Wild Pair - One in Six

Story by hecatomb on SoFurry

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#2 of Wild Pair

A lapine bounty hunter is sent after an infamous pair of predatory siblings, an assignment not very lucrative, and as it quickly turns out, not very easy.

Warning: this story contains graphic descriptions of armed combat, graphic threats of violence and M/F rape.

Here's another story of the titular two. Pretty similar in content to the first, though with a twist of its own.

Favs and comments greatly appreciated, including ones pointing out errors and suggesting improvements.

The winds blew deafeningly heavy that day, the darkening clouds seemingly ever teasing with the chance of rain, yet always passing by without a drop. The worst of any weather, neither sunny nor cool. It was noon by the time Castis arrived at the designated area - the pre-war town of Bellsights, a crumbling ruin like so many others, yet not entirely devoid of life. Or so she'd been told.

"Fuggin' weather.", Cas muttered to herself as she pulled out her binoculars. Scouting over the area by sight alone, she saw little to suggest trace of her quarry. She hardly expected as much, given how they'd evaded capture for so long while continuing to prey on passing civilians as frequently as they did. They knew when to hide and when to rear their heads, that much she could admire. But today they would find their little operation brought to a close. She and her 10-10 semi-auto pistol would make sure of that.

Moving slowly towards the initial line of buildings, she made sure to look her most unassuming, wearing a fashionable but weathered grey duster, with a rather sizeable backpack of supplies attached. She kept her pistol at the back of her blue jeans, hidden but ready to respond to any threat that might reveal itself. Her pale blue shirt was unbuttoned down to her cleavage, likewise seeking to tempt the sorts of targets she sought. Within one of her boots she kept a switchblade should things really go tits up, though in reality it was more of a feel-good charm as far as its prior use went. Culminating her appearance were her own lapine features, grey of fur and with mid-short messy hair she tended to sweep whichever way best kept it from in front of her desert goggles.

Having reached the proper streets, or what used to be them, she took a sip from her canteen, taking care not to permit airborne sand to seep inside either her drink or mouth. She hoped to soon encounter the damned wastrels so that she could shoot them and return home, possibly even take shelter in one of the abandoned houses here. This dust storm was getting on her nerves.

At one moment, she thought she heard something in the wind, as though the scratching of stone against stone. A deeply grating sound to her, though cushioned by the loud winds. She decided to go and investigate.

The bombed out walls around carried some telltale signs of use - drawings. Some better, some crude, some a mix of both, all rather vulgar for the most part. Scenes of sex, murder and intoxication, along with some simple rude missspelled words. Definitely the work of minds most 'enlightened'.

Walking past the dark windows and holes within the old buildings made Castis rather apprehensive of the whole assignment. For a pitiful amount of coin, she was out here wandering in the open with a target on her back, trusting that those who lurked these streets would prefer her alive rather than to simply shoot her dead from one of many vantage points. And a truly inadequate payment this was, as it was all those seeking revenge could scrounge up from their meagre farmhand pays. But she could sympathize with their wishes. She too had once upon a time sought vengeance, and eventually she'd found it. The satisfaction she'd felt at that moment resonated in her thoughts to this day, and she was quite eager to deliver a similar semblance of satisfaction to the bandits' victims. Even if the pay was shit.

The fruitlessness of her search was starting to get to her. She would soon either have to abandon any notions of pretending to be a hapless traveller, or go on hoping the two targets wouldn't realize she was walking circles around their little bastion. A third option was to simply back off and await finer weather, although there she would have to live with the idea of spending more time on an assignment hardly lucrative. She wasn't feeling ready to accept that.

Just then, something caught her eye - a bit of rock, skidding along the dusty asphalt many metres in front of her. She paused in her step, trying her best to seem fearful and apprehensive as she looked around for what'd caused the disturbance. Turning off to the side as though to evade confronting the cause, she took not two steps before another stone flew by in front of her.

