16th December

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#16 of Camp Snow

And there is a lover for everyone. This solves a lot of problems, does it not?

Even though it starts a bit awkward.

And hey, a bit of different action/kink for those who missed these rare moments in my stories. And for this, I added a few more tags this time.

I hope you like the chapter.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involved anthro animals of different species in a pure fantasy world.

The story (even if not every chapter) contains nudity and sexual contacts involving adolescents, cubs and adults.

If you feel offended by either of these topics or dislike this kind of stories or anything in the tags used, please stop reading here.

Only read this story, if you are of legal age for your country (usually 18).

If you find any crucial tags missing to prevent people from reading content they might not like, please add them to the respective chapter.

At the moment, I plan to add one chapter each day until Christmas. If you don't see a chapter at one day, first try to check your blacklisted tags. (It might however happen that I can't upload a story every day, so if even without the blacklisted tags you don't see the story, it is just delayed.)

This story does not reflect the opinion or likes and dislikes of the author but are purely for entertainment. For legal reasons all characters are, like always, considered being adult in this fantasy world. Please never forget the difference between fantasy and reality and leave everything of the story as a fantasy.

16th December

Jen watched Lisa's belly bulging out when Jake filled her again. She still had her belly bulged a bit as well. This night, she managed to seal up her cervix a few seconds after Jake pulled out to keep most of his spunk inside her, which helped to get the nagging tingle shy away for longer.

Her insides tingled in a warm and good way, being quenched by the goo that moved around in her womb when she shifted her body.

She waited for her turn, while lying on the bed naked, leaking a bit of his spunk and her juices from her snatch, that was already coated in their combined juices from the times he took her before the last one, and watched how Jake caressed the teats of Lisa and made her moan, while they were stuck. The lioness purred in a low tone, making the air vibrate softly.

Just when Jake pulled out of Lisa, all three froze, when there was a light knock at the door.

Jake moved in front of the door but did not open it yet. "Who is there?" he asked. "Leon." Was the answer of the lion cub and Jen and Lisa shared a fearful gaze.

"Is something wrong?" Jake asked again, while his slowly softening member dropped spunk on the ground.

"Can I come in?" the boy sounded a bit shy and hesitant, which was not his usual behavior. "This is a bit bad right now." Said Jake, clearly also not too comfortable with the thought of opening the door with the two naked and thoroughly fucked girls on display.

He opened the door just a bit to talk with Leon without having to shout and a cold breeze sneaked into his room while they discussed something with whispers, that the girls did not understand.

Jen took hold of the paw, that Lisa stretched over the space between their beds, and they watched Jake from behind, while gripping each other's hand.

After a few minutes, the cold air made Jen freeze a bit already, Jack opened the door a bit more and let the boy in. The girls yipped when the boy turned his head towards them and they hastily gripped the edge of the cover, let go of each other's hands and rolled into the cover, nearly falling down the beds, to hide their bare snatches from the boy.

Jen saw Jake moving to the window and straighten the curtain and she just remembered, that there had been a small patch where people could see through. Most likely, Leon had watched them through the window, and this was why Jake let him in.

The big dragon put a hand on the shoulder of the boy, who looked really flustered and breathed in the air heavily, which was soaked in the heat scent of both girls. Jen could see his pants getting tight and showing the clear shape of his member.

"It looks like Leon watched us for a while." Jake confirmed Jen's suspicion. "But he could not hold it in anymore. He has a crush on our Lisa here and requested to join in."

Lisa looked to Jen with a half shocked, half embarrassed look and when Jen looked over to her and their eyes met, the girls giggled.

They relaxed their bodies a bit, allowing the cover to sink back on the bed and rolled into the middle of the bed again to not hover over the edge of the bed.

Leon's muzzle dropped open, when he saw their slimy and drenched folds. In the shock, Jen also had released her seal of the cervix and thick white spunk was bubbling out of her snatch, just like for Lisa.

The boy pushed down his pants fast, kicking it away with his legs, and stripped his shirt within seconds, standing in front of Jake with his fully erect and exposed dick on display.

