - it was as if he and Daren had been really standing in the stable yard, the scene had been so lucid. The black stallion and he had become extremely close over the last couple of weeks, staying in the boss' house next to the yard while she was away. After Jason had caught Daren stimulating himself with a dildo shaped like a stallion's member, things had become extremely heated between them and they had become casual mates in a reasonably short period of time. Jason sighed, his thoughts still upon the dream.

"Aww...hell..." He groaned, rolling over and hugging a pillow tightly to his muzzle. "That dream was too good to wake up from... Maybe I can slip back into... SHIT!"

In a split second, Jason had ripped the sheets off again and hurled them away, where they landed in a disorderly heap upon the carpet. But Jason didn't care - he was out the door, grabbing his jeans as he went and yanking them roughly up his legs while he was moving.

"Damn, damn, damn!" He cursed. "How could I forget?"

What he had forgotten was the fact that today was the day that the boss would be returning, so everything on the yard had to be absolutely perfect with everything looking immaculate. It was likely that Daren had roused himself from bed much earlier to start on the yard and feed the horses, but had not wished to wake Jason up when he left.

Glancing out the window as he rushed past, he saw with a stab of guilt that Daren was indeed already on the yard, fully dressed and carrying a precariously leaning tower of feed buckets to the stallions' stable block. It looked like he was on the last row, Jason thought guiltily, dashing out the door to join Daren as quickly as he could. Daren turned slowly, his ears swivelling and picking up Jason's hoof steps, but tried to carefully balance the unsteady buckets that he was grimly holding on to.

"Hello there, sleeping beauty," Daren called, flashing a bright smile to Jason, who gave a rather embarrassed one in return.

"Hey, mate," he greeted him, taking the top few buckets off Daren's shaking tower to relieve him of the greater load. "You should have woken me." The black stallion merely chuckled lightly, swishing his lengthy, dark tail to bat it playfully against Jason's side.

"Aw, but you looked so sweet lying there, how could I ever have woken you?" Daren teased while they dished out the feed buckets and Jason snorted derisively in return. He had become much more at ease with Daren's teasing of late and could give as good as he got when it came to the teasing. However, by the time he opened his mouth to shoot back a reply, Daren was speaking again.

"We have a lot to do today, but not so much that we won't manage it between us. I figured, if we got all the stables cleaned and the yard tidied by midday, we could take Alice and Kira out for a hack round the woods. What do you think?"

Jason considered for a minute, questioning whether or not they could finish the yard between them by then, so that they would only have to tidy the yard up for the night when they returned. Sure, it was quite possible that they would be able to fit in the ride along with their most pressing jobs. He nodded in approval of the idea but hesitated when a thought, which had been niggling at the back of his mind for a couple of days, pushed its way forward, demanding immediate attention.

"Daren, did you think about what we're going to do when the others come back? Are we going to tell them about us...or not?" He asked cautiously, deliberately looking to the side of Daren's muzzle and avoiding eye contact.

They had talked about this the day before, Jason knew that already, but they had not come to a decision about what they would say to the others about their so far casual relationship. Jason didn't want everything to be exposed to the world just yet. Even though it pained him to admit it, he was still unsure of how much he was willing for his friends and colleagues to know about his sexuality. He didn't even know if his boss would allow her employees to have more than a friendly relationship with each other! What if they lost their jobs? Daren rubbed the underside of his muzzle thoughtfully and took his time before replying.

"I don't want everyone to know everything just yet," Daren mused, dropping one last feed bucket over a palomino stallion's half-door. "I don't know how the others will react and although I never will care much for the opinions of others, I care about keeping my job here. I can't afford to lose it and the boss is the type to send us packing for this."

"Especially because we had sex in her house, right?" Jason teased gently, trying to lighten the atmosphere somewhat.

It had the effect he wanted, as Daren gave a half-embarrassed whinny of laughter, imagining what the boss would have to say if she knew what the stallions had been up to in her guest bedroom.

"She'd want to join in the fun," Daren sniggered, snaking an arm casually around Jason's waist and turning back to the house. "But I rather think that my mind's on my stomach right now."

"Breakfast," Jason uttered a one worded agreement, jogging forward in a sudden show of eagerness and energy, towing a chuckling Daren behind him.

As the two furs sat down for breakfast together, a small but satisfying few rounds of toast as they wished to leave the other breakfast foods for the boss when she returned that day, they discussed rather mundane topics, mainly about what jobs on the yard needed to be completed first. Soon, Jason was bored and his mind was wandering to other, more interesting topics. There was a lull in the conversation, during which Jason munched a burnt crust of toast thoughtfully and Daren dumped the plates in the sink, leaving them there to wash later on. A smirk spread across Jason's lips as he formed an idea and speculated if Daren would acquiesce to it.

"We should make this last day something...something to remember," Jason began with a sly suggestion, doing his utmost to keep his expression neutral. Daren, on the other hand, pricked up his ears in interest.

"You remember that you owe me something after last night," the stallion continued, reminding Daren of their activities in bed the previous evening, in the course of which Jason had given several intense orgasms to his partner. Daren chuckled and ran his fingers through his forelock repeatedly as he relived the memory.

"Alright, yes, I daresay I remember," he snickered, looking at Jason rather cockily, evidently believing he was going to be asked to perform some sexual act upon him. "What are you gonna have me do for it then?"

"Hmm... I think you can go without clothes today, to repay what you owe me," the chestnut stallion answered evilly, eyeing Daren's body from muzzle to hoof.

