Sunrise... Sunset

Story by Ryuzaki-Kai on SoFurry

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This is the first chapter of what I hope many. This story is based on the Game 'Pokémon Diamond and Pearl'. What I've done here is note out key events that happen to me (My character) in the game and i've based a story around it.

I intend to do 1 Hour of Gameplay to 1 chapter of story. So this being my first chapter, makes it 1 hours worth. So, really here's a taster of what your going to get in the future! :3

Generally this story DOES start off Male/Male however I do intend for it to be diverse, including many genders at once, or certain solo. So if you like what you read before the naughty part, please either ignore it or read it with a open mind as to what you will recieve when there is a girl involved. I generally want to appeal to all kinds of audiances so I don't want you thinking this is just going to be a gay story with a little pussy. This IS going to be big depending on how arsed I can be to write it. This story DID contain javascript however... It's decided it won't work for me on here so if you get confused at any parts just comment and I'll try to explain it to you. I have tried my best to make each part different and understandable but obviously without Javascript it's very difficult for you as a reader to understand some parts (Like dreaming or voices ect).

Anyway without further ado here is the first of what I hope to be many chapter of Sunrise... Sunset.

'Click...De-de-de-de... De-de-de-de... De-de-de-de.'

The sound penetrated the small room, echoing around the beige walls. Sprawled across the dusty wooden floor were assorted pieces of clothing, each lay idly in the shadow of the single beam of light which broke through the crack in the curtains. The light reflected the dust which flew around in the air, shimmering and fighting for a chance in the spotlight.

There wasn't much furniture in the room; a few wooden wardrobes and a small wooden bed, each respective of their places. The walls were covered in a beige style wallpaper, with a single beam of dark brown across it's centre to give it that retro look.

A old alarm clock, small with a green plastic covering it's face stood atop of the wardrobe; the source of the sound. Something stirred under the covers of the bed, shifting around and squirming slightly. The sheet grunted slightly, exposing a pale foot at the end of the bed which fell heavily to the dusty ground. Another foot appeared, and fell next to it's counterpart on the ground. Another grunt, a hand, another hand, each grasping the cover and pulling it down to reveal the source of the grunts.

His hair, brown in colour though wild and medium length. Eye's darker than his hair, almost black.

The human swung his hand wildly at the alarm clock, knocking it over on to it's side and causing it to cease it's beeping. He wiped his hand over his face, yawning into it before moving his hand away and placing it back down on the bed.

Looking around, the bedroom was a mess. Lined with his clothes and paper of some kind. Odd little objects scattered around, some of them big and others small. The human groaned again, falling back onto the bed and closing his eyes once more, half covered by the sheet.


"Now you've gotta eat up Ryu or you wont be ready for later!"

Hustling around was a woman, quite old with fluffy curly hair a lighter shade than the boys. She wore a apron over her long pink dress. At the table sat the boy, Ryu. He looked down at the food in front of him, then looked away and sighed to himself gently.

"I don't feel like eating mom... Anyway what's happening later that's so important?"

She turned to face him, and gave him one of those ' I told you so ' looks, a smirk tugging at her lips.

"Shouldn't have partied then should we?" The boy shook his head and poked at his pancakes slightly, breaking off little pieces and poking them numerous times with his fork. "C'mon, eat up. You got a letter today."

She waltzed over towards the kitchen side, picking up a small white letter that was wedged inbetween two cups. The letter slid across the table, landing beside Ryu's plate. Upon the letter was a seal, the image of a Poke Ball wrapped around with a parchment that two pidgeys held together at either side. Written on the parchment were the two letters P.A. Everyone knew that P.A stood for Pokémon Academy. What Ryu didn't understand, was why he had received a letter from them.

"But... This is from the Pokémon Academy." He turned towards his mother who merely smiled and nodded her head, watching him.

"But I never attended the Pokémon Academy..." She nodded again and smiled wider at him.

"I'll leave you to open it yourself." And without hesitation, she walked through the door opposite Ryu and disappeared.

And he was alone, left holding the small letter above his breakfast. The smell of treacle hit him, though something inside his stomach rejected the smell and made him queasy. Maybe it was the nerves of what the letter contained, or maybe the larger from the night before was being dominant over his body. Either way he didn't know what to expect inside the letter.

One or two Pidgeys' Coo'ed contently in the apricorn tree outside. It was mostly quiet other than that, though that made it worse. Ryu had been sat there for 5 minuets just staring at the letter. It felt thick, and it was hard. He couldn't bend it otherwise whatever was inside would break.

He shifted his fingers towards the seal, which was pressed over the flap of the letter keeping it sealed. He pushed his finger underneath, ripping the wax seal apart and allowing the paper to spring open.

Fumbling around slightly, he pulled the contents out. It was strange, like a small monitor. Lined with a chrome border and the back exactly the same. Ryu placed the empty envelope down on the table, and held the gadget with both hands.

There was a slight high pitched squeal, then a flicker of light as the screen switched itself on automatically. The image seemed to grow larger from the centre, though the image wasn't clear yet. Then it changed slightly, the screen turning a light blue with a pattern across the back, and a Pikachu stood in the corner. In the top left corner was the Pokémon Academy symbol again. Then there was a noise, like talking, though it wasn't understandable.

After a few moments of the strange muffled talking noise, it got louder and spoke clearer. The voice was a male computer voice, speaking in syllables and pronouncing everything in a strange manner.

'Hello there! Its so very nice to meet you!'

The screen flickered again, the words Ryu could hear now appearing on the screen.

'My name is Professor Rowan. However, everyone just calls me the Pokémon Professor. As you may know, we live in a world inhabited by Pokémon and Humans alike! Some of us play together, at other times we work together. But most commonly people team up with Pokémon to battle against each other, in an attempt to train themselves and their Pokémon! We at the Pokémon Academy try to help younger humans to train with Pokémon for working life, however, the Pokémon academy cannot help ALL younger people, so only a select few are chosen and you will be glad to know, your one of them!

Firstly, I will need to know your gender.'

The screen changed, showing two boxes. Inside one of them was 'BOY' and the other 'GIRL'. Above them it wrote 'Please touch your gender'. Naturally, as Ryu was a boy he pressed against the boy symbol. The screen changed again with two more boxes, one saying 'YES' the other 'NO', and written at the top was 'Are you sure?'. He looked down at the screen, one eyebrow raised. Then looked down at his lap, pulled his jeans and boxers forward to check before pressing the 'YES' button. It began to speak again.

'Great! So your a boy! Could you please tell me your name?'

This time the screen changed to a keypad. Naturally he wrote in 'Ryu'. Pressed enter again before he was greeted by the 'YES' and 'NO' buttons again.

"Of course I'm sure that's my name... Jeeze."

Pressing the 'YES' button for the second time, he sighed slightly and watched again as it began to speak.

'And your name is Ryu, what a wonderful name! Now, here at the Pokémon academy we don't like you starting your journey all on your own. So, we have invited your friend Dante to join you on this Journey! Unfortunately, we couldn't send him a machine so would you be so kind as to tell us his name?'

"Okay, your kidding me right? Dante! Yeah! Woo!... Wait, why do I have to give you his name when you already know it...?"

The screen didn't respond, instead the little symbol blinked and waited patiently. Something crossed Ryu's mind as he was about to type in his friends name. What if, he was to put in a silly name. Like, 'Douche'. He laughed to himself at the thought; Arriving to receive their Pokémon and the professor calling him Douche. Though the temptation was there, he didn't and simply typed his friends name in.

'So his name is Dante? Are you sure?'

He bit his lip and smirked at the opportunity, but instead clicked 'YES' and kept the little joke all to himself.

'Great! There are a few things I need to explain to you before I can let you begin. As you may already know, we at the Pokémon Academy allow you to choose one of three Pokémon we have at your local facility. These Pokémon may differ daily, and you have to be fully prepared to take care of your Pokémon regardless of what you receive. If in the unlikely event that you are left with the last Pokémon, you may return the following day for a different pick. However, your only allowed one chance to do this, if you continue to avoid the Pokémon available you will not be allowed to receive a Pokémon.