"Hey!", she heard a female voice call out past the whirring winds. She turned to find a hyena, wearing only a red bandana, cargo pants and some wraps over her breasts. It seemed woefully inadequate given the weather, but conveniently enough, it gave her an easy identification of her target - Signid Perket, one of the two bandits. "You lost?", she called out, looking mildly amused.

Cas turned to face her quite apprehensively. They were yet a ways away from one another, and she preferred not to miss.

"Can you talk?", Sigi asked with a tilt of her head.

"What do you want?", Cas asked back, assuming a stance that suggested she would prefer to back away.

"Was just wondering if you need help.", Sigi offered as she neared. "My name's Sigi.", she introduced herself. It entertained Cas to think she so readily gave a real name. It swept away any doubt.

"Alis.", Cas answered with a lie. Though she was hardly famous among bounty hunters, even within her own company, she preferred not to risk recognition.

"Where you headed? Could point you the right way.", Sigi offered once more, steadily drawing nearer and nearer. She was now but ten bounds away, and it was time to act. "Of course, it'd come at a-what the fuck?", Sigi uttered as she suddenly found herself facing the barrel of a gun.

"Where's the other one?", Cas asked, trying her best to maintain aim. She was looking down-wind, the harsh gusts of sand making it difficult to keep sights even with her goggles on.

"Huh?", Sigi asked, her face genuinely confused. A decent actor, this one, though over-expressive.

"Don't bullshit me.", Cas warned. "I'll not ask a-shit!"


Her pistol rang out in a deafening blare that even the winds couldn't muffle. Yet she couldn't tell if she'd actually hit the haphazardly fleeing hyena before she took cover behind a half-standing wall.


Cas fired on at the worn-down cover, her rounds easily tearing right through.

"Aaaaaagh!!", she heard Sigi cry out in a ragged scream, though whether it was in pain or panic, she couldn't tell. "Stop shooting at me, you crazy cunt!", she yelled.

"Get out here with your hands up.", Cas called.

"Fuck you!", Sigi called back, at which a lone stone flew from behind her cover, landing nowhere near the rabbit.

With a frustrated sigh, Cas considered whether to go in and drag her out or wait it out. There was nowhere to run from her position, but then Cas's ammunition wasn't unlimited. And there was still the other hyena somewhere within this pile of rubble.

"Fuck you!", Sigi called out again as another rock flew through the air.

Cas decided to take aim in the general direction of where it'd come from.


She fired at two potential points where the hyena might've been. No response. She considered how many rounds she had left, the exact number she'd fired now a rather murky memory in the excitement of things. Still, couldn't have been the full 10, and she still had a spare mag on her. Even though the pay she would receive would hardly cover the costs of expending it all.

"Still alive?", Cas called out, maintaining aim at the bit of cover.

No answer. Only the whistling of wind and... the crunching of rock?

"Bwuh?!", Cas blurted out as she attempted to turn around, only to witness a blur of brown and white making hard contact with her face.

The next thing she knew, she was down on the ground, barely able to move and deeply confused. Above her stood a male hyena, wearing goggles not unlike her own. No doubt this was Ferkot Perket. He was aiming a revolver at her, whereas her own gun was absent from hand, apparently tumbled away somewhere out of sight.

Cas was petrified. Everything had gone as bad as it possibly could've, and she now faced the wrath of a sociopathic hyena, the sister of which she just may've killed.

"Sigi, you alive?", Ferk shouted with audible ire, his eyes staring daggers into the rabbit.

"Yeah!", Sigi shouted back half-heartedly.

"You hurt?", Ferk asked on.

"N-? Nah!", Sigi announced, then finally reared her head from behind her cover. "Is she dead yet?", she asked back.

"Not unless she moves.", Ferk said.

"Bitch tried to kill me.", Sigi said as she wandered out into the open where they stood, she quickly located and picked up Cas's gun. "Can we just shoot her?", she asked, pointing the rabbit's own gun at her.

'Fuuuuuuck.', Cas thought to herself, desperately trying to think of a way to live through this day. She still had her knife on her, though with two guns pointing at her, it seemed an incredibly poor idea.