"What? No, come on, you can't make me do that! We've got work to do here today," Daren replied in shock, crossing one arm over his body as if to shield himself from Jason who was starting like he wanted to pounce on Daren and rip his clothes off for him. He shifted uneasily under Jason's steady gaze, a rippling shiver running through his body when Jason traced his tongue over his upper lip in a fairly predatory fashion.

"So? Who's going to see you but me? There will be nobody else here," Jason persisted. "What's stopping you?"

Daren lowered his ears to the sides, quite unsure about what Jason wanted him to do. But after all, he thought, he would not have to parade naked in front of any other fur and there would certainly be no other fur around the stable yard today - no customers were due to bring mares or collect any others. Hesitantly, he dragged his loose, grey t-shirt over his head, folding it carefully and placing it on one of the kitchen stools. Jason's tail swished happily back and for as Daren did as he asked and he couldn't resist hopping to his hooves and dropping kisses all over the older but shyer stallion's velvety muzzle.

"Good boy," Jason murmured, hugging Daren tightly against his bare chest. "This will be a session, like the ones in the bedroom, but changing the location. Same applies as always. Daren, will you choose to submit to me in this?"

It was a question that had grown to be very familiar to the two male furs over the course of the two weeks they had spent together. Despite his position as the dominant fur in the tentative relationship they had, Jason always remained respectful of Daren and his needs. He made a point to never take his submission for granted and openly treasured the time they would share together in the special state of Master and pet. But this would be the first time they would have taken the play outside of the bedroom - a new experience for Daren especially.

In Daren's mind, he had given his answer when he began to remove his clothes; he had come to trust Jason more and knew no harm would come to him if he did this. Hell, he might even get some fun out of it!

"Yes, Master," he whispered submissively, paws drifting lower to unbutton his jeans, sliding them quickly down his long legs and stepping out of them; they soon joined the meticulously folded shirt on the stool, as did his boxers. When Daren stood fully uncovered and panted softly from excitement, Jason smiled warmly to him, planting a soft, passionate kiss upon Daren's lips.

"Thank you," Jason murred softly, tracing his fingers delicately over the defined muscles of Daren's chest and arms. "Although I see that you don't mind all that much," he added as an afterthought, referring to the dark tip of Daren's stallion hood, which was extending beyond his sheath in his blatant arousal. Daren couldn't help but flush warmly, knowing that he was strangely turned on by the concept of going nude about his daily work.

"Let's get to it then," Jason grinned broadly and slapped Daren's rump playfully, eliciting a startled whinny from him.

The first step outside into the quiet morning atmosphere was a shock to Daren, like he had taken a ridiculously deep breath of icy, winter air and inhaled it far too quickly, delivering a stab of pain to his lungs. He resisted the urge to cover himself with his paws, though that would be quite difficult with the size of his growing erection. Taking short, sharp breaths, he inhaled the crisp air, willing his racing heart to slow its pace just a little. Despite only being nude outside for a few meagre seconds, Daren already knew that he loved it. From the faint warmth of the sun on his fur to the soft breeze, which seemed to circle and caress his hardening member with a feather-light touch, everything appeared heightened in this state.

Jason watched all of this from his position in the doorway behind Daren, studying him carefully. He didn't wish to force Daren to do something he was uncomfortable with, but he had guessed that Daren may enjoy something akin to open nudity by the way he had been strutting around the house lately, stark naked and flaunting his body openly until Jason had pounced on to him.

Daren snorted softly as Jason's strong arms slipped around his waist and Jason propped his head up on his shoulder, pressing his bare chest against Daren's back. The stallion huffed a little, trying to show some pretence of being indignant at being unclothed, even if he was aware that Jason could see right through his facade.

"Come on," Jason breathed, running his tongue along the edge of Daren's quivering ear and seeing his member twitch faintly at one of Daren's most coveted stimulations; he had always loved having his ears played with. "We have work to do."

Releasing the stallion, Jason flashed a crooked smile and sauntered off, picking up a pitchfork and a shovel from where he had left them the previous day, leaning half-forgotten against the stable block closest to the house. Daren shook his head slightly, balled his paws into tight fists at his sides and then followed, remembering the amount of work they needed to get started on.

To Daren's surprise, they didn't interact much as their busy morning began. He had predicted that Jason would follow him around or at least seize every opportunity to take advantage of his nakedness, but it seemed to him that the chestnut stallion was near uninterested. Of course, he didn't see the furtive, lusty glances Jason cast his way whenever his back was turned, especially when be bent his body over to pick up a dropped lead rope from the ground. Unknown to Daren, Jason just couldn't keep his eyes away from his muscled backside.

Once the sun had risen higher in the sky, it shed more warmth over Daren's black fur, something which was grateful for because it eased the nervous chill from his body. There were plenty of jobs on the stables to keep both the stallions occupied and apart though, so they didn't see much of each other until the air had warmed considerably. As the sunlight grew stronger, Daren became increasingly paranoid that someone other than Jason was around, causing him to glance nervously over his shoulder at the shadows, which remained coldly silent and never revealed any other to him.

Jason came to find him when he had finished his section of stables - the two had split the work evenly between them, as normal. He had been sure to tidy up after himself as he went, so there was very little work left to do on his end, apart from bringing in the horses from the fields in the late afternoon. Everything was neat and in its place, although he was sure that Daren would not have done the same. The black stallion did his job quickly and efficiently, but was not the tidiest of furs, usually leaving a trail of straw and discarded tools in his wake.