In the case of extreme illnesses, you may...'

The machine babbled on to itself, Ryu's attention now elsewhere. He looked up, loosing himself in a world of Pokémon battles, fighting other trainers for respect. Or maybe, Pokémon competitions. Grooming and talent contests? Or, perhaps a Pokémon breeder.

He blushed at the concept and swiftly shifted his day dream onwards. Maybe, A Pokémon collector? Or Photographer? Or breeder?

He blushed again. This time redder than before and coughed to himself slightly, deciding that he would try all of them, and see which one was his favourite.

'... And that's where you will receive you Pokedex, Pokémon, Trainer card and some beginners equipment to get you started on your journey. Remember, don't be late otherwise you may not have a selection of Pokémon to choose from! Thank you and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

Ryu stared blankly at the screen, which switched itself off. It's image closing down to a bar in the middle, swallowing itself in the centre and disappearing from sight. There was a eerie silence in the kitchen; The dishwasher no longer creating a noise, the pidgeys coo'ing a distant memory, the gentle hum of the fridge low in the air. Ryu sat there, staring down at the little machine in his hand. He turned it to the side, looking all around it for a switch. There was nothing.

Sighing to himself and placing the machine down on the table, he let his head fall into his hands and sighed once again. Thanks to his day dream he missed the location of the local Pokémon Academy, and all his day dreaming will have been for nothing. He sighed to himself again, though something caught his attention. There was speaking, in the other room. It sounded like his mom, but he wasn't quite sure. Then someone walked through the kitchen door.

It was another male teenager, similar in height and age to Ryu though his dress sense was far different. He wore a green jacket, light blue jeans and a red and white scarf to compliment his already terrible dress sense. His hair, dark brown like Ryu's though shorter.

"Ryu! You've got to come with me! Quick!!"

And with that, he disappeared behind the door. Ryu sat there, staring at the swinging door in anticipation. Nothing happened, so he stood up and walked towards the door, pushing it forwards as he made his way through into the large living room.

The living room was under furnished, in Ryu's opinion. Though his mother loved it the way it was. A large T.V, two seater sofa and a simple coffee table inbetween the two. A whole room, with only that and a few lamps in it. Ryu's mother was nowhere to be seen inside the room, though the front door was open slightly so he figured she'd be outside, beside, that must have been where Dante had disappeared to, too.

Outside was beautiful. Summer had arrived not that long ago, and the sun wasn't giving up. Sky almost cloudless, with a warm gentle breeze in the air to compliment the suns rays. School had finished for the children, many of them outside their houses playing with their parents Pokémon.

Ryu lived in the small village of Twinleaf, in the Sinnoh region. School finished for him 3 Years ago, he was now 17, without a job. Though, he could embark on a once in a lifetime adventure... If he could find Dante. He wasn't in eyesight, nor was he outside his own house. Y'see, Dante has a problem of... Being a bit too fast, eager. Which caused a few problems, like when your trying to find him to tell him something important and life changing.

Ryu sighed to himself again, taking things easy was his way of doing things. Couldn't be more different from Dante if he tried, yet the two of them were best friends. Always have been since they were children.

Someone familiar stood next to the house, wearing a pink dress and apron. Ryu's mom. She looked up towards the exit of Twinleaf, face concerned and hand covering her mouth as she watched someone fidget around at the exit.

"Mom, did you see where Dante went?" She merely nodded, turned around and smiled at him, lowering her hand to speak.

"He went towards the exit hon., said it was an emergency or something. Be safe... Don't walk in the tall grass honey."

She sounded concerned, though Ryu simply smiled back at her and began running towards Dante. Shouting back 'I Won't Mom!' as he ran towards the exit.

Twinleaf was majestic in it's own way. Just a small village that had managed to poise itself on the Sinnoh region map, simply because the Elite Four champion was born there. Other than that, the little village was hardly worth visiting, unless you wanted to visit the Pokepensil museum. Not a fun filled day I can assure you. But there was something strange about it, as if, there was a un-tampered power locked away. But enough of that, what was really interesting was Lake Verity. A thick fog covered the landscape and there are rumours said that Pokémon of unfammable rarity were hidden there. But, that was just a rumour. Still, interesting to think though isn't it?

Ryu jogged up behind Dante, stopping for a quick moment to catch his breath. Dante huffed impatiently, shuffling his feet around. It wasn't long until Ryu had caught his breath, looked up at Dante and smiled.

"Well I'm here, what's the emergency?" He watched Dante frown at him, knowing he wasn't fast enough for his liking.

"Well it's not an emergency... Yet. Did you watch that Pokémon Programme? The one about the Red Gyrados?"

Ryu simply nodded, remembering watching about 5 minutes of it before switching channel.

"Well, it got me thinking. If there are such rare Pokémon like that in Johto, then why not here in our lakes? So! The emergency is, well, the mission is! Yeah that's better. Anyway, the mission is, we search the lake for any rare Pokémon of any kind! And Ryu..." He looked up at Dante, who was frowning again. "If your that late next time I'll fine you 1,000,000 Poke!"

His face didn't change, he was serious. Ryu chuckled a little and shook his head, deciding this wouldn't take that long. What with Dante's rushed personality. And he'd have plenty of time to explain what was happening tomorrow. Besides, he didn't want to tell Dante right now... It would ruin his fun.

The route to Lake Verity was plain. Only a 5 Minute walk from Twinleaf, though Dante managed to make it 3 Minutes, Ryu stumbling along behind him.

They walked through the small entrance created by coving tree's and bushes. The archway of tree's opened up to a wide area, light fog hovered over the area and back indistinguishable. Though, it was clear that ahead of them stood two humans. One quite tall, white hair, wearing a long brown trench coat. The other, similar in height and what seemed age too the two boys that stood watching them in the archway. The taller human spoke, both of them transfixed on what seemed to be a large rock in the centre of the lake, though it was barely visible from the fog.

"Dawn, I think our work here is done. Whatever is here is certainly a rare creature. Nothing should disturb it, I fear, it may disrupt the natural environment around here if we did."

His voice was deep, but croaky. It seemed worn and tired, but at the same time strong and powerful. Dawn, the males apprentice as it seemed, replied; her voice steady and gentle.

"Yes Professor. I fear you may be correct... So how does it feel to be back in the Sinnoh region after 4 years, Professor Rowan?"

Ryu gasped slightly realising the man in front of him was the Professor, the one he was supposed to meet tomorrow. Without thinking, he walked towards the Professor. Jogged. Sprinted.

"Professor! Professor!"

Rowan turned around to face Ryu, raising an eyebrow as he saw the young man sprint towards him. What could possibly be so important as to have a complete stranger sprint towards him shouting his name.

The sudden outburst of noise startled a few Pokémon... Namely, two Starleys who thought Professor Rowan and Dawn was the source. Not to mention, they were grumpy.

There was a sudden burst through the bush, and two black dashes flew out and straight towards the Professor. One of them scratching the side of Rowans face, while the other flew in front of Dawn causing her to scream and wave her arms around frantically in an attempt to scare it off. The shock of the scratch caused the professor to drop his briefcase, which fell to the ground and burst open. Papers with assorted data from his research fell over the grass, the breeze causing them to float out over the water and into the surrounding tree's and bushes. Though, three small, red and white objects fell out onto the ground. They rolled out in different directions, one of them landing straight in front of Ryu.

Ryu bent down to pick up the small object, realising that in his hand was a Pokémon. If he was to save Rowan and Dawn, he'd have to use this Pokémon. Something stirred at the base of Ryu's stomach, worry. What if he wasn't good enough to win the battle? What if, the Pokémon inside the Poke ball didn't obey him and Professor Rowan and Dawn were severely injured thanks to his mistake.