"I'm considering it.", Ferk said. "You know what? Let's take this inside.", he decided.

"Heh.", Sigi snickered and approached the prone rabbit.

The next thing Cas knew, she was somewhere else entirely. It was really dark, what scant details she could make out of the room told her little. Bare concrete all around her, with only a rusty drain nearby. At the very least the floor was dust-free. What immediately struck her was that her boots and duster were gone, that her head was killing her, and that her hands were bound behind her, behind some metal pole or pipe she was leaned against.

'Oh dear fuck.', Cas thought to herself, the ache in her skull refusing to subside in full. This was just about the worst she'd ever gotten herself into.

Beyond the doorway to her room there was brighter light, and within it she saw the hyena, Ferkot. He was sat upon a rickety scratched up couch, with a book of some sort in his hands. It mildly surprised her to see a dreg like him even able to read, but she had more pressing matters on her mind. Such as whether she could actually do anything about her bindings.

The pipe she was attached to ran from floor to ceiling, permitting her to stand, sit or lie down as needed, though she only really needed to reach her boot and... she soon realized her knife was gone. 'Fuuuck.', she cussed in her mind, realizing this could potentially prove impossible. Nonetheless she began to test her bindings, hoping to perhaps find a flaw in the knots, maybe dig her claws into the rope, or get the pole to yield. So far it was proving futile.

At that point, Ferk took notice, rearing his face from behind his book. "Oh, you're awake.", he said and got up off his seat. "Sigi!", he called out somewhere into the building.

The other hyena soon reared her head as well, looking disturbingly eager. The two entered her little cell with a handheld electric lantern, illuminating what little there was to see in the largely featureless chamber. With the extra light, Cas noticed a series of metal hooks upon one of the other walls, but their purpose there was at best puzzling.

"Think it's time you answered some questions.", Ferk began as he pulled out his revolver. Sigi meanwhile crouched down in front of the rabbit and abruptly began to undo her belt and zipper.

"Wh-what are y-Agh!", Cas exclaimed as she suddenly found herself exposed before the two, her pants and underwear abruptly pulled off.

"Nother hairy one.", Ferk observed.

"Well, it is a merc of some sort.", Sigi said with a shrug as she walked off to the side with Cas's lower garments, before dropping them to the floor.

"You keep yours trimmed and we're hardly royalty.", Ferk noted.

Cas felt her head begin to spin in response to the conversation taking place. It seemed so absurd and vulgar, yet it also postponed whatever they had in store for her. In a sense, it was driving her mad.

"Alright, time to talk about who you are and why you were trying to shoot my sister dead.", Ferk said as he crouched down between Cas's legs. She felt her blush amplified to a seemingly impossible degree, the heat in her face making her sweat in terror. She very much wanted to close her legs in an attempt to preserve some dignity, but with the hyena standing over her, that was now impossible. "Start talking.", he said, loosely pointing his revolver at her, his eyes occasionally descending down towards her groin.

"I... I'm Alis. A bounty hunter.", Cas said, hoping to keep herself alive. "There's a price on your heads.", she added.

"Oh? From whom?", Ferk asked.

"I'm not allowed to say.", Cas said, already fearing their reaction. She questioned whether it made sense to resist, given her position, but this was her job on the line. The mercenary group she belonged to wouldn't be very happy about revealing client identities. Then again, she was bargaining for her life at that moment. "Company poli-Ack!", she yelped as she felt the cold and firm barrel of the hyena's revolver press up against her hole.

"Does company policy tell you not to scream while dying?", Ferk asked with a smile, only to pry the barrel inside Cas's sex. "I hear this is a pretty bad way to die.", he added.

"S-stop!", Cas pleaded.

"I'm still trying to decide how to reward your attempt on my sister. So best butter me up while I think.", Ferk said, twisting and turning the gun inside Cas's depths.