Stealthily, Jason crept up behind Daren, who was bent over at the waist and rummaging through a tub of grooming brushes placed on top of a low work bench. His tail was raised high over his rear - he was certainly enjoying some of the freedom of working naked - and Jason could see the gleam of sweat on his dark coat. He padded up to Daren, placing each hoof down slowly so that he would not make the slightest bit of noise. Then, with a satisfied smirk, he reached out and grasped Daren's buttocks firmly with his paws.

Daren yelped in surprise and spun around, knocking the laughing stallion's paws away in his shock.

"Jason! That's not funny!" He neighed, shaking his mane off his damp neck and rubbing his knuckles, waiting for his pounding heart to slow.

"Aww, getting a little nervous now?" Jason joked lightly, pecking Daren on the cheek. "Don't worry so much. And are you finished here?"

Daren nodded his confirmation, making a mental note to get the stallion back for that joke sometime more convenient.

"Pretty much, just tidying up and then I was going to clean out the feed shed," he replied, nosing at Jason's cheek gently, brushing his nose against the short, soft fur.

"No need to do that," Jason smiled, reaching out a paw to softly fondle Daren's sheath, where his previously erect member had receded to. "Go sweep the straw away from where you were working and I'll go tack up the two horses. We may as well head out on that ride before lunch, since we have time."

Daren nodded, his spirits lifting considerably at the thought of going out for a ride; while Jason had been exercising one mare on a regular basis, he had not had the chance to hone his skills for a long while. A long, relaxing hack in the nearby forest would do him the world of good.

"Sure thing, I'll do that," he answered happily, his tail swishing back and for in testimony to his delight when he picked up a long handled brush to sweep the loose straw into a pile.

By the time he had finished the whole area, which, to be fair to Daren, was an extensive area, since he needed to rake the gravelled area too, Jason had tacked up both of the mares with the standard tack and had them tied on long lead ropes to the metal rings set intermittently into the outer stable wall. Daren nodded his thanks to Jason and slipped loose the quick release knot on the tattered lead rope, unclipping it from the horse's bridle so that he could attach it to the saddle ring instead, just in case it was needed when they were out. He had led the mare to the mounting block - a sturdy plank of dusty wood resting on a couple of breezeblocks - when he became conscious that he was still nude.

"Um...Jason?" Daren laughed nervously. "Got a pair of jeans for me to wear riding, mate?"

Jason just grinned evilly, choosing not to answer and instead unclipping his own horse's lead rope from the ring. Daren watched tensely as Jason led his horse, a flighty white-grey mare called Alice, to the centre of the yard, seeming to take his time in adjusting the length of the stirrups and tightening the girth about Alice's underbelly. Daren snorted slightly impatiently, scraping a hoof over the gravel; Jason glanced back with a cheeky wink when he finally gave a reply.

"Deal was that you stayed naked the whole day," he replied nonchalantly, swinging up into the saddle with a smooth, practiced motion and settling himself comfortably on the worn leather. "That includes riding."

"What?" Daren yelped, clamping the top part of his tail firmly down over his rear in a belated attempt at modesty, covering his tail hole while his left paw hovered uncertainly in front of his crotch. "I can't ride naked! You're insane."

"Come on, Daren," Jason tried to persuade him, seeing how the other stallion was faltering and he worried that he had pushed just a little too far this time. "We'll keep to the deserted side trails, I promise, and won't go anywhere near the road. And I'll do something for you later tonight if you'll do this and come back to my place this evening."

Daren looked suspicious but curious - his ears had perked up again and his tail was flicking around his rear subconsciously to keep the flies away.

"Something for me? Whatever I ask for?" He asked with some interest, sure that Jason wouldn't try to trick him, but was genuinely offering a fair exchange. He didn't really mind going around nude, it was merely the thought of anybody else seeing him wearing only his fur that was severely off-putting.

"Anything, dear, no limits," Jason nickered softly with a note of affection in his voice, clicking to his horse to walk forward until he was beside Daren. The chestnut stallion reached out a paw to stroke Daren's muzzle gently, scratching the underneath, just as he liked, and making him murr barely audibly in a subliminal response.

The black stallion sighed at the scratching, ears flicking back and for as he knew that he had been won over for now. He had an insatiable curiosity for new experiences, something which Jason had soon discovered and was either aiding him in exploring or using to his advantage, depending upon how you looked at it. Truth be told, Daren really wanted to feel what horse riding would be like bare of clothes.

"Thanks," Jason murmured softly to his mate, leaning down with some difficulty to hug Daren tightly. "Means a lot to me that you'll do this and I'll keep my promise to you, as you know."

The black stallion snorted lowly, returning the hug before disengaging himself and padding round to mount up. He hopped on to the mounting block carefully, feeling the old wood creaking under his hooves, and then swung his leg carefully over the bay mare's back, being exceptionally careful of his heavy orbs. The feeling was a great deal more peculiar than working naked, as he could feel the cool leather pressed against his most intimate region, rubbing against his balls in a rhythmic motion when he clucked the horse to a slow walk. It was almost an erotic sensation.

Jason shook his head as he watched Daren adjust, the tip of his stallion hood stirring in his sheath at the sight. Taking a deep breath, he struggled to control himself, instead focusing on turning his horse around so that he faced the gate and then moved her on at a lazy walk, making sure that Daren was following.

True to his word, Jason led the way out of the yard but immediately turned to go behind the stable block, taking a rough little track that led up the hill into the thicker cover of the forest. He had a route planned in his mind already - he knew that they could take a short cut through over the hill and follow the river once they came to level ground once more on the other side. It was a ride that he knew Daren loved from their many expansive conversations since they had gotten to know one another more intimately.