He couldn't do it... Sweat began to roll down the sides of his face just thinking about what might happen. He swallowed, the lump in his throat making things more awkward than what they already were. Then something happened... He pushed the button subconsciously. The ball clicking open and the translucent red beam hitting the ground in front of him, slowly merging into the form of a 2ft 5" High canid Pokémon. It's features hidden by the red beam, though they were becoming more prominent.

The beam disappeared back inside the Poke ball, leaving the small creature that once was inside in front of Ryu. It stood on all four legs, a canid figure though different. It's body was covered with a sleek burgundy fur, darker on the tuft of fur above it's head, and it's paws too. Behind it stood 6 small tails which curved gently at the ends creating a swirl, the same darker brown fur covered them too.

It stood poised and ready for command, staring at the Starleys ahead. Ryu stuttered something, watching the small canid. His nerves getting the better of him, though, he saw the small Pokémon turn slightly, it's face looking up at Ryu's. There seemed to be a smile spread across it's muzzle, but it quickly shifted it's view back towards the enemy, not giving Ryu half a chance to see it. Though he did remember one thing... The Pokémon eyes. Deep dark brown, much like his own. But there was something deeper inside them, something which calmed him down slightly, causing him to think rationally.

Still, he didn't have a clue what attacks the little canine might know.

"Uh, use tackle on that Pokémon over there!"

His voice wasn't half as powerful as he would have wanted it to have been; stance, mediocre and to top it all off he wasn't even pointing in the enemies direction. Though, the little Pokémon followed his command perfectly, slamming into the swift Starley causing it to fall to the ground, squawking in pain.

Ryu couldn't believe it. It was a direct hit, perfectly executed and above all the little canine simply turned around and walked back towards Ryu. This time, showing him it's face, and it was definitely smiling. It had a cute black button nose, beautiful brown eyes as he'd already seen, and small pointed ears.


It cried out in happiness at Ryu, nuzzling gently at his leg as it looked up towards his face, smiling still. Something stirred again deep inside Ryu's stomach, this time a nostalgic warm feeling he got when looking at the small Pokémon. His face warmed up as he gave the little creature a large smile, the nostalgic feeling in his stomach gaining in strength as he watched the little Pokémon nuzzle at his knee. Then he remembered, Dawn!

"Uh! Get the oth... Oh."

Blood rushed to Ryu's cheeks as he noticed Dawn and Dante standing together. In Dante's hand, a small Poke ball just like the one in his. Beneath him stood a Pokémon similar to the one Ryu used, though it's fur was dark brown and it had a fluffy mane around it's neck. An Eevee, he remembered.

Dawn giggled slightly, turned to Dante and pecked him on the cheek. He blushed slightly, turned away and gave Ryu a victory smile, which he returned. Professor Rowan coughed from the side of Ryu, gaining everyone's attention. He was staring down at Ryu, eye's seeming to penetrate the surface of the human and looking in far past what lied beneath the surface.

"That was very brave, you two young lads. Both of you show full potential. What did you say your name was?"

"I'm Ryu... And my friend over there is..."

"Ah! Ryu and Dante! Marvellous! The two young lads I will be seeing tomorrow."

At this stage, Dante was thoroughly confused. Stuttering a few words, he managed to speak, mind still running through what happened.

"So, you mean to tell me... That I was supposed to see you tomorrow... Professor?"

The professor nodded carefully, glancing towards Dante as he did but then turning back to look at Ryu.

"Yeah, Dante. Sorry... Kinda forgot to tell you. Were both starting our Pokémon Journeys tomorrow. I got a letter... Thing today." Dante stared blankly towards Ryu, not everything had sunk in yet. "Only, I've got a problem professor. I didn't quite catch the part where I was supposed to go..."

At this point Dante was holding up his hand, staring a his fingers for a moment, dropping each one down as he muttered things to himself.

"Ah! My Laboratory in Sangem is where you should go. 11am sharp. I suggest you tell your mothers, you'll need their support. Oh, and I almost forgot. Bring that little device you received in the post, you'll need that for the both of you to receive your Pokémon, trainer card, Pokedex and some beginners Items. Oh, and I'm afraid boys you'll have to return them Pokémon to me, they wont be available until tomorrow."

He simply smiled at Ryu and Dante, then began to pick up the pieces of paper that were scattered around him, sliding them neatly into the briefcase on the ground.

Ryu looked down at the small Pokémon by his feet; It beamed up at him, murring as it continued to nuzzle at Ryu's knee. He knelt down on the ground and gave the small Pokémon a stroke. Its silky fur running inbetween his fingers, smooth and short. He sighed to himself, frowning.

Something wet touched Ryu's cheek, it was cold, but soothing. He turned to look, and stood up against him was the small Pokémon, concern spread across it's face.

"Vull!" It murred gently and gave Ryu another nuzzle, licking gently afterwards on his cheek. The nostalgic feeling in his stomach returned, heavier than before. He smiled, wondering whether he would see the Pokémon again or not.

"Hey, I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" The Pokémon replied with a exited 'Vull! Vull!', dropped it's paws from the human and ran around once in a circle, placing it's paws back on Ryu and giving him another lick on the cheek. He smiled to himself, stroking the Pokémon gently as he stood back up. Held the Poke Ball in front of him and pushed the button.

The same red beam engulfed the Pokémon, wrapping itself around it, then dissolving it slightly into the translucent light. Just before it returned to the Poke Ball, the Pokémon cried 'Vulll!' happily.

And it was gone, back inside the small ball held in Ryu's hand. And for the first time in his life, he was reluctant to hand a borrowed Pokémon back. He'd done it plenty of times at school when practicing, but this one was different. There was something there that, just made him want to keep ahold of the Pokémon. Even if it was just for a little while longer. Though, he knew he had to hand the Pokémon back to Rowan, and hope that come tomorrow, it's still there.

Rowan simply thanked the two boys one again for saving them, took the two Poke Balls from them and scooped up the third along with as much of the paperwork he could find, then hurried off out of the tree archway. Dawn following close behind, looking back towards the two boys every now and then.

Both Dante and Ryu returned home. Neither of them talked much on the way back, other than Ryu explaining what happened this morning. When Ryu arrived home, his mother was sat at the kitchen table. Tea in her hands, waiting.

"Ryu... Is there something you want to tell me?"

She didn't seem concerned or worried. Rather, curious.

"Uh, yeah there is. Actually." He sat down at the table in front of her, leaning against it with both elbows, head in his hands. "Uh. That letter. I got today? Well it was from the Pokémon Academy. They... They want me to become a trainer. Tomorrow, actually. So... If that's okay with you... I mean, that's what we wanted, right?." She just simply nodded slowly. "And well, something else happened today. At the Lake. We met the professor. Professor Rowan. And well, he got attacked by some Pokémon. And... And me and Dante had to use one of his Pokémon to save them. And well... Mom I used this Pokémon and I think, I think it liked me. And Mom, I liked it. I want to be a trainer. And tomorrow, I want to go and get that Pokémon. So, please... You don't mind, do you?"

She merely shook her head and smiled.

"Mom... Is something the matter?"

Then he noticed it. Tears rolling down her face as she looked at her son, proud.

"No... No Ryu nothings the matter! Well, I'm just... I'm sorry... I'm so proud of you and, of course I don't mind! I better cook you something good! And you better get packing!"


**Wait... Why am I here...?


What's that voice?


... Why do strange things always happen to me... Hello? Who's there?

'Ryu... My name...'

Your name? I don't understand...

'My name... It's Zephyr...

Zephyr... That's nice... Who are you?

'I'll see you... Tomorrow...'

Wait... What?

Oh. My life is so strange... I thought I was dreaming... Oh wait here it comes.**


**"Zephyr, use flamethrower!"


"Then quick attack and finish it off with a body slam!"

'Vull Vull!'