The girls giggled again. Pre was already forming at the tip of Leon's small rod and behind him they saw the dick of Jake also standing to attention again.

"Before I will let you join in with the girls..." Jake began to break the silence, "... You still need to get punished for involving Jen into this little group activity."

Leon winced and his attention was drawn away from Lisa's snatch when Jake picked him up and held him in front of his chest.

Like this, Jake walked over to Lisa and with one hand directed his dick to her folds and rubbed it along the wet fur which made his growing dick slick and slippery.

He pointed the dick at the sphincter of the boy, not yet pushing in, and Leon groaned and frowned from feeling the thick member at his tailhole.

"See it as a test of courage to join in on the fun with the girls. If you get through this, you will be able to do all the nice things with your beloved Lisa."

The embarrassment of the boy was clearly visible. He looked down do the ground, clearly trying to avoid eye contact with the girls and after nearly a minute, that he hovered over the dick of Jake that pushed softly against his opening, he nodded faintly and groaned strong when a moment later Jake pushed him down and impaled him on his rod.

The girls saw Leon trying to suppress the groans as much as possible and his face was changed into a grimace that showed that he felt pain each time the dragon pushed him over his big member and penetrated a bit further into his rear.

But the groans vanished, and his face relaxed with each passing minute. After the first stretching, his insides seemed to slowly get used to the big intruder and from the way his dick was leaking pre, the stimulation of his rectum aroused him quite a bit.

Jake kept standing in the middle of the room, rimming the boy on full display for the girls. Jen could see every bit of them.

The big rod of Jake that vanished inside the rear of Leon again and again. The balls of the boy, swinging in the rhythm of the pushes. The tail of the lion, which swayed back and forth and started to twitch every time Jake bottomed out in him. The twitching of the smaller dick of Leon, that bounced up with the movement of his body that was lifted and pushed down.

They even saw the contour of Jake's dick at the belly of the boy, when It was pushed in.

"Only one thing left." Jake mentioned under the grunts. Leon did not react to his words. He was openly moaning from the friction inside his ass. It was apparent that the boy was highly aroused and found a liking in being penetrated by their caretaker.

Jake took some momentum and with the next push down, pushed the boy even stronger and with a long groan of Leon, Jen saw the big bulge on the dick of Jake squeeze into the rectum of the boy and the shape of his dick pushed further into the belly. The girls even saw a slight bulge at the belly of Leon, which was caused by the growing knot that pushed the inside of Leon's belly forward.

With the spurts of the pulsing dick of Jake, the belly of Leon grew a bit more, but much slower and fainter than Jen had seen Lisa's belly grow, when he creamed her womb.

Leon, with half closed eyes, that showed a few tears that dropped down, showed a face of bliss and moaned strongly, when his balls contracted, and his throbbing penis was pumping small spurts of his own spunk into the air. Most of it stuck to his own fur, but a few spurts hit the ground under them.

"You make up a pretty nice girl." Jake chuckled, but Leon looked exhausted and did not react other than avoiding the eye contact with the girls, who giggled again.

Jake stayed standing in the middle of the room and even cupped the balls of Leon and rubbed his member to get him to spurt another time, while waiting for his knot to shrink enough to pull out.

After he parted, he made the boy clean his member with the tongue and even take it deep into his muzzle, so that Leon was gagging and coughing more than once, until it was wet and shiny and Jake came one more time into the gullet of the boy, with his big bulb pushed against the boy's nose.

Even though Jen liked the show somehow, it also increased her own arousal and the heat was burning hot again inside her. From the mewls, that even overpowered her demanding groans, she imagines Lisa going through the same thing, but her vision got blurry from the hot need and she rolled around, presenting high, to taunt Jake to push in.

Her head cleared up after a few squelching pushes of Jake, that rescued her from burning to ashes from the inside. She mewled and chirped for a minute, before she managed to open her eyes again and not see only a blurry mix of colors.

Just then, Jen noticed a heavy groan from Lisa. She looked to the side and saw her equally on all fours, with Leon pumping hard into the lioness.