Daren held on tightly to the front of the saddle while his mare tackled the difficult terrain with staunch determination, taking care of her rider as much as she could. For the most part, Daren allowed her to pick her own route up, following close behind Jason who swivelled his head back and for repeatedly to check that Daren was following him okay. The black stallion had to suppress a smile and a roll of his eyes at the overprotective nature of his mate. Didn't he at least trust him to look after himself when riding?

As if to prove Daren wrong, a bird darted from a bush in front of his horse's nose; the mare snorted in surprise and stopped dead before half-rearing up in fright, hooves pawing the air about three feet off the ground. One of Daren's hooves became dislodged from the stirrups and he was thrown sideways unexpectedly. Daren clung on, twisting his fingers into her mane and mentally cursing himself for not being more aware of his surroundings. Jason had whipped his head around when he heard the scuffle and he seemed torn between laughing at the black stallion holding on for dear life or rushing to his aid.

The decision was made for him, luckily. When the mare landed on all four hooves again, she merely shook her mane, looking around rather indifferently as if nothing unusual had happened, while Daren straightened himself out and hooked his hoof back into the stirrup, this time making sure his hoof was firmly pushed against the rubber grip of the stirrup. Jason chuckled a bit, relieved that his mate was fine, but certain that this was a story that he could tease Daren about mercilessly for a long time.

"Don't say anything," Daren groaned, seeing a little of the humour in the situation. "Let's just keep going."

Smiling, Jason silently agreed, nudging his horse with his hooves gently to urge her into a forward going walk along the track.

Like he had been promised, the hillside was utterly deserted and Daren was glad to be able to settle back in his saddle, enjoying the peace of the woods. There were plenty more birds flitting through the trees, some of which he recognised but many whose names eluded him. Thankfully, no more flew in the path of his horse to spook the already nervous mare. Lazily closing one eyelid, Daren gazed at the shafts of sunlight slanting through the trees and forming a cool, dappled path for the horses to walk upon.

It was good to be away from the stables occasionally, he mused; sometimes the hustle of activity, which was always consistent throughout the day's course, got to Daren a bit, leaving him desperately craving a respite at the end of a long day.

Soon, the stallions had crested the hill and begun to weave a path down through the trees, leaning well back in their saddles to stay balanced. At the bottom of the hill, Daren could see the gleam of the river curling through the trees with its soft burbling song.

They stopped for a few minutes by the river, allowing their horses some freedom to graze while they listened to the flow of the water and let their gazes sweep over the dancing reflection of light on its surface, which was too bright and dazzling to stare at for very long. A kingfisher dived off a branch overhanging the water, plunging into the river with a spray of crystal water droplets, only to emerge in another deluge of water, which quickly merged with the main body once more. In its beak, the kingfisher held a small fish, swiftly killed and tightly clasped for fear of it slipping free and denying the bird a meal.

Finding the river just as serene, the two continued on along the bank, trotting along the well worn track for some way, while Daren did his best to rise up and down without hurting his ball sack. In the end though, he didn't rise to the trot at all, squeezing with his thighs to stay in the saddle with the smooth motion of his horse. He had never liked sitting to the trot, thinking that it was much more natural to rise with the motion, but he had some skill in it, nevertheless.

He was just beginning to truly take pleasure in riding nude - it was such a liberating sensation - and was considering even looking for the occasion to do so again, when the faint clip-clop of hoof beats on harder ground reached his ears.

Giving the reins a gentle tug, he brought his horse to a halt, where she stretched her head low to crop contentedly at the lush grass. He listened hard, sure that there were hoof beats other than Jason's mount to be heard. A faint bubble of panic rose in his chest.

"Jason...can you hear something?" He asked worriedly, straining his ears to pick up the weak sound. The chestnut stallion glanced at him and then stopped his horse also, listening warily and intently.

Yes...he could hear it. In the distance were the sound of several horses approaching and laughing furs - it was the laughing that had caught Daren's attention originally. They were coming closer, seeming to be following the river much the same as the two stallions had, but were still some distance away. And if they came much closer, they would hear the stallions and come to talk. And then they would see Daren, bare.

This isn't good, Jason thought frantically, twisting his head back and for, searching desperately for some quick solution. He's got to hide somewhere, but where? It'll take too long for him to get back to the stables. Think, Jason, think!

"The boat shed," he said aloud, remembering something lurking in the back of his head. "Get to the boat shed, Daren!"

Daren looked at him blankly, his mind hazy as he thought about the consequences if any of the stranger furs saw him; he hardly even heard Jason's words. All he could think about was what would happen if he was seen. What if he lost his job for this? It had been idiotic to agree to riding nude in the first place! Jason grabbed his shoulder, shaking him hard enough so that he snapped his attention abruptly back to reality.

"Daren! Get going - you remember the old boat shed further along the river? Get there now. Quickly! I'll stall them."

He didn't need to tell Daren twice, once he cleared his head again; the stallion shortened his reins and gave his mount a sharp kick in the ribs, which sent her forward at a rough canter, soon lengthening her stride to a ground covering gallop. The wind whipped his mane off his neck as they increased their pace, racing to reach the boat shed before any fur caught up with them and saw more than they had expected to while out on a leisurely hack. He only hoped the other furs would not hear or think too much of the steady thrum of his horse's hooves galloping speedily in the opposite direction to them.