"Alright, alright!", Cas conceded, any ideas of resistance thoroughly snuffed out. "I work for the Rothheid Mercenary Company. The client was a vixen called Karstis, from Hallseth. Some women who had dealings with you pooled some money together to get you.", she admitted.

"Huh. Did they pay a lot?", Sigi asked.

"Not really. 100 for him, 50 for you.", Cas admitted. "I'm not exactly the top-shelf option.", she added, the admission rather unpleasant to voice.

"Hmpf. So we're not that important.", Ferk said with a tilt of his brow.

"At least you're worth double.", Sigi noted glumly.

"So you came here alone, then?", Ferk asked, giving the revolver a subtle twist for emphasis.

"Yes.", Cas admitted, now sweating profusely. She knew this particular bit of info could spell her doom.

"Hm. Should I believe her?", Ferk then asked towards his sister.

"I dunno, might be lying.", Sigi said, grinning widely.

"Might be safer to just shoot her.", Ferk said, feigning contemplation. Cas's eyes widened as she noticed the hammer of the revolver slowly creep back, signalling that the hyena was pulling on the trigger.

"If-... if I wasn't alone, wouldn't this increase the risk of someone hearing?", Cas suggested, desperately seeking to give them reason not to do it.

"Hm. Perhaps.", Ferk said, scratching his chin. "But if you're telling the truth, then we're good.", he said.

"I would prefer that you don't, but ah-! I'm telling the truth!", Cas blurted out as the revolver entered her further. She was just about ready to piss herself in fear.

"Maybe.", Ferk said. "What did they tell you of us? How much do they know?", he then asked.

"That you-ah... take advantage of your victims.", Cas admitted, the reminder making her all too aware of what might await her even if she lived. "And that you help him.", she added, looking towards Sigi.

"That's it?", Ferk asked.

"Other than you being here, yeah.", Cas said.


Cas's eyes widened, her mouth left agape. She wasn't dead, nor in overwhelming pain, though for a while she feared it might just be shock. But there was no bang. The revolver hadn't fired.

"Oh, sorry. Forgot to mention, only one round.", Ferk said with a toothy grin. At that moment a wave of disjoint thoughts flooded Cas's mind, at their helm an overwhelming sense of fury.

"You fucking prick!", Cas shouted. "If it's not me, then somebody else will come along from the company and fucking kill y-!"


"Damn. Expected that one to go off.", Ferk noted unhappily.

"Haha, you oughta watch your tongue!", Sigi said with cheer.

Cas was now petrified once more, her very life hanging in a balance uncertain even to the two hyenas. Ferk then brought his hand down and began to press his fingers into the rabbit's pubic mound, teasing her folds and clit as he ran circles around the area.

"Think we've fucked around here long enough.", Ferk said.

"I could go for a bit more. Not exactly punishment for trying to kill me.", Sigi said with a frown.

"Oh, don't worry. I've got an idea. Just want to get my rocks off before we do it.", Ferk said.

"Agh!", Cas yelped as the revolver was suddenly yanked out.

"I'll go get the duct tape.", Sigi said and wandered out of the room.

'Duct tape...?', Cas thought to herself in confusion.

"And don't think you're safe yet.", Ferk said as he took a step back, only to undo his belt and permit his pants to hit the floor.

Cas almost wished to look away, but knew that would change nothing. She'd expected something of the sort to happen to her in case of failure, with the only uncertainty having been her state of being when it happened. That veiny length of flesh was going in her, but for the moment she was still alive.

"Will you let me go afterwards?", Cas asked.

"Maybe.", Ferk said with a sly smile as he knelt down in front of her. "Either way, you're not going anywhere for a while.", he added and rudely grabbed her by the groin, fingers prying in unwelcome. He seemed rather entertained for some reason. "Hey, Sigi!", he then called out behind him.

"Yeah?", Sigi asked as she peeked inside the room.

"She's wet!", Ferk said with a cheerful grin. Cas couldn't help but feel herself turn a deeper shade of red in response.

"That's great, Ferk.", Sigi said dismissively and went back out.