The fox moved swiftly, running towards the shadow foe. It jumped in the air, raised it's hind and shot a beam of fire straight from it's muzzle. Hitting the shadow directly. The fox hit the floor gracefully, poised to attack though it didn't linger for too long, dashing forwards at a high speed to slam into the foe once again, knocking it to the ground.

Then it commenced the final blow, a full body slam. Though the creature was only small, the force of the hit sent the shadow creature flying back towards the shadowed trainer.

"Yeah! Alright Zephyr! Good job!"

'Vull Vull!'

Affection in it's eyes, the small fox leapt towards Ryu almost knocking him over in the process.

'Vull Vull... Vulpix!"

Ryu picked the small Pokémon up, holding it in his hands as he gazed into the eye's of the fox. Those deep, dark brown eyes... How he could stare into them all day. Losing himself in them...

"Wait... What am I thinking!"

Ryu blushed slightly at his thoughts, letting his mind wander off to other things was dangerous. Then again, this was a dream, after all... It wasn't like anyone else could see, or hear what he was thinking... Right?

Moving the little fox closer, he noticed a few more things he just loved. The way it's fur fell naturally over it's face; it's little button nose; and those adorable ears. But nothing could beat it's eyes... Eye's that seem to penetrate everything and anything he was thinking. As if they knew everything about him, and more. Stuff that even he did...

And before he knew it, the small fox was pressed gently against his face. It's muzzle pressed against his. The small Pokémon had it's eyes closed, contently kissing the human.

He didn't know what to do. Whether to pull it away or, go along with it. After all it was his dream, though there was something strange about it. He never imagined kissing the Pokémon... Not that he didn't like it. But rather, as if he had a mind of his own and it was running away. Still... He was enjoying the kiss. But, that beeping. That annoying beeping again. Where was it coming from? Why was he imagining beeping?**

"No... Oh..."


'Click...De-de-de-de... De-de-de-de... De-de-de-de.'

Something groaned under the sheets as the intoxicating sound woke it up. Stumbling around, a arm wildly flew out from under the quilt and hit the little green clock, knocking it down and against the wall.

'Crack... De-de-de...De...D...'

There was a sigh, and the cover slid off the bed onto what seemed like a immaculately tidy floor. The dust that once was there, now a forgotten relic.

Ryu sat up on the side of the bed, yawning into his hands as he looked over towards the broken alarm clock.

"Oh no..."

He tutted to himself, frowning slightly though still smiling in the process. Today, he was going to become a Pokémon trainer! Today, everything was going to go his way... He hoped. Along with that hope, was worry. Worry that, he might not be able to get the Pokémon he fought with yesterday. Which reminded him of the strange dream he had just moments ago...

Besides making sure Ryu was dressed properly, had eaten properly and had everything he needed, his mom was fussing around as if it was his first day at school.

"Mom, I know I need to be prepared but, don't you think taking a table cloth is a bit... Much?"

There was tension in the air; Ryu in desperate need to get away and meet up with Dante before they set off, and his mom frantically rushing around. She turned from the kitchen cupboard, a stern look upon her face.

"Now don't you give me that 'Oh I'll be living in the woods I don't need hygiene' stuff Mr.! Your going to do this properly whether you like it or..."

"No Mom, really, I don't need it. Are you gonna come here to wave me off or fuss around like some old fossil?"

She didn't seem impressed, but the point was taken. Hurrying over towards the front door where her little boy stood, she embraced him in her arms for probably the last time in a long time. Her tears began to roll down the sides of her distraught face.

"I'm going to miss you Ryu..."

"I know mom, and I'll miss you too... Promise I'll come back and visit, and when I do, I'll show you all my Pokémon and how strong I'll have gotten... I'll make you proud mom."

This only caused her to sob even further. She muttered 'I love you son' into Ryu's ear, and he muttered it back, picking up his over packed rucksack and swinging it over his shoulder. The first few steps were the hardest, but the bravest. She stood at the door watching him, waving him off as he walked towards the exit. The shadow of Dante at the end, moving around and fidgeting made Ryu wonder if he was late or not.

With a few last waves to his mother before she was out of sight, he turned around and walked forwards, not knowing what to expect. Or when to expect it. But he did know what to expect as he approached Dante. A sarcastic comment, as usual.

"So you moving out then?"

There it was.

"Mom seemed to think so. This is basically my bedroom... Curtains and all."

He sighed as he said that. The thing is, he wasn't lying.

"Well, either way were five minutes early so lets set off know. You never know, we might get attacked again and this time, we don't have any Pokémon with us."

Dante had a fair point, so Ryu simply nodded his reply and began to walk east towards Sangem Town. For once Dante following behind him without rushing on ahead. Ryu could tell there was something playing on his mind.


After about Thirty minutes, a few trips and falls and above all, Dante taking the lead due to impatience, they had arrived at Sangem town and hour earlier than planned. The town wasn't much bigger than Twinleaf. A Pokémon Centre, Pokémon Mart, Pokémon Academy. All reasons why it was Sangem Town, rather than Sangem Village.

Sea air greeted the two boys as they stepped into foreign territory, along with a cool breeze to compliment it. Looking around, they noticed the Pokémon Academy towards the north east of the city. Outside, stood two people.

As Ryu and Dante hurried closer to the Academy, they noticed that one of the people stood outside was Dawn, accompanied by another young boy like the two of them. Though, he didn't seem at all pleased.

Dawn noticed the two, and skipped over towards them, leaving the other boy alone to wallow in his dissatisfied feelings.

"Hey you two~ Your early!"

She giggled slightly before looking at Dante and blushing.

"Thank you, again Dante, for saving me~"

Dante just merely smiled at her, blushing gently at the cheeks as he did. Then, he began to walk towards the entrance of the Academy. Then Jog. Then sprint.

"Impatience always got the better of him... How're you Dawn?"

"Yeah I'm good. You wanna come inside I'll get you all sorted with a Pokémon."

She sounded distracted, un-interested if you like. Either way Ryu was just being polite, he didn't care about Dawn. They walked towards the Pokémon academy; Ryu noticed the young boy had sulked off elsewhere, grumbling things to himself as he stomped away.

Through the carved Oak doors, the gold linen hallways, and over a few red silken carpets, the two walked straight towards another set of huge Oak doors. A small plaque on the outside reading 'Pokémon Research Lab'.

Inside, assorted chrome machinery beeped and flashed an array of different lights. Men scurried from one side of the room to the other, carrying different pieces of paper and odd little things that Ryu didn't recognise.

The two walked towards what seemed to be a huge round machine, though the centre of the machine was a mass of blue light. In the middle, a single small beam held the huge round mushroom top above it's counterpart base. Inside the middle, laid a single Poke Ball.

Dante lurked around the Machine, staring aimlessly through the blue light at Professor Rowan who stood opposite him. The moment Dawn saw Dante, she skipped jollily off towards him, calling behind her back 'Talk to the professor~!'. Laughing to himself, Ryu made his way over towards the Professor. Who greeted him with a smile and a handshake, before speaking.

"Did you bring the device?"

Ryu nodded, kneeled down and swung his over packed bag pack off. After a bit of rustling and a few embarrassing hiccups, where he pulled out his boxers rather than the little device, he found it eventually and passed it over to the Professor.

Rowan simply placed the small device onto a little machine, which hummed, beeped a few time, then pinged and he removed the device placing it in the bin at the side.

"Okay all sorted, it will take a few moments for your Trainer Cards to be printed. Dante, I have yours here, I believe your all set to go."

Dante rushed over to Professor Rowan, retrieved the small piece of plastic and began to make his way to the exit, calling over his shoulder to Ryu.

"I'll see you around!"

And that was it, Dante had disappeared for the last time today. He knew he was too head strong to hang around with Ryu for a bit, but then again that's how he liked it. On his own. If Dante wasn't around then both of them could get further than together. Still... It would have been nice for his best friend to stay, just a little longer.