He remembered the old boat house well. It was nothing more than a small wooden shack of crumbling boards and a narrow jetty leading out on to the river, where rowing boats and other petite craft may have been moored many years ago. Around the shack, was an abundance of long grass, which came up to Daren's waist easily, and dense reeds at the water's edge, which shivered with every breath of wind. On the rare occasion that he and another worker on the yard had nothing to do of an afternoon, they had taken a couple of horses in need of exercise down to there, often carrying sandwiches with them to take advantage of an extended lunch break. Loving the area, Daren had taken to walking down to the boat shed of an evening, sometimes with his wife and sometimes alone, as he could leave his car in a small lay by next to the main road. Once, when he had been alone there, Daren had even managed to launch a small row boat from there, though the dilapidated wood of the boat had forced him to return to shore before he accidentally put a hoof through the bottom.

But he had no time to think of the good times spent at the boat house - he was too busy focusing on getting there as quickly as possible. Daren ducked to avoid a broken branch, swerving around a tree and then rising forward from the saddle as his mare propelled herself gracefully over a fallen log, the wood rotting away in places. The recent storms had done nothing to assist his headlong gallop to a hiding place, as many trees and branches lay in obstructive positions, forcing him to put his rusty jumping skills to good use.

There it was! The broken but welcoming shape of the boat house was just about visible through the trees. Seeing his goal so close in front of him, he urged his horse on with gentle nudges to her sides and she pressed on for him, despite her breath beginning to sound heavier and more laboured.

"Easy girl," he murmured reassuringly. "We're almost there."

He slowed her and flung himself off while she was still trotting, grabbing hold of her reins at the bit and wrenching open the shack's door in the same instant. Only when he was inside did he breathe a held in sigh of relief, letting his eyes adjust to the gloom. The mare, called Kira, lowered her head almost to the level of the dry earth that made up the floor of the shed and snorted hard several times. Daren patted her sweaty neck, thanking her for getting him to this concealed location so quickly and promised her plenty of treats when they returned to the stable yard.

He tied the mare to a convenient ring in the wall that must have been used to secure the boats to when the boat shed had still been used, perhaps to prevent them from drifting away when the river would flood. This and many other barely connected thoughts flicked obscurely through his mind, hardly audible even to himself with the harsh, ragged breaths scraping at his chest. Daren leaned heavily on the wall for some much needed support, his eyes adjusting gradually to the dimmer light in the shed. Light filtered in through the small entrance over the river where the jetty was located, giving Daren some light to see by.

Calming down, the stallion sank down against the wall, sitting with his back pressed to the rough boards. His heart still hammered in his chest like a freight train - he couldn't believe how close they had come to exposure. And not just the literal exposure of his body, but a public declaration of the relationship the two stallions now shared. They weren't ready for everyone and anyone to know and there had been some female furs in the group he had heard. He could just imagine the gossip they could have had flying about in little more than hours. Daren chuckled, wondering if any femfurs in the group may have appreciated the unintentional show he would have given them, if they had been so unfortunate as to catch him unawares.

He wondered how things were progressing back upriver with Jason.


Cantering into the river, the trio of furs laughed as the water splashed up around their horses' hooves. They all rode elegant looking Arabian horses, which seemed to snort disdainfully at Jason and his mare. Two of the furs appeared to be brother and sister, as they were both near identical silver-grey tabby felines that made a show of pretending to push each other off their respective mounts and into the river. The last one, a white wolfess, was startlingly quiet in stark contrast to the felines while they approached Jason. On the contrary, her muzzle displayed a decidedly hostile expression.

Jason swallowed anxiously, trying to brush the beads of sweat surreptitiously from his forehead, telling himself that he shouldn't look so guilty. He was only out for a ride to exercise a horse as far as they knew. He only had to make sure that they went nowhere near Daren.

"Hi!" The female tabby greeted him cheerfully, waving her paw happily to him. "Didn't think we'd cross paths with anyone out this way!"

"Neither did I," Jason muttered under his breath, plastering a bright smile on his muzzle when the tabby gave him a curious look, wondering what he had said. "I'm from Greenways Stud Farm," he explained a bit. "Just out to exercise one of the mares."

"Oh, I see," the female tabby smiled warmly, practically bouncing in her saddle with energy and her sheer life force. Jason suspected that she was a very tiring fur to be around, though a lot of fun and certainly someone who would make you smile when you were having a bad day.

"I'm Tina," she introduced herself, then glaring at her companions. "Introduce yourselves, come on, don't be so rude, guys, honestly."

The male tabby laughed quietly, sidling his mount alongside his hers to tickle her side teasingly; she squealed and batted his paws away in mock horror. He only laughed harder before giving his own name to Jason.

"I'm Michael, but please, call me Mike. I'm sorry for my sister, we do tell her she needs to lay off the caffeine," he teased, giving his sister a poke using his tail.

Ah, so they are brother and sister, Jason thought, smiling more genuinely at the felines' antics. The cats expectantly turned to the wolfess, who had been studiously ignoring them during their short exchange. Sensing their eyes upon her, she sighed world-wearily and patted her hair with a meticulous, bored air.

"Leah," she replied shortly and in a tone that could freeze a fur solid, maybe not metaphorically. Tina sighed and rolled her eyes at the wolfess' cold reply, giving Jason an apologetic glance.

"Sorry... Wait...and you are?" She went to apologise for the aloof wolfess and then become conscious that she did not know Jason's name.

"Jason," he answered along with what he hoped was a friendly nod to each of them. He contained a shiver of apprehension at the icy stare the wolfess continued to drill into him.

Jeez, what's her problem? He reflected, deciding not to draw attention to her mildly offensive actions. He didn't want to begin an argument over a fleeting, chance meeting - he just had to keep them off Daren's trail.