Jen remembered the hard barbs of Leon, which were more like spikes in comparison to the nubs of Jake.

Jen saw Lisa slowly getting used to them and the groans turned into soft moans and then later into strong demanding moans with each new push of the boy.

The body of Lisa shivered in her climax around the member of Leon, when he came to a stop and Jen saw his tail rise and flutter, which she knew was a sign of him contracting and spraying his goo into her friend.

Then her focus was taken away by Jake, who doubled his rhythm and hammered her hard, leaving her mewling and moaning and climaxing around him for minutes, before he knotted her and came to a hold, pushing a load of seed into her, which felt like the biggest he ever had given her. She felt her womb getting tight and expand from the quantity and her belly bulge out fast and strong.

In the corner of her eye, a bit blurry now, she saw Leon lifting from the back of Lisa and the girl rolling around on the bed mewling.

After this long mating, Jen felt tired. The last twitches of her climax still ran through her body and her belly felt more bloated than ever before, even hurting a bit from the overstretching.

When Jake finally pulled out of her, she just let the first gush of spunk exit her snatch, until it did not feel so uncomfortable anymore. Then she clenched her tunnel and pussy shut and keep the rest in and roamed her hands over her bulged belly with a satisfied sigh. Her heat was quenched for the moment and she rolled on her back, with her head on the cushion, and watched Jake moving over to Lisa.

The dragon took the lioness hard, while Leon had to settle with her head and getting her to suck him off while mewling and moaning under Jake.

Jen watched them, while Jake creamed her pussy, took her once into her tail hole, finally pushing his knot into the other opening of the lioness, and even taking Leon once more, without the boy complaining.

When Jake was knotted in Leon and this way pushed the boy's penis into the snatch of the moaning Lisa, Jen got so sleepy, that she closed her eyes. The last thing she did, before drifting off to sleep, was pulling the cover over her naked body.

Jake woke Jen up early again and after they got cleaned up enough to not get the clothes dirty, Leon accompanied the girls towards the shower house, where they parted. Leon went into the boy's shower, with a spring in his walk and whistling a song, while Jen and Lisa took the girls shower and cleaned up before everyone else was coming.

Jen told Lisa about the trick to keep a bit of the spunk inside to make it easier during the day and they both had small bulges at their bellies, which they hid with their pullovers after the shower, when they left the shower, clean and in a good mood.

They met Leon at the exit and after Jen made sure, that no one was in sight, Lisa and Leon shared a long kiss.

"Does this mean, we are a pair?" asked Leon with hope in his voice and Lisa looked at Jen and rolled her eyes.

"Sure, stupid. Or do you think I do this to any boy?" - "You did it with Jake." He countered and Jen saw in the grimace of Lisa, that the blood was rushing into her head. She took a deep breath and Jen stepped in just in time. "Sccchhhh!" she made, because the door of the closest house of the boys just swung open.

Lisa was satisfied to pinch the ass of Leon, which made him jump and yip in surprise, and then she turned the back towards the boy, hooked herself into the arm of Jen and the girls left towards their house.

"Boys!" she said with a huff and Jen started to giggle. Lisa joined in a few seconds later.

Jen and Lisa had their heads together the whole day and giggled most of the time. The other girls were used to it by now and took it as a sign that the friendship of the lioness and the dragoness just advanced to the next level.

After the lunch, Lisa got very nervous and after Jen asked her, she told the dragoness, that when she went to the toilet, she had not been able to keep the spunk inside her womb and her insides was tingling like crazy.

Jen knew this feeling good. She also felt the tingling getting stronger each hour, even though she kept a bit of the seed inside her. Over the time the effect of it did diminish though.

When Lisa was groaning all the time, Jen noticed that something had to be done. The heat of Lisa was getting stronger, something Jen knew from the day before, and Jen saw her pulling the tail between her legs and tug at it to rub her pussy as subtle as possible.