Sighing to himself, Ryu turned to the Professor who was working around his computer. Dawn grumbled a few things about Dante and not being interested, though Ryu knew he was, he just didn't like to show it.

"You can take the Pokémon now if you want."

He hadn't taken his eyes' off the computer screen. Then there was a single moment, a moment of worry as Ryu stared at the Poke Ball in front of him. It was the last one. Dante didn't seem disgruntled, so maybe he got the one he used. But what if it had already gone? The other person had already arrived and taken their Pokémon.

Ryu swallowed; the lump in his throat hardened slightly and caused him to worry further. Slowly, he shifted his hand inside the blue light. Grasping the small Poke Ball, lifting it up and sighing gently.

Then something happened. There was a beep, a moment of silence and then in front of him a small screen lit up, showing some information.

**Beldum. Lvl 5

Steel, Psychic type.

Found in the region of Hoen.

Gender : Genderless.

Nature : Hardy.

Moves :



'Oh... Beldum... Right... That's defiantly not the Pokémon I used yesterday... Someone must have already taken it...'

Suddenly a heavy feeling of annoyance, disappointment and stupidity swept over Ryu. Getting himself all worked up over a Pokémon that he might not have gotten, and getting his hopes up too.

Sighing to himself, he took the Poke Ball out of the blue light. The data on the screen disappeared, leaving just the blue light.

"So, Beldum is it. I'll just input the..."

Rowan was interrupted by one of his work colleges. They called from the opposite side of the room, accompanied by the young boy from outside.

"Professor! This youngster here..."

He was cut off by the young boy, who had already walked square up to Professor Rowan, anger in his face.

"Sir, the Pokémon you gave me earlier doesn't work! Its not obeying me and it even attacked me!"

The Professor didn't seem at all disgruntled by this. In fact, he smiled slightly.

"Well, that's all part of being a trainer Youngster Joey."

Joey wasn't having any of it. He snarled slightly at the Professor, walked over to the blue machine and firmly placed the Poke Ball down into one of the slots. The little screen appeared again, showing a picture of the Pokémon inside.

**Vulpix. Lvl 5

Originated from the Kanto region.**

This is all Ryu needed to know. Quickly, he turned to face the youngster who was about to strut outside.

"Wait! Would you like this Pokémon instead? I'll take that one, you can have this, yeah?"

At this point, the young kid had turned around, frowning.

"Why would you want that Pokémon? It doesn't obey you."

Ryu had to think fast... The youngster may want the other Pokémon back if he thinks it's rare.

"Uh, well Y'see. I like a challenge. And I know your not happy, so, it would be better if you took my Pokémon and I took your old one."

Joey didn't seem suspicious. Infact, he began to smile and nodded enthusiastically.

"So what Pokémon is it you've got?"

"Beldum. Steel and Psychic type."

Once again the youngster nodded, took the Poke Ball from Ryu's hand and walked back outside the Oak doors. All that was left to do now, was retrieve his Pokémon from the depths of the blue light. Reaching in, he grasped it and this time, felt his body heat up with happiness. He noticed the screen, reading the rest of the information.

**Vulpix. Lvl 5

Originated from the Kanto region.

Fox. Fire type.

Gender : Male.

Nature : Playful




"Okay then, I'll put down on your Trainer Card that Vulpix is your starter Pokémon. Would you like to give it a nickname?"

Now this wasn't difficult for Ryu. If there was one thing he remembered about his dream last night, it was that name. Fortunately for him, he remembered everything in his dream last night. And unfortunately, this made him blush quite badly.

"Yeah, Zephyr."

The professor nodded, typed something in and stood up. In his hand, a small red plastic device. In the other, a small brown pouch.

"I have here a Pokedex. I would like you to record data of all the Pokémon in Sinnoh for me. And I also have a pouch of some beginners items for you, these should get you started." He passed them over to Ryu, turning around to retrieve a small piece of plastic. "And here is your trainer card, without this, you won't be allowed to participate in Gym battles. Good luck, and I hope to see you again."

And with that, he turned back around and sat on the computer chair, typing away at the computer in front of him.


Everything was going his way. He got the Pokémon he wanted, a new life, an interesting life away from home. Home... Mom... She'd been so kind to him. Always there for him. Still, it was exiting, wasn't it? Living out in the wild with Pokémon. Doing whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, with whoever you wanted. And the best part, was the fact you had Pokémon with you. Your best friends, ones to help you through the tough times, and make the good times even better. Which reminded him...

"Come on out Zephyr!"

Hand held out, Poke Ball placed firmly in his grasp. Voice, defiantly more confident than yesterdays. Naturally, as he pushed the button the little ball popped open; the read beam firing out at the ground and creating the same familiar canid figure from yesterday. The beam retracted and stood on the ground was the small Vulpix, his head stuck up high and a face of pure determination.


The Pokémon opened his eyes, suddenly realising that the person that called him out wasn't the bratty youngster, but rather someone he knew. And liked.

Lowering his head from his determined position, he turned and faced Ryu slowly, anticipating something bad. But it wasn't. He was greeted by the 5ft 6" high human with a huge smile. Something stirred in the base of his stomach, something that made him feel light and warm, happy.


Zephyr cried happily, pouncing gently towards the humans chest, where luckily Ryu caught him. Nuzzing affectionately into Ryu's neck and licking at his cheek, crying 'Vul' every now and then as the human held him close.

Ryu allowed the little Vulpix to do as he liked, giggling slightly as the Vulpix tickled him. Sighing to himself, in relief, he gave the small Pokémon a kiss on the forehead. Zephyr returned the kiss by licking Ryu's mouth gently; Ryu blushing slightly as he did, thinking about what he imagined.

"Uh, so, anyway. Looks like were partners now! Your gonna obey me, aren't you?"


"I'll take that as a yes. So.. Anyway, what should we do first?"

Neither of them said anything in reply. The little Vulpix happily nuzzling against Ryu's neck, murring gently as he did. Though neither of them had to say anything, as a strange woman dressed completely in black made her way through Sangem, stopping in front of Ryu and the Vulpix.

"New trainer?"

Her voice was cool, still. Showing no emotion what-so-ever. She wore a long black dress, frilled at the base. Blue eyes, though they seemed to just stare through everything.

"Uh... Uh yeah... I just got my Pokémon today..."

The woman looked at the small Vulpix, who was still nuzzling at Ryu's neck contently. Then she rustled around in her pocket for a moment, pulling out a small red stone that seemed to glow slightly.

"Put out your hand."

Ryu obeyed the woman, watching her as she placed the small stone in his hand, turning back and walking away quickly. Her long black skirt following her as she went.

"T... Thank you... What is it?"

She didn't look back, though she did reply.

"Its a firestone. Certain Pokémon evolve when exposed to it. Your Vulpix should."

And with that, she disappeared into the tree's. Her mysterious Aura still lingering around the small rock she gave to Ryu.

"That... Well that was... Different."

Zephyr just continued to nuzzle and lick at Ryu's neck. Hardly taking any notice in what was going on around him. Ryu simply pocketed the firestone, utilising his hand to stroke the Vulpix's fur again. The feel of his soft silky fur running through his fingers sent tingles down his spine, knowing full well he loved the feel of the Fox's fur.

"Right! So, what do we do now huh?"

He felt the Vulpix stop; looking down at him he noticed that Zephyr had shifted his gaze towards Ryu's face. The same smile he had yesterday plastered across his face. 'Vull!'

"Lets have a few battles then, huh?"

And with that said, a single happy 'Vull', the two set off towards Route 202.


Huff... Huff...Huff...

"Go on... Push it in there... Push it in harder... Yeah, just like that..."

'Vull... Vu-ulll~!'

"Yeah, that's it... Bring it out gently... Push it back in twice as hard... Oh yeah that's the spot... Okay got it!"

'Vull... Vull Vulpix!'