"Hm. My sister really wants you dead.", Ferk said more silently, staring deep into Cas's eyes while his digits continued to move. "Do you get off on this? The threat of death?", he asked, his face leaning in dangerously close to the rabbit's own.

"No.", Cas said with resounding certainty. She wasn't sure what exactly prompted her bodily reaction, but she wasn't actually enjoying it either way.

"Hm. Pity. Merc like you must get a lot of that.", Ferk said and withdrew his hand, only to take hold of his manhood instead. He lowered himself just enough for his length to prod at Cas's entryway, its warmth making her heart hasten to an almost painful degree. Just as he was about to push inside, however, he paused and relinquished hold of his penis, only to grab Cas's muzzle with that same hand. Her senses were momentarily flooded with his masculine stink.

"Mha!", Cas squealed as she suddenly felt her sex penetrated. Just as she opened her mouth, Ferk pushed his fingers inside, his vile salty taste instantly washing over her tongue. And with that, his rhythmic movements commenced, sliding his member in and out of her with a focus on his pleasure alone. She closed her eyes, able to bear the hyena's smug grin no more. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened to her, but it was certainly different than the other two times. Wasn't the worst either, however.

"You're rather-... cute when you're-... getting fucked.", Ferk commented in between thrusts. Cas glared her at him with disdain, the degrading words making her ears go red and flatten against her head. "Ngh! Ffffuck!", he commented as he no doubt reached climax.

"You done?", Sigi asked, her head popping back into the room.

"Hah, yeah.", Ferk panted out and slowly pulled out before wiping his dick off on Cas's pubic mound. It made her feel very unclean.

Just as Ferk stood back up, when Cas thought the worst of it might be over, Sigi came in and crouched down before sticking a strip of duct tape over the rabbit's crotch.

"Wh-what the fuck?", Cas stammered out in surprise.

Sigi gave her a toothy grin and got back up without a word of explanation. "So what do you have in mind?", she asked towards her brother.

"Thinking we can send her off like this. Maybe without the shirt.", Ferk suggested. Cas's eyes widened in terror. Being forced to return naked would be not only humiliating like nothing she'd suffered before, but it'd effectively kneecap her career as a merc.

"Pretty light considering she tried to kill me.", Sigi went on complaining.

"Well, if you like, I have some ideas. Though we'd have to take off the tape again.", Ferk then said, visibly contemplating some options.

"I'm listening.", Sigi said, her smile growing toothy again.

"Well, we have that stapler gun lying around.", Ferk suggested. Cas felt herself shiver at the very thought. She brought her knees up to her chest, keeping her legs together in some pointless effort to block further access to her groin.

"Ouch...! Owwwahaha!", Sigi laughed, cupping her groin in sympathy-pain.

"Could always just take her clit off.", Ferk then suggested, motioning with his hands in a slicing motion.

"Not sure which I'd prefer.", Sigi said, looking down at the rabbit with a devious smile. Cas met her eyes with a sense that they were quite serious about this, and it filled her with dread.

"Hm. How about this...", Ferk then began, pulling out the revolver again. "Let's play a game of chance.", he announced and spun the cylinder.

"Oh God, no.", Cas uttered, the tension threatening to stop her heart dead.

But the hyena was merciless as he sat down at her side and yanked the tape down.

"YAAGH!!", Cas screamed, the feeling of tearing fur and flesh momentarily robbing her of senses.

Ferk then brought the revolver down at an angle along Cas's slit. She couldn't see clearly what the effect might be, but she suspected her clit was the intended target, and it utterly horrified her. "How many tries do you think?", he then asked, keeping the revolver pointed down at the rabbit's crotch.

"How many times did she shoot at me?", Sigi asked back in a smug tone, bringing up the pistol she'd confiscated only to pull out the mag and check. "7, huh?", she noted. "Seems a nice number.", she concluded, before putting the mag back in.

"Alright, then.", Ferk said.


Cas nearly soiled herself in shock.