"I was just going a little way down the river before heading back, it's getting on a bit now," he glanced up at the midday sun to emphasise his point, attempting to make casual conversation. "It's a nice place to ride beside the river."

"That's great, maybe we'll join you!" Tina exclaimed, waving her tail around happily.

"No!" Jason said quickly - too quickly. Tina's ears drooped sadly and Jason felt a prickle of guilt.

"I mean, I have to be getting back soon," belatedly he tried to explain himself. "The boss has been away and we - I need to be making sure all is right on the yard. Besides, the path ahead is blocked. Some trees fell down in the storm a couple of days ago and we're waiting on some guys to come down and help us move them."

Tina's expression cleared; Jason's explanation had been satisfactory to her, although she looked sorry that they couldn't continue down the river trail. Jason didn't really blame her and couldn't help feeling minimally guilty for being misleading. He would have to try to contact her another day and tell her that the path had been "cleared", so to speak.

"If you go along that willow lined path though," Jason went on thoughtfully after a short span of silence, speculating whether or not he was going too far with his effors to divert them. "It leads down to a wildflower meadow, it's very pretty this time of year."

"Really?" Tina asked, her eyes lighting up. She nudged her brother in the ribs and swung her horse around. "Let's head that way!"

"Sounds nice, sis," Mike replied with a bemused smile, inclining his muzzle towards Jason in silent thanks for suggesting another destination that his exuberant sister approved of. "Was nice meeting you," he added, nudging his horse to walk on behind his sister, who had already clucked her horse to trot, eager to see this meadow Jason had spoken about briefly.

"You too," Jason said sociably, waving a friendly paw in the direction Tina had taken so rapidly. But he was sure that their paths would cross again.

Soon the furs had their horses trotting through the willows, breaking into a canter where the ground was smooth enough to do so. The wolfess cast one last look at Jason before urging her mount on to pull alongside the felines, who were soon engaged in a neck and neck race. He tried not to think about the wolfess - at least she had left with the cats and didn't seem any more suspicious than they had been.

He breathed a sigh of relief when they were completely out of sight and even Tina's happy giggling had faded from the air. Allowing his mare to graze absently for a few minutes, in case they came back and observed him continuing downriver, Jason stretched his arms above his head, waiting patiently for a little while longer. Only when he was certain that they had really gone did he exhale a deep sigh of relief, his body slumping lower in the saddle.

Now all he had to do was catch up with Daren.


All was quiet at the boat shed when Jason arrived and he was grateful that no other furs were in the nearby forest. One incident was more than enough for him. He swept his gaze over the softly swaying reeds, his eyes alighting on the small jetty for a moment. In spite of not visiting the place very often, it was as familiar to Jason as his own house was. It was very tranquil and calming, even after the recent mishap.

"Daren?" He called softly, not wishing to startle Daren if he was still hiding in the shed.

His ears swivelled to catch the faint sound of movement from within the shed and he smiled when Daren poked his head almost comically around the old, half-broken door.

"Hello, gorgeous," he nickered teasingly, dismounting and leading his horse over to the shed. "That was a bit of a close one, wasn't it?"

Daren snorted his agreement, edging around the door a bit more but keeping his more private regions concealed from Jason, who was slightly disappointed.

"Just a bit," Daren said, shaking his head in disbelief that he had evaded notice relatively unscathed. "Anyone we know?"

"No, but they must have been from that new Arabian Breeding Farm across the way, judging by their horses. Let me in, mate, I need to rest awhile."

It was quite dim inside the shed but Jason's eyes adjusted to the change in lighting reasonably quickly and he went to lean against the wall, closing his tired eyes. He murred softly as Daren wrapped his arms around his waist, leaning his head upon Jason's shoulder.

"At least I wasn't caught," Daren said, with evident relief clear in his voice.

"Would have given them a nice show though," Jason joked, flicking his long tail when Daren poked him in the ribs, acknowledging the jibe as a compliment of sorts.

They stayed there for a few minutes, listening to the gurgling flow of the water streaming past a few metres away and the steady thrum of their heart beats. Relaxing in the knowledge that they had some time together in peace, Jason's paws drifted to Daren's hips, caressing his fur tenderly. After a while though, Daren shifted his position and sighed sadly.

"Jason, it is actually getting into the afternoon now. Don't you think we should start back? We have to finish the yard," after a few minutes Daren felt compelled to point out regretfully. He would have much preferred to stay in the shed with Jason for as long as he desired to.

The chestnut stallion unwrapped Daren's arms from him and stepped around so that Daren was stood between him and the shed wall. Misunderstanding and believing that Jason was preparing to leave like he suggested, Daren moved to go to his horse who was still waiting patiently for them. He had to pause though when Jason placed a heavy paw on his shoulder, making him stay where he was.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously. "Aren't we going?"

Jason just smiled and leaned against the wall of the shed, trapping Daren between his body and the wooden planks. Daren couldn't help but shiver softly, feeling Jason's hot breath ruffle the fur on his neck.

"We're not going...yet," Jason murred, his voice containing a seductive edge that promised more than a short, straightforward rest in the boat shed. A small light flicked on in Daren's head as he finally understood what Jason wanted.

"Don't we have to get back?" He questioned, trying to see out of the shed but failing completely as Jason did not allow him to move even an inch away from his current position. Daren gasped when he suddenly felt himself pinned to the wall, paws held unyieldingly in one of Jason's.

"Are you telling me," Jason murred quietly, lipping at Daren's exposed neck and then giving it a sudden, passionate nip. "That you haven't been fantasising about being stuffed full of my cock all morning long?"