"Great, now hand me that one there."

Zephyr quickly trotted towards the small pile of metal sticks, placing his muzzle around a smaller one and trotting back to Ryu who took the stick carefully from Zephyrs muzzle. Ryu pushed the small metal stick into a slot of fabric, slotting it in it's allocated slot.

"Almost done now, just a few more... Right! And it's all finished!"


"Well, it may not be the best tent in the world, but it'll work for tonight. At least it's supposed to be clear, so no rain. Hopefully. You gonna come in and help me out?"

'Vull Vull!'

The little fox trotted inside the one man tent; paws treading gently on the plastic floor, his inquisitive mind wondering why it crinkled under him. Ryu soon joined the small fox, bringing with him a small battery powered lamp and a rolled up sleeping bag. He threw the sleeping bag across the floor, covering Zephyr with it.

'Vull... Vull?'

Zephyrs confused cries made Ryu giggle as he flipped the sleeping bag over. The little Vulpix cried out happily and pounced on Ryu, causing him to fall over on top of the sleeping bag. Zephyr stood above Ryu's chest, licking happily at his face.

Something nudged in the side of Ryu's head. The idea, the thought of what he dreamt about... Was it really right? Did things like that happen? He tried to stop thinking about it, but with Zephyr licking his face, close to his mouth, there wasn't much he could think about. Though, there was something. The fire stone... Should he use it on Zephyr this early? I mean, it was his first day. It could make him stronger, but...

"Zephyr, do you think your ready to. Y'know. Evolve?"

The little Vulpix cocked his head, a small 'Vull?' of confusion. Ryu shifted slightly, reaching down to his pocket to retrieve the small stone. He placed the fire stone in front of Zephyr, who watched it as it shone a fierce red, sniffing at it gently.

'Vull... Vulpix Vull!'

Zephyr nodded gently, nudging Ryu's hand closer towards himself. Which he did. Ryu wasn't quite sure what to do, but there was only one thing he could do. If he remembered correctly, to endorse evolution he would have to place the object on the Pokémon. Which would cause a gene fusion creating the endorsed evolution. Question was, what would Zephyr evolve into. And, would the new evolution like Ryu as much as the old one. Well, chances are made for a reason.

The stone shone a darker red as it began to touch Zephyr. For a moment, nothing happened. The stone didn't seem to react anymore, and neither did Zephyr. But shortly after Zephyr began to glow, a brilliant white shine. The stone glowing the same white shine as the light of the little Vulpix grew into a much taller, wider and longer Pokémon. It stood, atop of Ryu at 4ft 6" high, on all fours, complimented by it's long canine body. At it's rear, instead of the 6 tails Vulpix had, it now had 9. Long and majestic, which swirled and seemed to move with a mind of their own; however the way they moved was graceful and co-ordinated.

The brilliant white glow dimmed slightly, revealing the fox's new evolved form. His fur almost silver in colour; long and white, silky smooth to the touch. Brilliant red eyes, and a tuft of fur which fell over his face. There was a silence. Ryu, astonished by Zephyrs evolved form. His beauty, grace. Those little features he'd kept, like his eyes. How they kept their brilliant playful shine, and that deep caring gaze. How the tuft of his hair fell slightly over his eye's. How the fur on his chest stayed ruff.

These little things suddenly became more apparent to Ryu, how much he loved them; How much more he loved them. The fox hadn't noticed yet, but Ryu was blushing quite heavily beneath him.

Looking around, face contort with confusion. Last minute he was face to face with Ryu; now, he was 2ft taller. Heavier and above all, there was a strong sensation whirling around inside him. Something he couldn't quite grasp, it was weak, but at the same time it had a strong impact on him. Causing him to blush slightly, even heavier when he realised Ryu was underneath him.

'Sorry... I didn't mean to sit on you...'

"... Huh?"

Did someone just say something? He swore he heard someone say something... Though oddly it sounded close. Was someone outside?

'I said... Sorry for sitting on you. But... You can't understand me... I wish you could, then I could tell you...'

"Tell me what? Huh... Who are you... Where are you?"

Was Ryu just being thick? Probably. Usually is. Though, he seemed generally mystified. I mean, who else is going to be sat on him? It wasn't too long until this prospect suddenly dawned on him, causing his face to light up slightly as he turned to face Zephyr.

"Did you just say something?"

The fox cocked his head to the side, his fringe fur flopping slightly with him.


"Okay... This is weird. Am I imagining this? Did you just say, yeah?"

'Yes. I did Ryu... You can hear me... Understand what I'm saying?'

At This point Zephyr's face brightened up in a bright red blush. He drooped his head slightly, still looking at Ryu but at the same time attempting to cover his blush.

"I think so... Unless I'm imaging it... I must be going crazy..."

For a split second, nothing happened. Ryu watched Zephyr, who kept his head down quietly. Then he moved, lifting his face up to reveal the bright red blush against his cream fur. Slowly, he lowered his face forwards; leaning down as he moved to press his muzzle gently against Ryu's. He closed his eyes, feeling the blood and rush of emotion poor into his face as he kept his muzzle gently against Ryu's. Ryu didn't refuse. He was shocked, but didn't refuse Zephyr's kiss. It was, as if, he knew what Ryu had been thinking. Though, he was still un-sure about it. He wasn't going to deny it... It felt great.

The same nostalgic feeling entered both their stomach's, churning up all the emotions together to create a mass of warmth inside them, which spurred the fox on. He lifted his muzzle gently from the humans lips, only to place it back down again, harder this time. Ryu, again, didn't object. He was enjoying the kiss, a bit too much. Though he wasn't prepared to go just that far. I mean, what if this was all a dream and he was imaging it?... Strangely, no amount of dreaming could have conjured the day he'd just had. Infact, at this point, he hoped today had happened. All the bumps and bruises. The high hopes and low feelings. All the worry and concern. It was worth it, for Zephyr. Who, quite obviously, though Ryu was worth it too.

Muzzle shifting from mouth, the canine lifted his face up gently, opening his brilliant eyelids to reveal the jewels that were his eyes. Now Ryu was certain this wasn't a dream, because of them eyes. Those eye's he could just fall into. Ones he could gladly gaze into all day given the chance, though he felt lucky to even receive a single second, never mind what seemed like a lifetime. Then, that voice again. The same voice he kept hearing. That sweet, simple yet so profound voice he kept hearing in his head.

'You... Weren't imagining that, were you?'

He was lost for words. Usually, he could come back with some sort of a retort or answer. Though something kept him from talking. Maybe his mouth wanting to savour every moment of the kiss he just received. Or maybe it was the fact that he couldn't believe that today, his first Pokémon. Only Pokémon. Was the single most handsome creature he'd ever seen, that could talk to him somehow, and that had kissed him and fulfilled his wildest fantasies already. He did find his voice, somehow. Luckily before Zephyr wondered whether he'd done something wrong.

"... I hope not... But it did send me crazy..."

Zephyr giggled slightly, his blush refusing to leave his face. There was a silly grin spread across his muzzle, exposing a tooth which laid out idly. They both stayed silent, Zephyr gazing down at Ryu's face, admiring how unique and handsome he was. While Ryu gazed into those ruby eye's. Neither of them said anything... Though, neither of them needed to. They both knew there was something there. Something deeper that they both wanted to say, but were too afraid to say it. Yet they both had a whole adventure ahead of them. Surly that was enough time to confess feelings for each other.

"Zeph... Do you mind... Uh, could you come lay down next to me?"

Ryu realised that what he said could implement something else. He didn't mind, after all, they were in a tent alone. And. What harm could it do? Its not like anyone was there to judge them, tell them the differences between right and wrong because they both knew them. Which made it all the more interesting. Which spurred the two of them on even more.