"Hey Leon." Jen whispered and pulled at the jacket of Leon. The boy was playing having a snow fight with the other boys, while the other girls were sitting on a bench next to Jake, who looked over them.

Jen had left Lisa at the toilets, where the girl was moaning and touching herself because she could not bare it anymore. Jen had promised her to keep watch, but after a minute of listening to her suppressed moans, she had gone to get Leon.

"You need to come with me. It is important." She told him and did not even wait for his answer. She pulled a bit stronger to make him look her way and she pointed towards the toilets, that were luckily behind another house from their location.

"I will take a short break. Be right back." He called towards the other boys and they just waved at him and continued the fight.

Jen led Leon towards the toilets fast. The only one that noticed them leaving was Jake, who followed them with his eyes, because the boys were too much into their fight and the girls into watching them and chatting and giggling.

When they stood in front of the toilets, the moans of Lisa sounded frustrated and desperate.

"No question!" she told Leon, who stopped and looked at Jen with a questioning face. "Go in and help her. I will stand watch."

Leon hesitated a bit but then entered the girls' toilet. The moaning of Lisa turned into a surprised yip and Jen heard a silent discussion, that was not loud enough for her to hear words.

After a short silence, he heard the loud mewl of Lisa and she knew, that Leon had not wasted time to get inside her.

For over ten minutes the mewling and moaning in the toilet got louder and Jen just hoped that no one would have to relieve themselves, because by now it was so loud, that others might hear it across the path. But luckily no one came. The noises ended in a high pitched mewl of Lisa and a small roar of Leon. Then they went silent.

Five minutes after the noises ended, the pair came out of the toilet hand in hand and both were purring. But by now, Jen was groaning silently from her suppressed tingling. Her insides started to burn from having to listen to their heated act and she now squirmed just like Lisa had done before.

"Thank you, Jen." Said Lisa. Leon smiled and nodded thankful to her as well. "Can we do anything for you in return?" asked her friend and Jen just groaned and eyes the door of the toilet, not sure if she wanted to go in and use her hand like Lisa had done before.

"I am still good." Said Leon. "If you want..." Lisa pushed him into the ribs. "Should we get Jake for you?" she asked, and Jen could do nothing more than whimper and look her friend into the eye in a silent plea. She did not dare to try to speak, because she was afraid that she would emit embarrassing sounds in front of Leon.

"Come with me." She told Leon and pulled him with her when she pulled away from the toilet.

Jen did not know how Lisa managed to do this, but a minute later, Jake came towards the toilets and when he saw Jen, he smiled.

He picked the wailing girl up, carried her to his house and for the next thirty minutes, she was moaning and squirming under the big dragon, feeling her insides being satisfied by not only one but three fills.

"Feeling better now?" asked the adult dragon and Jen nodded with a smile and leaned her head against his chest. "That was what I needed, thank you." She told him and he placed a kiss on her forehead. "Anything for my little whelpling." He softly blew into her ear and pulled her into a real kiss for a minute.

"We need to get back to the others." Said Jack, after making sure, that all her clothes looked clean and did not have a secret strain from a stray shot. Jen was a bit disappointed, because she wished to stay a bit longer like that, but she finally gave in and followed him.

When they turned around the corner of the house to the place, where everyone else was playing, Jake let go of the arm around her and with a last smile, move a few steps away from her before stepping out of the shadow of the house.

Leon and Jake looked each other in the eyes for a moment and grinned, while Jen rushed over to Lisa and they joined into the chatter of the other girls.

In the evening, Leon, Jen and Lisa met at Jake's house again and when they were inside, they stripped and got on the bed for another night together.

This night however, Jake was only there for Jen and Leon for Lisa. They did not swap partners and Jake also did not penetrate Leon again. When they all were exhausted past midnight and pulled the cover over them, each boy arm in arm with his girl, Jake and Leon pushed their fists together as a good night greeting.

Jen felt Jake twitch a bit inside her with his softening member. She lay on top of him, using his naked chest as a cushion, and fell asleep with the loving caressed of his hand around the base of her wings, one of her very sensitive and erogenous zones.