Daren gulped audibly, feeling his member stir in its sheath, struggling to conceal his arousal. But Jason was persistent.

"I promised you special pleasure later, but we're going to enjoy ourselves here first," he whispered lustfully, his loose jeans suddenly becoming uncomfortably tight around his crotch. It had been so difficult to contain himself earlier on, always watching Daren out of the corner of his eye when he was sure that he was not looking. It would have been impossible for Jason to hold back for a second longer.

"Take my jeans off me," Jason instructed softly, nibbling on Daren's ear, which twitched back and forth under his lips, and releasing his paws so he could do what he was told.

"Yes, Sir," Daren said in an undertone, ears falling back slightly to show his submission and acceptance of the situation.

His excitement was roused as he fumbled with the button and zip on Jason's jeans - he could see the weighty member straining against the front of the fabric already. Button and zip undone, he tugged the clothing down the length of Jason's legs until the material fell in a pile on the bare earth. He noticed with delight that Jason was not wearing anything underneath and he had total access to his nether regions.

The black stallion shuddered, feeling his knees and lower legs borne down into the dirt as Jason rubbed his stiff, mottled pink and grey member against his muzzle. Quivering, he opened his mouth and closed his lips of the fat shaft of horse flesh hanging so temptingly in before him, being bold and not waiting for the order to. Sensing his Master's pleasure in the soft, rumbling murrs Jason emitted, Daren interpreted that this was not too audacious a move.

Bobbing his head enthusiastically on that thick meat, Daren suckled fervently like he was being given the greatest privilege in doing this for his Master and was duly rewarded by Jason's throaty, uncontained moans. A spurt of pre cum splattered the back of his throat and he quickly swallowed, the creamy substance easily sliding down his throat as he took even more of his Master's member into his muzzle. He inhaled deeply before plunging his lips right to the base of the throbbing stallion hood, forcefully thrusting the member into his throat a considerable way.

Jason's fingers twisted roughly into Daren's mane to keep his muzzle firmly in place and Daren took the hint to suck more strongly at his length, swallowing repeatedly to fellate his member with the muscles in his throat. The stallion above him moaned appreciatively, moving his hips back and for slowly to thrust within his pet's warm muzzle. Daren was more than willing to accommodate him, pressing his tongue against the stallion meat in his muzzle and keeping his head perfectly still for his Master.

"I'm going to be fucking your sweet, little muzzle a lot more after this, pet," Jason groaned, increasing the force of his thrusts to piston his member deeper into the hot moistness of Daren's muzzle. "Do you like being muzzle-fucked by your Master, my wanton little stallion?"

Of course, Daren couldn't talk with his muzzle filled with horse cock, so instead gave a rather muffled moan in reply, suckling wantonly. His own member was painfully hard, but he was too concerned with pleasing his Master to even think about giving himself some relief - something which Jason noticed and frowned upon in this instance. He gently curled his paws around Daren's cheeks, easing his muzzle slowly off his member as Daren looked up in confusion, worried that he had done something wrong.

He had done far from wrong though, something which Jason showed him by using him for balance and tracing the edge of his hoof lightly over his pet's balls. Daren's eyes widened in shock but an unexpected moan of pleasure escaped his muzzle as his swollen orbs were stimulated by a skilful hoof.

"Th-thank you, Master," he moaned, his whole body shaking visibly with the strength of his arousal.

Jason merely smiled and guided Daren's muzzle back to his waiting member, the pet stallion eagerly engulfing it in his mouth again. While he sucked and licked passionately at his Master's stallion hood, Jason went on to rub small circles into Daren's twitching and aching balls, soon rubbing it up against Daren's own pulsing member, making the stallion shake with need. The scent of sex was heavy in the air, a heady scent that made both the stallions curl their upper lips back to taste the hormones, Daren's tail hole winking like a mare's vulva to signal his readiness to mate.

In the corner of the boat shed was an overturned rowing boat, which was covered with a green tarpaulin. Jason grinned, nudging Daren in its direction; the stallion immediately took the hint and gave one final, adoring lick to the tip of Jason's member.

Daren hopped up and scurried over to the desired location, pausing only very briefly to work out how he would position himself upon it. The ridge of the boat came up just to the top of his thighs, so it was easy for him to lean right over it, resting his spread out paws on the ground of the other side. Whinnying with need, he widened the gap between his legs for balance and to give Jason a good view of his heavy sack, full of his seed just waiting to be spilled in the throes of mating.

The horny stallion didn't waste any time in mounting his mate, soon driving his needy member deep into Daren's tail hole, hilting his member in a single thrust and giving his rump a gentle but possessive squeeze. Daren gasped, thrusting his hips back at Jason, wordlessly begging to be mated like a mare in season.

"Y-yes," Daren panted passionately, eyes closed and fingers scraping rivulets in the dirt. "Fuck me, Master, breed me!"

Jason snorted and gripped on to Daren's hips almost painfully, pounding into his tight pucker with a feral sort of lust as his pet writhed with utter pleasure beneath him, member leaking pre cum like a loose faucet. Lost in his lust, the stallion grunted with the force of his thrusts, pressing Daren's body against the tarpaulin roughly when he drove in and felt the heated rush of his climax quickly approaching. Jason's paw found Daren's member and started to pump along it in time with his thrusts, making his pet shriek with absolute pleasure, begging for more. They only managed to couple for a few more of Jason's hard thrusts, before Daren couldn't hold his release back any longer and was forced to give in to the work of Jason's paw along his pulsating meat.