"That's one.", Ferk announced, then brushed the side of the revolver against his thigh to reroll the cylinder. As he placed it up against the rabbit's nub again, Cas was busy trying to figure out what her chances of coming out of this actually were.


'Oh God, oh fuck!', she thought to herself, any ideas of coming out of this intact blasted right from her mind.


"Ah!", Cas squealed. That last one happened without a reroll.

"Three down. Only four more to go.", Ferk said, smiling from ear to ear as he briskly rolled the cylinder over his thigh. "Of course, not gonna mean much to you if one of them snags your cunt.", he then said.

Clack! Clack!

"Gah! Stop!", Cas pleaded, the terror of the situation making her heart pound without pause.

"Would you prefer that we just cut it off?", Ferk suggested as he rerolled the cylinder once more.

Cas briskly shook her head.

"Thought so.", Ferk said.


"Ghhoood!", Cas wheezed in breathless tension, feeling as though she might pass out at any moment.

"Wow. Just one more left to go.", Ferk said as he wrapped an arm around Cas. He made sure to cop a feel of her breast as he did. "Would be a shame if this one turned out to be the one that blows off your clit.", he said, the words filling Cas's mind with images that made her sweat even more profusely. "Fingers crossed.", he added as he rolled the cylinder repeatedly. Cas's eyes were pinned to its chambers, desperately trying to gauge whether the next shot would be filled or empty, even if such information was ultimately useless to her.

As the hyena placed the barrel of the revolver down against Cas's mound one last time, she felt like screaming even before she found out if she would come out of this intact. This was the most nerve-racking minute of her life.

"Alright, on the count of three...", Ferk began and cocked the hammer back.


"Huh.", Ferk said with a tilt of his brow.

Cas nearly pissed herself once again, the disbelief that she'd made it leaving her-

Clack! Clack!

"AAAAAAGH!", Cas screamed, her voice breaking in ragged throes as she now began to thrash against the hyena's hold.

"Ahahaha! Lucky bitch!", Ferk chortled out as he held down the struggling rabbit.

"Lucky!", Sigi said in confirmation, looking strangely amused but also in awe. Perhaps mockingly so.

"You fucking bastards! You- agh!", Cas went on before her muzzle was forced shut by Ferk hand.

"Calm down. We're done here.", Ferk said as he stowed his gun. He then resealed Cas's hole, bringing the tape back up over the entirety of her crotch. She did not look forward to tearing it off again. At that point, he began to fiddle with her restraints, until finally she felt her wrists freed, only to be pulled towards her front, where they were bound anew.

Though she considered the option of fighting back immediately, she wasn't armed, whilst her two captors very much were. Even if she somehow managed to wrest hold of the revolver, there was no telling how quick it might fire. Somewhat to her surprise, the hyena then began to tie her ankles.

"What are y-Ah!", Cas uttered as she felt herself pulled by the legs, first along the floor, then upwards. She came to a stop with her rump off the ground, at which point Ferk stepped away. "What the fuck?", Cas asked as she looked up at her paws, hung by her bindings to one of the metal hooks on the wall.

"Giving you some time to fertilize.", Ferk said.

"Wha?", Cas asked in confusion, only to soon remember whom she dealt with. "This something you do to all the girls?", she asked, the idea of what they were doing to her quite distasteful to consider.

"Yeah!", Sigi announced happily. "You got bred, same as any other cunt.", she said with some malice.

Cas had a while to consider this new development. It was indeed as the bitchy hyena said, though whether what they did to her now actually influenced her chances of falling pregnant, she couldn't say. Judging by her clientele for this assignment, however, chances were this idea held some merit.

"Couldn't we give her a beating, at least?", Sigi asked as she walked up where Cas hanged.

"She's getting plenty banged up on her own.", Ferk said as he lit up a blunt with a match. "Squeezing out a kid hurts plenty too.", he added before taking a puff.