The fox shifted slightly, and laid comfortably on his side next to Ryu. Facing him, naturally. He wasn't giving up his gazing, though he did wonder for a moment why Ryu could understand him. And, why the author hadn't mentioned his evolved form yet. Maybe, maybe he was just lazy. Yeah, lets go with that one.

Now that Ryu didn't have a huge fox above him, he could move freely. The first thing he did was reach towards his rucksack, rustled around a little and retrieved a small red device. He flipped it open, pointing it towards the Cream fox beside him. From the device came a robotic voice.

**Ninetales, the fox Pokémon.

Ninetales is the evolved form of Vulpix.

Ninetales are believed to have lived for more than 10,000 years. With superior fire power and acute psychic abilities, this Pokémon can manifest flames however it likes.**

"So, your a Ninetales... I think I like you better like this."

Closing the device, Ryu aimlessly placed it beside him, turning around to watch the Ninetales. The sun had almost completely gone down, so the light inside the tent was limited. Though, luckily Ryu had the small electric torch above him. He flicked it on, illuminating the tent in a dim light. Just enough to see things clearly without having to strain your eyes.

"How can you talk to me?...You don't move your muzzle or make a sound. Yet I can hear your voice perfectly..."

Zephyr had to think about this. Clearly, neither of them had a clue.

'I don't know. Does it matter?'

"No I suppose not. Either way... I like it..."

There was a silence. Ryu laid his head down almost next to Zephyrs.

'Ryu I want to tell you something...' He paused, as if thinking to himself. Then he shifted his gaze up towards Ryu's. Eye's filled with passion. 'Ryu... Thank you for. Well letting me be with you. Your amazing... Yeah you might need a little work on being a trainer, but we can work together on that. Your so kind and considerate...' He was interrupted by Ryu, who had placed his index finger against Zephyr's muzzle.

"Shh. Zephyr, lets go to sleep now... We've both had a busy and eventful day... Defiantly eventful."

The fox obeyed Ryu's command. Despite the fact he didn't get to say what he wanted to say, though he was quite happy going to sleep. If he could that is.

Ryu slid himself into the sleeping bag, un-zipping it down the side so that Zephyr could join him. Which he did, fitting in perfectly besides Ryu. One paw laid next to Ryu's body while the other over the top. It was strange, for both of them. Not sleeping with someone in their lifetime, and now for the first time. What made it even more awkward, was the fact that they both had hidden feelings for one and another.

It wasn't long until the two of them finally dozed off.


**"Zephyr! You did great out there!"

A cream bundle of fur came bolting towards Ryu. He stood anticipating impact, arms out wide and a face of joy. The Pokémon hurtled towards him, knocking him off balance and causing the human to fall to the ground; the Pokémon sitting atop of him, licking at his face in joy.

"Stop it! It tickles! You silly bundle of fluff!"

Zephyr gradually began to ease off, taking long licks at Ryu's cheeks; every now and then taking his tongue gradually over Ryu's mouth. Licking over his lips gently, then heavily, as if trying to push inside. Ryu moaned to himself slightly, allowing his mouth to give way to Zephyr's tongue. The Pokémon murred happily, lapping in long hard licks inside Ryu's mouth. Using his tongue to pick up Ryu's, curling his around it and loving the feel of his mouth.

Ryu moaned again, he could feel himself beginning to get aroused by the feel of Zephyrs fiery hot passion. Not to mention Zephyrs tongue; how long as silky it was, not to mention warm to the touch. He moaned again, this time swirling his tongue around Zephyrs to which he received a harder, deeper kiss. The fire Pokémon pushed his muzzle down now hard against the humans face, turning his head to the side so that he could get in deeper than before. Keeping his ruby eye's closed, enjoying the moment with everything he could.

Then, they both stopped slowly. Zephyr pulling his muzzle away, allowing the saliva to trail from his muzzle to Ryus mouth. He opened his eye's slowly, gazing down at Ryu with a lustful passion. That very gaze sending tingles through Ryu's entire body. How he fell in love with it instantly. The next thing he did, he didn't even realise he did it.

A flash of cream and red, and Zephyr was laid on his back on the ground, Ryu holding him down with both his hands on Zephyr's paws. The Pokémon hardly seemed startled, infact he turned his face to the side, blushed heavily and began to pant. Tongue flopping out, his warm breath hitting Ryu's face.

Establishing Ryu's dominance, he removed his hands from Zephyr's paws. Having himself sat above the fox, legs either side of his stomach, he gave him a long stroke from the side of his face. Down towards his chest where he rubbed at the Fox's cream fur slightly, stroking down his sides near his forearms before returning to the Pokémon's chest. Then he lowered his hand again, this time towards the Pokémon's stomach, rubbing gently at the top of his stomach. Loving the feel of his stomach tense as he stroked it further down to the centre of his stomach. At this point, Ryu had moved further down so his legs were just behind Zephyr's hind legs, giving him a full view of the Pokémon beneath him.

Ryu circled the Pokémon's stomach, rubbing gently at the sides of Zephyr's hind legs, causing him to moan quite loudly. Actually... A bit too loud.**



It was pitch black; the out lines of objects inside the tent seemed to blur at first, but eventually churned into focus. Ryu flickered his eye's open, yawning quietly to himself as he stirred. His view was different from when he had gone to sleep. Instead, he was facing his sleeping bag. Though, that wasn't the cause of him waking up. Behind him, Zephyr writhed around slightly. Inside Ryu's head, the groans and moans he heard inside his dream.

It was too late. Or early. Either way Ryu's mind hadn't switched on completely. Worried slightly, he turned around to face Zephyr who was still sleeping. The Pokémon's face screwed together slightly, despite this fact it didn't ruin the Pokémon's sexy appearance.

Wait. Sexy? Did I just say sexy? I meant cute. Handsome... Yeah something like that. Not sexy... But he was. Even I couldn't deny it. His entire body was sexy. Every little detail, the way his body moved and his graceful movements. But that didn't matter at the moment. What really mattered was why he was writhing around like he was.

"Zephyr... Are you okay?"

He stopped. Opening his eye's only slightly, blushing. Though, due to the lack of light in the tent Ryu couldn't see the blush.

'Yeah... I'm fine...'

He didn't sound convincing. Raspy voice, jagged and short.

"Are you sure... You were moaning."

Zephyr bowed his head slightly. I guess telling him wouldn't hurt...

'Well when your in a Poke Ball you haven't really got a lot to, uh, motivate you in there... It's just... Nice to make the most of uhrm... Of being out of there... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have...'

Despite how tired Ryu was, he understood what Zephyr meant completely. In fact, it reminded him of his dream... Which triggered something down below. Confidence now pouring into Ryu, he shifted himself closer to the Ninetales. Whispering in his ear gently.

"How about... Not using your imagination today."

This sent a chill down Zephyr's spine, which he loved. There was a warm feeling down below as he began to get exited at the prospect.

Ryu decided if it happened in his dream, then why not here. So he took his hand gently placing it against Zephyr's face, sliding it down gently down his neck to his chest. This caused the fox to shiver slightly, shaking excitedly, loving the teasing feeling of Ryu's hand against his fur.

The Fox arched his body slightly, the feel of Ryu's hand as it swirled around his chest caused the fox's body to over react to his touch. Nothing felt this good. No amount of imaging could ever stimulate the same feeling of someone else being intimate with him. And he loved it. This wasn't even close to any of his more sensitive area's. Though, Zephyr's reaction spurred Ryu onwards, gaining in confidence as he watched the fox arch his body.

It was just like he'd dreamed, though this time Zephyr was on his side and he wasn't above him, but next to him. So the area Ryu was aiming for was hidden by Zephyr's hind leg, which twitched and stretched out every so often from Ryu's touch.

Ryu's experience was his only downfall. He'd never done this to anyone before, only to himself. So he didn't know whether Zephyr would enjoy this as much as he did. Still, it's all part of learning isn't it?