Daren gave an ear-splitting whinny that turned into a scream of pure pleasure as he climaxed, his dark coloured stallion hood pulsing out a hot stream of his cum, where it pooled on the earth and spattered against the tarpaulin. Giving one more grunt coupled with a rough thrust, Jason pulled his member out as he came, his cum soaking into the backside and thighs of the sub stallion panting before him. Lewdly, Daren pushed himself back up in the midst of his orgasm, dropping submissively to his knees in front of Jason, who threw his head back and neighed with the force of his release. He regained himself enough to see his pet kneeling before him and smiled, gripping his member with one paw to aim the stream at Daren's face, where he coated the stallion's silky, black muzzle in a liberal dose of his cum.

The two panted heavily, trembling with the power of their almost simultaneous climaxes, Daren licking some of Jason's cum off his lips with obvious relish. Jason's legs shook and the black stallion rested his paws on his waist to steady him, giving Jason a cheeky grin, which was readily returned.

"You know...I don't regret this ride out so much now," Daren chuckled pertly; tipping his muzzle to one side in what he hoped was a cute manner. Having to laugh in reply, Jason shook his head at Daren's cheek, but was glad that he enjoyed it. Although, he didn't think it would be his best idea to tell Daren that he had planned to mate him while out on the ride all along. No matter how compliant he had been until now, he was sure that Daren would not have appreciated the great and intentional risk that had been taken to accomplish this "impromptu" act.

Nuzzling affectionately at Jason's receding member, he gave a soft lick to the fleshy, pale grey sheath, cleaning the edges carefully of all Jason's seed, the stallion murring in pleasure and rubbing Daren's muzzle warmly. Daren's body was almost entirely covered with Jason's cum, much of it soaking into his dark fur, though he didn't object to the relatively pleasant sensation in the slightest. Resting his muzzle against Jason's thigh, he made a small confession.

"I loved you marking me with your cum when you pulled out of me and came. It made me feel like I belonged to you fully," Daren whispered, a warm blush colouring the skin of his muzzle. Stroking Daren's muzzle, Jason smiled warmly to him, scratching his neck in the way he had learned that Daren enjoyed it the most.

"I enjoyed it too. Every time with you is better and better," he murmured lovingly to the stallion.

Daren grinned a bit and made a show of wiping Jason's cum from his chest as he got back to his hooves, licking the creamy substance slowly from his fingers and sucking each one clean in turn. He savoured his mate's taste as if it was the most delectable flavour ever and, indeed to him it was that and much more. Jason watched every move, finding it difficult not to become aroused again from watching his mate treat his seed in that way.

"Maybe we should clean up a bit before heading back to the yard?" Daren suggested with an uncharacteristic coy smile.

They stared at each other for several slow seconds, each daring the other to make the first move. Until at last they snickered mischievously and leaped to their hooves, both looking at the little jetty extending out into the river from the boat shed.

The stallions raced each other along headlong the jetty, jumping over the broken boards, and jumped with half-shrieked neighs into the shimmering water. Beads of glittering liquid flew everywhere as they cannon-balled, diving into the deeper water to rinse the sweat of the day from their tired limbs. Daren washed the sticky-sweet seed from his body, resisting the temptation to scoop most of it on to his fingers while Jason splashed him playfully. Snorting light-heartedly, the black stallion pounced on top of Jason, pushing his muzzle under the water until he wriggled free to emerge in an eruption of crystal water droplets.

Despite the near disaster with the other furs, it had been a good day, Jason thought happily, hugging his mate tightly and dropping kisses all over his muzzle, listening to Daren's delighted squeals. Daren glanced towards the willow trees lining the opposite bank, thinking that he had seen a flicker of movement, but put it down an animal darting through the bushes, perhaps frightened by the stallions' play.

And from the cover of the trees, a pale figure slipped away, having confirmed her suspicions and ready to put what she had learned to good use.


Later that evening, the boss, a white based appaloosa mare, relaxed on the long, black sofa in her living room, stretched out nearly along the entire length of it. She was glad to be back, despite the enjoyable buzz that the shows never failed to provide to her in large doses. They were exhausting yet exhilarating, however reminding her how much she actually did love her home and the day to day work of managing the breeding yard. Murring happily, she rubbed her muzzle against the soft cushions and picked up the remote for the television, flicking through the channels languidly.

An insistent knock on the door made her snort irritably, seeing that she wouldn't have the opportunity to lie back and relax just yet. Eager to send the visitor off or deal with their business quickly and efficiently, she sprang to her hooves and trotted to answer. Who on earth would be knocking at this time of night? She thought, clanking the keys together in open aggravation. Does everyone want me at every moment of the day?

She unlocked the door, which swung open with an unnerving creak, making the unknown white wolfess on the other side of the threshold flinch, although the involuntary movement was hardly noticeable. The boss leaned on the framed of the door, towering over the more petite fur who looked up at her staunchly, refusing to be intimidated regardless of the boss' imposing figure.

"What is it?" The boss snapped when the wolfess didn't introduce herself or apologise immediately for inconveniencing the strong-minded mare. Clearing her throat, the wolfess ran a paw through her head fur, patting it down afterwards, and spoke.

"I believe I have some information about your staff that may interest you."

A Stallion Affair, Chapter One: Stallions after Hours

**Stallions after Hours** Jason yawned and stretched tiredly as he closed the door of the last stable, sliding both the upper and lower bolts into place. He was a six foot six inch tall stallion with a bright chestnut coat of fur and a long, flaxen...

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