"Gimmie!", Sigi demanded, her grabby hands reaching for the blunt, and was soon obliged. "Not gonna be around to see it, though.", she said as she took a puff herself. "Ah, fuck, that takes the edge off.", she commented as she exhaled.

"Doesn't change what she ends up getting.", Ferk said.

That was when Cas realized something. Something that'd been nagging at the back of her mind since she'd been put in that dark cell. "Uh, I really need to pee.", she said.

"Pfhahahaha!", Sigi burst out laughing, her reaction much too pronounced for what Cas said.

"Heh. You'll have to sweat it out.", Ferk said.

Once again Cas felt her heart sink. They would grant no request, and in this instance she couldn't even piss herself where she laid. This was pure torture.

"So what got a girl like yourself into merc work?", Ferk asked as he now got ahold of the blunt and took a puff.

"What do you care?", Cas asked with resounding spite.

"Just need something to talk about and pass the time.", Ferk said, leaning in and giving the rabbit a breathfull of exhaled smoke. "I take it you already know all about us, so I'm asking about you.", he said. "Or maybe you'd like to play some more?", he then asked, running a hand over the grip of his revolver. Given the absence of immediate threat, she had to wonder if they ever actually seriously considered shooting her.

"Is it even loaded?", Cas asked.

"Heh.", Ferk said and pulled it out. Cas thought she might live to regret the question, but then he merely popped the cylinder out. There was indeed a round in one of the chambers. "Best believe you got lucky, lil' bunny. Twice.", he then began as he stowed the gun away. "Had you actually shot my sister, this wouldn't be a fair game.", he said, then took another puff from his blunt.

"Still say we could give her one for the road.", Sigi said. "All we're doing here is rewarding her shitty aim.", she said.

"Hah! That's true!", Ferk said. "But better we reward that and luck than good shooters.", he said.

"Hmpf. Hope you remember that when you get shot at.", Sigi said with a roll of her eyes.

"So how about it? What lead you to this point in time?", Ferk asked and placed a hand over Cas's abdomen before beginning to rub it. She hardly appreciated the attention, though it wasn't unpleasant, at least physically.

"Just doing what I like while keeping myself on good terms with the local law.", Cas said.

"Oh? So you like shooting people dead?", Ferk asked, his smile growing toothy.

"I suppose.", Cas muttered. Normally this wouldn't be something she'd admit to, but under present company she hardly imagined they would scoff at her. "Nothing personal. You were just another target.", she added.

"Heh. Likewise.", Ferk said, his hand briefly running over Cas's taped up groin.

"Alright, off you go.", Ferk said, granting Cas one last slap on the rear.

"You can't be serious!", Cas said, blushing profusely at the very thought of approaching the town looking like this. Other than the tape still plastered over her cunt, she was completely naked, her hands bound behind her back once more. "This is bullshit!", she hissed.

"Ahahaha!", Sigi cackled, as she had been for the past minute.

"How do you expect me to stay alive like this?", Cas asked critically.

"You're a tough girl. Just steer clear of the animals and follow my directions.", Ferk said. "At worst you'll get picked up by some people interested in pulling off that tape.", he added, giving her crotch a playful tap.

"Fuck you.", Cas cussed glumly, unable to offer much more in the way of retort.

"Best watch who you say that to. Might think it's a proposal.", Sigi said.

"And best shut your mouth and start walking, before we tape up some other lips.", Ferk added.

"Pffhah!", Sigi chortled.

Cas decided to take the hyena's advice and go before they changed their minds about someone walking off with the knowledge of where their little nest was.

Marching ahead, completely exposed to the elements save for that one patch of tape over her slit, she found herself truly afraid, of whether she would even reach civilization alive, of how she would be greeted, and whether the result of their encounter would linger and grow in her belly. This was a complete loss for her, with the one consolation being that she was still alive and free... for the most part. She could only hope that it would remain so once she reached Hallseth.

Her walk of shame was briefly accompanied by incoherent chatter coming from between the two siblings, as well as giggles and laughs, audible even in the heavy wind. They would echo after her for much longer than she actually heard them.