Sliding his hand down further, he reached Zephyr's stomach. His stomach felt strong, tight with the thick muscles Zephyr was hiding. Though, Zephyr was tensing as Ryu teased the poor fox. Causing him to arch more, moaning slightly now as Ryu reached his more sensitive area. He loved it; the feeling he got when Ryu touched him. That, exited unknown tensing sensation. He had enough of this teasing, he needed more...

Moving his paw, he slowly placed it against Ryu's hand; pushing it further down his stomach. As he did, he lifted up his hind leg, revealing to Ryu his manhood. For a moment, Ryu just stared, breathing heavier as he saw for the first time what Zephyr looked like. He wasn't going to deny it to himself, he liked what he saw. He knew that canines were different down there, but he'd never really seen one this close. There was a sense of excitement, because he wasn't doing this to just a human, it was different. It was a Pokémon and that fact turned him on even more. He didn't care that Zephyr was male. After all, he knew he liked females so where's the harm in liking males too? Just thinking about doing something to a male gave Ryu all the more incentive. It made it... More challenging. Naughty.

Under the Ninetales leg, laid firmly a golden furred sheath. About 3" long. At it's base, the same golden fur covered two large testicals. One leaning against the other as the Ninetales was on his side. Sighing to himself in relief, Zephyr guided Ryu's hand closer towards his large sheath, removing his paw and placing it against Ryu's face.

Ryu took the hint, though he was prepared to do it anyway. Gently, he wrapped his hand carefully over the Ninetales sheath. What he did next caused the fox to arch in pleasure, whimpering and whining to himself in enjoyment; Ryu pulled back the golden sheath, allowing Zephyr's lustful member to reveal itself out of the sheath. He groaned to himself, now panting heavily as he felt the air across his exposed cock. Each moment he was exposed aroused him further, allowing his member to grow larger and longer out of the base of his sheath. Ryu watched as the Ninetales went from 3", to 6" in a matter of seconds, thickening out from 1" to 2". The thickness of Zephyr's cock kept his sheath firmly in place at the base, and his balls tightened up and held themselves close to the base too.

The Ninetales was too busy enjoying the pleasure of arousal to notice that Ryu had shifted. Moving himself lower down the sleeping bag, he was now face to face with the huge cock Zephyr had tucked away. He swallowed, knowing that what he was about to do would please Zephyr to no end. Though, he didn't know exactly how to do it. But that didn't matter... He wanted to do it so badly.

Warm breath touched the Fox's cock, allowing it to twitch at the new feeling. Then something else. Something cold against his lust. It felt amazing, too amazing. Zephyr gave a short howl of approval, panting heavily now as Ryu began to lick gently at the tip of Zephyr's cock. The strange thick fluid that covered the top treating his tongue as he licked at it; It's sweet yet strong and thick taste a new experience to the human.

From the tip of his throbbing red cock, down to the base where his sheath was treated by the tongue. Zephyr didn't know what felt better, the tip or the base, but that wasn't easy to concentrate on while Ryu continued to lick at his member. The more he licked, the harder the Ninetales got. Thickening out even further as his cock pushed effortlessly to get the rest of Zephyr's length out; The tip no larger than 1" while the base thickening out further than 2". Gaining inch by inch in length. His shear size aroused Ryu to the point where he had to un-button his jeans, pull down his boxers so that his hardened member could enjoy the freedom itself.

Ryu moved his hand against the large cock in front of him, wrapping his fingers around and pushing down to his base again. This caused Zephyr to whine, pushing his lap forward and moaning gently each time he did so. Ryu stopped for a moment, savouring the taste of the Fox's thick creamy pre that he was treated with every so often. With his hand at the base of Zephyr's cock, and 3" ½ of it standing out against Ryu's hand, he decided it was time he'd go all out.

Sticking his tongue out, he licked around the base of the cock that stood out from his hand, slowly moving upwards and wrapping his mouth around the tip of his Pokémon's lust. Pre gushed out, covering the tip of his cock again as Zephyr moaned loudly, panting heavier and faster at the new feeling. His cock was naturally warm due to his body temperature, but the feel of Ryu's cold saliva, mouth, tongue and breath against him felt amazing. Like silk being wrapped around his manhood, rubbing itself all over it and willing him on.

Something began to push out of the base of his sheath. It was thicker than his already thick cock, and swelling up tightly. It took a no longer than a moment, but it finally pushed it's way out of the overly stretched sheath. His cock was far longer now, around 8-9", thickening out from 1.5" at the top to 2" before the large knot at the base, which thickened out to over 3.5" in width.

Ryu was amazed, envious, but that made it all the sweeter to know that he was in control of the creature and his mammoth cock. Not to mention he loved the knot at the base; imagining the fox to take him on all fours and treat him like a slave almost took Ryu over his limit. Though he kept back, knowing that if he kept at it and pleased Zephyr enough, that maybe one day the Pokémon will do that to him. For now, he continued to suckle gently against the fox's cock. Licking at his tip, tasting the pre that Zephyr allowed him to taste while rubbing the shaft beneath him, causing Zephyr to push forward, whining for more.

Ryu slipped his hand down towards the knot, sliding his hand over the top and rubbing at it with his hand that was already on there; his other hand joining the struggle, stroking at the Pokémon's balls and sliding even further down to his tailhole, teasing him by rolling his finger around it, then returning to his balls again. He loved the feel of those oval balls rolling around in the palm of his hand.

The sheer amount that was going on took Zephyr off the edge. He whimpered as he felt his load shoot up his enormous cock. Whining and moaning as he orgasmed, firing his load straight into the back of Ryu's mouth. The power of his jet took Ryu back a little, not knowing that the Pokémon would cum this much. And it didn't stop. After a few mouthfuls of the thick, creamy tasty cum, Ryu was still treated with a steady flow of the cum.

Something told Ryu to squeeze at the Pokémon's knot. So he did, pressing his hand hard against the wide knot. Zephyr whimpered loudly and moaned equally as loud, almost howling in pleasure as he fired another load of his steamy hot cum into the back of Ryu's throat. Ryu moaned to himself, enjoying the taste of the fox cum far too much. Wanting more, needing more. He lapped hard against the tip of Zephyr's cock, licking around his cock and bobbing his head up and down frantically to try and pump out more of the cum he wanted. He didn't receive quite as much as before, though his efforts weren't in vain as the last of Zephyr's cum shot out over Ryu's tongue, which he swallowed immediately and licked against the tip of Zephyr's cock, lapping up the last of it he could find.

Releasing the still large and hard cock from Ryu's grasp, he slid back up the sweaty Ninetales and kissed his muzzle heavily. Licking deep inside the Pokémon's muzzle and wrapping his tongue around Zephyr's. Allowing him to taste his own cum inside Ryu's mouth. The Pokémon didn't mind it, he liked the taste in fact. Which caused him to lick heavily into Ryu's mouth. Probing his tongue deeper and coiling it around his. They kept this up for a moment, Ryu still caressing the Pokémon's member with his hand. Loving the length of his enormous cock, and making full use of it. Then they stopped kissing, Ryu giggled and smiled at the Ninetales, who smiled back and blushed a deep dark red. There was nothing that could have made that any more perfect, problem is, he'd want it again. Soon. But he didn't know whether Ryu would be that intimate again. He looked like he enjoyed it, but he wasn't a mind reader... Now what could he do for him in return?

'Uh... Ryu...'

He was stopped by a finger, which pressed against his lips gently for a moment before it disappeared across the side of his face. There was a small smile spread across Ryu's face; closing his eyes gently he stroked at the Pokémon's silky fur, the rush of adrenaline leaving his body and tiredness catching him up. Zephyr just watched Ryu as he fell asleep, smiling to himself while moving his head to place it gently next to Ryu's. If he was going to sleep, he may as well sleep with Ryu. After all, the night would get lonely without his trainer next to him. As would all the other nights they were going to spend alone.

And with that, Zephyr's head bowed down next to Ryu's, they both fell asleep.