The Contresse Chronicles: Chapter 1

Story by James Matrix on SoFurry

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New series I feel like trying. My ADD has made me want to take a break from other stories, but i will soon start back up with them. Comments are welcomed as usual. Enjoy!

Chapter 1.

"Subject two escaped. Tore the facility to shreds. No survivors except subject one. We tracked him to Boston."

"Capture subject two at all costs. He was far more powerful than we all thought. Capture him. Dead or alive. Preferably alive."

"What about subject one?"

"Release him. But wipe his memory. He has no powers, and will not be useful."

"Yes sir."

I awoke with a start, feeling cold and damp. I felt a slight jab to my ribs and looked up to see two policemen looking down at me, the zebra poked me with his baton again. Both with a sort of pity, but a pity they were working to cover up.

"Son. You can't sleep here. There is a homeless shelter a few blocks away. Otherwise i will have to take you in."

"Ummm. Where am I?" I asked, as confusion washed over me. I was in a large park, in the middle of a large city. Lights were traveling across the sky. Space ships lifting off from the nearby spaceport. One of only five in the US.

"Boston." One of the cops said, pointing to the patch on his arm that said Boston Police Department. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just....I'm fine." I said, suddenly very alarmed and alert. These men were very nice and reasonable, but they made me very nervous.

"How old are you?" The other asked.

"I'm not sure." I said. Alarmed even more as my confusion grew.

"Well, this is odd. Do you know your name?" 


"Okay... Well, lets take you to the hospital. You might have hit your head. Besides, you aren't wearing clothing typical of the homeless." I looked down, and noted I was wearing a pair of Nike sneakers, a pair of Lucky Brand jeans, and an Armani T-shirt. definitely not hobo-ware. 

"Ok." I said. I followed them to a squad car, a 2079 Ford Interceptor, parked on a sidewalk in the park. They drove me to the hospital. We pulled up the the Massachusetts General Hospital emergency room. They talked to a nurse, who went and got a doctor, while another showed me to an exam room, followed by one of the cops, a zebra. 

"The doctor will look you over. We want to make sure you are okay, and start a police report if it was a robbery, since you have no ID, wallet, or keys or phone. We need a picture for identification, since you don't know who you are." He pulled out a camera and took a picture, than walked out.  

The doctor, a young dragon, came in a few minutes later, and looked me up and down. 

"Lets have a look at that head." He said, gently grabbing my head and turning it this way and that, and feeling it for any bumps. "So you can't remember who you are?"

"Nope. Not at all. Not my age, name, origin, family, age, nothing. Don't even remember why I'm in Boston."

"Huh. Well, no signs of any head trauma at all. Strange. Lets finish a general check up, than we'll do a head scan to see if we can find a reason for your amnesia."

The doctor continued his examination, checking everything about me. 

"Well, you seem to be a very healthy young, ohhh, about 17 year old wolf. You young man, have kept yourself healthy, but still no sign of any trauma. Lets get that scan done." The doctor said.

"So I'm 17?"

"Between 16 and 18. Seventeen is my best estimate." He said. Just then, the door opened, and the zebra cop motioned for the doctor, he had a strange look on his face. It scared me. 

The doctor left, and i hopped off the examination table, putting my shirt back on over my chiseled body. I peeked out of the window in the door, and what i saw scared me shitless. Four cops were there now, talking to the doctor, holding a picture of my face, with red writing over it. WANTED. I read their lips perfectly, something that surprised me for a second. 

"He is very dangerous. We are waiting for government backup to get here." the zebra was saying.

"He has amnesia, he might not remember what happened. We can get him out peacefully if you just give me time to stall him. Maybe I can even sedate him. As his doctor, i cannot let harm come to him, even if he is wanted by the government." The doctor said.

"Try it. We certainly don't want to deal with him. The government, what branch was it?" The zebra asked a minx cop.

"I don't remember. Never heard of them."

"Yeah. Anyway, they said he was dangerous, and needs to be apprehended before his memories return. If you can give us time to wait, we will." 

"Okay. I will try." The doctor said, as the cops turned away, but stayed near my room. I darted back to the exam table, and sat on it. the doctor entered quickly. 

"How are you? I see you got dressed." He said with a fake smile i read right through. "I need to give you a shot, it is a mixture that will aid the scan to see better." He said, taking the cap of the syringe. 

He lifted my black shirt sleeve, and parted my black fur and was about to stick me when I flew into action. I jumped of the bed, spun the doctor around, grabbed the needle with one paw, and clamped hi muzzle shut with the other. I emptied the contents of the syringe into his artery in his neck, and he slumped, asleep. I panted, scared of what i had just done, and disbelieving that I had actually done it. I ran to the door and braced a chair under the nob. Then there was a knock on the door. 

"Doctor? Its Rawlings. You in there?" It was the zebra. I ran to the window, and saw i was two stories up, but it was still about thirty feet. The nob turned, but the cop couldn't come through at first. 

"Doctor?!" He said urgently. "James, open the door NOW." I startled. That must be my name. 

The door burst open before i had made a decision, and i was jumped by the two cops. I hit the ground hard, but felt  little pain. I shoved with all my might, and one of the cops was forced off. I got an arm free, and punched the cop in the temple, stunning him. The other swung at me with a baton as the other two cops, a female bear, and a fox also charge in. I blocked the baton, and grabbed the cop's arm, flinging him at the fox, who both fell into the exam table, sending things flying. The bear pulled a taser and fired it at me, hitting me square in the chest. I ripped it off and spun around on my left heel, and brought the other to the side of her head, knocking her out cold as well. The zebra pulled his gun and i pulled it out of his hand, and punched him in the gut, knocking him out like the other three. I dropped  the gun in terror and fled the room, as the nurse and doctors dove out of my way, calling for security and the police. I ran down the hall toward the stair case, and opened the door and ran through, smacking into a SWAT officer. Before he could react, I side kicked him in the armored gut, sending him down the stairs and into the other cops behind him. I ran back into the hall, as an alarm sounded and security shutters began to close. I sprinted and slid under a set, just as the SWAT on the stairs pursued. I sprinted down the hall, dodging more staff.

Two men in black suits appeared, and one brought his leg up and kicked me in the gut before I could slide to a halt, using his strength and my momentum. I made me fall to the ground. I got up as the two swung fists at me. I leapt to the side, using a leg to push of the wall, and punched the human in the jaw, knocking him out. The other pulled and telescopic baton out, an Asp, and swung at me. I grabbed it, and swung him around, smacking him with it. He fell too, out cold. I tucked the Asp into my jeans and ran.

I ducked into the nearest door, and looked out the window of the room. I spotted the parking garage, and ran out into the hall again. Another shutter was closing, but i was too far away. I ran to another set of stairs, and ran down two floors, and found myself in the waiting room of the ER. I ran out the door, and stopped in terror. Eight cops cars and a SWAT truck sat below the set of stairs. All the cops had their guns trained on me. One of them in a uniform, a captain, spoke to me on a bullhorn. 

"Surrender now, you have nowhere else to run." More SWAT ran up behind me, but kept their distance. 

Two black sedans rolled up, and four men in black suits got out. Three were wearing earpieces, and dark sunglasses, and were clutching SMGs. The fourth, was a male tiger. He wore no sunglasses or earpieces, and was unarmed as far as i could tell. He seemed familiar, and the sight of him made me very angry for some reason. He walked up to the captain, spoke to him, then took the bullhorn.

"James Alexander Matrix. That is your name. Surrender now, and come back with us to where you belong, and more will be answered." He spoke, in a very diplomatic voice. But i knew i couldn't trust him, and my anger swelled at his trickery. 

"FUCK YOU." I said loudly. But didn't move. 

"You only get one more chance James." He spoke, very angrily and coldly this time.

"I said FUCK YOU, YOU BASTARD!" I yelled, startled at my own hatred toward this man.

He put the bullhorn on the hood of a squad car, and i read his lips as he mouthed 'very well.' His arm quickly reached under his jacket and he pulled out a heavy pistol and fired one shot right at me. I closed my eyes and waited, but all i heard was a gasp. 

My paws were up, and a blue field was in front of me, and the round was just hovering there. The cops all were stunned, but the tiger and the three men looked pissed, and raised their weapons and fired. Hundreds of bullets slowed to a stop in the blue field emanating from my raised paws. I was startled, but once again seemed to know what i was doing. When they stopped to reload, I dropped the field and the rounds clattered t the ground, and 'threw' four blue balls of energy at the men, sending all four flying several feet with the impact. I ran down the steps, and leapt over the cop cars as my foot paws also glowed with the blue energy. I ran down the street, as the cops and strange men regrouped and pursued. I rand down a main street, dodging pedestrians, then down a small, quaint side street that was a one way street. Three cop cars pursued, but the lead cruiser crashed into a car going the other way. 

I ran up the hill, and back down the other side, and found myself in the large park again. It was sunny, as it was morning now, and filled with commuters, business people, and students. I ran across the street, the blue glow dissipated as i ran, weaving through the foot traffic. I ran into the park, and two squad cars tore across the grass, stopping in front of me. 

"Freeze!" The cops yelled, pointing their guns at me. I ran at them, my paws glowing again, and they opened fire. I threw more energy at them, enough to knock them over and send their guns flying. I ran faster, using my newfound, or newly remembered, powers to speed me up. Two more black sedans pulled up to my right side, and windows rolled down and bullets flew out. This time I did not care what damage I did. My paws grew even brighter, and suddenly a large ball of energy appeared underneath each sedan, sending them at least twenty feet in the air. Then the ball was gone, and they crashed into the ground upside down. I ran out of the park, passed screaming and terrified pedestrians when I realized the cops were hanging FAR far back. 

Than a black gunship appeared. Its main gun swiveled at me and fired, decimated the concrete below my feet. It swooped lower, and using my powers i leapt onto it. I opened the cockpit, and threw out the two pilots. I then got into the pilots seat, cut the engine, and jumped out, letting the gunship fall onto a few of the mysterious black sedans, as it exploded, harming no pedestrians since they had all fled. 

I ran down several more streets and allies, till i was sure i had lost them. I walked into china town, glad the chaos had most of BPD occupied in the Commons. I walked into a small cheap boutique, and grabbed a new set of clothes, distracting the owner by causing a few trinkets to fall off a shelf. I donned the shorts, T-shirt, and sandals in an ally, and walked back into the street. I found a parking garage, and strolled through it, looking for a car to barrow. No Chevrolets, the had On-Star, no car with GPS systems since they are traceable, and no fancy cars. FInding the perfect car, a silver eight year old Camry, I unlocked the car using my powers to fool the alarm system, and started the car. I pulled back into the sun, and headed straight for the highway. Two more black sedans whizzed passed, as I headed to somewhere else. I didn't know who I was, why I was being chased by mysterious men in black, and i didn't know why i had these powers, right out of a sci-fi novel.